def test_ste(): m1 = model() # one state ste with two self transitions var = m1["s"](0.5)._ref_v thresh1 = h.ref(-50) thresh2 = h.ref(-10) result = [] ste = h.StateTransitionEvent(1) ste.transition(0, 0, var, thresh1, (act, (1, m1, thresh1, result))) ste.transition(0, 0, var, thresh2, (act, (2, m1, thresh2, result))) fih = h.FInitializeHandler((on_finit, (ste, result))) run(5) print("final v=%g" % m1["s"](0.5).v) chk_result(2, result, m1) h.cvode_active(1) run(20) chk_result(2, result, m1) h.cvode_active(1) h.cvode.condition_order(2) run(5) chk_result(2, result, m1) h.cvode.condition_order(1) h.cvode_active(0) # ste associated with point process del fih, ste ste = h.StateTransitionEvent(2, m1["ic"]) fih = h.FInitializeHandler((on_finit, (ste, result))) run(5) # transition with hoc callback h("""proc foo() { printf("foo called at t=%g\\n", t) }""") thresh3 = h.ref(-30) ste.transition(0, 0, var, thresh3, "foo()") run(5) # transition with hoc callback in hoc object h(""" begintemplate FooSTEtest objref this proc foo() { printf("foo in %s called at t=%g\\n", this, t) } endtemplate FooSTEtest """) thresh4 = h.ref(-20) obj = h.FooSTEtest() ste.transition(0, 0, var, thresh4, "foo()", obj) run(5) del ste, fih assert h.List("StateTransitionEvent").count() == 0 assert h.List("FInitializeHandler").count() == 0
def __init__(self): html = """ <table style="width:100%"> <tr><td><button data-onclick="init()">Init (mV)</button></td><td><input type="number" data-variable="v_init"></input></tr> <tr><td><button data-onclick="run()">Init & run</button></td></tr> <tr><td><button data-onclick="stopbutton()">Stop</button></td></tr> <tr><td><button data-onclick="do_continue_until()">Continue until (ms)</button></td><td><input type="number" data-variable="continue_til"></input></tr> <tr><td><button data-onclick="do_continue_for()">Continue for (ms)</button></td><td><input type="number" data-variable="continue_for"></input></tr> <tr><td><button data-onclick="fadvance()">Single Step</button></td></tr> <tr><td>t (ms)</td><td><input type="number" data-variable="t"></input></tr> <tr><td>tstop (ms)</td><td><input type="number" data-variable="tstop"></input></tr> <tr><td>dt (ms)</td><td><input type="number" data-variable="dt"></input></tr> <tr><td>Real Time (s)</td><td><input type="number" data-variable="realtime" disabled></input></tr> </table> """ self.my_continue_til = h.ref(5) self.my_continue_for = h.ref(1) user_mappings = { 'v_init': h._ref_v_init, 'continue_til': self.my_continue_til, 'continue_for': self.my_continue_for, 't': h._ref_t, 'tstop': h._ref_tstop, 'dt': h._ref_dt, 'run()':, 'init()': h.stdinit, 'fadvance()': h.fadvance, 'realtime': h._ref_realtime, 'stopbutton()': self.stop, 'do_continue_until()': lambda: h.continuerun(self.my_continue_til[0]), 'do_continue_for()': lambda: h.continuerun(h.t + self.my_continue_for[0]) } self._frame = make_browser_html(html, user_mappings=user_mappings, title='Run Control', size=(280, 400))
def all(substring, start=0, end=-1): results = [] mt = h.MechanismType(1) cnt = int(mt.count()) end = cnt if end == -1 or end > cnt else end for i in range(start, end): if mt.is_netcon_target(i) and not mt.is_artificial(i): n = h.ref("") mt.selected(n) mechname = n[0] if substring not in mechname: continue if uses_pointer(mechname): print("\n%d> %s has a POINTER" % (i, mechname)) if 'ProbAMPANMDA_EMS' not in mechname: continue print("\n%d of %d" % (i, cnt)) print(mechname) for h.secondorder in [0, 2]: m, result = one(mechname) if cnt > 30: m.g = None if result: results.append((i, result, m.g)) del m h.secondorder = 0 return results
def det(m): hm = h.Matrix(m.shape[0], m.shape[1]) for i in range(int(hm.nrow())): hm.setcol(i, h.Vector(m[:, i])) e = h.ref(0) d = hm.det(e) return d * 10.0**e[0]
def __init__ (self, type, li) : self.izhtype = type vbox, hbox, hbox1 = h.VBox(), h.HBox(), h.HBox() self.vbox = vbox lil = len(li) self.cols, self.rows = {20:(4,5), 8:(4,2), 9:(3,3)}[lil] self.label=h.ref('================================================================================') vbox.intercept(1) h.xpanel("") h.xvarlabel(self.label) if newmodel(self.izhtype): h.xlabel("V' = (k*(V-vr)*(V-vt) - u + Iin)/C if (V>vpeak) V=c [reset]") h.xlabel("u' = a*(b*(V-vr) - u) if (V>vpeak) u=u+d") else: h.xlabel("v' = 0.04*v*v + f*v + g - u + Iin; if (v>thresh) v=c [reset]") h.xlabel("u' = a*(b*v - u); if (v>thresh) u=u+d") h.xpanel() hbox1.intercept(1) h.xpanel(""); h.xbutton("RUN",; h.xpanel() self.xvalue('I0','I0') self.xvalue('I1','I1') self.xvalue('T1','T1') hbox1.intercept(0);"") hbox.intercept(1) for ii,(k,v) in enumerate(li.iteritems()): if ii%self.rows==0: h.xpanel("") h.xbutton(k, (lambda f, arg1, arg2: lambda: f(arg1,arg2))(p, k, v)) # alternative is to use functools.partial if ii%self.rows==self.rows-1: h.xpanel() hbox.intercept(0);"") vbox.intercept(0);"Spike patterns") self.label[0]=""
def mechVarList (): msname = h.ref('') varList = {} for i, mechtype in enumerate(['mechs','pointps']): mt = h.MechanismType(i) # either distributed mechs (0) or point process (1) varList[mechtype] = {} for j in xrange(int(mt.count())): mt.selected(msname) ms = h.MechanismStandard(msname[0], 1) # PARAMETER (modifiable) varList[mechtype][msname[0]] = [] propName = h.ref('') for var in xrange(int(ms.count())): k =, var) varList[mechtype][msname[0]].append(propName[0]) return varList
def paramPanel(self): = h.VBox() h.xpanel('') h.xlabel('Likelihood numerical parameters') h.xlabel(' Measurement noise') c = self.Eve.Obs.C for o in c: h.xvalue('sigma: ' + o.hpt.s(), (o, 'sigma'), 1) h.xlabel(' Process noise') h.xvalue('Injection interval', (self, 'inj_invl'), 1, self.inj_invl_changed) s = h.Vector() cvodewrap.states(s) sref = h.ref('') for i in range(len(s)): cvodewrap.statename(i, sref, 1) h.xvalue('Diffusion Coeff[%d,%d]: ' % (i, i) + sref[0], (self.processNoise[i], 'x'), 1, (self.fillPB, i)) h.xcheckbox('Fox & Lu Diffusion (for Hodgkin-Huxley)?', (self, 'hhB'), self.hhBButton) h.xvalue(' Fox & Lu: Number Na Channels', (self, 'nNa'), 1, self.hhBButton) h.xvalue(' Fox & Lu: Number K Channels', (self, 'nK'), 1, self.hhBButton) h.xlabel(' Initial Uncertainty') for i in range(len(s)): print i cvodewrap.statename(i, sref, 1) h.xvalue('Initial Stand Dev[%d]: ' % i + sref[0], (self.Sdiag[i], 'x'), 1, (self.fillS, i)) h.xbutton('Show state funnels', self.show_state_funnels) h.xpanel()'Likelihood parameters')
def sparse_print(m): j = h.ref(0) for i in range(int(m.nrow())): print(i, end=' ') for jx in range(int(m.sprowlen(i))): x = m.spgetrowval(i, jx, j) print(" %d:%g" % (j[0], x)) print()
def pname(msname): s = h.ref('') for i in xrange(-1, 4): ms = h.MechanismStandard(msname, i) print '\n', msname, ' vartype=%d' % i # vartype = 1 -> PARAMETER for j in xrange(int(ms.count())): k =, j) print '%-5d %-20s size=%d' % (j, s[0], k)
def get_mech_globals(mechname, var=-1): ms = h.MechanismStandard(mechname, var) name = h.ref('') mech_globals = {} for j in range(ms.count()):, j) mech_globals[name[0]] = getattr(h, name[0]) return mech_globals
def pname(msname): s = h.ref('') for i in range(-1, 4): ms = h.MechanismStandard(msname, i) print('\n', msname, ' vartype=%d' % i) # vartype = 1 -> PARAMETER for j in range(int(ms.count())): k =, j) print('%-5d %-20s size=%d' % (j, s[0], k))
def cellran(gid, nclist): r = h.Random() r.Random123(gid) r.uniform(1.0, 1.1) cell = pc.gid2cell(gid) for sec in cell.all: sec.L *= r.repick() for seg in sec: seg.diam *= r.repick() *= r.repick() #print 'diam ', seg.diam, 'cm ', #mechanism variables for mech in seg: ms = h.MechanismStandard(, 1) for i in range(int(ms.count())): varname = h.ref("") sz =, i) n = varname[0] x = seg.__getattribute__(n) setattr(seg, n, x * r.repick()) #print n, seg.__getattribute__(n) #point process parameters for p in seg.point_processes(): n = p.hname() n = n[:n.index('[')] if n == 'HalfGap': continue ms = h.MechanismStandard(n, 1) for i in range(int(ms.count())): varname = h.ref(""), i) x = p.__getattribute__(varname[0]) setattr(p, varname[0], x * r.repick()) #print varname[0], p.__getattribute__(varname[0]) #netcons targeting the cell for nc in nclist: if nc.postcell() == cell: nc.weight[0] *= r.repick() nc.delay *= r.repick() pc.threshold(gid, pc.threshold(gid) + r.uniform(-9, 0))
def ptype(): msname = h.ref('') propList = {} for i, mechtype in enumerate(['mechs','pointps']): mt = h.MechanismType(i) # either distributed mechs (0) or point process (1) propList[mechtype] = {} for j in xrange(int(mt.count())): mt.selected(msname) print '\n\n', msname[0], ' mechanismtype=%d' % j pname(msname[0]) ms = h.MechanismStandard(msname[0], 1) # PARAMETER (modifiable) propList[mechtype][msname[0]] = [] propName = h.ref('') for prop in xrange(int(ms.count())): k =, prop) propList[mechtype][msname[0]].append(propName[0]) print propList
def get_mech_names(): _mech_names = [] mt = h.MechanismType(0) mname = h.ref("") for i in range(int(mt.count())): mt.selected(mname) _mech_names.append(mname[0]) return _mech_names
def get_mech_globals(mechname): ms = h.MechanismStandard(mechname, -1) name = h.ref('') mech_globals = [] integer2 = int(ms.count()) for j in range(integer2):, j) mech_globals.append(name[0]) return mech_globals
def get_mech_names(): _mech_names = [] mt = h.MechanismType(0) mname = h.ref('') for i in range(int(mt.count())): mt.selected(mname) _mech_names.append(mname[0]) return _mech_names
def uses_pointer(mechname): # do not get involved with POINTER ms = h.MechanismStandard(mechname, 0) for i in range(int(ms.count())): n = h.ref(""), i) if ms.get(n[0]) == -1e+300: return True return False
def ptype(): msname = h.ref('') propList = {} for i, mechtype in enumerate(['mechs', 'pointps']): mt = h.MechanismType( i) # either distributed mechs (0) or point process (1) propList[mechtype] = {} for j in range(int(mt.count())): mt.selected(msname) print('\n\n', msname[0], ' mechanismtype=%d' % j) pname(msname[0]) ms = h.MechanismStandard(msname[0], 1) # PARAMETER (modifiable) propList[mechtype][msname[0]] = [] propName = h.ref('') for prop in range(int(ms.count())): k =, prop) propList[mechtype][msname[0]].append(propName[0]) print(propList)
def barname(mech='it'): '''return the name of a gbar (max conductance) for a given mechanism name''' l = [] pname, ms = h.ref(''), h.MechanismStandard(mech, 1) for i in range(int(ms.count())):, i) l.append(pname[0]) ll = [x for x in l if 'bar' in x] if len(ll) != 1: raise Exception("Can't identify proper parameter for %s: %s" % (mech, ll)) return ll[0]
def get_rangevars(mech_name): ms = h.MechanismStandard(mech_name) suffix = '_' + mech_name lensuffix = len(suffix) mname = h.ref('') result = [] for i in range(int(ms.count())):, i) my_mname = mname[0] if my_mname.endswith(suffix): my_mname = my_mname[:-lensuffix] result.append({'type': 'NEURONMECH', 'mech': mech_name, 'var': my_mname, 'name': mech_name + '.' + my_mname}) return result
def _is_loaded_mechanisms(): # copied from: # mt = h.MechanismType(0) mname = h.ref('') mnames = list() for i in range(mt.count()): mt.selected(mname) mnames.append(mname[0]) if 'hh2' not in mnames: return False else: return True
def secinfo(): result = "\n" for sec in h.allsec(): r = [h.ref(0) for _ in range(3)] pseg = sec.parentseg() px = ("parent %s(%g)"%(,pseg.x)) if pseg is not None else "" style = "" if sec.pt3dstyle(): h.pt3dstyle(1, r[0], r[1], r[2], sec=sec) style = [i[0] for i in r] result += "%s L=%g %s %s\n" % (str(sec), sec.L, str(style), px) for i in range(sec.n3d()): result += " %d %g %g %g %g\n" % (i, sec.x3d(i), sec.y3d(i), sec.z3d(i), sec.diam3d(i)) return result
def mechVarList(): """ Function for/to <short description of `netpyne.conversion.neuronPyHoc.mechVarList`> """ msname = h.ref('') varList = {} for i, mechtype in enumerate(['mechs', 'pointps']): mt = h.MechanismType( i) # either distributed mechs (0) or point process (1) varList[mechtype] = {} for j in range(int(mt.count())): mt.selected(msname) ms = h.MechanismStandard(msname[0], 1) # PARAMETER (modifiable) varList[mechtype][msname[0]] = [] propName = h.ref('') for var in range(int(ms.count())): k =, var) varList[mechtype][msname[0]].append(propName[0]) return varList
def bld(x, y): global g, tt, ttstr, grp, sgrp, pras tt = 0.0 ttstr = h.ref('tt=0.000000000') v = h.VBox() v.intercept(1) g = h.Graph() g.size(0, x, 0, y) h.xpanel("", 1) h.xvarlabel(ttstr) h.xvalue("group", (this_module, "grp"), 1, ttcallback) h.xslider((this_module, "sgrp"), 0, 100, ttscallback) h.xpanel() v.intercept(0)"wave front", 100, 100, 700, 500) return v
def find_template(env, template_name, path=['templates'], template_file=None, root=0): """ Finds and loads a template located in a directory within the given path list. :param env: :class:'Env' :param template_name: str; name of hoc template :param path: list of str; directories to look for hoc template :param template_file: str; file_name containing definition of hoc template :param root: int; MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank """ pc = env.pc rank = int( found = False foundv = h.Vector(1) template_path = '' if template_file is None: template_file = '%s.hoc' % template_name if pc is not None: pc.barrier() if (pc is None) or (int( == root): for template_dir in path: if template_file is None: template_path = '%s/%s.hoc' % (template_dir, template_name) else: template_path = '%s/%s' % (template_dir, template_file) found = os.path.isfile(template_path) if found and (rank == root):'Loaded %s from %s' % (template_name, template_path)) break foundv.x[0] = 1 if found else 0 if pc is not None: pc.barrier() pc.broadcast(foundv, root) if foundv.x[0] > 0.0: s = h.ref(template_path) if pc is not None: pc.broadcast(s, root) h.load_file(s) else: raise Exception( 'find_template: template %s not found: file %s; path is %s' % (template_name, template_file, str(path)))
def get_rangevars(mech_name): ms = h.MechanismStandard(mech_name) suffix = "_" + mech_name lensuffix = len(suffix) mname = h.ref("") result = [] for i in range(int(ms.count())):, i) my_mname = mname[0] if my_mname.endswith(suffix): my_mname = my_mname[:-lensuffix] result.append({ "type": "NEURONMECH", "mech": mech_name, "var": my_mname, "name": mech_name + "." + my_mname, }) return result
def is_loaded_mechanisms(): # copied from: # mt = h.MechanismType(0) mname = h.ref('') mnames = list() for i in range(mt.count()): mt.selected(mname) mnames.append(mname[0]) # note this check only works for the original hnn model # need to generalize for any model if 'hh2' not in mnames: return False else: return True
def constraintsPanel(self): = h.HBox() s = h.Vector() cvodewrap.states(s) nstates = len(s) sref = h.ref('') h.xpanel("") h.xlabel('0<=') for i in range(nstates): h.xcheckbox('', (self.geq0[i], 'x'), self.constraintsButton) h.xpanel() h.xpanel("") h.xlabel('>=1') for i in range(nstates): cvodewrap.statename(i, sref, 1) h.xcheckbox(sref[0], (self.leq1[i], 'x'), self.constraintsButton) h.xpanel() for j in range(self.nsums): h.xpanel("") h.xlabel("S%d" % j) for i in range(nstates): h.xcheckbox('', (self.sumto1[j][i], 'x'), self.constraintsButton) h.xpanel() h.xpanel("") h.xbutton("Add Sum-to-1", self.constraintsButton) h.xbutton("Remove Empty", self.constraintsButton) h.xbutton("Close", self.constraintsButton) h.xlabel('QP Solver:') h.xstatebutton('cvxopt', (self, 'cvxopt_sel'), self.constraintsButton) h.xstatebutton('custom', (self, 'custom_sel'), self.constraintsButton) h.xpanel()"Constraints")
from neuron import h h.load_file('stdrun.hoc') soma = h.Section(name='soma') seg = soma(0.5) soma.insert('hh') ic = h.IClamp(seg) ic.amp = 40 # since by default a very large section ic.delay = 1 ic.dur = 1 is_checked_ref = h.ref(0) class Ref(): def __init__(self, checked): self.checked = checked is_checked = Ref(0) def onpress(): print("checkbox changed! as if") if isinstance(is_checked, Ref): print("value: ", is_checked.checked) else: print("value: ", is_checked[0]) return
#now only in HocTopLevelInterpreter names = ['ref', 'cas', 'allsec', 'Section', 'setpointer'] from neuron import h o = h d = dir(o) for i in names: assert(i in d) print((eval("o.%s" % i).__doc__)) o = h.IClamp() d = dir(o) for i in names: assert(i not in d) assert('get_segment' in d) print((o.get_segment.__doc__)) print("success") s = [h.Section(name='s'+str(i)) for i in range(5)] print(s) for sec in h.allsec(): print((h.cas())) r = h.ref("hello") print((r[0] == 'hello'))
from neuron import h # Print the names of all density mechanisms mt = h.MechanismType(0) mname = h.ref('') integer = int(mt.count()) print(type(integer)) for i in range(integer): mt.selected(mname) print(mname[0]) def get_mech_globals(mechname): ms = h.MechanismStandard(mechname, -1) name = h.ref('') mech_globals = [] integer2 = int(ms.count()) for j in range(integer2):, j) mech_globals.append(name[0]) return mech_globals print(get_mech_globals('ca_ion'))
def psection(sec): from neuron import h, _has_rxd try: if _has_rxd['crxd']: from neuron import crxd as rxd from neuron.crxd import region, species from neuron.crxd import rxd as rxd_module else: from neuron import rxd from neuron.rxd import region, species from neuron.rxd import rxd as rxd_module have_rxd = True except: have_rxd = False results = {} mname = h.ref('') # point processes pps = {} mt = h.MechanismType(1) for i in range(int(mt.count())): mypps = set() pp = mt.pp_begin(sec=sec) while pp is not None: mypps.add(pp) pp = mt.pp_next() if mypps: mt.selected(mname) pps[mname[0]] = mypps results['point_processes'] = pps center_seg_dir = dir(sec(0.5)) mechs_present = [] # membrane mechanisms mt = h.MechanismType(0) for i in range(int(mt.count())): mt.selected(mname) name = mname[0] if name in center_seg_dir: mechs_present.append(name) results['density_mechs'] = {} results['ions'] = {} for mech in mechs_present: my_results = {} ms = h.MechanismStandard(mech, 0) for j in range(int(ms.count())): n = int(, j)) name = mname[0] pvals = [] # TODO: technically this is assuming everything that ends with _ion # is an ion. Check this. if mech.endswith('_ion'): pvals = [getattr(seg, name) for seg in sec] else: mechname = name#+ '_' + mech for seg in sec: if n > 1: pvals.append([getattr(seg, mechname)[i] for i in range(n)]) else: pvals.append(getattr(seg, mechname)) my_results[name[:-(len(mech) + 1)] if name.endswith('_' + mech) else name] = pvals # TODO: should be a better way of testing if an ion if mech.endswith('_ion'): results['ions'][mech[:-4]] = my_results else: results['density_mechs'][mech] = my_results morphology = {'L': sec.L, 'diam': [seg.diam for seg in sec], 'pts3d': [(sec.x3d(i), sec.y3d(i), sec.z3d(i), sec.diam3d(i)) for i in range(sec.n3d())], 'parent': sec.parentseg(), 'trueparent': sec.trueparentseg()} results['morphology'] = morphology results['nseg'] = sec.nseg results['Ra'] = sec.Ra results['cm'] = [ for seg in sec] if have_rxd: regions = {r() for r in region._all_regions if r() is not None and sec in r().secs} results['regions'] = regions my_species = [] for sp in species._all_species: sp = sp() if sp is not None: sp_regions = sp._regions if not hasattr(sp_regions, '__len__'): sp_regions = [sp_regions] if any(r in sp_regions for r in regions): my_species.append(sp) results['species'] = set(my_species) results['name'] = sec.hname() results['hoc_internal_name'] = sec.hoc_internal_name() results['cell'] = sec.cell() #all_active_reactions = [r() for r in rxd_module._all_reactions if r() is not None] return results
def psection(sec): from neuron import h, _has_rxd try: if _has_rxd['crxd']: from neuron import crxd as rxd from neuron.crxd import region, species from neuron.crxd import rxd as rxd_module else: from neuron import rxd from neuron.rxd import region, species from neuron.rxd import rxd as rxd_module have_rxd = True except: have_rxd = False results = {} mname = h.ref('') # point processes pps = {} mt = h.MechanismType(1) for i in range(int(mt.count())): mypps = set() pp = mt.pp_begin(sec=sec) while pp is not None: mypps.add(pp) pp = mt.pp_next() if mypps: mt.selected(mname) pps[mname[0]] = mypps results['point_processes'] = pps center_seg_dir = dir(sec(0.5)) mechs_present = [] # membrane mechanisms mt = h.MechanismType(0) for i in range(int(mt.count())): mt.selected(mname) name = mname[0] if name in center_seg_dir: mechs_present.append(name) results['density_mechs'] = {} results['ions'] = {} for mech in mechs_present: my_results = {} ms = h.MechanismStandard(mech, 0) for j in range(int(ms.count())): n = int(, j)) name = mname[0] pvals = [] # TODO: technically this is assuming everything that ends with _ion # is an ion. Check this. if mech.endswith('_ion'): pvals = [getattr(seg, name) for seg in sec] else: mechname = name #+ '_' + mech for seg in sec: if n > 1: pvals.append( [getattr(seg, mechname)[i] for i in range(n)]) else: pvals.append(getattr(seg, mechname)) my_results[name[:-(len(mech) + 1)] if name.endswith('_' + mech) else name] = pvals # TODO: should be a better way of testing if an ion if mech.endswith('_ion'): results['ions'][mech[:-4]] = my_results else: results['density_mechs'][mech] = my_results morphology = { 'L': sec.L, 'diam': [seg.diam for seg in sec], 'pts3d': [(sec.x3d(i), sec.y3d(i), sec.z3d(i), sec.diam3d(i)) for i in range(sec.n3d())], 'parent': sec.parentseg(), 'trueparent': sec.trueparentseg() } results['morphology'] = morphology results['nseg'] = sec.nseg results['Ra'] = sec.Ra results['cm'] = [ for seg in sec] if have_rxd: regions = { r() for r in region._all_regions if r() is not None and sec in r().secs } results['regions'] = regions my_species = [] for sp in species._all_species: sp = sp() if sp is not None: sp_regions = sp._regions if not hasattr(sp_regions, '__len__'): sp_regions = [sp_regions] if any(r in sp_regions for r in regions): my_species.append(sp) results['species'] = set(my_species) results['name'] = sec.hname() results['hoc_internal_name'] = sec.hoc_internal_name() results['cell'] = sec.cell() #all_active_reactions = [r() for r in rxd_module._all_reactions if r() is not None] return results
from neuron import h for j in range(2): mt = h.MechanismType(j) name = h.ref("") for i in range(mt.count()): mt.selected(name) a = mt.code().split(sep='\n') print(("%s : %s" % (name[0], a[0])))
def all_mechanism_types(): """Return a dictionary of all available mechanism types. Each dictionary key is the name of a mechanism and each value is another dictionary containing information about the mechanism:: mechanism_types = { 'mech_name1': { 'point_process': bool, 'artificial_cell': bool, 'netcon_target': bool, 'has_netevent': bool, 'internal_type': int, 'globals': {name:size, ...}, 'parameters': {name:size, ...}, 'assigned': {name:size, ...}, 'state': {name:size, ...}, }, 'mech_name2': {...}, 'mech_name3': {...}, ... } * point_process: False for distributed mechanisms, True for point processes and artificial cells. * artificial_cell: True for artificial cells, False otherwise * netcon_target: True if the mechanism can receive NetCon events * has_netevent: True if the mechanism can emit NetCon events * internal_type: Integer specifying the NEURON internal type index of the mechanism * globals: dict of the name and vector size of the mechanism's global variables * parameters: dict of the name and vector size of the mechanism's parameter variables * assigned: dict of the name and vector size of the mechanism's assigned variables * state: dict of the name and vector size of the mechanism's state variables For more information on global, parameter, assigned, and state variables see: """ if Mechanism._mech_types is None: Mechanism._mech_types = collections.OrderedDict() mname = h.ref('') # Iterate over two mechanism types (distributed, point/artificial) for i in [0, 1]: mt = h.MechanismType(i) nmech = int(mt.count()) # Iterate over all mechanisms of this type for j in range(nmech): mt.selected(mname) # General mechanism properties name = mname[0] # convert hoc string ptr to python str desc = { 'point_process': bool(i), 'netcon_target': bool(mt.is_netcon_target(j)), 'has_netevent': bool(mt.has_net_event(j)), 'artificial_cell': bool(mt.is_artificial(j)), 'internal_type': int(mt.internal_type()), } # Collect information about 4 different types of variables for k,ptype in [(-1, 'globals'), (1, 'parameters'), (2, 'assigned'), (3, 'state')]: desc[ptype] = {} # collections.OrderedDict() ms = h.MechanismStandard(name, k) for l in range(int(ms.count())): psize =, l) pname = mname[0] # parameter name desc[ptype][pname] = int(psize) # Assemble everything in one place Mechanism._mech_types[name] = desc return Mechanism._mech_types