def test_geometryexport(self): expectedpoints_simple = ("POINT (1 1)", "POINT (2 2)", "POINT (3 3)", "POINT (0.9 0.9)", "POINT (4 2)") expectedlines_simple = ("LINESTRING (1 1,2 2)", "LINESTRING (2 2,3 3)", "LINESTRING (0.9 0.9,4.0 0.9,4 2)") expectedpoints = ("POINT (1 1)", "POINT (2 2)", "POINT (3 3)", "POINT (0.9 0.9)", "POINT (4.0 0.9)", "POINT (4 2)") expectedlines = ("LINESTRING (1 1,2 2)", "LINESTRING (2 2,3 3)", "LINESTRING (0.9 0.9,4.0 0.9)", "LINESTRING (4.0 0.9,4 2)") tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'shpdir') G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath) nx.write_shp(G, tpath) shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath) self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes"), expectedpoints_simple) self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges"), expectedlines_simple) # Test unsimplified # Nodes should have additional point, # edges should be 'flattened' G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath, simplify=False) nx.write_shp(G, tpath) shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath) self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes"), expectedpoints) self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges"), expectedlines)
def nx_shp(shp_pts, shp_lines, site_col='site'): """ Function to import shapefiles into nx networks. The lines become the edges and the points are used as the node (names). The points shapefile should have a site name column that is precisely at the intersection of the shp_lines. """ ## Read in shapefiles t2 = nx.read_shp(shp_pts) t3 = nx.read_shp(shp_lines) ## extract the site names sites = [i[1][site_col] for i in t2.nodes(data=True)] ## Set up rename dictionaries rename1 = {(i[0], i[1]): (round(i[0]), round(i[1])) for i in t3.nodes()} rename2 = {(round(i[0][0]), round(i[0][1])): i[1]['site'] for i in t2.nodes(data=True)} ## Rename nodes g2 = nx.relabel_nodes(t3, rename1) g3 = nx.relabel_nodes(g2, rename2) ## Remove unnecessary nodes remove1 = [g3.nodes()[i] for i in np.where(~np.in1d(g3.nodes(), sites))[0]] g3.remove_nodes_from(remove1) return g3
def run_script(iface): catchment = [] r = 2000 i = 0 while i > len(cost): if cost < r: # next node if cost(next) < r: upperbound.append(i) i = i + 1 G = nx.Graph() # creating an empty graph nx.read_shp(str(iface.activeLayer().source())) G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=4.7 ) M = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(G,0,) M = nx.ego_graph(G, (679980.26234586, 6059164.91455736), 1, center=True, undirected=False, distance=2000) nx.write_shp() layer = iface.mapCanvas().currentLayer() for f in layer.getFeatures(): geom = f.geometry() G.add_node(geom)
def shortest_distance(rp, calc_path, road_path, communes_TH, places_TH, spatial_places): if rp is not 'no_flood': # read path to save new shapefile flooded_road_path = os.path.join( calc_path, 'Thanh_Hoa_river_flooded_roads_%s.shp' % rp) # load network sg = nx.read_shp(flooded_road_path).to_undirected() else: g = nx.read_shp(road_path) sg = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g.to_undirected()), key=len) commune_dist = {} for id_, commune in communes_TH.iterrows(): # find nearest points of interest (places in this case) nearest_places = places_TH.iloc[list( spatial_places.nearest(commune.geometry.bounds, 3))] k = 0 for idplace, place in nearest_places.iterrows(): # Compute the shortest path based on travel time try: path = nx.shortest_path(sg, source=tuple(commune['nearest_node']), target=tuple(place['nearest_node']), weight='t_time') except: path = [] # save path if len(path) == 1: distance = 0 elif len(path) == 0: distance = 9999 else: distance = pd.DataFrame( [sg[path[i]][path[i + 1]] for i in range(len(path) - 1)], columns=['length']).sum()[0] if k == 0: shortest_distance = distance else: if distance < shortest_distance: shortest_distance = distance k += 1 commune_dist[commune['commune_id']] = shortest_distance # create dataframe of distances commune_dist = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(commune_dist, orient='index') commune_dist.columns = [rp] return commune_dist
def testload(self): expected = nx.DiGraph() for p in self.paths: expected.add_path(p) actual = nx.read_shp(self.shppath) assert_equal(sorted(expected.node), sorted(actual.node)) assert_equal(sorted(expected.edges()), sorted(actual.edges()))
def buildNetwork(self): '''Method to create NetworkX nodes and edges shapefiles.''' try: layer = str(self.filelist[self.ui.comboBoxInput.currentIndex()]) if layer == "Available layers:": raise IOError, "Please specify input shapefile layer." DG1 = nx.read_shp(layer) if str(self.ui.lineEditSave.text()) == '': raise IOError, "No output directory specified." WriteNetworkShapefiles(DG1, self.fd, overwrite=True) #self.writeNetworkShapefiles(DG1) if self.ui.checkBoxAdd.isChecked(): # Get created files nodes = self.fd+"/nodes.shp" edges = self.fd+"/edges.shp" # Add to QGIS instance qgis.utils.iface.addVectorLayer(edges, "Network Edges", "ogr") qgis.utils.iface.addVectorLayer(nodes, "Network Nodes", "ogr") self.close() except (AttributeError, IOError) as e: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self, "NetworkX Plugin Error", "%s" % e)
def shp_adj(networkShp): G = nx.read_shp(networkShp) mat = nx.adjacency_matrix(G) maxNumConn = max((mat).sum(1)) connectionMat = np.zeros(shape=(mat.shape[0], maxNumConn)) for i in xrange(mat.shape[0]): noZero = np.nonzero(mat[i]) z = np.asarray(noZero[1]) connectionMat[i, 0:z.shape[0]] = (z[0:z.shape[0]] + 1) shpAdj = np.zeros(shape=(len(G.nodes()), maxNumConn * 2 + 5)) Gnodes = np.array(G.nodes()) shpAdj[:, 0] = range(1, len(G.nodes()) + 1) shpAdj[:, 1] = Gnodes[:, 0] shpAdj[:, 2] = Gnodes[:, 1] for i in xrange(maxNumConn): shpAdj[:, 3 + i] = connectionMat[:, i] nonZero = np.nonzero(shpAdj[:, 3 + i]) shpAdj[nonZero[0], 5 + i + maxNumConn] = haversine( shpAdj[nonZero[0], 1], shpAdj[nonZero[0], 2], shpAdj[(shpAdj[nonZero[0], 3 + i] - 1).astype(int), 1], shpAdj[(shpAdj[nonZero[0], 3 + i] - 1).astype(int), 2]) #np.savetxt(resultsFolder+'network-shpAdj.txt', shpAdj, fmt='%i %f %f %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %f %f %f %f %f', delimiter=',') return shpAdj, maxNumConn
def updateContourEdgeInfo(urlShpFile, graphPicklePath): roadGraphd = nx.read_shp(urlShpFile) roadGraph = roadGraphd.to_undirected() _edgeList = nx.to_edgelist(roadGraph) contourAttribute = dict() # spline parameters s=0.0 # smoothness parameter k=4 # spline order for _edge in _edgeList: _edgePts = getEdgePoints(_edge) _r = [item[0] for item in _edgePts] _c = [item[1] for item in _edgePts] # _r2,_c2 = getUniformSampledPoints(_r,_c) _r2,_c2 = getMeasuredSamplePoints(_r,_c) x = _r2 y = _c2 # M = 2*( len(x) + k) M = len(x) if M <= k: M = 2*k t = np.linspace(0, len(x), M) x = np.interp(t, np.arange(len(x)), x) y = np.interp(t, np.arange(len(y)), y) z = t # find the knot points tckp,u = splprep([x,y,z],s=s,k=k,nest=-1) # evaluate spline, including interpolated points xnew,ynew,znew = splev(linspace(0,1,M),tckp) dx,dy,dz = splev(linspace(0,1,M), tckp, der=1) slp = [] cnv = 180/ np.pi for i in xrange(len(dx)): slp.append(np.arctan((dy[i]/dx[i]))*cnv ) pass # quantize the slope and assign to edge descriptor list roadLetFeat = [] for elem in slp: feat = genFeat(elem, _alphabetSize) roadLetFeat.append(feat) pass contourAttribute[(_edge[0],_edge[1])] = roadLetFeat pass nx.set_edge_attributes(roadGraph, 'contour', contourAttribute) nx.write_gpickle(roadGraph, graphPicklePath) pass
def shp_to_G(shp_file): '''Ingest G from shapefile DOES NOT APPEAR TO WORK CORRECTLY''' G = nx.read_shp(shp_file) return G
def test_geometryexport(self): def testgeom(lyr, expected): feature = lyr.GetNextFeature() actualwkt = [] while feature: actualwkt.append(feature.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkt()) feature = lyr.GetNextFeature() assert_equal(sorted(expected), sorted(actualwkt)) expectedpoints = ( "POINT (1 1)", "POINT (2 2)", "POINT (3 3)", "POINT (0.9 0.9)", "POINT (4 2)" ) expectedlines = ( "LINESTRING (1 1,2 2)", "LINESTRING (2 2,3 3)", "LINESTRING (0.9 0.9,4 2)" ) tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),'shpdir') G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath) nx.write_shp(G, tpath) shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath) testgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes"), expectedpoints) testgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges"), expectedlines)
def showShpFileData(shpFileURL): shpData = nx.read_shp(shpFileURL) shpData = shpData.to_undirected() print shpData.nodes(data=True) for edge in shpData.edges(data=True): print edge nodeList = shpData.nodes(data=True) nNode = len(nodeList) pos = [] for i in xrange(nNode): pos.append(nodeList[i][0]) pass shpLayout = dict(zip(shpData, pos)) plt.figure(1) nx.draw_networkx_edges(shpData, pos=shpLayout, edgelist=None, width=1, edge_color='b', style='-', alpha=0.5) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(shpData, pos=shpLayout, nodelist=None, node_size=2) print len(shpData.nodes(data=False)) print len(shpData.edges(data=False))
def shortestpath(STlist, filename, cwd): if len(STlist) >= 2: #SETup part for this function, it read in the the road shapefile, but only store four bounding #box value shxFile = open(filename + ".shx", "rb") s = header = struct.unpack(">iiiiiii", s) # convert into 7 integers s = header2 = struct.unpack("<iidddddddd", s) minX, minY, maxX, maxY = header2[2], header2[3], header2[4], header2[5] Arcxylist = [] windowWidth, windowHeight = 800, 600 # define window size #calculate the ratio, same as 'openFile' function ratiox = (maxX - minX) / windowWidth ratioy = (maxY - minY) / windowHeight ratio = ratiox if ratioy > ratio: ratio = ratioy dsc = arcpy.Describe(filename + ".shp") coord_sys = dsc.spatialReference #The for loop below will convert Tkinter coordinates into Arcgis-real-world coorinates for i in range(1, len(STlist), 2): Arcxylist.append([ minX + STlist[i - 1][0] * ratio, maxY - STlist[i - 1][1] * ratio ]) #[minX + source.x* ratio, maxY + source.y* ratio] Arcxylist.append( [minX + STlist[i][0] * ratio, maxY - STlist[i][1] * ratio]) #set up a relative small distance to compare minD = 10000000 minD2 = 10000000 G = nx.read_shp("main_road_separte.shp") Conlist = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G.to_undirected())) g = Conlist[0] nodelist = g.nodes(data=True) nodelist2 = g.nodes(data=True) source = target = () for nodes in nodelist: distance = Eucl(nodes[0][0], nodes[0][1], Arcxylist[i - 1][0], Arcxylist[i - 1][1]) if distance < minD: minD = distance source = nodes[0] for nodes2 in nodelist2: distance2 = Eucl(nodes2[0][0], nodes2[0][1], Arcxylist[i][0], Arcxylist[i][1]) if distance2 < minD2: minD2 = distance2 target = nodes2[0] result_graph = g.subgraph(nx.shortest_path(g, source, target)) directory = cwd + "sss" + "a" * i if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) nx.write_shp(result_graph, directory) arcpy.DefineProjection_management(directory + "\\edges.shp", coord_sys) openFile(directory + "\\edges.shx", directory + "\\edges.shp", "black") else: print "Selected Points not enough"
def randomWalk(urlShpFile): roadGraph = nx.read_shp(urlShpFile) # use two random nodes in the graph and generate shortest path between them as vehicle trace nodeList = roadGraph.nodes(data=False) nNode = len(nodeList) trace = [] _node = random.choice(nodeList) visited = [] count = 0 while count < 10: _neighbors = [x for x in nx.all_neighbors(roadGraph, _node)] _neighbor = random.choice(_neighbors) while _neighbor in visited: pass if not _neighbor in trace: trace.append(_neighbor) count += 1 _node = _neighbor print trace pass
def mysubgraph(_urlShpFile): roadGraphd = nx.read_shp(_urlShpFile) roadGraph = roadGraphd.to_undirected() nodeList = roadGraph.nodes(data=True) _nodeList = roadGraph.nodes(data=False) nNode = len(nodeList) pos = [] for i in xrange(nNode): pos.append(nodeList[i][0]) pass shpLayout = dict(zip(roadGraph, pos)) _node1 = random.choice(_nodeList) _node2 = random.choice(_nodeList) _path = nx.astar_path(roadGraph, _node1, _node2, None) subG = nx.subgraph(roadGraph, _path) plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 12)) nx.draw_networkx(subG, pos=shpLayout, edgelist=None, node_size=40, node_color='r', node_shape='d', edgewidth=10, edge_color='r', with_labels=False)
def roadNetStats(_urlShpFile): roadGraphd = nx.read_shp(_urlShpFile) roadGraph = roadGraphd.to_undirected() print "graph has been read" nodeList = roadGraph.nodes(data=True) _nodeList = roadGraph.nodes(data=False) nNode = len(nodeList) pos = [] for i in xrange(nNode): pos.append(nodeList[i][0]) pass shpLayout = dict(zip(roadGraph, pos)) print "number of nodes: " + str(nx.number_of_nodes(roadGraph)) print "number of edges: " + str(nx.number_of_edges(roadGraph)) neighborCount = {} for node in _nodeList: neighbors = list(nx.all_neighbors(roadGraph, node)) n = len(neighbors) if neighborCount.has_key(n): neighborCount[n] += 1 pass else: neighborCount[n] = 1 pass for item in neighborCount.keys(): print item, ":", neighborCount[item] pass
def getNetworkGraph(shapefile, segmentlengths): g = nx.read_shp(shapefile) sg = g.to_undirected() for n0, n1 in sg.edges_iter(): oid = int(sg[n0][n1]["OBJECTID"]) sg.edge[n0][n1]['length'] = segmentlengths[oid] return sg
def shp2rnet(args): graph = networkx.read_shp(args["shape_file"]) edges = list(graph.edges) nodes = {} node_id = 0 edge_id = 0 with open(args["out"], 'w') as f_out: for edge in edges: from_lng = edge[0][0] from_lat = edge[0][1] to_lng = edge[1][0] to_lat = edge[1][1] from_key = str(from_lng) + "-" + str(from_lat) to_key = str(to_lng) + "-" + str(to_lat) if from_key not in nodes: nodes[from_key] = node_id node_id+=1 if to_key not in nodes: nodes[to_key] = node_id node_id+=1 from_id = nodes[from_key] to_id = nodes[to_key] row = "{} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(edge_id, from_id, to_id, from_lng, from_lat, to_lng, to_lat) f_out.write(row) edge_id+=1
def load_shp(shp_path): """ loads a shapefile into a networkx based GeoGraph object Args: shp_path: string path to a line or point shapefile Returns: geograph: GeoGraph """ # NOTE: if shp_path is unicode io doesn't work for some reason shp_path = shp_path.encode('ascii', 'ignore') g = nx.read_shp(shp_path) coords = dict(enumerate(g.nodes())) driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') shp = driver.Open(shp_path) layer = shp.GetLayer() spatial_ref = layer.GetSpatialRef() proj4 = None if not spatial_ref: if gm.is_in_lon_lat(coords): proj4 = gm.PROJ4_LATLONG else: warnings.warn("Spatial Reference could not be set for {}". format(shp_path)) else: proj4 = spatial_ref.ExportToProj4() g = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(g) return GeoGraph(srs=proj4, coords=coords, data=g)
def neighorCount(urlShpFile): roadGraph = nx.read_shp(urlShpFile) nodeList = roadGraph.nodes(data=False) nNode = len(nodeList) print nNode edgesLst = nx.to_edgelist(roadGraph) print len(edgesLst) nodeNeighorhood = dict() neighborhoodSize = dict() nsize = [x for x in xrange(15)] for i in nsize: neighborhoodSize[i] = 0 pass singleNeighborNodeList = [] for _node in nodeList: _neighbors = [x for x in nx.all_neighbors(roadGraph, _node)] if not _node in nodeNeighorhood: nNeighbor = len(_neighbors) nodeNeighorhood[_node] = nNeighbor neighborhoodSize[nNeighbor] += 1 pass pass for key in neighborhoodSize.keys(): print key, '\t:', neighborhoodSize[key] pass pass
def save_graph_pickle(shp_file, pickle_name): G = nt.read_shp(shp_file) G_un = G.to_undirected() with open(pickle_name, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(G_un, file) return
def roadData2(): roadGraph = nx.read_shp(urlShpFile) nodeList = roadGraph.nodes(data=False) nNode = len(nodeList) _node = random.choice(nodeList) _nodeEdgeList = nx.edges(roadGraph, _node) count = 0 while (len(_nodeEdgeList) < 2): _node = random.choice(nodeList) _nodeEdgeList = nx.edges(roadGraph, _node) count += 1 print _nodeEdgeList _nodeEdgeLst = nx.to_edgelist(roadGraph, _node) for _edge in _nodeEdgeLst: _edgePts = getEdgePoints(_edge) print _edgePts edgePointsLst = [] for roadEdge in _nodeEdgeLst: edgePointPairLst = getEdgePoints(roadEdge) edgePointsLst.append(edgePointPairLst) dispNodeEdgeGraph(edgePointsLst) pass
def roadData1(): roadGraph = nx.read_shp(urlShpFile) roadEdgeList = nx.to_edgelist(roadGraph) _flag = True for roadEdge in roadEdgeList: while _flag: print roadEdge[0] print roadEdge[1] roadEdgeData = roadEdge[2] edgeKeyList = roadEdgeData.keys() for edgeKey in edgeKeyList: print edgeKey print roadEdgeData[edgeKey] pass edgePointStr = roadEdgeData['Wkt'] b1 = edgePointStr.find('(') b2 = edgePointStr.find(')') edgePointsSubStr = edgePointStr[b1 + 1:b2] print edgePointsSubStr edgePointPairStrLst = edgePointsSubStr.split(',') edgePointPairLst = [] for edgePointPairStr in edgePointPairStrLst: edgePointPair = [float(x) for x in edgePointPairStr.split(' ')] edgePointPairLst.append(edgePointPair) pass # coordinates of points in an edge for _item in edgePointPairLst: print _item pass _flag = False pass
def roadData(): roadGraph = nx.read_shp(urlShpFile) nodeList = roadGraph.nodes(data=False) nNode = len(nodeList) qnodeList = [] for i in xrange(1): qnodeList.append(random.choice(nodeList)) pass print 'qnodelist', qnodeList roadEdgeList = nx.to_edgelist(roadGraph, qnodeList) _flag = 10 for roadEdge in roadEdgeList: if _flag: edgePointPairLst = getEdgePoints(roadEdge) nAlpha = [float(x) for x in roadEdge[0]] nOmega = [float(x) for x in roadEdge[1]] # print nAlpha # print nOmega # for edgePointPair in edgePointPairLst: # print edgePointPair # pass edgePoints = [] edgePoints.append(nAlpha) for edgePointPair in edgePointPairLst: edgePoints.append(edgePointPair) pass edgePoints.append(nOmega) dispEdgeGraph(edgePoints) _flag -= 1 pass pass
def graph_from_shp(pth=r'test_processed_01', idcol='facilityid', crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}): #import well-known-text load func from shapely import wkt G = nx.read_shp(pth) G.graph['crs'] = crs G = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G, label_attribute='coords') for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): #create a shapely line geometry object d['geometry'] = wkt.loads(d['Wkt']) d['length'] = d['geometry'].length #get rid of other geom formats del d['Wkb'], d['Wkt'], d['Json'] #generate a uniq id if necessary if idcol not in d: d[idcol] = generate_facility_id() return G
def __init__(self, file_path, coastline_shp=None, calc_dist_weights=True): """ Build a graph from a shapefile and provide methods to prune, or read a gpickle file and convert it to a `RiverGraph`. """ if os.path.exists(file_path) == True and os.path.isfile( file_path) == True: self.coast_fn = coastline_shp if os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] == '.shp': g = nx.read_shp(file_path) elif os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] == '.graphml': g = nx.read_graphml(file_path) elif os.path.splitext(file_path)[1] == '.gpickle': g = nx.read_gpickle(file_path) else: #assert False, "path does not have a valid extention (.shp, .graphml, .gpickle): %s" % file_path print "path does not have a valid extension (.shp, .graphml, .gpickle)" self.graph = RiverGraph(data=g, coastline_shp=self.coast_fn) if calc_dist_weights: print "Weighting Edges with Distances" self.graph = self.graph.weight_edges() else: if os.path.exists(file_path) == False: print "file does not exist" if os.path.isfile(file_path) == False: print "path is not a file or does not exist: %s" % file_path
def preprocessRoutes(routeFile): edges = nx.read_shp(routeFile) posNodes = pre.getPositionOfNodesFromEdges(edges) posEdges = pre.getPositionOfEdges(edges) edg = pre.getEdges(posEdges,posNodes) network = pre.createNetwork(posNodes,edg) return network
def readGraph(csadir, method): """ Load the graph network and line shapefiles and combine both to construct a graph data model. First, nodes are loaded from the network shp, then the relations between the nodes is extracted from the lines shp. :param csadir: folder to find shapefiles :param method: subfolder indicating which method to use. One of ['Addnode', 'Steiner-like', 'Closestnode'] :return: graph """ dir = '{}{}/'.format(csadir, method) graph = loadFiles(dir, 'NWB')['NWB'] atts = graph[1] # Read the network shp and convert to undirected graph print ">> Reading graph..." G = nx.read_shp('{}network.shp'.format(dir), simplify=True) SG = G.to_undirected() # Create mapping dictionary for relabeling of nodes mapping = {node: int(a['Id']) for (node, a) in SG.nodes(data=True)} # Relabel nodes with IDs from shapefile for adding edges print ">> Relabeling nodes..." nx.relabel_nodes(SG, mapping, copy=False) ebunch = [(int(u), int(v), float(w)) for i, u, v, w in atts] print ">> Adding edges to graph..." SG.add_weighted_edges_from(ebunch) # nx.write_gml(SG, '{}test.gml'.format(dir), stringify) return SG
def parseGraph(urlShpFile): roadGraphd = nx.read_shp(urlShpFile) roadGraph = roadGraphd.to_undirected() # roadGraph = nx.read_shp(urlShpFile) # roadGraph = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(roadGraph.to_undirected()))[0] nodeLst = roadGraph.nodes(data=False) roadEdgeList = nx.to_edgelist(roadGraph) weightAttribute = dict() for roadEdge in roadEdgeList: weightAttribute[(roadEdge[0], roadEdge[1])] = 1 pass nx.set_edge_attributes(roadGraph, 'weight', weightAttribute) for node in nodeLst: _n = roadGraph.neighbors(node) print len(_n), node if (len(_n) > 4): findTree(roadGraph, node) # findmst(roadGraph, node) pass
def test(): import networkx as nx import pandas as pd bj_roads = r'data/test/bj_small_roads_sample/bj_small_roads_sample.shp' bj_speeds = r'data/roads-20180801-20180831.parquet' road_net = nx.read_shp(bj_roads) edges = EdgesLookup( [(GeneralNode(None, o, None, None), GeneralNode( None, d, None, None), float(road_net.edges[(o, d)]['length'])) for o, d in road_net.edges], lambda a, _: a) since = time.perf_counter() res = edges.k_shortest_path( GeneralNode(None, (116.331194, 39.957388), None, None), GeneralNode(None, (116.417038, 40.002861), None, None), 0) print('since', time.perf_counter() - since) print(*map(lambda i: (i[0], i[1][:5]), res), sep='\n') edges = gen_dynamic_edges(road_net, pd.read_parquet(bj_speeds)) for _ in range(3): ts = random.randint(0, 24 * 60 * 60) since = time.perf_counter() res = edges.k_shortest_path( GeneralNode(None, (116.331194, 39.957388), None, None), GeneralNode(None, (116.417038, 40.002861), None, None), ts) print('since', time.perf_counter() - since) print(*map(lambda i: (i[0], i[1][:5]), res), sep='\n')
def convert_shp_to_graph(input_shp, directed, multigraph, parallel_edges_attribute): """Converts a shapefile to networkx graph object in accordance to the given parameters. It can directed or undirected, simple graph or multigraph Parameters ---------- input_shp: shapefile path directed: 'true' or 'false' If value is true – directed graph will be created. If value is false - undirected graph will be created multigraph: 'true' or 'false' If value is true – multigraph will be created If value is false – simple graph will be created parallel_edges_attribute: string Field of the shapefile which allows to distinguish parallel edges. Note that it could be a field of different types, but all values of this attribute should be filled Returns ------- Graph """ if multigraph == 'true': G = nx_multi_shp.read_shp(r'{0}'.format(input_shp), parallel_edges_attribute, simplify=True, geom_attrs=True, strict=True) else: G = nx.read_shp(r'{0}'.format(input_shp)) if directed == 'true': graph = G else: graph = G.to_undirected() return graph
def read_network_graph_from_file(filename, is_directed=False): """Get network graph from filename. Args: filename (str): A name of a geo dataset resource recognized by Fiona package. is_directed (bool, optional (Defaults to False)): Graph type. True for directed Graph, False for Graph. Returns: obj, dict: Graph and node coordinates. """ geom = nx.read_shp(filename) node_coords = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(geom.nodes())} # create graph graph = None if is_directed: graph = nx.DiGraph() else: graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_nodes_from(node_coords.keys()) l = [set(x) for x in geom.edges()] edg = [tuple(k for k, v in node_coords.items() if v in sl) for sl in l] graph.add_edges_from(edg) return graph, node_coords
def init(shp_path, civici_tpn_path, coords_path): G = nt.read_shp(shp_path) G_un = G.to_undirected() civici_tpn = np.loadtxt(civici_tpn_path, delimiter=";", dtype='str') coords = np.loadtxt(coords_path) return G_un, civici_tpn, coords
def from_files(cls, shp, csv, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- shp : file or string (File, directory, or filename to read). csv : string or file handle / StringIO. Example ---------- NetworkPlan.from_files('networks-proposed.shp', 'metrics-local.csv') """ # Only supports longlat format for now # with as shapefile: # # Pass along the projection # if 'proj' in # kwargs['proj'] =['proj'] # Ignore the PROJ.4 header if there skip_rows = 0 with open(csv) as csv_stream: if csv_stream.readline().startswith('PROJ.4'): skip_rows = 1 # networkx read_shp fails on unicode paths, so try ascii if isinstance(shp, unicode): shp = shp.encode("ascii") return cls(nx.read_shp(shp), pd.read_csv(csv, skiprows=skip_rows), **kwargs)
def testload(self): expected = nx.DiGraph() map(expected.add_path, self.paths) G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath) assert_equal(sorted(expected.node), sorted(G.node)) assert_equal(sorted(expected.edges()), sorted(G.edges())) names = [G.get_edge_data(s,e)['Name'] for s,e in G.edges()] assert_equal(self.names, sorted(names))
def test_geometryexport(self): expectedpoints_simple = ( "POINT (1 1)", "POINT (2 2)", "POINT (3 3)", "POINT (0.9 0.9)", "POINT (4 2)" ) expectedlines_simple = ( "LINESTRING (1 1,2 2)", "LINESTRING (2 2,3 3)", "LINESTRING (0.9 0.9,4.0 0.9,4 2)" ) expectedpoints = ( "POINT (1 1)", "POINT (2 2)", "POINT (3 3)", "POINT (0.9 0.9)", "POINT (4.0 0.9)", "POINT (4 2)" ) expectedlines = ( "LINESTRING (1 1,2 2)", "LINESTRING (2 2,3 3)", "LINESTRING (0.9 0.9,4.0 0.9)", "LINESTRING (4.0 0.9,4 2)" ) tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'shpdir') G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath) nx.write_shp(G, tpath) shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath) self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes"), expectedpoints_simple) self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges"), expectedlines_simple) # Test unsimplified # Nodes should have additional point, # edges should be 'flattened' G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath, simplify=False) nx.write_shp(G, tpath) shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath) self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes"), expectedpoints) self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges"), expectedlines)
def testload(self): def compare_graph_paths_names(g, paths, names): expected = nx.DiGraph() for p in paths: expected.add_path(p) assert_equal(sorted(expected.node), sorted(g.node)) assert_equal(sorted(expected.edges()), sorted(g.edges())) g_names = [g.get_edge_data(s, e)['Name'] for s, e in g.edges()] assert_equal(names, sorted(g_names)) # simplified G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath) compare_graph_paths_names(G, self.simplified_paths, \ self.simplified_names) # unsimplified G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath, simplify=False) compare_graph_paths_names(G, self.paths, self.names)
def shp_to_graph(shp_path): graph_shp = nx.read_shp(str(shp_path)) shp = QgsVectorLayer(shp_path, "network", "ogr") # parallel edges are excluded of the graph because read_shp does not return a multi-graph, self-loops are included #self_loops = [[, feat.geometry().asPolyline()[0],feat.attributes()]for feat in shp.getFeatures() if feat.geometry().asPolyline()[0] == feat.geometry().asPolyline()[-1] ] # parallel_edges = graph = graph_shp.to_undirected(reciprocal=False) #column_names = [ for i in shp.pendingFields()] #for i in self_loops: # graph.add_edge(i[1],i[1],dict(zip(column_names,i[2]))) return graph
def __init__(self, shapefile, edge_weighted_by_distance=True): g = nx.read_shp(shapefile) mg = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g.to_undirected()), key=len) if edge_weighted_by_distance: for n0, n1 in mg.edges_iter(): path = np.array(json.loads(mg[n0][n1]['Json'])['coordinates']) distance = np.sum( greate_circle_distance(path[1:,0],path[1:,1], path[:-1,0], path[:-1,1]) ) mg.edge[n0][n1]['distance'] = distance self.graph = mg self._cache = {} self._cache_nn = {}
def test_attributeexport(self): def testattributes(lyr, expected): feature = lyr.GetNextFeature() actualvalues = [] while feature: actualvalues.append(feature.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkt()) feature = lyr.GetNextFeature() assert_equal(sorted(expected), sorted(actualvalues)) tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),'shpdir') G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath) nx.write_shp(G, tpath) shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath) nodes = shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes")
def mappingOneDay(): for i in range(13340): try: g = nx.read_shp('./Graph/edges.shp') G = nx.Graph() G.add_edges_from(g.edges()) filename = './data/' + str(i) + '.txt' Graph = MapReader().mapGraph mappingOneTaxi(filename, Graph, G) del g del G except Exception,e: fp = open('log_taxi.txt','a') fp.write(str(e)+'\n'+str(i)+'.txt'+'\n') fp.close()
def read_shp_to_graph(shp_path): graph_shp = nx.read_shp(str(shp_path), simplify=True) shp = QgsVectorLayer(shp_path, "network", "ogr") graph = nx.MultiGraph(graph_shp.to_undirected(reciprocal=False)) # parallel edges are excluded of the graph because read_shp does not return a multi-graph, self-loops are included all_ids = [ for i in shp.getFeatures()] ids_incl = [i[2]['feat_id'] for i in graph.edges(data=True)] ids_excl = set(all_ids) - set(ids_incl) request = QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFids(list(ids_excl)) excl_features = [feat for feat in shp.getFeatures(request)] ids_excl_attr = [[i.geometry().asPolyline()[0], i.geometry().asPolyline()[-1], i.attributes()] for i in excl_features] column_names = [ for i in shp.dataProvider().fields()] for i in ids_excl_attr: graph.add_edge(i[0], i[1], attr_dict=dict(zip(column_names,i[2]))) return graph
def test_missing_attributes(self): G = nx.DiGraph() A = (0, 0) B = (1, 1) C = (2, 2) G.add_edge(A, B, foo=100) G.add_edge(A, C) nx.write_shp(G, self.path) H = nx.read_shp(self.path) for u, v, d in H.edges(data=True): if u == A and v == B: assert_equal(d['foo'], 100) if u == A and v == C: assert_equal(d['foo'], None)
def test_geometryexport(self): expectedpoints = ( "POINT (1 1)", "POINT (2 2)", "POINT (3 3)", "POINT (0.9 0.9)", "POINT (4 2)" ) expectedlines = ( "LINESTRING (1 1,2 2)", "LINESTRING (2 2,3 3)", "LINESTRING (0.9 0.9,4 2)" ) tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),'shpdir') G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath) nx.write_shp(G, tpath) shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath) self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("nodes"), expectedpoints) self.checkgeom(shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges"), expectedlines)
def test_attributeexport(self): def testattributes(lyr, graph): feature = lyr.GetNextFeature() while feature: coords = [] ref = feature.GetGeometryRef() last = ref.GetPointCount() - 1 edge_nodes = (ref.GetPoint_2D(0), ref.GetPoint_2D(last)) name = feature.GetFieldAsString('Name') assert_equal(graph.get_edge_data(*edge_nodes)['Name'], name) feature = lyr.GetNextFeature() tpath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'shpdir') G = nx.read_shp(self.shppath) nx.write_shp(G, tpath) shpdir = ogr.Open(tpath) edges = shpdir.GetLayerByName("edges") testattributes(edges, G)
def __init__(self, shp, csv, **kwargs): self.shp_p, self.csv_p = shp, csv self.priority_metric = kwargs['prioritize'] if 'prioritize' in kwargs else 'population' #'Asserting Input Projections Match') # self._assert_proj_match(shp, csv) from geometryIO import load proj4 = load(shp)[0] self.measure = 'haversine' if 'longlat' in proj4 else 'euclidean' # Load in and align input data'Aligning Network Nodes With Input Metrics') self._network, self._metrics = prep_data( nx.read_shp(shp), # pd.read_csv(csv, header=1), pd.read_csv(csv), loc_tol = self.TOL)'Computing Pairwise Distances') self.distance_matrix = self._distance_matrix() if len(self.distance_matrix[(self.distance_matrix > 0) & (self.distance_matrix < self.TOL)]) > 0: logger.error("""Dataset Contains Edges, Less Than {tolerance} Meters! This can result in incorrect alignment of metrics and network, where fake nodes are incorrectly assigned metrics. This error is resolved by buffering your input data.""".format(tolerance=self.TOL)) # Set the edge weight to the distance between those nodes self._weight_edges()'Directing Network Away From Roots') # Transform edges to a rooted graph self.direct_network() # Assert that the netork is a tree self.assert_is_tree() # Build list of fake nodes self.fake_nodes = self.fakes(self.metrics.index) #Fillna values with Zero self._metrics = self.metrics.fillna(0)
def __init__(self): self.MapData = nx.read_shp('./map/111.shp')
import networkx as nx import numpy as np import pandas as pd import json import smopy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = mpl.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300 # g = nx.read_shp("eotroads_49/eotroads_49.shp") g = nx.read_shp("data/tl_2013_06_prisecroads.shp") print len(g.edges()) # print g.adjacency_list() sgs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g.to_undirected())) sg = sgs[0] for element in sgs: if element.order() > sg.order(): sg = element print sg.order() print len(sg.edges()) print sg.adjacency_list() # pos2 = (36.6026, -121.9026) # pos1 = (34.0569, -118.2427) #Silicon Valley # pos0 = (37.3627, -122.0323) #LA pos1 = (34.045536, -118.446065)
min_distance = None for node in graph.nodes(): distance = calc_distance(node[1], node[0], latitude, longitude) if closest_node == None: closest_node = node min_distance = distance elif distance < min_distance: closest_node = node min_distance = distance return closest_node ############################################################################# print "Loading road network into memory..." graph = networkx.read_shp("split_roads/split_roads.shp") print "graph has %d nodes and %d edges" % (len(graph.nodes()), len(graph.edges())) graph = networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph.to_undirected()).next() print "Calculating road lengths..." num_roads = len(graph.edges()) num_done = 0 for node1,node2 in graph.edges(): if num_done % 1000 == 0: print " %d%% done" % int(100 * float(num_done) / float(num_roads)) num_done = num_done + 1 wkt = graph[node1][node2]['Wkt']
def test_read_shp_nofile(): try: from osgeo import ogr except ImportError: raise SkipTest('ogr not available.') G = nx.read_shp("hopefully_this_file_will_not_be_available")
def find_connected_components(self): """finds "islands" in the network """ index = self.dlg.ui.layerCombo.currentIndex() if index < 0: # it may occur if there's no layer in the combo/legend pass else: layer = self.dlg.ui.layerCombo.itemData(index) # layer = QgsVectorLayer(self.fileName, "layer_name", "ogr") index = self.dlg.ui.lts_combo.currentIndex() if index < 0: # it may occur if there's no layer in the combo/legend pass else: lts_column = self.dlg.ui.lts_combo.itemData(index) # with open("C:\Users\Peyman.n\Dropbox\Boulder\Plugin\LTS\log.txt","w")as file: # file.write(lts_column +"\n") lts1_existed = self.make_column(layer,"_isl_lts1") lts2_existed = self.make_column(layer,"_isl_lts2") lts3_existed = self.make_column(layer,"_isl_lts3") lts4_existed = self.make_column(layer,"_isl_lts4") # path = "C:/Users/Peyman.n/Dropbox/Boulder/BoulderStreetsRating_20140407_Peter/for_test.shp" # out_path = "C:/Users/Peyman.n/Dropbox/Boulder/BoulderStreetsRating_20140407_Peter" # get the path from selected layer myfilepath= os.path.dirname( unicode( layer.dataProvider().dataSourceUri() ) ) ; layer_name = path2 = myfilepath +"/"+layer_name+".shp" out_path = myfilepath # with open("C:\Users\Peyman.n\Dropbox\Boulder\Plugin\LTS\log.txt","a")as file: # file.write(path2 +"\n") # ## # path3="C:/Users/Peyman.n/Dropbox/Boulder/BoulderStreetsRating_20140407_Peter/BoulderStreetsWProjection_20140407_Joined.shp" layer2 = nx.read_shp(str(path2)) self.dlg.ui.progressBar.setValue(5) G=layer2.to_undirected() self.dlg.ui.progressBar.setValue(10) lts_threshs = [(1,"_isl_lts1"),(2,"_isl_lts2"),(3,"_isl_lts3"),(4,"_isl_lts4")] field = str(lts_column) # with open("C:\Users\Peyman.n\Dropbox\Boulder\Plugin\LTS\log.txt","a")as file: # file.write(field +"\n") prog =0 for lts_thresh,attr in (lts_threshs): prog +=1 temp = [(u,v,d) for u,v,d in G.edges_iter(data=True) if d[field] <= lts_thresh] # set the edges numbers to zero g2 = nx.Graph(temp) H=nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g2) for idx, cc in enumerate(H): for edge in cc.edges(data=True): G[edge[0]][edge[1]][attr]=idx+1 # zero means it was filtered out j= prog * 20 self.dlg.ui.progressBar.setValue(j) # order attributes table for index, edge in enumerate (G.edges(data=True)): edge = list(edge) edge[2] = OrderedDict(sorted(edge[2].items())) edge=tuple(edge) G[edge[0]][edge[1]] = edge[2] self.remove_column(layer,"_isl_lts1",lts1_existed) self.remove_column(layer,"_isl_lts2",lts2_existed) self.remove_column(layer,"_isl_lts3",lts3_existed) self.remove_column(layer,"_isl_lts4",lts4_existed) out_name =str(layer_name+"_with islands") write_shp(G,out_path,out_name) self.dlg.ui.progressBar.setValue(100) QMessageBox.information(self.dlg, ("Successful"), ("A new shapefile "+ out_name+" has been created in your folder")) # Add to TOC vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(out_path +"/"+out_name+".shp",out_name,"ogr") #get crs of project actual_crs = iface.mapCanvas().mapRenderer().destinationCrs() #change crs of layer vlayer.setCrs(actual_crs) QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(vlayer) self.dlg.close()
import arcpy import networkx as nx #Get shapefile directory shp = str(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)) simplify = False #Convert shapefile to networkx graph arcpy.AddMessage("Converting to NetworkX Graph") G = nx.read_shp(shp, simplify) undinet = G.to_undirected() #Clear edge dictionary arcpy.AddMessage("Clearing attribute dictionary for ~performace~") for u,v,a in undinet.edges(data=True): a.clear() #Draw the Graph networkx.draw(G) plt.savefig("path.png") networkx.draw(G,pos=nx.spectral_layout(G), nodecolor='r',edge_color='b')
def main(path_nodes, path_edges, gid_nodes, gid_edges, weight_edges): # ---------------------------------------------------------- # NetworkX # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Import des données SHP à grapher: G = nx.Graph(name="Floyd_Warshall_script", date=str( E = nx.read_shp(str(path_edges)) N = nx.read_shp(str(path_nodes)) G.add_nodes_from(N.nodes(data=True)) G.add_edges_from(E.edges(data=True)) # Changement de leur nom (pour l'instant, chaque valeur a le nom de ses coordonnées géographiques, c'est nul): # ---------------------------------------------------------- # D'abord pour les edges: x = 0 dict_edges = {} total_edges = G.number_of_edges() print("Processing Edges") while x < total_edges: try: # En raison de la structure possible des fichiers, on place un try qui propose [1] ou [2], histoire de parer à toute éventualité. dict_edges[G.edges(data=True)[x][0]] = G.edges(data=True)[x][2][str(gid_edges)] x = x + 1 except: dict_edges[G.edges(data=True)[x][0]] = G.edges(data=True)[x][1][str(gid_edges)] x = x + 1 # Maintenant pour les nodes: x = 0 dict_nodes = {} count_nodes = {} total_nodes = G.number_of_nodes() print("Processing Nodes") while x < total_nodes: try: # En raison de la structure possible des fichiers, on place un try qui propose [1] ou [2], histoire de parer à toute éventualité. dict_nodes[G.nodes(data=True)[x][0]] = G.nodes(data=True)[x][1][str(gid_nodes)] count_nodes[x] = G.nodes(data=True)[x][1][str(gid_nodes)] x = x + 1 except: dict_nodes[G.nodes(data=True)[x][0]] = G.nodes(data=True)[x][2][str(gid_nodes)] count_nodes[x] = G.nodes(data=True)[x][1][str(gid_nodes)] x = x + 1 # On renomme les nodes/edges par leur id/gid originels: G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, dict_nodes) print("Processing Graph") # G=nx.relabel_edges(G,dict_edges) # Il semblerait que cette fonction n'existe pas... A rajouter manuellement, cela ne doit pas être bien dur. # ---------------------------------------------------------- # On lance maintenant le calcul d'itinéraire pour l'ensemble des paires de noeuds du réseau: starting_point = results = nx.floyd_warshall(G, weight=str(weight_edges)) print(starting_point) print( print("Il aura fallu: " + str( - starting_point) + " pour effectuer le calcul") text_file = open("Shitty_output.txt", "w") text_file.write(str(results)) text_file.close() open( "Output.txt", "w" ).close() # On efface Output.txt avant de lancer des opérations "append" dessus, histoire d'eviter d'avoir un mélange de résultats de plusieurs fichiers. with open("Output.txt", "a") as text_file: gid = 0 i = 0 text_file.writelines("gid" + ";" + "Origin" + ";" + "Destination" + ";" + "FloydWarshall_Cost" + "\n") while i < total_nodes: origins = results[str(count_nodes[i])] i1 = 0 for origin in origins: while i1 < total_nodes: gid = gid + 1 destinations = origins[str(count_nodes[i1])] text_file.writelines( str(gid) + ";" + str(count_nodes[i] + ";" + str(count_nodes[i1]) + ";" + str(destinations)) + "\n" ) i1 = i1 + 1 i = i + 1 text_file.close() print( 'Un fichier .TXT nommé "Output" a maintenant du apparaitre dans le dossier depuis lequel nous avons chargé le shapefile' )
def merge_lines(network_input): #create a copy of the input network as a memory layer network_input_filepath=network_input.dataProvider().dataSourceUri() network_input_dir=os.path.dirname(network_input_filepath) network_input_basename=QFileInfo(network_input_filepath).baseName() network_input_path= network_input_dir + "/"+ network_input_basename +".shp" networ_expl_path= network_input_dir + "/"+ network_input_basename +"_exploded.shp" network_input=QgsVectorLayer(network_input_path, "network_input", "ogr") temp_network=QgsVectorLayer('LineString?crs='+crs.toWkt(), "temporary_network", "memory") processing.runalg("qgis:explodelines",network_input,networ_expl_path) expl_network=QgsVectorLayer(networ_expl_path,"network_exploded","ogr") #add a column in the network_input file with feature ID expl_network.startEditing() expl_network.dataProvider().addAttributes([QgsField("feat_id_", QVariant.Int)]) expl_network.commitChanges() fieldIdx = expl_network.dataProvider().fields().indexFromName("feat_id_") updateMap = {} for f in expl_network.getFeatures(): updateMap[fid] = { fieldIdx: fid} expl_network.dataProvider().changeAttributeValues( updateMap ) QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(temp_network) #iface.mapCanvas().refresh() temp_network.dataProvider().addAttributes([y for y in expl_network.dataProvider().fields()]) temp_network.updateFields() temp_network.startEditing() temp_network.addFeatures([x for x in expl_network.getFeatures()]) temp_network.commitChanges() temp_network.removeSelection() """01: Merge lines from intersection to intersection""" #make a graph of the network_input_exploded layer G_shp = nx.read_shp(str(networ_expl_path)) #parallel lines are excluded of the graph because it is not a multigraph, self loops are included G=G_shp.to_undirected(reciprocal=False) Dual_G=nx.MultiGraph() for e in G.edges_iter(data='feat_id_'): Dual_G.add_node(e[2]) for i,j in G.adjacency_iter(): if len(j)==2: values=[] for k,v in j.items(): values.append(v['feat_id_']) #print values Dual_G.add_edge(values[0],values[1],data=None) #lines with three connections have been included, breaks at intresections #set also include single edges sets=[] for j in connected_components(Dual_G): sets.append(list(j)) #make a dictionary of all feature ids and corresponding geometry D={} for f in temp_network.getFeatures(): fid=f.attribute('feat_id_') #careful! you need AndOwnership otherwise you get a C++ error f_geom=f.geometryAndOwnership() D[fid]=f_geom #make a dictionary of sets of geometries to be combined and sets of ids to be combined Geom_sets={} for m in sets: Geom_sets[tuple(m)]=[] for k,v in Geom_sets.items(): geoms=[] for i in k: #print i i_geom=D[i] #print i_geom geoms.append(i_geom) Geom_sets[k]=tuple(geoms) #make adjacency dictionary for nodes of Dual Graph (=edges) AdjD={} #returns an iterator of (node, adjacency dict) tuples for all nodes for (i, v) in Dual_G.adjacency_iter(): AdjD[i]=v sets_in_order=[] for f in sets: ord_set=[] nodes_passed=[] if len(f)==2 or len(f)==1: ord_set=f sets_in_order.append(ord_set) else: for n in f: if len(AdjD[n])==1 or len(AdjD[n])>2: first_line=n else: pass ord_set=[] nodes_passed.append(first_line) ord_set.append(first_line) for n in ord_set: nodes=AdjD[n].keys() for node in nodes: if node in nodes_passed: pass else: nodes_passed.append(node) ord_set.append(node) sets_in_order.append(ord_set) #make a dictionary of all feature ids and corresponding geometry A={} for f in temp_network.getFeatures(): fid=f.attribute('feat_id_') A[fid]=f.attributes() #include in sets ord the geometry of the feature for s in sets_in_order: for indx,i in enumerate(s): ind=indx line=i s[indx]= [line,D[line]] #combine geometries New_geoms=[] for h in sets_in_order: new_geom=None if len(h)==1: new_geom=h[0][1] new_attr=A[h[0][0]] elif len(h)==2 : line1_geom=h[0][1] line2_geom=h[1][1] new_geom=line1_geom.combine(line2_geom) new_attr=A[h[0][0]] else: new_attr=A[h[0][0]] for i,line in enumerate(h): ind=i l=line if ind==(len(h)-1): pass else: l_geom=h[ind][1] next_l=h[(ind+1)%len(h)] next_l_geom=h[(ind+1)%len(h)][1] new_geom=l_geom.combine(next_l_geom) h[(ind+1)%len(h)][1]=new_geom #print new_geom New_geoms.append([new_geom,new_attr]) #delete all features and recreate memory layer with new geometries temp_network.removeSelection() temp_network.startEditing() temp_network.selectAll() temp_network.deleteSelectedFeatures() temp_network.commitChanges() New_feat=[] #reconstruct new geometries for i in New_geoms: feature = QgsFeature() feature.setGeometry(i[0]) feature.setAttributes(i[1]) New_feat.append(feature) temp_network.startEditing() temp_network.addFeatures(New_feat) temp_network.commitChanges() temp_network.removeSelection() #break lines if they are Multilines feat_to_del=[] New_feat=[] for f in temp_network.getFeatures(): f_geom_type = f.geometry().wkbType() f_id = attr=f.attributes() if f_geom_type == 5: new_geoms = f.geometry().asGeometryCollection() for i in new_geoms: new_feat = QgsFeature() new_feat.setGeometry(i) new_feat.setAttributes(attr) New_feat.append(new_feat) feat_to_del.append(f_id) temp_network.startEditing() temp_network.dataProvider().deleteFeatures(feat_to_del) temp_network.addFeatures(New_feat) temp_network.commitChanges() temp_network.removeSelection() return temp_network
def read_shp(path): """ Active development for shp read is now done in networkx. This function left in for compatibilty purposes. """ return nx.read_shp(path)
def test_missing_geometry(self): G = nx.read_shp(self.path)
def read_shp_to_graph(shp_path): graph_shp = nx.read_shp(str(shp_path), simplify=True) graph = nx.MultiGraph(graph_shp.to_undirected(reciprocal=False)) return graph
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import networkx as nx import numpy as np import json from shapely.geometry import asLineString, asMultiPoint def write_geojson(outfilename, indata): with open(outfilename, "w") as file_out: file_out.write(json.dumps(indata)) # use Networkx to load a Noded shapefile # returns a graph where each node is a coordinate pair # and the edge is the line connecting the two nodes nx_load_shp = nx.read_shp("../geodata/shp/e01_network_lines_3857.shp") # A graph is not always connected, so we take the largest connected subgraph # by using the connected_component_subgraphs function. nx_list_subgraph = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(nx_load_shp.to_undirected()))[0] # get all the nodes in the network nx_nodes = np.array(nx_list_subgraph.nodes()) # output the nodes to a GeoJSON file to view in QGIS network_nodes = asMultiPoint(nx_nodes) write_geojson("../geodata/ch08_final_netx_nodes.geojson", network_nodes.__geo_interface__ ) # this number represents the nodes position
import sys import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import random from heapq import heappop, heappush G = nx.DiGraph.to_undirected(nx.read_shp('./aa_scratch0/axons_larissa_with_buildings6_sub0.shp')) for x in G: print (x) print sys.argv[1] # first parameter