Beispiel #1
    def transition(self, state, state_1, log_prob_corr):

        for i in range(state.shape[0]):
            state_1[i] = state[i]

            si = _random.randint(0, self.size, size=())
            rs = _random.randint(0, self.n_states - 1, size=())

            state_1[i, si] = self.local_states[
                rs + (self.local_states[rs] >= state[i, si])]

Beispiel #2
    def apply(self, state, state_1, log_prob_corr):

        for i in range(state.shape[0]):
            state_1[i] = state[i]

            si = _random.randint(0, self.size)

            rs = _random.randint(0, self.n_states - 1)

            state_1[i, si] = self.local_states[
                rs + (self.local_states[rs] >= state[i, si])]

        log_prob_corr[:] = 0.0
 def _choose(states, sections, out, w):
     low_range = 0
     for i, s in enumerate(sections):
         n_rand = _random.randint(low_range, s)
         out[i] = states[n_rand]
         w[i] = math.log(s - low_range)
         low_range = s
Beispiel #4
def test_correct_sampling():
    for name, sa in samplers.items():
        print("Sampler test: %s" % name)

        ma = sa.machine
        hi = ma.hilbert

        if ma.input_size == 2 * hi.size:
            hi = nk.hilbert.DoubledHilbert(hi)
        n_states = hi.n_states

        n_samples = max(40 * n_states, 10000)

        ord = randint(1, 3)
        assert ord == 1 or ord == 2

        sa.machine_pow = ord

        ps = np.absolute(ma.to_array())**ord
        ps /= ps.sum()

        n_rep = 6
        pvalues = np.zeros(n_rep)


        for jrep in range(n_rep):

            # Burnout phase
            samples = sa.generate_samples(n_samples // 10)

            assert (samples.shape[1], samples.shape[2]) == sa.sample_shape

            samples = sa.generate_samples(n_samples)

            assert samples.shape[2] == ma.input_size
            sttn = hi.states_to_numbers(
                np.asarray(samples.reshape(-1, ma.input_size)))
            n_s = sttn.size

            # fill in the histogram for sampler
            unique, counts = np.unique(sttn, return_counts=True)
            hist_samp = np.zeros(n_states)
            hist_samp[unique] = counts

            # expected frequencies
            f_exp = n_s * ps

            statistics, pvalues[jrep] = chisquare(hist_samp, f_exp=f_exp)

        s, pval = combine_pvalues(pvalues, method="fisher")
        assert pval > 0.01 or np.max(pvalues) > 0.01
    def __init__(self, machine, kernel, n_chains=16, sweep_size=None, rng_key=None):

        super().__init__(machine, n_chains)

        self._random_state_kernel = jax.jit(kernel.random_state)
        self._transition_kernel = jax.jit(kernel.transition)

        self._rng_key = rng_key
        if rng_key is None:
            self._rng_key = jax.random.PRNGKey(_random.randint(low=0, high=(2 ** 32)))

        self.machine_pow = 2

        self.n_chains = n_chains

        self.sweep_size = sweep_size
Beispiel #6
    def apply(self, state, state_1, log_prob_corr):

        clusters_size = self.clusters.shape[0]

        for k in range(state.shape[0]):
            state_1[k] = state[k]

            # pick a random cluster
            cl = _random.randint(0, clusters_size)

            # sites to be exchanged
            si = self.clusters[cl][0]
            sj = self.clusters[cl][1]

            state_1[k, si], state_1[k, sj] = state[k, sj], state[k, si]

        log_prob_corr[:] = 0.0
Beispiel #7
    def _transition(state, state_1, log_prob_corr, clusters):

        clusters_size = clusters.shape[0]

        for k in range(state.shape[0]):
            state_1[k] = state[k]

            # pick a random cluster
            cl = _random.randint(0, clusters_size)

            # sites to be exchanged
            si = clusters[cl][0]
            sj = clusters[cl][1]

            state_1[k, si], state_1[k, sj] = state[k, sj], state[k, si]

        log_prob_corr[:] = 0.0
    def _exchange_step_kernel(
        log_values, machine_pow, beta, proposed_beta, prob, beta_stats, accepted_samples
        # Choose a random swap order (odd/even swap)
        swap_order = _random.randint(0, 2)

        n_replicas = beta.shape[0]

        for i in range(swap_order, n_replicas, 2):
            inn = (i + 1) % n_replicas
            proposed_beta[i] = beta[inn]
            proposed_beta[inn] = beta[i]

        for i in range(n_replicas):
            prob[i] = math.exp(
                machine_pow * (proposed_beta[i] - beta[i]) * log_values[i].real

        for i in range(swap_order, n_replicas, 2):
            inn = (i + 1) % n_replicas

            prob[i] *= prob[inn]

            if prob[i] > _random.uniform(0, 1):
                # swapping status
                beta[i], beta[inn] = beta[inn], beta[i]
                accepted_samples[i], accepted_samples[inn] = (

                if beta_stats[0] == i:
                    beta_stats[0] = inn
                elif beta_stats[0] == inn:
                    beta_stats[0] = i

        # Update statistics to compute diffusion coefficient of replicas
        # Total exchange steps performed
        beta_stats[-1] += 1

        delta = beta_stats[0] - beta_stats[1]
        beta_stats[1] += delta / float(beta_stats[-1])
        delta2 = beta_stats[0] - beta_stats[1]
        beta_stats[2] += delta * delta2
Beispiel #9
    def random_state(self, state):

        for i in range(state.shape[0]):
            for si in range(state.shape[1]):
                rs = _random.randint(0, self.n_states)
                state[i, si] = self.local_states[rs]
Beispiel #10
    def random_state(self, state):

        for i in range(state.shape[0]):
            #         for si in range(state.shape[1]):
            rs = _random.randint(0, self.n_states)
            state[i] = _np.zeros_like(state[i]) + self.local_states[rs]
Beispiel #11
    def _get_rand_ind(n, n_max):
        rand_ind = _np.empty(n, dtype=_np.intc)

        for i in range(n):
            rand_ind[i] = randint(0, n_max)
        return rand_ind
Beispiel #12
 def _get_rand_ind(n, n_max):
     return _np.asarray(randint(0, n_max, size=(n,)), dtype=_np.intc)