def create_object(name, color, x=0, y=0, z=0): obj = Cell() = name = name nml_doc.cells.append(obj) morphology = Morphology(id='mm') obj.morphology = morphology pop = Population(id="Pop_%s" % name,, type="populationList", size=0) net.populations.append(pop) populations[name] = pop"color", value=color)) add_instance(name, x, y, z) sg = SegmentGroup(id='all') obj.morphology.segment_groups.append(sg) return obj
def generate(net_id, params, cells=None, cells_to_plot=None, cells_to_stimulate=None, include_muscles=False, conn_number_override=None, conn_number_scaling=None, duration=500, dt=0.01, vmin=None, vmax=None, seed=1234, validate=True, test=False, verbose=True, target_directory='./'): root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) params.create_models() if vmin == None: if params.level == 'A': vmin = -72 elif params.level == 'B': vmin = -52 elif params.level == 'C': vmin = -60 else: vmin = -52 if vmax == None: if params.level == 'A': vmax = -48 elif params.level == 'B': vmax = -28 elif params.level == 'C': vmax = 25 else: vmax = -28 random.seed(seed) info = "\n\nParameters and setting used to generate this network:\n\n"+\ " Cells: %s\n" % (cells if cells is not None else "All cells")+\ " Cell stimulated: %s\n" % (cells_to_stimulate if cells_to_stimulate is not None else "All cells")+\ " Connection numbers overridden: %s\n" % (conn_number_override if conn_number_override is not None else "None")+\ " Connection numbers scaled: %s\n" % (conn_number_scaling if conn_number_scaling is not None else "None")+\ " Include muscles: %s\n" % include_muscles print_(info) info += "\n%s\n" % (params.bioparameter_info(" ")) nml_doc = NeuroMLDocument(id=net_id, notes=info) if params.level == "A" or params.level == "B" or params.level == "BC1": nml_doc.iaf_cells.append(params.generic_muscle_cell) nml_doc.iaf_cells.append(params.generic_neuron_cell) elif params.level == "C": nml_doc.cells.append(params.generic_muscle_cell) nml_doc.cells.append(params.generic_neuron_cell) net = Network(id=net_id) nml_doc.networks.append(net) nml_doc.pulse_generators.append(params.offset_current) if params.level == "C" or params.level == "C1": nml_doc.fixed_factor_concentration_models.append( params.concentration_model) cell_names, conns = get_cell_names_and_connection() # To hold all Cell NeuroML objects vs. names all_cells = {} # lems_file = "" lems_info = { "comment": info, "reference": net_id, "duration": duration, "dt": dt, "vmin": vmin, "vmax": vmax, "cell_component": } lems_info["plots"] = [] lems_info["activity_plots"] = [] lems_info["muscle_plots"] = [] lems_info["muscle_activity_plots"] = [] lems_info["to_save"] = [] lems_info["activity_to_save"] = [] lems_info["muscles_to_save"] = [] lems_info["muscles_activity_to_save"] = [] lems_info["cells"] = [] lems_info["muscles"] = [] lems_info["includes"] = [] if params.custom_component_types_definitions: lems_info["includes"].append(params.custom_component_types_definitions) if target_directory != './': def_file = "%s/%s" % (os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), params.custom_component_types_definitions) shutil.copy(def_file, target_directory) nml_doc.includes.append( IncludeType(href=params.custom_component_types_definitions)) backers_dir = root_dir + "/../../../../OpenWormBackers/" if test else root_dir + "/../../../OpenWormBackers/" sys.path.append(backers_dir) import backers cells_vs_name = backers.get_adopted_cell_names(backers_dir) populations_without_location = False # isinstance(params.elec_syn, GapJunction) count = 0 for cell in cell_names: if cells is None or cell in cells: inst = Instance(id="0") if not populations_without_location: # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=cell,, type="populationList") pop0.instances.append(inst) else: # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=cell,, size="1") # put that Population into the Network data structure from above net.populations.append(pop0) if cells_vs_name.has_key(cell): p = Property(tag="OpenWormBackerAssignedName", value=cells_vs_name[cell]) # also use the cell name to grab the morphology file, as a NeuroML data structure # into the 'all_cells' dict cell_file_path = root_dir + "/../../../" if test else root_dir + "/../../" #if running test cell_file = cell_file_path + 'generatedNeuroML2/%s.cell.nml' % cell doc = loaders.NeuroMLLoader.load(cell_file) all_cells[cell] = doc.cells[0] location = doc.cells[0].morphology.segments[0].proximal if verbose: print_( "Loaded morphology: %s; id: %s; location: (%s, %s, %s)" % (os.path.realpath(cell_file), all_cells[cell].id, location.x, location.y, location.z)) inst.location = Location(float(location.x), float(location.y), float(location.z)) target = "../%s/0/%s" % (, if populations_without_location: target = "../%s[0]" % (cell) if cells_to_stimulate is None or cell in cells_to_stimulate: input_list = InputList(id="Input_%s_%s" % (cell,,, populations='%s' % cell) input_list.input.append( Input(id=0, target=target, destination="synapses")) net.input_lists.append(input_list) if cells_to_plot is None or cell in cells_to_plot: plot = {} plot["cell"] = cell plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % ( cell, if populations_without_location: plot["quantity"] = "%s[0]/v" % (cell) lems_info["plots"].append(plot) if params.generic_neuron_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'IafActivityCell': plot = {} plot["cell"] = cell plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % ( cell, if populations_without_location: plot["quantity"] = "%s[0]/activity" % (cell) lems_info["activity_plots"].append(plot) if params.generic_neuron_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'Cell': plot = {} plot["cell"] = cell plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/caConc" % ( cell, if populations_without_location: plot["quantity"] = "%s[0]/caConc" % (cell) lems_info["activity_plots"].append(plot) save = {} save["cell"] = cell save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (cell, if populations_without_location: save["quantity"] = "%s[0]/v" % (cell) lems_info["to_save"].append(save) if params.generic_neuron_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'IafActivityCell': save = {} save["cell"] = cell save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % ( cell, if populations_without_location: save["quantity"] = "%s[0]/activity" % (cell) lems_info["activity_to_save"].append(save) if params.generic_neuron_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'Cell': save = {} save["cell"] = cell save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/caConc" % ( cell, if populations_without_location: save["quantity"] = "%s[0]/caConc" % (cell) lems_info["activity_to_save"].append(save) lems_info["cells"].append(cell) count += 1 if verbose: print_("Finished loading %i cells" % count) mneurons, all_muscles, muscle_conns = get_cell_muscle_names_and_connection( ) muscles = get_muscle_names() if include_muscles: muscle_count = 0 for muscle in muscles: inst = Instance(id="0") if not populations_without_location: # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=muscle,, type="populationList") pop0.instances.append(inst) else: # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=muscle,, size="1") # put that Population into the Network data structure from above net.populations.append(pop0) if cells_vs_name.has_key(muscle): # No muscles adopted yet, but just in case they are in future... p = Property(tag="OpenWormBackerAssignedName", value=cells_vs_name[muscle]) x = 80 * (-1 if muscle[1] == 'V' else 1) z = 80 * (-1 if muscle[2] == 'L' else 1) y = -300 + 30 * int(muscle[3:5]) print_('Positioning muscle: %s at (%s,%s,%s)' % (muscle, x, y, z)) inst.location = Location(x, y, z) target = "%s/0/%s" % (, if populations_without_location: target = "%s[0]" % (muscle) plot = {} plot["cell"] = muscle plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (muscle, if populations_without_location: plot["quantity"] = "%s[0]/v" % (muscle) lems_info["muscle_plots"].append(plot) if params.generic_muscle_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'IafActivityCell': plot = {} plot["cell"] = muscle plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % ( muscle, if populations_without_location: plot["quantity"] = "%s[0]/activity" % (muscle) lems_info["muscle_activity_plots"].append(plot) if params.generic_muscle_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'Cell': plot = {} plot["cell"] = muscle plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/caConc" % ( muscle, if populations_without_location: plot["quantity"] = "%s[0]/caConc" % (muscle) lems_info["muscle_activity_plots"].append(plot) save = {} save["cell"] = muscle save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (muscle, if populations_without_location: save["quantity"] = "%s[0]/v" % (muscle) lems_info["muscles_to_save"].append(save) if params.generic_muscle_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'IafActivityCell': save = {} save["cell"] = muscle save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % ( muscle, if populations_without_location: save["quantity"] = "%s[0]/activity" % (muscle) lems_info["muscles_activity_to_save"].append(save) if params.generic_muscle_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'Cell': save = {} save["cell"] = muscle save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/caConc" % ( muscle, if populations_without_location: save["quantity"] = "%s[0]/caConc" % (muscle) lems_info["muscles_activity_to_save"].append(save) lems_info["muscles"].append(muscle) muscle_count += 1 if verbose: print_("Finished creating %i muscles" % muscle_count) existing_synapses = {} for conn in conns: if conn.pre_cell in lems_info["cells"] and conn.post_cell in lems_info[ "cells"]: # take information about each connection and package it into a # NeuroML Projection data structure proj_id = get_projection_id(conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.synclass, conn.syntype) elect_conn = False analog_conn = False syn0 = params.neuron_to_neuron_exc_syn if 'GABA' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.neuron_to_neuron_inh_syn if '_GJ' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.neuron_to_neuron_elec_syn elect_conn = isinstance(params.neuron_to_neuron_elec_syn, GapJunction) if isinstance(syn0, GradedSynapse): analog_conn = True if len(nml_doc.silent_synapses) == 0: silent = SilentSynapse(id="silent") nml_doc.silent_synapses.append(silent) number_syns = conn.number conn_shorthand = "%s-%s" % (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell) if conn_number_override is not None and ( conn_number_override.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn_number_override[conn_shorthand] elif conn_number_scaling is not None and ( conn_number_scaling.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn.number * conn_number_scaling[conn_shorthand] ''' else: print conn_shorthand print conn_number_override print conn_number_scaling''' if number_syns != conn.number: magnitude, unit = bioparameters.split_neuroml_quantity( syn0.gbase) cond0 = "%s%s" % (magnitude * conn.number, unit) cond1 = "%s%s" % (magnitude * number_syns, unit) if verbose: print_(">> Changing number of effective synapses connection %s -> %s: was: %s (total cond: %s), becomes %s (total cond: %s)" % \ (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.number, cond0, number_syns, cond1)) syn_new = create_n_connection_synapse(syn0, number_syns, nml_doc, existing_synapses) if elect_conn: if populations_without_location: proj0 = ElectricalProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.electrical_projections.append(proj0) # Add a Connection with the closest locations conn0 = ElectricalConnection(id="0", \ pre_cell="0", post_cell="0", proj0.electrical_connections.append(conn0) else: proj0 = ElectricalProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.electrical_projections.append(proj0) pre_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % ( conn.pre_cell, post_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % ( conn.post_cell, #print_("Conn %s -> %s"%(pre_cell_id,post_cell_id)) # Add a Connection with the closest locations conn0 = ElectricalConnectionInstance(id="0", \ pre_cell=pre_cell_id, post_cell=post_cell_id, proj0.electrical_connection_instances.append(conn0) elif analog_conn: proj0 = ContinuousProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.continuous_projections.append(proj0) pre_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % (conn.pre_cell, post_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % (conn.post_cell, conn0 = ContinuousConnectionInstance(id="0", \ pre_cell=pre_cell_id, post_cell=post_cell_id, pre_component="silent", proj0.continuous_connection_instances.append(conn0) else: if not populations_without_location: proj0 = Projection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell, net.projections.append(proj0) pre_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % ( conn.pre_cell, post_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % ( conn.post_cell, conn0 = ConnectionWD(id="0", \ pre_cell_id=pre_cell_id, post_cell_id=post_cell_id, weight = number_syns, delay = '0ms') proj0.connection_wds.append(conn0) if populations_without_location: raise NotImplementedError ''' # <synapticConnection from="hh1pop[0]" to="hh2pop[0]" synapse="syn1exp" destination="synapses"/> pre_cell_id="%s[0]"%(conn.pre_cell) post_cell_id="%s[0]"%(conn.post_cell) conn0 = SynapticConnection(from_=pre_cell_id, to=post_cell_id,, destination="synapses") net.synaptic_connections.append(conn0)''' if include_muscles: for conn in muscle_conns: if conn.pre_cell in lems_info[ "cells"] and conn.post_cell in muscles: # take information about each connection and package it into a # NeuroML Projection data structure proj_id = get_projection_id(conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.synclass, conn.syntype) elect_conn = False analog_conn = False syn0 = params.neuron_to_muscle_exc_syn if 'GABA' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.neuron_to_muscle_inh_syn if '_GJ' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.neuron_to_muscle_elec_syn elect_conn = isinstance(params.neuron_to_muscle_elec_syn, GapJunction) if isinstance(syn0, GradedSynapse): analog_conn = True if len(nml_doc.silent_synapses) == 0: silent = SilentSynapse(id="silent") nml_doc.silent_synapses.append(silent) number_syns = conn.number conn_shorthand = "%s-%s" % (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell) if conn_number_override is not None and ( conn_number_override.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn_number_override[conn_shorthand] elif conn_number_scaling is not None and ( conn_number_scaling.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn.number * conn_number_scaling[ conn_shorthand] ''' else: print conn_shorthand print conn_number_override print conn_number_scaling''' if number_syns != conn.number: magnitude, unit = bioparameters.split_neuroml_quantity( syn0.gbase) cond0 = "%s%s" % (magnitude * conn.number, unit) cond1 = "%s%s" % (magnitude * number_syns, unit) if verbose: print_(">> Changing number of effective synapses connection %s -> %s: was: %s (total cond: %s), becomes %s (total cond: %s)" % \ (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.number, cond0, number_syns, cond1)) syn_new = create_n_connection_synapse(syn0, number_syns, nml_doc, existing_synapses) if elect_conn: if populations_without_location: proj0 = ElectricalProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.electrical_projections.append(proj0) # Add a Connection with the closest locations conn0 = ElectricalConnection(id="0", \ pre_cell="0", post_cell="0", proj0.electrical_connections.append(conn0) else: proj0 = ElectricalProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.electrical_projections.append(proj0) pre_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % ( conn.pre_cell, post_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % ( conn.post_cell, #print_("Conn %s -> %s"%(pre_cell_id,post_cell_id)) # Add a Connection with the closest locations conn0 = ElectricalConnectionInstance(id="0", \ pre_cell=pre_cell_id, post_cell=post_cell_id, proj0.electrical_connection_instances.append(conn0) elif analog_conn: proj0 = ContinuousProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.continuous_projections.append(proj0) pre_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % ( conn.pre_cell, post_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % ( conn.post_cell, conn0 = ContinuousConnectionInstance(id="0", \ pre_cell=pre_cell_id, post_cell=post_cell_id, pre_component="silent", proj0.continuous_connection_instances.append(conn0) else: if not populations_without_location: proj0 = Projection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell, net.projections.append(proj0) # Add a Connection with the closest locations pre_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % ( conn.pre_cell, post_cell_id = "../%s/0/%s" % ( conn.post_cell, conn0 = Connection(id="0", \ pre_cell_id=pre_cell_id, post_cell_id=post_cell_id) proj0.connections.append(conn0) if populations_without_location: # <synapticConnection from="hh1pop[0]" to="hh2pop[0]" synapse="syn1exp" destination="synapses"/> pre_cell_id = "%s[0]" % (conn.pre_cell) post_cell_id = "%s[0]" % (conn.post_cell) conn0 = SynapticConnection(from_=pre_cell_id, to=post_cell_id,, destination="synapses") net.synaptic_connections.append(conn0) # import pprint # pprint.pprint(lems_info) template_path = root_dir + '/../' if test else root_dir + '/' # if running test write_to_file(nml_doc, lems_info, net_id, template_path, validate=validate, verbose=verbose, target_directory=target_directory) return nml_doc
amplitude=args.ie0, period='25ms') nml_doc.sine_generator_dls.append(pulse) else: pulse = SineGenerator(id='mod_%s' % pop, phase='0', delay='0ms', duration='%sms' % duration, amplitude='%snA' % args.ie0, period='25ms') nml_doc.sine_generators.append(pulse) # Create the network net = Network(id='net1')'recommended_dt_ms', dt))'recommended_duration_ms', duration)) nml_doc.networks.append(net) nml_doc.includes.append(IncludeType('WC_Parameters%s.xml' % dl_str)) colours = ['1 0 0', '0 0 1'] for pop_idx, pop in enumerate(pops): population = Population(id='%sPop' % pop, component=(pops[pop_idx]), size=n_pops[pop_idx], type='populationList') net.populations.append(population)'color', value=colours[pop_idx]))'radius', value='10'))
def generate(net_id, params, cells = None, cells_to_plot = None, cells_to_stimulate = None, include_muscles=False, conn_number_override = None, conn_number_scaling = None, duration = 500, dt = 0.01, vmin = -75, vmax = 20, seed = 1234, validate=True, test=False): random.seed(seed) info = "\n\nParameters and setting used to generate this network:\n\n"+\ " Cells: %s\n" % (cells if cells is not None else "All cells")+\ " Cell stimulated: %s\n" % (cells_to_stimulate if cells_to_stimulate is not None else "All cells")+\ " Connection numbers overridden: %s\n" % (conn_number_override if conn_number_override is not None else "None")+\ " Connection numbers scaled: %s\n" % (conn_number_scaling if conn_number_scaling is not None else "None")+\ " Include muscles: %s\n" % include_muscles info += "\n%s\n"%(bioparameter_info(" ")) nml_doc = NeuroMLDocument(id=net_id, notes=info) nml_doc.iaf_cells.append(params.generic_cell) net = Network(id=net_id) nml_doc.networks.append(net) nml_doc.pulse_generators.append(params.offset_current) # Use the spreadsheet reader to give a list of all cells and a list of all connections # This could be replaced with a call to "DatabaseReader" or "OpenWormNeuroLexReader" in future... # If called from unittest folder ammend path to "../../../../" spreadsheet_location = "../../../../" if test else "../../../" cell_names, conns = SpreadsheetDataReader.readDataFromSpreadsheet(spreadsheet_location, include_nonconnected_cells=True) cell_names.sort() # To hold all Cell NeuroML objects vs. names all_cells = {} # lems_file = "" lems_info = {"comment": info, "reference": net_id, "duration": duration, "dt": dt, "vmin": vmin, "vmax": vmax, "cell_component":} lems_info["plots"] = [] lems_info["activity_plots"] = [] lems_info["muscle_plots"] = [] lems_info["muscle_activity_plots"] = [] lems_info["to_save"] = [] lems_info["activity_to_save"] = [] lems_info["muscles_to_save"] = [] lems_info["muscles_activity_to_save"] = [] lems_info["cells"] = [] lems_info["muscles"] = [] lems_info["includes"] = [] if hasattr(params.generic_cell, 'custom_component_type_definition'): lems_info["includes"].append(params.generic_cell.custom_component_type_definition) backers_dir = "../../../../OpenWormBackers/" if test else "../../../OpenWormBackers/" sys.path.append(backers_dir) import backers cells_vs_name = backers.get_adopted_cell_names(backers_dir) populations_without_location = isinstance(params.elec_syn, GapJunction) count = 0 for cell in cell_names: if cells is None or cell in cells: inst = Instance(id="0") if not populations_without_location: # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=cell,, type="populationList") pop0.instances.append(inst) else: # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=cell,, size="1") # put that Population into the Network data structure from above net.populations.append(pop0) if cells_vs_name.has_key(cell): p = Property(tag="OpenWormBackerAssignedName", value=cells_vs_name[cell]) # also use the cell name to grab the morphology file, as a NeuroML data structure # into the 'all_cells' dict cell_file_path = "../../../" if test else "../../" #if running test cell_file = cell_file_path+'generatedNeuroML2/%s.nml'%cell doc = loaders.NeuroMLLoader.load(cell_file) all_cells[cell] = doc.cells[0] location = doc.cells[0].morphology.segments[0].proximal print("Loaded morphology file from: %s, with id: %s, location: (%s, %s, %s)"%(cell_file, all_cells[cell].id, location.x, location.y, location.z)) inst.location = Location(float(location.x), float(location.y), float(location.z)) target = "%s/0/%s"%(, if populations_without_location: target = "%s[0]" % (cell) exp_input = ExplicitInput(target=target, if cells_to_stimulate is None or cell in cells_to_stimulate: net.explicit_inputs.append(exp_input) if cells_to_plot is None or cell in cells_to_plot: plot = {} plot["cell"] = cell plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (cell, if populations_without_location: plot["quantity"] = "%s[0]/v" % (cell) lems_info["plots"].append(plot) if hasattr(params.generic_cell, 'custom_component_type_definition'): plot = {} plot["cell"] = cell plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % (cell, if populations_without_location: plot["quantity"] = "%s[0]/activity" % (cell) lems_info["activity_plots"].append(plot) save = {} save["cell"] = cell save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (cell, if populations_without_location: save["quantity"] = "%s[0]/v" % (cell) lems_info["to_save"].append(save) if hasattr(params.generic_cell, 'custom_component_type_definition'): save = {} save["cell"] = cell save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % (cell, if populations_without_location: save["quantity"] = "%s[0]/activity" % (cell) lems_info["activity_to_save"].append(save) lems_info["cells"].append(cell) count+=1 print("Finished loading %i cells"%count) mneurons, all_muscles, muscle_conns = SpreadsheetDataReader.readMuscleDataFromSpreadsheet(spreadsheet_location) muscles = get_muscle_names() if include_muscles: muscle_count = 0 for muscle in muscles: inst = Instance(id="0") if not populations_without_location: # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=muscle,, type="populationList") pop0.instances.append(inst) else: # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=muscle,, size="1") # put that Population into the Network data structure from above net.populations.append(pop0) if cells_vs_name.has_key(muscle): # No muscles adopted yet, but just in case they are in future... p = Property(tag="OpenWormBackerAssignedName", value=cells_vs_name[muscle]) inst.location = Location(100, 10*muscle_count, 100) target = "%s/0/%s"%(, if populations_without_location: target = "%s[0]" % (muscle) plot = {} plot["cell"] = muscle plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (muscle, if populations_without_location: plot["quantity"] = "%s[0]/v" % (muscle) lems_info["muscle_plots"].append(plot) if hasattr(params.generic_cell, 'custom_component_type_definition'): plot = {} plot["cell"] = muscle plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % (muscle, if populations_without_location: plot["quantity"] = "%s[0]/activity" % (muscle) lems_info["muscle_activity_plots"].append(plot) save = {} save["cell"] = muscle save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (muscle, if populations_without_location: save["quantity"] = "%s[0]/v" % (muscle) lems_info["muscles_to_save"].append(save) if hasattr(params.generic_cell, 'custom_component_type_definition'): save = {} save["cell"] = muscle save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % (muscle, if populations_without_location: save["quantity"] = "%s[0]/activity" % (muscle) lems_info["muscles_activity_to_save"].append(save) lems_info["muscles"].append(muscle) muscle_count+=1 print("Finished creating %i muscles"%muscle_count) for conn in conns: if conn.pre_cell in lems_info["cells"] and conn.post_cell in lems_info["cells"]: # take information about each connection and package it into a # NeuroML Projection data structure proj_id = get_projection_id(conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.synclass, conn.syntype) elect_conn = False syn0 = params.exc_syn if 'GABA' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.inh_syn if '_GJ' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.elec_syn elect_conn = isinstance(params.elec_syn, GapJunction) number_syns = conn.number conn_shorthand = "%s-%s"%(conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell) if conn_number_override is not None and (conn_number_override.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn_number_override[conn_shorthand] elif conn_number_scaling is not None and (conn_number_scaling.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn.number*conn_number_scaling[conn_shorthand] ''' else: print conn_shorthand print conn_number_override print conn_number_scaling''' if number_syns != conn.number: magnitude, unit = split_neuroml_quantity(syn0.gbase) cond0 = "%s%s"%(magnitude*conn.number, unit) cond1 = "%s%s"%(magnitude*number_syns, unit) print(">> Changing number of effective synapses connection %s -> %s: was: %s (total cond: %s), becomes %s (total cond: %s)" % \ (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.number, cond0, number_syns, cond1)) syn_new = create_n_connection_synapse(syn0, number_syns, nml_doc) if not elect_conn: if not populations_without_location: proj0 = Projection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell, net.projections.append(proj0) # Add a Connection with the closest locations pre_cell_id="../%s/0/%s"%(conn.pre_cell, post_cell_id="../%s/0/%s"%(conn.post_cell, conn0 = Connection(id="0", \ pre_cell_id=pre_cell_id, post_cell_id=post_cell_id) proj0.connections.append(conn0) if populations_without_location: # <synapticConnection from="hh1pop[0]" to="hh2pop[0]" synapse="syn1exp" destination="synapses"/> pre_cell_id="%s[0]"%(conn.pre_cell) post_cell_id="%s[0]"%(conn.post_cell) conn0 = SynapticConnection(from_=pre_cell_id, to=post_cell_id,, destination="synapses") net.synaptic_connections.append(conn0) else: proj0 = ElectricalProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.electrical_projections.append(proj0) # Add a Connection with the closest locations conn0 = ElectricalConnection(id="0", \ pre_cell="0", post_cell="0", proj0.electrical_connections.append(conn0) if include_muscles: for conn in muscle_conns: if conn.pre_cell in lems_info["cells"] and conn.post_cell in muscles: # take information about each connection and package it into a # NeuroML Projection data structure proj_id = get_projection_id(conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.synclass, conn.syntype) elect_conn = False syn0 = params.exc_syn if 'GABA' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.inh_syn if '_GJ' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.elec_syn elect_conn = isinstance(params.elec_syn, GapJunction) number_syns = conn.number conn_shorthand = "%s-%s"%(conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell) if conn_number_override is not None and (conn_number_override.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn_number_override[conn_shorthand] elif conn_number_scaling is not None and (conn_number_scaling.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn.number*conn_number_scaling[conn_shorthand] ''' else: print conn_shorthand print conn_number_override print conn_number_scaling''' if number_syns != conn.number: magnitude, unit = split_neuroml_quantity(syn0.gbase) cond0 = "%s%s"%(magnitude*conn.number, unit) cond1 = "%s%s"%(magnitude*number_syns, unit) print(">> Changing number of effective synapses connection %s -> %s: was: %s (total cond: %s), becomes %s (total cond: %s)" % \ (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.number, cond0, number_syns, cond1)) syn_new = create_n_connection_synapse(syn0, number_syns, nml_doc) if not elect_conn: if not populations_without_location: proj0 = Projection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell, net.projections.append(proj0) # Add a Connection with the closest locations pre_cell_id="../%s/0/%s"%(conn.pre_cell, post_cell_id="../%s/0/%s"%(conn.post_cell, conn0 = Connection(id="0", \ pre_cell_id=pre_cell_id, post_cell_id=post_cell_id) proj0.connections.append(conn0) if populations_without_location: # <synapticConnection from="hh1pop[0]" to="hh2pop[0]" synapse="syn1exp" destination="synapses"/> pre_cell_id="%s[0]"%(conn.pre_cell) post_cell_id="%s[0]"%(conn.post_cell) conn0 = SynapticConnection(from_=pre_cell_id, to=post_cell_id,, destination="synapses") net.synaptic_connections.append(conn0) else: proj0 = ElectricalProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.electrical_projections.append(proj0) # Add a Connection with the closest locations conn0 = ElectricalConnection(id="0", \ pre_cell="0", post_cell="0", proj0.electrical_connections.append(conn0) # import pprint # pprint.pprint(lems_info) template_path = '../' if test else '' # if running test write_to_file(nml_doc, lems_info, net_id, template_path, validate=validate) return nml_doc
pop1 = Population(id="IafPop1",, size=size1) net.populations.append(pop1) size2 = int(5 * scale) pop2 = Population(id="IzhPop",, size=size2) net.populations.append(pop2) cell_num = int(4 * scale) pop = Population(id="Pop_x",, type="populationList", size=cell_num) net.populations.append(pop)"color", value="1 0 0")) x_size = 500 y_size = 500 z_size = 500 for i in range(cell_num): inst = Instance(id=i) pop.instances.append(inst) inst.location = Location(x=str(x_size * random.random()), y=str(y_size * random.random()), z=str(z_size * random.random())) prob_connection = 0.5 proj_count = 0
def run(): cell_num = 10 x_size = 500 y_size = 500 z_size = 500 nml_doc = NeuroMLDocument(id="Net3DExample") syn0 = ExpOneSynapse(id="syn0", gbase="65nS", erev="0mV", tau_decay="3ms") nml_doc.exp_one_synapses.append(syn0) net = Network(id="Net3D") nml_doc.networks.append(net) proj_count = 0 #conn_count = 0 for cell_id in range(0, cell_num): cell = Cell(id="Cell_%i" % cell_id) cell.morphology = generateRandomMorphology() nml_doc.cells.append(cell) pop = Population(id="Pop_%i" % cell_id,, type="populationList") net.populations.append(pop)"color", value="1 0 0")) inst = Instance(id="0") pop.instances.append(inst) inst.location = Location(x=str(x_size * random()), y=str(y_size * random()), z=str(z_size * random())) prob_connection = 0.5 for post in range(0, cell_num): if post is not cell_id and random() <= prob_connection: from_pop = "Pop_%i" % cell_id to_pop = "Pop_%i" % post pre_seg_id = 0 post_seg_id = 1 projection = Projection(id="Proj_%i" % proj_count, presynaptic_population=from_pop, postsynaptic_population=to_pop, net.projections.append(projection) connection = Connection(id=proj_count, \ pre_cell_id="%s[%i]"%(from_pop,0), \ pre_segment_id=pre_seg_id, \ pre_fraction_along=random(), post_cell_id="%s[%i]"%(to_pop,0), \ post_segment_id=post_seg_id, post_fraction_along=random()) projection.connections.append(connection) proj_count += 1 #net.synaptic_connections.append(SynapticConnection(from_="%s[%i]"%(from_pop,0), to="%s[%i]"%(to_pop,0))) ####### Write to file ###### nml_file = 'tmp/net3d.nml' writers.NeuroMLWriter.write(nml_doc, nml_file) print("Written network file to: " + nml_file) ###### Validate the NeuroML ###### from neuroml.utils import validate_neuroml2 validate_neuroml2(nml_file)
def generate(net_id, params, data_reader = "SpreadsheetDataReader", cells = None, cells_to_plot = None, cells_to_stimulate = None, muscles_to_include=[], conns_to_include=[], conn_number_override = None, conn_number_scaling = None, conn_polarity_override = None, duration = 500, dt = 0.01, vmin = None, vmax = None, seed = 1234, test=False, verbose=True, param_overrides={}, target_directory='./'): validate = not (params.is_level_B() or params.is_level_C0()) root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) for k in param_overrides.keys(): v = param_overrides[k] print_("Setting parameter %s = %s"%(k,v)) params.set_bioparameter(k, v, "Set with param_overrides", 0) params.create_models() if vmin==None: if params.is_level_A(): vmin=-72 elif params.is_level_B(): vmin=-52 elif params.is_level_C(): vmin=-60 elif params.is_level_D(): vmin=-60 else: vmin=-52 if vmax==None: if params.is_level_A(): vmax=-48 elif params.is_level_B(): vmax=-28 elif params.is_level_C(): vmax=25 elif params.is_level_D(): vmax=25 else: vmax=-28 random.seed(seed) info = "\n\nParameters and setting used to generate this network:\n\n"+\ " Data reader: %s\n" % data_reader+\ " Cells: %s\n" % (cells if cells is not None else "All cells")+\ " Cell stimulated: %s\n" % (cells_to_stimulate if cells_to_stimulate is not None else "All neurons")+\ " Connection: %s\n" % (conns_to_include if conns_to_include is not None else "All connections") + \ " Connection numbers overridden: %s\n" % (conn_number_override if conn_number_override is not None else "None")+\ " Connection numbers scaled: %s\n" % (conn_number_scaling if conn_number_scaling is not None else "None")+ \ " Connection polarities override: %s\n" % conn_polarity_override + \ " Muscles: %s\n" % (muscles_to_include if muscles_to_include is not None else "All muscles") if verbose: print_(info) info += "\n%s\n"%(params.bioparameter_info(" ")) nml_doc = NeuroMLDocument(id=net_id, notes=info) if params.is_level_A() or params.is_level_B() or params.level == "BC1": nml_doc.iaf_cells.append(params.generic_muscle_cell) nml_doc.iaf_cells.append(params.generic_neuron_cell) elif params.is_level_C(): nml_doc.cells.append(params.generic_muscle_cell) nml_doc.cells.append(params.generic_neuron_cell) elif params.is_level_D(): nml_doc.cells.append(params.generic_muscle_cell) net = Network(id=net_id) nml_doc.networks.append(net) nml_doc.pulse_generators.append(params.offset_current) if is_cond_based_cell(params): nml_doc.fixed_factor_concentration_models.append(params.concentration_model) cell_names, conns = get_cell_names_and_connection(data_reader) # To hold all Cell NeuroML objects vs. names all_cells = {} # lems_file = "" lems_info = {"comment": info, "reference": net_id, "duration": duration, "dt": dt, "vmin": vmin, "vmax": vmax} lems_info["plots"] = [] lems_info["activity_plots"] = [] lems_info["muscle_plots"] = [] lems_info["muscle_activity_plots"] = [] lems_info["to_save"] = [] lems_info["activity_to_save"] = [] lems_info["muscles_to_save"] = [] lems_info["muscles_activity_to_save"] = [] lems_info["cells"] = [] lems_info["muscles"] = [] lems_info["includes"] = [] if params.custom_component_types_definitions: if isinstance(params.custom_component_types_definitions, str): params.custom_component_types_definitions = [params.custom_component_types_definitions] for ctd in params.custom_component_types_definitions: lems_info["includes"].append(ctd) if target_directory != './': def_file = "%s/%s"%(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), ctd) shutil.copy(def_file, target_directory) nml_doc.includes.append(IncludeType(href=ctd)) backers_dir = root_dir+"/../../../../OpenWormBackers/" if test else root_dir+"/../../../OpenWormBackers/" sys.path.append(backers_dir) import backers cells_vs_name = backers.get_adopted_cell_names(backers_dir) count = 0 for cell in cell_names: if cells is None or cell in cells: inst = Instance(id="0") if not params.is_level_D(): # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=cell,, type="populationList") cell_id = else: # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=cell, component=cell, type="populationList") cell_id = cell pop0.instances.append(inst) # put that Population into the Network data structure from above net.populations.append(pop0) if cells_vs_name.has_key(cell): p = Property(tag="OpenWormBackerAssignedName", value=cells_vs_name[cell]) # also use the cell name to grab the morphology file, as a NeuroML data structure # into the 'all_cells' dict cell_file_path = root_dir+"/../../../" if test else root_dir+"/../../" #if running test cell_file = cell_file_path+'generatedNeuroML2/%s.cell.nml'%cell doc = loaders.NeuroMLLoader.load(cell_file) all_cells[cell] = doc.cells[0] if params.is_level_D(): new_cell = params.create_neuron_cell(cell, doc.cells[0].morphology) nml_cell_doc = NeuroMLDocument(id=cell) nml_cell_doc.cells.append(new_cell) new_cell_file = 'cells/'+cell+'_D.cell.nml' nml_file = target_directory+'/'+new_cell_file print_("Writing new cell to: %s"%os.path.realpath(nml_file)) writers.NeuroMLWriter.write(nml_cell_doc, nml_file) nml_doc.includes.append(IncludeType(href=new_cell_file)) lems_info["includes"].append(new_cell_file) inst.location = Location(0,0,0) else: location = doc.cells[0].morphology.segments[0].proximal inst.location = Location(float(location.x), float(location.y), float(location.z)) if verbose: print_("Loaded morphology: %s; id: %s; placing at location: (%s, %s, %s)"%(os.path.realpath(cell_file), all_cells[cell].id, inst.location.x, inst.location.y, inst.location.z)) if cells_to_stimulate is None or cell in cells_to_stimulate: target = "../%s/0/%s"%(, cell_id) if params.is_level_D(): target+="/0" input_list = InputList(id="Input_%s_%s"%(cell,,, populations='%s'%cell) input_list.input.append(Input(id=0, target=target, destination="synapses")) net.input_lists.append(input_list) if cells_to_plot is None or cell in cells_to_plot: plot = {} plot["cell"] = cell plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (cell, cell_id) lems_info["plots"].append(plot) if params.is_level_B(): plot = {} plot["cell"] = cell plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % (cell, cell_id) lems_info["activity_plots"].append(plot) if is_cond_based_cell(params): plot = {} plot["cell"] = cell plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/caConc" % (cell, cell_id) lems_info["activity_plots"].append(plot) save = {} save["cell"] = cell save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (cell, cell_id) lems_info["to_save"].append(save) if params.is_level_B(): save = {} save["cell"] = cell save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % (cell, cell_id) lems_info["activity_to_save"].append(save) if is_cond_based_cell(params): save = {} save["cell"] = cell save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/caConc" % (cell, cell_id) lems_info["activity_to_save"].append(save) lems_info["cells"].append(cell) count+=1 if verbose: print_("Finished loading %i cells"%count) mneurons, all_muscles, muscle_conns = get_cell_muscle_names_and_connection(data_reader) #if data_reader == "SpreadsheetDataReader": # all_muscles = get_muscle_names() if muscles_to_include == None or muscles_to_include == True: muscles_to_include = all_muscles elif muscles_to_include == False: muscles_to_include = [] for m in muscles_to_include: assert m in all_muscles if len(muscles_to_include)>0: muscle_count = 0 for muscle in muscles_to_include: inst = Instance(id="0") # build a Population data structure out of the cell name pop0 = Population(id=muscle,, type="populationList") pop0.instances.append(inst) # put that Population into the Network data structure from above net.populations.append(pop0) if cells_vs_name.has_key(muscle): # No muscles adopted yet, but just in case they are in future... p = Property(tag="OpenWormBackerAssignedName", value=cells_vs_name[muscle]) x, y, z = get_muscle_position(muscle, data_reader) print_('Positioning muscle: %s at (%s,%s,%s)'%(muscle,x,y,z)) inst.location = Location(x,y,z) #target = "%s/0/%s"%(, # unused plot = {} plot["cell"] = muscle plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (muscle, lems_info["muscle_plots"].append(plot) if params.generic_muscle_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'IafActivityCell': plot = {} plot["cell"] = muscle plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % (muscle, lems_info["muscle_activity_plots"].append(plot) if params.generic_muscle_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'Cell': plot = {} plot["cell"] = muscle plot["colour"] = get_random_colour_hex() plot["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/caConc" % (muscle, lems_info["muscle_activity_plots"].append(plot) save = {} save["cell"] = muscle save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/v" % (muscle, lems_info["muscles_to_save"].append(save) if params.generic_muscle_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'IafActivityCell': save = {} save["cell"] = muscle save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/activity" % (muscle, lems_info["muscles_activity_to_save"].append(save) if params.generic_muscle_cell.__class__.__name__ == 'Cell': save = {} save["cell"] = muscle save["quantity"] = "%s/0/%s/caConc" % (muscle, lems_info["muscles_activity_to_save"].append(save) lems_info["muscles"].append(muscle) muscle_count+=1 if muscle in cells_to_stimulate: target = "../%s/0/%s"%(, if params.is_level_D(): target+="/0" input_list = InputList(id="Input_%s_%s"%(muscle,,, populations='%s' input_list.input.append(Input(id=0, target=target, destination="synapses")) net.input_lists.append(input_list) if verbose: print_("Finished creating %i muscles"%muscle_count) existing_synapses = {} for conn in conns: if conn.pre_cell in lems_info["cells"] and conn.post_cell in lems_info["cells"]: # take information about each connection and package it into a # NeuroML Projection data structure proj_id = get_projection_id(conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.synclass, conn.syntype) conn_shorthand = "%s-%s" % (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell) elect_conn = False analog_conn = False syn0 = params.neuron_to_neuron_exc_syn orig_pol = "exc" if 'GABA' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.neuron_to_neuron_inh_syn orig_pol = "inh" if '_GJ' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.neuron_to_neuron_elec_syn elect_conn = isinstance(params.neuron_to_neuron_elec_syn, GapJunction) conn_shorthand = "%s-%s_GJ" % (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell) if conns_to_include and conn_shorthand not in conns_to_include: continue print conn_shorthand + " " + str(conn.number) + " " + orig_pol + " " + conn.synclass polarity = None if conn_polarity_override and conn_polarity_override.has_key(conn_shorthand): polarity = conn_polarity_override[conn_shorthand] if polarity and not elect_conn: if polarity == 'inh': syn0 = params.neuron_to_neuron_inh_syn else: syn0 = params.neuron_to_neuron_exc_syn if verbose and polarity != orig_pol: print_(">> Changing polarity of connection %s -> %s: was: %s, becomes %s " % \ (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, orig_pol, polarity)) if isinstance(syn0, GradedSynapse) or isinstance(syn0, GradedSynapse2): analog_conn = True if len(nml_doc.silent_synapses)==0: silent = SilentSynapse(id="silent") nml_doc.silent_synapses.append(silent) number_syns = conn.number if conn_number_override is not None and (conn_number_override.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn_number_override[conn_shorthand] elif conn_number_scaling is not None and (conn_number_scaling.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn.number*conn_number_scaling[conn_shorthand] ''' else: print conn_shorthand print conn_number_override print conn_number_scaling''' """if polarity: print "%s %s num:%s" % (conn_shorthand, polarity, number_syns) elif elect_conn: print "%s num:%s" % (conn_shorthand, number_syns) else: print "%s %s num:%s" % (conn_shorthand, orig_pol, number_syns)""" if number_syns != conn.number: if analog_conn or elect_conn: magnitude, unit = bioparameters.split_neuroml_quantity(syn0.conductance) else: magnitude, unit = bioparameters.split_neuroml_quantity(syn0.gbase) cond0 = "%s%s"%(magnitude*conn.number, unit) cond1 = "%s%s" % (get_str_from_expnotation(magnitude * number_syns), unit) gj = "" if not elect_conn else " GapJunction" if verbose: print_(">> Changing number of effective synapses connection %s -> %s%s: was: %s (total cond: %s), becomes %s (total cond: %s)" % \ (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, gj, conn.number, cond0, number_syns, cond1)) #print "######## %s-%s %s %s" % (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.synclass, number_syns) #known_motor_prefixes = ["VA"] #if conn.pre_cell.startswith(tuple(known_motor_prefixes)) or conn.post_cell.startswith(tuple(known_motor_prefixes)): # print "######### %s-%s %s %s" % (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, number_syns, conn.synclass) syn_new = create_n_connection_synapse(syn0, number_syns, nml_doc, existing_synapses) if elect_conn: proj0 = ElectricalProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.electrical_projections.append(proj0) pre_cell_id=get_cell_id_string(conn.pre_cell, params) post_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.post_cell, params) #print_("Conn %s -> %s"%(pre_cell_id,post_cell_id)) # Add a Connection with the closest locations conn0 = ElectricalConnectionInstance(id="0", \ pre_cell=pre_cell_id, post_cell=post_cell_id, proj0.electrical_connection_instances.append(conn0) elif analog_conn: proj0 = ContinuousProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.continuous_projections.append(proj0) pre_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.pre_cell, params) post_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.post_cell, params) conn0 = ContinuousConnectionInstance(id="0", \ pre_cell=pre_cell_id, post_cell=post_cell_id, pre_component="silent", proj0.continuous_connection_instances.append(conn0) else: proj0 = Projection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell, net.projections.append(proj0) pre_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.pre_cell, params) post_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.post_cell, params) conn0 = ConnectionWD(id="0", \ pre_cell_id=pre_cell_id, post_cell_id=post_cell_id, weight = number_syns, delay = '0ms') proj0.connection_wds.append(conn0) if len(muscles_to_include)>0: for conn in muscle_conns: if not conn.post_cell in muscles_to_include: continue if not conn.pre_cell in lems_info["cells"] and not conn.pre_cell in muscles_to_include: continue # take information about each connection and package it into a # NeuroML Projection data structure proj_id = get_projection_id(conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, conn.synclass, conn.syntype) conn_shorthand = "%s-%s" % (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell) elect_conn = False analog_conn = False syn0 = params.neuron_to_muscle_exc_syn orig_pol = "exc" if 'GABA' in conn.synclass: syn0 = params.neuron_to_muscle_inh_syn orig_pol = "inh" if '_GJ' in conn.synclass : elect_conn = isinstance(params.neuron_to_muscle_elec_syn, GapJunction) conn_shorthand = "%s-%s_GJ" % (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell) if conn.pre_cell in lems_info["cells"]: syn0 = params.neuron_to_muscle_elec_syn elif conn.pre_cell in muscles_to_include: try: syn0 = params.muscle_to_muscle_elec_syn except: syn0 = params.neuron_to_muscle_elec_syn if conns_to_include and conn_shorthand not in conns_to_include: continue print conn_shorthand + " " + str(conn.number) + " " + orig_pol + " " + conn.synclass polarity = None if conn_polarity_override and conn_polarity_override.has_key(conn_shorthand): polarity = conn_polarity_override[conn_shorthand] if polarity and not elect_conn: if polarity == 'inh': syn0 = params.neuron_to_neuron_inh_syn else: syn0 = params.neuron_to_neuron_exc_syn if verbose and polarity != orig_pol: print_(">> Changing polarity of connection %s -> %s: was: %s, becomes %s " % \ (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, orig_pol, polarity)) if isinstance(syn0, GradedSynapse) or isinstance(syn0, GradedSynapse2): analog_conn = True if len(nml_doc.silent_synapses)==0: silent = SilentSynapse(id="silent") nml_doc.silent_synapses.append(silent) number_syns = conn.number if conn_number_override is not None and (conn_number_override.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn_number_override[conn_shorthand] elif conn_number_scaling is not None and (conn_number_scaling.has_key(conn_shorthand)): number_syns = conn.number*conn_number_scaling[conn_shorthand] ''' else: print conn_shorthand print conn_number_override print conn_number_scaling''' """if polarity: print "%s %s num:%s" % (conn_shorthand, polarity, number_syns) elif elect_conn: print "%s num:%s" % (conn_shorthand, number_syns) else: print "%s %s num:%s" % (conn_shorthand, orig_pol, number_syns)""" if number_syns != conn.number: if analog_conn or elect_conn: magnitude, unit = bioparameters.split_neuroml_quantity(syn0.conductance) else: magnitude, unit = bioparameters.split_neuroml_quantity(syn0.gbase) cond0 = "%s%s"%(magnitude*conn.number, unit) cond1 = "%s%s" % (get_str_from_expnotation(magnitude * number_syns), unit) gj = "" if not elect_conn else " GapJunction" if verbose: print_(">> Changing number of effective synapses connection %s -> %s%s: was: %s (total cond: %s), becomes %s (total cond: %s)" % \ (conn.pre_cell, conn.post_cell, gj, conn.number, cond0, number_syns, cond1)) syn_new = create_n_connection_synapse(syn0, number_syns, nml_doc, existing_synapses) if elect_conn: proj0 = ElectricalProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.electrical_projections.append(proj0) pre_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.pre_cell, params) post_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.post_cell, params, muscle=True) #print_("Conn %s -> %s"%(pre_cell_id,post_cell_id)) # Add a Connection with the closest locations conn0 = ElectricalConnectionInstance(id="0", \ pre_cell=pre_cell_id, post_cell=post_cell_id, proj0.electrical_connection_instances.append(conn0) elif analog_conn: proj0 = ContinuousProjection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell) net.continuous_projections.append(proj0) pre_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.pre_cell, params) post_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.post_cell, params, muscle=True) conn0 = ContinuousConnectionInstance(id="0", \ pre_cell=pre_cell_id, post_cell=post_cell_id, pre_component="silent", proj0.continuous_connection_instances.append(conn0) else: proj0 = Projection(id=proj_id, \ presynaptic_population=conn.pre_cell, postsynaptic_population=conn.post_cell, net.projections.append(proj0) # Add a Connection with the closest locations pre_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.pre_cell, params) post_cell_id= get_cell_id_string(conn.post_cell, params, muscle=True) conn0 = Connection(id="0", \ pre_cell_id=pre_cell_id, post_cell_id=post_cell_id) proj0.connections.append(conn0) # import pprint # pprint.pprint(lems_info) template_path = root_dir+'/../' if test else root_dir+'/' # if running test write_to_file(nml_doc, lems_info, net_id, template_path, validate=validate, verbose=verbose, target_directory=target_directory) return nml_doc
a="0.03per_ms", b="-2nS", c="-50.0mV", d="100pA") nml_doc.izhikevich2007_cells.append(iz0) syn0 = ExpOneSynapse(id="syn0", gbase="65nS", erev="0mV", tau_decay="3ms") nml_doc.exp_one_synapses.append(syn0) net = Network(id="IzNet") nml_doc.networks.append(net) size0 = 5 pop0 = Population(id="IzPop0",, size=size0) # Set optional color property. Note: used later when generating graphs etc.'color', value='0 0 .8')) net.populations.append(pop0) size1 = 5 pop1 = Population(id="IzPop1",, size=size1)'color', value='.8 0 0')) net.populations.append(pop1) proj = Projection(id='proj',,, net.projections.append(proj) random.seed(123) prob_connection = 0.8
def generatePopulationLEMS(pops, n_pops, amplitudes, baseline, sim_length, delay): def generatePopulationProjection(from_pop, to_pop, n_from_pop, n_to_pop, w_to_from_pop, p_to_from_pop, net): connection_count = 0 projection = ContinuousProjection( id='%s_%s' % (from_pop, to_pop), presynaptic_population='%sPop' % from_pop, postsynaptic_population='%sPop' % to_pop) for idx_from_pop in range(n_from_pop): for idx_to_pop in range(n_to_pop): if random.random() <= p_to_from_pop: pre_comp = from_pop.upper() to_comp = to_pop.upper() connection = ContinuousConnectionInstanceW( id=connection_count, pre_cell='../%sPop/%i/%s' % (from_pop, idx_from_pop, pre_comp), post_cell='../%sPop/%i/%s' % (to_pop, idx_to_pop, to_comp), pre_component='silent1', post_component='rs', weight=w_to_from_pop / (p_to_from_pop * n_from_pop)) projection.continuous_connection_instance_ws.append( connection) connection_count += 1 if connection_count > 0: net.continuous_projections.append(projection) # Connection probabilities for each pop in the population w_to_from_pops = np.array([[2.42, -.33, -0.80, 0], [2.97, -3.45, -2.13, 0], [4.64, 0, 0, -2.79], [0.71, 0, -0.16, 0]]) # p_to_from_pop = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0], # [1, 1, 1, 0], # [1, 0, 0, 1], # [1, 0, 1, 0]]) p_to_from_pop = np.array([[0.02, 1, 1, 0], [0.01, 1, 0.85, 0], [0.01, 0, 0, 0.55], [0.01, 0, 0.5, 0]]) nml_doc = NeuroMLDocument(id='RandomPopulation') # Add silent synapsis silent_syn = SilentSynapse(id='silent1') nml_doc.silent_synapses.append(silent_syn) for pop_idx, pop in enumerate(pops): pulse = PulseGenerator(id='baseline_%s' % pop, delay='0ms', duration=str(sim_length) + 'ms', amplitude=amplitudes[pop_idx]) nml_doc.pulse_generators.append(pulse) if pop == 'vip': # time point when additional current is induced pulse_mod = PulseGenerator(id='modVIP', delay=str(delay) + 'ms', duration=str(sim_length - delay) + 'ms', amplitude='10 pA') nml_doc.pulse_generators.append(pulse_mod) # Create the network and add the 4 different populations net = Network(id='net2') nml_doc.networks.append(net) colours = ['0 0 1', '1 0 0', '.5 0 .5', '0 1 0'] centres = [(0, 0, 0), (-1200, 0, 0), (-800, 800, 0), (0, 1200, 0)] radii = [800, 200, 200, 200] # Populate the network with the 4 populations for pop_idx, pop in enumerate(pops): pop = Population(id='%sPop' % pop, component=(pops[pop_idx]).upper(), size=n_pops[pop_idx], type='populationList') net.populations.append(pop)'color', value=colours[pop_idx]))'radius', value=10)) for n_pop in range(n_pops[pop_idx]): inst = Instance(id=n_pop) pop.instances.append(inst) x, y, z = centres[pop_idx] r = (random.random() * radii[pop_idx]**3)**(1. / 3) theta = random.random() * math.pi phi = random.random() * math.pi * 2 inst.location = Location( x=str(x + r * math.sin(theta) * math.cos(phi)), y=str(y + r * math.sin(theta) * math.sin(phi)), z=str(z + r * math.cos(theta))) for from_idx, from_pop in enumerate(pops): for to_idx, to_pop in enumerate(pops): generatePopulationProjection(pops[from_idx], pops[to_idx], n_pops[from_idx], n_pops[to_idx], w_to_from_pops[to_idx, from_idx], p_to_from_pop[to_idx, from_idx], net) # Add inputs for pop_idx, pop in enumerate(pops): input_list = InputList(id='baseline_%s' % pop, component='baseline_%s' % pops[pop_idx], populations='%sPop' % pop) net.input_lists.append(input_list) if pop == 'vip': input_list_mod = InputList(id='modulation_%s' % pop, component='modVIP', populations='%sPop' % pop) net.input_lists.append(input_list_mod) for n_idx in range(n_pops[pop_idx]): input = Input(id=n_idx, target='../%sPop/%i/%s' % (pop, n_idx, pop.upper()), destination='synapses') input_list.input.append(input) # if vip add modulatory input if pop == 'vip': mod_input = Input(id=n_idx, target='../vipPop/%i/VIP' % n_idx, destination='synapses') input_list_mod.input.append(mod_input) nml_file = 'RandomPopulationRate_%s_baseline.nml' % baseline writers.NeuroMLWriter.write(nml_doc, nml_file) print('Written network file to: %s' % nml_file) # Validate the NeuroML from neuroml.utils import validate_neuroml2 validate_neuroml2(nml_file)
def generate( scale_populations=1, percentage_exc_detailed=0, #exc2_cell = 'SmithEtAl2013/L23_Retuned_477127614', exc2_cell='SmithEtAl2013/L23_NoHotSpot', #exc2_cell = 'BBP/cADpyr229_L23_PC_5ecbf9b163_0_0', #exc2_cell = 'BBP/cNAC187_L23_NBC_9d37c4b1f8_0_0', #exc2_cell = 'Thalamocortical/L23PyrRS', percentage_inh_detailed=0, scalex=1, scaley=1, scalez=1, exc_exc_conn_prob=0.25, exc_inh_conn_prob=0.25, inh_exc_conn_prob=0.75, inh_inh_conn_prob=0.75, ee2_conn_prob=0, ie2_conn_prob=0, Bee=.1, Bei=.1, Bie=-.2, Bii=-.2, Bee2=1, Bie2=-2, Be_bkg=.1, Be_stim=.1, r_bkg=0, r_bkg_ExtExc=0, r_bkg_ExtInh=0, r_bkg_ExtExc2=0, r_stim=0, fraction_inh_pert=0.75, Ttrans=500, # transitent time to discard the data (ms) Tblank=1500, # simulation time before perturbation (ms) Tstim=1500, # simulation time of perturbation (ms) Tpost=500, # simulation time after perturbation (ms) connections=True, connections2=False, exc_target_dendrites=False, inh_target_dendrites=False, duration=1000, dt=0.025, global_delay=.1, max_in_pop_to_plot_and_save=10, format='xml', suffix='', run_in_simulator=None, num_processors=1, target_dir='./temp/', v_clamp=False, simulation_seed=11111): reference = ("ISN_net%s" % (suffix)).replace('.', '_') ks = open('kernelseed', 'w') ks.write('%i' % simulation_seed) ks.close() info = (' Generating ISN network: %s\n' % reference) info += ( ' Duration: %s; dt: %s; scale: %s; simulator: %s (num proc. %s)\n' % (duration, dt, scale_populations, run_in_simulator, num_processors)) info += (' Bee: %s; Bei: %s; Bie: %s; Bii: %s\n' % (Bee, Bei, Bie, Bii)) info += (' Bkg exc at %sHz\n' % (r_bkg_ExtExc)) info += (' Bkg inh at %sHz\n' % (r_bkg_ExtInh)) info += (' Be_stim: %s at %sHz (i.e. %sHz for %s perturbed I cells)\n' % (Be_stim, r_stim, r_bkg_ExtInh + r_stim, fraction_inh_pert)) info += (' Exc detailed: %s%% - Inh detailed %s%%\n' % (percentage_exc_detailed, percentage_inh_detailed)) info += (' Seed: %s' % (simulation_seed)) print('-------------------------------------------------') print(info) print('-------------------------------------------------') num_exc = scale_pop_size(np.round(100 * exc_inh_fraction), scale_populations) num_exc2 = int(math.ceil(num_exc * percentage_exc_detailed / 100.0)) num_exc -= num_exc2 num_inh = scale_pop_size(np.round(100 * (1 - exc_inh_fraction)), scale_populations) num_inh2 = int(math.ceil(num_inh * percentage_inh_detailed / 100.0)) num_inh -= num_inh2 nml_doc, network = oc.generate_network(reference, network_seed=simulation_seed) nml_doc.notes = info network.notes = info #exc_cell_id = 'AllenHH_480351780' #exc_cell_id = 'AllenHH_477127614' #exc_cell_id = 'HH_477127614' exc_cell_id = 'HH2_477127614' exc_type = exc_cell_id.split('_')[0] oc.include_neuroml2_cell_and_channels( nml_doc, 'cells/%s/%s.cell.nml' % (exc_type, exc_cell_id), exc_cell_id) #inh_cell_id = 'AllenHH_485058595' #inh_cell_id = 'AllenHH_476686112' #inh_cell_id = 'AllenHH_477127614' #inh_cell_id = 'HH_476686112' inh_cell_id = 'HH2_476686112' inh_type = exc_cell_id.split('_')[0] oc.include_neuroml2_cell_and_channels( nml_doc, 'cells/%s/%s.cell.nml' % (inh_type, inh_cell_id), inh_cell_id) if percentage_exc_detailed > 0: exc2_cell_id = exc2_cell.split('/')[1] exc2_cell_dir = exc2_cell.split('/')[0] oc.include_neuroml2_cell_and_channels( nml_doc, 'cells/%s/%s.cell.nml' % (exc2_cell_dir, exc2_cell_id), exc2_cell_id) if percentage_inh_detailed > 0: inh2_cell_id = 'cNAC187_L23_NBC_9d37c4b1f8_0_0' oc.include_neuroml2_cell_and_channels( nml_doc, 'cells/BBP/%s.cell.nml' % inh2_cell_id, inh2_cell_id) xDim = 700 * scalex yDim = 100 * scaley yDimExc2 = 50 * scaley zDim = 700 * scalez xs = -1 * xDim / 2 ys = -1 * yDim / 2 zs = -1 * zDim / 2 ##### Synapses synAmpaEE = oc.add_exp_one_syn(nml_doc, id="ampaEE", gbase="%snS" % Bee, erev="0mV", tau_decay="1ms") synAmpaEI = oc.add_exp_one_syn(nml_doc, id="ampaEI", gbase="%snS" % Bei, erev="0mV", tau_decay="1ms") synGabaIE = oc.add_exp_one_syn(nml_doc, id="gabaIE", gbase="%snS" % abs(Bie), erev="-80mV", tau_decay="2ms") synGabaII = oc.add_exp_one_syn(nml_doc, id="gabaII", gbase="%snS" % abs(Bii), erev="-80mV", tau_decay="2ms") synAmpaBkg = oc.add_exp_one_syn(nml_doc, id="ampaBkg", gbase="%snS" % Be_bkg, erev="0mV", tau_decay="1ms") #synAmpaStim = oc.add_exp_one_syn(nml_doc, id="ampaStim", gbase="%snS"%Be_stim, # erev="0mV", tau_decay="1ms") synAmpaEE2 = oc.add_exp_one_syn(nml_doc, id="ampaEE2", gbase="%snS" % Bee2, erev="0mV", tau_decay="10ms") synGabaIE2 = oc.add_exp_one_syn(nml_doc, id="gabaIE2", gbase="%snS" % abs(Bie2), erev="-80mV", tau_decay="10ms") ##### Input types '''tpfsA = oc.add_transient_poisson_firing_synapse(nml_doc, id="tpsfA", average_rate="%s Hz"%r_bkg, delay = '0ms', duration = '%sms'%(Ttrans+Tblank), tpfsB = oc.add_transient_poisson_firing_synapse(nml_doc, id="tpsfB", average_rate="%s Hz"%r_bkg, delay = '%sms'%(Ttrans+Tblank), duration = '%sms'%(Tstim), tpfsC = oc.add_transient_poisson_firing_synapse(nml_doc, id="tpsfC", average_rate="%s Hz"%(r_bkg+r_stim), delay = '%sms'%(Ttrans+Tblank), duration = '%sms'%(Tstim),''' tpfsExtExc = oc.add_transient_poisson_firing_synapse( nml_doc, id="tpfsExtExc", average_rate="%s Hz" % r_bkg_ExtExc, delay='0ms', duration='%sms' % (Ttrans + Tblank + Tstim + Tpost), tpfsExtExc2 = oc.add_transient_poisson_firing_synapse( nml_doc, id="tpfsExtExc2", average_rate="%s Hz" % r_bkg_ExtExc2, delay='0ms', duration='%sms' % (Ttrans + Tblank + Tstim + Tpost), tpfsExtInh = oc.add_transient_poisson_firing_synapse( nml_doc, id="tpfsExtInh", average_rate="%s Hz" % r_bkg_ExtInh, delay='0ms', duration='%sms' % (Ttrans + Tblank + Tstim + Tpost), tpfsPertInh_before = oc.add_transient_poisson_firing_synapse( nml_doc, id="tpfsPertInh_before", average_rate="%s Hz" % r_bkg_ExtInh, delay='0ms', duration='%sms' % (Ttrans + Tblank), tpfsPertInh_during = oc.add_transient_poisson_firing_synapse( nml_doc, id="tpfsPertInh_during", average_rate="%s Hz" % (r_bkg_ExtInh + r_stim), delay='%sms' % (Ttrans + Tblank), duration='%sms' % (Tstim), tpfsPertInh_after = oc.add_transient_poisson_firing_synapse( nml_doc, id="tpfsPertInh_after", average_rate="%s Hz" % r_bkg_ExtInh, delay='%sms' % (Ttrans + Tblank + Tstim), duration='%sms' % (Tpost), ##### Populations popExc = oc.add_population_in_rectangular_region(network, 'popExc', exc_cell_id, num_exc, xs, ys, zs, xDim, yDim, zDim, color=exc_color) from neuroml import Property'type', 'E')) allExc = [popExc] if num_exc2 > 0: popExc2 = oc.add_population_in_rectangular_region(network, 'popExc2', exc2_cell_id, num_exc2, xs, yDim / 2, zs, xDim, yDimExc2, zDim, color=exc2_color)'type', 'E')) allExc.append(popExc2) popInh = oc.add_population_in_rectangular_region(network, 'popInh', inh_cell_id, num_inh, xs, ys, zs, xDim, yDim, zDim, color=inh_color)'type', 'I')) allInh = [popInh] if num_inh2 > 0: popInh2 = oc.add_population_in_rectangular_region(network, 'popInh2', inh2_cell_id, num_inh2, xs, ys, zs, xDim, yDim, zDim, color=inh2_color) allInh.append(popInh2) ##### Projections if connections: weight_expr = 'abs(normal(1,0.5))' for popEpr in allExc: for popEpo in allExc: proj = add_projection(network, "projEE", popEpr, popEpo,, exc_exc_conn_prob, global_delay, exc_target_dendrites, weight_expr) for popIpo in allInh: proj = add_projection(network, "projEI", popEpr, popIpo,, exc_inh_conn_prob, global_delay, exc_target_dendrites, weight_expr) for popIpr in allInh: for popEpo in allExc: proj = add_projection(network, "projIE", popIpr, popEpo,, inh_exc_conn_prob, global_delay, inh_target_dendrites, weight_expr) for popIpo in allInh: proj = add_projection(network, "projII", popIpr, popIpo,, inh_inh_conn_prob, global_delay, inh_target_dendrites, weight_expr) elif connections2: weight_expr = 'abs(normal(1,0.5))' proj = add_projection(network, "projEE", popExc, popExc,, exc_exc_conn_prob, global_delay, exc_target_dendrites, weight_expr) proj = add_projection(network, "projEI", popExc, popInh,, exc_inh_conn_prob, global_delay, exc_target_dendrites, weight_expr) proj = add_projection(network, "projIE", popInh, popExc,, inh_exc_conn_prob, global_delay, inh_target_dendrites, weight_expr) proj = add_projection(network, "projII", popInh, popInh,, inh_inh_conn_prob, global_delay, inh_target_dendrites, weight_expr) proj = add_projection(network, "projEE2", popExc, popExc2,, ee2_conn_prob, global_delay, exc_target_dendrites, weight_expr) proj = add_projection(network, "projIE2", popInh, popExc2,, ie2_conn_prob, global_delay, inh_target_dendrites, weight_expr) ##### Inputs oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_E", popExc,, all_cells=True) if num_exc2 > 0: oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_E2", popExc2,, all_cells=True) num_inh_pert = int(popInh.get_size() * fraction_inh_pert) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_I_nonpert", popInh,, all_cells=False, only_cells=range(num_inh_pert, popInh.get_size())) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_I_pert_before", popInh,, all_cells=False, only_cells=range(0, num_inh_pert)) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_I_pert_during", popInh,, all_cells=False, only_cells=range(0, num_inh_pert)) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_I_pert_after", popInh,, all_cells=False, only_cells=range(0, num_inh_pert)) # injecting noise in the soma of detailed neurons to insert some variability '''oc.add_targeted_inputs_to_population(network, "PG_noise", popExc2, 'noisyCurrentSource1', # from ../../../NoisyCurrentSource.xml segment_group='soma_group', number_per_cell = 1, all_cells=True) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_pre_ExtExc_%s", popExc,, all_cells=True) for pop in allExc: #oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_pre_ExtExc_%s", # pop,, # all_cells=True) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_pre_%s", pop,, all_cells=True) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_E_%s", pop,, all_cells=True) for pop in allInh: num_inh_pert = int(pop.get_size()*fraction_inh_pert) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_pre_ExtInh_%s", pop,, all_cells=True) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_pre_%s", pop,, all_cells=True) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_I_pert_%s", pop,, all_cells=False, only_cells=range(0,num_inh_pert)) oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "Stim_I_nonpert_%s", pop,, all_cells=False, only_cells=range(num_inh_pert,pop.get_size())) ''' save_v = {} plot_v = {} # Work in progress... # General idea: clamp one (or more) exc cell at rev pot of inh syn and see only exc inputs # if v_clamp: levels = {'IPSC': synAmpaEE.erev, 'EPSC': synGabaIE.erev} for l in levels: cell_index = levels.keys().index(l) pop = 'popExc2' plot = 'IClamp_i_%s' % (l) for seg_id in [0, 2953, 1406]: # 2953: end of axon; 1406 on dendrite clamp_id = "vclamp_cell%s_seg%s_%s" % (cell_index, seg_id, l) v_clamped = levels[l] vc = oc.add_voltage_clamp_triple( nml_doc, id=clamp_id, delay='0ms', duration='%sms' % duration, conditioning_voltage=v_clamped, testing_voltage=v_clamped, return_voltage=v_clamped, simple_series_resistance="1e2ohm", active="1") vc_dat_file = 'v_clamps_i_seg%s_%s.%s.dat' % (seg_id, l, simulation_seed) seg_file = '%s_seg%s_%s_v.dat' % (pop, seg_id, l) save_v[vc_dat_file] = [] plot_v[plot] = [] oc.add_inputs_to_population(network, "vclamp_seg%s_%s" % (seg_id, l), network.get_by_id(pop),, all_cells=False, only_cells=[cell_index], segment_ids=[seg_id]) # record at seg q = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/i' % (pop, cell_index, network.get_by_id(pop).component, seg_id, clamp_id) save_v[vc_dat_file].append(q) plot_v[plot].append(q) if seg_id != 0: save_v[seg_file] = [] q = '%s/%s/%s/%s/v' % (pop, cell_index, network.get_by_id(pop).component, seg_id) save_v[seg_file].append(q) ##### Save NeuroML and LEMS Simulation files nml_file_name = '' % (, 'nml.h5' if format == 'hdf5' else 'nml') oc.save_network(nml_doc, nml_file_name, validate=(format == 'xml'), format=format, target_dir=target_dir) print("Saved to: %s" % nml_file_name) if num_exc > 0: exc_traces = '%s_%s_v.dat' % (, save_v[exc_traces] = [] plot_v[] = [] if num_inh > 0: inh_traces = '%s_%s_v.dat' % (, save_v[inh_traces] = [] plot_v[] = [] if num_exc2 > 0: exc2_traces = '%s_%s_v.dat' % (, save_v[exc2_traces] = [] plot_v[] = [] if num_inh2 > 0: inh2_traces = '%s_%s_v.dat' % (, save_v[inh2_traces] = [] plot_v[] = [] for i in range(min(max_in_pop_to_plot_and_save, num_exc)): plot_v[].append("%s/%i/%s/v" % (, i, popExc.component)) save_v[exc_traces].append("%s/%i/%s/v" % (, i, popExc.component)) for i in range(min(max_in_pop_to_plot_and_save, num_exc2)): plot_v[].append("%s/%i/%s/v" % (, i, popExc2.component)) save_v[exc2_traces].append("%s/%i/%s/v" % (, i, popExc2.component)) for i in range(min(max_in_pop_to_plot_and_save, num_inh)): plot_v[].append("%s/%i/%s/v" % (, i, popInh.component)) save_v[inh_traces].append("%s/%i/%s/v" % (, i, popInh.component)) for i in range(min(max_in_pop_to_plot_and_save, num_inh2)): plot_v[].append("%s/%i/%s/v" % (, i, popInh2.component)) save_v[inh2_traces].append("%s/%i/%s/v" % (, i, popInh2.component)) gen_spike_saves_for_all_somas = True lems_file_name, lems_sim = oc.generate_lems_simulation( nml_doc, network, target_dir + nml_file_name, duration=duration, dt=dt, gen_plots_for_all_v=False, gen_plots_for_quantities=plot_v, gen_saves_for_all_v=False, gen_saves_for_quantities=save_v, gen_spike_saves_for_all_somas=gen_spike_saves_for_all_somas, target_dir=target_dir, include_extra_lems_files=['./NoisyCurrentSource.xml'], report_file_name='report.txt', simulation_seed=simulation_seed) if run_in_simulator: print("Running %s for %sms in %s" % (lems_file_name, duration, run_in_simulator)) traces, events = oc.simulate_network(lems_file_name, run_in_simulator, max_memory='4000M', nogui=True, load_saved_data=True, reload_events=True, plot=False, verbose=True, num_processors=num_processors) print("Reloaded traces: %s" % traces.keys()) #print("Reloaded events: %s"%events.keys()) use_events_for_rates = False exc_rate = 0 inh_rate = 0 if use_events_for_rates: if (run_in_simulator == 'jNeuroML_NetPyNE'): raise ( 'Saving of spikes (and so calculation of rates) not yet supported in jNeuroML_NetPyNE' ) for ek in events.keys(): rate = 1000 * len(events[ek]) / float(duration) print("Cell %s has a rate %s Hz" % (ek, rate)) if 'popExc' in ek: exc_rate += rate / num_exc if 'popInh' in ek: inh_rate += rate / num_inh else: tot_exc_rate = 0 exc_cells = 0 tot_inh_rate = 0 inh_cells = 0 tt = [t * 1000 for t in traces['t']] for tk in traces.keys(): if tk != 't': rate = get_rate_from_trace(tt, [v * 1000 for v in traces[tk]]) print("Cell %s has rate %s Hz" % (tk, rate)) if 'popExc' in tk: tot_exc_rate += rate exc_cells += 1 if 'popInh' in tk: tot_inh_rate += rate inh_cells += 1 exc_rate = tot_exc_rate / exc_cells inh_rate = tot_inh_rate / inh_cells print("Run %s: Exc rate: %s Hz; Inh rate %s Hz" % (reference, exc_rate, inh_rate)) return exc_rate, inh_rate, traces return nml_doc, nml_file_name, lems_file_name
def create_olm_cell(): """Create the complete cell. :returns: cell object """ nml_cell_doc = NeuroMLDocument(id="oml_cell") cell = create_cell("olm") nml_cell_file = + ".cell.nml" # Add two soma segments diam = 10.0 soma_0 = add_segment(cell, prox=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, diam], dist=[0.0, 10., 0.0, diam], name="Seg0_soma_0", group="soma_0") soma_1 = add_segment(cell, prox=None, dist=[0.0, 10. + 10., 0.0, diam], name="Seg1_soma_0", parent=soma_0, group="soma_0") # Add axon segments diam = 1.5 axon_0 = add_segment(cell, prox=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, diam], dist=[0.0, -75, 0.0, diam], name="Seg0_axon_0", parent=soma_0, fraction_along=0.0, group="axon_0") axon_1 = add_segment(cell, prox=None, dist=[0.0, -150, 0.0, diam], name="Seg1_axon_0", parent=axon_0, group="axon_0") # Add 2 dendrite segments diam = 3.0 dend_0_0 = add_segment(cell, prox=[0.0, 20, 0.0, diam], dist=[100, 120, 0.0, diam], name="Seg0_dend_0", parent=soma_1, fraction_along=1, group="dend_0") dend_1_0 = add_segment(cell, prox=None, dist=[177, 197, 0.0, diam], name="Seg1_dend_0", parent=dend_0_0, fraction_along=1, group="dend_0") dend_0_1 = add_segment(cell, prox=[0.0, 20, 0.0, diam], dist=[-100, 120, 0.0, diam], name="Seg0_dend_1", parent=soma_1, fraction_along=1, group="dend_1") dend_1_1 = add_segment(cell, prox=None, dist=[-177, 197, 0.0, diam], name="Seg1_dend_1", parent=dend_0_1, fraction_along=1, group="dend_1") # XXX: For segment groups to be correctly mapped to sections in NEURON, # they must include the correct neurolex ID for section_name in ["soma_0", "axon_0", "dend_0", "dend_1"]: section_group = get_seg_group_by_id(section_name, cell) section_group.neuro_lex_id = 'sao864921383' den_seg_group = get_seg_group_by_id("dendrite_group", cell) den_seg_group.includes.append(Include(segment_groups="dend_0")) den_seg_group.includes.append(Include(segment_groups="dend_1"))"color", value="0.8 0 0")) ax_seg_group = get_seg_group_by_id("axon_group", cell) ax_seg_group.includes.append(Include(segment_groups="axon_0"))"color", value="0 0.8 0")) soma_seg_group = get_seg_group_by_id("soma_group", cell) soma_seg_group.includes.append(Include(segment_groups="soma_0"))"color", value="0 0 0.8")) # Other cell properties set_init_memb_potential(cell, "-67mV") set_resistivity(cell, "0.15 kohm_cm") set_specific_capacitance(cell, "1.3 uF_per_cm2") # channels # leak add_channel_density(cell, nml_cell_doc, cd_id="leak_all", cond_density="0.01 mS_per_cm2", ion_channel="leak_chan", ion_chan_def_file="olm-example/", erev="-67mV", ion="non_specific") # HCNolm_soma add_channel_density(cell, nml_cell_doc, cd_id="HCNolm_soma", cond_density="0.5 mS_per_cm2", ion_channel="HCNolm", ion_chan_def_file="olm-example/", erev="-32.9mV", ion="h", group="soma_group") # Kdrfast_soma add_channel_density(cell, nml_cell_doc, cd_id="Kdrfast_soma", cond_density="73.37 mS_per_cm2", ion_channel="Kdrfast", ion_chan_def_file="olm-example/", erev="-77mV", ion="k", group="soma_group") # Kdrfast_dendrite add_channel_density(cell, nml_cell_doc, cd_id="Kdrfast_dendrite", cond_density="105.8 mS_per_cm2", ion_channel="Kdrfast", ion_chan_def_file="olm-example/", erev="-77mV", ion="k", group="dendrite_group") # Kdrfast_axon add_channel_density(cell, nml_cell_doc, cd_id="Kdrfast_axon", cond_density="117.392 mS_per_cm2", ion_channel="Kdrfast", ion_chan_def_file="olm-example/", erev="-77mV", ion="k", group="axon_group") # KvAolm_soma add_channel_density(cell, nml_cell_doc, cd_id="KvAolm_soma", cond_density="4.95 mS_per_cm2", ion_channel="KvAolm", ion_chan_def_file="olm-example/", erev="-77mV", ion="k", group="soma_group") # KvAolm_dendrite add_channel_density(cell, nml_cell_doc, cd_id="KvAolm_dendrite", cond_density="2.8 mS_per_cm2", ion_channel="KvAolm", ion_chan_def_file="olm-example/", erev="-77mV", ion="k", group="dendrite_group") # Nav_soma add_channel_density(cell, nml_cell_doc, cd_id="Nav_soma", cond_density="10.7 mS_per_cm2", ion_channel="Nav", ion_chan_def_file="olm-example/", erev="50mV", ion="na", group="soma_group") # Nav_dendrite add_channel_density(cell, nml_cell_doc, cd_id="Nav_dendrite", cond_density="23.4 mS_per_cm2", ion_channel="Nav", ion_chan_def_file="olm-example/", erev="50mV", ion="na", group="dendrite_group") # Nav_axon add_channel_density(cell, nml_cell_doc, cd_id="Nav_axon", cond_density="17.12 mS_per_cm2", ion_channel="Nav", ion_chan_def_file="olm-example/", erev="50mV", ion="na", group="axon_group") nml_cell_doc.cells.append(cell) pynml.write_neuroml2_file(nml_cell_doc, nml_cell_file, True, True) return nml_cell_file