Beispiel #1
from networkx.exception import NetworkXError
from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for

from networkx.algorithms.approximation import local_node_connectivity
from networkx.algorithms.connectivity import \
    local_node_connectivity as exact_local_node_connectivity
from networkx.algorithms.connectivity import build_auxiliary_node_connectivity
from networkx.algorithms.flow import build_residual_network

__author__ = """\n""".join(['Jordi Torrents <*****@*****.**>'])

__all__ = ['k_components']

def k_components(G, min_density=0.95):
    r"""Returns the approximate k-component structure of a graph G.
    A `k`-component is a maximal subgraph of a graph G that has, at least, 
    node connectivity `k`: we need to remove at least `k` nodes to break it
    into more components. `k`-components have an inherent hierarchical
    structure because they are nested in terms of connectivity: a connected 
    graph can contain several 2-components, each of which can contain 
    one or more 3-components, and so forth.

    This implementation is based on the fast heuristics to approximate
    the `k`-component sturcture of a graph [1]_. Which, in turn, it is based on
    a fast approximation algorithm for finding good lower bounds of the number 
    of node independent paths between two nodes [2]_.
Beispiel #2
import networkx as nx
from networkx.exception import NetworkXError
from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for

from networkx.algorithms.approximation import local_node_connectivity
from networkx.algorithms.connectivity import \
    local_node_connectivity as exact_local_node_connectivity

__author__ = """\n""".join(['Jordi Torrents <*****@*****.**>'])

__all__ = ['k_components']


def k_components(G, min_density=0.95):
    r"""Returns the approximate k-component structure of a graph G.

    A `k`-component is a maximal subgraph of a graph G that has, at least,
    node connectivity `k`: we need to remove at least `k` nodes to break it
    into more components. `k`-components have an inherent hierarchical
    structure because they are nested in terms of connectivity: a connected
    graph can contain several 2-components, each of which can contain
    one or more 3-components, and so forth.

    This implementation is based on the fast heuristics to approximate
    the `k`-component structure of a graph [1]_. Which, in turn, it is based on
    a fast approximation algorithm for finding good lower bounds of the number
    def construct(EdgeComponentAuxGraph, G):
        """Builds an auxiliary graph encoding edge-connectivity between nodes.

        Given G=(V, E), initialize an empty auxiliary graph A.
        Choose an arbitrary source node s.  Initialize a set N of available
        nodes (that can be used as the sink). The algorithm picks an
        arbitrary node t from N - {s}, and then computes the minimum st-cut
        (S, T) with value w. If G is directed the the minimum of the st-cut or
        the ts-cut is used instead. Then, the edge (s, t) is added to the
        auxiliary graph with weight w. The algorithm is called recursively
        first using S as the available nodes and s as the source, and then
        using T and t. Recursion stops when the source is the only available

        G : NetworkX graph
        # workaround for classmethod decorator
        not_implemented_for('multigraph')(lambda G: G)(G)

        def _recursive_build(H, A, source, avail):
            # Terminate once the flow has been compute to every node.
            if {source} == avail:
            # pick an arbitrary node as the sink
            sink = arbitrary_element(avail - {source})
            # find the minimum cut and its weight
            value, (S, T) = nx.minimum_cut(H, source, sink)
            if H.is_directed():
                # check if the reverse direction has a smaller cut
                value_, (T_, S_) = nx.minimum_cut(H, sink, source)
                if value_ < value:
                    value, S, T = value_, S_, T_
            # add edge with weight of cut to the aux graph
            A.add_edge(source, sink, weight=value)
            # recursively call until all but one node is used
            _recursive_build(H, A, source, avail.intersection(S))
            _recursive_build(H, A, sink, avail.intersection(T))

        # Copy input to ensure all edges have unit capacity
        H = G.__class__()
        H.add_edges_from(G.edges(), capacity=1)

        # A is the auxiliary graph to be constructed
        # It is a weighted undirected tree
        A = nx.Graph()

        # Pick an arbitrary node as the source
        if H.number_of_nodes() > 0:
            source = arbitrary_element(H.nodes())
            # Initialize a set of elements that can be chosen as the sink
            avail = set(H.nodes())

            # This constructs A
            _recursive_build(H, A, source, avail)

        # This class is a container the holds the auxiliary graph A and
        # provides access the the k_edge_components function.
        self = EdgeComponentAuxGraph()
        self.A = A
        self.H = H
        return self
Beispiel #4
import networkx as nx
from networkx.exception import NetworkXError
from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for

from networkx.algorithms.approximation import local_node_connectivity
from networkx.algorithms.connectivity import local_node_connectivity as exact_local_node_connectivity
from networkx.algorithms.connectivity import build_auxiliary_node_connectivity
from networkx.algorithms.flow import build_residual_network

__author__ = """\n""".join(["Jordi Torrents <*****@*****.**>"])

__all__ = ["k_components"]


def k_components(G, min_density=0.95):
    r"""Returns the approximate k-component structure of a graph G.
    A `k`-component is a maximal subgraph of a graph G that has, at least, 
    node connectivity `k`: we need to remove at least `k` nodes to break it
    into more components. `k`-components have an inherent hierarchical
    structure because they are nested in terms of connectivity: a connected 
    graph can contain several 2-components, each of which can contain 
    one or more 3-components, and so forth.

    This implementation is based on the fast heuristics to approximate
    the `k`-component sturcture of a graph [1]_. Which, in turn, it is based on
    a fast approximation algorithm for finding good lower bounds of the number 
Beispiel #5
""" Fast approximation for k-component structure
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict
from import Mapping

import networkx as nx
from networkx.exception import NetworkXError
from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for

from networkx.algorithms.approximation import local_node_connectivity

__all__ = ["k_components"]


def k_components(G, min_density=0.95):
    r"""Returns the approximate k-component structure of a graph G.

    A `k`-component is a maximal subgraph of a graph G that has, at least,
    node connectivity `k`: we need to remove at least `k` nodes to break it
    into more components. `k`-components have an inherent hierarchical
    structure because they are nested in terms of connectivity: a connected
    graph can contain several 2-components, each of which can contain
    one or more 3-components, and so forth.

    This implementation is based on the fast heuristics to approximate
    the `k`-component structure of a graph [1]_. Which, in turn, it is based on
    a fast approximation algorithm for finding good lower bounds of the number
    of node independent paths between two nodes [2]_.
Beispiel #6
                        w = sum(d.get(weight, 1) for d in G[u][v].values())
                        w = G[u][v].get(weight, 1)
                except KeyError:
                    w = 0
                gain.append((delta[u] + delta[v] - 2 * w, u, v))
        if len(gain) == 0:
        maxg, u, v = max(gain, key=itemgetter(0))
        swapped |= {u, v}
        gains.append((maxg, u, v))
        delta = _update_delta(delta, G, A - swapped, B - swapped, u, v, weight)
    return gains

def kernighan_lin_bisection(G, partition=None, max_iter=10, weight='weight'):
    """Partition a graph into two blocks using the Kernighan–Lin

    This algorithm paritions a network into two sets by iteratively
    swapping pairs of nodes to reduce the edge cut between the two sets.

    G : graph

    partition : tuple
        Pair of iterables containing an intial partition. If not
        specified, a random balanced partition is used.