def __init__(self, filename): self.dataset = cdf.Dataset(filename) self.variables = self.dataset.variables # For brevity # Get the variable of interest (e.g. mean temperature, # precipitation etc) from the variables OrderedDict var_name = [k for k in self.dataset.variables][3] # The main variable of the dataset (e.g. mean temperature) self.variable = self.variables[var_name] # Get the start and end date of the time series (as datetime objects): self.startdate = cdf.num2date( self.variables['time'][0], units=self.variables['time'].units, calendar=self.variables['time'].calendar, ) self.enddate = cdf.num2date( self.variables['time'][-1], units=self.variables['time'].units, calendar=self.variables['time'].calendar, ) # Calc number of days in time series self.ndays = ( self.enddate - self.startdate + datetime.timedelta(1)).days assert(self.ndays == len(self.variables['time'])) # Grid size in degrees self.gridsize = abs( (self.variables['latitude'][0] - self.variables['latitude'][1])) # Calculate the minimum latitude and longitude of the lower left (SW) # corner of the grid self.minlat = self.variables['latitude'][0] - (self.gridsize / 2.0) self.minlon = self.variables['longitude'][0] - (self.gridsize / 2.0)
def gen_data(time, times, maskedArray): timeUnits = getUnits(time) start = None if timeUnits: start = (netCDF.num2date(times[0], time.units, calendar="standard")).isoformat() else: start = "".join(times[0]) # ========================================================================= # if np.isnan(max) or np.isnan(min) or np.isnan(std) or np.isnan(mean) or np.isnan(median): # output = {} # g.graphError = "no valid data available to use" # else: # output['global'] = {'mean': mean, 'median': median,'std': std, 'min': min, 'max': max, 'time': start} # ========================================================================= output = {} output["data"] = {} data = [] # print len(time) for i, row in enumerate(maskedArray): # print i if timeUnits: if i < len(time): date = netCDF.num2date(time[i], time.units, calendar="standard").isoformat() else: date = "".join(times[i]) mean = getMean(row) if np.isnan(mean): pass else: data.append(mean) return data
def runTest(self): # Get the real dates # skip this until cftime pull request #55 is in a released # version (1.0.1?). Otherwise, fix for issue #808 breaks this if parse_version(cftime.__version__) >= parse_version('1.0.1'): dates = [] for file in self.files: f = Dataset(file) t = f.variables['time'] dates.extend(num2date(t[:], t.units, t.calendar)) f.close() # Compare with the MF dates f = MFDataset(self.files,check=True) t = f.variables['time'] mfdates = num2date(t[:], t.units, t.calendar) T = MFTime(t) assert_equal(len(T), len(t)) assert_equal(T.shape, t.shape) assert_equal(T.dimensions, t.dimensions) assert_equal(T.typecode(), t.typecode()) # skip this until cftime pull request #55 is in a released # version (1.0.1?). Otherwise, fix for issue #808 breaks this if parse_version(cftime.__version__) >= parse_version('1.0.1'): assert_array_equal(num2date(T[:], T.units, T.calendar), dates) assert_equal(date2index(datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 2), T), 366) f.close()
def getdates(f): """ Returns the years from a filename and directory path Parameters ---------- string : name of file including path Returns ------- string of start year string of end year """ nc = Dataset(f, 'r') time = nc.variables['time_bnds'][:].squeeze() nc_time = nc.variables['time'] try: cal = nc_time.calendar except: cal = 'standard' start = nc_time[:][0] end = nc_time[:][-1] start = num2date(start, nc_time.units, cal) end = num2date(end, nc_time.units, cal) start = start.year end = end.year return start, end
def IsAdiacent(self,Test) : #print stc,ttc if self.ClimatologicalField : import netCDF4 import datetime #print self.TimeCells,Test.TimeCells stc=netCDF4.num2date(self.TimeCells,units='hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00',calendar='standard') ttc=netCDF4.num2date(Test.TimeCells,units='hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00',calendar='standard') print >>sys.stderr, 'WARNING 11 : leap year for climatology...' #print 'stc',stc #print 'ttc',ttc #if (stc[0].year == ttc[0].year and stc[1].year == ttc[1].year ) : #stc[1].year=ttc[0].year if stc[-1][1].month == 2 and stc[-1][1].day == 29 : il_day=28 else : il_day=stc[-1][1].day nstc=datetime.datetime(ttc[0][0].year,stc[-1][1].month,il_day,stc[-1][1].hour,stc[-1][1].minute) #print nstc,stc[0][0].year,ttc[-1][1].month,ttc[-1][1].day if ttc[-1][1].month == 2 and ttc[-1][1].day == 29 : il_day=28 else : il_day=ttc[-1][1].day nttc=datetime.datetime(stc[0][0].year,ttc[-1][1].month,il_day,ttc[-1][1].hour,ttc[-1][1].minute) #print 'nstc',nstc #print 'nttc',nttc # if stc[0][0].year <= ttc[0][0].year and ( nstc==ttc[0][0] or nttc==stc[0][0] ) : if ( nstc==ttc[0][0] and stc[0][0].year <= ttc[0][0].year ) or ( nttc==stc[0][0] and ttc[0][0].year <= stc[0][0].year ) : #if self.TimeCells[0]+Test.TimeCells[1]-self.TimeCells[0]==Test.TimeCells[0] : #print 'vero',stc[0][0].year,ttc[0][0].year return True else : if self.TimeCells[-1] == Test.TimeCells[0] or self.TimeCells[0] == Test.TimeCells[1] : return True return False
def get_monthly_time_slices(ncvar_time): ''' Based on an input NetCDF4 time variable returns calendar appropriate monthly slices ''' assert 'calendar' in ncvar_time.ncattrs(), "Time variable does not have a defined calendar" cal = ncvar_time.calendar assert 'units' in ncvar_time.ncattrs(), "Time variable must have 'unit' attribute" units = ncvar_time.units assert len(ncvar_time.dimensions) == 1, "Time varaible must be single dimension" slices = [] d_start = num2date(ncvar_time[0], units, cal) current_month = d_start.month t_start = 0 for i, val in enumerate(ncvar_time): d = num2date(val, units, cal) if d.month != current_month: slices.append(slice(t_start, i)) t_start = i current_month = d.month slices.append(slice(t_start, i+1)) return slices
def get_time_from_dim(cls, time_var): """Get min/max from a NetCDF time variable and convert to datetime""" ndim = len(time_var.shape) if ndim == 0: ret_val = time_var.item() res = ret_val, ret_val elif ndim == 1: # NetCDF Users' Guide states that when time is a coordinate variable, # it should be monotonically increasing or decreasing with no # repeated variables. Therefore, first and last elements for a # vector should correspond to start and end time or end and start # time respectively. See Section 2.3.1 of the NUG res = time_var[0], time_var[-1] else: # FIXME: handle multidimensional time variables. Perhaps # take the first and last element of time variable in the first # dimension and then take the min and max of the resulting values return None, None # if not > 1d, return the min and max elements found min_elem, max_elem = np.min(res), np.max(res) if hasattr(time_var, 'calendar'): num2date([min_elem, max_elem], time_var.units, time_var.calendar) return num2date([min_elem, max_elem], time_var.units, time_var.calendar) else: return num2date([min_elem, max_elem], time_var.units)
def doflow_fb(first_frame, second_frame, winSize = (5,5), filter_len = 10, sig_min = 150, n_iter = 40, levels = 1): im0 = copy.deepcopy(first_frame.fields['IR_filt']['data']) im0[np.where(im0 < sig_min)] = sig_min im1 = copy.deepcopy(second_frame.fields['IR_filt']['data']) im1[np.where(im1 < sig_min)] = sig_min sim0 = (im0 - im0.min())*(im0.max()/(im0.max()-im0.min())) sim1 = (im1 - im1.min())*(im1.max()/(im1.max()-im1.min())) u, v = get_optic_flow_fb(sim0[0], sim1[0], winSize = winSize[0], n_iter=n_iter, levels=levels) t1 = netCDF4.num2date(second_frame.axes['time']['data'][0], units = second_frame.axes['time']['units']) t0 = netCDF4.num2date(first_frame.axes['time']['data'][0], units = first_frame.axes['time']['units']) dt = (t1-t0).seconds dx = np.expand_dims(np.gradient(second_frame.fields['x']['data'])[1], 0) dy = np.expand_dims(np.gradient(second_frame.fields['y']['data'])[0], 0) u_fld = {'data' : dt * ndimage.median_filter(u.reshape([1,u.shape[0], u.shape[1]]),filter_len)/dx, 'units' :'pixels', 'standard_name' : 'disp', 'long name' : 'todo'} v_fld = {'data' : dt * ndimage.median_filter( v.reshape([1,v.shape[0], v.shape[1]]),filter_len)/dy, 'units' :'pixels', 'standard_name' : 'disp', 'long name' : 'todo'} return u_fld, v_fld
def are_time_axis_the_same(filenames): # print "inside get times func" # print filenames times = {} for key in filenames: # print filenames[key] times[key] = getCoordinateVariable(netCDF.Dataset(filenames[key], "r+"), "Time") keys = times.keys() # if (len(times[keys[0]]) != len(times[keys[1]]) ): # pass # return False # else: time_range = len(times[keys[0]]) if len(times[keys[0]]) > len(times[keys[1]]) else len(times[keys[1]]) # print "using range %d" % time_range # print len(times[keys[0]]) # print len(times[keys[1]]) for x in range(time_range): time1 = datetime.datetime.strptime( netCDF.num2date(times[keys[0]][x], times[keys[0]].units, calendar="standard").isoformat(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", ) time2 = datetime.datetime.strptime( netCDF.num2date(times[keys[1]][x], times[keys[1]].units, calendar="standard").isoformat(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", ) # print time1, time2 # print times[keys[0]][x] , times[keys[1]][x] dif = time1 - time2 # print dif if dif > timedelta.min: return False return True
def _init_fields(self, nc_dataset): nc_vars = nc_dataset.variables lons = nc_vars["lon"][:] lats = nc_vars["lat"][:] if lons.ndim == 1: lats2d, lons2d = np.meshgrid(lats, lons) elif lons.ndim == 2: lats2d, lons2d = lats, lons else: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot handle {}-dimensional coordinates".format(lons.ndim)) self.lons2d, self.lats2d = lons2d, lats2d self.times_var = nc_vars["time"] self.times_num = nc_vars["time"][:] if hasattr(self.times_var, "calendar"): self.times = num2date(self.times_num, self.times_var.units, self.times_var.calendar) else: self.times = num2date(self.times_num, self.times_var.units) if not self.lazy: self.var_data = nc_vars[self.var_name][:] if nc_vars[self.var_name].shape[1:] != self.lons2d.shape: print("nc_vars[self.var_name].shape = {}".format(nc_vars[self.var_name].shape)) self.var_data = np.transpose(self.var_data, axes=[0, 2, 1]) x_in, y_in, z_in = lat_lon.lon_lat_to_cartesian(self.lons2d.flatten(), self.lats2d.flatten()) self.kdtree = cKDTree(list(zip(x_in, y_in, z_in)))
def get_pasap_plot_title(dset, varname = 'hr24_prcp', timestep= 0, ): """ Given an open pydap object, and some extra information, return a nice plot title. """ header = "PASAP: Dynamical Seasonal Outlooks for the Pacific." subheader1 = "Outlook based on POAMA 1.5 CGCM adjusted for historical skill" subheader2 = "Experimental outlook for demonstration and research only" time_var = dset['time'] if 'units' in time_var.attributes.keys(): time_units = time_var.attributes['units'] else: time_units = '' if 'units' in dset[varname].attributes.keys(): units = dset[varname].attributes['units'] else: units = '' valid_time = datetime.datetime.strftime( num2date(time_var[timestep],time_units),"%Y%m%d") start_date = datetime.datetime.strftime( num2date(dset['init_date'][0],time_units),"%Y%m%d") period_label = str(dset['time_label'][timestep]) titlestring = header + '\n' \ + subheader1 + '\n' \ + subheader2 + '\n' \ + "Variable: " + varname + ' (' + units + ')' + '\n' \ + 'Model initialised ' + start_date + '\n' \ # + 'Forecast period: ' + period_label return titlestring
def read_nc(infile, varname, dimension=-1, is_time=0): '''Read a variable from a netCDF file Input: input file path variable name dimension: if < 0, read in all dimensions of the variable; if >= 0, only read in the [dimension]th of the variable (index starts from 0). For example, if the first dimension of the variable is time, and if dimension=2, then only reads in the 3rd time step. is_time: if the desired variable is time (1 for time; 0 for not time). If it is time, return an array of datetime object Return: var: a numpy array of ''' from netCDF4 import Dataset from netCDF4 import num2date nc = Dataset(infile, 'r') if is_time==0: # if not time variable if dimension<0: var = nc.variables[varname][:] else: var = nc.variables[varname][dimension] if is_time==1: # if time variable time = nc.variables[varname] if hasattr(time, 'calendar'): # if time variable has 'calendar' attribute if dimension<0: var = num2date(time[:], time.units, time.calendar) else: var = num2date(time[dimension], time.units, time.calendar) else: # if time variable does not have 'calendar' attribute if dimension<0: var = num2date(time[:], time.units) else: var = num2date(time[dimension], time.units) nc.close() return var
def show_tbounds(t): print 'Start date: ', num2date(t[0],t.units) try: print 'End date: ', num2date(t[-1],t.units) except IndexError: print num2date(t[0],t.units)
def get_event(id): ''' Object response for the GET(id) request. This response is NOT cached. ''' try: #set up all the contaners. data = {} asset_id = "" #create uframe instance, and fetch the data. uframe_obj = UFrameEventsCollection() payload = uframe_obj.to_json(id) data = payload.json() if payload.status_code != 200: return jsonify({ "events" : payload.json()}), payload.status_code try: data['class'] = data.pop('@class') data['startDate'] = num2date(float(data['startDate'])/1000, units='seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='gregorian') data['endDate'] = num2date(float(data['endDate'])/1000, units='seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='gregorian') except (KeyError, TypeError): pass return jsonify(**data) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: error = "Error: Cannot connect to uframe. %s" % e print error return make_response(error, 500)
def check_time_extents(self, ds): """ Check that the values of time_coverage_start/time_coverage_end approximately match the data. """ if not (hasattr(ds, 'time_coverage_start') and hasattr(ds, 'time_coverage_end')): return # Parse the ISO 8601 formatted dates try: t_min = dateparse(ds.time_coverage_start) t_max = dateparse(ds.time_coverage_end) except: return Result(BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, 'time_coverage_extents_match', ['time_coverage attributes are not formatted properly. Use the ISO 8601:2004 date format, preferably the extended format.']) timevar = cfutil.get_time_variable(ds) if not timevar: return Result(BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, 'time_coverage_extents_match', ['Could not find time variable to test extent of time_coverage_start/time_coverage_end, see CF-1.6 spec chapter 4.4']) # Time should be monotonically increasing, so we make that assumption here so we don't have to download THE ENTIRE ARRAY try: # num2date returns as naive date, but with time adjusted to UTC # we need to attach timezone information here, or the date # subtraction from t_min/t_max will assume that a naive timestamp is # in the same time zone and cause erroneous results. # Pendulum uses UTC by default, but we are being explicit here time0 = pendulum.instance(num2date(ds.variables[timevar][0], ds.variables[timevar].units), 'UTC') time1 = pendulum.instance(num2date(ds.variables[timevar][-1], ds.variables[timevar].units), 'UTC') except: return Result(BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, 'time_coverage_extents_match', ['Failed to retrieve and convert times for variables %s.' % timevar]) start_dt = abs(time0 - t_min) end_dt = abs(time1 - t_max) score = 2 msgs = [] if start_dt > timedelta(hours=1): msgs.append("Date time mismatch between time_coverage_start and actual " "time values %s (time_coverage_start) != %s (time[0])" % (t_min.isoformat(), time0.isoformat())) score -= 1 if end_dt > timedelta(hours=1): msgs.append("Date time mismatch between time_coverage_end and actual " "time values %s (time_coverage_end) != %s (time[N])" % (t_max.isoformat(), time1.isoformat())) score -= 1 return Result(BaseCheck.MEDIUM, (score, 2), 'time_coverage_extents_match', msgs)
def _get_old_hiwrap_time(fname, ncFile, Good_Indices): """ Pull the time from HIWRAP file and convert to AWOT useable. The time structure is odd here (to me) and is in seconds since last Sunday. The assumption that the data is the 4th 'field' in the filename is required to make this work. """ # Pull out the date, convert the date to a datetime friendly string # Adds dashes between year, month, and day yyyymmdd = fname.split("_")[3] # Find the date for Sunday previous and # check this (should be = 6 for Sunday) startday = int(yyyymmdd[6:8]) - int(divmod( ncFile.variables['time'][0], 24 * 3600)[0]) if['year'][:], int(yyyymmdd[4:6]), startday).weekday() != 6: print("Time could be incorrect, check file to see if time units " "are 'computer time (sec from last Sunday at 12 am)'") StartDate = yyyymmdd[0:4] + '-' + yyyymmdd[4:6] + '-' + str(startday) # Create the time array # Now convert the time array into a datetime instance dtHrs = num2date(ncFile.variables['time'][ Good_Indices], 'seconds since ' + StartDate + '00:00:00+0:00') # Now convert this datetime instance into a number of seconds since Epoch TimeSec = date2num(dtHrs, common.EPOCH_UNITS) # Now once again convert this data into a datetime instance Time_unaware = num2date(TimeSec, common.EPOCH_UNITS) Time = {'data': Time_unaware, 'units': common.EPOCH_UNITS, 'title': 'Time', 'full_name': 'Time (UTC)'} return Time
def plot_filtered_timeseries(pressure, pressure_units, pressure_time, time_units, pressure_filtered, delay, figdir, n1, dayrissaga): # Very simple plot to show the evolution of the pressure hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%d %B') time2plot = netCDF4.num2date(pressure_time, time_units) time2plot_filter = netCDF4.num2date(pressure_time - delay, time_units) fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(14, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(time2plot, pressure, 'k', lw=0.5, label='Raw signal') plt.plot(time2plot_filter[n1:], pressure_filtered[n1:], 'c', linewidth=2, zorder=2, label='Filtered signal') plt.axvline(x=dayrissaga, linewidth=3, color='r', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel(("Pressure\n (%s)" % (pressure_units)), ha='right', rotation=0) plt.legend() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(dates.DayLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) plt.grid() plt.savefig(os.path.join(figdir, 'SantAntoni_timeseries_' + dayrissaga.strftime('%Y%m%d'))) plt.close() fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(14, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(time2plot[n1 / 2:-n1 / 2], pressure[n1 / 2:-n1 / 2] - pressure_filtered[n1:], 'k', lw=0.5) plt.axvline(x=dayrissaga, linewidth=3, color='r', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel(("Pressure anomaly\n (%s)" % pressure_units), ha='right', rotation=0) ax.set_xlim(time2plot[0], time2plot[-1]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(dates.DayLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.grid() plt.savefig(os.path.join(figdir, 'SantAntoni_anomalies_' + dayrissaga.strftime('%Y%m%d'))) plt.close()
def rcs_model(winlen, modfile): from grid_tools import trim_time_jandec from netCDF4 import num2date from netCDF4 import date2num from scipy import ndimage from netcdf_tools import ncextractall from convert import mmd_mmm #Extract the model data and clip to the required start and end months modnc = ncextractall(modfile) mdata = modnc['pr'] mdata = mdata*86400. #convert to same units as obs mlon = modnc['lon'] mlat = modnc['lat'] mtime = modnc['time'] time_u = modnc['time_units'] if 'time_calendar' in modnc.keys(): cal = modnc['time_calendar'] mtime = num2date(mtime,units = time_u, calendar=cal) else: mtime = num2date(mtime,units = time_u) mdata, mtime = trim_time_jandec(mdata, mtime) mdata = mmd_mmm(mdata) mdata = ndimage.filters.uniform_filter(mdata,size=[winlen,1,1]) #Trim first or last values if required as they are unrepresentative trim = int(winlen/2) mdata = mdata[trim:,:,:] if winlen % 2 == 0: trim = trim - 1 mdata = mdata[:-trim,:,:] return, mdata, mlat, mlon
def setupROMSfiles(loc, date, ff, tout, time_units, tstride=1): """ setupROMSfiles() Kristen Thyng, March 2013 Figures out necessary files to read in for track times and what model output indices within those files to use. Args: loc: File location. loc can be a thredds server web address, a single string of a file location, a list of strings of multiple file locations to be searched through. date: datetime format start date ff: Time direction. ff=1 forward, ff=-1 backward tout: Number of model outputs to use time_units: To convert to datetime tstride: Stride in time, in case want to use less model output than is available. Default is 1, using all output. Returns: * nc - NetCDF object for relevant files * tinds - Indices of outputs to use from fname files """ # For thredds server where all information is available in one place # or for a single file if 'http' in loc or type(loc) == str: nc = netCDF.Dataset(loc) # This is for the case when we have a bunch of files to sort through else: # the globbing should happen ahead of time so this case looks # different than the single file case # files in fname are in chronological order nc = netCDF.MFDataset(loc) # Convert date to number # dates = netCDF.num2date(nc.variables['ocean_time'][:], time_units) # The calendar definition extends dates to before the year 1582 for use # with idealized simulations without meaningful dates. if 'time' in nc.variables: dates = netCDF.num2date(nc.variables['time'][:], time_units, calendar='proleptic_gregorian') elif 'ocean_time' in nc.variables: dates = netCDF.num2date(nc.variables['ocean_time'][:], time_units, calendar='proleptic_gregorian') # time index with time value just below date (relative to file ifile) istart = find(dates <= date)[-1] # Select indices if ff == 1: # indices of model outputs desired tinds = range(istart, istart+tout, tstride) else: # backward in time # have to shift istart since there are now new indices behind since # going backward tinds = range(istart, istart-tout, -tstride) return nc, tinds
def get_date(filename): try: radar = t = (num2date(radar.time['data'][0], radar.time['units']), num2date(radar.time['data'][-1], radar.time['units'])) except: #return start time and end time being the same t = (num2date(0, 'seconds since 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z'), num2date(0, 'seconds since 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z')) return t
def datetime_from_grid(grid, epoch=False): """ Return a datetime for the volume start in a Grid. """ if epoch: dtrad = num2date(grid.time['data'][0], grid.time['units']) epnum = date2num(dtrad, EPOCH_UNITS) return num2date(epnum, EPOCH_UNITS) else: return num2date(grid.time['data'][0], grid.time['units'])
def start_stop(nc,tvar): ncv = nc.variables time_var = ncv[tvar] first = netCDF4.num2date(time_var[0],time_var.units) last = netCDF4.num2date(time_var[-1],time_var.units) print first.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %H:%M') print last.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %H:%M')
def datetimes_from_radar(radar, epoch=False): """ Return an array of datetimes for the rays in a Radar. """ if epoch: dtrad = num2date(radar.time['data'][:], radar.time['units']) epnum = date2num(dtrad, EPOCH_UNITS) return num2date(epnum, EPOCH_UNITS) else: return num2date(radar.time['data'][:], radar.time['units'])
def cf_time(units): try: netCDF4.num2date(0, units) except: return False else: return True
def gettimebounds(self, var=None, **kwargs): assert var in time = self.gettimevar(var) if "units" in kwargs: bounds = (netCDF4.num2date(np.min(time), units=u), netCDF4.num2date(np.max(time), units=u)) else: bounds = (np.min(time.dates), np.max(time.dates)) return bounds
def time(self): if self.time_units is not None: dt = num2date(self.dataset[self.dimensions['time']][:], self.time_units, self.calendar) dt -= num2date(0, self.time_units, self.calendar) return list(map(timedelta.total_seconds, dt)) else: return self.dataset[self.dimensions['time']][:]
def show_ncfile_tbounds(filename,tvar='time'): t = Dataset(filename).variables[tvar] print('Start date: ', num2date(t[0],t.units)) try: print('End date: ', num2date(t[-1],t.units)) except IndexError: print(num2date(t[0],t.units))
def datetime_from_radar(radar, epoch=False): """ Return a datetime for the first ray in a Radar. """ if epoch: dtrad = num2date(radar.time['data'][0], radar.time['units']) epnum = date2num(dtrad, EPOCH_UNITS) return num2date(epnum, EPOCH_UNITS) else: return num2date(radar.time['data'][0], radar.time['units'])
def PrintMetaRecord(myin,myinm) : print myin #print myinm.StandardName #print myinm.created #print myinm.celltype #print myinm.LonCells[0],myinm.LatCells[0],'-',myinm.LonCells[-1],myinm.LatCells[-1] t_start=netCDF4.num2date(myinm.TimeCells[0],units='hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00',calendar='standard') t_end=netCDF4.num2date(myinm.TimeCells[1],units='hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00',calendar='standard') print t_start,'-',t_end
def time2year(self, t): """ convert time to year """ time = self.ds.variables["time"] if type(t) == return num2date(t, time.units).year else: return np.asarray([y.year for y in np.asarray(num2date(t, time.units))])
def storm_motion_deltas_algorithm(REFlev, REFlev1, big_storm, zero_z_trigger, storm_to_track, year, month, day, hour, start_min, duration, calibration, station, Bunkers_s, Bunkers_m, track_dis=10, GR_mins=1.0): #Set vector perpendicular to FFD Z gradient #storm_relative_dir = storm_relative_dir #Set storm motion Bunkers_m = Bunkers_m #Set ZDR Threshold for outlining arcs #zdrlev = [zdrlev] #Set KDP Threshold for finding KDP feet #kdplev = [kdplev] #Set reflectivity thresholds for storm tracking algorithm REFlev = [REFlev] REFlev1 = [REFlev1] #Set storm size threshold that triggers subdivision of big storms big_storm = big_storm #km^2 Outer_r = 30 #km Inner_r = 6 #km #Set trigger to ignore strangely-formatted files right before 00Z #Pre-SAILS #: 17 #SAILS #: 25 zero_z_trigger = zero_z_trigger storm_to_track = storm_to_track zdr_outlines = [] #Here, set the initial time of the archived radar loop you want. #Our specified time dt = datetime(year,month, day, hour, start_min) station = station end_dt = dt + timedelta(hours=duration) #Set up nexrad interface conn = nexradaws.NexradAwsInterface() scans = conn.get_avail_scans_in_range(dt,end_dt,station) results =, 'RadarFolder') #Setting counters for figures and Pandas indices f = 27 n = 1 storm_index = 0 scan_index = 0 tracking_index = 0 #Create geod object for later distance and area calculations g = Geod(ellps='sphere') #Open the placefile f = open("DELTA_dev"+station+str(dt.year)+str(dt.month)+str("_Placefile.txt", "w+") f.write("Title: Storm Motion Deltas Placefile \n") f.write("Refresh: 8 \n \n") #Load ML algorithm # forest_loaded = pickle.load(open('BestRandomForest.pkl', 'rb')) # forest_loaded_col = pickle.load(open('BestRandomForestColumnsLEN200.pkl', 'rb')) #Actual algorithm code starts here #Create a list for the lists of arc outlines zdr_out_list = [] tracks_dataframe = [] for i,scan in enumerate(results.iter_success(),start=1): #Local file option: #Loop over all files in the dataset and pull out each 0.5 degree tilt for analysis try: radar1 = scan.open_pyart() except: print('bad radar file') continue #Local file option print('File Reading') #Make sure the file isn't a strange format if radar1.nsweeps > zero_z_trigger: continue for i in range(radar1.nsweeps): print('in loop') print(radar1.nsweeps) try: radar4 = radar1.extract_sweeps([i]) except: print('bad file') #Checking to make sure the tilt in question has all needed data and is the right elevation if ((np.mean(radar4.elevation['data']) < .65) and (np.max(np.asarray(radar4.fields['differential_reflectivity']['data'])) != np.min(np.asarray(radar4.fields['differential_reflectivity']['data'])))): n = n+1 #Calling ungridded_section; Pulling apart radar sweeps and creating ungridded data arrays [radar,n,range_2d,ungrid_lons,ungrid_lats] = quality_control_arcalg(radar4,n,calibration) time_start = netCDF4.num2date(radar.time['data'][0], radar.time['units']) object_number=0.0 month = time_start.month if month < 10: month = '0'+str(month) hour = time_start.hour if hour < 10: hour = '0'+str(hour) minute = time_start.minute if minute < 10: minute = '0'+str(minute) day = if day < 10: day = '0'+str(day) time_beg = time_start - timedelta(minutes=0.1) time_end = time_start + timedelta(minutes=GR_mins) sec_beg = time_beg.second sec_end = time_end.second min_beg = time_beg.minute min_end = time_end.minute h_beg = time_beg.hour h_end = time_end.hour d_beg = d_end = if sec_beg < 10: sec_beg = '0'+str(sec_beg) if sec_end < 10: sec_end = '0'+str(sec_end) if min_beg < 10: min_beg = '0'+str(min_beg) if min_end < 10: min_end = '0'+str(min_end) if h_beg < 10: h_beg = '0'+str(h_beg) if h_end < 10: h_end = '0'+str(h_end) if d_beg < 10: d_beg = '0'+str(d_beg) if d_end < 10: d_end = '0'+str(d_end) #Calling kdp_section; Using NWS method, creating ungridded, smoothed KDP field kdp_nwsdict = kdp_genesis(radar) #Add field to radar radar.add_field('KDP', kdp_nwsdict) kdp_ungridded_nws = radar.fields['KDP']['data'] #Calling grid_section; Now let's grid the data on a ~250 m x 250 m grid [REF,KDP,CC,ZDRmasked1,REFmasked,KDPmasked,rlons,rlats,rlons_2d,rlats_2d,cenlat,cenlon] = gridding_arcalg(radar) #Calling gradient_section; Determining gradient direction and masking some Zhh and Zdr grid fields #[grad_mag,grad_ffd,ZDRmasked] = grad_mask_arcalg(REFmasked,REF,storm_relative_dir,ZDRmasked1,CC) #Let's create a field for inferred hail #Commenting out for the moment # REF_Hail = np.copy(REFmasked) # REF_Hail1 = ma.masked_where(ZDRmasked1 > 1.0, REF_Hail) # REF_Hail2 = ma.masked_where(CC > 1.0, REF_Hail1) # REF_Hail2 = ma.filled(REF_Hail2, fill_value = 1) #Let's set up the map projection! crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=-100.0, central_latitude=45.0) #Set up our array of latitude and longitude values and transform our data to the desired projection. tlatlons = crs.transform_points(ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=265, central_latitude=25, standard_parallels=(25.,25.)),rlons[0,:,:],rlats[0,:,:]) tlons = tlatlons[:,:,0] tlats = tlatlons[:,:,1] #Limit the extent of the map area, must convert to proper coords. LL = (cenlon-1.0,cenlat-1.0,ccrs.PlateCarree()) UR = (cenlon+1.0,cenlat+1.0,ccrs.PlateCarree()) print(LL) #Get data to plot state and province boundaries states_provinces = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature( category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lakes', scale='50m', facecolor='none') #Make sure these shapefiles are in the same directory as the script #fname = 'cb_2016_us_county_20m/cb_2016_us_county_20m.shp' #fname2 = 'cb_2016_us_state_20m/cb_2016_us_state_20m.shp' #counties = ShapelyFeature(Reader(fname).geometries(),ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor = 'none', edgecolor = 'black') #states = ShapelyFeature(Reader(fname2).geometries(),ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor = 'none', edgecolor = 'black') #Create a figure and plot up the initial data and contours for the algorithm fig=plt.figure(n,figsize=(30.,25.)) ax = plt.subplot(111,projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.coastlines('50m',edgecolor='black',linewidth=0.75) #ax.add_feature(counties, edgecolor = 'black', linewidth = 0.5) #ax.add_feature(states, edgecolor = 'black', linewidth = 1.5) ax.set_extent([LL[0],UR[0],LL[1],UR[1]]) REFlevels = np.arange(20,73,2) #Options for Z backgrounds/contours #refp = ax.pcolormesh(ungrid_lons, ungrid_lats, ref_c,, vmin = 10, vmax = 73) #refp = ax.pcolormesh(ungrid_lons, ungrid_lats, ref_ungridded_base, cmap='HomeyerRainbow', vmin = 10, vmax = 73) #refp = ax.pcolormesh(rlons_2d, rlats_2d, REFrmasked, cmap=pyart.graph.cm_colorblind.HomeyerRainbow, vmin = 10, vmax = 73) refp2 = ax.contour(rlons_2d, rlats_2d, REFmasked, [40], colors='grey', linewidths=5, zorder=1) #refp3 = ax.contour(rlons_2d, rlats_2d, REFmasked, [45], color='r') #plt.contourf(rlons_2d, rlats_2d, ZDR_sum_stuff, depth_levels, #Option to have a ZDR background instead of Z: #zdrp = ax.pcolormesh(ungrid_lons, ungrid_lats, zdr_c,, vmin = -2, vmax = 6) #Storm tracking algorithm starts here #Reflectivity smoothed for storm tracker smoothed_ref = ndi.gaussian_filter(REFmasked, sigma = 3, order = 0) #1st Z contour plotted refc = ax.contour(rlons[0,:,:],rlats[0,:,:],smoothed_ref,REFlev, alpha=.01) #Set up projection for area calculations proj = partial(pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326'), pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:3857')) #Main part of storm tracking algorithm starts by looping through all contours looking for Z centroids #This method for breaking contours into polygons based on this stack overflow tutorial: # #Calling stormid_section [storm_ids,max_lons_c,max_lats_c,ref_areas,storm_index, alg_speeds, alg_directions] = storm_objects_new(refc,proj,REFlev,REFlev1,big_storm,smoothed_ref,ax,rlons,rlats,storm_index,tracking_index,scan_index,tracks_dataframe, track_dis, time_start) #Setup tracking index for storm of interest tracking_ind=np.where(np.asarray(storm_ids)==storm_to_track)[0] max_lons_c = np.asarray(max_lons_c) max_lats_c = np.asarray(max_lats_c) ref_areas = np.asarray(ref_areas) #Create the ZDR and KDP contours which will later be broken into polygons # if np.max(ZDRmasked) > zdrlev: # zdrc = ax.contour(rlons[0,:,:],rlats[0,:,:],ZDRmasked,zdrlev,linewidths = 2, colors='purple', alpha = .5) # else: # zdrc=[] # if np.max(KDPmasked) > kdplev: # kdpc = ax.contour(rlons[0,:,:],rlats[0,:,:],KDPmasked,kdplev,linewidths = 2, colors='green', alpha = 0.01) # else: # kdpc=[] # if np.max(REF_Hail2) > 50.0: # hailc = ax.contour(rlons[0,:,:],rlats[0,:,:],REF_Hail2,[50],linewidths = 4, colors='pink', alpha = 0.01) # else: # hailc=[] # if np.max(REFmasked) > 35.0: # zhhc = ax.contour(rlons[0,:,:],rlats[0,:,:],REFmasked,[35.0],linewidths = 3,colors='orange', alpha = 0.8) # else: # zhhc=[] plt.contour(ungrid_lons, ungrid_lats, range_2d, [73000], linewidths=7, colors='r') plt.savefig('testfig.png') print('Testfig Saved') if len(max_lons_c) > 0: #Calling zdr_arc_section; Create ZDR arc objects using a similar method as employed in making the storm objects # [zdr_storm_lon,zdr_storm_lat,zdr_dist,zdr_forw,zdr_back,zdr_areas,zdr_centroid_lon,zdr_centroid_lat,zdr_mean,zdr_cc_mean,zdr_max,zdr_masks,zdr_outlines,ax,f] = zdrarc(zdrc,ZDRmasked,CC,REF,grad_ffd,grad_mag,KDP,forest_loaded,ax,f,time_start,month,d_beg,h_beg,min_beg,sec_beg,d_end,h_end,min_end,sec_end,rlons,rlats,max_lons_c,max_lats_c,zdrlev,proj,storm_relative_dir,Outer_r,Inner_r,tracking_ind) #Calling hail_section; Identify Hail core objects in a similar way to the ZDR arc objects # [hail_areas,hail_centroid_lon,hail_centroid_lat,hail_storm_lon,hail_storm_lat,ax,f] = hail_objects(hailc,REF_Hail2,ax,f,time_start,month,d_beg,h_beg,min_beg,sec_beg,d_end,h_end,min_end,sec_end,rlons,rlats,max_lons_c,max_lats_c,proj) #Calling zhh_section; Identify 35dBz storm area in a similar way to the ZDR arc objects # [zhh_areas,zhh_centroid_lon,zhh_centroid_lat,zhh_storm_lon,zhh_storm_lat,zhh_max,zhh_core_avg] = zhh_objects(zhhc,REFmasked,rlons,rlats,max_lons_c,max_lats_c,proj) # #Calling kdpfoot_section; Identify KDP foot objects in a similar way to the ZDR arc objects # [kdp_areas,kdp_centroid_lon,kdp_centroid_lat,kdp_storm_lon,kdp_storm_lat,kdp_max,ax,f] = kdp_objects(kdpc,KDPmasked,ax,f,time_start,month,d_beg,h_beg,min_beg,sec_beg,d_end,h_end,min_end,sec_end,rlons,rlats,max_lons_c,max_lats_c,kdplev,proj) #Consolidating the arc objects associated with each storm: # zdr_areas_arr = np.zeros((len(zdr_areas))) # zdr_max_arr = np.zeros((len(zdr_max))) # zdr_mean_arr = np.zeros((len(zdr_mean))) # for i in range(len(zdr_areas)): # zdr_areas_arr[i] = zdr_areas[i].magnitude # zdr_max_arr[i] = zdr_max[i] # zdr_mean_arr[i] = zdr_mean[i] # zdr_centroid_lons = np.asarray(zdr_centroid_lon) # zdr_centroid_lats = np.asarray(zdr_centroid_lat) # zdr_con_areas = [] # zdr_con_maxes = [] # zdr_con_means = [] # zdr_con_centroid_lon = [] # zdr_con_centroid_lat = [] # zdr_con_max_lon = [] # zdr_con_max_lat = [] # zdr_con_storm_lon = [] # zdr_con_storm_lat = [] # zdr_con_masks = [] # zdr_con_dev = [] # zdr_con_10max = [] # zdr_con_mode = [] # zdr_con_median = [] # zdr_masks = np.asarray(zdr_masks) # #Consolidate KDP objects as well # kdp_areas_arr = np.zeros((len(kdp_areas))) # kdp_max_arr = np.zeros((len(kdp_max))) # for i in range(len(kdp_areas)): # kdp_areas_arr[i] = kdp_areas[i].magnitude # kdp_max_arr[i] = kdp_max[i] # kdp_centroid_lons = np.asarray(kdp_centroid_lon) # kdp_centroid_lats = np.asarray(kdp_centroid_lat) # kdp_con_areas = [] # kdp_con_maxes = [] # kdp_con_centroid_lon = [] # kdp_con_centroid_lat = [] # kdp_con_max_lon = [] # kdp_con_max_lat = [] # kdp_con_storm_lon = [] # kdp_con_storm_lat = [] #Consolidate Hail objects as well # hail_areas_arr = np.zeros((len(hail_areas))) # for i in range(len(hail_areas)): # hail_areas_arr[i] = hail_areas[i].magnitude # hail_centroid_lons = np.asarray(hail_centroid_lon) # hail_centroid_lats = np.asarray(hail_centroid_lat) # hail_con_areas = [] # hail_con_centroid_lon = [] # hail_con_centroid_lat = [] # hail_con_storm_lon = [] # hail_con_storm_lat = [] #Consolidate Zhh objects as well # zhh_areas_arr = np.zeros((len(zhh_areas))) # zhh_max_arr = np.zeros((len(zhh_max))) # zhh_core_avg_arr = np.zeros((len(zhh_core_avg))) # for i in range(len(zhh_areas)): # zhh_areas_arr[i] = zhh_areas[i].magnitude # zhh_max_arr[i] = zhh_max[i] # zhh_core_avg_arr[i] = zhh_core_avg[i] # zhh_centroid_lons = np.asarray(zhh_centroid_lon) # zhh_centroid_lats = np.asarray(zhh_centroid_lat) # zhh_con_areas = [] # zhh_con_maxes = [] # zhh_con_core_avg = [] # zhh_con_centroid_lon = [] # zhh_con_centroid_lat = [] # zhh_con_max_lon = [] # zhh_con_max_lat = [] # zhh_con_storm_lon = [] # zhh_con_storm_lat = [] # for i in enumerate(max_lons_c): # try: # #Find the arc objects associated with this storm: # zdr_objects_lons = zdr_centroid_lons[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # zdr_objects_lats = zdr_centroid_lats[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # #Get the sum of their areas # zdr_con_areas.append(np.sum(zdr_areas_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # #print("consolidated area", np.sum(zdr_areas_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # zdr_con_maxes.append(np.max(zdr_max_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # #print("consolidated max", np.max(zdr_areas_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # zdr_con_means.append(np.mean(zdr_mean_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # #print("consolidated mean", np.mean(zdr_areas_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # zdr_con_max_lon.append(rlons_2d[np.where(ZDRmasked==np.max(zdr_max_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])]))]) # zdr_con_max_lat.append(rlats_2d[np.where(ZDRmasked==np.max(zdr_max_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])]))]) # #Find the actual centroids # weighted_lons = zdr_objects_lons * zdr_areas_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # zdr_con_centroid_lon.append(np.sum(weighted_lons) / np.sum(zdr_areas_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # weighted_lats = zdr_objects_lats * zdr_areas_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # zdr_con_centroid_lat.append(np.sum(weighted_lats) / np.sum(zdr_areas_arr[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # zdr_con_storm_lon.append(max_lons_c[i[0]]) # zdr_con_storm_lat.append(max_lats_c[i[0]]) # zdr_con_masks.append(np.sum(zdr_masks[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])],axis=0, dtype=bool)) # mask_con = np.sum(zdr_masks[np.where(zdr_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])], axis=0, dtype=bool) # zdr_con_dev.append(np.std(ZDRmasked[mask_con])) # ZDRsorted = np.sort(ZDRmasked[mask_con])[::-1] # zdr_con_10max.append(np.mean(ZDRsorted[0:10])) # zdr_con_mode.append(stats.mode(ZDRmasked[mask_con])) # zdr_con_median.append(np.median(ZDRmasked[mask_con])) # except: # zdr_con_maxes.append(0) # zdr_con_means.append(0) # zdr_con_centroid_lon.append(0) # zdr_con_centroid_lat.append(0) # zdr_con_max_lon.append(0) # zdr_con_max_lat.append(0) # zdr_con_storm_lon.append(max_lons_c[i[0]]) # zdr_con_storm_lat.append(max_lats_c[i[0]]) # zdr_con_masks.append(0) # zdr_con_dev.append(0) # zdr_con_10max.append(0) # zdr_con_mode.append(0) # zdr_con_median.append(0) # try: # #Find the kdp objects associated with this storm: # kdp_objects_lons = kdp_centroid_lons[np.where(kdp_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # kdp_objects_lats = kdp_centroid_lats[np.where(kdp_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # #Get the sum of their areas # kdp_con_areas.append(np.sum(kdp_areas_arr[np.where(kdp_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # kdp_con_maxes.append(np.max(kdp_max_arr[np.where(kdp_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # kdp_con_max_lon.append(rlons_2d[np.where(KDPmasked==np.max(kdp_max_arr[np.where(kdp_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])]))]) # kdp_con_max_lat.append(rlats_2d[np.where(KDPmasked==np.max(kdp_max_arr[np.where(kdp_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])]))]) # #Find the actual centroids # weighted_lons_kdp = kdp_objects_lons * kdp_areas_arr[np.where(kdp_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # kdp_con_centroid_lon.append(np.sum(weighted_lons_kdp) / np.sum(kdp_areas_arr[np.where(kdp_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # weighted_lats_kdp = kdp_objects_lats * kdp_areas_arr[np.where(kdp_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # kdp_con_centroid_lat.append(np.sum(weighted_lats_kdp) / np.sum(kdp_areas_arr[np.where(kdp_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # kdp_con_storm_lon.append(max_lons_c[i[0]]) # kdp_con_storm_lat.append(max_lats_c[i[0]]) # except: # kdp_con_maxes.append(0) # kdp_con_max_lon.append(0) # kdp_con_max_lat.append(0) # kdp_con_centroid_lon.append(0) # kdp_con_centroid_lat.append(0) # kdp_con_storm_lon.append(0) # kdp_con_storm_lat.append(0) # try: # #Find the hail core objects associated with this storm: # hail_objects_lons = hail_centroid_lons[np.where(hail_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # hail_objects_lats = hail_centroid_lats[np.where(hail_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # #Get the sum of their areas # hail_con_areas.append(np.sum(hail_areas_arr[np.where(hail_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # #Find the actual centroids # weighted_lons_hail = hail_objects_lons * hail_areas_arr[np.where(hail_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # hail_con_centroid_lon.append(np.sum(weighted_lons_hail) / np.sum(hail_areas_arr[np.where(hail_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # weighted_lats_hail = hail_objects_lats * hail_areas_arr[np.where(hail_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # hail_con_centroid_lat.append(np.sum(weighted_lats_hail) / np.sum(hail_areas_arr[np.where(hail_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # hail_con_storm_lon.append(max_lons_c[i[0]]) # hail_con_storm_lat.append(max_lats_c[i[0]]) # except: # hail_con_centroid_lon.append(0) # hail_con_centroid_lat.append(0) # hail_con_storm_lon.append(0) # hail_con_storm_lat.append(0) # try: # #Find the zhh objects associated with this storm: # zhh_objects_lons = zhh_centroid_lons[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # zhh_objects_lats = zhh_centroid_lats[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # #Get the sum of their areas # zhh_con_areas.append(np.sum(zhh_areas_arr[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # zhh_con_maxes.append(np.max(zhh_max_arr[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # zhh_con_core_avg.append(np.max(zhh_core_avg_arr[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # zhh_con_max_lon.append(rlons_2d[np.where(REFmasked==np.max(zhh_max_arr[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])]))]) # zhh_con_max_lat.append(rlats_2d[np.where(REFmasked==np.max(zhh_max_arr[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])]))]) # #Find the actual centroids # weighted_lons_zhh = zhh_objects_lons * zhh_areas_arr[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # zhh_con_centroid_lon.append(np.sum(weighted_lons_zhh) / np.sum(zhh_areas_arr[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # weighted_lats_zhh = zhh_objects_lats * zhh_areas_arr[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])] # zhh_con_centroid_lat.append(np.sum(weighted_lats_zhh) / np.sum(zhh_areas_arr[np.where(zhh_storm_lon == max_lons_c[i[0]])])) # zhh_con_storm_lon.append(max_lons_c[i[0]]) # zhh_con_storm_lat.append(max_lats_c[i[0]]) # except: # zhh_con_maxes.append(0) # zhh_con_core_avg.append(0) # zhh_con_max_lon.append(0) # zhh_con_max_lat.append(0) # zhh_con_centroid_lon.append(0) # zhh_con_centroid_lat.append(0) # zhh_con_storm_lon.append(0) # zhh_con_storm_lat.append(0) #Calculate KDP-ZDR separation # kdp_con_centroid_lons1 = np.asarray(kdp_con_centroid_lon) # kdp_con_centroid_lats1 = np.asarray(kdp_con_centroid_lat) # zdr_con_centroid_lons1 = np.asarray(zdr_con_centroid_lon) # zdr_con_centroid_lats1 = np.asarray(zdr_con_centroid_lat) # #Eliminate consolidated arcs smaller than a specified area # area = 2 #km*2 # zdr_con_areas_arr = np.asarray(zdr_con_areas) # zdr_con_centroid_lats = zdr_con_centroid_lats1[zdr_con_areas_arr > area] # zdr_con_centroid_lons = zdr_con_centroid_lons1[zdr_con_areas_arr > area] # kdp_con_centroid_lats = kdp_con_centroid_lats1[zdr_con_areas_arr > area] # kdp_con_centroid_lons = kdp_con_centroid_lons1[zdr_con_areas_arr > area] # zdr_con_max_lons1 = np.asarray(zdr_con_max_lon)[zdr_con_areas_arr > area] # zdr_con_max_lats1 = np.asarray(zdr_con_max_lat)[zdr_con_areas_arr > area] # kdp_con_max_lons1 = np.asarray(kdp_con_max_lon)[zdr_con_areas_arr > area] # kdp_con_max_lats1 = np.asarray(kdp_con_max_lat)[zdr_con_areas_arr > area] # zdr_con_max1 = np.asarray(zdr_con_maxes)[zdr_con_areas_arr > area] # zdr_con_areas1 = zdr_con_areas_arr[zdr_con_areas_arr > area] # kdp_con_centroid_lat = np.asarray(kdp_con_centroid_lat) # kdp_con_centroid_lon = np.asarray(kdp_con_centroid_lon) # zdr_con_centroid_lat = np.asarray(zdr_con_centroid_lat) # zdr_con_centroid_lon = np.asarray(zdr_con_centroid_lon) # kdp_inds = np.where(kdp_con_centroid_lat*zdr_con_centroid_lat > 0) # distance_kdp_zdr = g.inv(kdp_con_centroid_lon[kdp_inds], kdp_con_centroid_lat[kdp_inds], zdr_con_centroid_lon[kdp_inds], zdr_con_centroid_lat[kdp_inds]) # dist_kdp_zdr = distance_kdp_zdr[2] / 1000. # #Now make an array for the distances which will have the same shape as the lats to prevent errors # shaped_dist = np.zeros((np.shape(zdr_con_areas))) # shaped_dist[kdp_inds] = dist_kdp_zdr # #Get separation angle for KDP-ZDR centroids # back_k = distance_kdp_zdr[1] # for i in range(back_k.shape[0]): # if distance_kdp_zdr[1][i] < 0: # back_k[i] = distance_kdp_zdr[1][i] + 360 # forw_k = np.abs(back_k - storm_relative_dir) # rawangle_k = back_k - storm_relative_dir # #Account for weird angles # for i in range(back_k.shape[0]): # if forw_k[i] > 180: # forw_k[i] = 360 - forw_k[i] # rawangle_k[i] = (360-forw_k[i])*(-1) # rawangle_k = rawangle_k*(-1) # #Now make an array for the distances which will have the same shape as the lats to prevent errors # shaped_ang = np.zeros((np.shape(zdr_con_areas))) # shaped_ang[kdp_inds] = rawangle_k # shaped_ang = (180-np.abs(shaped_ang))*(shaped_ang/np.abs(shaped_ang)) # new_angle_all = shaped_ang + storm_relative_dir # shaped_ang = (new_angle_all - Bunkers_m)* (-1) # shaped_ang = 180 - shaped_ang ###Now let's consolidate everything to fit the Pandas dataframe! # p_zdr_areas = [] # p_zdr_maxes = [] # p_zdr_means = [] # p_zdr_devs = [] # p_zdr_10max = [] # p_zdr_mode = [] # p_zdr_median = [] # # p_hail_areas = [] # p_zhh_areas = [] # p_zhh_maxes = [] # p_zhh_core_avgs = [] # p_separations = [] # p_sp_angle = [] # for storm in enumerate(max_lons_c): # matching_ind = np.flatnonzero(np.isclose(max_lons_c[storm[0]], zdr_con_storm_lon, rtol=1e-05)) # if matching_ind.shape[0] > 0: # p_zdr_areas.append((zdr_con_areas[matching_ind[0]])) # p_zdr_maxes.append((zdr_con_maxes[matching_ind[0]])) # p_zdr_means.append((zdr_con_means[matching_ind[0]])) # p_zdr_devs.append((zdr_con_dev[matching_ind[0]])) # p_zdr_10max.append((zdr_con_10max[matching_ind[0]])) # p_zdr_mode.append((zdr_con_mode[matching_ind[0]])) # p_zdr_median.append((zdr_con_median[matching_ind[0]])) # p_separations.append((shaped_dist[matching_ind[0]])) # p_sp_angle.append((shaped_ang[matching_ind[0]])) # else: # p_zdr_areas.append((0)) # p_zdr_maxes.append((0)) # p_zdr_means.append((0)) # p_zdr_devs.append((0)) # p_zdr_10max.append((0)) # p_zdr_mode.append((0)) # p_zdr_median.append((0)) # p_separations.append((0)) # p_sp_angle.append((0)) # matching_ind_hail = np.flatnonzero(np.isclose(max_lons_c[storm[0]], hail_con_storm_lon, rtol=1e-05)) # if matching_ind_hail.shape[0] > 0: # p_hail_areas.append((hail_con_areas[matching_ind_hail[0]])) # else: # p_hail_areas.append((0)) # matching_ind_zhh = np.flatnonzero(np.isclose(max_lons_c[storm[0]],zhh_con_storm_lon, rtol=1e-05)) # if matching_ind_zhh.shape[0] > 0: # p_zhh_maxes.append((zhh_con_maxes[matching_ind_zhh[0]])) # p_zhh_areas.append((zhh_con_areas[matching_ind_zhh[0]])) # p_zhh_core_avgs.append((zhh_con_core_avg[matching_ind_zhh[0]])) # else: # p_zhh_areas.append((0)) # p_zhh_maxes.append((0)) # p_zhh_core_avgs.append((0)) #Now start plotting stuff! # if np.asarray(zdr_centroid_lon).shape[0] > 0: # ax.scatter(zdr_centroid_lon, zdr_centroid_lat, marker = '*', s = 100, color = 'black', zorder = 10, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # if np.asarray(kdp_centroid_lon).shape[0] > 0: # ax.scatter(kdp_centroid_lon, kdp_centroid_lat, marker = '^', s = 100, color = 'black', zorder = 10, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) #Uncomment to print all object areas #for i in enumerate(zdr_areas): # plt.text(zdr_centroid_lon[i[0]]+.016, zdr_centroid_lat[i[0]]+.016, "%.2f km^2" %(zdr_areas[i[0]].magnitude), size = 23) #plt.text(zdr_centroid_lon[i[0]]+.016, zdr_centroid_lat[i[0]]+.016, "%.2f km^2 / %.2f km / %.2f dB" %(zdr_areas[i[0]].magnitude, zdr_dist[i[0]], zdr_forw[i[0]]), size = 23) #plt.annotate(zdr_areas[i[0]], (zdr_centroid_lon[i[0]],zdr_centroid_lat[i[0]])) #ax.contourf(rlons[0,:,:],rlats[0,:,:],KDPmasked,KDPlevels1,linewide = .01, colors ='b', alpha = .5) #plt.tight_layout() #plt.savefig('ZDRarcannotated.png') storm_times = [] for l in range(len(max_lons_c)): storm_times.append((time_start)) tracking_index = tracking_index + 1 #Get storm motion deltas: u_B, v_B = wind_components(Bunkers_s*units('m/s'), Bunkers_m*units('degree')) u_alg, v_alg = wind_components(alg_speeds*units('m/s'), alg_directions*units('degree')) print(u_B, v_B, 'Bunkers motion components') print(u_alg, v_alg, 'Observed motion components') u_diff = u_alg-u_B v_diff = v_alg-v_B motion_delta = np.sqrt(u_diff**2 + v_diff**2).magnitude #If there are no storms, set everything to empty arrays! else: storm_ids = [] storm_ids = [] alg_speeds = [] alg_directions = [] motion_delta = [] max_lons_c = [] max_lats_c = [] storm_times = time_start #Now record all data in a Pandas dataframe. new_cells = pd.DataFrame({ 'scan': scan_index, 'storm_id' : storm_ids, 'storm speed' : alg_speeds, 'storm_direction' : alg_directions, 'motion_deltas' : motion_delta, 'storm_id1' : storm_ids, 'storm_lon' : max_lons_c, 'storm_lat' : max_lats_c, 'times' : storm_times }) new_cells.set_index(['scan', 'storm_id'], inplace=True) if scan_index == 0: tracks_dataframe = new_cells else: tracks_dataframe = tracks_dataframe.append(new_cells) n = n+1 scan_index = scan_index + 1 #Plot the consolidated stuff! #Write some text objects for the ZDR arc attributes to add to the placefile f.write('TimeRange: '+str(time_start.year)+'-'+str(month)+'-'+str(d_beg)+'T'+str(h_beg)+':'+str(min_beg)+':'+str(sec_beg)+'Z '+str(time_start.year)+'-'+str(month)+'-'+str(d_end)+'T'+str(h_end)+':'+str(min_end)+':'+str(sec_end)+'Z') f.write('\n') f.write("Color: 139 000 000 \n") f.write('Font: 1, 30, 1,"Arial" \n') for y in range(len(max_lats_c)): #f.write('Text: '+str(max_lats_c[y])+','+str(max_lons_c[y])+', 1, "X"," Arc Area: '+str(p_zdr_areas[y])+'\\n Arc Mean: '+str(p_zdr_means[y])+'\\n KDP-ZDR Separation: '+str(p_separations[y])+'\\n Separation Angle: '+str(p_sp_angle[y])+'" \n') f.write('Text: '+str(max_lats_c[y])+','+str(max_lons_c[y])+', 1, "X"," Storm Speed: %.2f m/s \\n Storm Direction: %.2f deg \\n Motion Delta: %.2f m/s \n' %(alg_speeds[y], alg_directions[y], motion_delta[y])) title_plot = plt.title(station+' Radar Reflectivity, ZDR, and KDP '+str(time_start.year)+'-'+str(time_start.month)+'-'+str( ' '+str(hour)+':'+str(minute)+' UTC', size = 25) # try: # plt.plot([zdr_con_centroid_lon[kdp_inds], kdp_con_centroid_lon[kdp_inds]], [zdr_con_centroid_lat[kdp_inds],kdp_con_centroid_lat[kdp_inds]], color = 'k', linewidth = 5, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # except: # print('Separation Angle Failure') ref_centroid_lon = max_lons_c ref_centroid_lat = max_lats_c if len(max_lons_c) > 0: ax.scatter(max_lons_c,max_lats_c, marker = "o", color = 'k', s = 500, alpha = .6) for i in enumerate(ref_centroid_lon): plt.text(ref_centroid_lon[i[0]]+.016, ref_centroid_lat[i[0]]+.016, "storm_id: %.1f" %(storm_ids[i[0]]), size = 25) #Comment out this line if not plotting tornado tracks #plt.plot([start_torlons, end_torlons], [start_torlats, end_torlats], color = 'purple', linewidth = 5, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) #Add legend stuff zdr_outline = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', linewidth = 5, linestyle = 'solid', label='ZDR Arc Outline(Area/Max)') kdp_outline = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='green', linewidth = 5,linestyle = 'solid', label='"KDP Foot" Outline') separation_vector = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='black', linewidth = 5,linestyle = 'solid', label='KDP/ZDR Centroid Separation Vector (Red Text=Distance)') #tor_track = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='purple', linewidth = 5,linestyle = 'solid', label='Tornado Tracks') elevation = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='grey', linewidth = 5,linestyle = 'solid', label='Height AGL (m)') plt.legend(handles=[zdr_outline, kdp_outline, separation_vector, elevation], loc = 3, fontsize = 25) alt_levs = [1000, 2000] plt.savefig('Machine_Learning/DELTA_dev'+station+str(time_start.year)+str(time_start.month)+str(day)+str(hour)+str(minute)+'.png') print('Figure Saved') plt.close() zdr_out_list.append(zdr_outlines) #except: # traceback.print_exc() # continue f.close() print('Fin') #export_csv = tracks_dataframe.to_csv(r'C:\Users\Nick\Downloads\tracksdataframe.csv',index=None,header=True) return tracks_dataframe
def grid_displacement_pc(grid1, grid2, field, level, return_value='pixels'): """ Calculate the grid displacement using phase correlation. See: Implementation inspired by Christoph Gohlke: Note that the grid must have the same dimensions in x and y and assumed to have constant spacing in these dimensions. Parameters ---------- grid1, grid2 : Grid Py-ART Grid objects separated in time and square in x/y. field : string Field to calculate advection from. Field must be in both grid1 and grid2. level : integer The vertical (z) level of the grid to use in the calculation. return_value : str, optional 'pixels', 'distance' or 'velocity'. Distance in pixels (default) or meters or velocity vector in m/s. Returns ------- displacement : two-tuple Calculated displacement in units of y and x. Value returned in integers if pixels, otherwise floats. """ # create copies of the data field_data1 = grid1.fields[field]['data'][level].copy() field_data2 = grid2.fields[field]['data'][level].copy() # replace fill values with valid_min or minimum value in array if 'valid_min' in grid1.fields[field]: min_value1 = grid1.fields[field]['valid_min'] else: min_value1 = field_data1.min() field_data1 =, min_value1) if 'valid_min' in grid2.fields[field]: min_value2 = grid2.fields[field]['valid_min'] else: min_value2 = field_data2.min() field_data2 =, min_value2) # discrete fast fourier transformation and complex conjugation of field 2 image1fft = np.fft.fft2(field_data1) image2fft = np.conjugate(np.fft.fft2(field_data2)) # inverse fourier transformation of product -> equal to cross correlation imageccor = np.real(np.fft.ifft2((image1fft*image2fft))) # shift the zero-frequency component to the center of the spectrum imageccorshift = np.fft.fftshift(imageccor) # determine the distance of the maximum from the center # find the peak in the correlation row, col = field_data1.shape yshift, xshift = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(imageccorshift), (row, col)) yshift -= int(row/2) xshift -= int(col/2) dx = grid1.x['data'][1] - grid1.x['data'][0] dy = grid1.y['data'][1] - grid1.y['data'][0] x_movement = xshift * dx y_movement = yshift * dy if return_value == 'pixels': displacement = (yshift, xshift) elif return_value == 'distance': displacement = (y_movement, x_movement) elif return_value == 'velocity': t1 = num2date(grid1.time['data'][0], grid1.time['units']) t2 = num2date(grid2.time['data'][0], grid2.time['units']) dt = (t2 - t1).total_seconds() u = x_movement/dt v = y_movement/dt displacement = (v, u) else: displacement = (yshift, xshift) return displacement
def in_out_water(netCDFfile, var_name=None): out_file = [] for fn in netCDFfile: ds = Dataset(fn, 'a') nc_vars = ds.variables to_add = [] if var_name: to_add.append(var_name) else: for v in nc_vars: if "TIME" in nc_vars[v].dimensions: #print (vars[v].dimensions) if v != 'TIME': to_add.append(v) # remove any anx variables from the list for v in nc_vars: if 'ancillary_variables' in nc_vars[v].ncattrs(): remove = nc_vars[v].getncattr('ancillary_variables').split(' ') print("remove ", remove) for r in remove: to_add.remove(r) time_var = nc_vars["TIME"] time = num2date(time_var[:], units=time_var.units, calendar=time_var.calendar) time_deploy = parser.parse(ds.time_deployment_start, ignoretz=True) time_recovery = parser.parse(ds.time_deployment_end, ignoretz=True) print('file', fn) print('deployment time', time_deploy) print('var to add', to_add) # create a mask for the time range mask = (time <= time_deploy) | (time >= time_recovery) count = -1 for v in to_add: if v in nc_vars: print("var", v, ' dimensions ', nc_vars[v].dimensions) ncVarOut = nc_vars[v + "_quality_control"] ncVarOut[mask] = 6 # create a qc variable just for this test flags if v + "_quality_control_io" in ds.variables: ncVarOut = ds.variables[v + "_quality_control_io"] ncVarOut[:] = 0 else: ncVarOut = ds.createVariable(v + "_quality_control_io", "i1", nc_vars[v].dimensions, fill_value=99, zlib=True) # fill_value=0 otherwise defaults to max nc_vars[v].ancillary_variables = nc_vars[v].ancillary_variables + " " + v + "_quality_control_io" ncVarOut[:] = 0 ncVarOut.long_name = "quality flag for " + nc_vars[v].long_name try: ncVarOut.standard_name = nc_vars[v].standard_name + " status_flag" except AttributeError: pass ncVarOut.quality_control_conventions = "IMOS standard flags" ncVarOut.flag_values = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9], dtype=np.int8) ncVarOut.flag_meanings = 'unknown good_data probably_good_data probably_bad_data bad_data not_deployed interpolated missing_value' ncVarOut.comment = 'data flagged not deployed (6) when out of water' ncVarOut[mask] = 6 # calculate the number of points marked as bad_data marked = np.zeros_like(ncVarOut) marked[mask] = 1 count = sum(marked) ds.file_version = "Level 1 - Quality Controlled Data" if count > 0: # update the history attribute try: hist = ds.history + "\n" except AttributeError: hist = "" ds.setncattr('history', hist + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ' : ' + ' marked ' + str(int(count))) ds.close() out_file.append(fn) return out_file
def test_cf_datetime(self): import netCDF4 as nc4 for num_dates, units in [ (np.arange(10), 'days since 2000-01-01'), (np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5), 'days since 2000-01-01'), (12300 + np.arange(5), 'hours since 1680-01-01 00:00:00'), # here we add a couple minor formatting errors to test # the robustness of the parsing algorithm. (12300 + np.arange(5), 'hour since 1680-01-01 00:00:00'), (12300 + np.arange(5), u'Hour since 1680-01-01 00:00:00'), (12300 + np.arange(5), ' Hour since 1680-01-01 00:00:00 '), (10, 'days since 2000-01-01'), ([10], 'daYs since 2000-01-01'), ([[10]], 'days since 2000-01-01'), ([10, 10], 'days since 2000-01-01'), (np.array(10), 'days since 2000-01-01'), (0, 'days since 1000-01-01'), ([0], 'days since 1000-01-01'), ([[0]], 'days since 1000-01-01'), (np.arange(2), 'days since 1000-01-01'), (np.arange(0, 100000, 20000), 'days since 1900-01-01'), (17093352.0, 'hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0'), ([0.5, 1.5], 'hours since 1900-01-01T00:00:00'), (0, 'milliseconds since 2000-01-01T00:00:00'), (0, 'microseconds since 2000-01-01T00:00:00'), ]: for calendar in ['standard', 'gregorian', 'proleptic_gregorian']: expected = _ensure_naive_tz( nc4.num2date(num_dates, units, calendar)) print(num_dates, units, calendar) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'Unable to decode time axis') actual = conventions.decode_cf_datetime( num_dates, units, calendar) if (isinstance(actual, np.ndarray) and np.issubdtype(actual.dtype, np.datetime64)): # self.assertEqual(actual.dtype.kind, 'M') # For some reason, numpy 1.8 does not compare ns precision # datetime64 arrays as equal to arrays of datetime objects, # but it works for us precision. Thus, convert to us # precision for the actual array equal comparison... actual_cmp = actual.astype('M8[us]') else: actual_cmp = actual self.assertArrayEqual(expected, actual_cmp) encoded, _, _ = conventions.encode_cf_datetime( actual, units, calendar) if '1-1-1' not in units: # pandas parses this date very strangely, so the original # units/encoding cannot be preserved in this case: # (Pdb) pd.to_datetime('1-1-1 00:00:0.0') # Timestamp('2001-01-01 00:00:00') self.assertArrayEqual(num_dates, np.around(encoded, 1)) if (hasattr(num_dates, 'ndim') and num_dates.ndim == 1 and '1000' not in units): # verify that wrapping with a pandas.Index works # note that it *does not* currently work to even put # non-datetime64 compatible dates into a pandas.Index :( encoded, _, _ = conventions.encode_cf_datetime( pd.Index(actual), units, calendar) self.assertArrayEqual(num_dates, np.around(encoded, 1))
def load_history(filename, start_time=datetime(1, 1, 1), end_time=datetime(1, 1, 1), grid=None, epoch=default_epoch, url=_url, load_data=False): """ Download soda data and save into local file Parameters ---------- filename: string name of output file start_time: datetime starting date to load soda data end_time: datetime ending date for loading soda data grid: seapy.model.grid, optional if specified, only load SODA data that covers the grid epoch: datetime, optional reference time for new file url: string, optional URL to load SODA data from load_data: bool, optional If true (default) actually load the data. If false, it displays the information needed to load the data using ncks Returns ------- None """ # Load the grid grid = asgrid(grid) # Open the soda data soda = netCDF4.Dataset(url) # Figure out the time records that are required soda_time = netCDF4.num2date(soda.variables["time"][:], soda.variables["time"].units) time_list = np.where( np.logical_and(soda_time >= start_time, soda_time <= end_time)) if not any(time_list): raise Exception("Cannot find valid times") # Get the latitude and longitude ranges minlat = np.min(grid.lat_rho) - 0.5 maxlat = np.max(grid.lat_rho) + 0.5 minlon = np.min(grid.lon_rho) - 0.5 maxlon = np.max(grid.lon_rho) + 0.5 soda_lon = soda.variables["lon"][:] soda_lat = soda.variables["lat"][:] # Ensure same convention if not grid.east(): soda_lon[soda_lon > 180] -= 360 latlist = np.where(np.logical_and(soda_lat >= minlat, soda_lat <= maxlat)) lonlist = np.where(np.logical_and(soda_lon >= minlon, soda_lon <= maxlon)) if not np.any(latlist) or not np.any(lonlist): raise Exception("Bounds not found") # Build the history file if load_data: his = ncgen.create_zlevel(filename, len(latlist[0]), len(lonlist[0]), len(soda.variables["lev"][:]), epoch, "soda history from " + url, dims=1) # Write out the data his.variables["lat"][:] = soda_lat[latlist] his.variables["lon"][:] = soda_lon[lonlist] his.variables["depth"][:] = soda.variables["lev"] his.variables["time"][:] = netCDF4.date2num( soda_time[time_list], his.variables["time"].units) # Loop over the variables sodavars = {"ssh": 3, "u": 4, "v": 4, "temp": 4, "salt": 4} hisvars = { "ssh": "zeta", "u": "u", "v": "v", "temp": "temp", "salt": "salt" } if not load_data: print( "ncks -v {:s} -d time,{:d},{:d} -d lat,{:d},{:d} -d lon,{:d},{:d} {:s} {:s}" .format(",".join(sodavars.keys()), time_list[0][0], time_list[0][-1], latlist[0][0], latlist[0][-1], lonlist[0][0], lonlist[0][-1], _url, filename)) else: for rn, recs in enumerate(chunker(time_list[0], _maxrecs)): print("{:s}-{:s}: ".format( soda_time[recs[0]].strftime("%m/%d/%Y"), soda_time[recs[-1]].strftime("%m/%d/%Y")), end='', flush=True) for var in sodavars: print("{:s} ".format(var), end='', flush=True) hisrange = np.arange(rn * _maxrecs, (rn * _maxrecs) + len(recs)) if sodavars[var] == 3: his.variables[hisvars[var]][hisrange, :, :] = \ soda.variables[var][recs, latlist[0], lonlist[0]]). \ filled(fill_value=9.99E10) else: his.variables[hisvars[var]][hisrange, :, :, :] = \ soda.variables[var][recs, :, latlist[0], lonlist[0]].filled(fill_value=9.99E10) his.sync() print("", flush=True) pass
cblabel = 'temperature 2 m [C]' #'3h acumm precipitation [mm]' # time_units = 'seconds since 2010-01-01 00:00:00' # map data members = 3 treshhold = 0.01 # mm / h # grd_data = np.where(grd_data < treshhold, np.nan, grd_data) clevs, cmaps = make_cmap(temp()) #[0], precip1() for date, grid, obs in zip(dates, grd_data, obs_data): obs_dict['colors'] = obs title = num2date(date, time_units) print('Plotting date: {}'.format(title) ) print('--> observed: minimum value: {:.2f}, maximum value: {:.2f}'.format(obs.min(), obs.max())) for m in range(members): grid_m = grid[...,m] print('--> member: {}, minimum value: {:.2f}, maximum value: {:.2f}'.format(m+1, grid_m.min(), grid_m.max())) mapa = mu.get_mapa(lon_lat[0], lon_lat[1], proj=proj_dict) fig = mu.graphgtmap(grd_x, grd_y, grid_m, mapa, cblabel, title, clevs, cmaps, asp, calpha=0.9, stn_dict=obs_dict, fig_dpi=300) fname = 'map_' + str(title).replace(' ', '_') + '_member:'+str(m+1) fig.savefig(os.path.join('outputs/plots', domain, var_key, fname + '.png'))
time_var_name = name break time_var = data.variables[time_var_name] lat_var = data.variables['lat'] lon_var = data.variables['lon'] # Get actual data values and remove any size 1 dimensions lat = lat_var[:].squeeze() lon = lon_var[:].squeeze() height = height_var[0, 0, :, :].squeeze() u_wind = u_wind_var[0, 0, :, :].squeeze() * units('m/s') v_wind = v_wind_var[0, 0, :, :].squeeze() * units('m/s') # Convert number of hours since the reference time into an actual date time = num2date(time_var[:].squeeze(), time_var.units) # Combine 1D latitude and longitudes into a 2D grid of locations lon_2d, lat_2d = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) # Smooth height data height = ndimage.gaussian_filter(height, sigma=1.5, order=0) # Set up some constants based on our projection, including the Coriolis parameter and # grid spacing, converting lon/lat spacing to Cartesian f = mpcalc.coriolis_parameter(np.deg2rad(lat_2d)).to('1/s') dx, dy = mpcalc.lat_lon_grid_deltas(lon_2d, lat_2d) # In MetPy 0.5, geostrophic_wind() assumes the order of the dimensions is (X, Y), # so we need to transpose from the input data, which are ordered lat (y), lon (x). # Once we get the components,transpose again so they match our original data.
scT1fd_in = Dataset('') #%% sagehen timming scT1time = scT1fd_in.variables['time'][:] # get values t_unitST1 = scT1fd_in.variables[ 'time'].units # get unit "days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z" try: t_cal = scT1fd_in.variables['time'].calendar except AttributeError: # Attribute doesn't exist t_cal = u"gregorian" # or standard tvalueScT1 = num2date(scT1time, units=t_unitST1, calendar=t_cal) scT1date_in = [i.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") for i in tvalueScT1] #%% make new nc file new_fc_sc = Dataset("", 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC') # define dimensions hru = new_fc_sc.createDimension('hru', hru_num) time = new_fc_sc.createDimension('time', None) # define variables hruid = new_fc_sc.createVariable('hruId', np.int32, ('hru', )) lat = new_fc_sc.createVariable('latitude', np.float64, ('hru', )) lon = new_fc_sc.createVariable('longitude', np.float64, ('hru', )) ds = new_fc_sc.createVariable('data_step', np.float64) times = new_fc_sc.createVariable('time', np.float64, ('time', ))
f = temperature ='sea_water_temperature') lon = temperature[0].coord('lon').array lat = temperature[0].coord('lat').array time = temperature[0].coord('time').array temperatureQC = temperature[0].ancillary_variables[0].array temperature = temperature[0].array cf.close_files() temperature = != 1, temperature) temperature = > 32., temperature) temperature = < 18., temperature) print temperature.min() with netCDF4.Dataset(datafile) as nc: time2plot = netCDF4.num2date(nc.variables['time'][:], nc.variables['time'].units) temperature =<coordinates[0], temperature) lon =<coordinates[0], lon) lat =<coordinates[0], lat) time =<coordinates[0], time) lon, lat = m(lon, lat) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(122) monthformat = dates.DateFormatter('%B') monthticks = dates.MonthLocator(interval=2) # every month dayxticks = dates.DayLocator() # every month ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(monthticks) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(monthformat)
from efa_xray.assimilation.ensrf import EnSRF # directory where the ensemble of all times is infile = '/home/disk/hot/stangen/Documents/GEFS/ensembles' + \ '/2017090600/' # only variable I am using is 500mb height vrbls=['Z500','T500','RH500','U500','V500','Z700','T700','RH700','U700','V700', \ 'Z850','T850','RH850','U850','V850','Z925','T925','RH925','U925','V925', \ 'Z1000','T1000','RH1000','U1000','V1000','T2M','RH2M','U10M','V10M', \ 'PWAT','MSLP','P6HR'] # loading/accessing the netcdf data with Dataset(infile, 'r') as ncdata: times = ncdata.variables['time'] ftimes = num2date(times[:], times.units) lats = ncdata.variables['lat'][:] lons = ncdata.variables['lon'][:] mems = ncdata.variables['ens'][:] #print(ncdata.variables) # storing the variable data in a dict (state?) allvars = {} for var in vrbls: allvars[var] = (['validtime', 'y', 'x', 'mem'], ncdata.variables[var][:]) lonarr, latarr = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) # Package into an EnsembleState object knowing the state and metadata statecls = EnsembleState.from_vardict( allvars, {
def load_time_axis(path): with netCDF4.Dataset(path) as dataset: var = dataset.variables["time"] values = netCDF4.num2date(var[:], units=var.units) return np.array(values, dtype='datetime64[s]')
import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors from matplotlib import ticker import datetime as dt import netCDF4 as nc file_path = "/g/data/w35/mm3972/cable/EucFACE/EucFACE_run/met/" famb = "" amb = nc.Dataset(os.path.join(file_path,famb), 'r') step_2_sec = 30.*60. df_amb = pd.DataFrame(amb.variables['Rainf'][:,0], columns=['Rainf']) df_amb['dates'] = nc.num2date(amb.variables['time'][:],amb.variables['time'].units) df_amb = df_amb.set_index('dates') df_amb = df_amb*step_2_sec df_amb = df_amb.resample("A").agg('sum') #df_amb = df_amb.drop(df_amb.index[len(df_amb)-1]) df_amb.index = df_amb.index.strftime('%Y') print(df_amb) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(df_amb.index, df_amb.values) for i, txt in enumerate(df_amb.values): ax.annotate(txt, (df_amb.index[i], df_amb.values[i]))
for style, info in style_dict.items(): #,'cpd','tas' for scenario in ['Plus20-Artificial-v1' ]: #'Plus20-Future','Plus15-Future', state_files = sorted( glob.glob(working_path + scenario + '/' + style + '/' + style + '_*')) for state_file in state_files: print(state_file) states = info['states'] nc = da.read_nc(state_file) if 'calendar' in nc['time'].attrs.keys(): datevar = num2date(nc['time'].values, units=nc['time'].units, calendar=nc['time'].calendar) else: datevar = num2date(nc['time'].values, units=nc['time'].units) month = np.array([date.month for date in datevar]) if 'stateCount' not in globals(): stateCount = da.Dataset({}) for state in states: stateCount[state] = da.DimArray( np.zeros([4, len(, len(nc.lon)]), axes=[seasons.keys(),, nc.lon], dims=['season', 'lat', 'lon']) stateCount[state + '_possible_days'] = da.DimArray( np.zeros([4, len(, len(nc.lon)]), axes=[seasons.keys(),, nc.lon],
def plot_imd_radar(fpath, ele, R, plotpath): # Plotting Options Set in Function # ele = 0 #Elevation # R = 50# #Min and Mac Range from Radar in km # Read Files and Setup Plotting radar = display = pyart.graph.RadarDisplay(radar) # set the figure title and show instrument_name = (radar.metadata['instrument_name'])[0:7] time_start = netCDF4.num2date(radar.time['data'][0], radar.time['units']) time_text = ' ' + time_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ') elevation = radar.fixed_angle['data'][ele] ele_text = '%0.1f' % (elevation) title = instrument_name + time_text + ' Elevation %.1f' % (elevation) if np.round(elevation, 0) > 9.99: ele_folder = 'ele' + ele_text[0] + ele_text[1] + '_' + ele_text[ 3] + '/' ele_name = 'ele' + ele_text[0] + ele_text[1] + '_' + ele_text[3] else: ele_folder = 'ele' + ele_text[0] + '_' + ele_text[2] + '/' ele_name = 'ele' + ele_text[0] + '_' + ele_text[2] plot_file_name = instrument_name + '_' + time_start.strftime( '%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%SZ') + ele_name + '.png' loc_folder = instrument_name + '/' R_folder = str(R) + 'km' + '/' fig_save_file_path = plotpath + loc_folder + ele_folder + R_folder if os.path.isfile(fig_save_file_path + plot_file_name): print(fig_save_file_path + plot_file_name + ' exists') else: # Figure Options width = 30 # in inches height = 10 # in inches fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height)) nrows = 2 ncols = 5 ax1 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 1) display.plot('dBZ', ele, ax=ax1, vmin=-32, vmax=16., title='Horizontal Reflectivity', colorbar_label=radar.fields['dBZ']['units'], axislabels=('', 'North South distance from radar (km)')) display.set_limits((-R, R), (-R, R), ax=ax1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 2) display.plot('ZDR', ele, ax=ax2, vmin=-2, vmax=10., title='Differential Reflectivity', colorbar_label=radar.fields['ZDR']['units'], axislabels=('', ''), cmap='pyart_RefDiff') display.set_limits((-R, R), (-R, R), ax=ax2) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 3) display.plot('RhoHV', ele, ax=ax3, vmin=0, vmax=1., title='Cross Correlation Ratio', colorbar_label=radar.fields['RhoHV']['units'], axislabels=('', ''), cmap='pyart_RefDiff') display.set_limits((-R, R), (-R, R), ax=ax3) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 4) display.plot('KDP', ele, ax=ax4, vmin=-2, vmax=5., title='Specific Differential Phase', colorbar_label=radar.fields['KDP']['units'], axislabels=('', ''), cmap='pyart_Theodore16') display.set_limits((-R, R), (-R, R), ax=ax4) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 5) display.plot('PhiDP', ele, ax=ax5, vmin=-180, vmax=180., title='Differential Phase', colorbar_label=radar.fields['PhiDP']['units'], axislabels=('', ''), cmap='pyart_Wild25') display.set_limits((-R, R), (-R, R), ax=ax5) ax6 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 6) display.plot('V', ele, ax=ax6, vmin=-16, vmax=16., title='Doppler Velocity', colorbar_label=radar.fields['V']['units'], axislabels=('East West distance from radar (km)', 'North South distance from radar (km)'), cmap='pyart_BuDRd18') display.set_limits((-R, R), (-R, R), ax=ax6) ax7 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 7) display.plot('W', ele, ax=ax7, vmin=0, vmax=5., title='Spectrum Width', colorbar_label=radar.fields['W']['units'], axislabels=('East West distance from radar (km)', ''), cmap='pyart_NWS_SPW') display.set_limits((-R, R), (-R, R), ax=ax7) ax8 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 8) display.plot('SNR', ele, ax=ax8, title='SNR', colorbar_label=radar.fields['SNR']['units'], axislabels=('East West distance from radar (km)', ''), cmap='pyart_Carbone17') display.set_limits((-R, R), (-R, R), ax=ax8) ax9 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 9) display.plot('SQI', ele, ax=ax9, title='SQI', colorbar_label=radar.fields['SQI']['units'], axislabels=('East West distance from radar (km)', ''), cmap='pyart_Carbone17') display.set_limits((-R, R), (-R, R), ax=ax9) ax10 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 10) display.plot('uPhiDP', ele, ax=ax10, vmin=-360, vmax=360., title='Unfiltered Differential Phase', colorbar_label=radar.fields['uPhiDP']['units'], axislabels=('East West distance from radar (km)', ''), cmap='pyart_Wild25') display.set_limits((-R, R), (-R, R), ax=ax10) display.plot_cross_hair(3.) plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=24) if not os.path.exists(fig_save_file_path): os.makedirs(fig_save_file_path) plt.savefig(fig_save_file_path + plot_file_name, dpi=100) plt.close('all') del radar del display
def write_pcr_timeseries(lookup_table, srcVar, trgFolder, trgPrefix, logger, slope=1., offset=0., year=False, remove_missings=True): # if necessary, make trgPrefix maximum of 8 characters if len(trgPrefix) > 8: trgPrefix = trgPrefix[0:8] # prepare a counter for the number of files with non-missing values count = 0 timeList = [] # establish the points in the lookup_table where the dates of interest are located startDate = dt.datetime(year, 1, 1, 0, 0) endDate = dt.datetime(year, 12, 31, 0, 0) allDates = lookup_table['time'] idxs = where( logical_and(array(allDates) >= startDate, array(allDates) <= endDate))[0] # start with an empty string to compare with srcFile = '' for idx in idxs: if logical_and(lookup_table[srcVar][idx] != srcFile, lookup_table[srcVar][idx] != ''): # read a new source netCDF file if srcFile != '': # if we are not reading the first time, then close the previous file nc_src.close() # set the new source file and open it and read x and y-axis and time and the variable of interest srcFile = lookup_table[srcVar][idx] nc_src = nc4.Dataset(srcFile, 'r') # read axis, try 'lat' otherwise try 'latitude' try: y = nc_src.variables['lat'][:] except: y = nc_src.variables['latitude'][:] try: x = nc_src.variables['lon'][:] except: x = nc_src.variables['longitude'][:] # read time axis and convert to time objects time = nc_src.variables['time'] timeObjRaw = nc4.num2date(time[:], units=time.units, calendar=time.calendar) # UUGGGHHH: this seems to be a bug. calendar other than gregorian give other objects than # datetime.datetime objects. Here we convert to gregorian numbers, then back to date objects timeObj = [] for t in timeObjRaw: timeObj.append(dt.datetime.strptime(t.strftime('%Y%j'), '%Y%j')) # timeObj = nc4.num2date(nc4.date2num(timeObj, units=time.units, calendar='gregorian'), units=time.units, calendar='gregorian') # now loop over all time steps, check the date and write valid dates to a list, write time series to PCRaster maps for n in range(len(timeObj)): # remove any hours or minutes data from curTime timeObj[n] = timeObj[n].replace(hour=0) timeObj[n] = timeObj[n].replace(minute=0) # Read the variable of interest nc_var = nc_src.variables[srcVar] #### Correct file is read, now read in position #### # look up the position in the current file, where the current time step is located curTime = allDates[idx] location = where(array(timeObj) == curTime)[0] if len(location) == 1: # in case of a difference in the used calendar, there may be one or more missing days in a year. # These are accounted for by ignoring dates that are not found inside the input data files curGrid = nc_var[location[0], :, :] if remove_missings: if hasattr(curGrid, 'mask'): curMask = curGrid.mask curGrid = curGrid[curMask] = nan # check if grid contains valid values pixloc = where(isfinite(curGrid)) # != nc_var._FillValue)[0] if len(pixloc) > 0: # there are valid values, so write to a PCRaster map and add time to list timeList.append(curTime) count += 1 below_thousand = count % 1000 above_thousand = count / 1000 pcraster_file = str(trgPrefix + '%0' + str(8 - len(trgPrefix)) + '.f.%03.f') % (above_thousand, below_thousand) pcraster_path = os.path.join(trgFolder, pcraster_file) logger.debug('Writing "' + srcVar + '" on date ' + curTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ' to ' + pcraster_path) # prepare grid for writing to file trgGrid = curGrid * slope + offset trgGrid[isnan(trgGrid)] = nc_var._FillValue # write grid to PCRaster file if y[1] - y[0] > 0.: # the y-axis is ascending, flip the y axis and the target grid! writeMap(pcraster_path, 'PCRaster', x, flipud(y), flipud(trgGrid), float(nc_var._FillValue)) else: writeMap(pcraster_path, 'PCRaster', x, y, trgGrid, float(nc_var._FillValue)) else: logger.debug('"' + srcVar + '" not available on date ' + curTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) nc_src.close() return timeList
ds_cf = netCDF4.Dataset(data_dir + 'ecmwf_iri_' + calendar.month_abbr[target_month] + '') #Load the pf file ds_pf = netCDF4.Dataset(data_dir + 'ecmwf_iri_' + calendar.month_abbr[target_month] + '') #Load the cf file # You may want to uncomment the following lines # to print out the file and variable information #print(ds_pf.file_format) #print(ds_pf.dimensions.keys()) #print(ds_pf.variables) # Read in the variables from cf prec_hd = ds_cf.variables['hdate'][:] prec_lead = ds_cf.variables['L'][:] prec_lat = ds_cf.variables['Y'][:] prec_lon = ds_cf.variables['X'][:] prec_temp = ds_cf.variables['S'] prec_start = netCDF4.num2date(prec_temp[:],prec_temp.units) if ec_lat.all() != prec_lat.all(): print('Latitude files are not the same') if ec_lon.all() != prec_lon.all(): print('Longitude files are not the same') # Read in the array from pf's total precip ('tp') variable arr_pf = ds_pf.variables['tp'][:] # Read in the cf's total precip ('tp') variable arr_cf = ds_cf.variables['tp'][:] arr_shp = arr_pf.shape # Create a new array to accommodate the 10 pf and 1 cf members arr_comb = np.empty([arr_shp[0], arr_shp[1],arr_shp[2], arr_shp[3]+1, arr_shp[4], arr_shp[5]]) # Populate arr_comb with pf and cf data
def time_file_index( base_dir, time_var, begin_date=datetime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0), end_date=datetime(2013, 1, 5, 0, 0), filenames=None, ): """Index a set of files and generate a pandas data frame of time (index) and filename. Parameters ---------- base_dir : str Index a set of files and generate a pandas data frame of time (index) and filename. time_var : str The title of the time variable in the netCDF files. begin_date : datetime.datetime, optional The minimum date from which to include files. end_date : datetime.datetime, optional The maximum date from which to include files. filenames : list, default: None A list of filenames, if you found them some other way. Returns ------- pandas.Dataframe A pandas dataframe with a DateTimeIndex constructed from the files, and columns of filename and t_index. The latter represents the numerical index value of the time slice in the named file. """ if filenames is None: filenames = find_files(base_dir, begin_date, end_date) nfiles = len(filenames) # Build a tuple with dates and filenames the file contains for every file in the index time_file = [] for i in trange(nfiles): with netCDF4.Dataset(filenames[i]) as netcdf: # extract the time, turn it into a date time_dat = netcdf.variables[time_var] times = np.array(time_dat) # some have calendar, some don't try: times = netCDF4.num2date(times, time_dat.units, time_dat.calendar) except: times = netCDF4.num2date(times, time_dat.units) for j in range(len(times)): time_file.append((times[j], filenames[i], j)) result = pd.DataFrame(time_file, columns=["date", "file", "t_index"]) result = result.set_index("date") # check for duplicates dupes = result.index.duplicated(keep="first") if dupes.sum() > 0: # print('Found duplicate times, using first one found.') result = result[~dupes] return result
tStart = parse(time_deployment_start, ignoretz=True) tEnd = parse(time_deployment_end, ignoretz=True) tStartnum = date2num(tStart, units=ncTime[0].units, calendar=ncTime[0].calendar) tEndnum = date2num(tEnd, units=ncTime[0].units, calendar=ncTime[0].calendar) maTime = ma.array(ncTime[0][:]) msk = (maTime < tStartnum) | (maTime > tEndnum) maTime.mask = msk dates = num2date(maTime.compressed(), units=ncTime[0].units, calendar=ncTime[0].calendar) # create a new filename # from: # IMOS_<Facility-Code>_<Data-Code>_<Start-date>_<Platform-Code>_FV<File-Version>_ <Product-Type>_END-<End-date>_C-<Creation_date>_<PARTX>.nc # to: # OS_[PlatformCode]_[DeploymentCode]_[DataMode]_[PARTX].nc # TODO: what to do with <Data-Code> with a reduced number of variables fileName = os.path.basename(fn) splitParts = fileName.split( "_") # get the last path item (the file name), split by _ tStartMaksed = dates[0]
def fix_dataset(self, fn_out, species, fcinit): # read vertical coordinates hyn, hyam, hybm = load_vert_coord(CAMS_LEVELDEV_STR) with Dataset(fn_out, 'a', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC') as nc: t_obj = num2date(nc.variables['time'][:], nc.variables['time'].units) t_unit = 'hours since {:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}'.format(fcinit) nc.variables['time'][:] = date2num(t_obj, t_unit) nc.variables['time'].setncattr('units', t_unit) nc.variables['time'].setncattr('standard_name', 'time') nc.variables['latitude'].setncattr('standard_name', 'latitude') nc.variables['longitude'].setncattr('standard_name', 'longitude') if species == 'AIR_PRESSURE': ps_ = nc.variables['lnsp'][:] # TODO use species definition # calculate air_pressure p_ = (hyam[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + hybm[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * np.exp(ps_[:, np.newaxis, :, :])) # create 'level' variable nc.createDimension('level', hyn.size) v_lev = nc.createVariable('level', np.int32, ('level', )) v_lev[:] = np.arange(1, 61, 1, dtype='int32') # write air_pressure to file nc.createVariable( 'P', np.float32, ('time', 'level', 'latitude', 'longitude'), zlib=True, complevel=6, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True) nc.variables['P'][:] = p_.astype('float32') # set air_pressure attributes nc.variables['P'].setncattr('standard_name', 'air_pressure') nc.variables['P'].setncattr('units', 'Pa') self.set_standard_name(nc, species) v_hy = nc.createVariable('hybrid', np.float32, ('level', )) v_hy[:] = hyn v_hy.setncattr('standard_name', 'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate') v_hy.setncattr('units', 'sigma') v_hy.setncattr('positive', 'down') v_hy.setncattr('formula', 'p(time, level, lat, lon) = ' 'ap(level) + b(level) * exp(lnsp(time, lat, lon))') v_hy.setncattr('formula_terms', 'ap: hyam b: hybm lnsp:lnsp') v_am = nc.createVariable('hyam', np.float32, ('level', )) v_am[:] = hyam v_am.setncattr('units', 'Pa') v_am.setncattr('standard_name', 'atmosphere_pressure_coordinate') v_bm = nc.createVariable('hybm', np.float32, ('level', )) v_bm[:] = hybm v_bm.setncattr('units', '1') v_bm.setncattr('standard_name', 'atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate') nc.variables['level'].setncattr('standard_name', 'model_level_number') for var in ['time', 'latitude', 'longitude']: nc.variables[var].setncattr('standard_name', var)
# do some finagling with the start times in the data files for ff in os.listdir(setup.Data_Dir): if ff.endswith("filelist.txt"): fn = ff f = file(os.path.join(setup.Data_Dir, fn)) flist = [] for line in f: name = os.path.join(setup.Data_Dir, line) flist.append(name[:-1]) # Gonzo cat version # flist.append(name[:-1]) # laptop current version Time_Map = [] for fn in flist: d = nc4.Dataset(fn) t = d['time'] file_start_time = nc4.num2date(t[0], units=t.units) Time_Map.append((file_start_time, fn)) ### WIND # do some finagling with the start times in the data files for ff in os.listdir(setup.Data_DirW): if ff.endswith("filelist.txt"): fn = ff # fn = os.path.join(setup.Data_Dir,'SoCal_filelist.txt') f = file(os.path.join(setup.Data_DirW, fn)) flist = [] for line in f: name = os.path.join(setup.Data_DirW, line) flist.append(name[:-1]) # Gonzo cat version # flist.append(name[:-1]) # laptop current version Time_Map_W = []
Vqc = ADCP200.variables['VCUR_quality_control'] Uqc = ADCP200.variables['UCUR_quality_control'] Dqc = ADCP200.variables['DEPTH_quality_control'] #To regrid for Depth_interp_final = (np.arange(Depth_f,Depth_i,-Depth_dz)) Depth_i = 0 Depth_f = 145 Depth_dz = 5 # In[20]: #block 4: Convert the ADCP time series dataset (Matlab to python time series: yyyy/mm/DD hh/mm/SS) units = ADCP200.variables['TIME'].units calendar = ADCP200.variables['TIME'].calendar times = num2date(ADCP200.variables['TIME'][:], units=units, calendar=calendar) times1 = mdates.date2num(times) # In[21]: #block 5: Create variables with ADCP dataset #basic data depth_ADCP = DEPTH[:, 0, 0] depth_Bin = Wheight[:] data_u = U[:, :, :, :] data_v = V[:, :, :, :] v2d = data_v[:, :, 0, 0] u2d = data_u[:, :, 0, 0] #quality controle data
def seasonal_climatology_cice(directory, out_file): # Starting and ending months (1-based) for each season start_month = [12, 3, 6, 9] end_month = [2, 5, 8, 11] # Starting and ending days of the month (1-based) for each season # Assume no leap years, we'll fix this later if we need start_day = [1, 1, 1, 1] end_day = [28, 31, 31, 30] # Find the first output file for file in listdir(directory): if file.startswith('iceh.') and file.endswith('.nc'): # Read the grid id = Dataset(directory + file, 'r') lon = id.variables['TLON'][:, :] lat = id.variables['TLAT'][:, :] id.close() break # Set up arrays to integrate seasonal climatology of aice and hi seasonal_aice = ma.empty([4, size(lon, 0), size(lon, 1)]) seasonal_hi = ma.empty([4, size(lon, 0), size(lon, 1)]) seasonal_aice[:, :, :] = 0.0 seasonal_hi[:, :, :] = 0.0 # Also integrate number of days in each season ndays = zeros(4) # Total number of days for a final check total_days = 0 # Loop over files for file in listdir(directory): if file.startswith('iceh.') and file.endswith('.nc'): print 'Processing ' + directory + file # Read aice and hi id = Dataset(directory + file, 'r') aice = id.variables['aice'][0, :, :] hi = id.variables['hi'][0, :, :] # Read the time value and convert to Date object time_id = id.variables['time'] time = num2date(time_id[0], units=time_id.units, calendar=time_id.calendar.lower()) id.close() total_days += 5 # 5-day averages marked with next day's date year = time.year month = time.month day = # Get the season of this day if month in [12, 1, 2]: # DJF season = 0 elif month in [3, 4, 5]: # MAM season = 1 elif month in [6, 7, 8]: # JJA season = 2 elif month in [9, 10, 11]: # SON season = 3 # Check for leap years leap_year = False if mod(year, 4) == 0: leap_year = True if mod(year, 100) == 0: leap_year = False if mod(year, 400) == 0: leap_year = True # Update last day in February if leap_year: end_day[0] = 29 else: end_day[0] = 28 if month == start_month[season]: # We are in the first month of the season if day - 5 < start_day[season]: # Spills over into the previous season prev_season = mod(season - 1, 4) # How many days does it spill over by? spill_days = start_day[season] - day + 5 # Should be between 1 and 5 if spill_days < 1 or spill_days > 5: print 'Problem: spill_days is ' + str(spill_days) print 'Timestep ' + str(t + 1) print 'Year ' + str(year) print 'Month ' + str(month + 1) print 'Day ' + str(day) return # Split between previous season and this season seasonal_aice[prev_season, :, :] += aice * spill_days seasonal_hi[prev_season, :, :] += hi * spill_days ndays[prev_season] += spill_days seasonal_aice[season, :, :] += aice * (5 - spill_days) seasonal_hi[season, :, :] += hi * (5 - spill_days) ndays[season] += 5 - spill_days else: # Entirely within the season seasonal_aice[season, :, :] += aice * 5 seasonal_hi[season, :, :] += hi * 5 ndays[season] += 5 else: # Not in the first month of the season # The 5 days will be entirely within the season seasonal_aice[season, :, :] += aice * 5 seasonal_hi[season, :, :] += hi * 5 ndays[season] += 5 # Convert from sums to averages for season in range(4): seasonal_aice[ season, :, :] = seasonal_aice[season, :, :] / ndays[season] seasonal_hi[season, :, :] = seasonal_hi[season, :, :] / ndays[season] if sum(ndays) != total_days: print 'Problem: files have ' + str( total_days) + ' days, but climatology has ' + str(sum(ndays)) return # Write to file print 'Writing ' + out_file id = Dataset(out_file, 'w') id.createDimension('ni', size(lon, 1)) id.createDimension('nj', size(lon, 0)) id.createDimension('time', 4) id.createVariable('TLON', 'f8', ('nj', 'ni')) id.variables['TLON'].long_name = 'T grid center longitude' id.variables['TLON'].units = 'degrees_east' id.variables['TLON'][:, :] = lon id.createVariable('TLAT', 'f8', ('nj', 'ni')) id.variables['TLAT'].long_name = 'T grid center latitude' id.variables['TLAT'].units = 'degrees_north' id.variables['TLAT'][:, :] = lat id.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time')) id.variables['time'].units = 'season' id.variables['time'].long_name = 'DJF, MAM, JJA, SON' id.variables['time'][:] = arange(1, 4 + 1) id.createVariable('aice', 'f8', ('time', 'nj', 'ni')) id.variables['aice'].units = '1' id.variables['aice'][:, :, :] = seasonal_aice id.createVariable('hi', 'f8', ('time', 'nj', 'ni')) id.variables['hi'].units = 'm' id.variables['hi'][:, :, :] = seasonal_hi id.close()
timestep = 'time' ## Extracting longitude and latitude of all mesh nodes ## lon = nc['x'][:] lat = nc['y'][:] ## Extracting element description details (list of 3 vertices specified for each triangle denoted by index number)from the output file ## nv = nc['element'][:, :] - 1 ## Extracting time step information from the output file ## time_var = nc['time'] ## startdate specifies start time of ADCIRC computations ## startdate = time_var.units ## Converting the time step information into datetime objects ## dtime = netCDF4.num2date(time_var[:], startdate) ## Converting datetime objects to string format - YYMMDDHHMMSS ## a = [] for j in dtime: a.append(j.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) ## RUNNING TIME ## print 'Finished organizing input information after %d seconds' % (time.time() - time0) ## FUNCTION TO CHECK IF VERTEX FALLS WITHIN A SPECIFIED LONG/LAT BOX## def vertexcheck(LatN, LatS, LongE, LongW, vertex): if lon[vertex] < LongE and lon[vertex] > LongW and lat[ vertex] > LatS and lat[vertex] < LatN:
def read_era5(domain, times, pres=True): #Open ERA5 netcdf files and extract variables needed for a range of times # and given spatial domain ref = dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) if len(times) > 1: date_list = date_seq(times, "hours", 1) else: date_list = times formatted_dates = [format_dates(x) for x in date_list] unique_dates = np.unique(formatted_dates) time_hours = np.empty(len(date_list)) for t in np.arange(0, len(date_list)): time_hours[t] = (date_list[t] - ref).total_seconds() / (3600) if (date_list[0].day == 1) & (date_list[0].hour < 3): fc_unique_dates = np.insert( unique_dates, 0, format_dates(date_list[0] - dt.timedelta(1))) else: fc_unique_dates = np.copy(unique_dates) #Get time-invariant pressure and spatial info no_p, p, p_ind = get_pressure(100) p = p[p_ind] lon, lat = get_lat_lon() lon_ind = np.where((lon >= domain[2]) & (lon <= domain[3]))[0] lat_ind = np.where((lat >= domain[0]) & (lat <= domain[1]))[0] lon = lon[lon_ind] lat = lat[lat_ind] terrain = reform_terrain(lon, lat) sfc_lon, sfc_lat = get_lat_lon_sfc() sfc_lon_ind = np.where((sfc_lon >= domain[2]) & (sfc_lon <= domain[3]))[0] sfc_lat_ind = np.where((sfc_lat >= domain[0]) & (sfc_lat <= domain[1]))[0] sfc_lon = sfc_lon[sfc_lon_ind] sfc_lat = sfc_lat[sfc_lat_ind] #Initialise arrays for each variable if pres: ta = np.empty((len(date_list), no_p, len(lat_ind), len(lon_ind))) dp = np.empty((len(date_list), no_p, len(lat_ind), len(lon_ind))) hur = np.empty((len(date_list), no_p, len(lat_ind), len(lon_ind))) hgt = np.empty((len(date_list), no_p, len(lat_ind), len(lon_ind))) ua = np.empty((len(date_list), no_p, len(lat_ind), len(lon_ind))) va = np.empty((len(date_list), no_p, len(lat_ind), len(lon_ind))) wap = np.empty((len(date_list), no_p, len(lat_ind), len(lon_ind))) uas = np.empty((len(date_list), len(sfc_lat_ind), len(sfc_lon_ind))) vas = np.empty((len(date_list), len(sfc_lat_ind), len(sfc_lon_ind))) ps = np.empty((len(date_list), len(sfc_lat_ind), len(sfc_lon_ind))) cp = np.zeros(ps.shape) * np.nan cape = np.zeros(ps.shape) * np.nan wg10 = np.zeros(ps.shape) * np.nan tas = np.empty((len(date_list), len(sfc_lat_ind), len(sfc_lon_ind))) ta2d = np.empty((len(date_list), len(sfc_lat_ind), len(sfc_lon_ind))) for date in unique_dates: #Load ERA-Interim reanalysis files if pres: ta_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/pressure/t/"+date[0:4]+\ "/t_era5_aus_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) z_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/pressure/z/"+date[0:4]+\ "/z_era5_aus_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) ua_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/pressure/u/"+date[0:4]+\ "/u_era5_aus_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) va_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/pressure/v/"+date[0:4]+\ "/v_era5_aus_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) hur_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/pressure/r/"+date[0:4]+\ "/r_era5_aus_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) uas_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/surface/u10/"+date[0:4]+\ "/u10_era5_global_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) vas_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/surface/v10/"+date[0:4]+\ "/v10_era5_global_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) ta2d_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/surface/d2m/"+date[0:4]+\ "/d2m_era5_global_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) tas_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/surface/t2m/"+date[0:4]+\ "/t2m_era5_global_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) ps_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/surface/sp/"+date[0:4]+\ "/sp_era5_global_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) cp_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/surface/cp/"+date[0:4]+\ "/cp_era5_global_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) wg10_file = nc.Dataset(glob.glob("/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/surface/fg10/"+date[0:4]+\ "/fg10_era5_global_"+date+"*.nc")[0]) #Get times to load in from file if pres: times = ta_file["time"][:] time_ind = [ np.where(x == times)[0][0] for x in time_hours if (x in times) ] date_ind = np.where(np.array(formatted_dates) == date)[0] else: times = uas_file["time"][:] time_ind = [ np.where(x == times)[0][0] for x in time_hours if (x in times) ] date_ind = np.where(np.array(formatted_dates) == date)[0] #Get times to load in from forecast files (wg10 and cp) fc_times = cp_file["time"][:] fc_time_ind = [ np.where(x == fc_times)[0][0] for x in time_hours if (x in fc_times) ] #Load analysis data if pres: ta[date_ind, :, :, :] = ta_file["t"][time_ind, p_ind, lat_ind, lon_ind] - 273.15 #wap[date_ind,:,:,:] = wap_file["wap"][time_ind,p_ind,lat_ind,lon_ind] ua[date_ind, :, :, :] = ua_file["u"][time_ind, p_ind, lat_ind, lon_ind] va[date_ind, :, :, :] = va_file["v"][time_ind, p_ind, lat_ind, lon_ind] hgt[date_ind, :, :, :] = z_file["z"][time_ind, p_ind, lat_ind, lon_ind] / 9.8 hur[date_ind, :, :, :] = hur_file["r"][time_ind, p_ind, lat_ind, lon_ind] hur[hur < 0] = 0 hur[hur > 100] = 100 dp[date_ind, :, :, :] = get_dp(ta[date_ind, :, :, :], hur[date_ind, :, :, :]) uas[date_ind, :, :] = uas_file["u10"][time_ind, sfc_lat_ind, sfc_lon_ind] vas[date_ind, :, :] = vas_file["v10"][time_ind, sfc_lat_ind, sfc_lon_ind] tas[date_ind, :, :] = tas_file["t2m"][time_ind, sfc_lat_ind, sfc_lon_ind] - 273.15 ta2d[date_ind, :, :] = ta2d_file["d2m"][time_ind, sfc_lat_ind, sfc_lon_ind] - 273.15 ps[date_ind, :, :] = ps_file["sp"][time_ind, sfc_lat_ind, sfc_lon_ind] / 100 fc_date_ind = np.in1d( date_list, nc.num2date(cp_file["time"][fc_time_ind], cp_file["time"].units)) cp[fc_date_ind, :, :] = cp_file["cp"][fc_time_ind, sfc_lat_ind, sfc_lon_ind] wg10[fc_date_ind, :, :] = wg10_file["fg10"][fc_time_ind, sfc_lat_ind, sfc_lon_ind] if pres: ta_file.close() z_file.close() ua_file.close() va_file.close() hur_file.close() uas_file.close() vas_file.close() tas_file.close() ta2d_file.close() ps_file.close() if pres: p = np.flip(p) ta = np.flip(ta, axis=1) dp = np.flip(dp, axis=1) hur = np.flip(hur, axis=1) hgt = np.flip(hgt, axis=1) ua = np.flip(ua, axis=1) va = np.flip(va, axis=1) return [ ta, dp, hur, hgt, terrain, p, ps, ua, va, uas, vas, tas, ta2d, cp, wg10, cape, lon, lat, date_list ] else: return [ ps, uas, vas, tas, ta2d, cp, wg10, cape, sfc_lon, sfc_lat, date_list ]
def date_range(start=None, end=None, periods=None, freq='D', tz=None, normalize=False, name=None, closed=None, calendar='standard', **kwargs): ''' Return a fixed frequency datetime index, with day (calendar) as the default frequency Parameters ---------- start : string or datetime-like, default None Left bound for generating dates end : string or datetime-like, default None Right bound for generating dates periods : integer or None, default None If None, must specify start and end freq : string or DateOffset, default 'D' (calendar daily) Frequency strings can have multiples, e.g. '5H' tz : string or None Time zone name for returning localized DatetimeIndex, for example Asia/Hong_Kong normalize : bool, default False Normalize start/end dates to midnight before generating date range name : str, default None Name of the resulting index closed : string or None, default None Make the interval closed with respect to the given frequency to the 'left', 'right', or both sides (None) calendar : string Describes the calendar used in the time calculations. Default is a the standard calendar (with leap years) Notes ----- 2 of start, end, or periods must be specified To learn more about the frequency strings, please see `this link <>`__. Returns ------- rng : DatetimeIndex ''' if calendar in ['standard', 'gregorian', 'propoleptic_gregorian']: return pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, periods=periods, freq=freq, tz=tz, normalize=normalize, name=name, closed=closed, **kwargs) else: # start and end are give if (start is not None) and (end is not None) and (periods is None): steps, units = decode_freq(freq) start_num, end_num = date2num( pd.to_datetime([start, end]).to_pydatetime(), units, calendar=calendar) periods = int((end_num - start_num) / steps) + 1 times = num2date( np.linspace(start_num, end_num, periods, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float128), units, calendar) index = xr.CFTimeIndex(times).to_datetimeindex() return index else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Specified arguments are not valid for this calendar')
def do_grid_map_gates_to_grid(radar_fname): import pyart from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from netCDF4 import num2date, date2num import numpy as np from time import time import os md = '/lcrc/group/earthscience/radar/nexrad/chicago_floods/' try: radar = rain_z = radar.fields['reflectivity']['data'].copy() z_lin = 10.0**(radar.fields['reflectivity']['data'] / 10.) rain_z = (z_lin / 300.0)**(1. / 1.4) #Z=300 R1.4 radar.add_field_like('reflectivity', 'rain_z', rain_z, replace_existing=True) radar.fields['rain_z']['units'] = 'mm/h' radar.fields['rain_z']['standard_name'] = 'rainfall_rate' radar.fields['rain_z']['long_name'] = 'rainfall_rate_from_z' radar.fields['rain_z']['valid_min'] = 0 radar.fields['rain_z']['valid_max'] = 500 grid = (radar, ), grid_shape=(1, 501, 501), grid_limits=((0, 0), (-50000, 50000), (-50000, 50000)), fields=radar.fields.keys(), gridding_algo="map_gates_to_grid", weighting_function='BARNES') dts = num2date(grid.axes['time']['data'], grid.axes['time']['units']) sstr = dts[0].strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + 'grid_250_' + sstr + '.nc', grid) myd = pyart.graph.RadarMapDisplay(radar) fig = plt.figure(figsize=[18, 10]) myd.plot_ppi_map('rain_z', vmin=0, vmax=100, resolution='h', max_lat=41.8, min_lat=41.25, min_lon=-88.3, max_lon=-87.5) m = myd.basemap m.drawparallels(np.linspace(41, 42, 9), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0]) m.drawmeridians(np.linspace(-88.4, -87, 8), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1]) m.drawrivers() m.drawcounties() m.drawstates() m.drawmapscale(-88., 41.55, -88., 41.55, 10, barstyle='fancy', fontcolor='k', fillcolor1='b', fillcolor2='k') myd.plot_point(-87.9706, 41.6815, label_text='Argonne Lab', label_offset=(0.0, 0.0)) plt.savefig(md + 'radar_' + sstr + '.png') plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure(figsize=[15, 15]) max_lat = 43 min_lat = 41.5 min_lon = -88.3 max_lon = -87.5 display = pyart.graph.GridMapDisplay(grid) display.plot_basemap(lat_lines=np.arange(min_lat, max_lat, .1), lon_lines=np.arange(min_lon, max_lon, .1), resolution='h') display.plot_grid('rain_z', vmin=0, vmax=100) xcf, ycf = display.basemap(-87.9706, 41.6815) display.basemap.plot(xcf, ycf, 'ro') plt.text(xcf + 2000., ycf + 2000., 'Argonne Lab') display.basemap.drawcounties() display.basemap.drawrivers() display.basemap.drawmapscale(-88., 41.55, -88., 41.55, 10, barstyle='fancy', fontcolor='k', fillcolor1='b', fillcolor2='k') display.plot_colorbar() plt.savefig(md + 'mapped_250_' + sstr + '.png') plt.close(fig) del (radar) del (grid) except: pass return 0
def parse(file): hdr = True dataLine = 0 name = [] number_samples_read = 0 nVars = 0 data = [] ts = [] filepath = file[0] with open(filepath, 'r', errors='ignore') as fp: line = fp.readline() matchObj = re.match(first_line_expr, line) if not matchObj: print("Not a Starmon-mini DAT file !") return None cnt = 1 while line: #print("Line {}: {} : {}".format(cnt, dataLine, line.strip())) if hdr: if line[0] != '#': hdr = False else: matchObj = re.match(soft_version_expr, line) if matchObj: #print(" : ", #print(" : ", software = matchObj = re.match(first_line_expr, line) if matchObj: #print(" : ", #print(" : ", file_created = matchObj = re.match(recorder_expr, line) if matchObj: #print(" : ", #print(" : ", #print(" : ", #print(" : ", instrument_model = instrument_serial_number = matchObj = re.match(series_expr, line) if matchObj: #print(" : ", #print(" : ", #print(" : ", #print(" : ", nameN = ncVarName = if ncVarName in nameMap: ncVarName = nameMap[ncVarName] unit = if unit in unitMap: unit = unitMap[unit] name.insert(nVars, { 'col': int(nameN), 'var_name': ncVarName, 'unit': unit }) if not hdr: lineSplit = line.split('\t') #print(lineSplit) splitVarNo = 0 d = np.zeros(len(name)) d.fill(np.nan) t = datetime.strptime(lineSplit[1], '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S') ts.append(t) #print("timestamp %s" % ts) for v in name: #print("{} : {}".format(splitVarNo, v)) d[splitVarNo] = float(lineSplit[v['col'] + 2]) splitVarNo = splitVarNo + 1 data.append(d) #print(t, d) number_samples_read = number_samples_read + 1 dataLine = dataLine + 1 line = fp.readline() cnt += 1 # trim data print("samplesRead %d data shape %s" % (number_samples_read, len(name))) # # build the netCDF file # ncTimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" outputName = filepath + ".nc" print("output file : %s" % outputName) ncOut = Dataset(outputName, 'w', format='NETCDF4') ncOut.instrument = 'StarODDI - ' + instrument_model ncOut.instrument_model = instrument_model ncOut.instrument_serial_number = instrument_serial_number # TIME:axis = "T"; # TIME:calendar = "gregorian"; # TIME:long_name = "time"; # TIME:units = "days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"; tDim = ncOut.createDimension("TIME", number_samples_read) ncTimesOut = ncOut.createVariable("TIME", "d", ("TIME", ), zlib=True) ncTimesOut.long_name = "time" ncTimesOut.units = "days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC" ncTimesOut.calendar = "gregorian" ncTimesOut.axis = "T" ncTimesOut[:] = date2num(ts, units=ncTimesOut.units, calendar=ncTimesOut.calendar) i = 0 for v in name: print("Variable %s : unit %s" % (v['var_name'], v['unit'])) varName = v['var_name'] ncVarOut = ncOut.createVariable( varName, "f4", ("TIME", ), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max if v['unit']: ncVarOut.units = v['unit'] ncVarOut[:] = np.array([d[i] for d in data]) i += 1 ncOut.setncattr( "time_coverage_start", num2date(ncTimesOut[0], units=ncTimesOut.units, calendar=ncTimesOut.calendar).strftime(ncTimeFormat)) ncOut.setncattr( "time_coverage_end", num2date(ncTimesOut[-1], units=ncTimesOut.units, calendar=ncTimesOut.calendar).strftime(ncTimeFormat)) ncOut.setncattr("date_created", datetime.utcnow().strftime(ncTimeFormat)) ncOut.setncattr( "history", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " created from file " + filepath + " source file created " + file_created + " by software " + software.replace("\t", " ")) ncOut.close() return outputName
def main(f, t, T, y, Y, x, X, var='', z=0, Z=0, Source='usn-ncom'): try: url = sources[Source] except: url = Source source = Source if source == 'GLBu0.08': Vers = get_vers(t) url = url + Vers elif source == 'GLBv0.08': Vers = 'expt_93.0' url = url + Vers # Parse time if t is not None: try: # Date and time is given startTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') endTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(T, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except: # Only date is given try: startTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, '%Y-%m-%d') endTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(T, '%Y-%m-%d') except: print('Could not parse time: ' + str(t)) # Get metadata from URL d = Dataset(url, 'r') if f is None: print('==================================================') print(d) print('==================================================') # Get dimensions and their vectors for dimName in d.dimensions: print(dimName) dimvals = d.variables[dimName][:] if dimName == 'time': dimvals = num2date(dimvals, units=d.variables[dimName].units) if t is None: # Return first time steps, if time not given startTime = dimvals[-2] endTime = dimvals[-1] if startTime > dimvals[-1] or endTime < dimvals[0]: sys.exit('Requested time span (%s - %s) not covered ' 'by dataset (%s - %s)' % (startTime, endTime, dimvals[0], dimvals[-1])) timeIndexStart = bisect.bisect_left(dimvals, startTime) timeIndexEnd = bisect.bisect_right(dimvals, endTime) timeIndexStart = np.maximum(timeIndexStart, 0) timeIndexEnd = np.minimum(timeIndexEnd, len(dimvals) - 1) if dimName == 'depth': print(str(dimvals)) hasDepth = True else: print('\t' + str(dimvals[0]) + ' (min)') print('\t' + str(dimvals[-1]) + ' (max)') if dimName == 'lon': if x is None: x = dimvals[0] X = dimvals[1] if dimName == 'lat': if y is None: y = dimvals[0] Y = dimvals[1] # Print available parameters print('\nParameters (CF standard name):') for varName in d.variables: try: standard_name = d.variables[varName].standard_name print('\t' + varName + ' (' + standard_name + ')') except: print('\t' + varName) if var != '': varCommand = '-v ' + ','.join(var) else: varCommand = '' d.close() # Suggest command, if filename is not given if f is not None: # Subsetting in time and space subset = varCommand+' -d lon,%.2f,%.2f -d lat,%.2f,%.2f -d time,%i,%i' % \ (x, X, y, Y, timeIndexStart, timeIndexEnd) if 'hasDepth' in locals(): z = np.float(z) Z = np.float(Z) subset = subset + ' -d depth,%.2f,%.2f ' % (z, Z) out = ' -o ' ncoCommand = 'ncks ' + subset + out + url + ' --overwrite' ncoCommand = ncoCommand + ' -o ' + f print(ncoCommand), shell=True)'ncdump -v lon|tail -3', shell=True)'ncdump -v lat|tail -3', shell=True) else: templateCommand = '%s -source %s -t \'%s\' -T \'%s\' ' \ ' -x %s -X %s -y %s -Y %s -f %s' % \ (sys.argv[0], source, startTime, endTime, x, X, y, Y, '') templateCommand = templateCommand + varCommand if 'hasDepth' in locals(): templateCommand = templateCommand + \ ' -z %s -Z %s ' % (z, Z) print('---------------------------------------------------------') print('Template command for data download (cut, paste and edit):') print(templateCommand) print('=========================================================')
def scenarios(): """ Handle get and push requests for list of all finished scenarios and submit a new scenario, respectively. """ if request.method == 'GET': scenarios = Scenario.objects # this is for the first three scenarios only if app.config['DEBUG'] and len(scenarios) < 3: for loop_counter in range(3): _init_dev_db(app.config['BASE_PARAMETER_NC'], loop_counter) scenarios = Scenario.objects return jsonify(scenarios=scenarios) else: BASE_PARAMETER_NC = app.config['BASE_PARAMETER_NC'] # assemble parts of a new scenario record vegmap_json = request.json['veg_map_by_hru'] name = request.json['name'] time_received = new_scenario = Scenario( name=name, time_received=time_received, ) scenario_runner = new_scenario.initialize_runner(BASE_PARAMETER_NC) # using vegmap sent by client, update coverage type variables scenario_runner.update_cov_type(vegmap_json['bare_ground'], 0) scenario_runner.update_cov_type(vegmap_json['grasses'], 1) scenario_runner.update_cov_type(vegmap_json['shrubs'], 2) scenario_runner.update_cov_type(vegmap_json['trees'], 3) scenario_runner.update_cov_type(vegmap_json['conifers'], 4) # commit changes to coverage type in preparation for scenario run scenario_runner.finalize_run() # now that changes to scenario_file are committed, we update Scenario new_scenario.veg_map_by_hru =\ get_veg_map_by_hru(scenario_runner.scenario_file) modelserver_run = auth_host=app.config['AUTH_HOST'], model_host=app.config['MODEL_HOST'], app_username=app.config['APP_USERNAME'], app_password=app.config['APP_PASSWORD']) time_finished = new_scenario.time_finished = time_finished # extract URLs pointing to input/output resources stored on modelserver resources = modelserver_run.resources control =\ filter(lambda x: 'control' == x.resource_type, resources ).pop().resource_url parameter =\ filter(lambda x: 'param' == x.resource_type, resources ).pop().resource_url data =\ filter(lambda x: 'data' == x.resource_type, resources ).pop().resource_url inputs = Inputs(control=control, parameter=parameter, data=data) new_scenario.inputs = inputs statsvar =\ filter(lambda x: 'statsvar' == x.resource_type, resources ).pop().resource_url outputs = Outputs(statsvar=statsvar) new_scenario.outputs = outputs # extract hydrograph from the statsvar file and add to Scenario if not os.path.isdir('.tmp'): os.mkdir('.tmp') tmp_statsvar = os.path.join('.tmp', 'statsvar-' + str(uuid4())) urlretrieve(statsvar, tmp_statsvar) d = netCDF4.Dataset(tmp_statsvar, 'r') cfs = d['basin_cfs_1'][:] t = d.variables['time'] # need to subtract 1...bug in generation of statsvar b/c t starts at 1 dates = netCDF4.num2date(t[:] - 1, t.units) hydrograph = Hydrograph(time_array=dates, streamflow_array=cfs) new_scenario.hydrograph = hydrograph # clean up temporary statsvar netCDF d.close() os.remove(tmp_statsvar) return jsonify(scenario=new_scenario.to_json())
def lookup_climate_files(srcFolder, inputVars, startDate, endDate, timestep=dt.timedelta(days=1), srcFiles=[], lookup_table={}): """ Generates or appends a dictionary of dates and references to files for each date and variable of interest The function checks for each date and each variable, which file in the srcFolder contains the variable of interest at the date of interest """ if len(lookup_table) == 0: # lookup_table is still empty. Fill lookup_table with dates and empty strings # make list of all dates dateList = [] curDate = startDate while curDate <= endDate: dateList.append(curDate) curDate += timestep lookup_table['time'] = dateList # pre-fill the dictionary with lists of empty strings for each file for inputVar in inputVars: lookup_table[inputVar] = empty(len(dateList), 'S1000') # make list of all available files if len(srcFiles) == 0: srcFiles = recursive_glob(rootdir=srcFolder, suffix='.nc') srcFiles.sort() for srcFile in srcFiles: print 'Scanning ' + srcFile nc_src = nc4.Dataset(srcFile, 'r') time = nc_src.variables['time'] try: timeObjRaw = nc4.num2date(time[:], units=time.units, calendar=time.calendar) except: timeObjRaw = nc4.num2date(time[:], units=time.units, calendar='gregorian') # UUGGGHHH: this seems to be a bug. calendar other than gregorian give other objects than # datetime.datetime objects. Here we convert to a year with a julian day string, then back to date objects timeObj = [] for t in timeObjRaw: timeObj.append(dt.datetime.strptime(t.strftime('%Y%j'), '%Y%j')) #timeObj = nc4.num2date(nc4.date2num(timeObj, units=time.units, calendar='gregorian'), units=time.units, calendar='gregorian') # now loop over all time steps, check the date and write valid dates to a list, write time series to PCRaster maps for n in range(len(timeObj)): # remove any hours or minutes data from curTime timeObj[n] = timeObj[n].replace(hour=0) timeObj[n] = timeObj[n].replace(minute=0) # check for first and last date in timeObj firstDate = timeObj[0] lastDate = timeObj[-1] # find locations of firstDate and lastDate in our target time periods idxStart = where(array(lookup_table['time']) == firstDate)[0] idxEnd = where(array(lookup_table['time']) == lastDate)[0] if len(idxStart) == 1 or len(idxEnd == 1): if len(idxStart) == 0: idxStart = array([0]) if len(idxEnd) == 0: idxEnd = len(dateList) - 1 allVars = nc_src.variables.keys() # check which variables are present in file, check file for inputVar in inputVars: if inputVar in allVars: lookup_table[inputVar][idxStart:idxEnd + 1] = srcFile nc_src.close() return lookup_table