def testMarkBytecode(self):
        family, addr = random.choice([(AF_INET, ""),
                                      (AF_INET6, "::1"),
                                      (AF_INET6, "::ffff:")])
        s1, s2 = net_test.CreateSocketPair(family, SOCK_STREAM, addr)
        s1.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, net_test.SO_MARK, 0xfff1234)
        s2.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, net_test.SO_MARK, 0xf0f1235)

        infos = self.FilterEstablishedSockets(0x1234, 0xffff)
        self.assertFoundSockets(infos, [s1])

        infos = self.FilterEstablishedSockets(0x1234, 0xfffe)
        self.assertFoundSockets(infos, [s1, s2])

        infos = self.FilterEstablishedSockets(0x1235, 0xffff)
        self.assertFoundSockets(infos, [s2])

        infos = self.FilterEstablishedSockets(0x0, 0x0)
        self.assertFoundSockets(infos, [s1, s2])

        infos = self.FilterEstablishedSockets(0xfff0000, 0xf0fed00)
        self.assertEquals(0, len(infos))

        with net_test.RunAsUid(12345):
            self.assertRaisesErrno(EPERM, self.FilterEstablishedSockets,
                                   0xfff0000, 0xf0fed00)
  def CheckTCPConnection(self, mode, listensocket, netid, version,
                         myaddr, remoteaddr, packet, reply, msg):
    establishing_ack = packets.ACK(version, remoteaddr, myaddr, reply)[1]

    # Attempt to confuse the kernel.
    self.InvalidateDstCache(version, remoteaddr, netid)

    self.ReceivePacketOn(netid, establishing_ack)

    # If we're using UID routing, the accept() call has to be run as a UID that
    # is routed to the specified netid, because the UID of the socket returned
    # by accept() is the effective UID of the process that calls it. It doesn't
    # need to be the same UID; any UID that selects the same interface will do.
    with net_test.RunAsUid(self.UidForNetid(netid)):
      s, _ = listensocket.accept()

      # Check that data sent on the connection goes out on the right interface.
      desc, data = packets.ACK(version, myaddr, remoteaddr, establishing_ack,
      self.ExpectPacketOn(netid, msg + ": expecting %s" % desc, data)
      self.InvalidateDstCache(version, remoteaddr, netid)

      # Keep up our end of the conversation.
      ack = packets.ACK(version, remoteaddr, myaddr, data)[1]
      self.InvalidateDstCache(version, remoteaddr, netid)
      self.ReceivePacketOn(netid, ack)

      mark = self.GetSocketMark(s)
      self.InvalidateDstCache(version, remoteaddr, netid)
      self.InvalidateDstCache(version, remoteaddr, netid)

    if mode == self.MODE_INCOMING_MARK:
      self.assertEquals(netid, mark,
                        msg + ": Accepted socket: Expected mark %d, got %d" % (
                            netid, mark))
    elif mode != self.MODE_EXPLICIT_MARK:
      self.assertEquals(0, self.GetSocketMark(listensocket))

    # Check the FIN was sent on the right interface, and ack it. We don't expect
    # this to fail because by the time the connection is established things are
    # likely working, but a) extra tests are always good and b) extra packets
    # like the FIN (and retransmitted FINs) could cause later tests that expect
    # no packets to fail.
    desc, fin = packets.FIN(version, myaddr, remoteaddr, ack)
    self.ExpectPacketOn(netid, msg + ": expecting %s after close" % desc, fin)

    desc, finack = packets.FIN(version, remoteaddr, myaddr, fin)
    self.ReceivePacketOn(netid, finack)

    # Since we called close() earlier, the userspace socket object is gone, so
    # the socket has no UID. If we're doing UID routing, the ack might be routed
    # incorrectly. Not much we can do here.
    desc, finackack = packets.ACK(version, myaddr, remoteaddr, finack)
    self.ExpectPacketOn(netid, msg + ": expecting final ack", finackack)
Beispiel #3
    def BuildSocket(self, version, constructor, netid, routing_mode):
        uid = self.UidForNetid(netid) if routing_mode == "uid" else None
        with net_test.RunAsUid(uid):
            family = self.GetProtocolFamily(version)
            s = constructor(family)

        if routing_mode not in [None, "uid"]:
            self.SelectInterface(s, netid, routing_mode)

        return s
    def CheckPermissions(self, socktype):
        s = socket(AF_INET6, socktype, 0)
        self.SelectInterface(s, random.choice(self.NETIDS), "mark")
        if socktype == SOCK_STREAM:
            expectedstate = tcp_test.TCP_LISTEN
            s.connect((self.GetRemoteAddress(6), 53))
            expectedstate = tcp_test.TCP_ESTABLISHED

        with net_test.RunAsUid(12345):
            self.assertRaisesErrno(EPERM, self.sock_diag.CloseSocketFromFd, s)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.sock_diag.CloseSocketFromFd, s)
 def testGetSocketUid(self):
     self.map_fd = CreateMap(BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH, KEY_SIZE, VALUE_SIZE,
     # Set up the instruction with uid at BPF_REG_0.
     instructions = [
         BpfMov64Reg(BPF_REG_6, BPF_REG_1),
     # Concatenate the generic packet count bpf program to it.
     instructions += (INS_BPF_PARAM_STORE +
                      BpfFuncCountPacketInit(self.map_fd) +
     self.prog_fd = BpfProgLoad(BPF_PROG_TYPE_SOCKET_FILTER, instructions)
     packet_count = 10
     uid = 12345
     with net_test.RunAsUid(uid):
         self.assertRaisesErrno(errno.ENOENT, LookupMap, self.map_fd, uid)
         SocketUDPLoopBack(packet_count, 4, self.prog_fd)
         self.assertEquals(packet_count, LookupMap(self.map_fd, uid).value)
         DeleteMap(self.map_fd, uid)
         SocketUDPLoopBack(packet_count, 6, self.prog_fd)
         self.assertEquals(packet_count, LookupMap(self.map_fd, uid).value)
 def assertSocketMarkIs(self, s, mark):
     diag_msg, attrs = self.sock_diag.FindSockInfoFromFd(s)
     self.assertMarkIs(mark, attrs)
     with net_test.RunAsUid(12345):
         diag_msg, attrs = self.sock_diag.FindSockInfoFromFd(s)
         self.assertMarkIs(None, attrs)