Beispiel #1
    def test_global_pooling_repr(self):
        layer = layers.GlobalPooling('max')
        self.assertEqual("GlobalPooling('max', name='global-pooling-1')",

        layer = layers.GlobalPooling(lambda x: x)
            r"GlobalPooling\(<function .+>, name='global-pooling-2'\)",
Beispiel #2
    def test_global_pooling_output_shape(self):
        input_layer = layers.Input((8, 8, 3))
        global_pooling_layer = layers.GlobalPooling('avg')
        self.assertEqual(global_pooling_layer.output_shape, None)

        layers.join(input_layer, global_pooling_layer)
        self.assertEqual(global_pooling_layer.output_shape, (3, ))
Beispiel #3
def squeezenet():
    SqueezeNet network architecture with random parameters.
    Parameters can be loaded using ```` module.

    SqueezeNet has roughly 1.2 million parameters. It is almost
    50 times less than in AlexNet. Parameters can be stored as 5Mb

    >>> from neupy import architectures
    >>> squeezenet = architectures.squeezenet()
    >>> squeezenet
    (?, 227, 227, 3) -> [... 67 layers ...] -> (?, 1000)
    >>> from neupy import algorithms
    >>> optimizer = algorithms.Momentum(squeezenet)

    See Also
    :architecture:`vgg16` : VGG16 network
    :architecture:`vgg19` : VGG19 network
    :architecture:`resnet50` : ResNet50 network

    SqueezeNet: AlexNet-level accuracy with 50x fewer parameters
    and <0.5MB model size
    return layers.join(
        layers.Input((227, 227, 3)),

        layers.Convolution((7, 7, 96), stride=(2, 2),
                           padding='VALID', name='conv1'),
        layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=(2, 2)),

        Fire(16, 64, 64, name='fire2'),
        Fire(16, 64, 64, name='fire3'),
        Fire(32, 128, 128, name='fire4'),
        layers.MaxPooling((2, 2)),

        Fire(32, 128, 128, name='fire5'),
        Fire(48, 192, 192, name='fire6'),
        Fire(48, 192, 192, name='fire7'),
        Fire(64, 256, 256, name='fire8'),
        layers.MaxPooling((2, 2)),

        Fire(64, 256, 256, name='fire9'),

        layers.Convolution((1, 1, 1000), name='conv10'),
Beispiel #4
    def test_global_pooling_other_function(self):
        x = asfloat(np.ones((2, 4, 5, 3)))
        expected_outputs = 20 * np.ones((2, 3))

        global_sum_pooling_layer = layers.GlobalPooling(function=tf.reduce_sum)
        actual_output = self.eval(global_sum_pooling_layer.output(x))

        self.assertEqual(actual_output.shape, (2, 3))
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_outputs, actual_output)
Beispiel #5
    def test_global_pooling(self):
        x = asfloat(np.ones((2, 4, 5, 3)))
        expected_outputs = np.ones((2, 3))

        global_mena_pooling_layer = layers.GlobalPooling('avg')
        actual_output = self.eval(global_mena_pooling_layer.output(x))

        self.assertEqual(actual_output.shape, (2, 3))
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_outputs, actual_output)
Beispiel #6
    def test_global_pooling_late_shape_init(self):
        network = layers.join(
            layers.Convolution((3, 3, 12)),
        self.assertShapesEqual(network.output_shape, (None, None))

        network = layers.join(layers.Input((10, 10, 1)), network)
        self.assertShapesEqual(network.output_shape, (None, 12))
Beispiel #7
 def test_global_pooling_output_shape(self):
     input_layer = layers.Input((8, 8, 3))
     global_pooling_layer = layers.GlobalPooling('avg')
     network = layers.join(
     self.assertShapesEqual(network.input_shape, (None, 8, 8, 3))
     self.assertShapesEqual(network.output_shape, (None, 3))
    def test_global_pooling_other_function(self):
        x = asfloat(np.ones((2, 3, 4, 5)))
        expected_outputs = 20 * np.ones((2, 3))

        global_sum_pooling_layer = layers.GlobalPooling(function=T.sum)
        a = T.tensor4()
        actual_output = global_sum_pooling_layer.output(a).eval({a: x})

        self.assertEqual(actual_output.shape, (2, 3))
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_outputs, actual_output)

googlenet = layers.join(
    layers.Input((3, None, None)),
    layers.Convolution((64, 7, 7), padding='half', stride=2),
    layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=2),
    layers.LocalResponseNorm(alpha=0.00002, k=1),
    layers.Convolution((64, 1, 1)) > layers.Relu(),
    layers.Convolution((192, 3, 3), padding='half') > layers.Relu(),
    layers.LocalResponseNorm(alpha=0.00002, k=1),
    layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=2),
    Inception((32, 64, 96, 128, 16, 32)),
    Inception((64, 128, 128, 192, 32, 96)),
    layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=2),
    Inception((64, 192, 96, 208, 16, 48)),
    Inception((64, 160, 112, 224, 24, 64)),
    Inception((64, 128, 128, 256, 24, 64)),
    Inception((64, 112, 144, 288, 32, 64)),
    Inception((128, 256, 160, 320, 32, 128)),
    layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=2),
    Inception((128, 256, 160, 320, 32, 128)),
    Inception((128, 384, 192, 384, 48, 128)),
Beispiel #10

resnet50 = layers.join(
    layers.Input((3, 224, 224)),
    layers.Convolution((64, 7, 7), stride=2, padding=3),
    layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=(2, 2), ignore_border=False),
    ResidualUnit(64, 256, stride=1, has_branch=True),
    ResidualUnit(64, 256, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(64, 256, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(128, 512, stride=2, has_branch=True),
    ResidualUnit(128, 512, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(128, 512, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(128, 512, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=2, has_branch=True),
    ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(512, 2048, stride=2, has_branch=True),
    ResidualUnit(512, 2048, stride=1),
    ResidualUnit(512, 2048, stride=1),
Beispiel #11
def resnet50(input_shape=(224, 224, 3), include_global_pool=True,
    ResNet50 network architecture with random parameters. Parameters
    can be loaded using ```` module.

    ResNet50 has roughly 25.5 million parameters.

    input_shape : tuple
        Network's input shape. Defaults to ``(224, 224, 3)``.

    include_global_pool : bool
        Specifies if returned output should include global pooling
        layer. Defaults to ``True``.

    in_out_ratio : {4, 8, 16, 32}
        Every layer that applies strides reduces height and width per every
        image. There are 5 of these layers in Resnet and at the end each
        dimensions gets reduced by ``32``. For example, 224x224 image
        will be reduced to 7x7 image patches. This parameter specifies
        what level of reduction we want to obtain after we've propagated
        network through all the convolution layers.

    Because of the global pooling layer, ResNet50 can be applied to
    the images with variable sizes. The only limitation is that image
    size should be bigger than 32x32, otherwise network won't be able
    to apply all transformations to the image.

    ResNet-50 for ImageNet classification

    >>> from neupy import architectures, algorithms
    >>> resnet = architectures.resnet50()
    >>> resnet
    (?, 224, 224, 3) -> [... 187 layers ...] -> (?, 1000)
    >>> optimizer = algorithms.Momentum(resnet50)

    ResNet-50 for custom classification task

    >>> from neupy import architectures
    >>> resnet = architectures.resnet50(include_global_pool=False)
    >>> resnet
    (?, 224, 224, 3) -> [... 185 layers ...] -> (?, 7, 7, 2048)
    >>> from neupy.layers import *
    >>> resnet = resnet >> GlobalPooling('avg') >> Softmax(21)
    (?, 224, 224, 3) -> [... 187 layers ...] -> (?, 21)

    ResNet-50 for image segmentation

    >>> from neupy import architectures
    >>> resnet = architectures.resnet50(
    ...     include_global_pool=False,
    ...     in_out_ratio=8,
    ... )
    >>> resnet
    (?, 224, 224, 3) -> [... 185 layers ...] -> (?, 28, 28, 2048)

    See Also
    :architecture:`vgg16` : VGG16 network
    :architecture:`squeezenet` : SqueezeNet network
    :architecture:`resnet50` : ResNet-50 network

    Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.
    in_out_configs = {
        4: {'strides': [1, 1, 1], 'rates': [2, 4, 8]},
        8: {'strides': [2, 1, 1], 'rates': [1, 2, 4]},
        16: {'strides': [2, 2, 1], 'rates': [1, 1, 2]},
        32: {'strides': [2, 2, 2], 'rates': [1, 1, 1]},

    if in_out_ratio not in in_out_configs:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected one of the folowing in_out_ratio values: {}, got "
            "{} instead.".format(in_out_configs.keys(), in_out_ratio))

    strides = in_out_configs[in_out_ratio]['strides']
    rates = in_out_configs[in_out_ratio]['rates']

    resnet = layers.join(

        # Convolutional layer reduces image's height and width by a factor
        # of 2 (because of the stride)
        # from (3, 224, 224) to (64, 112, 112)
            (7, 7, 64), stride=2, bias=None,
            padding='same', name='conv1'

        # Stride equal two 2 reduces image size by a factor of two
        # from (64, 112, 112) to (64, 56, 56)
        layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=2, padding="same"),

        # The branch option applies extra convolution x+ batch
        # normalization transformations to the residual
        ResidualUnit(64, name='2a', has_branch=True),
        ResidualUnit(64, name='2b'),
        ResidualUnit(64, name='2c'),

        # When stride=2 reduces width and hight by factor of 2
        ResidualUnit(128, stride=strides[0], name='3a', has_branch=True),
        ResidualUnit(128, rate=rates[0], name='3b'),
        ResidualUnit(128, rate=rates[0], name='3c'),
        ResidualUnit(128, rate=rates[0], name='3d'),

        # When stride=2 reduces width and hight by factor of 2
        ResidualUnit(256, rate=rates[0], name='4a',
                     stride=strides[1], has_branch=True),
        ResidualUnit(256, rate=rates[1], name='4b'),
        ResidualUnit(256, rate=rates[1], name='4c'),
        ResidualUnit(256, rate=rates[1], name='4d'),
        ResidualUnit(256, rate=rates[1], name='4e'),
        ResidualUnit(256, rate=rates[1], name='4f'),

        # When stride=2 reduces width and hight by factor of 2
        ResidualUnit(512, rate=rates[1], name='5a',
                     stride=strides[2], has_branch=True),
        ResidualUnit(512, rate=rates[2], name='5b'),
        ResidualUnit(512, rate=rates[2], name='5c'),

    if include_global_pool:
        resnet = layers.join(
            # Since the final residual unit has 2048 output filters, global
            # pooling will replace every output image with single average
            # value. Despite input image size, output from this layer always
            # will be a vector with 2048 values.
            layers.Softmax(1000, name='fc1000'),

    return resnet
Beispiel #12
 def test_global_pooling_for_lower_dimensions(self):
     layer = layers.GlobalPooling('max')
     x = np.ones((1, 5))
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(x, layer.output(x))
Beispiel #13
 def test_global_pooling_unknown_option(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Beispiel #14
 def test_global_pooling_for_lower_dimensions(self):
     layer = layers.GlobalPooling('max')
     x = np.random.random((4, 5))
     y = layer.output(x)
     self.assertShapesEqual(y.shape, (4, 5))
Beispiel #15
def resnet50():
    ResNet50 network architecture with random parameters. Parameters
    can be loaded using ```` module.

    ResNet50 has roughly 25.5 million parameters.

    Because of the global pooling layer, ResNet50 can be applied to
    the images with variable sizes. The only limitation is that image
    size should be bigger than 32x32, otherwise network wont be able
    to apply all transformations to the image.

    >>> from neupy import architectures
    >>> resnet50 = architectures.resnet50()
    >>> resnet50
    (3, 224, 224) -> [... 187 layers ...] -> 1000
    >>> from neupy import algorithms
    >>> network = algorithms.Momentum(resnet50)

    See Also
    :architecture:`vgg16` : VGG16 network
    :architecture:`squeezenet` : SqueezeNet network
    :architecture:`alexnet` : AlexNet network
    :architecture:`squeezenet` : SqueezeNet network

    Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.
    return layers.join(
        layers.Input((3, 224, 224)),

        # Convolutional layer reduces image's height and width by a factor
        # of 2 (because of the stride)
        # from (3, 224, 224) to (64, 112, 112)
        layers.Convolution((64, 7, 7), stride=2, padding=3, name='conv1'),

        # Stride equal two 2 reduces image size by a factor of two
        # from (64, 112, 112) to (64, 56, 56)
        layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=2, ignore_border=False),

        # The branch option applies extra convolution + batch
        # normalization transforamtions to the residual
        ResidualUnit(64, 256, stride=1, name='2a', has_branch=True),
        ResidualUnit(64, 256, stride=1, name='2b'),
        ResidualUnit(64, 256, stride=1, name='2c'),

        # Another stride=2 reduces width and hight by factor of 2
        ResidualUnit(128, 512, stride=2, name='3a', has_branch=True),
        ResidualUnit(128, 512, stride=1, name='3b'),
        ResidualUnit(128, 512, stride=1, name='3c'),
        ResidualUnit(128, 512, stride=1, name='3d'),

        # Another stride=2 reduces width and hight by factor of 2
        ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=2, name='4a', has_branch=True),
        ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=1, name='4b'),
        ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=1, name='4c'),
        ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=1, name='4d'),
        ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=1, name='4e'),
        ResidualUnit(256, 1024, stride=1, name='4f'),

        # Another stride=2 reduces width and hight by factor of 2
        ResidualUnit(512, 2048, stride=2, name='5a', has_branch=True),
        ResidualUnit(512, 2048, stride=1, name='5b'),
        ResidualUnit(512, 2048, stride=1, name='5c'),

        # Since the final residual unit has 2048 output filters, global
        # pooling will replace every output image with single average value.
        # Despite input iamge size output from this layer always will be
        # vector with 2048 values
        layers.Softmax(1000, name='fc1000'),
Beispiel #16
    layers.Input((UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 3)),

    layers.Convolution((7, 7, 64), padding='SAME', stride=2),
    layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=2),
    layers.LocalResponseNorm(alpha=0.00002, k=1),

    layers.Convolution((1, 1, 64)) > layers.Relu(),
    layers.Convolution((3, 3, 192), padding='SAME') > layers.Relu(),
    layers.LocalResponseNorm(alpha=0.00002, k=1),
    layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=2),

    Inception((32, 64, 96, 128, 16, 32)),
    Inception((64, 128, 128, 192, 32, 96)),
    layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=2),

    Inception((64, 192, 96, 208, 16, 48)),
    Inception((64, 160, 112, 224, 24, 64)),
    Inception((64, 128, 128, 256, 24, 64)),
    Inception((64, 112, 144, 288, 32, 64)),
    Inception((128, 256, 160, 320, 32, 128)),
    layers.MaxPooling((3, 3), stride=2),

    Inception((128, 256, 160, 320, 32, 128)),
    Inception((128, 384, 192, 384, 48, 128)),
