def parse(self): if self._file is None: print "Error : PcapReader : Open a file before using parse" return if self._packets: self._packets[:] = [] # Parsing du fichier via dpkt pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(self._file) for ts, buf in pcap: # Parsing des donnees du paquet eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) # On ne traite que les paquets IP if eth.type != dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_IP: continue packet = Packet(buf) # Recuperation des donnees de la couche ethernet eth_layer = {} eth_layer['LayerType'] = "Ethernet" # Un header ethernet fait 14 bytes (2 * 6 bytes d'addresses MAC + l'ethertype ou la taille du payload (2 bytes)) eth_layer['Header length'] = 14 eth_layer['Type'] = socket.ntohs(eth.type) eth_layer['Destination MAC'] = network_utils.eth_addr(eth.dst) eth_layer['Source MAC'] = network_utils.eth_addr(eth.src) packet.add_layer(eth_layer) ip = ip_layer = {} # Recuperation des donnees de la couche ip ip_layer['LayerType'] = 'IP' ip_layer['Version'] = ip.v ip_layer['Header length'] = ip.hl ip_layer['TTL'] = ip.ttl ip_layer['Protocol'] = ip.p # on converti les adresses IP binaire en leur notation string ip_layer['Source Address'] = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, ip.src) ip_layer['Destination Address'] = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, ip.dst) # On rajoute la couche IP recuperee au paquet packet.add_layer(ip_layer) # TCP protocol if ip.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_TCP: tcp = # Recuperation des donnees de la couche TCP tcp_layer = {} tcp_layer['LayerType'] = 'TCP' tcp_layer['Source port'] = tcp_layer['Destination port'] = tcp.dport tcp_layer['Sequence'] = tcp.seq tcp_layer['Acknowledgement'] = tcp.ack tcp_layer['Header length'] = tcp_layer['Data'] = # On rajoute la couche TCP recuperee au paquet packet.add_layer(tcp_layer) # ICMP protocol elif ip.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_ICMP: icmp = # Recuperation des donnees de la couche ICMP icmp_layer = {} icmp_layer['LayerType'] = 'ICMP' icmp_layer['Type'] = icmp.type icmp_layer['Code'] = icmp.code icmp_layer['Checksum'] = icmp.sum icmp_layer['Data'] = # On rajoute la couche ICMP recuperee au paquet packet.add_layer(icmp_layer) # UDP protocol elif ip.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_UDP: udp = # Recuperation des donnees de la couche UDP udp_layer = {} udp_layer['LayerType'] = 'UDP' udp_layer['Source port'] = udp_layer['Destination port'] = udp.dport udp_layer['Length'] = udp.ulen udp_layer['Checksum'] = udp.sum udp_layer['Data'] = # On rajoute la couche UDP recuperee au paquet packet.add_layer(udp_layer) self._packets.append(packet) self.close_file()
class Capture(Thread): """ Classe pour capturer les paquets sur le reseau elle utilise un thread pour ne pas couper l'execution de la GUI et autres features on lance la capture on utilisant .start() et on la stope avec .stopCapture() les resultats de la capture seront dans .result() """ def __init__(self): super(Capture, self).__init__() self._result = [] self.shutdown = False def result(): doc = "Le resultat de la capture." def fget(self): return self._result def fset(self, value): print('This should not be done. Use start to launch a capture') def fdel(self): del self._result return locals() result = property(**result()) def stopCapture(self): print 'Stopping capture' self.shutdown = True def run(self): # On s'assure que la capture n'est pas arretee des le lancement self.shutdown = False # creation du socket (0x0003 est defini comme etant ETH_P_ALL en C, tout les paquets ethernet) try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.ntohs(0x0003)) except socket.error, msg: print 'Error : Socket could not be created [' + str( msg[0]) + '] : ' + msg[1] self.shutdown = True print 'Starting packet capture' # Boucle de capture while not self.shutdown: sockPacket = sock.recvfrom(65565) # on recupere uniquement la string sockPacket = sockPacket[0] packetToAdd = packet.Packet(sockPacket) # Layer a add dans packetToAdd eth_layer = {} eth_layer['LayerType'] = "Ethernet" # normalement un header ethernet fait 14 bytes (2 * 6 bytes d'addresses MAC + l'ethertype ou la taille du payload (2 bytes)) eth_length = 14 eth_layer['Header length'] = eth_length eth_header = sockPacket[:eth_length] # on parse la struct C du header # ! pour le big endian (reseau) / H unsigned short / s string eth = unpack('!6s6sH', eth_header) # on recupere le protocole (ntohs fait la conversion d'Int des bits reseau au bits machine (si differents)) eth_protocol = socket.ntohs(eth[2]) eth_layer['Type'] = eth_protocol eth_layer['Destination MAC'] = network_utils.eth_addr( sockPacket[0:6]) eth_layer['Source MAC'] = network_utils.eth_addr(sockPacket[6:12]) # On rajoute la couche Ethernet recuperee dans le paquet a ajouter au resultat packetToAdd.add_layer(eth_layer) # Parsing des paquets IP (IP Protocol number = 8) if eth_protocol == 8: # Layer a add dans packetToAdd ip_layer = {} ip_layer['LayerType'] = 'IP' # le header IP est sur les 20 premiers bytes apres le header Ethernet ip_header = sockPacket[eth_length:eth_length + 20] # on parse la struct C du header IP # ! pour le big endian (reseau) / B unsigned char / H unsigned short / s string iph = unpack('!2B3H2BH4s4s', ip_header) # le premier octet contient la version et la taille du header (RFC 791) version_ihl = iph[0] # on recupere la version sur les 4 premiers bits ip_layer['Version'] = version_ihl >> 4 # et la taille du header sur les 4 suivants ihl = version_ihl & 0xF # la taille de IHL est en multiple de 4 (convention) iph_length = ihl * 4 ip_layer['Header length'] = iph_length ip_layer['TTL'] = iph[5] protocol = iph[6] ip_layer['Protocol'] = protocol # on converti les adresses IP binaire en leur notation string ip_layer['Source Address'] = socket.inet_ntop( socket.AF_INET, iph[8]) ip_layer['Destination Address'] = socket.inet_ntop( socket.AF_INET, iph[9]) # On rajoute la couche IP recuperee au paquet a rajouter au resultat packetToAdd.add_layer(ip_layer) # TCP Protocol ( == 6) if protocol == 6: tcp_layer = {} tcp_layer['LayerType'] = 'TCP' # on recupere le header tcp (20 bytes apres le header IP) tcp_header = sockPacket[eth_length + iph_length:eth_length + iph_length + 20] # on parse la struct C du header tcp # ! big endian (reseau) / H unsigned short / L unsigned long / B unsigned char tcph = unpack('!2H2L2B3H', tcp_header) tcp_layer['Source port'] = tcph[0] tcp_layer['Destination port'] = tcph[1] tcp_layer['Sequence'] = tcph[2] tcp_layer['Acknowledgement'] = tcph[3] doff_reserved = tcph[4] tcph_length = doff_reserved >> 4 tcp_layer['Header length'] = tcph_length * 4 # on add la taille des header pour trouver le debut des data h_size = eth_length + iph_length + tcph_length * 4 data_size = len(sockPacket) - h_size data = sockPacket[h_size:] tcp_layer['Data'] = data # On rajoute la couche TCP recuperee au paquet a rajouter au resultat packetToAdd.add_layer(tcp_layer) #ICMP Protocl (== 1) ce protocole sert a vehiculer les messages d'erreur sur le re"seau elif protocol == 1: icmp_layer = {} icmp_layer['LayerType'] = 'ICMP' u = iph_length + eth_length icmph_length = 4 icmp_header = sockPacket[u:u + 4] icmph = unpack('!BBH', icmp_header) icmp_layer['Type'] = icmph[0] icmp_layer['Code'] = icmph[1] icmp_layer['Checksum'] = icmph[2] h_size = eth_length + iph_length + icmph_length data_size = len(sockPacket) - h_size data = sockPacket[h_size:] icmp_layer['Data'] = data # On rajoute la couche ICMP recuperee au paquet a rajouter au resultat packetToAdd.add_layer(icmp_layer) #UDP protocol elif protocol == 17: udp_layer = {} udp_layer['LayerType'] = 'UDP' u = iph_length + eth_length udph_length = 8 udp_header = sockPacket[u:u + 8] udph = unpack('!HHHH', udp_header) udp_layer['Source port'] = udph[0] udp_layer['Destination port'] = udph[1] udp_layer['Length'] = udph[2] udp_layer['Checksum'] = udph[3] h_size = eth_length + iph_length + udph_length data_size = len(sockPacket) - h_size data = sockPacket[h_size:] udp_layer['Data'] = data # On rajoute la couche UDP recuperee au paquet a rajouter au resultat packetToAdd.add_layer(udp_layer) #On rajoute le paquet au resultat de la capture self._result.append(packetToAdd) # Sortie de boucle, la capture a ete arretee # On nettoie sock.close() print 'The capture thread is stopping'
def parseRaw(self): # Layer a add dans layers eth_layer = {} eth_layer['LayerType'] = "Ethernet" # normalement un header ethernet fait 14 bytes (2 * 6 bytes d'addresses MAC + l'ethertype ou la taille du payload (2 bytes)) eth_length = 14 eth_layer['Header length'] = eth_length eth_header = self._packet[:eth_length] # on parse la struct C du header # ! pour le big endian (reseau) / H unsigned short / s string eth = unpack('!6s6sH' , eth_header) # on recupere le protocole (ntohs fait la conversion d'Int des bits reseau au bits machine (si differents)) eth_protocol = socket.ntohs(eth[2]) eth_layer['Type'] = eth_protocol eth_layer['Destination MAC'] = network_utils.eth_addr(self._packet[0:6]) eth_layer['Source MAC'] = network_utils.eth_addr(self._packet[6:12]) eth_layer['Checksum'] = self._packet[-2:] # On rajoute la couche Ethernet recuperee dans le paquet a ajouter au resultat self.add_layer(eth_layer) # Parsing des paquets IP (IP Protocol number = 8) if eth_protocol == 8 : # Layer a add dans self ip_layer = {} ip_layer['LayerType'] = 'IP' # le header IP est sur les 20 premiers bytes apres le header Ethernet ip_header = self._packet[eth_length:eth_length+20] # on parse la struct C du header IP # ! pour le big endian (reseau) / B unsigned char / H unsigned short / s string iph = unpack('!2B3H2BH4s4s', ip_header) # le premier octet contient la version et la taille du header (RFC 791) version_ihl = iph[0] # on recupere la version sur les 4 premiers bits ip_layer['Version'] = version_ihl >> 4 # et la taille du header sur les 4 suivants ihl = version_ihl & 0xF # la taille de IHL est en multiple de 4 (convention) iph_length = ihl * 4 ip_layer['Header length'] = iph_length ip_layer['TTL'] = iph[5] protocol = iph[6] ip_layer['Protocol'] = protocol # on converti les adresses IP binaire en leur notation string ip_layer['Source Address'] = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, iph[8]); ip_layer['Destination Address'] = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, iph[9]); # On rajoute la couche IP recuperee au paquet a rajouter au resultat self.add_layer(ip_layer) # TCP Protocol ( == 6) if protocol == 6 : tcp_layer = {} tcp_layer['LayerType'] = 'TCP' # on recupere le header tcp (20 bytes apres le header IP) tcp_header = self._packet[eth_length + iph_length:eth_length + iph_length + 20] # on parse la struct C du header tcp # ! big endian (reseau) / H unsigned short / L unsigned long / B unsigned char tcph = unpack('!2H2L2B3H', tcp_header) tcp_layer['Source port'] = tcph[0] tcp_layer['Destination port'] = tcph[1] tcp_layer['Sequence'] = tcph[2] tcp_layer['Acknowledgement'] = tcph[3] doff_reserved = tcph[4] tcph_length = doff_reserved >> 4 tcp_layer['Header length'] = tcph_length * 4 # on add la taille des header pour trouver le debut des data h_size = eth_length + iph_length + tcph_length * 4 data_size = len(self._packet) - h_size - 2 data = self._packet[h_size:h_size+data_size] tcp_layer['Data'] = data # On rajoute la couche TCP recuperee au paquet a rajouter au resultat self.add_layer(tcp_layer) #ICMP Protocl (== 1) ce protocole sert a vehiculer les messages d'erreur sur le re"seau elif protocol == 1 : icmp_layer = {} icmp_layer['LayerType'] = 'ICMP' u = iph_length + eth_length icmph_length = 4 icmp_header = self._packet[u:u+4] icmph = unpack('!BBH' , icmp_header) icmp_layer['Type'] = icmph[0] icmp_layer['Code'] = icmph[1] icmp_layer['Checksum'] = icmph[2] h_size = eth_length + iph_length + icmph_length data_size = len(self._packet) - h_size - 2 data = self._packet[h_size:h_size+data_size] icmp_layer['Data'] = data # On rajoute la couche ICMP recuperee au paquet a rajouter au resultat self.add_layer(icmp_layer) #UDP protocol elif protocol == 17 : udp_layer = {} udp_layer['LayerType'] = 'UDP' u = iph_length + eth_length udph_length = 8 udp_header = self._packet[u:u+8] udph = unpack('!HHHH' , udp_header) udp_layer['Source port'] = udph[0] udp_layer['Destination port'] = udph[1] udp_layer['Length'] = udph[2] udp_layer['Checksum'] = udph[3] h_size = eth_length + iph_length + udph_length data_size = len(self._packet) - h_size - 2 data = self._packet[h_size:h_size+data_size] udp_layer['Data'] = data # On rajoute la couche UDP recuperee au paquet a rajouter au resultat self.add_layer(udp_layer)