Beispiel #1
def all_pairs_shortest_path(topo, hosts_only=False):
    """Construct all-pairs-shortest-path routing policy.

    Constructs an all-pairs shortest path routing policy for topo, using each
    switch or host id number as the source and destination mac address.

    Only make paths to hosts if hosts_only

    RETURNS: a policy that implements all-pairs shortest path
    forwarding_trees = []
    for source in (topo.hosts() if hosts_only else topo.nodes()):
        # For each node, build the shortest paths to that node
        # We 'start' at the node because networkx forces us to.
        paths = nx.shortest_path(topo, source=source)
        # Build next-hop table
        next_hops = {}
        for dest, path in paths.items():
            # path is a list, starting at source and ending at dest.
            if dest is not source and topo.node[dest]['isSwitch']:
                next_hops[dest] = path[-2]
        policies = []
        for node, next_node in next_hops.items():
            out_port = topo.node[node]['ports'][next_node]
            policies.append(Header({'switch': node})
                            |then| forward(node, out_port))
                                % Header({'dstmac': source}))
    return nary_policy_union(forwarding_trees)
Beispiel #2
def compile_slices(topo, slices, assigner=vl.edge_optimal, verbose=False):
    """Turn a set of slices sharing a physical topology into a list of policies.

    See transform for more documentation.
    slice_only = [s for (s, p) in slices]
    if verbose:
        import sys
        print 'Assigning slice vlans...',
    vlans = assigner(topo, slice_only, verbose=verbose)
    slice_lookup = get_slice_lookup(vlans)
    if verbose:
        print 'done.'
        for i in range(len(slice_lookup)):
            print '%d: %s' % (i, slice_lookup[slice_only[i]])
        print 'Compiling slices...',
    policy_list = []
    count = 0
    for slic, policy in slices:
        vlan_dict = symmetric_edge(slice_lookup[slic])
        internal_p = internal_policy(slic.l_topo, policy, vlan_dict)
        external_p = external_policy(slic, policy, vlan_dict)
        policies = [p.get_physical_rep(slic.node_map, slic.port_map)
                    for p in internal_p + external_p]
        policies = [p for p in policies if not isinstance(p, nc.BottomPolicy)]
        if verbose:
            count += 1
            print '.',
    if verbose:
        print 'done.'
        print '%d policies generated.' % len(policy_list)
    return policy_list
Beispiel #3
def transform(combined, assigner=vl.sequential, verbose=False):
    """Turn a set of slices sharing a physical topology into a single policy.
        combined:  set of (slices, policies) (with the same physical topology) to
        assigner:  function to use to assign vlans to slices.  Must return a
            {slice: vlan} dictionary, defaults to sequential.
        verbose:  print out progress information

        a single Policy encapsulating the shared but isolated behavior of all
        the slices
    policy_list = compile_slices(combined, assigner=assigner, verbose=verbose)
    return nc.nary_policy_union(policy_list)
Beispiel #4
def flood(topo, all_ports=False):
    """Construct a policy that floods packets out each port on each switch.

    if all_ports is set, even forward back out the port it came in.
    switches = topo.switches()
    policies = []
    for switch in switches:
        ports = set(topo.node[switch]['port'].keys())
        for port in ports:
            # Make a copy of ports without this one
            if all_ports:
                other_ports = ports
                other_ports = ports.difference([port])
            for other_port in other_ports:
                pol = inport(switch, port) |then| forward(switch, other_port)
    return nary_policy_union(policies).reduce()
Beispiel #5
def multicast(topo, multicast_field='dstmac', multicast_value=0):
    """Construct a policy that multicasts packets to all nodes along the MST.

    Uses multicast_field:multicast_value to recognize multicast packets to send
    along the minimum spanning tree.
    mst = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(topo)
    edges = set(mst.edges())
    for (n1, n2) in list(edges):
        edges.add((n2, n1))
    policies = []
    for node in topo.switches():
        ports = set()
        for switch, port in topo.node[node]['ports'].items():
            # If this link is in the MST
            if (node, switch) in edges:
        for port in ports:
            others = ports.difference([port])
            policies.append(inport(node, port) |then| Action(node, others))
    return (nary_policy_union(policies)
            % Header({multicast_field: multicast_value}))
Beispiel #6
def flood_observe(topo, label=None, all_ports=False):
    """Construct a policy that floods packets and observes at the leaves.

    Sequentially assigns labels if none is set.  Not thread-safe.
    if label is None:
        global next_label
        label = next_label
        next_label += 1
    switches = topo.switches()
    policies = []
    for switch in switches:
        ports = set(topo.node[switch]['port'].keys())
        for port in ports:
            # Make a copy of ports without this one
            if all_ports:
                other_ports = ports
                other_ports = ports.difference([port])
            for other_port in other_ports:
                pol = inport(switch, port) |then|\
                      Action(switch, ports=[other_port], obs=[label])
    return nary_policy_union(policies).reduce()