Beispiel #1
def test_total_volume_per_neurite():

    vol = _nf.total_volume_per_neurite(NRN)
    nt.eq_(len(vol), 4)

    # calculate the volumes by hand and compare
    vol2 = [sum(_sf.section_volume(s) for s in n.iter_sections()) for n in NRN.neurites]
    nt.eq_(vol, vol2)

    # regression test
    ref_vol = [271.94122143951864, 281.24754646913954,
               274.98039928781355, 276.73860261723024]
    assert_allclose(vol, ref_vol)
Beispiel #2
def test_total_volume_per_neurite():

    vol = _nf.total_volume_per_neurite(NRN)
    nt.eq_(len(vol), 4)

    # calculate the volumes by hand and compare
    vol2 = [sum(_sf.section_volume(s) for s in n.iter_sections()) for n in NRN.neurites]
    nt.eq_(vol, vol2)

    # regression test
    ref_vol = [271.94122143951864, 281.24754646913954,
               274.98039928781355, 276.73860261723024]
    assert_allclose(vol, ref_vol)