def split(field, delimiter):
        """Split a field (or symbol) with a specific delimiter. The
        delimiter can be passed either as an ASCII, a Raw, an
        HexaString, or any objects that inherit from AbstractType.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> samples = ["aaaaff000000ff10",	"bbff110010ff00000011",	"ccccccccfffe1f000000ff12"]
        >>> messages = [RawMessage(data=sample) for sample in samples]
        >>> symbol = Symbol(messages=messages[:3])
        >>> Format.splitDelimiter(symbol, ASCII("ff"))
        >>> print symbol
        Field-0    | Field-sep-6666 | Field-2      | Field-sep-6666 | Field-4   
        ---------- | -------------- | ------------ | -------------- | ----------
        'aaaa'     | 'ff'           | '000000'     | 'ff'           | '10'      
        'bb'       | 'ff'           | '110010'     | 'ff'           | '00000011'
        'cccccccc' | 'ff'           | 'fe1f000000' | 'ff'           | '12'      
        ---------- | -------------- | ------------ | -------------- | ----------

        >>> samples = ["434d446964656e74696679230400000066726564", "5245536964656e74696679230000000000000000", "434d44696e666f2300000000", "524553696e666f230000000004000000696e666f","434d4473746174732300000000","52455373746174732300000000050000007374617473","434d4461757468656e7469667923090000006d7950617373776421","52455361757468656e74696679230000000000000000","434d44656e6372797074230a00000031323334353674657374","524553656e637279707423000000000a00000073707176777436273136","434d4464656372797074230a00000073707176777436273136","5245536465637279707423000000000a00000031323334353674657374","434d446279652300000000","524553627965230000000000000000","434d446964656e746966792307000000526f626572746f","5245536964656e74696679230000000000000000","434d44696e666f2300000000","524553696e666f230000000004000000696e666f","434d4473746174732300000000","52455373746174732300000000050000007374617473","434d4461757468656e74696679230a000000615374726f6e67507764","52455361757468656e74696679230000000000000000","434d44656e63727970742306000000616263646566","524553656e6372797074230000000006000000232021262724","434d44646563727970742306000000232021262724","52455364656372797074230000000006000000616263646566","434d446279652300000000","524553627965230000000000000000"]
        >>> messages = [RawMessage(data=TypeConverter.convert(sample, HexaString, Raw)) for sample in samples]
        >>> symbol = Symbol(messages=messages)
        >>> symbol.encodingFunctions.add(TypeEncodingFunction(ASCII))  # Change visualization to hexastring
        >>> Format.splitDelimiter(symbol, ASCII("#"))
        >>> print symbol
        Field-0         | Field-sep-23 | Field-2              | Field-sep-23 | Field-4
        --------------- | ------------ | -------------------- | ------------ | -------
        'CMDidentify'   | '#'          | '....fred'           | ''           | ''     
        'RESidentify'   | '#'          | '........'           | ''           | ''     
        'CMDinfo'       | '#'          | '....'               | ''           | ''     
        'RESinfo'       | '#'          | ''       | ''           | ''     
        'CMDstats'      | '#'          | '....'               | ''           | ''     
        'RESstats'      | '#'          | '........stats'      | ''           | ''     
        'CMDauthentify' | '#'          | '....myPasswd!'      | ''           | ''     
        'RESauthentify' | '#'          | '........'           | ''           | ''     
        'CMDencrypt'    | '#'          | '....123456test'     | ''           | ''     
        'RESencrypt'    | '#'          | "........spqvwt6'16" | ''           | ''     
        'CMDdecrypt'    | '#'          | "....spqvwt6'16"     | ''           | ''     
        'RESdecrypt'    | '#'          | '........123456test' | ''           | ''     
        'CMDbye'        | '#'          | '....'               | ''           | ''     
        'RESbye'        | '#'          | '........'           | ''           | ''     
        'CMDidentify'   | '#'          | '....Roberto'        | ''           | ''     
        'RESidentify'   | '#'          | '........'           | ''           | ''     
        'CMDinfo'       | '#'          | '....'               | ''           | ''     
        'RESinfo'       | '#'          | ''       | ''           | ''     
        'CMDstats'      | '#'          | '....'               | ''           | ''     
        'RESstats'      | '#'          | '........stats'      | ''           | ''     
        'CMDauthentify' | '#'          | '....aStrongPwd'     | ''           | ''     
        'RESauthentify' | '#'          | '........'           | ''           | ''     
        'CMDencrypt'    | '#'          | '....abcdef'         | ''           | ''     
        'RESencrypt'    | '#'          | '........'           | '#'          | " !&'$"
        'CMDdecrypt'    | '#'          | '....'               | '#'          | " !&'$"
        'RESdecrypt'    | '#'          | '........abcdef'     | ''           | ''     
        'CMDbye'        | '#'          | '....'               | ''           | ''     
        'RESbye'        | '#'          | '........'           | ''           | ''     
        --------------- | ------------ | -------------------- | ------------ | -------
        >>> print symbol.fields[0]._str_debug()
        |--   Alt
              |--   Data (Raw='CMDidentify' ((0, 88)))
              |--   Data (Raw='RESidentify' ((0, 88)))
              |--   Data (Raw='CMDinfo' ((0, 56)))
              |--   Data (Raw='RESinfo' ((0, 56)))
              |--   Data (Raw='CMDstats' ((0, 64)))
              |--   Data (Raw='RESstats' ((0, 64)))
              |--   Data (Raw='CMDauthentify' ((0, 104)))
              |--   Data (Raw='RESauthentify' ((0, 104)))
              |--   Data (Raw='CMDencrypt' ((0, 80)))
              |--   Data (Raw='RESencrypt' ((0, 80)))
              |--   Data (Raw='CMDdecrypt' ((0, 80)))
              |--   Data (Raw='RESdecrypt' ((0, 80)))
              |--   Data (Raw='CMDbye' ((0, 48)))
              |--   Data (Raw='RESbye' ((0, 48)))
        :param field : the field to consider when spliting
        :type: :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField`
        :param delimiter : the delimiter used to split messages of the field
        :type: :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Types.AbstractType.AbstractType`

        if delimiter is None:
            raise TypeError("Delimiter cannot be None.")

        if field is None:
            raise TypeError("Field cannot be None.")

        if len(field.messages) < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "The associated symbol does not contain any message.")

        # Find message substrings after applying delimiter
        splittedMessages = []

        for cell in field.getValues(encoded=False, styled=False):
            splittedMessage = cell.split(delimiter.value.tobytes())

        import itertools
        # Inverse the array, so that columns contains observed values for each field
        splittedMessages = list(itertools.izip_longest(*splittedMessages))

        # If the delimiter does not create splitted fields
        if len(splittedMessages) <= 1:

        # Else, we add (2*len(splittedMessages)-1) fields
        newFields = []
        iField = -1
        for i in range(len(splittedMessages)):
            iField += 1

            fieldDomain = list()

            # temporary set that hosts all the observed values to prevent useless duplicate ones
            observedValues = set()
            has_inserted_empty_value = False

            isEmptyField = True  # To avoid adding an empty field
            for v in splittedMessages[i]:
                if v != "" and v is not None:
                    isEmptyField = False

                    if v not in observedValues:
                    if not has_inserted_empty_value:
                        has_inserted_empty_value = True

            if not isEmptyField:
                newField = Field(
                    name="Field-" + str(iField))
                newField.encodingFunctions = field.encodingFunctions.values()
                iField += 1

            fieldName = "Field-sep-" + TypeConverter.convert(
                delimiter.value, BitArray, HexaString)

                Field(domain=Alt([delimiter, Raw(nbBytes=0)]), name=fieldName))


        # Reset the field
        from netzob.Inference.Vocabulary.Format import Format

        # Create a field for each entry
        field.fields = newFields
    def mergeFields(self, field1, field2):
        """Merge specified fields.

        >>> import binascii
        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> samples = ["00ff2f000000", "000010000000",	"00fe1f000000"]
        >>> messages = [RawMessage(data=binascii.unhexlify(sample)) for sample in samples]
        >>> f1 = Field(Raw(nbBytes=1), name="f1")
        >>> f2 = Field(Raw(nbBytes=2), name="f2")
        >>> f3 = Field(Raw(nbBytes=2), name="f3")
        >>> f4 = Field(Raw(nbBytes=1), name="f4")
        >>> symbol = Symbol([f1, f2, f3, f4], messages=messages)
        >>> symbol.addEncodingFunction(TypeEncodingFunction(HexaString))

        >>> print symbol
        f1   | f2     | f3     | f4  
        ---- | ------ | ------ | ----
        '00' | 'ff2f' | '0000' | '00'
        '00' | '0010' | '0000' | '00'
        '00' | 'fe1f' | '0000' | '00'
        ---- | ------ | ------ | ----
        >>> fo = FieldOperations()
        >>> fo.mergeFields(f2, f3)
        >>> print symbol
        f1   | Merge      | f4  
        ---- | ---------- | ----
        '00' | 'ff2f0000' | '00'
        '00' | '00100000' | '00'
        '00' | 'fe1f0000' | '00'
        ---- | ---------- | ----

        >>> fo.mergeFields(symbol.fields[0], symbol.fields[1])
        >>> print symbol
        Merge        | f4  
        ------------ | ----
        '00ff2f0000' | '00'
        '0000100000' | '00'
        '00fe1f0000' | '00'
        ------------ | ----
        >>> fo.mergeFields(symbol.fields[0], symbol.fields[1])
        >>> print symbol
        :param field1: the left field to merge
        :type field1: :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField`
        :param field2: the right field to merge
        :type field2: :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField`

        :raise Exception if something bad happens

        if field1 is None or field2 is None:
            raise TypeError("Fields cannot be None")

        if field1 == field2:
            raise ValueError("Cannot merge a unique field (field1 == field2)")

        self._logger.debug("Merging field {0} with field {1}".format(,

        if field1.parent is not field2.parent:
            raise ValueError("Specified fields don't have the same parent, only fields with same parents can be merged.")

        # retrieve indexes of specified fields
        iField1 = None
        iField2 = None
        for iField, field in enumerate(field1.parent.fields):
            if field == field1:
                iField1 = iField
            elif field == field2:
                iField2 = iField

        if iField1 is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve position of field1 in its parent fields")
        if iField2 is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve position of field2 in its parent fields")
        if iField2 != iField1 + 1:
            raise ValueError("Field1 must be directly on the left of field2 (iField1={0}, iField2={1})".format(iField1, iField2))

        # build a new field domain
        newDomain = Agg([field1.domain, field2.domain])
        newField = Field(domain=newDomain, name="Merge")
        newField.encodingFunctions = field1.encodingFunctions.values()
        parent = field1.parent
        before = parent.fields[:iField1]
        after = parent.fields[iField2 + 1:]
        parent.fields = before + [newField] + after
    def split(field, delimiter):
        """Split a field (or symbol) with a specific delimiter. The
        delimiter can be passed either as an ASCII, a Raw, an
        HexaString, or any objects that inherit from AbstractType.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> samples = ["aaaaff000000ff10",	"bbff110010ff00000011",	"ccccccccfffe1f000000ff12"]
        >>> messages = [RawMessage(data=sample) for sample in samples]
        >>> symbol = Symbol(messages=messages[:3])
        >>> Format.splitDelimiter(symbol, ASCII("ff"))
        >>> print symbol
        'aaaa'     | 'ff' | '000000'     | 'ff' | '10'      
        'bb'       | 'ff' | '110010'     | 'ff' | '00000011'
        'cccccccc' | 'ff' | 'fe1f000000' | 'ff' | '12'      

        >>> samples = ["434d446964656e74696679230400000066726564", "5245536964656e74696679230000000000000000", "434d44696e666f2300000000", "524553696e666f230000000004000000696e666f","434d4473746174732300000000","52455373746174732300000000050000007374617473","434d4461757468656e7469667923090000006d7950617373776421","52455361757468656e74696679230000000000000000","434d44656e6372797074230a00000031323334353674657374","524553656e637279707423000000000a00000073707176777436273136","434d4464656372797074230a00000073707176777436273136","5245536465637279707423000000000a00000031323334353674657374","434d446279652300000000","524553627965230000000000000000","434d446964656e746966792307000000526f626572746f","5245536964656e74696679230000000000000000","434d44696e666f2300000000","524553696e666f230000000004000000696e666f","434d4473746174732300000000","52455373746174732300000000050000007374617473","434d4461757468656e74696679230a000000615374726f6e67507764","52455361757468656e74696679230000000000000000","434d44656e63727970742306000000616263646566","524553656e6372797074230000000006000000232021262724","434d44646563727970742306000000232021262724","52455364656372797074230000000006000000616263646566","434d446279652300000000","524553627965230000000000000000"]
        >>> messages = [RawMessage(data=TypeConverter.convert(sample, HexaString, Raw)) for sample in samples]
        >>> symbol = Symbol(messages=messages)
        >>> symbol.encodingFunctions.add(TypeEncodingFunction(ASCII))  # Change visualization to hexastring
        >>> Format.splitDelimiter(symbol, ASCII("#"))
        >>> print symbol
        'CMDidentify'   | '#' | '....fred'           | ''  | ''     
        'RESidentify'   | '#' | '........'           | ''  | ''     
        'CMDinfo'       | '#' | '....'               | ''  | ''     
        'RESinfo'       | '#' | ''       | ''  | ''     
        'CMDstats'      | '#' | '....'               | ''  | ''     
        'RESstats'      | '#' | '........stats'      | ''  | ''     
        'CMDauthentify' | '#' | '....myPasswd!'      | ''  | ''     
        'RESauthentify' | '#' | '........'           | ''  | ''     
        'CMDencrypt'    | '#' | '....123456test'     | ''  | ''     
        'RESencrypt'    | '#' | "........spqvwt6'16" | ''  | ''     
        'CMDdecrypt'    | '#' | "....spqvwt6'16"     | ''  | ''     
        'RESdecrypt'    | '#' | '........123456test' | ''  | ''     
        'CMDbye'        | '#' | '....'               | ''  | ''     
        'RESbye'        | '#' | '........'           | ''  | ''     
        'CMDidentify'   | '#' | '....Roberto'        | ''  | ''     
        'RESidentify'   | '#' | '........'           | ''  | ''     
        'CMDinfo'       | '#' | '....'               | ''  | ''     
        'RESinfo'       | '#' | ''       | ''  | ''     
        'CMDstats'      | '#' | '....'               | ''  | ''     
        'RESstats'      | '#' | '........stats'      | ''  | ''     
        'CMDauthentify' | '#' | '....aStrongPwd'     | ''  | ''     
        'RESauthentify' | '#' | '........'           | ''  | ''     
        'CMDencrypt'    | '#' | '....abcdef'         | ''  | ''     
        'RESencrypt'    | '#' | '........'           | '#' | " !&'$"
        'CMDdecrypt'    | '#' | '....'               | '#' | " !&'$"
        'RESdecrypt'    | '#' | '........abcdef'     | ''  | ''     
        'CMDbye'        | '#' | '....'               | ''  | ''     
        'RESbye'        | '#' | '........'           | ''  | ''     

        :param field : the field to consider when spliting
        :type: :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Vocabulary.AbstractField.AbstractField`
        :param delimiter : the delimiter used to split messages of the field
        :type: :class:`netzob.Common.Models.Types.AbstractType.AbstractType`

        if delimiter is None:
            raise TypeError("Delimiter cannot be None.")

        if field is None:
            raise TypeError("Field cannot be None.")

        if len(field.messages) < 1:
            raise ValueError("The associated symbol does not contain any message.")

        # Find message substrings after applying delimiter
        splittedMessages = []

        for cell in field.getValues(encoded=False, styled=False):
            splittedMessage = cell.split(delimiter.value.tobytes())

        import itertools
        # Inverse the array, so that columns contains observed values for each field
        splittedMessages = list(itertools.izip_longest(*splittedMessages))
        # If the delimiter does not create splitted fields
        if len(splittedMessages) <= 1:

        # Else, we add (2*len(splittedMessages)-1) fields
        newFields = []
        iField = -1
        for i in range(len(splittedMessages)):
            iField += 1
            fieldDomain = set()
            isEmptyField = True  # To avoid adding an empty field
            emptyValueFound = False
            for v in splittedMessages[i]:
                if v != "" and v is not None:
                    isEmptyField = False

            if not isEmptyField:
                fieldDomain = list(fieldDomain)
                newField = Field(domain=DomainFactory.normalizeDomain(fieldDomain), name="Field-"+str(iField))
                newField.encodingFunctions = field.encodingFunctions.values()
                iField += 1

            fieldName = "Field-sep-" + TypeConverter.convert(delimiter.value, BitArray, HexaString)

            newFields.append(Field(domain=Alt([delimiter, Raw(nbBytes=0)]), name=fieldName))


        # Reset the field
        from netzob.Inference.Vocabulary.Format import Format

        # Create a field for each entry
        field.fields = newFields