Beispiel #1
    def plot_histograms(self, save=False, save_dir=None, fancy=True):
        '''Create an timeseries plot of specific variables.
        save = boolean 
            True to save an output plot, False displays on screen.
        fancy = boolean
            If set to true uses ggplot style, otherwise default is used.
        if fancy:
        # Set the time string format
        fmt = '%H:%M:%S'
        # Create figure/axes instance        
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 11), \
        for ax, fills in zip(axs.flat, self.dts):
            # Calculate start and end times
            stime = netCDF4.datetime(fills[0][0], fills[0][1], fills[0][2],\
                        fills[0][3], fills[0][4], fills[0][5])
            etime = netCDF4.datetime(fills[1][0], fills[1][1], fills[1][2],\
                        fills[1][3], fills[1][4], fills[1][5])
            # Make title from these times
            figtitle = stime.strftime(fmt) + ' - ' + etime.strftime(fmt)
            ##if self.pcasp[ 
            # Calculate Poisson error from Cai et al. AMT (2013), Equation A4
            yerr = self.pcaspf.between_time(stime, etime).sum(axis=0).divide(self.flow3s.between_time(stime, etime).sum(axis=0)**2).pow(0.5).mul(1./self.dlog10d)

            # Calculate the dNd(log10{D}) value for this time period, 
            # sum at each diameter (bin), and replace zero values with NaN
            dndlogp = self.pcaspf.between_time(stime, etime).sum(axis=0).divide(\
                           (self.flow3s.between_time(stime, etime).sum(axis=0) * self.dlog10d))
            # Create a pandas Series for plotting
            dndlogpf = pd.Series(data=dndlogp.replace(to_replace=0., value=np.nan), \
                                 index=self.pcasp_bin_mid, name=figtitle)
            xlabels = self.pcasp_bin_mid.astype('|S5')
            dndlogpf.plot(ax=ax, logx=True, logy=True, yerr=yerr, legend=False, x=xlabels)

            ax.set_xlim(left=0.1, right=10.)
            ax.set_ylim(bottom=0.01, top=10000.)
            ax.set_xlabel(r'D ($\mu$m)')
            ax.set_ylabel(r"dN/dlog$_{10}$D (cm$^{-3}$)")

        if save:
            # Set the output file name
            fname = "pcasp_timehist_" + os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0] + ".png"
            outfile = os.sep.join([save_dir, fname])
            plt.savefig(outfile, format='png')
            print "Creating image: " + outfile
Beispiel #2
 def _draw_time_region(self, ax):
     '''A function to highlight time regions for further analysis.
     ax = Matplotlib axis instance 
         Used for drawing polygons on that axis.
     # Get the y-limits to match the polycollection
     ylim = ax.get_ylim()
     # Loop through the times and create
     for fills in self.dts:
         stime = netCDF4.datetime(fills[0][0], fills[0][1], fills[0][2],\
                     fills[0][3], fills[0][4], fills[0][5])
         etime = netCDF4.datetime(fills[1][0], fills[1][1], fills[1][2],\
                     fills[1][3], fills[1][4], fills[1][5])
         ax.fill_between(self.time, ylim[0], ylim[1], \
                         where=(self.time>=stime)&(self.time<=etime), alpha=0.3)
def shift_time(infilename, outfilename, amount, shift_units):
    Do the actual time shift

    :param infilename: the name of the input file (full or relative path)
    :param outfilename: the name of the output file (full or relative path)

    :param amount: amount to shift the time
    :type amount: floating point number, of a string version

    :param shift_units: units of the time shift
    :type shift_units: string

    units = str(shift_units).strip()

    # make a copy of the file if it's different
    if not infilename == outfilename:
        print "creating new file:", outfilename
        shutil.copyfile(infilename, outfilename)

    # pull the time units out of the source copy:
    nc = netCDF4.Dataset(infilename, mode='r')
    time_var = nc.variables['time']
    time_units = time_var.units
    print "original time units", time_units

    units, epoch = time_units.split('since')
    # iso datetimes can be separated with whitesapce or "T"
        date, time = epoch.strip().split()
    except ValueError:
        date, time = epoch.strip().split("T")
    year, month, day = [int(i) for i in date.split('-')]
    hour, minute, second = [int(i) for i in time.split(':')]

    dt = netCDF4.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

        shift = netCDF4.timedelta(**{shift_units: float(amount)})
    except TypeError:
        raise ValueError(
            "Time shift must units options are: days, seconds, minutes, hours, or weeks"

    dt += shift
    new_units = "%s since %s" % (units.strip(), dt.isoformat())
    print "new time units:", new_units

    ## write out to the new file:
    nc = netCDF4.Dataset(outfilename, mode='r+')
    time_var = nc.variables['time']
    time_var.units = new_units

    print "Done"
Beispiel #4
 def _draw_time_region(self, ax):
     '''A function to highlight time regions for further analysis.
     ax = Matplotlib axis instance 
         Used for drawing polygons on that axis.
     # Get the y-limits to match the polycollection
     ylim = ax.get_ylim()
     # Loop through the times and create
     for fills in self.dts:
         stime = netCDF4.datetime(fills[0][0], fills[0][1], fills[0][2],\
                     fills[0][3], fills[0][4], fills[0][5])
         etime = netCDF4.datetime(fills[1][0], fills[1][1], fills[1][2],\
                     fills[1][3], fills[1][4], fills[1][5])
         ax.fill_between(self.time, ylim[0], ylim[1], \
                         where=(self.time>=stime)&(self.time<=etime), alpha=0.3)
Beispiel #5
def sel_season(var, dates, season):
    #print('Selecting only {0} data'.format(season))
    dates_pdh = pd.to_datetime(dates)
    if season == 'DJF':  #ONLY DEC-JAN-FEB
        m = [12, 1, 2]
        mask = (dates_pdh.month == 12) | (dates_pdh.month
                                          == 1) | (dates_pdh.month == 2)
    elif season == 'DJFM':  #ONLY DEC-JAN-FEB-MAR
        m = [12, 1, 2, 3]
        mask = (dates_pdh.month == 12) | (dates_pdh.month == 1) | (
            dates_pdh.month == 2) | (dates_pdh.month == 3)
    elif season == 'NDJFM':  #ONLY NOV-DEC-JAN-FEB-MAR
        m = [11, 12, 1, 2, 3]
        mask = (dates_pdh.month == 11) | (dates_pdh.month == 12) | (
            dates_pdh.month == 1) | (dates_pdh.month == 2) | (dates_pdh.month
                                                              == 3)
    elif season == 'JJA':  #ONLY JUN-JUL-AUG
        m = [6, 7, 8]
        mask = (dates_pdh.month == 6) | (dates_pdh.month
                                         == 7) | (dates_pdh.month == 8)
        print('season is not one of the following: DJF, DJFM, NDJFM, JJA')
    var_season = var[mask, :, :]
    dates_season = dates[mask]

    if (12 in m) or (1 in m):
        #REMOVING THE FIRST MONTHS (for the first year) because there is no previuos december
        start = int(
            np.where(dates_season ==
                     datetime(dates_pdh.year[0], m[0],[0],
                              dates_pdh.hour[0], dates_pdh.minute[0]))[0])
        #REMOVING THE LAST MONTHS (for the last year) because there is no following january
        end = int(
            np.where(dates_season ==
                     datetime(dates_pdh.year[-1], m[0],[0],
                              dates_pdh.hour[0], dates_pdh.minute[0]))[0])

        var_season = var_season[start:end, :, :]
        dates_season = dates_season[start:end]

    return var_season, dates_season
Beispiel #6
def parseDate(dat):
    dateRe = r'^(\d{4})(?:-|\.|\/)?(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(?:-|\.|\/)?(0[1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[01])(?:T?([01]\d|2[0-3])(?::?([0-5]\d)(?::?([0-5]\d))?)?)?$'

    parDat = re.match(dateRe, dat)
    if parDat:
        parDat = [int(e) for e in parDat.groups(default=0)]
        #If it is efectively a date
        return datetime(*parDat)
        return None
def shift_time(infilename, outfilename, amount, shift_units):
    Do the actual time shift

    :param infilename: the name of the input file (full or relative path)
    :param outfilename: the name of the output file (full or relative path)

    :param amount: amount to shift the time
    :type amount: floating point number, of a string version

    :param shift_units: units of the time shift
    :type shift_units: string

    units = str(shift_units).strip()

    # make a copy of the file if it's different
    if not infilename == outfilename:
        print("creating new file:", outfilename)
        shutil.copyfile(infilename, outfilename)

    # pull the time units out of the source copy:
    nc = netCDF4.Dataset(infilename, mode='r')
    time_var = nc.variables['time']
    time_units = time_var.units
    print("original time units", time_units)

    units, epoch = time_units.split('since')
    # iso datetimes can be separated with whitesapce or "T"
        date, time = epoch.strip().split()
    except ValueError: 
        date, time = epoch.strip().split("T")
    year, month, day = [int(i) for i in date.split('-')]
    hour, minute, second = [int(i) for i in time.split(':')]
    dt = netCDF4.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

        shift = netCDF4.timedelta(**{shift_units:float(amount)})
    except TypeError: 
        raise ValueError("Time shift must units options are: days, seconds, minutes, hours, or weeks")

    new_units = "%s since %s"%(units.strip(), dt.isoformat())
    print("new time units:", new_units)

    ## write out to the new file:
    nc = netCDF4.Dataset(outfilename, mode='r+')
    time_var = nc.variables['time']
    time_var.units = new_units

Beispiel #8
def seltimeframe(scenario, t_coord, t_units, t_cal):
    if scenario == 'historical':
        yi = 1860
        yf = 2005
    elif (scenario == 'rcp45') or (scenario == 'rcp85'):
        yi = 2005
        yf = 2100
    elif scenario == '1pctCO2':
        yi_tmp = t_units[
            11:15]  # time axis for 1pctCO2 varies from one model to another
        if yi_tmp == "1-1-":
            yi = 1
            yi = int(yi_tmp)
        yf = yi + 139
    ti = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(yi, 1, 1), t_units, t_cal)
    if t_cal == '360_day':
        tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(yf, 12, 30), t_units, t_cal)
        tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(yf, 12, 31), t_units, t_cal)
    ind_t = np.where(np.bitwise_and(t_coord >= ti, t_coord <= tf + 1))

    return ind_t
Beispiel #9
def fetch_radar_time_profile(sonde_dset,
    Extract the correct profile from a interpolated sonde.

    This is an ARM specific method which extract the correct profile out of
    netCDF Variables from a Interpolated Sonde VAP for the volume start time
    of a radar object.

    sonde_dset : Dataset
        Interpolate sonde Dataset.
    radar : Radar
        Radar object from which the nearest profile will be found.
    time_key : string, optional
        Key to find a CF startard time variable
    height_key : string, optional
        Key to find profile height data
    nvars : list, optional
        NetCDF variable to generated profiles for.  If None (the default) all
        variables with dimension of time, height will be found in ncvars.

    return_dic : dict
        Profiles at the start time of the radar

    ncvars = sonde_dset.variables
    if nvars is None:
        time_height_shape = (len(ncvars[time_key]), len(ncvars[height_key]))
        nvars = [k for k, v in ncvars.items() if v.shape == time_height_shape]

    radar_start = netCDF4.num2date(radar.time['data'][0], radar.time['units'])
    radar_day_start = netCDF4.datetime(radar_start.year, radar_start.month,
    seconds_since_start_of_day = (radar_start - radar_day_start).seconds
    time_index = abs(ncvars[time_key][:] - seconds_since_start_of_day).argmin()

    return_dic = dict([(key, ncvars[key][time_index, :]) for key in nvars])
    return_dic[height_key] = ncvars[height_key][:]
    return return_dic
Beispiel #10
def fetch_radar_time_profile(sonde_dset, radar, time_key='time',
                             height_key='height', nvars=None):
    Extract the correct profile from a interpolated sonde.

    This is an ARM specific method which extract the correct profile out of
    netCDF Variables from a Interpolated Sonde VAP for the volume start time
    of a radar object.

    sonde_dset : Dataset
        Interpolate sonde Dataset.
    radar : Radar
        Radar object from which the nearest profile will be found.
    time_key : string, optional
        Key to find a CF startard time variable
    height_key : string, optional
        Key to find profile height data
    nvars : list, optional
        NetCDF variable to generated profiles for.  If None (the default) all
        variables with dimension of time, height will be found in ncvars.

    return_dic : dict
        Profiles at the start time of the radar

    ncvars = sonde_dset.variables
    if nvars is None:
        time_height_shape = (len(ncvars[time_key]), len(ncvars[height_key]))
        nvars = [k for k, v in ncvars.items() if v.shape == time_height_shape]

    radar_start = num2date(radar.time['data'][0], radar.time['units'])
    radar_day_start = datetime(radar_start.year, radar_start.month,
    seconds_since_start_of_day = (radar_start - radar_day_start).seconds
    time_index = abs(ncvars[time_key][:] - seconds_since_start_of_day).argmin()

    return_dic = dict([(key, ncvars[key][time_index, :]) for key in nvars])
    return_dic[height_key] = ncvars[height_key][:]
    return return_dic
Beispiel #11

season_names = ['djf', 'mam', 'jja', 'son', 'ondjfm']

season = 'djf'



hist_start = netCDF4.datetime(1979, 12, 1)
hist_end = netCDF4.datetime(2010, 2, 28)

sst_histmonths_list = []
sst_histclim_list = []
hist_stdevs_list = []

#ncfile = Dataset('/Users/baird/google_drive/_data_original/era_interim/', 'r', format='NETCDF4')
ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(
u200_hist_data = ncfile.variables['u200'][:]
u200_lat = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
u200_lon = ncfile.variables['lon'][:]
Beispiel #12
def get2Ddata(grdROMS, grdMODEL, myvar, indatatype, year, month, day, varNames, dataPath):

    indexROMS_SSH = (grdROMS.eta_rho, grdROMS.xi_rho)

    if indatatype == "NORESM":
        if myvar == 'ageice': varN = 5;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'uice':   varN = 6;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'vice':   varN = 7;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'aice':   varN = 8;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'hice':   varN = 9;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'snow_thick': varN = 10;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)

    if indatatype == "GLORYS":
        if myvar == 'uice':   varN = 5;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'vice':   varN = 6;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'aice':   varN = 7;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'hice':   varN = 8;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)

    if myvar == 'ssh': varN = 2;  SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)

    if  grdMODEL.useESMF:
        if indatatype == "SODA":
            filename = getSODAfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[varNames[varN]][0,:,:]

        if indatatype == "SODAMONTHLY":
            filename = getSODAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][:,:]

        if indatatype == "WOAMONTHLY":
            filename = getWOAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, myvar, dataPath)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][month - 1, :,:]

        if indatatype == "NORESM":
            cdf = Dataset(getNORESMfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath))
            #myunits = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])].units
            # For NORESM data are 12 months of data stored in ice files. Use ID as month indicator to get data.
            if myvar in ['ageice','uice','vice','aice','hice','snow_thick']:
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][month-1, :,:])
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0, :,:])

        if indatatype == "GLORYS":
            cdf = Dataset(getGLORYSfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath))
            data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0, :,:])

        if indatatype == "NS8KMZ":
            filename, readFromOneFile = getNS8KMZfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            print "Reading from file", filename
            if (readFromOneFile):
                jdref = date2num(datetime(1948,1,1),cdf.variables["time"].units,calendar=cdf.variables["time"].calendar)
                currentdate = datetime(year, month, day, 12)
                jd = date2num(currentdate, cdf.variables["time"].units, calendar="gregorian")
                timesteps = (cdf.variables["time"][:]).tolist()
                timeindex = timesteps.index(jd)
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][timeindex,:,:])
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,:,:])
            print "Extracted raw data: %s min: %s max: %s"%(myvar,np.min(data),np.max(data))
        if grdMODEL.splitExtract is True:
            if indatatype == "SODA":
                filename = getSODAfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
                cdf = Dataset(filename)

                data1 = cdf.variables[varNames[varN]][0,
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])]
                data2 = cdf.variables[varNames[varN]][0,
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 3]),
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 1])]

            if indatatype == "SODAMONTHLY":
                filename = getSODAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
                cdf = Dataset(filename)

                data1 = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])]
                data2 = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 3]),
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 1])]

            if indatatype == "GLORYS":
                cdf = Dataset(getGLORYSfilename(year, month, day, '2D', dataPath))

                data1 = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])])
                data2 = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 3]),
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 1])])

            if indatatype == "NORESM":
                cdf = Dataset(getNORESMfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath))

                if myvar in ['ageice','uice','vice','aice','hice','snow_thick']:
                    data1 = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][month-1,
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])])
                    data2 = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][month-1,
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 3]),
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 1])])
                    data1 = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])])
                    data2 = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 3]),
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 1])])

            data = np.concatenate((data1, data2), axis=1)

            if indatatype == "SODA":
                filename = getSODAfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
                cdf = Dataset(filename)

                data = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,
                       int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                       int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])]

            if indatatype == "SODAMONTHLY":
                filename = getSODAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
                cdf = Dataset(filename)

                data = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][
                       int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                       int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])]

            if indatatype == "GLORYS":
                cdf = Dataset(getGLORYSfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath))

                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,
                                  int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                                  int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])])

            if indatatype == "NORESM":
                cdf = Dataset(getNORESMfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath))

                if myvar in ['ageice','uice','vice','aice','hice','snow_thick']:
                    data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][month-1,
                                  int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                                  int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])])
                    data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,
                                  int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                                  int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])])

            # data = np.where(abs(data) == grdMODEL.fill_value, grdROMS.fill_value, data)
            #data = > 1000, grdROMS.fill_value, data)

        if indatatype == "GLORYS":
            data = np.where(data <= -32.767, grdROMS.fill_value, data)
            data = <= grdROMS.fill_value, data)

        if __debug__:
            print "Data range of %s just after extracting from netcdf file: %s - %s" % (str(varNames[varN]),
                                                                                        data.min(), data.max())

    return data
Beispiel #13
def main():
    print '\n--------------------------\n'
    print 'Started ' + time.ctime(time.time())

    # EDIT ===================================================================
    # Set show_progress to "False" if you do not want to see the progress
    # indicator for horizontal interpolation.
    show_progress = True
    # Set compileAll to True if you want automatic re-compilation of all the
    # fortran files necessary to run model2roms. Options are "gfortran" or "ifort". Edit
    # to add other Fortran compilers.
    compileAll = False
    if compileAll is True:
        import compile

    # Extract time-series of data for given longitude/latitude
    extractStations = False
    # Define a set of longitude/latitude positions with names to extract into
    # station files (using extractStations)
    if (extractStations):
        stationNames = [
            'NorthSea', 'Iceland', 'EastandWestGreenland', 'Lofoten',
            'Georges Bank'
        lonlist = [2.4301, -22.6001, -47.0801, 13.3801, -67.2001]
        latlist = [54.5601, 63.7010, 60.4201, 67.5001, 41.6423]

    # Create the bry, init, and clim files for a given grid and input data
    createOceanForcing = True
    # Create atmospheric forcing for the given grid
    createAtmosForcing = False
    # Create a smaller resolution grid based on your original. Decimates every second for
    # each time run
    decimateGridfile = False
    # Write ice values to file (for Arctic regions)
    writeIce = True
    # Use ESMF for the interpolation. This requires that you have ESMF and ESMPy installed (import ESMF)
    useESMF = True
    # Apply filter to smooth the 2D fields after interpolation (time consuming)
    useFilter = True
    # Format to write the ouput to: 'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT', or 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC'
    # Using NETCDF4 automatically turns on compression of files (ZLIB)
    myformat = 'NETCDF4'
    # Frequency of the input data: usually monthly
    timeFrequencyOfInputData = "month"  #, "month", "hour"

    # Subset input data. If you have global data you may want to seubset these to speed up reading. Make
    # sure that your input data are cartesian (0-360 or -180:180, -90:90)
    subsetIndata = False
    if subsetIndata:
        subset = defineSubsetForIndata()

    # Set the input data MODEL indatatype
    indatatype = 'SODA'
    indatatype = 'SODAMONTHLY'
    indatatype = 'WOAMONTHLY'
    indatatype = 'NORESM'
    indatatype = 'GLORYS'
    #indatatype = 'NS8KM'
    #indatatype = 'NS8KMZ'

    # GRIDTYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Define what grid type you wnat to interpolate to
    outgrid = "NS8KM"
    #outgrid = "REGSCEN"
    #outgrid = "KINO"
    #    outgrid= "AA10KM"

    # Define what grid type you wnat to interpolate from: Can be Z for SIGMA for ROMS
    # vertical coordinate system or ZLEVEL
    ingridtype = "SIGMA"
    ingridtype = "ZLEVEL"

    outgridtype = "ROMS"

    # PATH TO DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Define the path to the input data
    if indatatype == 'SODA':
        modelpath = "/Volumes/MacintoshHD2/Datasets/SODA/"

    if indatatype == 'SODAMONTHLY':
        modelpath = "/Volumes/MacintoshHD2/Datasets/SODAMonthly/"

    if indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        modelpath = "/Volumes/MacintoshHD2/Datasets/GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_009/"
        modelpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/is4dvar/GLORYS2V3/"
        modelpath = "/work/shared/imr/NS8KM/FORCING/GLORYS2V3/"

    if indatatype == 'NORESM':
        modelpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/RegScen/NRCP45AERCN_f19_g16_CLE_01/"
        #modelpath = "/work/users/trondk/REGSCEN/NRCP45AERCN_f19_g16_CLE_01/"
        #modelpath = "/work/users/trondk/REGSCEN/N20TRAERCN/"
        if createAtmosForcing:
            atmospath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/RegScen/model2roms/TESTFILES/"

    if indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        modelpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/is4dvar/grid2lonlat/RESULTS/"

    if indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        modelpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/NOWMAPS/delivery-COPERNICUS/"
        #modelpath = "/work/shared/imr/NS8KM/Z-LEVEL-ASSIMILATION2010-2013/"

    if indatatype == 'WOAMONTHLY':
        modelpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/is4dvar/createSSS/"

    # PATH TO GRID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Define the path to the grid file
    if outgrid == "NS8KM":
        romsgridpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/is4dvar/Grid/"
        romsgridpath = "/work/shared/imr/NS8KM/FORCING/GRID/"

    if outgrid == "KINO":
        romsgridpath = "/work/users/trondk/KINO/GRID/"
        #romsgridpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/KINO/GRID/"

    if outgrid == "REGSCEN":
        romsgridpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/RegScen/Grid/"
        #romsgridpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/is4dvar/Grid/"
        #romsgridpath = "/work/users/trondk/REGSCEN/GRID/"

    if outgrid == "GREENLAND":
        romsgridpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/RegScen/Grid/"
        romsgridpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/RegScen/model2roms/"

    if outgrid == "AA10KM":
        romsgridpath = "/work-common/shared/imr/AA10KM/GRID/"

    if indatatype == 'WOAMONTHLY': isClimatology = True
    else: isClimatology = False

    # DETAILS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Define the period to create forcing for
    start_year = 2013
    end_year = 2014
    start_month = 11
    end_month = 12
    start_day = 15
    end_day = 15

    if (int(calendar.monthrange(start_year, start_month)[1]) < start_day):
        start_day = int(calendar.monthrange(start_year, start_month)[1])

    if (int(calendar.monthrange(end_year, end_month)[1]) < end_day):
        end_day = int(calendar.monthrange(end_year, end_month)[1])

    startdate = datetime(start_year, start_month, start_day)
    enddate = datetime(end_year, end_month, end_day)
    years = [start_year + year for year in xrange(end_year + 1 - start_year)]

    # Define what and name of variables to include in the forcing files
    # -> myvars is the name model2roms uses to identify variables
    # -> varNames is the name of the variable found in the NetCDF input files
    if indatatype == 'SODA':
        myvars = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel']
        varNames = ['TEMP', 'SALT', 'SSH', 'U', 'V']

    if indatatype == 'SODAMONTHLY':
        myvars = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel']
        varNames = ['temp', 'salt', 'ssh', 'u', 'v']

    if indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        myvars = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel']
        varNames = ['votemper', 'vosaline', 'zeta', 'vozocrtx', 'vomecrty']

    if indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        fileNameIn, readFromOneFile = model2roms.getNS8KMZfilename(
            startdate.year, startdate.month,, "S", modelpath)

        myvars = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel']

        if (readFromOneFile):
            varNames = ['temp', 'salt', 'zeta', 'u_eastward', 'v_northward']
            varNames = ['votemper', 'vosaline', 'zeta', 'vozocrtx', 'vomecrty']

    if indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        if (writeIce):
            myvars = [
                'temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel', 'uice',
                'vice', 'aice', 'hice'
            varNames = [
                'votemper', 'vosaline', 'sossheig', 'vozocrtx', 'vomecrty',
                'iicevelu', 'iicevelv', 'ileadfra', 'iicethic'
            myvars = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel']
            varNames = [
                'votemper', 'vosaline', 'sossheig', 'vozocrtx', 'vomecrty'

    if indatatype == 'WOAMONTHLY':
        myvars = ['temperature', 'salinity']
        varNames = ['t_an', 's_an']

    if indatatype == 'NORESM':
        myvars = [
            'temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel', 'ageice', 'uice',
            'vice', 'aice', 'hice', 'snow_thick'
        varNames = [
            'templvl', 'salnlvl', 'sealv', 'uvellvl', 'vvellvl', 'iage',
            'uvel', 'vvel', 'aice', 'hi', 'hs'

    # NO EDIT BELOW ====================================================================================================
    abbreviation = defineAbbreviation(outgrid)
    climName, initName, bryName = defineOutputFilenames(
        abbreviation, start_year, end_year, start_month, end_month, start_day,
        end_day, indatatype)

    if isClimatology is True:
        climName = abbreviation + '_' + str(indatatype) + ''

    # Create the grid object for the output grid
    grdROMS = grd.grdClass(romsgridpath, "ROMS", outgridtype, useESMF, 'ocean',
    grdROMS.vars = myvars

    if (useESMF):
        import ESMF
        manager = ESMF.Manager(logkind=ESMF.LogKind.MULTI, debug=True)

    if createOceanForcing:

        showInfo(myvars, romsgridpath, climName, initName, bryName, start_year,
                 end_year, isClimatology, useESMF, myformat)


        clim2bry.writeBry(grdROMS, start_year, bryName, climName, writeIce,
                          indatatype, myformat)

    if createAtmosForcing:
        atmosForcing.createAtmosFileUV(grdROMS, modelpath, atmospath,
                                       startdate, enddate, useESMF, myformat,
                                       abbreviation, indatatype, gridtype,

    #if decimateGridfile:
    #decimateGrid.createGrid(grdROMS, "/Users/trondkr/Projects/KINO/GRID/", "/Users/trondkr/Projects/KINO/GRID/", 2)

    if extractStations:
        print "Running in station mode and extracting pre-defined station locations"
        IOstation.getStationData(years, IDS, modelpath, latlist, lonlist,

    print 'Finished ' + time.ctime(time.time())
def main(in_dir="/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/anusplin_links", out_dir="/HOME/huziy/skynet3_rech1/hail/anusplin_ts"):

    out_dir_p = Path(out_dir)

    in_dir_p = Path(in_dir)

    lon0 = -114.0708
    lat0 = 51.0486

    vname = "daily_precipitation_accumulation"
    vname_alternatives = ["daily_accumulation_precipitation"]

    var_list = [vname]
    fname_hint = "pcp"

    spatial_ind = None

    varname_to_list_of_frames = {vname: [] for vname in var_list}

    for fin in in_dir_p.iterdir():



        if fname_hint not in

        if not".nc"):


        year, month = get_ym_from_path(fin)
        with Dataset(str(fin)) as ds:

            if spatial_ind is None:

                lons, lats = ds.variables["lon"][:], ds.variables["lat"][:]

                x, y, z = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lons.flatten(), lats.flatten())

                ktree = KDTree(list(zip(x, y, z)))

                x0, y0, z0 = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon0, lat0)

                dist, spatial_ind = ktree.query((x0, y0, z0))

            for vname_alt in vname_alternatives:
                    values = ds[vname_alt][:]
                    values = [field.flatten()[spatial_ind] for field in values]
                except IndexError as ierr:

            dates = [datetime(year, month, int(d)) for d in ds["time"][:]]

            varname_to_list_of_frames[vname].append(pd.DataFrame(index=dates, data=values))

    for vname in var_list:
        df = pd.concat(varname_to_list_of_frames[vname])

        assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame)


        df.to_csv(str(out_dir_p.joinpath("{}.csv".format(vname))), float_format="%.3f", index_label="Time")
Beispiel #15
def get2ddata(confM2R, myvar, year, month, day):
    indexROMS_SSH = (confM2R.grdROMS.eta_rho, confM2R.grdROMS.xi_rho)

    if confM2R.indatatype == "NORESM":
        if myvar == 'ageice':
            varN = 5
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'uice':
            varN = 6
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'vice':
            varN = 7
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'aice':
            varN = 8
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'hice':
            varN = 9
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'snow_thick':
            varN = 10
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)

    if confM2R.indatatype == "GLORYS":
        if myvar == 'uice':
            varN = 5
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'vice':
            varN = 6
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'aice':
            varN = 7
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'hice':
            varN = 8
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)

    print("Current type %s and variable %s" % (confM2R.indatatype, myvar))
    if confM2R.indatatype == "SODA3":
        if myvar == 'aice':
            varN = 5
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'hice':
            varN = 6
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)
        if myvar == 'snow_thick':
            varN = 7
            SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)

    if myvar == 'ssh':
        varN = 2
        SSHdata = np.zeros((indexROMS_SSH), dtype=np.float64)

    if confM2R.useesmf:
        if confM2R.indatatype == "SODA":
            filename = getSODAfilename(confM2R, year, month, day, None)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN]][0, :, :]

        if confM2R.indatatype == "SODA3":
            filename = getSODA3filename(confM2R, year, month,
            print("Trying to open file %s" % (filename))
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            if myvar == 'aice':
                # We only extract the first thickness concentration. Need to fix this so all 5 classes can be extracted.
                # hi: sea ice thickness [m ice]
                # mi: sea ice mass [kg/m^2]
                # hs: snow thickness [m snow]
                # {cn1,cn2,cn3,cn4,cn5}: sea ice concentration [0:1] in five ice thickness classes
                data = cdf.variables[confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN]][
                    int(month - 1), 0, :, :]
                data = cdf.variables[confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN]][
                    int(month - 1), :, :]

        if confM2R.indatatype == "SODAMONTHLY":
            filename = getSODAMONTHLYfilename(confM2R, year, month, None)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[str(confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][:, :]

        if confM2R.indatatype == "WOAMONTHLY":
            filename = getWOAMONTHLYfilename(confM2R, year, month, myvar)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[str(confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][month -
                                                                       1, :, :]

        if confM2R.indatatype == "NORESM":
            cdf = Dataset(
                getNORESMfilename(confM2R, year, month,
            # myunits = cdf.variables[str(grdROMS.varNames[varN])].units
            # For NORESM data are 12 months of data stored in ice files. Use ID as month indicator to get data.
            if myvar in [
                    'ageice', 'uice', 'vice', 'aice', 'hice', 'snow_thick'
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(
                    confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][month - 1, :, :])
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(
                    confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][0, :, :])
            data = np.where(data.mask, confM2R.grdROMS.fillval, data)

        if confM2R.indatatype == "GLORYS":
            cdf = Dataset(
                getGLORYSfilename(confM2R, year, month,
            data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(
                confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][0, :, :])
            data = np.where(data.mask, confM2R.grdROMS.fillval, data)

        if confM2R.indatatype == "NS8KMZ":
            filename, readFromOneFile = getNS8KMZfilename(
                confM2R, year, month, confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            print("Reading from file", filename)
            if (readFromOneFile):
                jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),
                currentdate = datetime(year, month, day, 12)
                jd = date2num(currentdate,

                timesteps = (cdf.variables["time"][:]).tolist()
                timeindex = timesteps.index(jd)
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(
                    confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][timeindex, :, :])
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(
                    confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][0, :, :])

            data = np.where(data.mask, confM2R.grdROMS.fillval, data)

            print("Extracted raw data: %s min: %s max: %s" %
                  (myvar, np.min(data), np.max(data)))

        if __debug__:
                "Data range of %s just after extracting from netcdf file: %s - %s"
                (str(confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN]), data.min(), data.max()))

    return data
Beispiel #16
def getTime(confM2R, year, month, day):
    Create a date object to keep track of Julian dates etc.
    Also create a reference date starting at 1948/01/01.
    Go here to check results:
    if confM2R.indatatype == 'SODA':
        filename = getSODAfilename(confM2R, year, month, None)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'SODA3':
        filename = getSODA3filename(confM2R, year, month, None)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'SODAMONTHLY':
        filename = getSODAMONTHLYfilename(confM2R, year, month, None)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        filename = getGLORYSfilename(confM2R, year, month, "S")

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'WOAMONTHLY':
        filename = getWOAMONTHLYfilename(confM2R, year, month, "temperature")

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NORESM':
        filename = getNORESMfilename(confM2R, year, month, "saln")

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        filename = getNS8KMfilename(confM2R, year, month, "salt")

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        filename, readFromOneFile = getNS8KMZfilename(confM2R, year, month,

    # Now open the input file and get the time
    cdf = Dataset(filename)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NORESM':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1800, 1, 1),
    elif confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),
                         units="days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00",
    elif confM2R.indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),
    elif confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),
    elif confM2R.indatatype == 'SODA3':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),
                         units="days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00",
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948, 1, 1),

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'SODAMONTHLY':
        # Find the day and month that the SODAMONTHLY file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each SODA file represents a 1 month average.

        mycalendar = cdf.variables["time"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar=mycalendar)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'SODA3':
        # Each SODA file represents 12 month averages.

        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate,
                      units="days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00",

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        # Find the day and month that the GLORYS file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each file represents a 1 month average.
        mycalendar = cdf.variables["time_counter"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["time_counter"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar=mycalendar)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        # Find the day and month that the GLORYS file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each file represents a 1 month average.
        mycalendar = cdf.variables["ocean_time"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["ocean_time"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar=mycalendar)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        # Find the day and month that the GLORYS file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each file represents a 1 month average.
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar="gregorian")
        print("Days:", jd, currentdate, year, month, day)

    if confM2R.indatatype == 'NORESM':
        # Find the day and month that the NORESM file. We need to use the time modules from
        # netcdf4 for python as they handle calendars that are no_leap.
        mydays = cdf.variables["time"][0]
        mycalendar = cdf.variables["time"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        currentdate = num2date(mydays, units=myunits, calendar=mycalendar)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar='noleap')

    confM2R.grdROMS.time = (jd - jdref)
    confM2R.grdROMS.reftime = jdref
    confM2R.grdROMS.timeunits = myunits
    print('\nCurrent time of %s file : %s' % (confM2R.indatatype, currentdate))
Beispiel #17
def date2dec(calendar = 'standard', units=None,
             excelerr = True, yr=1,
             mo=1, dy=1, hr=0, mi=0, sc=0,
             ascii=None, en=None, eng=None):
    Convert scalar and array_like with calendar dates into decimal
    dates. Supported calendar formats are standard, gregorian, julian,
    proleptic_gregorian, excel1900, excel1904, 365_day, noleap, 366_day,
    all_leap, 360_day, decimal, or decimal360.

    Input is year, month day, hour, minute, second or a combination of them.
    Input as date string is possible.

    Output is decimal date with day as unit.

    yr : array_like, optional
        years (default: 1)
    mo : array_like, optional
        month (default: 1)
    dy : array_like, optional
        days (default: 1)
    hr : array_like, optional
        hours (default: 0)
    mi : array_like, optional
        minutes (default: 0)
    sc : array_like, optional
        seconds (default: 0)
    ascii : array_like, optional
        strings of the format ' hh:mm:ss'.
        Missing hour, minutes and/or seconds are set
        to their default values (0).

        `ascii` overwrites all other keywords.

        `ascii` and `eng` are mutually exclusive.
    en : array_like, optional
        strings of the format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'.
        Missing hour, minutes and/or seconds are set
        to their default values (0).

        `en` overwrites all other keywords.

        `en` and `ascii` are mutually exclusive.
    eng : array_like, optional
        Same as en: obsolete.
    calendar : str, optional
        Calendar of output dates (default: 'standard').

        Possible values are:

        'standard', 'gregorian' = julian calendar from
        01.01.-4712 12:00:00 (BC) until 05.03.1583 00:00:00 and
        gregorian calendar from 15.03.1583 00:00:00 until now.
        Missing 10 days do not exsist.

        'julian' = julian calendar from 01.01.-4712 12:00:00 (BC)
         until now.

        'proleptic_gregorian' = gregorian calendar from
        01.01.0001 00:00:00 until now.

        'excel1900' = Excel dates with origin at
        01.01.1900 00:00:00.

        'excel1904' = Excel 1904 (Lotus) format.
        Same as excel1904 but with origin at
        01.01.1904 00:00:00.

        '365_day', 'noleap' = 365 days format,
        i.e. common years only (no leap years)
        with origin at 01.01.0001 00:00:00.

        '366_day', 'all_leap' = 366 days format,
        i.e. leap years only (no common years)
        with origin at 01.01.0001 00:00:00.

        '360_day' = 360 days format,
        i.e. years with only 360 days (30 days per month)
        with origin at 01.01.0001 00:00:00.

        'decimal' = decimal year instead of decimal days.

        'decimal360' = decimal year with a year of 360 days, i.e. 12 month with 30 days each.
    units : str, optional
        User set units of output dates. Must be a
        string in the format 'days since yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'.
        Default values are set automatically depending on `calendar`.
    excelerr : bool, optional
       In Excel, the year 1900 is normally considered a leap year,
       which it was not. By default, this error is taken into account
       if `calendar=='excel1900'` (default: True).

       1900 is not considered a leap year if `excelerr==False`.

       array_like with decimal dates. The type of output will be the same as the input type.

    Most versions of `datetime` do not support negative years,
    i.e. Julian days < 1721423.5 = 01.01.0001 00:00:00.

    There is an issue in `netcdftime` version < 0.9.5 in proleptic_gregorian for dates before year 301:
    dec2date(date2dec(ascii='01.01.0300 00:00:00', calendar='proleptic_gregorian'), calendar='proleptic_gregorian')
    [300, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0]
    dec2date(date2dec(ascii='01.01.0301 00:00:00', calendar='proleptic_gregorian'), calendar='proleptic_gregorian')
    [301, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]

    List input is only supported up to 2 dimensions.

    Requires `` from module `netcdftime` available at:

    # Some implementations of datetime do not support negative years
    >>> import datetime
    >>> if datetime.MINYEAR > 0:
    ...     print('The minimum year in your datetime implementation is ', datetime.MINYEAR)
    ...     print('i.e. it does not support negative years (BC).')
    The minimum year in your datetime implementation is  1
    i.e. it does not support negative years (BC).

    >>> if datetime.MINYEAR > 0:
    ...     year   = np.array([2000, 1810, 1630, 1510, 1271, 619, 2, 1])
    ... else:
    ...     year   = np.array([2000, 1810, 1630, 1510, 1271, 619, -1579, -4712])
    >>> month  = np.array([1, 4, 7, 9, 3, 8, 8, 1])
    >>> day    = np.array([5, 24, 15, 20, 18, 27, 23, 1])
    >>> hour   = np.array([12, 16, 10, 14, 19, 11, 20, 12])
    >>> minute = np.array([30, 15, 20, 35, 41, 8, 3, 0])
    >>> second = np.array([15, 10, 40, 50, 34, 37, 41, 0])
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar = 'standard', yr=year, mo=month, dy=day, hr=hour, mi=minute, sc=second)
    >>> nn = year.size
    >>> print('{:.14e} {:.14e} {:.14e} {:.14e}'.format(*decimal[:nn//2]))
    2.45154902100694e+06 2.38226217719907e+06 2.31660093101852e+06 2.27284810821759e+06
    >>> print('{:.14e} {:.14e}'.format(*decimal[nn//2:nn-2]))
    2.18536732053241e+06 1.94738596431713e+06
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='standard', yr=year, mo=6, dy=15, hr=12, mi=minute, sc=second)
    >>> print('{:.14e} {:.14e} {:.14e} {:.14e}'.format(*decimal[:nn//2]))
    2.45171102100694e+06 2.38231401053241e+06 2.31657101435185e+06 2.27275102488426e+06
    >>> print('{:.14e} {:.14e}'.format(*decimal[nn//2:nn-2]))
    2.18545602886574e+06 1.94731300598380e+06

    # ascii input
    >>> if datetime.MINYEAR > 0:
    ...     a = np.array(['05.01.2000 12:30:15', '24.04.1810 16:15:10', '15.07.1630 10:20:40', '20.09.1510 14:35:50',
    ...                   '18.03.1271 19:41:34', '27.08. 619 11:08:37', '23.08.0002 20:03:41', '01.01.0001 12:00:00'])
    ... else:
    ...     a = np.array(['05.01.2000 12:30:15', '24.04.1810 16:15:10', '15.07.1630 10:20:40',  '20.09.1510 14:35:50',
    ...                   '18.03.1271 19:41:34', '27.08. 619 11:08:37', '23.08.-1579 20:03:41', '01.01.-4712 12:00:00'])
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='standard', ascii=a)
    >>> nn = a.size
    >>> print('{:.14e} {:.14e} {:.14e} {:.14e}'.format(*decimal[:nn//2]))
    2.45154902100694e+06 2.38226217719907e+06 2.31660093101852e+06 2.27284810821759e+06
    >>> print('{:.14e} {:.14e}'.format(*decimal[nn//2:nn-2]))
    2.18536732053241e+06 1.94738596431713e+06

    # calendar = 'julian'
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='julian', ascii=a)
    >>> print('{:.14e} {:.14e} {:.14e} {:.14e}'.format(*decimal[:nn//2]))
    2.45156202100694e+06 2.38227417719907e+06 2.31661093101852e+06 2.27284810821759e+06
    >>> print('{:.14e} {:.14e}'.format(*decimal[nn//2:nn-2]))
    2.18536732053241e+06 1.94738596431713e+06

    # calendar = 'proleptic_gregorian'
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='proleptic_gregorian', ascii=a)
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*decimal[:nn//2]))
    730123.5210069 660836.6771991 595175.4310185 551412.6082176
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*decimal[nn//2:nn-2]))
    463934.8205324 225957.4643171

    # calendar = 'excel1900' WITH excelerr=True -> 1900 considered as leap year
    >>> d = np.array(['05.01.2000 12:30:15', '27.05.1950 16:25:10', '13.08.1910 10:40:55',
    ...               '01.03.1900 00:00:00', '29.02.1900 00:00:00', '28.02.1900 00:00:00',
    ...               '01.01.1900 00:00:00'])
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='excel1900', ascii=d)
    >>> nn = d.size
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*decimal[:nn//2]))
    36530.5210069 18410.6841435 3878.4450810
    >>> print('{:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}'.format(*decimal[nn//2:]))
    61.0 60.0 59.0 1.0

    # calendar = 'excel1900' WITH excelerr = False -> 1900 is NO leap year
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='excel1900', ascii=d, excelerr=False)
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*decimal[:nn//2]))
    36529.5210069 18409.6841435 3877.4450810
    >>> print('{:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}'.format(*decimal[nn//2:]))
    60.0 60.0 59.0 1.0

    # calendar = 'excel1904'
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='excel1904', ascii=d[:nn//2])
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*decimal[:nn//2]))
    35069.5210069 16949.6841435 2417.4450810

    # calendar = '365_day'
    >>> g = np.array(['18.08.1972 12:30:15', '25.10.0986 12:30:15', '28.11.0493 22:20:40', '01.01.0001 00:00:00'])
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='365_day', ascii=g)
    >>> nn = g.size
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*decimal[:nn]))
    719644.5210069 359822.5210069 179911.9310185 0.0000000

    # calendar = '366_day'
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='366_day', ascii=g)
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*decimal[:nn]))
    721616.5210069 360808.5210069 180404.9310185 0.0000000

    # 360_day does not work with version equal or below 0.9.2
    # calendar = '360_day'
    >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='360_day', ascii=g)
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*decimal[:nn]))
    709787.5210069 354894.5210069 177447.9310185 0.0000000

    >>> print('{:.7f}'.format(date2dec(yr=1992, mo=1, dy=26, hr=2, mi=0, sc=0, calendar='decimal')))
    >>> print('{:.7f}'.format(date2dec(ascii='26.01.1992 02:00', calendar='decimal360')))
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*date2dec(ascii=['26.01.1992 02:00','26.01.1992 02:00'], calendar='decimal360')))
    1992.0696759 1992.0696759
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*date2dec(yr=[1992,1992], mo=1, dy=26, hr=2, mi=0, sc=0, calendar='decimal360')))
    1992.0696759 1992.0696759
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*date2dec(yr=np.array([1992,1992]), mo=1, dy=26, hr=2, mi=0, sc=0, calendar='decimal360')))
    1992.0696759 1992.0696759
    >>> decimal = date2dec(ascii=[['26.01.1992 02:00','26.01.1992 02:00'],
    ...                           ['26.01.1992 02:00','26.01.1992 02:00'],
    ...                           ['26.01.1992 02:00','26.01.1992 02:00']],
    ...                    calendar='decimal360')
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*decimal[0]))
    1992.0696759 1992.0696759
    >>> print('{:.7f} {:.7f}'.format(*decimal[2]))
    1992.0696759 1992.0696759
    >>> print((date2dec(ascii='01.03.2003 00:00:00') - date2dec(ascii='01.03.2003')) == 0.)

    # en
    >>> decimal = date2dec(en='1992-01-26 02:00', calendar='decimal360')
    >>> print('{:.7f}'.format(decimal))
    >>> decimal = date2dec(eng='1992-01-26 02:00', calendar='decimal360')
    >>> print('{:.7f}'.format(decimal))

    Written  Arndt Piayda, Jun 2010
    Modified Matthias Cuntz, Feb 2012 - All input can be scalar, list or array, also a mix
                                        - Changed checks for easier extension
                                        - decimal, decimal360
             Matthias Cuntz, Dec 2012 - change unit of proleptic_gregorian
                                        from 'days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00'
                                        to   'days since 0001-01-00 00:00:00'
             Matthias Cuntz, Feb 2013 - solved Excel leap year problem.
             Matthias Cuntz, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3
             Matthias Cuntz, Jul 2013 - ascii/eng without time defaults to 00:00:00
             Matthias Cuntz, Oct 2013 - Excel starts at 1 not at 0
             Matthias Cuntz, Oct 2013 - units bugs, e.g. 01.01.0001 was substracted if Julian calendar even with units
             Matthias Cuntz, Nov 2013 - removed remnant of time treatment before time check in eng keyword
             Matthias Cuntz, Jun 2015 - adapted to new netCDF4/netcdftime (>= v1.0) and datetime (>= Python v2.7.9)
             Matthias Cuntz, Oct 2015 - call date2num with list instead of single netCDF4.datetime objects
             Matthias Cuntz, Oct 2016 - netcdftime provided even with netCDF4 > 1.0.0; make mo for months always integer
             Matthias Cuntz, Nov 2016 - 00, 01, etc. for integers not accepted by Python3
             Matthias Cuntz, May 2020 - numpy docstring format
             Matthias Cuntz, Jul 2020 - en for eng
             Matthias Cuntz, Jul 2020 - use proleptic_gregorian for Excel dates
    # Checks
    calendars = ['standard', 'gregorian', 'julian', 'proleptic_gregorian',
                 'excel1900', 'excel1904', '365_day', 'noleap', '366_day',
                 'all_leap', '360_day', 'decimal', 'decimal360']
    import netCDF4 as nt
        tst = nt.date2num
        tst = nt.datetime
            import netcdftime as nt
            if ((nt.__version__ <= '0.9.2') & (calendar == '360_day')):
                raise ValueError("date2dec error: Your version of is equal"
                                 " or below 0.9.2. The 360_day calendar does not work with"
                                 " arrays here. Please download a newer one.")
            import cftime as nt
    calendar = calendar.lower()
    if (calendar not in calendars):
        raise ValueError("date2dec error: Wrong calendar!"
                    " Choose: "+''.join([i+' ' for i in calendars]))
    # obsolete eng
    if (eng is not None):
        if (en is not None):
            raise ValueError("date2dec error: 'eng' was succeeded by 'en'. Only one can be given.")
            en = eng
    # if ascii input is given by user, other input will be neglected
    # calculation of input size and shape
    if (ascii is not None) and (en is not None):
        raise ValueError("date2dec error: 'ascii' and 'en' mutually exclusive")
    if (ascii is not None):
        islist = type(ascii) != type(np.array(ascii))
        isarr = np.ndim(ascii)
        if (islist & (isarr > 2)):
            raise ValueError("date2dec error: ascii input is list > 2D; Use array input")
        if isarr == 0:
            ascii = np.array([ascii])
            ascii = np.array(ascii)
        insize   = ascii.size
        outsize  = insize
        outshape = ascii.shape
        asciifl  = ascii.flatten()
        timeobj  = np.zeros(insize, dtype=object)
        # slicing of ascii strings to implement in datetime object. missing times
        # will be set to 0.
        yr = np.zeros(insize,
        mo = np.zeros(insize,
        dy = np.zeros(insize,
        hr = np.zeros(insize,
        mi = np.zeros(insize,
        sc = np.zeros(insize,
        for i in range(insize):
            aa      = asciifl[i].split('.')
            dy[i]   = int(aa[0])
            mo[i]   = int(aa[1])
            tail    = aa[2].split()
            yr[i]   = int(tail[0])
            if len(tail) > 1:
                tim     = tail[1].split(':')
                hr[i]   = int(tim[0])
                if len(tim) > 1:
                    mi[i] = int(tim[1])
                    mi[i] = 0
                if len(tim) > 2:
                    sc[i] = int(tim[2])
                    sc[i] = 0
                hr[i] = 0
                mi[i] = 0
                sc[i] = 0
            if ((yr[i]==1900) & (mo[i]==2) & (dy[i]==29)):
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(yr[i], 3, 1, hr[i], mi[i], sc[i])
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(yr[i], mo[i], dy[i], hr[i], mi[i], sc[i])
    if (en is not None):
        islist = type(en) != type(np.array(en))
        isarr  = np.ndim(en)
        if isarr == 0:
             en = np.array([en])
             en = np.array(en)
        if (islist & (isarr > 2)):
            raise ValueError("date2dec error: en input is list > 2D; Use array input")
        en = np.array(en)
        insize   = en.size
        outsize  = insize
        outshape = en.shape
        enfl     = en.flatten()
        timeobj  = np.zeros(insize, dtype=object)
        # slicing of en strings to implement in datetime object. missing times
        # will be set to 0.
        yr = np.zeros(insize,
        mo = np.zeros(insize,
        dy = np.zeros(insize,
        hr = np.zeros(insize,
        mi = np.zeros(insize,
        sc = np.zeros(insize,
        for i in range(insize):
            ee      = enfl[i].split('-')
            yr[i]   = int(ee[0])
            mo[i]   = int(ee[1])
            tail    = ee[2].split()
            dy[i]   = int(tail[0])
            if len(tail) > 1:
                tim     = tail[1].split(':')
                hr[i]   = int(tim[0])
                if len(tim) > 1:
                    mi[i] = int(tim[1])
                    mi[i] = 0
                if len(tim) > 2:
                    sc[i] = int(tim[2])
                    sc[i] = 0
                hr[i] = 0
                mi[i] = 0
                sc[i] = 0
            if ((yr[i]==1900) & (mo[i]==2) & (dy[i]==29)):
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(yr[i], 3, 1, hr[i], mi[i], sc[i])
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(yr[i], mo[i], dy[i], hr[i], mi[i], sc[i])
    # if no ascii input, other inputs will be concidered
    # calculation of input sizes, shapes and number of axis
    if (ascii is None) and (en is None):
        isnlist1 = type(yr) == type(np.array(yr))
        isarr1   = np.ndim(yr)
        if isarr1 == 0: yr = np.array([yr])
        else: yr = np.array(yr)
        isnlist2 = type(mo) == type(np.array(mo))
        isarr2   = np.ndim(mo)
        if isarr2 == 0: mo = np.array([mo],
        else: mo = np.array(mo,
        isnlist3 = type(dy) == type(np.array(dy))
        isarr3   = np.ndim(dy)
        if isarr3 == 0: dy = np.array([dy])
        else: dy = np.array(dy)
        isnlist4 = type(hr) == type(np.array(hr))
        isarr4   = np.ndim(hr)
        if isarr4 == 0: hr = np.array([hr])
        else: hr = np.array(hr)
        isnlist5 = type(mi) == type(np.array(mi))
        isarr5   = np.ndim(mi)
        if isarr5 == 0: mi = np.array([mi])
        else: mi = np.array(mi)
        isnlist6 = type(sc) == type(np.array(sc))
        isarr6   = np.ndim(sc)
        if isarr6 == 0: sc = np.array([sc])
        else: sc = np.array(sc)
        islist = not (isnlist1 | isnlist2 | isnlist3 | isnlist4 | isnlist5 | isnlist6)
        isarr  = isarr1 + isarr2 + isarr3 + isarr4 + isarr5 + isarr6
        shapes = [np.shape(yr), np.shape(mo), np.shape(dy), np.shape(hr), np.shape(mi), np.shape(sc)]
        nyr    = np.size(yr)
        nmo    = np.size(mo)
        ndy    = np.size(dy)
        nhr    = np.size(hr)
        nmi    = np.size(mi)
        nsc    = np.size(sc)
        sizes  = [nyr,nmo,ndy,nhr,nmi,nsc]
        nmax   = np.amax(sizes)
        ii     = np.argmax(sizes)
        outshape = shapes[ii]
        if (islist & (np.size(outshape) > 2)):
            raise ValueError("date2dec error: input is list > 2D; Use array input.")
        if nyr < nmax:
            if nyr == 1: yr  = np.ones(outshape,)*yr
            else: raise ValueError("date2dec error: size of yr != max input or 1.")
        if nmo < nmax:
            if nmo == 1: mo  = np.ones(outshape,*mo
            else: raise ValueError("date2dec error: size of mo != max input or 1.")
        if ndy < nmax:
            if ndy == 1: dy  = np.ones(outshape)*dy
            else: raise ValueError("date2dec error: size of dy != max input or 1.")
        if nhr < nmax:
            if nhr == 1: hr  = np.ones(outshape)*hr
            else: raise ValueError("date2dec error: size of hr != max input or 1.")
        if nmi < nmax:
            if nmi == 1: mi  = np.ones(outshape)*mi
            else: raise ValueError("date2dec error: size of mi != max input or 1.")
        if nsc < nmax:
            if nsc == 1: sc  = np.ones(outshape)*sc
            else: raise ValueError("date2dec error: size of sc != max input or 1.")
        indate  = [yr, mo, dy, hr, mi, sc]
        insize  = [np.size(i) for i in indate]
        inshape = [np.shape(i) for i in indate]
        dimnum  = [len(i) for i in inshape]
        # calculation of maximum input size and maximum number of axis for
        # reshaping the output
        indate  = [i.flatten() for i in indate]
        outsize = max(insize)
        timeobj = np.zeros(outsize, dtype=object)
        # datetime object is constructed
        for i in range(outsize):
            iyr = int(indate[0][i])
            imo = int(indate[1][i])
            idy = int(indate[2][i])
            ihr = int(indate[3][i])
            imi = int(indate[4][i])
            isc = int(indate[5][i])

            if ((iyr==1900) & (imo==2) & (idy==29)):
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(iyr, 3, 1, ihr, imi, isc)
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(iyr, imo, idy, ihr, imi, isc)
    # depending on chosen calendar and optional set of the time units
    # decimal date is calculated
    output = np.zeros(outsize)
    t0    = nt.datetime(1582, 10, 5, 0, 0, 0)
    t1    = nt.datetime(1582, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0)
    is121 = True if (min(timeobj)<t0) and (max(timeobj)>=t1) else False
    if (calendar == 'standard') or (calendar == 'gregorian'):
        if not units:
            units = 'days since 0001-01-01 12:00:00'
            dec0 = 1721424
            dec0 = 0
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj): output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='gregorian')+dec0
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='gregorian')+dec0
    elif calendar == 'julian':
        if not units:
            units = 'days since 0001-01-01 12:00:00'
            dec0 = 1721424
            dec0 = 0
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj): output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='julian')+dec0
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='julian')+dec0
    elif calendar == 'proleptic_gregorian':
        if not units: units = 'days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00'
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj): output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='proleptic_gregorian')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='proleptic_gregorian')
    elif calendar == 'excel1900':
        doerr = False
        if not units:
            units = 'days since 1899-12-31 00:00:00'
            if excelerr: doerr = True
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj): output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='proleptic_gregorian')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='proleptic_gregorian')
        if doerr:
            output = np.where(output >= 60., output+1., output)
            # date2num treats 29.02.1900 as 01.03.1990, i.e. is the same decimal number
            if np.any((output >= 61.) & (output < 62.)):
                for i in range(outsize):
                    # if (timeobj[i].year==1900) & (timeobj[i].month==2) & (timeobj[i].day==29):
                    #     output[i] -= 1.
                    if (yr[i]==1900) & (mo[i]==2) & (dy[i]==29):
                        output[i] -= 1.
    elif calendar == 'excel1904':
        if not units: units = 'days since 1903-12-31 00:00:00'
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj): output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='proleptic_gregorian')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='proleptic_gregorian')
    elif (calendar == '365_day') or (calendar == 'noleap'):
        if not units: units = 'days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00'
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj): output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='365_day')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='365_day')
    elif (calendar == '366_day') or (calendar == 'all_leap'):
        if not units: units = 'days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00'
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj): output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='366_day')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='366_day')
    elif calendar == '360_day':
        if not units: units = 'days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00'
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj): output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='360_day')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='360_day')
    elif calendar == 'decimal':
        ntime = np.size(yr)
        leap  = np.array((((yr%4)==0) & ((yr%100)!=0)) | ((yr%400)==0)).astype(
        tdy   = np.array(dy, dtype=np.float)
        diy   = np.array([ [-9,0, 31, 59, 90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365],
                           [-9,0, 31, 60, 91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335,366] ])
        for i in range(ntime):
            tdy[i] = tdy[i] + np.array(diy[leap[i],mo[i]], dtype=np.float)
        days_year = 365.
        output    = ( np.array(yr, dtype=np.float) +
                      ((tdy-1.)*24. + np.array(hr, dtype=np.float) +
                       np.array(mi, dtype=np.float)/60. +
                       np.array(sc, dtype=np.float)/3600.) /
                       ((days_year+np.array(leap, dtype=np.float))*24.) )
        # for numerical stability, i.e. back and forth transforms
        output += 1e-08 # 1/3 sec
    elif calendar == 'decimal360':
        ntime = np.size(yr)
        tdy   = np.array(dy, dtype=np.float)
        diy   = np.array([-9,  0, 30, 60, 90,120,150,180,210,240,270,300,330,360])
        for i in range(ntime):
            tdy[i] = tdy[i] + np.array(diy[mo[i]], dtype=np.float)
        days_year = 360.
        output    = ( np.array(yr, dtype=np.float) +
                      ((tdy-1.)*24. + np.array(hr, dtype=np.float) +
                       np.array(mi, dtype=np.float)/60. +
                       np.array(sc, dtype=np.float)/3600.) /
                       (days_year*24.) )
        # for numerical stability, i.e. back and forth transforms
        output += 1e-08 # 1/3 sec
        raise ValueError("date2dec error: calendar not implemented; should have been catched before.")

    # return of reshaped output
    output = np.reshape(output, outshape)
    if isarr == 0:
        output = np.float(output)
        if islist:
            ns = np.size(outshape)
            if ns == 1:
                output = [i for i in output]
                loutput = [ i for i in output[:,0]]
                for i in range(np.size(output[:,0])):
                    loutput[i] = list(np.squeeze(output[i,:]))
                output = loutput

    return output
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.path as mpath
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ogr
import osr
from math import *
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
import mpl_util
import laplace_filter
import cmocean

__author__ = 'Trond Kristiansen'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
__created__ = datetime(2017, 5, 16)
__modified__ = datetime(2017, 5, 16)
__version__ = "1.0"
__status__ = "Development, modified on 16.05.2017"

def getPathForPolygon(ring, mymap):
    codes = []
    x = [ring.GetX(j) for j in range(ring.GetPointCount())]
    y = [ring.GetY(j) for j in range(ring.GetPointCount())]
    codes += [mpath.Path.MOVETO] + (len(x) - 1) * [mpath.Path.LINETO]

    pathX, pathY = mymap(x, y)
    mymappath = mpath.Path(np.column_stack((pathX, pathY)), codes)

    return mymappath
Beispiel #19
    def plot_histograms(self, save=False, save_dir=None, fancy=True):
        '''Create an timeseries plot of specific variables.
        save = boolean 
            True to save an output plot, False displays on screen.
        fancy = boolean
            If set to true uses ggplot style, otherwise default is used.
        if fancy:

        # Set the time string format
        fmt = '%H:%M:%S'

        # Create figure/axes instance
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 11), \
        for ax, fills in zip(axs.flat, self.dts):
            # Calculate start and end times
            stime = netCDF4.datetime(fills[0][0], fills[0][1], fills[0][2],\
                        fills[0][3], fills[0][4], fills[0][5])
            etime = netCDF4.datetime(fills[1][0], fills[1][1], fills[1][2],\
                        fills[1][3], fills[1][4], fills[1][5])
            # Make title from these times
            figtitle = stime.strftime(fmt) + ' - ' + etime.strftime(fmt)

            ##if self.pcasp[
            # Calculate Poisson error from Cai et al. AMT (2013), Equation A4
            yerr = self.pcaspf.between_time(stime, etime).sum(axis=0).divide(
                                             1. / self.dlog10d)

            # Calculate the dNd(log10{D}) value for this time period,
            # sum at each diameter (bin), and replace zero values with NaN
            dndlogp = self.pcaspf.between_time(stime, etime).sum(axis=0).divide(\
                           (self.flow3s.between_time(stime, etime).sum(axis=0) * self.dlog10d))
            # Create a pandas Series for plotting
            dndlogpf = pd.Series(data=dndlogp.replace(to_replace=0., value=np.nan), \
                                 index=self.pcasp_bin_mid, name=figtitle)
            xlabels = self.pcasp_bin_mid.astype('|S5')

            ax.set_xlim(left=0.1, right=10.)
            ax.set_ylim(bottom=0.01, top=10000.)
            ax.set_xlabel(r'D ($\mu$m)')
            ax.set_ylabel(r"dN/dlog$_{10}$D (cm$^{-3}$)")


        if save:
            # Set the output file name
            fname = "pcasp_timehist_" + os.path.splitext(
                self.filename)[0] + ".png"
            outfile = os.sep.join([save_dir, fname])
            plt.savefig(outfile, format='png')
            print "Creating image: " + outfile
Beispiel #20
def date2dec(calendar='standard',
        Converts numpy arrays with calendar date into
        numpy arrays with decimal date. Supported calendar
        formats are standard, gregorian, julian, proleptic_gregorian,
        excel1900, excel1904, 365_day, noleap, 366_day, all_leap,
        360_day, decimal, or decimal360

        Input is year, month day, hour, minute,
        second or a combination of them. ASCII input
        is possible, too.

        Output is decimal date with day as unit.

        Requires '' from the module
        netcdftime available at:

        def date2dec(calendar = 'standard', units=None,
                     excelerr = True, yr=1,
                     mo=1, dy=1, hr=0, mi=0, sc=0,
                     ascii=None, eng=None):

        yr       -> input array with year
        mo       -> input array with month
        dy       -> input array with day
        hr       -> input array with hour
        mi       -> input array with minute
        sc       -> input array with second
        ascii    -> input array with strings of the format
                    ' hh:mm:ss'. If hour, minutes
                    and/or seconds are missing, they will be
                    set to 00.
                    If ascii input is chosen by user,
                    other inputs will be neglected.
                    ascii and eng are mutually exclusive.
        eng      -> input array with strings of the format
                    'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'. If hour, minutes
                    and/or seconds are missing, they will be
                    set to 00.
                    If eng input is chosen, other inputs will
                    be neglected.
                    ascii and eng are mutually exclusive.

        calendar -> Input date format. Default value is

           'standard', 'gregorian'
                       =   Input date is standard format.
                           Input is in julian calendar from
                           01.01.-4712 12:00:00 (BC) until
                           05.03.1583 00:00:00 and gregorian
                           calendar from 15.03.1583 00:00:00
                           until now. Missing 10 days don't
           'julian'    =   Input date is julian format.
                           Input is in julian calendar from
                           01.01.-4712 12:00:00 (BC) until now.
                       =   Input date is gregorian format.
                           Input is in gregorian calendar from
                           01.01.0000 00:00:00 until now.
           'excel1900' =   Input date is excel 1900 format.
                           Input date is excel date with its
                           units at 01.01.1900 00:00:00 until
           'excel1904' =   Input date is excel 1904 (lotus) format.
                           Input date is excel date with its
                           units at 01.01.1904 00:00:00 until now.
           '365_day', 'noleap'
                       =   Input date is 365 days format. Input date
                           consists of common years only (No leap years)
                           with its units at 01.01.0001 00:00:00 until now.
           '366_day', 'all_leap'
                       =   Input date is 366 days format. Input date
                           consists of leap years only (No common years)
                           with its units at 01.01.0001 00:00:00 until now.
           '360_day'   =   Input date is 360 days format.  Input
                           date consists of years with only 360 days
                           (30 days per month)with its units at
           'decimal'    =  Output is decimal year.
           'decimal360' =  Output is decimal year with a year of 360 days, i.e. 12 month with 30 days each.

        Optional Arguments
        units     -> Time units can be set by user. Input must be a
                     string in the format 'days since yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'.
                     Default values are set automatically.
        excelerr  -> In Excel the year 1900 is normally considered
                     as leap year, which is wrong. By default, this
                     error is taken into account (excelerr = True).
                     For excelerr = False, 1900 is considered as no
                     leap year.

        output -> Output numpy array with decimal date.

        Most versions of datetime do not support neagtive years,
        i.e. Julian days < 1721423.5 = 01.01.0001 00:00.

        There is an issue in netcdftime version < 0.9.5 in proleptic_gregorian for dates before year 301:
          jams.dec2date(jams.date2dec(ascii='01.01.0300 00:00:00', calendar='proleptic_gregorian'),
            [300, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0]
          jams.dec2date(jams.date2dec(ascii='01.01.0301 00:00:00', calendar='proleptic_gregorian'),
            [301, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]

        List input is only supported up to 2 dimensions.

        Requires '' from module netcdftime available at:

        #calendar = 'standard'

        # Some implementations of datetime have problems with negative years
        >>> import datetime
        >>> if datetime.MINYEAR > 0:
        ...     print('The minimum year in your datetime implementation is ', datetime.MINYEAR)
        ...     print('i.e. it does not support negative years (BC).')

        >>> if datetime.MINYEAR > 0:
        ...     year   = np.array([2000, 1810, 1630, 1510, 1271, 619, 2, 1])
        ... else:
        ...     year   = np.array([2000, 1810, 1630, 1510, 1271, 619, -1579, -4712])
        >>> month  = np.array([1, 4, 7, 9, 3, 8, 8, 1])
        >>> day    = np.array([5, 24, 15, 20, 18, 27, 23, 1])
        >>> hour   = np.array([12, 16, 10, 14, 19, 11, 20, 12])
        >>> minute = np.array([30, 15, 20, 35, 41, 8, 3, 0])
        >>> second = np.array([15, 10, 40, 50, 34, 37, 41, 0])
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar = 'standard', yr=year, mo=month, dy=day, hr=hour, mi=minute, sc=second)
        >>> from autostring import astr
        >>> nn = year.size
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn//2], 14, pp=True))
        ['2.45154902100694e+06' '2.38226217719907e+06' '2.31660093101852e+06' '2.27284810821759e+06']
        >>> print(astr(decimal[nn//2:nn-2], 14,pp=True))
        ['2.18536732053241e+06' '1.94738596431713e+06']
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='standard', yr=year, mo=6, dy=15, hr=12, mi=minute, sc=second)
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn//2],14,pp=True))
        ['2.45171102100694e+06' '2.38231401053241e+06' '2.31657101435185e+06' '2.27275102488426e+06']
        >>> print(astr(decimal[nn//2:nn-2],14,pp=True))
        ['2.18545602886574e+06' '1.94731300598380e+06']

        # ascii input
        >>> if datetime.MINYEAR > 0:
        ...     a = np.array(['05.01.2000 12:30:15', '24.04.1810 16:15:10', '15.07.1630 10:20:40',  '20.09.1510 14:35:50',
        ...                   '18.03.1271 19:41:34', '27.08. 619 11:08:37', '23.08.0002 20:03:41', '01.01.0001 12:00:00'])
        ... else:
        ...     a = np.array(['05.01.2000 12:30:15', '24.04.1810 16:15:10', '15.07.1630 10:20:40',  '20.09.1510 14:35:50',
        ...                   '18.03.1271 19:41:34', '27.08. 619 11:08:37', '23.08.-1579 20:03:41', '01.01.-4712 12:00:00'])
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='standard', ascii=a)
        >>> nn = a.size
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn//2],14,pp=True))
        ['2.45154902100694e+06' '2.38226217719907e+06' '2.31660093101852e+06' '2.27284810821759e+06']
        >>> print(astr(decimal[nn//2:nn-2],14,pp=True))
        ['2.18536732053241e+06' '1.94738596431713e+06']

        # calendar = 'julian'
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='julian', ascii=a)
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn//2],14,pp=True))
        ['2.45156202100694e+06' '2.38227417719907e+06' '2.31661093101852e+06' '2.27284810821759e+06']
        >>> print(astr(decimal[nn//2:nn-2],14,pp=True))
        ['2.18536732053241e+06' '1.94738596431713e+06']

        # calendar = 'proleptic_gregorian'
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='proleptic_gregorian', ascii=a)
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn//2], 7, pp=True))
        ['730123.5210069' '660836.6771991' '595175.4310185' '551412.6082176']
        >>> print(astr(decimal[nn//2:nn-2], 7, pp=True))
        ['463934.8205324' '225957.4643171']

        # calendar = 'excel1900' WITH excelerr=True -> 1900 considered as leap year
        >>> d = np.array(['05.01.2000 12:30:15', '27.05.1950 16:25:10', '13.08.1910 10:40:55',
        ...               '01.03.1900 00:00:00', '29.02.1900 00:00:00', '28.02.1900 00:00:00',
        ...               '01.01.1900 00:00:00'])
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='excel1900', ascii=d)
        >>> nn = d.size
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn//2], 7, pp=True))
        ['36530.5210069' '18410.6841435' ' 3878.4450810']
        >>> print(astr(decimal[nn//2:],14,pp=True))
        ['61.00000000000000' '60.00000000000000' '59.00000000000000' ' 1.00000000000000']

        # calendar = 'excel1900' WITH excelerr = False -> 1900 is NO leap year
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='excel1900', ascii=d, excelerr=False)
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn//2], 7, pp=True))
        ['36529.5210069' '18409.6841435' ' 3877.4450810']
        >>> print(astr(decimal[nn//2:],14,pp=True))
        ['60.00000000000000' '60.00000000000000' '59.00000000000000' ' 1.00000000000000']

        # calendar = 'excel1904'
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='excel1904', ascii=d[:nn//2])
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn//2], 7, pp=True))
        ['35069.5210069' '16949.6841435' ' 2417.4450810']

        # calendar = '365_day'
        >>> g = np.array(['18.08.1972 12:30:15', '25.10.0986 12:30:15', '28.11.0493 22:20:40', '01.01.0001 00:00:00'])
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='365_day', ascii=g)
        >>> nn = g.size
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn],14,pp=True))
        ['719644.52100694458932' '359822.52100694435649' '179911.93101851851679' '     0.00000000000000']

        # calendar = '366_day'
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='366_day', ascii=g)
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn],14,pp=True))
        ['721616.52100694458932' '360808.52100694435649' '180404.93101851851679' '     0.00000000000000']

        # 360_day does not work with version equal or below 0.9.2
        # calendar = '360_day'
        >>> decimal = date2dec(calendar='360_day', ascii=g)
        >>> print(astr(decimal[:nn],14,pp=True))
        ['709787.52100694458932' '354894.52100694435649' '177447.93101851851679' '     0.00000000000000']

        >>> print(astr(date2dec(yr=1992, mo=1, dy=26, hr=2, mi=0, sc=0, calendar='decimal'),14,pp=True))
        >>> print(astr(date2dec(ascii='26.01.1992 02:00', calendar='decimal360'),14,pp=True))
        >>> print(astr(date2dec(ascii=['26.01.1992 02:00','26.01.1992 02:00'], calendar='decimal360'),14,pp=True))
        ['1992.06967593592572' '1992.06967593592572']
        >>> print(astr(date2dec(yr=[1992,1992], mo=1, dy=26, hr=2, mi=0, sc=0, calendar='decimal360'),14,pp=True))
        ['1992.06967593592572' '1992.06967593592572']
        >>> print(astr(date2dec(yr=np.array([1992,1992]), mo=1, dy=26, hr=2, mi=0, sc=0, calendar='decimal360'),
        ...            14,pp=True))
        ['1992.06967593592572' '1992.06967593592572']
        >>> print(astr(date2dec(ascii=[['26.01.1992 02:00','26.01.1992 02:00'],
        ...                            ['26.01.1992 02:00','26.01.1992 02:00'],
        ...                            ['26.01.1992 02:00','26.01.1992 02:00']], calendar='decimal360'),14,pp=True))
        [['1992.06967593592572' '1992.06967593592572']
         ['1992.06967593592572' '1992.06967593592572']
         ['1992.06967593592572' '1992.06967593592572']]
        >>> print((date2dec(ascii='01.03.2003 00:00:00') - date2dec(ascii='01.03.2003')) == 0.)

        This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT
        License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library,
        Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental
        Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany.

        Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Arndt Piayda, Matthias Cuntz - mc (at) macu (dot) de

        Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
        of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
        in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
        to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
        copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
        furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

        The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
        copies or substantial portions of the Software.


        Written  AP, Jun 2010
        Modified MC, Feb 2012 - All input can be scalar, list or array, also a mix
                              - Changed checks for easier extension
                              - decimal, decimal360
                 MC, Dec 2012 - change unit of proleptic_gregorian
                                from 'days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00'
                                to   'days since 0001-01-00 00:00:00'
                 MC, Feb 2013 - solved Excel leap year problem.
                 MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3
                 MC, Jul 2013 - ascii/eng without time defaults to 00:00:00
                 MC, Oct 2013 - Excel starts at 1 not at 0
                 MC, Oct 2013 - units bugs, e.g. 01.01.0001 was substracted if Julian calendar even with units
                 MC, Nov 2013 - removed remnant of time treatment before time check in eng keyword
                 MC, Jun 2015 - adapted to new netCDF4/netcdftime (>= v1.0) and datetime (>= Python v2.7.9)
                 MC, Oct 2015 - call date2num with list instead of single netCDF4.datetime objects
                 MC, Oct 2016 - netcdftime provided even with netCDF4 > 1.0.0; make mo for months always integer
                 MC, Nov 2016 - 00, 01, etc. for integers not accepted by Python3
    # Checks
    calendars = [
        'standard', 'gregorian', 'julian', 'proleptic_gregorian', 'excel1900',
        'excel1904', '365_day', 'noleap', '366_day', 'all_leap', '360_day',
        'decimal', 'decimal360'
    import netCDF4 as nt
        tst = nt.date2num
        tst = nt.datetime
            import netcdftime as nt
            if ((nt.__version__ <= '0.9.2') & (calendar == '360_day')):
                raise ValueError(
                    "date2dec error: Your version of is equal"
                    " or below 0.9.2. The 360_day calendar does not work with"
                    " arrays here. Please download a newer one.")
            import cftime as nt
    calendar = calendar.lower()
    if (calendar not in calendars):
        raise ValueError("date2dec error: Wrong calendar!"
                         " Choose: " + ''.join([i + ' ' for i in calendars]))
    # if ascii input is given by user, other input will be neglected
    # calculation of input size and shape
    if (ascii is not None) and (eng is not None):
        raise ValueError(
            "date2dec error: 'ascii' and 'eng' mutually exclusive")
    if ascii is not None:
        islist = type(ascii) != type(np.array(ascii))
        isarr = np.ndim(ascii)
        if (islist & (isarr > 2)):
            raise ValueError(
                "date2dec error: ascii input is list > 2D; Use array input")
        if isarr == 0: ascii = np.array([ascii])
        else: ascii = np.array(ascii)
        insize = ascii.size
        outsize = insize
        outshape = ascii.shape
        asciifl = ascii.flatten()
        timeobj = np.zeros(insize, dtype=object)
        # slicing of ascii strings to implement in datetime object. missing times
        # will be set to 0.
        yr = np.zeros(insize,
        mo = np.zeros(insize,
        dy = np.zeros(insize,
        hr = np.zeros(insize,
        mi = np.zeros(insize,
        sc = np.zeros(insize,
        for i in range(insize):
            aa = asciifl[i].split('.')
            dy[i] = int(aa[0])
            mo[i] = int(aa[1])
            tail = aa[2].split()
            yr[i] = int(tail[0])
            if len(tail) > 1:
                tim = tail[1].split(':')
                hr[i] = int(tim[0])
                if len(tim) > 1:
                    mi[i] = int(tim[1])
                    mi[i] = 0
                if len(tim) > 2:
                    sc[i] = int(tim[2])
                    sc[i] = 0
                hr[i] = 0
                mi[i] = 0
                sc[i] = 0
            if ((yr[i] == 1900) & (mo[i] == 2) & (dy[i] == 29)):
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(yr[i], 3, 1, hr[i], mi[i], sc[i])
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(yr[i], mo[i], dy[i], hr[i], mi[i],
    if eng is not None:
        islist = type(eng) != type(np.array(eng))
        isarr = np.ndim(eng)
        if isarr == 0:
            eng = np.array([eng])
            eng = np.array(eng)
        if (islist & (isarr > 2)):
            raise ValueError(
                "date2dec error: eng input is list > 2D; Use array input")
        eng = np.array(eng)
        insize = eng.size
        outsize = insize
        outshape = eng.shape
        engfl = eng.flatten()
        timeobj = np.zeros(insize, dtype=object)
        # slicing of eng strings to implement in datetime object. missing times
        # will be set to 0.
        yr = np.zeros(insize,
        mo = np.zeros(insize,
        dy = np.zeros(insize,
        hr = np.zeros(insize,
        mi = np.zeros(insize,
        sc = np.zeros(insize,
        for i in range(insize):
            ee = engfl[i].split('-')
            yr[i] = int(ee[0])
            mo[i] = int(ee[1])
            tail = ee[2].split()
            dy[i] = int(tail[0])
            if len(tail) > 1:
                tim = tail[1].split(':')
                hr[i] = int(tim[0])
                if len(tim) > 1:
                    mi[i] = int(tim[1])
                    mi[i] = 0
                if len(tim) > 2:
                    sc[i] = int(tim[2])
                    sc[i] = 0
                hr[i] = 0
                mi[i] = 0
                sc[i] = 0
            if ((yr[i] == 1900) & (mo[i] == 2) & (dy[i] == 29)):
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(yr[i], 3, 1, hr[i], mi[i], sc[i])
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(yr[i], mo[i], dy[i], hr[i], mi[i],
    # if no ascii input, other inputs will be concidered
    # calculation of input sizes, shapes and number of axis
    if ((ascii is None) and (eng is None)):
        isnlist1 = type(yr) == type(np.array(yr))
        isarr1 = np.ndim(yr)
        if isarr1 == 0: yr = np.array([yr])
        else: yr = np.array(yr)
        isnlist2 = type(mo) == type(np.array(mo))
        isarr2 = np.ndim(mo)
        if isarr2 == 0: mo = np.array([mo],
        else: mo = np.array(mo,
        isnlist3 = type(dy) == type(np.array(dy))
        isarr3 = np.ndim(dy)
        if isarr3 == 0: dy = np.array([dy])
        else: dy = np.array(dy)
        isnlist4 = type(hr) == type(np.array(hr))
        isarr4 = np.ndim(hr)
        if isarr4 == 0: hr = np.array([hr])
        else: hr = np.array(hr)
        isnlist5 = type(mi) == type(np.array(mi))
        isarr5 = np.ndim(mi)
        if isarr5 == 0: mi = np.array([mi])
        else: mi = np.array(mi)
        isnlist6 = type(sc) == type(np.array(sc))
        isarr6 = np.ndim(sc)
        if isarr6 == 0: sc = np.array([sc])
        else: sc = np.array(sc)
        islist = not (isnlist1 | isnlist2 | isnlist3 | isnlist4 | isnlist5
                      | isnlist6)
        isarr = isarr1 + isarr2 + isarr3 + isarr4 + isarr5 + isarr6
        shapes = [
        nyr = np.size(yr)
        nmo = np.size(mo)
        ndy = np.size(dy)
        nhr = np.size(hr)
        nmi = np.size(mi)
        nsc = np.size(sc)
        sizes = [nyr, nmo, ndy, nhr, nmi, nsc]
        nmax = np.amax(sizes)
        ii = np.argmax(sizes)
        outshape = shapes[ii]
        if (islist & (np.size(outshape) > 2)):
            raise ValueError(
                "date2dec error: input is list > 2D; Use array input.")
        if nyr < nmax:
            if nyr == 1: yr = np.ones(outshape, ) * yr
                raise ValueError(
                    "date2dec error: size of yr != max input or 1.")
        if nmo < nmax:
            if nmo == 1: mo = np.ones(outshape, * mo
                raise ValueError(
                    "date2dec error: size of mo != max input or 1.")
        if ndy < nmax:
            if ndy == 1: dy = np.ones(outshape) * dy
                raise ValueError(
                    "date2dec error: size of dy != max input or 1.")
        if nhr < nmax:
            if nhr == 1: hr = np.ones(outshape) * hr
                raise ValueError(
                    "date2dec error: size of hr != max input or 1.")
        if nmi < nmax:
            if nmi == 1: mi = np.ones(outshape) * mi
                raise ValueError(
                    "date2dec error: size of mi != max input or 1.")
        if nsc < nmax:
            if nsc == 1: sc = np.ones(outshape) * sc
                raise ValueError(
                    "date2dec error: size of sc != max input or 1.")
        indate = [yr, mo, dy, hr, mi, sc]
        insize = [np.size(i) for i in indate]
        inshape = [np.shape(i) for i in indate]
        dimnum = [len(i) for i in inshape]
        # calculation of maximum input size and maximum number of axis for
        # reshaping the output
        indate = [i.flatten() for i in indate]
        outsize = max(insize)
        timeobj = np.zeros(outsize, dtype=object)
        # datetime object is constructed
        for i in range(outsize):
            iyr = int(indate[0][i])
            imo = int(indate[1][i])
            idy = int(indate[2][i])
            ihr = int(indate[3][i])
            imi = int(indate[4][i])
            isc = int(indate[5][i])

            if ((iyr == 1900) & (imo == 2) & (idy == 29)):
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(iyr, 3, 1, ihr, imi, isc)
                timeobj[i] = nt.datetime(iyr, imo, idy, ihr, imi, isc)
    # depending on chosen calendar and optional set of the time units
    # decimal date is calculated
    output = np.zeros(outsize)
    t0 = nt.datetime(1582, 10, 5, 0, 0, 0)
    t1 = nt.datetime(1582, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0)
    is121 = True if (min(timeobj) < t0) and (max(timeobj) >= t1) else False
    if (calendar == 'standard') or (calendar == 'gregorian'):
        if units is None:
            units = 'days since 0001-01-01 12:00:00'
            dec0 = 1721424
            dec0 = 0
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj):
                output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units,
                                         calendar='gregorian') + dec0
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='gregorian') + dec0
    elif calendar == 'julian':
        if units is None:
            units = 'days since 0001-01-01 12:00:00'
            dec0 = 1721424
            dec0 = 0
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj):
                output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='julian') + dec0
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='julian') + dec0
    elif calendar == 'proleptic_gregorian':
        if units is None: units = 'days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00'
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj):
                output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt,
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj,
    elif calendar == 'excel1900':
        doerr = False
        if units is None:
            units = 'days since 1899-12-31 00:00:00'
            if excelerr: doerr = True
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj):
                output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='gregorian')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='gregorian')
        if doerr:
            output = np.where(output >= 60., output + 1., output)
            # date2num treats 29.02.1900 as 01.03.1990, i.e. is the same decimal number
            if np.any((output >= 61.) & (output < 62.)):
                for i in range(outsize):
                    # if (timeobj[i].year==1900) & (timeobj[i].month==2) & (timeobj[i].day==29):
                    #     output[i] -= 1.
                    if (yr[i] == 1900) & (mo[i] == 2) & (dy[i] == 29):
                        output[i] -= 1.
    elif calendar == 'excel1904':
        if units is None: units = 'days since 1903-12-31 00:00:00'
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj):
                output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='gregorian')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='gregorian')
    elif (calendar == '365_day') or (calendar == 'noleap'):
        if units is None: units = 'days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00'
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj):
                output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='365_day')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='365_day')
    elif (calendar == '366_day') or (calendar == 'all_leap'):
        if units is None: units = 'days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00'
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj):
                output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='366_day')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='366_day')
    elif calendar == '360_day':
        if units is None: units = 'days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00'
        if is121 and (nt.__version__ < '1.2.2'):
            for ii, tt in enumerate(timeobj):
                output[ii] = nt.date2num(tt, units, calendar='360_day')
            output = nt.date2num(timeobj, units, calendar='360_day')
    elif calendar == 'decimal':
        ntime = np.size(yr)
        leap = np.array((((yr % 4) == 0) & ((yr % 100) != 0))
                        | ((yr % 400) == 0)).astype(
        tdy = np.array(dy, dtype=np.float)
        diy = np.array(
            [[-9, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365],
             [-9, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366]])
        for i in range(ntime):
            tdy[i] = tdy[i] + np.array(diy[leap[i], mo[i]], dtype=np.float)
        days_year = 365.
        output = (np.array(yr, dtype=np.float) +
                  ((tdy - 1.) * 24. + np.array(hr, dtype=np.float) +
                   np.array(mi, dtype=np.float) / 60. +
                   np.array(sc, dtype=np.float) / 3600.) /
                  ((days_year + np.array(leap, dtype=np.float)) * 24.))
        # for numerical stability, i.e. back and forth transforms
        output += 1e-08  # 1/3 sec
    elif calendar == 'decimal360':
        ntime = np.size(yr)
        tdy = np.array(dy, dtype=np.float)
        diy = np.array(
            [-9, 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 360])
        for i in range(ntime):
            tdy[i] = tdy[i] + np.array(diy[mo[i]], dtype=np.float)
        days_year = 360.
        output = (np.array(yr, dtype=np.float) +
                  ((tdy - 1.) * 24. + np.array(hr, dtype=np.float) +
                   np.array(mi, dtype=np.float) / 60. +
                   np.array(sc, dtype=np.float) / 3600.) / (days_year * 24.))
        # for numerical stability, i.e. back and forth transforms
        output += 1e-08  # 1/3 sec
        raise ValueError(
            "date2dec error: calendar not implemented; should have been catched before."

    # return of reshaped output
    output = np.reshape(output, outshape)
    if isarr == 0:
        output = np.float(output)
        if islist:
            ns = np.size(outshape)
            if ns == 1:
                output = [i for i in output]
                loutput = [i for i in output[:, 0]]
                for i in range(np.size(output[:, 0])):
                    loutput[i] = list(np.squeeze(output[i, :]))
                output = loutput

    return output
Beispiel #21
import calendar

import grd
import barotropic
import IOinitial
import IOsubset
import datetimeFunctions

    import ESMF
except ImportError:
    print "Could not find module ESMF"
__author__ = 'Trond Kristiansen'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
__created__ = datetime(2008, 8, 15)
__modified__ = datetime(2014, 12, 1)
__version__ = "1.5"
__status__ = "Development, modified on 15.08.2008,01.10.2009,07.01.2010, 15.07.2014, 01.12.2014, 07.08.2015"

def VerticalInterpolation(myvar, array1, array2, grdROMS, grdMODEL):
    outINDEX_ST = (grdROMS.Nlevels, grdROMS.eta_rho, grdROMS.xi_rho)
    outINDEX_U = (grdROMS.Nlevels, grdROMS.eta_u, grdROMS.xi_u)
    outINDEX_UBAR = (grdROMS.eta_u, grdROMS.xi_u)
    outINDEX_V = (grdROMS.Nlevels, grdROMS.eta_v, grdROMS.xi_v)
    outINDEX_VBAR = (grdROMS.eta_v, grdROMS.xi_v)

    if myvar in ['salinity', 'temperature']:
        print 'Start vertical interpolation for %s (dimensions=%s x %s)' % (myvar, grdROMS.xi_rho, grdROMS.eta_rho)
        outdata = np.empty((outINDEX_ST), dtype=np.float64, order='Fortran')
Beispiel #22
def getTime(dataPath, indatatype, grdROMS, grdMODEL, year, month, day, mytime, firstRun):
    Create a date object to keep track of Julian dates etc.
    Also create a reference date starting at 1948/01/01.
    Go here to check results:
    if indatatype == 'SODA':
        filename = getSODAfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)

    if indatatype == 'SODAMONTHLY':
        filename = getSODAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)

    if indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        filename = getGLORYSfilename(year, month, day, "S", dataPath)

    if indatatype == 'WOAMONTHLY':
        filename = getWOAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, "temperature", dataPath)

    if indatatype == 'NORESM':
        filename = getNORESMfilename(year, month, day, "saln", dataPath)
    if indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        filename = getNS8KMfilename(year, month, day, "salt", dataPath)

    if indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        filename, readFromOneFile = getNS8KMZfilename(year, month, day, "salt", dataPath)
    # Now open the input file and get the time
    cdf = Dataset(filename)

    if (indatatype)=='NORESM':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1800,1,1),cdf.variables["time"].units,calendar=cdf.variables["time"].calendar)
    elif indatatype=='NS8KMZ':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948,1,1),units="days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00",calendar="gregorian")
    elif (indatatype)=='GLORYS':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948,1,1),cdf.variables["time_counter"].units,calendar=cdf.variables["time_counter"].calendar)
    elif indatatype=='NS8KM':
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948,1,1),cdf.variables["ocean_time"].units,calendar=cdf.variables["ocean_time"].calendar)
        jdref = date2num(datetime(1948,1,1),cdf.variables["time"].units,calendar=cdf.variables["time"].calendar)
    if indatatype == 'SODA':

        # Find the day and month that the SODA file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each SODA file represents a 5 day average, therefore we let the date we find be the first day
        # of those 5 days. Thats the reason we subtract 4 below for day of month.
        import date

        days = 0.0; month = 1; loop = True

        while loop is True:
            d = date.NumberDaysMonth(month, year)
            if days + d < int(ID) * 5:
                days = days + d
                month += 1
                day = int(int(ID) * 5 - days)
                loop = False

        mycalendar = cdf.variables["time"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar=mycalendar)

    if indatatype == 'SODAMONTHLY':
        # Find the day and month that the SODAMONTHLY file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each SODA file represents a 1 month average.

        mycalendar = cdf.variables["time"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar=mycalendar)

    if indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        # Find the day and month that the GLORYS file respresents based on the year and ID number.
        # Each file represents a 1 month average.
        mycalendar = cdf.variables["time_counter"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["time_counter"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar=mycalendar)
    if indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        # Find the day and month that the GLORYS file respresents based on the year and ID number.
            # Each file represents a 1 month average.
        mycalendar = cdf.variables["ocean_time"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["ocean_time"].units
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar=mycalendar)

    if indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        # Find the day and month that the GLORYS file respresents based on the year and ID number.
            # Each file represents a 1 month average.
        mycalendar = "gregorian"
        refdate = datetime(1948, 1, 1)
        currentdate = datetime(year, month, day)
        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar="gregorian")
        print "Days:", jd, currentdate," year month day ",year, month, day

    if indatatype == 'NORESM':
        # Find the day and month that the NORESM file. We need to use the time modules from
        # netcdf4 for python as they handle calendars that are no_leap.
        mydays = cdf.variables["time"][0]
        mycalendar = cdf.variables["time"].calendar
        myunits = cdf.variables["time"].units
        # Fake the start date first time around
       # if (firstRun):
       #     currentdate = datetime(2006,1,1)
       #     print "NOTICE!\n First datestamp in result files are hardcoded to %s"%(currentdate)
       # else:
        currentdate = num2date(mydays, units=myunits, calendar=mycalendar)
        jd = date2num(currentdate, myunits, calendar='noleap')

    grdROMS.time = (jd - jdref)
    grdROMS.reftime = jdref

    print '\nCurrent time of %s file : %s' % (indatatype, currentdate)
Beispiel #23
def main():
    start_year = 1979
    end_year = 1981


    file_prefix = "dm"
    level = 1
    level_type = level_kinds.HYBRID

    wind_comp_names = ["UU", "VV"]

    sim_label_to_path = OrderedDict(
        [(HL_LABEL, "/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/CNRCWP/C5/2016/2-year-runs/coupled-GL+stfl_oneway/Samples"),
         (NEMO_LABEL, "/HOME/huziy/skynet3_rech1/CNRCWP/C5/2016/2-year-runs/coupled-GL+stfl/Samples")]

    # get a coord file ...
    coord_file = ""
    found_coord_file = False
    for mdir in os.listdir(sim_label_to_path[HL_LABEL]):

        mdir_path = os.path.join(sim_label_to_path[HL_LABEL], mdir)
        if not os.path.isdir(mdir_path):

        for fn in os.listdir(mdir_path):
            if fn[:2] not in ["pm", "dm", "pp", "dp"]:

            coord_file = os.path.join(mdir_path, fn)
            found_coord_file = True

        if found_coord_file:

    bmp, lons, lats = nemo_hl_util.get_basemap_obj_and_coords_from_rpn_file(path=coord_file)
    xx, yy = bmp(lons, lats)
    lons[lons > 180] -= 360

    # loop through all files rotate vaectors and save to netcdf
    for sim_label, samples_dir in sim_label_to_path.items():

        samples = Path(samples_dir)
        po = samples.parent

        monthdate_to_path_list = nemo_hl_util.get_monthyeardate_to_paths_map(file_prefix=file_prefix,
                                                                             start_year=start_year, end_year=end_year,

        # Netcdf output file to put rotated winds
        po /= "rotated_wind_{}.nc".format(sim_label)

        with Dataset(str(po), "w") as ds:

            ds.createDimension("time", None)
            ds.createDimension("lon", lons.shape[0])
            ds.createDimension("lat", lons.shape[1])

            # create the schema of the output file
            vname_to_ncvar = {}
            for vname in wind_comp_names:
                vname_to_ncvar[vname] = ds.createVariable(vname, "f4", dimensions=("time", "lon", "lat"))
                vname_to_ncvar[vname].units = "knots"

            lons_var = ds.createVariable("lon", "f4", dimensions=("lon", "lat"))
            lats_var = ds.createVariable("lat", "f4", dimensions=("lon", "lat"))
            time_var = ds.createVariable("time", "i8", dimensions=("time",))
            time_var.units = "hours since {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(datetime(start_year, 1, 1))

            lons_var[:] = lons
            lats_var[:] = lats

            # use sorted dates
            record_count = 0

            for month_date in sorted(monthdate_to_path_list):
                # select only dm files
                mr = MultiRPN(path=monthdate_to_path_list[month_date])

                vname_to_fields = {}
                for vname in wind_comp_names:
                    vname_to_fields[vname] = mr.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level(varname=vname, level=level, level_kind=level_type)

                for ti, t in enumerate(sorted(vname_to_fields[wind_comp_names[0]])):
                    time_var[record_count] = date2num(t, time_var.units)

                    uu = vname_to_fields[wind_comp_names[0]][t]
                    vv = vname_to_fields[wind_comp_names[1]][t]

                    uu_rot, vv_rot = rotate_vecs_from_geo_to_rotpole(uu, vv, lons, lats, bmp=bmp)

                    # in knots not in m/s
                    vname_to_ncvar[wind_comp_names[0]][record_count, :, :] = uu_rot
                    vname_to_ncvar[wind_comp_names[1]][record_count, :, :] = vv_rot
                    record_count += 1
Beispiel #24
import interpolation as interp
import IOwrite
import os
import barotropic
import IOinitial
import IOsubset
import datetimeFunctions

    import ESMF
except ImportError:
    print("Could not find module ESMF")
__author__ = 'Trond Kristiansen'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
__created__ = datetime(2008, 8, 15)
__modified__ = datetime(2014, 12, 1)
__version__ = "1.5"
__status__ = "Development, modified on 15.08.2008,01.10.2009,07.01.2010, 15.07.2014, 01.12.2014, 07.08.2015"

def verticalinterpolation(myvar, array1, array2, grdROMS, grdMODEL):
    outINDEX_ST = (grdROMS.nlevels, grdROMS.eta_rho, grdROMS.xi_rho)
    outINDEX_U = (grdROMS.nlevels, grdROMS.eta_u, grdROMS.xi_u)
    outINDEX_UBAR = (grdROMS.eta_u, grdROMS.xi_u)
    outINDEX_V = (grdROMS.nlevels, grdROMS.eta_v, grdROMS.xi_v)
    outINDEX_VBAR = (grdROMS.eta_v, grdROMS.xi_v)

    if myvar in ['salinity', 'temperature']:
        print('Start vertical interpolation for %s (dimensions=%s x %s)' %
              (myvar, grdROMS.xi_rho, grdROMS.eta_rho))
def main():
    start_year = 1979
    end_year = 1981


    file_prefix = "dm"
    level = 1
    level_type = level_kinds.HYBRID

    wind_comp_names = ["UU", "VV"]

    sim_label_to_path = OrderedDict([

    # get a coord file ...
    coord_file = ""
    found_coord_file = False
    for mdir in os.listdir(sim_label_to_path[HL_LABEL]):

        mdir_path = os.path.join(sim_label_to_path[HL_LABEL], mdir)
        if not os.path.isdir(mdir_path):

        for fn in os.listdir(mdir_path):
            if fn[:2] not in ["pm", "dm", "pp", "dp"]:

            coord_file = os.path.join(mdir_path, fn)
            found_coord_file = True

        if found_coord_file:

    bmp, lons, lats = nemo_hl_util.get_basemap_obj_and_coords_from_rpn_file(
    xx, yy = bmp(lons, lats)
    lons[lons > 180] -= 360

    # loop through all files rotate vaectors and save to netcdf
    for sim_label, samples_dir in sim_label_to_path.items():

        samples = Path(samples_dir)
        po = samples.parent

        monthdate_to_path_list = nemo_hl_util.get_monthyeardate_to_paths_map(

        # Netcdf output file to put rotated winds
        po /= "rotated_wind_{}.nc".format(sim_label)

        with Dataset(str(po), "w") as ds:

            ds.createDimension("time", None)
            ds.createDimension("lon", lons.shape[0])
            ds.createDimension("lat", lons.shape[1])

            # create the schema of the output file
            vname_to_ncvar = {}
            for vname in wind_comp_names:
                vname_to_ncvar[vname] = ds.createVariable(vname,
                vname_to_ncvar[vname].units = "knots"

            lons_var = ds.createVariable("lon",
                                         dimensions=("lon", "lat"))
            lats_var = ds.createVariable("lat",
                                         dimensions=("lon", "lat"))
            time_var = ds.createVariable("time", "i8", dimensions=("time", ))
            time_var.units = "hours since {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(
                datetime(start_year, 1, 1))

            lons_var[:] = lons
            lats_var[:] = lats

            # use sorted dates
            record_count = 0

            for month_date in sorted(monthdate_to_path_list):
                # select only dm files
                mr = MultiRPN(path=monthdate_to_path_list[month_date])

                vname_to_fields = {}
                for vname in wind_comp_names:
                        vname] = mr.get_all_time_records_for_name_and_level(
                            varname=vname, level=level, level_kind=level_type)

                for ti, t in enumerate(
                    time_var[record_count] = date2num(t, time_var.units)

                    uu = vname_to_fields[wind_comp_names[0]][t]
                    vv = vname_to_fields[wind_comp_names[1]][t]

                    uu_rot, vv_rot = rotate_vecs_from_geo_to_rotpole(uu,

                    # in knots not in m/s
                        record_count, :, :] = uu_rot
                        record_count, :, :] = vv_rot
                    record_count += 1
Beispiel #26
def get3ddata(confM2R, myvar, year, month, day):
    if myvar == 'temperature':
        varN = 0
    if myvar == 'salinity':
        varN = 1
    if myvar == 'uvel':
        varN = 3
    if myvar == 'vvel':
        varN = 4

    # The variable splitExtract is defined in and depends on the orientation
    # and indatatype of grid (-180-180 or 0-360). Assumes regular grid.
    if confM2R.useesmf:
        if confM2R.indatatype == "SODA":
            filename = getSODAfilename(confM2R, year, month, None)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN]][0, :, :, :]

        if confM2R.indatatype == "SODA3":
            filename = getSODA3filename(confM2R, year, month,
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            print("=>Extracting data for month %s from SODA3 %s " %
                  (month - 1, filename))
            data = cdf.variables[confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN]][month -
                                                                  1, :, :, :]

        if confM2R.indatatype == "SODAMONTHLY":
            filename = getSODAMONTHLYfilename(confM2R, year, month,
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[str(confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][:, :, :]

        if confM2R.indatatype == "WOAMONTHLY":
            filename = getWOAMONTHLYfilename(confM2R, year, month,
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[str(
                confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][month - 1, :, :, :]

        if confM2R.indatatype == "NORESM":
            cdf = Dataset(
                getNORESMfilename(confM2R, year, month,
            myunits = cdf.variables[str(confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])].units
            data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(
                confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][0, :, :, :])
            data = np.where(data.mask, confM2R.grdROMS.fillval, data)

            print("Data range", np.min(data), np.max(data))

        if confM2R.indatatype == "NS8KMZ":
            filename, readFromOneFile = getNS8KMZfilename(
                confM2R, year, month, confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            print("Reading from one file %s" % (readFromOneFile))

            myunits = cdf.variables[str(confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])].units
            if (readFromOneFile):
                currentdate = datetime(year, month, day, 12)
                jd = date2num(currentdate,
                print("Days:", jd, currentdate)

                timesteps = (cdf.variables["time"][:]).tolist()
                timeindex = timesteps.index(jd)
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(
                    confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][timeindex, :, :, :])
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(
                    confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][0, :, :, :])
                print("Range of data", varN, np.min(data), np.max(data))
            data = np.where(data.mask, confM2R.grdROMS.fillval, data)

        if confM2R.indatatype == "GLORYS":
            cdf = Dataset(
                getGLORYSfilename(confM2R, year, month,
            myunits = cdf.variables[str(confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])].units
            data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(
                confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN])][0, :, :, :])
            data = np.where(data.mask, confM2R.grdROMS.fillval, data)


    if myvar == 'temperature' and confM2R.indatatype in [
            "NS8KMZ", "GLORYS", "NORESM"

        if myunits == "degree_Kelvin" or myunits == "K":
            if confM2R.indatatype in ["GLORYS"]:
                data = np.where(data <= -32.767, confM2R.grdROMS.fillval, data)
            data = data - 273.15

    if confM2R.indatatype == "GLORYS":
        data = np.where(data <= -32.767, confM2R.grdROMS.fillval, data)
        data = <= confM2R.grdROMS.fillval, data)

    if __debug__:
            "Data range of %s just after extracting from netcdf file: %s - %s"
            % (str(confM2R.inputdatavarnames[varN]), data.min(), data.max()))

    return data
def main(in_dir="/RESCUE/skynet3_rech1/huziy/anusplin_links",

    out_dir_p = Path(out_dir)

    in_dir_p = Path(in_dir)

    lon0 = -114.0708
    lat0 = 51.0486

    vname = "daily_precipitation_accumulation"
    vname_alternatives = ["daily_accumulation_precipitation"]

    var_list = [vname]
    fname_hint = "pcp"

    spatial_ind = None

    varname_to_list_of_frames = {vname: [] for vname in var_list}

    for fin in in_dir_p.iterdir():



        if fname_hint not in

        if not".nc"):


        year, month = get_ym_from_path(fin)
        with Dataset(str(fin)) as ds:

            if spatial_ind is None:

                lons, lats = ds.variables["lon"][:], ds.variables["lat"][:]

                x, y, z = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lons.flatten(),

                ktree = KDTree(list(zip(x, y, z)))

                x0, y0, z0 = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon0, lat0)

                dist, spatial_ind = ktree.query((x0, y0, z0))

            for vname_alt in vname_alternatives:
                    values = ds[vname_alt][:]
                    values = [field.flatten()[spatial_ind] for field in values]
                except IndexError as ierr:

            dates = [datetime(year, month, int(d)) for d in ds["time"][:]]

                pd.DataFrame(index=dates, data=values))

    for vname in var_list:
        df = pd.concat(varname_to_list_of_frames[vname])

        assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame)


Beispiel #28
    def __init__(self):
        print('Started ' + time.ctime(time.time()))

        # EDIT ===================================================================
        # Set show_progress to "False" if you do not want to see the progress
        # indicator for horizontal interpolation.
        self.showprogress = True
        # Set compileAll to True if you want automatic re-compilation of all the
        # fortran files necessary to run model2roms. Options are "gfortran" or "ifort". Edit
        # to add other Fortran compilers.
        self.compileall = False
        # Extract time-series of data for given longitude/latitude
        self.extractstations = False
        # Define a set of longitude/latitude positions with names to extract into
        # station files (using extractStations)
        if self.extractstations:
            #  stationNames = ['NorthSea', 'Iceland', 'EastandWestGreenland', 'Lofoten', 'Georges Bank']
            #  lonlist = [2.4301, -22.6001, -47.0801, 13.3801, -67.2001]
            #  latlist = [54.5601, 63.7010, 60.4201, 67.5001, 41.6423]

            self.stationnames = ["Ytre Utsira", "Indre Utsira", "Lista"]
            self.latlist = [59.316667, 59.316667, 58.016667]
            self.lonliost = [4.800000, 4.983333, 6.533333]

        # Create the bry, init, and clim files for a given grid and input data
        self.createoceanforcing = True
        # Create atmospheric forcing for the given grid
        self.createatmosforcing = False  # currently in beta stages and unavailable
        # Create a smaller resolution grid based on your original. Decimates every second for
        # each time run
        self.decimategridfile = False
        # Write ice values to file (for Arctic regions)
        self.writeice = True
        # Use ESMF for the interpolation. This requires that you have ESMF and ESMPy installed (import ESMF)
        self.useesmf = True
        # Apply filter to smooth the 2D fields after interpolation (time consuming but enhances results)
        self.usefilter = True
        # Format to write the ouput to: 'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT', or 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC'
        # Using NETCDF4 automatically turns on compression of files (ZLIB)
        self.myformat = 'NETCDF4'
        self.myzlib = True
        # Frequency of the input data: usually monthly
        self.timefrequencyofinputdata = "month"  # , "month", "hour"

        # IN GRIDTYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #  Define what grid type you wnat to interpolate from (input MODEL data)
        # Options:
        self.indatatype = 'SODA3'

        # Define what grid type you wnat to interpolate from: Can be Z for SIGMA for ROMS
        # vertical coordinate system or ZLEVEL. also define the name of the dimensions in the input files.
        # Options:
        # 1. SIGMA (not prpoerly implemented yet), 2. ZLEVEL
        self.ingridtype = "SIGMA"

        # Define the names of ythe geographical variables in the input files
        self.grdType = 'regular'
        self.lonName = "longitude"
        self.latName = "latitude"
        self.depthName = "depth"
        self.fill_value = -1.e+20

        # OUT GRIDTYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Define what grid type you wnat to interpolate to
        # Options: This is just the name of your grid used to identify your selection later
        self.outgrid = "ROHO800"
        self.outgridtype = "ROMS"

        # Subset input data. If you have global data you may want to seubset these to speed up reading. Make
        # sure that your input data are cartesian (0-360 or -180:180, -90:90)
        self.subsetindata = False
        if self.subsetindata:
            self.subset = self.definesubsetforindata()

        # Define nmber of output depth levels
        self.nlevels = 40
        # Define the grid stretching properties (leave default if uncertain what to pick)
        self.vstretching = 4
        self.vtransform = 2
        self.theta_s = 7.0
        self.theta_b = 0.1
        self.tcline = 250.0
        self.hc = 250

        # PATH TO FORCINGDATA --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Define the path to the input data
        self.modelpath = self.defineforcingdatapath()
        print("model path ", self.modelpath)

        # PATH TO GRID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Define the path to the grid file
        self.romsgridpath = self.defineromsgridpath()

        # Climatology is only monthly and model2roms needs to know this
        self.isclimatology = True if self.indatatype == 'WOAMONTHLY' else False

        # DATE AND TIME DETAILS ---------------------------------------------------------
        # Define the period to create forcing for
        self.start_year = 2013
        self.end_year = 2013
        self.start_month = 1
        self.end_month = 12
        self.start_day = 1
        self.end_day = 1

        if int(calendar.monthrange(self.start_year,
                                   self.start_month)[1]) < self.start_day:
            self.start_day = int(
                calendar.monthrange(self.start_year, self.start_month)[1])

        if int(calendar.monthrange(self.end_year,
                                   self.end_month)[1]) < self.end_day:
            self.end_day = int(
                calendar.monthrange(self.end_year, self.end_month)[1])

        print "hello, startdate here"
        self.startdate = datetime(self.start_year, self.start_month,
        self.enddate = datetime(self.end_year, self.end_month, self.end_day)
        self.years = [
            self.start_year + year
            for year in range(self.end_year + 1 - self.start_year)

        # DEFINE VARIABLE NAMES ---------------------------------------------------------
        # Define what and name of variables to include in the forcing files
        # -> myvars is the name model2roms uses to identify variables
        # -> varNames is the name of the variable found in the NetCDF input files

        self.globalvarnames = self.defineglobalvarnames()
        self.inputdatavarnames = self.defineinputdatavarnames()

        # NO EDIT BELOW ====================================================================================================
        if self.compileall is True:
            import compile

        if self.createatmosforcing or self.createoceanforcing:
            self.abbreviation = self.defineabbreviation()

            self.climname, self.initname, self.bryname = self.defineoutputfilenames(

            if self.isclimatology is True:
                self.climname = self.abbreviation + '_' + str(
                    self.indatatype) + ''


            if self.useesmf:
                import ESMF
                print("Starting logfile for ESMF")
                manager = ESMF.Manager(debug=True)

            # Create the grid object for the output grid
            self.grdROMS = grd.Grd("ROMS", self.outgridtype, self.useesmf,
                                   'ocean', self.outgrid)
            self.grdROMS.Nlevels = self.nlevels
            self.grdROMS.vstretching = self.vstretching
            self.grdROMS.vtransform = self.vtransform
            self.grdROMS.theta_s = self.theta_s
            self.grdROMS.theta_b = self.theta_b
            self.grdROMS.Tcline = self.tcline
            self.grdROMS.hc = self.hc
            self.grdROMS.vars = self.inputdatavarnames
            self.grdROMS.varNames = self.globalvarnames
            self.grdROMS.lonName = 'lon_rho'
            self.grdROMS.latName = 'lat_rho'


            # Create the grid object for the input grid
            self.grdMODEL = grd.Grd("FORCINGDATA", self.outgridtype,
                                    self.useesmf, 'ocean', self.outgrid)
            self.grdMODEL.grdType = self.grdType
            self.grdMODEL.lonName = self.lonName
            self.grdMODEL.latName = self.latName
            self.grdMODEL.depthName = self.depthName
            self.grdMODEL.fill_value = self.fill_value

            #if self.createoceanforcing:
            #    model2roms.convertMODEL2ROMS()

            #    clim2bry.writeBry(grdROMS, start_year, bryName, climname, writeice, indatatype, myformat)

            #if self.createAtmosForcing:
            #    atmosForcing.createAtmosFileUV(grdROMS, modelpath, atmospath, startdate, enddate, useESMF,
            #                                   myformat, abbreviation, indatatype, gridtype, show_progress)

        if self.decimategridfile:

        if self.extractstations:
                "Running in station mode and extracting pre-defined station locations"
            IOstation.getStationData(years, IDS, modelpath, latlist, lonlist,

        print('Finished ' + time.ctime(time.time()))
Beispiel #29
def selseasyear(year, seas, t_coord, t_units, t_cal):
    if seas == ['ANN']:
        ti = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 1, 1), t_units, t_cal)
        if t_cal == '360_day':
            tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 12, 30), t_units, t_cal)
            tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 12, 31), t_units, t_cal)
    if seas == ['DJF']:
        ti = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year - 1, 12, 1), t_units, t_cal)
        if t_cal == '360_day':
            tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 2, 30), t_units, t_cal)
            tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 2, 28), t_units, t_cal)
    if seas == ['MAM']:
        ti = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 3, 1), t_units, t_cal)
        if t_cal == '360_day':
            tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 5, 30), t_units, t_cal)
            tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 5, 31), t_units, t_cal)
    if seas == ['JJA']:
        ti = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 6, 1), t_units, t_cal)
        if t_cal == '360_day':
            tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 8, 30), t_units, t_cal)
            tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 8, 31), t_units, t_cal)
    if seas == ['SON']:
        ti = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 9, 1), t_units, t_cal)
        tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, 11, 30), t_units, t_cal)
    ind_t = np.where(np.bitwise_and(t_coord >= ti, t_coord <= tf + 1))

    return ind_t
Beispiel #30
import time, calendar
from netCDF4 import Dataset, datetime, date2num, num2date
import model2roms
import IOstation
import clim2bry
import decimateGrid
import grd
import numpy as np
import atmosForcing

__author__ = 'Trond Kristiansen'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
__created__ = datetime(2009, 1, 30)
__modified__ = datetime(2016, 4, 21)
__version__ = "1.5"
__status__ = "Development"

def myhelp():
    This program is run by typing: python in the command window.

def defineSubsetForIndata():
    # Subset the input data. The more you subset the less memory is needed for calculations
    # and the faster the process is performed. The subset is initially performed in
    if gridtype == "NS8KM":
        abbreviation = "nordsjoen_8km"
        minLat = 40
        maxLat = 70
            + f + '/day/seaIce/sic/' + m + 'i1p1/sic_day_CanESM2_historical-' +
            f + '_' + m + 'i1p1_' + yi2 + '0101-' + yf2 + '', 'r')

        # concatenating on time axis, selecting data for 20-year periods and plotting maps
        time1 = nc1.variables['time']
        time2 = nc2.variables['time']
        lat = nc1.variables['lat'][32:]
        lon = nc1.variables['lon'][:]
        sic1 = nc1.variables['sic'][:, 32:, :]
        sic2 = nc2.variables['sic'][:, 32:, :]

        fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(7.2, 5))

        for i in range(len(yi)):
            ti = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(yi[i], 1, 1), time1.units,
            tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(yf[i], 1, 1), time1.units,
            if i <= 1:
                ind_t = np.where(
                    np.bitwise_and(time1[:] >= ti, time1[:] <= tf + 1))
                sie_tmp = sic1[ind_t[0], :, :]
                sie = np.mean(sie_tmp, 0)
                ind_t = np.where(
                    np.bitwise_and(time2[:] >= ti, time2[:] <= tf + 1))
                sie_tmp = sic2[ind_t[0], :, :]
                sie = np.mean(sie_tmp, 0)

            im = fct_pt.map_contourfAR(fig1, subplt[i], sie, lon, lat,
Beispiel #32
from netCDF4 import Dataset, datetime, date2num,num2date
import os
import calendar

__author__ = 'Trond Kristiansen'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
__created__ = datetime(2015, 8, 11)
__modified__ = datetime(2015, 8, 11)
__version__ = "1.5"
__status__ = "Development, modified on 11.08.2015"

# Methods for returning list of months and days for the given time-step.

def createListOfMonths(currentyear,startdate,enddate,isClimatology):

    print currentyear, startdate.year, enddate.year
    if currentyear == startdate.year:
        IDS=[startdate.month+m for m in xrange(13-startdate.month)]
        # months from start month to end of first year
    elif currentyear == enddate.year:
        IDS=[1+m for m in xrange(int(enddate.month))]
        # months from first month to last month of last year
    elif startdate.year < currentyear < enddate.year:
        # months from first month to last month of last year
        IDS = [1+m for m in xrange(12)]
    if startdate.year == enddate.year:
        # months from first month to last month of last year
        IDS = [startdate.month + m for m in xrange(enddate.month - startdate.month)]
def get_fields(path, var_key, wildcards='*', num_members=4, chunks=60):

    fields_dict = {}

    # create coordinates
    domain = path.split('/')[-1]
    coordn = loadmat(os.path.join(path, 'coords_' + domain + '.mat'))

    grid_shape = coordn['lon'].shape
    fields_dict['lon'] = coordn['lon']
    fields_dict['lat'] = coordn['lat']

    files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(path, wildcards)))

    # Find unique dates for members ...
    print('Creating model data: ', len(files), ' files found')
    members = {}
    for file in files:

        data = loadmat(file)
        for time, var in zip(data['dates'], data[var_key]):

            if not members.has_key(time):
                # create empty lists for unseen data..
                members[time] = []

            # append member to existing ones

    # create output arrays:
    valid = 0
    times = []
    for time, values in members.items():

        # excluding last value (is an initialization)
        if len(values) > num_members:

            check_values = not np.isnan(values).any() and np.ptp(values) < 1e3
            if check_values:

                members[time] = np.array(values[-num_members - 1:-1])

                print('processed: ', time, 'shape: ', members[time].shape)

                # create times:
                year, month, days_hours = time.split('-')
                day, hour = days_hours.split('_')

                time_args = (int(year), int(month), int(day),

                print('discarded: ', time, 'var contains nans: ',

            print('discarded: ', time, 'shape: ', np.shape(members.pop(time)))

    # store dates
    dates = date2num(times, time_units)

    # index for ordered dates
    ind = np.argsort(dates)

    # stack arrays and send members to last dimension (as channels)
    dates = dates[ind]
    values = np.stack(members.values()).transpose([0, 2, 3, 1])[ind]

    if var_key is 'rain':
        # create actual 3h acumm variables
        time_s = dates[0]
        value_s = values[0]
        fields_dict['time'] = []
        fields_dict['values'] = []
        for time, value in zip(dates[1:], values[1:]):

            if time - time_s == 10800:  # 3 h
                print('calculate acummulated rain from: ', time_s, 'to: ',
                fields_dict['values'].append((value - value_s).clip(min=0.0))
            time_s = time
            value_s = value

        fields_dict['time'] = np.array(fields_dict['time'])
        fields_dict['values'] = np.stack(fields_dict['values'])

        fields_dict['time'] = dates
        fields_dict['values'] = values

    return fields_dict
Beispiel #34
import time, calendar
from netCDF4 import Dataset, datetime, date2num,num2date
import model2roms
import IOstation
import clim2bry
import decimateGrid
import grd
import numpy as np
import atmosForcing

__author__ = 'Trond Kristiansen'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
__created__ = datetime(2009, 1, 30)
__modified__ = datetime(2015, 8, 7)
__version__ = "1.5"
__status__ = "Development"

def myhelp():
    This program is run by typing: python in the command window.

def defineSubsetForIndata():
    # Subset the input data. The more you subset the less memory is needed for calculations
    # and the faster the process is performed. The subset is initially performed in
    if gridtype == "NS8KM":
        abbreviation = "nordsjoen_8km"
        minLat = 40
        maxLat = 70
        minLon = -30
Beispiel #35
def get3Ddata(grdROMS, grdMODEL, myvar, indatatype, year, month, day, varNames, dataPath):

    if myvar == 'temperature': varN = 0;
    if myvar == 'salinity': varN = 1;
    if myvar == 'uvel': varN = 3;
    if myvar == 'vvel': varN = 4;

    # The variable splitExtract is defined in and depends on the orientation
    # and indatatype of grid (-180-180 or 0-360). Assumes regular grid.
    if  grdMODEL.useESMF:
        if indatatype == "SODA":
            filename = getSODAfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[varNames[varN]][0,:,:,:]

        if indatatype == "SODAMONTHLY":
            filename = getSODAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][:,:,:]

        if indatatype == "WOAMONTHLY":
            filename = getWOAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, myvar, dataPath)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            data = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][month - 1, :,:,:]

        if indatatype == "NORESM":
            cdf = Dataset(getNORESMfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath))
            myunits = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])].units
            data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,:,:,:])
           # data = np.where(abs(data)>=32768 , grdROMS.fill_value, data)

            print "Data range", np.min(data),np.max(data)

        if indatatype == "NS8KMZ":
            filename, readFromOneFile = getNS8KMZfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath)
            cdf = Dataset(filename)
            print "Reading from one file %s"%(readFromOneFile)

            myunits = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])].units
            if (readFromOneFile):
                jdref = date2num(datetime(1948,1,1),cdf.variables["time"].units,calendar=cdf.variables["time"].calendar)
                currentdate = datetime(year, month, day, 12)
                jd = date2num(currentdate, cdf.variables["time"].units, calendar="gregorian")
                print "Days:", jd, currentdate
                timesteps = (cdf.variables["time"][:]).tolist()
                timeindex = timesteps.index(jd)
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][timeindex,:,:,:])
                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,:,:,:])
                print "Range of data",varN, np.min(data),np.max(data)
        if indatatype == "GLORYS":
            cdf = Dataset(getGLORYSfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath))
            myunits = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])].units
            data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0,:,:,:])

        if grdMODEL.splitExtract is True:
            if indatatype == "SODA":
                filename = getSODAfilename(year, month, day,  None, dataPath)
                cdf = Dataset(filename)

                data1 = cdf.variables[varNames[varN]][0, :,
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])]
                data2 = cdf.variables[varNames[varN]][0, :,
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 3]),
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 1])]

            if indatatype == "SODAMONTHLY":
                filename = getSODAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
                cdf = Dataset(filename)

                data1 = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][:,
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])]
                data2 = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][:,
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 3]),
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 1])]

            if indatatype in ["WOAMONTHLY"]:

                filename = getWOAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, myvar, dataPath)
                cdf = Dataset(filename)

                data1 = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][month - 1, :,
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])]
                data2 = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][month - 1, :,
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 3]),
                        int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 1])]

            if indatatype == "GLORYS":
                cdf = Dataset(getGLORYSfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath))
                myunits = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])].units

                data1 = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0, :,
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])])
                data2 = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0, :,
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 3]),
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 1])])

            if indatatype == "NORESM":
                cdf = Dataset(getNORESMfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath))
                myunits = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])].units
                data1 = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0, :,
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])])
                data2 = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0, :,
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 3]),
                                   int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[1, 1])])


            data = np.concatenate((data1, data2), axis=2)

            if indatatype == "SODA":
                filename = getSODAfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
                cdf = Dataset(filename)

                data = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0, :,
                       int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                       int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])]

            if indatatype == "SODAMONTHLY":
                filename = getSODAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, None, dataPath)
                cdf = Dataset(filename)

                data = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][:,
                       int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                       int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])]

            if indatatype == "WOAMONTHLY":
                filename = getWOAMONTHLYfilename(year, month, day, myvar, dataPath)
                cdf = Dataset(filename)

                data = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][month, :,
                       int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                       int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])]

            if indatatype == "GLORYS":
                if myvar == 'temperature':
                    cdf = Dataset(getGLORYSfilename(year, month, day, 'T', dataPath))

                    myunits = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])].units
                if myvar == 'salinity': cdf = Dataset(getGLORYSfilename(year, month, day, 'S', dataPath))
                if myvar == 'uvel': cdf = Dataset(getGLORYSfilename(year, month, day, 'U', dataPath))
                if myvar == 'vvel': cdf = Dataset(getGLORYSfilename(year, month, day, 'V', dataPath))

                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0, :,
                                  int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                                  int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])])

            if indatatype == "NORESM":
                cdf = Dataset(getNORESMfilename(year, month, day, varNames[varN], dataPath))
                myunits = cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])].units

                data = np.squeeze(cdf.variables[str(varNames[varN])][0, :,
                                  int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 2]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 3]),
                                  int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 0]):int(grdMODEL.indices[0, 1])])

    if myvar == 'temperature' and indatatype in ["NS8KMZ", "GLORYS", "NORESM"]:

        if myunits == "degree_Kelvin" or myunits == "K":
            if indatatype in ["GLORYS"]:
                data = np.where(data <= -32.767, grdROMS.fill_value, data)
            data = data - 273.15

            #  if time == 0 and myvar == myvars[0]:
            #      tmp = np.squeeze(data[0, :, :])
            #grdMODEL.mask = np.zeros(grdMODEL.lon.shape, dtype=np.float64)
            #grdMODEL.mask[:, :] = np.where(tmp == grdROMS.fill_value, 1, 0)

    if indatatype == "GLORYS":
        data = np.where(data <= -32.767, grdROMS.fill_value, data)
        data = <= grdROMS.fill_value, data)

    if __debug__:
        print "Data range of %s just after extracting from netcdf file: %s - %s" % (str(varNames[varN]),
                                                                                    data.min(), data.max())

    return data
Beispiel #36
import time, calendar
from netCDF4 import Dataset, datetime, date2num, num2date
import model2roms
import IOstation
import clim2bry
import decimateGrid
import grd
import numpy as np
import atmosForcing
import sys

__author__ = 'Trond Kristiansen'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
__created__ = datetime(2009, 1, 30)
__modified__ = datetime(2018, 4, 5)
__version__ = "1.5"
__status__ = "Development"

class Model2romsConfig(object):
    def definesubsetforindata(self):
        # Subset the input data. The more you subset the less memory is needed for calculations
        # and the faster the process is performed. The subset is initially performed in
        subset = np.zeros(4)

        if self.outgrid == "NS8KM":
            subset[1] = 40
            subset[1] = 70
            subset[2] = -30
            subset[3] = 40
Beispiel #37
def main():
    print '\n--------------------------\n'
    print 'Started ' + time.ctime(time.time())

    # EDIT ===================================================================
    # Set show_progress to "False" if you do not want to see the progress
    # indicator for horizontal interpolation.
    show_progress = True
    # Set compileAll to True if you want automatic re-compilation of all the
    # fortran files necessary to run model2roms. Options are "gfortran" or "ifort". Edit
    # to add other Fortran compilers.
    compileAll = False
    if compileAll is True:
        import compile; compile.compileAll("ifort")

    # Extract time-series of data for given longitude/latitude
    extractStations = False
     # Define a set of longitude/latitude positions with names to extract into
    # station files (using extractStations)
    if (extractStations):
        stationNames = ['NorthSea', 'Iceland', 'EastandWestGreenland', 'Lofoten', 'Georges Bank']
        lonlist = [2.4301, -22.6001, -47.0801, 13.3801, -67.2001]
        latlist = [54.5601, 63.7010, 60.4201, 67.5001, 41.6423]

    # Create the bry, init, and clim files for a given grid and input data
    createOceanForcing = True
    # Create atmospheric forcing for the given grid
    createAtmosForcing = False
    # Create a smaller resolution grid based on your original. Decimates every second for
    # each time run
    decimateGridfile = False
        # Write ice values to file (for Arctic regions)
    writeIce = False
    # Use ESMF for the interpolation. This requires that you have ESMF and ESMPy installed (import ESMF)
    useESMF = True
    # Apply filter to smooth the 2D fields after interpolation (time consuming)
    useFilter = True
    # Format to write the ouput to: 'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT', or 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC'
    # Using NETCDF4 automatically turns on compression of files (ZLIB)
    # Frequency of the input data: usually monthly 
    timeFrequencyOfInputData = "day" #, "month", "hour"

    # Subset input data. If you have global data you may want to seubset these to speed up reading. Make 
    # sure that your input data are cartesian (0-360 or -180:180, -90:90)
    subsetIndata = False
    if subsetIndata:
        subset = defineSubsetForIndata()

    # Set the input data MODEL indatatype
    indatatype = 'SODA'
    indatatype = 'SODAMONTHLY'
    indatatype = 'WOAMONTHLY'
    indatatype = 'NORESM'
    indatatype = 'GLORYS'
    #indatatype = 'NS8KM'
    #indatatype = 'NS8KMZ'

    # GRIDTYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Define what grid type you wnat to interpolate to 
    outgrid  = "NS8KM"
    #outgrid = "REGSCEN"
    #outgrid = "KINO"

    # Define what grid type you wnat to interpolate from: Can be Z for SIGMA for ROMS
    # vertical coordinate system or ZLEVEL
    ingridtype = "SIGMA"
    ingridtype = "ZLEVEL"


    # PATH TO DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Define the path to the input data 
    if indatatype == 'SODA':
        modelpath = "/Volumes/MacintoshHD2/Datasets/SODA/"
    if indatatype == 'SODAMONTHLY':
        modelpath = "/Volumes/MacintoshHD2/Datasets/SODAMonthly/"
    if indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        modelpath = "/Volumes/MacintoshHD2/Datasets/GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_PHYS_001_009/"
        modelpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/is4dvar/GLORYS2V3/"
        modelpath = "/work/shared/imr/NS8KM/FORCING/GLORYS2V3/"
    if indatatype == 'NORESM':
        modelpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/RegScen/NRCP45AERCN_f19_g16_CLE_01/"
        #modelpath = "/work/users/trondk/REGSCEN/NRCP45AERCN_f19_g16_CLE_01/"
        #modelpath = "/work/users/trondk/REGSCEN/N20TRAERCN/"
        if createAtmosForcing:
            atmospath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/RegScen/model2roms/TESTFILES/"

    if indatatype == 'NS8KM':
        modelpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/is4dvar/grid2lonlat/RESULTS/"
    if indatatype == 'NS8KMZ':
        modelpath = "/Users/trondkr/Dropbox/deliveryFOFINAL/"
        modelpath = "/work/shared/imr/NS8KM/deliveryFO/FINAL/"

    if indatatype == 'WOAMONTHLY':
        modelpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/is4dvar/createSSS/"

    # PATH TO GRID -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Define the path to the grid file 
    if outgrid == "NS8KM":
        romsgridpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/is4dvar/Grid/"
        romsgridpath = "/work/users/trondk/NS8km/FORCING/GRID/"

    if outgrid == "KINO":
        romsgridpath = "/work/users/trondk/KINO/GRID/"
        #romsgridpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/KINO/GRID/"

    if outgrid == "REGSCEN":
        romsgridpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/RegScen/Grid/"
        #romsgridpath = "/Users/trondkr/Projects/is4dvar/Grid/"
        #romsgridpath = "/work/users/trondk/REGSCEN/GRID/"

    if outgrid == "GREENLAND":
    if indatatype == 'WOAMONTHLY': isClimatology = True
    else: isClimatology = False

    # DETAILS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Define the period to create forcing for
    start_year  = 2012
    end_year    = 2013
    start_month = 11
    end_month   = 12
    start_day   = 15
    end_day     = 15

    if (int(calendar.monthrange(start_year, start_month)[1]) < start_day):
        start_day = int(calendar.monthrange(start_year, start_month)[1])

    if (int(calendar.monthrange(end_year, end_month)[1]) < end_day):
        end_day = int(calendar.monthrange(end_year, end_month)[1])

    startdate = datetime(start_year, start_month, start_day)
    enddate   = datetime(end_year, end_month, end_day)
    years = [start_year+year for year in xrange(end_year+1-start_year)]
    # Define what and name of variables to include in the forcing files
    # -> myvars is the name model2roms uses to identify variables
    # -> varNames is the name of the variable found in the NetCDF input files
    if indatatype == 'SODA':
       myvars = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel']
       varNames = ['TEMP', 'SALT', 'SSH', 'U', 'V']

    if indatatype == 'SODAMONTHLY':
        myvars   = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel']
        varNames = ['temp', 'salt', 'ssh', 'u', 'v']

    if indatatype ==  'NS8KM':
        myvars   = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel']
        varNames = ['votemper', 'vosaline', 'zeta', 'vozocrtx', 'vomecrty']
    if indatatype ==  'NS8KMZ':
        fileNameIn, readFromOneFile = model2roms.getNS8KMZfilename(startdate.year, startdate.month,, "S", modelpath)
        myvars   = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel']

        if (readFromOneFile):
             varNames = ['temp', 'salt', 'zeta', 'u_eastward', 'v_northward']
             varNames = ['votemper', 'vosaline', 'zeta', 'vozocrtx', 'vomecrty']

    if indatatype == 'GLORYS':
        if (writeIce):
            myvars   = ['temperature','salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel','uice','vice','aice','hice']
            varNames = ['votemper', 'vosaline', 'sossheig', 'vozocrtx', 'vomecrty','iicevelu', 'iicevelv', 'ileadfra', 'iicethic']
            myvars   = ['temperature', 'salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel']
            varNames = ['votemper', 'vosaline', 'sossheig', 'vozocrtx', 'vomecrty']

    if indatatype == 'WOAMONTHLY':
        myvars   = ['temperature','salinity']
        varNames = ['t_an', 's_an']

    if indatatype == 'NORESM':
        myvars   = ['temperature','salinity', 'ssh', 'uvel', 'vvel','ageice','uice','vice','aice','hice','snow_thick']
        varNames = ['templvl','salnlvl','sealv', 'uvellvl', 'vvellvl','iage', 'uvel', 'vvel', 'aice', 'hi', 'hs']

    # NO EDIT BELOW ====================================================================================================
    abbreviation = defineAbbreviation(outgrid)
    climName,initName,bryName = defineOutputFilenames(abbreviation,start_year,end_year,start_month,end_month,start_day,end_day,indatatype)

    if isClimatology is True:
        climName=abbreviation + '_' + str(indatatype) + ''  

    # Create the grid object for the output grid
    grdROMS = grd.grdClass(romsgridpath, "ROMS", outgridtype, useESMF,'ocean', outgrid)

    if (useESMF):
        import ESMF
        manager = ESMF.Manager(logkind = ESMF.LogKind.MULTI, debug = True)

    if createOceanForcing:

        showInfo(myvars, romsgridpath, climName, initName, bryName, start_year, end_year, isClimatology, useESMF, myformat)

        model2roms.convertMODEL2ROMS(years, startdate, enddate, timeFrequencyOfInputData, climName, initName, modelpath, romsgridpath, myvars, varNames, show_progress,
                                         indatatype, outgridtype, isClimatology, writeIce, useESMF, useFilter, myformat, subsetIndata, outgrid, subset=None)

        clim2bry.writeBry(grdROMS, start_year, bryName, climName, writeIce, indatatype, myformat)

    if createAtmosForcing:

    #if decimateGridfile:
        #decimateGrid.createGrid(grdROMS, "/Users/trondkr/Projects/KINO/GRID/", "/Users/trondkr/Projects/KINO/GRID/", 2)

    if extractStations:
        print "Running in station mode and extracting pre-defined station locations"
        IOstation.getStationData(years, IDS, modelpath, latlist, lonlist, stationNames)

    print 'Finished ' + time.ctime(time.time())
ncfile = Dataset('/ninod/baird/cmip5/obs/ERSSTv4/', 'r', format='NETCDF4')
sst_data_orig = ncfile.variables['sst'][:]
sst_lat = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
sst_lon = ncfile.variables['lon'][:]

global_nlat, global_nlon = sst_data_orig.shape[1:3]
global_lat_vals = sst_lat[:]
global_lon_vals = sst_lon[:]



hist_start = netCDF4.datetime(1969,12,1)
hist_end = netCDF4.datetime(2000,2,28)

sst_histmonths_list = []
sst_histclim_list = []
hist_stdevs_list = []


file_name = '/ninod/baird/cmip5/obs/ERSSTv4/'

ncfile = Dataset(file_name, 'r', format='NETCDF4')
sst_hist_data = ncfile.variables['sst'][:,:,:]
time_variable = ncfile.variables['time']
date_start = netCDF4.date2num(hist_start, time_variable.units, time_variable.calendar)
date_end = netCDF4.date2num(hist_end, time_variable.units, time_variable.calendar)
season_names = ['djf','mam','jja','son','ondjfm']



#hist_start = netCDF4.datetime(1979,1,1)
#hist_end = netCDF4.datetime(2009,12,31)

hist_start = netCDF4.datetime(1970,1,1)
hist_end = netCDF4.datetime(2000,12,31)

u200_histmonths_list = []
u200_histclim_list = []
hist_stdevs_list = []

#ncfile = Dataset('/Users/baird/google_drive/_data_original/era_interim/', 'r', format='NETCDF4')
ncfile = Dataset('/ninod/baird/cmip5/obs/MERRA/u200/', 'r', format='NETCDF4')
u200_hist_data = ncfile.variables['u200'][:]
u200_lat = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
u200_lon = ncfile.variables['lon'][:]

global_nlat, global_nlon = u200_hist_data.shape[1:3]
global_lat_vals = u200_lat[:]
global_lon_vals = u200_lon[:]
Beispiel #40
def selmonthyear(year, month, t_coord, t_units, t_cal):
    ti = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, month, 1), t_units, t_cal)
    tf = netcdf.date2num(netcdf.datetime(year, month + 1, 1), t_units, t_cal)
    ind_t = np.where(np.bitwise_and(t_coord >= ti, t_coord <= tf))
    return ind_t
Beispiel #41
from netCDF4 import Dataset, datetime, date2num,num2date
import numpy as np
import os
from subprocess import call

__author__ = 'Trond Kristiansen'
__email__ = '*****@*****.**'
__created__ = datetime(2017, 2, 1)
__modified__ = datetime(2017, 2, 1)
__version__ = "1.0"
__status__ = "Development, modified on 01.02.2015"

years=[year for year in xrange(1989,2015,1)]

command = "export SKIP_SAME_TIME=1"

for myvar in myvars:
	if os.path.exists(newfilename): os.remove(newfilename)
	for year in years:

	if len(mylistoffiles)>0:
		for f in mylistoffiles: