simulator.step( 0.05 )

            millis = getMillis();

            # Send the boat data
            if millis > lastSentBoatData + BOAT_UPDATE_MS:
                net.sendBoatData( simulatedBoat )
                lastSentBoatData = millis

            # Send AIS data
            if millis > lastAISSent + AIS_UPDATE_MS:
                for i in range( 1, len(vessels) ):
                    if vessels[i].id() < 100000000 and boatInVisualRange(vessels[0], vessels[i]):
                        net.sendVisualContact( vessels[i] )
                        net.sendAISContact( vessels[i] )
                lastAISSent = millis

            (head, gps, wind) = get_to_socket_value( simulatedBoat )
            (x, y) = simulatedBoat.physicsModel().utmCoordinate()
            theta = simulatedBoat.physicsModel().heading()
            (delta_r, delta_s, phi, latitude, longitude) = get_graph_values( simulatedBoat )

            temp_data.set_value(x, y, theta, delta_s, delta_r, trueWind.direction(),
                                latitude, longitude, simulatedBoat.speed())

            (asvLat, asvLon) = vessels[0].position()
            # Log marine traffic