def test_dvid_volume_service_grayscale(setup_dvid_repo, disable_auto_retry):
    server, uuid = setup_dvid_repo
    instance_name = 'test-dvs-grayscale'

    volume = np.random.randint(100, size=(256, 192, 128), dtype=np.uint8)
    max_scale = 2
    voxel_dimensions = [4.0, 4.0, 32.0]

    config_text = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
          server: {server}
          uuid: {uuid}
          grayscale-name: {instance_name}
          create-if-necessary: true
            max-scale: {max_scale}
            voxel-size: {voxel_dimensions}
          bounding-box: [[0,0,0], {list(volume.shape[::-1])}]

    yaml = YAML()
    with StringIO(config_text) as f:
        volume_config = yaml.load(f)

    assert instance_name not in fetch_repo_instances(server, uuid)

    service = VolumeService.create_from_config(volume_config)

    repo_instances = fetch_repo_instances(server, uuid)

    info = fetch_instance_info(server, uuid, instance_name)
    assert info["Extended"]["VoxelSize"] == voxel_dimensions

    scaled_volumes = {}
    for scale in range(max_scale + 1):
        if scale == 0:
            assert instance_name in repo_instances
            assert repo_instances[instance_name] == 'uint8blk'
            assert f"{instance_name}_{scale}" in repo_instances
            assert repo_instances[f"{instance_name}_{scale}"] == 'uint8blk'

        vol = downsample(volume, 2**scale,
                         'label')  # label downsampling is easier to test with
        aligned_shape = (np.ceil(np.array(vol.shape) / 64) * 64).astype(int)
        aligned_vol = np.zeros(aligned_shape, np.uint8)
        overwrite_subvol(aligned_vol, [(0, 0, 0), aligned_shape], aligned_vol)
        service.write_subvolume(aligned_vol, (0, 0, 0), scale)
        scaled_volumes[scale] = aligned_vol

    box = np.array([[40, 80, 40], [240, 160, 100]])
    for scale in range(max_scale + 1):
        scaled_box = box // 2**scale
        vol = service.get_subvolume(scaled_box, scale)
        assert (vol == extract_subvol(scaled_volumes[scale], scaled_box)).all()
def test_dvid_volume_service_branch(setup_dvid_repo, disable_auto_retry):
    server, uuid = setup_dvid_repo
    instance_name = 'test-dvs-branch'

    volume = np.random.randint(100, size=(256, 192, 128), dtype=np.uint8)
    max_scale = 2
    voxel_dimensions = [4.0, 4.0, 32.0]

    config_text = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
          server: {server}
          uuid: master
          grayscale-name: {instance_name}
          create-if-necessary: true
            max-scale: {max_scale}
            voxel-size: {voxel_dimensions}
          bounding-box: [[0,0,0], {list(volume.shape[::-1])}]

    yaml = YAML()
    with StringIO(config_text) as f:
        volume_config = yaml.load(f)

    assert instance_name not in fetch_repo_instances(server, uuid)

    service = VolumeService.create_from_config(volume_config)
    assert service.uuid == uuid
Beispiel #3
def main():
    # Create the destination instance if necessary.
    dst_instances = fetch_repo_instances(*dst_node, 'annotation')
    if dst_syn not in dst_instances:"Creating instance '{dst_syn}'")
        create_instance(*dst_node, dst_syn, 'annotation')

    # Check to see if the sync already exists; add it if necessary
    syn_info = fetch_instance_info(*dst_node, dst_syn)
    if len(syn_info["Base"]["Syncs"]) == 0:"Adding a sync to '{dst_syn}' from '{dst_seg}'")
        post_sync(*dst_node, dst_syn, [dst_seg])
    elif syn_info["Base"]["Syncs"][0] != dst_seg:
        other_seg = syn_info["Base"]["Syncs"][0]
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Can't create a sync to '{dst_seg}'. "
            f"Your instance is already sync'd to a different segmentation: {other_seg}"

    # Fetch segmentation extents
    bounding_box_zyx = fetch_volume_box(*src_node, src_seg).tolist()

    # Break into block-aligned chunks (boxes) that are long in the X direction
    # (optimal access pattern for dvid read/write)
    boxes = boxes_from_grid(bounding_box_zyx, (256, 256, 6400), clipped=True)

    # Use a process pool to copy the chunks in parallel.
    def _create_grayscale_instances(self, volume_config):
        Create the grayscale instance(s) in DVID for the given volume configuration.

        In DVID, grayscale data is stored in instances of type 'uint8blk',
        which has no concept of scale.

        Instead, multi-scale volumes are represented by creating multiple instances,
        with the scale indicated by a suffix (except for scale 0).

        For example:
            - grayscale # scale 0
            - grayscale_1
            - grayscale_2
            - grayscale_3
            - ...
        settings = volume_config["dvid"]["creation-settings"]

        block_width = volume_config["geometry"]["block-width"]

        pyramid_depth = settings["max-scale"]
        if pyramid_depth == -1:
            pyramid_depth = choose_pyramid_depth(self.bounding_box_zyx, 512)

        repo_instances = fetch_repo_instances(self.server, self.uuid)

        # Bottom level of pyramid is listed as neuroglancer-compatible
        extend_list_value(self.server, self.uuid, '.meta', 'neuroglancer',

        for scale in range(pyramid_depth + 1):
            scaled_output_box_zyx = round_box(self.bounding_box_zyx, 2**scale,
                                              'out') // 2**scale

            if scale == 0:
                scaled_instance_name = self.instance_name
                scaled_instance_name = f"{self.instance_name}_{scale}"

            if scaled_instance_name in repo_instances:
                    f"'{scaled_instance_name}' already exists, skipping creation"
                    self.server, self.uuid, scaled_instance_name, 'uint8blk',
                    settings["versioned"], settings["compression"],
                    settings["tags"], block_width, settings["voxel-size"],
                    settings["voxel-units"], settings["background"])

            update_extents(self.server, self.uuid, scaled_instance_name,

            # Higher-levels of the pyramid should not appear in the DVID console.
            extend_list_value(self.server, self.uuid, '.meta', 'restrictions',
Beispiel #5
def _check_instance(server, uuid, instance):
    Verify that the instance is a valid destination for the LabelIndices we're about to ingest.
    if fetch_repo_instances(server, uuid)[instance] != 'labelmap':
        raise RuntimeError(f"DVID instance is not a labelmap: {instance}")

    info = fetch_instance_info(server, uuid, instance)
    bz, by, bx = info["Extended"]["BlockSize"]
    assert bz == by == bx == 64, \
        "The code below makes the hard-coded assumption that the instance block width is 64."
def setup_hdf5_segmentation_input(setup_dvid_repo, write_hdf5_volume):
    volume_path, random_segmentation = write_hdf5_volume
    dvid_address, repo_uuid = setup_dvid_repo
    template_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(

    output_segmentation_name = 'segmentation-output-from-hdf5'

    # Make sure the output is empty (if it exists)
    if output_segmentation_name in fetch_repo_instances(
            dvid_address, repo_uuid):
        z = np.zeros((256, 256, 256), np.uint64)
        post_labelmap_voxels(dvid_address, repo_uuid, output_segmentation_name,
                             (0, 0, 0), z, 0, True)

    config_text = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
        workflow-name: copysegmentation
        cluster-type: {CLUSTER_TYPE}
            path: {volume_path}
            dataset: volume
            message-block-shape: [64,64,256] # note: this is weird because normally we stripe in the X direction...
            bounding-box: [[0,0,100], [256,200,256]]

            server: {dvid_address}
            uuid: {repo_uuid}
            segmentation-name: {output_segmentation_name}
            supervoxels: true
            disable-indexing: true
            create-if-necessary: true
          geometry: {{}} # Auto-set from input
          pyramid-depth: 1
          slab-depth: 128
          download-pre-downsampled: false

    with open(f"{template_dir}/workflow.yaml", 'w') as f:

    yaml = YAML()
    with StringIO(config_text) as f:
        config = yaml.load(f)

    return template_dir, config, random_segmentation, dvid_address, repo_uuid, output_segmentation_name
    def _create_segmentation_instance(self, volume_config):
        Create a segmentation volume in DVID according to the given configuration.
        In DVID, segmentation instances are stored via a special instance type, 'labelmap',
        which has several features, including built-in multiscale support, supervoxel-to-body
        mapping, and sparse retrieval of body locations.
        if self.instance_name in fetch_repo_instances(self.server, self.uuid):
                f"'{self.instance_name}' already exists, skipping creation")

        settings = volume_config["dvid"]["creation-settings"]
        block_width = volume_config["geometry"]["block-width"]

        pyramid_depth = settings["max-scale"]
        if pyramid_depth == -1:
            pyramid_depth = choose_pyramid_depth(self.bounding_box_zyx, 512)

        if settings["compression"] != DvidInstanceCreationSettingsSchema[
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Alternative compression methods are not permitted on labelmap instances. "
                "Please remove the 'compression' setting from your config.")

        if settings["background"] != 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Labelmap instances do not support custom background values. "
                "Please remove 'background' from your config.")

        create_labelmap_instance(self.server, self.uuid, self.instance_name,
                                 settings["versioned"], settings["tags"],
                                 block_width, settings["voxel-size"],
                                 settings["enable-index"], pyramid_depth)

        # Workaround for
        # Write an empty block to the first and last blocks to set the
        # bounding-box in DVID now, without any concurrency issues.
        empty_block = np.zeros((64, 64, 64), np.uint64)
        first_block_start, last_block_stop = round_box(self.bounding_box_zyx,
                                                       64, 'out')
        last_block_start = last_block_stop - 64
        self.write_subvolume(empty_block, first_block_start)
        self.write_subvolume(empty_block, last_block_start)
def ingest_mapping(server,
    Ingest the forward-map (supervoxel-to-body) into DVID via the .../mappings endpoint
        server, uuid, instance_name:
            DVID instance info
            The mutation ID to use for all mappings
            DataFrame.  Must have columns ['segment_id', 'body_id']
            Approximately how many mapping pairs to pack into a single REST call.
    assert list(segment_to_body_df.columns) == AGGLO_MAP_COLUMNS
    if fetch_repo_instances(server, uuid)[instance] != 'labelmap':
        raise RuntimeError(f"DVID instance is not a labelmap: {instance}")

    segment_to_body_df.sort_values(['body_id', 'segment_id'], inplace=True)

    if subset_labels is not None:
        segment_to_body_df = segment_to_body_df.query(
            'body_id in @subset_labels')
        if len(segment_to_body_df) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "None of the selected bodies have any mappings to post!")

    mappings = segment_to_body_df.set_index('segment_id')['body_id']
def copy_synapses(src_loc, dst_loc, processes):
    See caveats in the module docstring above.
    src_loc = Location(*src_loc)
    dst_loc = Location(*dst_loc)

    # Create the destination instance if necessary.
    dst_instances = fetch_repo_instances(*dst_loc[:2], 'annotation')
    if dst_loc.syn_instance not in dst_instances:"Creating instance '{dst_loc.syn_instance}'")
        create_instance(*dst_loc, 'annotation')

    # Check to see if the sync already exists; add it if necessary
    syn_info = fetch_instance_info(*dst_loc[:3])
    if len(syn_info["Base"]["Syncs"]) == 0:
            f"Adding a sync to '{dst_loc.syn_instance}' from '{dst_loc.seg_instance}'"
        post_sync(*dst_loc[:3], [dst_loc.seg_instance])
    elif syn_info["Base"]["Syncs"][0] != dst_loc.seg_instance:
        other_seg = syn_info["Base"]["Syncs"][0]
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Can't create a sync to '{dst_loc.seg_instance}'. "
            f"Your instance is already sync'd to a different segmentation: {other_seg}"

    # Fetch segmentation extents
    bounding_box_zyx = fetch_volume_box(*src_loc[:2],

    # Break into block-aligned chunks (boxes) that are long in the X direction
    # (optimal access pattern for dvid read/write)
    boxes = boxes_from_grid(bounding_box_zyx, (256, 256, 6400), clipped=True)

    # Use a process pool to copy the chunks in parallel.
    fn = partial(copy_syn_blocks, src_loc, dst_loc)
    compute_parallel(fn, boxes, processes=processes, ordered=False)
Beispiel #10
    def _init_services(self):
        Initialize the input and output services,
        and fill in 'auto' config values as needed.

        Also check the service configurations for errors.
        input_config = self.config["input"]
        output_config = self.config["output"]
        mgr_options = self.config["resource-manager"]

        options = self.config["copysegmentation"]
        slab_depth = options["slab-depth"]
        pyramid_depth = options["pyramid-depth"]
        permit_inconsistent_pyramids = options["permit-inconsistent-pyramid"]

        self.mgr_client = ResourceManagerClient(mgr_options["server"],
        self.input_service = VolumeService.create_from_config(
            input_config, self.mgr_client)

        brick_shape = self.input_service.preferred_message_shape
        if slab_depth % brick_shape[0] != 0:
                f"Your slab-depth {slab_depth} is not a multiple of the input's brick width {brick_shape[0]}"

        if isinstance(self.input_service.base_service, DvidVolumeService):
            assert input_config["dvid"]["supervoxels"], \
                'DVID input service config must use "supervoxels: true"'

        # Special handling for creation of multi-scale outputs:
        # auto-configure the pyramid depths
        multiscale_output_type = None
        for t in ["dvid", "n5", "zarr"]:
            if t in output_config and not hasattr(output_config[t],
                multiscale_output_type = t
        if multiscale_output_type:
            out_fmt = multiscale_output_type
            if output_config[out_fmt]["create-if-necessary"]:
                if self.config["copysegmentation"][
                        "skip-scale-0-write"] and pyramid_depth == 0:
                    # Nothing to write.  Maybe the user is just computing block statistics.
                    msg = (
                        "Since your config specifies no pyramid levels to write, no output instance will be created. "
                        "Avoid this warning by removing 'create-if-necessary' from your config"
                    output_config[out_fmt]["create-if-necessary"] = False
                    max_scale = output_config[out_fmt]["creation-settings"][
                    if max_scale not in (-1, pyramid_depth):
                        msg = (
                            f"Inconsistent max-scale ({max_scale}) and pyramid-depth ({pyramid_depth}). "
                            "Omit max-scale from your creation-settings.")
                        raise RuntimeError(msg)
                        "max-scale"] = pyramid_depth

        # Replace 'auto' dimensions with input bounding box
                                self.input_service.bounding_box_zyx[:, ::-1])
        self.output_service = VolumeService.create_from_config(
            output_config, self.mgr_client)
        output_service = self.output_service
        assert isinstance(output_service, VolumeServiceWriter)

        if "dvid" in output_config:
            assert output_config["dvid"]["supervoxels"], \
                'DVID output service config must use "supervoxels: true"'

            if output_service.instance_name in fetch_repo_instances(
                    output_service.server, output_service.uuid):
                existing_depth = self._read_pyramid_depth()
                if pyramid_depth not in (
                        existing_depth) and not permit_inconsistent_pyramids:
                    raise Exception(
                        f"Can't set pyramid-depth to {pyramid_depth}: "
                        f"Data instance '{output_service.instance_name}' already existed, with depth {existing_depth}"

        # These services aren't supported because we copied some geometry (bounding-box)
        # directly from the input service.
        assert not isinstance(output_service, TransposedVolumeService)
        assert not isinstance(
            ScaledVolumeService) or output_service.scale_delta == 0

        if isinstance(self.output_service.base_service, DvidVolumeService):
            assert output_service.base_service.disable_indexing, \
                "During ingestion, dvid labelmap indexing should be disabled.\n" \
                "Please add 'disable-indexing: true' to your output dvid config."
            f"Output bounding box (xyz) is: {output_service.bounding_box_zyx[:,::-1].tolist()}"

        input_shape = -np.subtract(*self.input_service.bounding_box_zyx)
        output_shape = -np.subtract(*output_service.bounding_box_zyx)

        assert not any(np.array(output_service.preferred_message_shape) % output_service.block_width), \
            "Output message-block-shape should be a multiple of the block size in all dimensions."
        assert (input_shape == output_shape).all(), \
            "Input bounding box and output bounding box do not have the same dimensions"

        if ("apply-labelmap" in output_config["adapters"]) and (
                output_config["adapters"]["apply-labelmap"]["file-type"] !=
            assert output_config["adapters"]["apply-labelmap"]["apply-when"] == "reading-and-writing", \
                "Labelmap will be applied to voxels during pre-write and post-read (due to block padding).\n"\
                "You cannot use this workflow with non-idempotent labelmaps, unless your data is already perfectly block aligned."
Beispiel #11
    def _prepare_output(self):
        If necessary, create the output directory or
        DVID instance so that meshes can be written to it.
        input_cfg = self.config["input"]
        output_cfg = self.config["output"]
        options = self.config["svdecimate"]

        ## directory output
        if 'directory' in output_cfg:
            # Convert to absolute so we can chdir with impunity later.
            output_cfg['directory'] = os.path.abspath(output_cfg['directory'])
            os.makedirs(output_cfg['directory'], exist_ok=True)

        ## DVID output (either keyvalue or tarsupervoxels)
        (instance_type,) = output_cfg.keys()

        server = output_cfg[instance_type]['server']
        uuid = output_cfg[instance_type]['uuid']
        instance = output_cfg[instance_type]['instance']

        # If the output server or uuid is left blank,
        # we assume it should be auto-filled from the input settings.
        if server == "" or uuid == "":
            assert "dvid" in input_cfg
            if server == "":
                output_cfg[instance_type]['server'] = input_cfg["dvid"]["server"]

            if uuid == "":
                output_cfg[instance_type]['uuid'] = input_cfg["dvid"]["uuid"]

        # Resolve in case a branch was given instead of a specific uuid
        server = output_cfg[instance_type]['server']
        uuid = output_cfg[instance_type]['uuid']
        uuid = resolve_ref(server, uuid)

        if is_locked(server, uuid):
            info = fetch_server_info(server)
            if "Mode" in info and info["Mode"] == "allow writes on committed nodes":
                logger.warn(f"Output is a locked node ({uuid}), but server is in full-write mode. Proceeding.")
            elif os.environ.get("DVID_ADMIN_TOKEN", ""):
                logger.warn(f"Output is a locked node ({uuid}), but you defined DVID_ADMIN_TOKEN. Proceeding.")
                raise RuntimeError(f"Can't write to node {uuid} because it is locked.")

        if instance_type == 'tarsupervoxels' and not self.input_is_labelmap_supervoxels():
            msg = ("You shouldn't write to a tarsupervoxels instance unless "
                   "you're reading supervoxels from a labelmap input.\n"
                   "Use a labelmap input source, and set supervoxels: true")
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        existing_instances = fetch_repo_instances(server, uuid)
        if instance in existing_instances:
            # Instance exists -- nothing to do.

        if not output_cfg[instance_type]['create-if-necessary']:
            msg = (f"Output instance '{instance}' does not exist, "
                   "and your config did not specify create-if-necessary")
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        assert instance_type in ('tarsupervoxels', 'keyvalue')

        ## keyvalue output
        if instance_type == "keyvalue":
            create_instance(server, uuid, instance, "keyvalue", tags=["type=meshes"])

        ## tarsupervoxels output
        sync_instance = output_cfg["tarsupervoxels"]["sync-to"]

        if not sync_instance:
            # Auto-fill a default 'sync-to' instance using the input segmentation, if possible.
            info = fetch_instance_info(*[input_cfg["dvid"][k] for k in ("server", "uuid", "tarsupervoxels-instance")])
            syncs = info['Base']['Syncs']
            if syncs:
                sync_instance = syncs[0]

        if not sync_instance:
            msg = ("Can't create a tarsupervoxels instance unless "
                   "you specify a 'sync-to' labelmap instance name.")
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        if sync_instance not in existing_instances:
            msg = ("Can't sync to labelmap instance '{sync_instance}': "
                   "it doesn't exist on the output server.")
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        create_tarsupervoxel_instance(server, uuid, instance, sync_instance, options["format"])
    def __init__(self, volume_config, resource_manager_client=None):
        validate(volume_config, DvidGenericVolumeSchema, inject_defaults=True)

        assert 'apply-labelmap' not in volume_config["dvid"].keys(), \
            ("The apply-labelmap section should be in the 'adapters' section, (parallel to 'dvid' and 'geometry'), "
             "not nested within the 'dvid' section!")

        ## server, uuid
        ## Note:
        ##   self.uuid will be resolved, but volume_config["dvid"]["uuid"]
        ##   will not be overwritten. It will remain unresolved.
        self._server = volume_config["dvid"]["server"]
        self._uuid = resolve_ref(volume_config["dvid"]["server"],

        self._throttle = volume_config["dvid"]["accept-throttling"]

        ## instance, dtype, etc.

        config_block_width = volume_config["geometry"]["block-width"]

        assert ('segmentation-name' in volume_config["dvid"]) ^ ('grayscale-name' in volume_config["dvid"]), \
            "Config error: Specify either segmentation-name or grayscale-name (not both)"

        if "segmentation-name" in volume_config["dvid"]:
            self._instance_name = volume_config["dvid"]["segmentation-name"]
            self._dtype = np.uint64
        elif "grayscale-name" in volume_config["dvid"]:
            self._instance_name = volume_config["dvid"]["grayscale-name"]
            self._dtype = np.uint8

        self._dtype_nbytes = np.dtype(self._dtype).type().nbytes

            instance_info = fetch_instance_info(self._server, self._uuid,
        except HTTPError as ex:
            if ex.response.status_code != 400:

            if not volume_config["dvid"]["create-if-necessary"]:
                existing_instances = fetch_repo_instances(
                    self._server, self._uuid)
                if self._instance_name not in existing_instances:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"Instance '{self._instance_name}' does not exist in {self._server} / {self._uuid}."
                        "Add 'create-if-necessary: true' to your config if you want it to be created.'"

            # Instance doesn't exist yet -- we are going to create it.
            if "segmentation-name" in volume_config["dvid"]:
                self._instance_type = 'labelmap'  # get_voxels doesn't really care if it's labelarray or labelmap...
                self._is_labels = True
                self._instance_type = 'uint8blk'
                self._is_labels = False

            block_width = config_block_width
            self._instance_type = instance_info["Base"]["TypeName"]
            self._is_labels = self._instance_type in ('labelblk', 'labelarray',
            if self._instance_type == "googlevoxels" and instance_info[
                    "Extended"]["Scales"][0]["channelType"] == "UINT64":
                self._is_labels = True

            bs_x, bs_y, bs_z = instance_info["Extended"]["BlockSize"]
            assert (bs_x == bs_y == bs_z), "Expected blocks to be cubes."
            block_width = bs_x

        if "disable-indexing" in volume_config["dvid"]:
            self.disable_indexing = volume_config["dvid"]["disable-indexing"]
            self.disable_indexing = DvidSegmentationServiceSchema[

        if "enable-downres" in volume_config["dvid"]:
            self.enable_downres = volume_config["dvid"]["enable-downres"]
            self.enable_downres = DvidSegmentationServiceSchema["properties"][

        if "gzip-level" in volume_config["dvid"]:
            self.gzip_level = volume_config["dvid"]["gzip-level"]
            self.gzip_level = DvidSegmentationServiceSchema["properties"][

        # Whether or not to read the supervoxels from the labelmap instance instead of agglomerated labels.
        self.supervoxels = ("supervoxels" in volume_config["dvid"]) and (

        ## default block width
        assert config_block_width in (-1, block_width), \
            f"DVID volume block-width ({config_block_width}) from config does not match server metadata ({block_width})"
        if block_width == -1:
            # No block-width specified; choose default
            block_width = 64

        ## bounding-box
        bounding_box_zyx = np.array(
            volume_config["geometry"]["bounding-box"])[:, ::-1]
            stored_extents = fetch_volume_box(self._server, self.uuid,
        except HTTPError:
            assert -1 not in bounding_box_zyx.flat[:], \
                f"Instance '{self._instance_name}' does not yet exist on the server, "\
                "so your volume_config must specify explicit values for bounding-box"
            if stored_extents is not None and stored_extents.any():
                replace_default_entries(bounding_box_zyx, stored_extents)

        ## message-block-shape
        preferred_message_shape_zyx = np.array(
                                [block_width, block_width, 100 * block_width])

        ## available-scales
        available_scales = list(volume_config["geometry"]["available-scales"])

        ## resource_manager_client
        if resource_manager_client is None:
            # Dummy client
            resource_manager_client = ResourceManagerClient("", 0)

        ## Special setting to override resource manager for sparse coords
            use_resource_manager_for_sparse_coords = volume_config["dvid"][
        except KeyError:
            # Grayscale doesn't have this setting
            use_resource_manager_for_sparse_coords = False

        ## Store members
        self._resource_manager_client = resource_manager_client
        self._block_width = block_width
        self._bounding_box_zyx = bounding_box_zyx
        self._preferred_message_shape_zyx = preferred_message_shape_zyx
        self._available_scales = available_scales
        self._use_resource_manager_for_sparse_coords = use_resource_manager_for_sparse_coords
        self.write_empty_blocks = volume_config["dvid"]["write-empty-blocks"]

        ## Overwrite config entries that we might have modified
        volume_config["geometry"]["block-width"] = self._block_width
            "bounding-box"] = self._bounding_box_zyx[:, ::-1].tolist()
            "message-block-shape"] = self._preferred_message_shape_zyx[::

        # TODO: Check the server for available scales and overwrite in the config?
        #volume_config["geometry"]["available-scales"] = [0]

        if volume_config["dvid"]["create-if-necessary"]:
Beispiel #13
    def _init_services(self):
        Initialize the input and output services,
        and fill in 'auto' config values as needed.
        Also check the service configurations for errors.
        input_config = self.config["input"]
        output_config = self.config["output"]
        mgr_options = self.config["resource-manager"]

        options = self.config["labelmapcopy"]
        self.mgr_client = ResourceManagerClient(mgr_options["server"],
        self.input_service = VolumeService.create_from_config(
            input_config, self.mgr_client)
        assert input_config["dvid"]["supervoxels"], \
            'DVID input service config must use "supervoxels: true"'
        assert output_config["dvid"]["supervoxels"], \
            'DVID output service config must use "supervoxels: true"'

        input_service = self.input_service

        max_scale = options["max-scale"]
        if max_scale == -1:
            info = fetch_instance_info(*input_service.instance_triple)
            max_scale = int(info["Extended"]["MaxDownresLevel"])
            options["max-scale"] = max_scale

        assert not (set(range(1+max_scale)) - set(input_service.available_scales)), \
            "Your input config's 'available-scales' must include all levels you wish to copy."

        assert len(options["slab-shape"]) == 3
        slab_shape_zyx = np.array(options["slab-shape"][::-1])

        # FIXME: Should be a whole slab (per the docs above), not just the brick shape!
        options["slab-shape"] = slab_shape_zyx[::-1].tolist()

        assert (slab_shape_zyx % input_service.preferred_message_shape[0] == 0).all(), \
            "slab-shape must be divisible by the brick shape"

        # Transposed/remapped services aren't supported because we're not going to inflate the downloaded blocks.
        assert all(not isinstance(svc, TransposedVolumeService)
                   for svc in input_service.service_chain)
        assert all(not isinstance(svc, LabelmappedVolumeService)
                   for svc in input_service.service_chain)

        assert not (input_service.bounding_box_zyx % input_service.block_width).any(), \
            "Input bounding-box should be a multiple of the block size in all dimensions."
        assert not (input_service.preferred_message_shape % input_service.block_width).any(), \
            "Input message-block-shape should be a multiple of the block size in all dimensions."

        assert all(not isinstance( svc, ScaledVolumeService ) or svc.scale_delta == 0 for svc in input_service.service_chain), \
            "For now, we don't support rescaled input, though it would be possible in theory."

        if options["record-only"]:
            # Don't need to check output setting if we're not writing
            self.output_service = None
            assert options[
                "record-label-sets"], "If using 'record-only', you must set 'record-label-sets', too."
            assert not options["dont-overwrite-identical-blocks"], \
                "In record only mode, the output service can't be accessed, and you can't use dont-overwrite-identical-blocks"

        if output_config["dvid"]["create-if-necessary"]:
            creation_depth = output_config["dvid"]["creation-settings"][
            if creation_depth not in (-1, max_scale):
                msg = (
                    f"Inconsistent max-scale options in the labelmapcopy config options ({max_scale}) and creation-settings options ({creation_depth}). "
                    "Omit max-scale from your creation-settings.")
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            output_config["dvid"]["creation-settings"]["max-scale"] = max_scale

        # Replace 'auto' dimensions with input bounding box
                                input_service.bounding_box_zyx[:, ::-1])
        self.output_service = VolumeService.create_from_config(
            output_config, self.mgr_client)

        output_service = self.output_service
        assert isinstance(output_service, VolumeServiceWriter)

        if output_service.instance_name in fetch_repo_instances(
                output_service.server, output_service.uuid):
            info = fetch_instance_info(*output_service.instance_triple)
            existing_depth = int(info["Extended"]["MaxDownresLevel"])
            if max_scale not in (-1, existing_depth):
                raise Exception(
                    f"Can't set pyramid-depth to {max_scale}: \n"
                    f"Data instance '{output_service.instance_name}' already existed, with depth {existing_depth}.\n"
                    f"For now, you are required to populate ALL scales of the output, or create a new output instance from scratch."

        assert all(not isinstance(svc, TransposedVolumeService)
                   for svc in output_service.service_chain)
        assert all(not isinstance(svc, LabelmappedVolumeService)
                   for svc in output_service.service_chain)
        assert all(
            not isinstance(svc, ScaledVolumeService) or svc.scale_delta == 0
            for svc in output_service.service_chain)

        # Output can't be a scaled service because we copied some geometry (bounding-box)
        # directly from the input service.
        assert not isinstance(
            ScaledVolumeService) or output_service.scale_delta == 0

        assert output_service.base_service.disable_indexing, \
            "During ingestion, indexing should be disabled.\n" \
            "Please add 'disable-indexing':true to your output dvid config."
            f"Output bounding box (xyz) is: {output_service.bounding_box_zyx[:,::-1].tolist()}"

        assert (input_service.bounding_box_zyx == output_service.bounding_box_zyx).all(), \
            "Input and output service bounding boxes must match exactly."
        assert input_service.block_width == output_service.block_width, \
            "Input and output must use the same block-width"
        assert not (output_service.bounding_box_zyx % output_service.block_width).any(), \
            "Output bounding-box should be a multiple of the block size in all dimensions."
        assert not (output_service.preferred_message_shape % output_service.block_width).any(), \
            "Output message-block-shape should be a multiple of the block size in all dimensions."
def test_dvid_volume_service_labelmap(setup_dvid_repo, random_segmentation,
    server, uuid = setup_dvid_repo
    instance_name = 'test-dvs-labelmap'

    volume = random_segmentation[:256, :192, :128]
    max_scale = 2
    voxel_dimensions = [4.0, 4.0, 32.0]

    config_text = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
          server: {server}
          uuid: {uuid}
          segmentation-name: {instance_name}
          supervoxels: true
          create-if-necessary: true
            max-scale: {max_scale}
            voxel-size: {voxel_dimensions}
          bounding-box: [[0,0,0], {list(volume.shape[::-1])}]
          message-block-shape: [64,64,64]

    yaml = YAML()
    with StringIO(config_text) as f:
        volume_config = yaml.load(f)

    assert instance_name not in fetch_repo_instances(server, uuid)

    service = VolumeService.create_from_config(volume_config)

    repo_instances = fetch_repo_instances(server, uuid)

    assert instance_name in repo_instances
    assert repo_instances[instance_name] == 'labelmap'

    info = fetch_instance_info(server, uuid, instance_name)
    assert info["Extended"]["VoxelSize"] == voxel_dimensions

    scaled_volumes = {}
    for scale in range(max_scale + 1):
        vol = downsample(volume, 2**scale, 'label')
        aligned_shape = (np.ceil(np.array(vol.shape) / 64) * 64).astype(int)
        aligned_vol = np.zeros(aligned_shape, np.uint64)
        overwrite_subvol(aligned_vol, [(0, 0, 0), vol.shape], vol)

        service.write_subvolume(aligned_vol, (0, 0, 0), scale)
        scaled_volumes[scale] = aligned_vol

    box = np.array([[40, 80, 40], [240, 160, 100]])
    for scale in range(max_scale + 1):
        scaled_box = box // 2**scale
        vol = service.get_subvolume(scaled_box, scale)
        assert (vol == extract_subvol(scaled_volumes[scale], scaled_box)).all()

    # Check sparse coords function
    labels = list({*pd.unique(volume.reshape(-1))} - {0})
    brick_coords_df = service.sparse_brick_coords_for_labels(labels)

    assert brick_coords_df.columns.tolist() == ['z', 'y', 'x', 'label']
    assert set(brick_coords_df['label'].values) == set(labels), \
        "Some labels were missing from the sparse brick coords!"

    def ndi(shape):
        return np.indices(shape).reshape(len(shape), -1).transpose()

    expected_df = pd.DataFrame(ndi(volume.shape), columns=[*'zyx'])

    expected_df['label'] = volume.reshape(-1)
    expected_df['z'] //= 64
    expected_df['y'] //= 64
    expected_df['x'] //= 64
    expected_df = expected_df.drop_duplicates()
    expected_df['z'] *= 64
    expected_df['y'] *= 64
    expected_df['x'] *= 64

    expected_df = expected_df.query('label != 0')

    expected_df.sort_values(['z', 'y', 'x', 'label'], inplace=True)
    brick_coords_df.sort_values(['z', 'y', 'x', 'label'], inplace=True)

    expected_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    brick_coords_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

    assert expected_df.shape == brick_coords_df.shape
    assert (brick_coords_df == expected_df).all().all()

    # Check sample_labels()
    points = [np.random.randint(d, size=(10, )) for d in vol.shape]
    points = np.transpose(points)
    labels = service.sample_labels(points)
    assert (labels == volume[(*points.transpose(), )]).all()
Beispiel #15
def load_roi_label_volume(server,
                          box_s5=[None, None],
    Fetch several ROIs from DVID and combine them into a single label volume or mask.
    The label values in the returned volume correspond to the order in which the ROI
    names were passed in, starting at label 1.
    This function is essentially a convenience function around fetch_combined_roi_volume(),
    but in this case it will optionally auto-fetch the ROI list, and auto-export the volume.
            DVID server

            DVID uuid

            Either a list of ROIs or a neuprint server from which to obtain the roi list.

            If you want to restrict the ROIs to a particular subregion,
            you may pass your own bounding box (at scale 5).
            Alternatively, you may pass the name of a segmentation
            instance from DVID whose bounding box will be used.

            If you want the ROI volume to be exported to disk,
            provide a path name ending with .npy or .h5.
            If you want the ROI volume to be exported to a DVID labelmap instance,
            Provide the instance name, or a tuple of (server, uuid, instance).
        (roi_vol, roi_box), containing the fetched label volume and the
        bounding box it corresponds to, in DVID scale-5 coordinates.

      If you have a list of (full-res) points to extract from the returned volume,
      pass a DataFrame with columns ['z','y','x'] to the following function.
      If you already downloaded the roi_vol (above), provide it.
      Otherwise, leave out those args and it will be fetched first.
      Adds columns to the input DF (in-place) for 'roi' (str) and 'roi_label' (int).
        >>> from neuclease.dvid import determine_point_rois
        >>> determine_point_rois(*master, rois, point_df, roi_vol, roi_box)
    if isinstance(box_s5, str):
        # Assume that this is a segmentation instance whose dimensions should be used
        # Fetch the maximum extents of the segmentation,
        # and rescale it for scale-5.
        seg_box = fetch_volume_box(server, uuid, box_s5)
        box_s5 = round_box(seg_box, (2**5), 'out') // 2**5
        box_s5[0] = (0, 0, 0)

    if export_labelmap:
        assert isinstance(box_s5, np.ndarray)
        assert not (box_s5 % 64).any(), \
            ("If exporting to a labelmap instance, please supply "
             "an explicit box and make sure it is block-aligned.")

    if isinstance(rois_or_neuprint, (str, neuprint.Client)):
        if isinstance(rois_or_neuprint, str):
            npclient = neuprint.Client(rois_or_neuprint)
            npclient = rois_or_neuprint

        # Fetch ROI names from neuprint
        q = "MATCH (m: Meta) RETURN m.superLevelRois as rois"
        rois = npclient.fetch_custom(q)['rois'].iloc[0]
        rois = sorted(rois)
        # # Remove '.*ACA' ROIs. Apparently there is some
        # # problem with them. (They overlap with other ROIs.)
        # rois = [*filter(lambda r: 'ACA' not in r, rois)]
        assert isinstance(rois_or_neuprint,
        rois = rois_or_neuprint

    # Fetch each ROI and write it into a volume
    with Timer(f"Fetching combined ROI volume for {len(rois)} ROIs", logger):
        roi_vol, roi_box, overlap_stats = fetch_combined_roi_volume(
            server, uuid, rois, box_zyx=box_s5)

    if len(overlap_stats) > 0:
            f"Some ROIs overlap! Here's an incomplete list of overlapping pairs:\n{overlap_stats}"

    # Export to npy/h5py for external use
    if export_path:
        with Timer(f"Exporting to {export_path}", logger):
            if export_path.endswith('.npy'):
      , roi_vol)
            elif export_path.endswith('.h5'):
                with h5py.File(export_path, 'w') as f:
                    f.create_dataset('rois_scale_5', data=roi_vol, chunks=True)

    if export_labelmap:
        if isinstance(export_labelmap, str):
            export_labelmap = (server, uuid, export_labelmap)

        assert len(export_labelmap) == 3
        with Timer(f"Exporting to {export_labelmap[2]}", logger):
            if export_labelmap[2] not in fetch_repo_instances(
                    server, uuid, 'labelmap'):
                    *export_labelmap, voxel_size=8 * (2**5),
                    max_scale=6)  # FIXME: hard-coded voxel size

            # It's really important to use this block shape.
            # See
            boxes = boxes_from_grid(roi_box, (256, 256, 256), clipped=True)
            for box in tqdm_proxy(boxes):
                block = extract_subvol(roi_vol, box - roi_box[0])

    return roi_vol, roi_box, rois
def setup_dvid_segmentation_input(setup_dvid_repo, random_segmentation):
    dvid_address, repo_uuid = setup_dvid_repo

    input_segmentation_name = 'segmentation-input'
    output_segmentation_name = 'segmentation-output-from-dvid'

        create_labelmap_instance(dvid_address, repo_uuid,
    except HTTPError as ex:
        if ex.response is not None and 'already exists' in ex.response.content.decode(

    post_labelmap_voxels(dvid_address, repo_uuid, input_segmentation_name,
                         (0, 0, 0), random_segmentation)

    # Make sure the output is empty (if it exists)
    if output_segmentation_name in fetch_repo_instances(
            dvid_address, repo_uuid):
        z = np.zeros((256, 256, 256), np.uint64)
        post_labelmap_voxels(dvid_address, repo_uuid, output_segmentation_name,
                             (0, 0, 0), z, 0, True)

    template_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(

    config_text = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
        workflow-name: copysegmentation
        cluster-type: {CLUSTER_TYPE}
            server: {dvid_address}
            uuid: {repo_uuid}
            segmentation-name: {input_segmentation_name}
            supervoxels: true
            message-block-shape: [64,64,512]
            bounding-box: [[0,0,100], [256,200,256]]
          adapters: {{}}
            server: {dvid_address}
            uuid: {repo_uuid}
            segmentation-name: {output_segmentation_name}
            supervoxels: true
            disable-indexing: true
            create-if-necessary: true
          geometry: {{}} # Auto-set from input
          pyramid-depth: 1
          slab-depth: 128

    with open(f"{template_dir}/workflow.yaml", 'w') as f:

    yaml = YAML()
    with StringIO(config_text) as f:
        config = yaml.load(f)

    return template_dir, config, random_segmentation, dvid_address, repo_uuid, output_segmentation_name