def test_load_huang(self): from neurondm import Config # FIXME placeholder for loading and roundtripping # neurons with other neurons as asserted equivalent # or disjoint classes config = Config('huang-2017') config.load_existing()
def test_0_write_py_after_load_none(self): from neurondm import Config, Neuron, Phenotype #config = Config('test-write', ttl_export_dir=tel, py_export_dir=pyel) #Neuron(Phenotype('TEMP:hello')) #config.write() config2 = Config('test-write-after-same', ttl_export_dir=tel, py_export_dir=pyel) Neuron(Phenotype('TEMP:after-other')) config2.write_python()
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(cls, 'existing'): e_config = Config('cut-development') e_config.load_existing() # FIXME clear use case for the remaining bound to whatever query produced it rather # than the other way around ... how to support this use case ... cls.existing = {n.origLabel.toPython():n for n in e_config.existing_pes} cls.existing.update({n.id_:n for n in e_config.existing_pes}) cls.query = oq.OntQuery(oq.plugin.get('rdflib')(e_config.core_graph), instrumented=OntTerm) cls.sgv = Vocabulary() return super().__new__(cls)
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(cls, 'existing'): e_config = Config('common-usage-types') e_config.load_existing() # FIXME clear use case for the remaining bound to whatever query produced it rather # than the other way around ... how to support this use case ... cls.existing = {str(n.origLabel): n for n in e_config.neurons()} cls.query = oq.OntQuery(oq.plugin.get('rdflib')( e_config.core_graph), instrumented=OntTerm) cls.sgv = Vocabulary() return super().__new__(cls)
def test_2_write_py_after_load_other(self): from neurondm.lang import Config, Neuron, Phenotype config = Config('huang-2017') config.load_existing() config2 = Config('test-write-after-other', ttl_export_dir=tel, py_export_dir=pyel) Neuron(Phenotype('TEMP:after-other')) config2.write_python()
def main(): a = APIN() config = Config('bolser-lewis', source_file=relative_path(__file__)) bags = list(a.bags) for label, bag in bags: BolserLewisNeuron(*bag, label=label, override=True) Neuron.write() Neuron.write_python() return config,
def neurons(self, expect_pes): # TODO import existing ids to register by label self.config = Config('cut-roundtrip') self.skip = 'alignment label', self.errors = [] self.failed = {} = [] self.release = [] headers, *rows = self.values self.tomqc_check_ind = headers.index('tomqc') for i, neuron_row in enumerate(rows): yield from self.convert_row(i, neuron_row, headers, expect_pes)
def main(): #from neurondm.models.cuts import main as cuts_main #cuts_config, *_ = cuts_main() from IPython import embed from neurondm.compiled.common_usage_types import config as cuts_config cuts_neurons = cuts_config.neurons() expect_pes = {n.id_:len(n.pes) for n in cuts_neurons} sheet = CutsV1() config, errors, new, release = sheet_to_neurons(sheet.values, sheet.notes_index, expect_pes) #sheet.show_notes() config.write_python() config.write() #config = Config( #config.load_existing() # FIXME this is a hack to get get a load_graph from neurondm import Config, NeuronCUT release_config = Config('cut-release') [NeuronCUT(*n, id_=n.id_, label=n.origLabel, override=True).adopt_meta(n) for n in release] release_config.write_python() release_config.write() from neurondm.models.cuts import export_for_review review_rows = export_for_review(config, [], [], [], filename='cut-rt-test.csv', with_curies=True) from pyontutils.utils import byCol valuesC = byCol(sheet.values[1:], header=[v.replace(' ', '_') for v in sheet.values[0]], to_index=['label']) reviewC = byCol(review_rows[1:], header=[v.replace(' ', '_') for v in review_rows[0]], to_index=['label']) def grow(r): log.debug(r) # TODO implement on the object to allow joining on an index? # man this would be easier with sql >_< probably pandas too # but so many dependencies ... also diffing issues etc return valuesC.searchIndex('label', r.label) def key(field_value): field, value = field_value try: return valuesC.header._fields.index(field) # TODO warn on field mismatch except ValueError as e: print('ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!', field, value) return None def replace(r, *cols): """ replace and reorder """ # FIXME _super_ inefficient vrow = grow(r) for field, value in sorted(zip(r._fields, r), key=key): if field in cols: value = getattr(vrow, field) yield '' if value is None else value # completely overwrite the sheet rows = [list(replace(r, 'Status', 'definition', 'synonyms', 'PMID')) for r in reviewC] #resp = update_sheet_values('neurons-cut', 'Roundtrip', rows) embed()
def main(): #cv1 = CutsV1Lite() CutsV1.fetch_grid = False cv1 = CutsV1() hrm = [cv1.row_object(i) for i, r in enumerate(cv1.values) if cv1.row_object(i).exhasmolecularphenotype().value] to_sco = set(t for h in hrm for t in h.entailed_molecular_phenotypes()) ros = [cv1.row_object(i + 1) for i, r in enumerate(cv1.values[1:])] to_fix = [r for r in ros if list(r.entailed_molecular_phenotypes())] #maybe_fixed = [t.neuron_cleaned() for t in to_fix] #assert maybe_fixed != [f.neuron_existing() for f in to_fix] config = Config('common-usage-types') _final = [r.neuron_cleaned() for r in ros if r.include()] final = [f for f in _final if f is not None] # FIXME there are 16 neurons marked as yes that are missing #fixed = [f for f in final if [_ for _ in f.pes if isinstance(_, EntailedPhenotype)]] [f._sigh() for f in final] config.write() config.write_python() if __name__ == '__main__': breakpoint()
def main(): a = APIN() config = Config('bolser-lewis', source_file=relative_path(__file__, no_wd_value=__file__)) bags = list(a.bags) for id, label, bag in bags: BolserLewisNeuron(*bag, label=label, id_=id, override=True) config.write() labels = ( rdfs.label, #ilxtr.genLabel, ilxtr.localLabel, ilxtr.simpleLabel, #ilxtr.simpleLocalLabel, skos.prefLabel ) to_remove = [t for t in config._written_graph if t[1] in labels] [config._written_graph.remove(t) for t in to_remove] config._written_graph.write() config.write_python() return config,
def test_rewrite_source_module(self): from neurondm import Config config = Config('test-madness', py_export_dir=madpath.parent) config.load_python() # this is required #breakpoint() config.write_python() # BOOM HEADSHOT
def main(): #from neurondm.models.cuts import main as cuts_main #cuts_config, *_ = cuts_main() from neurondm.compiled.common_usage_types import config as cuts_config cuts_neurons = cuts_config.neurons() expect_pes = {n.id_:n.pes for n in cuts_neurons} sheet = CutsV1() _neurons = list(sheet.neurons(expect_pes)) config = sheet.config errors = sheet.errors new = release = sheet.release #sheet.show_notes() config.write_python() config.write() #config = Config( #config.load_existing() # FIXME this is a hack to get get a load_graph # FIXME we need this because _bagExisting doesn't deal with unionOf right now def trything(f): @wraps(f) def inner(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except: pass return inner from neurondm import Config, NeuronCUT failed_config = Config('cut-failed') [trything(NeuronCUT)(*pes, id_=id_) for id_, pes in sheet.failed.items()] failed_config.write_python() failed_config.write() release_config = Config('cut-release') [NeuronCUT(*n, id_=n.id_, label=n.origLabel, override=True).adopt_meta(n) for n in release] release_config.write_python() release_config.write() from neurondm.models.cuts import export_for_review review_rows = export_for_review(config, [], [], [], filename='cut-rt-test.csv', with_curies=True) from pyontutils.utils import byCol valuesC = byCol(sheet.values[1:], header=[v.replace(' ', '_') for v in sheet.values[0]], to_index=['label']) reviewC = byCol(review_rows[1:], header=[v.replace(' ', '_') for v in review_rows[0]], to_index=['label']) def grow(r): log.debug(r) # TODO implement on the object to allow joining on an index? # man this would be easier with sql >_< probably pandas too # but so many dependencies ... also diffing issues etc if r.label is not None: return valuesC.searchIndex('label', r.label) def key(field_value): field, value = field_value try: return 0, valuesC.header._fields.index(field) # TODO warn on field mismatch except ValueError as e: log.error(f'{field} {value}') return 1, 0 def replace(r, *cols): """ replace and reorder """ # FIXME _super_ inefficient vrow = grow(r) log.debug('\n'.join(r._fields)) log.debug('\n'.join(str(_) for _ in r)) for field, value in sorted(zip(r._fields, r), key=key): if field in cols: value = getattr(vrow, field) yield '' if value is None else value # completely overwrite the sheet breakpoint() rows = [list(replace(r, 'Status', 'definition', 'synonyms', 'PMID')) for r in reviewC] #resp = update_sheet_values('neurons-cut', 'Roundtrip', rows) if __name__ == '__main__': breakpoint()
def sheet_to_neurons(values, notes_index, expect_pes): # TODO import existing ids to register by label sgv = Vocabulary() e_config = Config('common-usage-types') e_config.load_existing() query = oq.OntQuery(oq.plugin.get('rdflib')(e_config.core_graph), instrumented=OntTerm) # FIXME clear use case for the remaining bound to whatever query produced it rather # than the other way around ... how to support this use case ... existing = {str(n.origLabel):n for n in e_config.neurons()} def convert_header(header): if header.startswith('has'): # FIXME use a closed namespace return ilxtr[header] else: return None def convert_other(header): if header == 'label': return rdfs.label elif header == 'curie': return rdf.type elif header == 'definition': return definition else: header = header.replace(' ', '_') return TEMP[header] # FIXME def mapCell(cell, syns=False): search_prefixes = ('UBERON', 'CHEBI', 'PR', 'NCBITaxon', 'NCBIGene', 'ilxtr', 'NIFEXT', 'SAO', 'NLXMOL', 'BIRNLEX',) if ':' in cell and ' ' not in cell: log.debug(cell) if 'http' in cell: if cell.startswith('http'): t = OntTerm(iri=cell) else: return None, None # garbage with http inline else: t = OntTerm(cell, exclude_prefix=('FMA',)) # FIXME need better error message in ontquery return t.u, t.label result = [r for r in sgv.findByTerm(cell, searchSynonyms=syns, prefix=search_prefixes) if not r['deprecated']] #printD(cell, result) if not result: log.debug(f'{cell}') maybe = list(query(label=cell, exclude_prefix=('FMA',))) if maybe: qr = maybe[0] return qr.OntTerm.u, qr.label elif not syns: return mapCell(cell, syns=True) else: return None, None elif len(result) > 1: #printD('WARNING', result) result = select_by_curie_rank(result) else: result = result[0] return rdflib.URIRef(result['iri']), result['labels'][0] def lower_check(label, cell): return label not in cell and label.lower() not in cell.lower() # have to handle comma sep case lnlu = {v:k for k, v in LogicalPhenotype.local_names.items()} def convert_cell(cell_or_comma_sep): #printD('CONVERTING', cell_or_comma_sep) for cell_w_junk in cell_or_comma_sep.split(','): # XXX WARNING need a way to alter people to this cell = cell_w_junk.strip() if cell.startswith('(OR') or cell.startswith('(AND'): start, *middle, end = cell.split('" "') OPoperator, first = start.split(' "') operator = OPoperator[1:] operator = lnlu[operator] last, CP = end.rsplit('"') iris, labels = [], [] for term in (first, *middle, last): iri, label = mapCell(term) if label is None: label = cell_or_comma_sep iris.append(iri) labels.append(label) yield (operator, *iris), tuple(labels) else: iri, label = mapCell(cell) if label is None: yield iri, cell_or_comma_sep # FIXME need a way to handle this that doesn't break things? else: yield iri, label config = Config('cut-roundtrip') skip = 'alignment label', headers, *rows = values errors = [] new = [] release = [] for i, neuron_row in enumerate(rows): id = None label_neuron = None definition_neuron = None synonyms_neuron = None current_neuron = None phenotypes = [] do_release = False predicate_notes = {} object_notes = {} other_notes = {} wat = {} for j, (header, cell) in enumerate(zip(headers, neuron_row)): notes = list(process_note(get_note(i + 1, j, notes_index))) # + 1 since headers is removed if notes and not header.startswith('has'): _predicate = convert_other(header) if cell: _object = rdflib.Literal(cell) # FIXME curies etc. else: _object = rdf.nil other_notes[_predicate, _object] = notes if header == 'curie': id = OntId(cell).u if cell else None continue elif header == 'label': label_neuron = cell if cell in existing: current_neuron = existing[cell] elif cell: # TODO new.append(cell) else: raise ValueError(cell) # wat continue elif header == 'Status': # TODO if cell == 'Yes': do_release = True elif cell == 'Maybe': pass elif cell == 'Not yet': pass elif cell == 'Delete': pass else: pass continue elif header == 'PMID': # TODO continue elif header == 'Other reference': # TODO continue elif header == 'Other label': # TODO continue elif header == 'definition': continue # FIXME single space differences between the spreadsheet and the source if cell: definition_neuron = rdflib.Literal(cell) continue elif header == 'synonyms': if cell: synonyms_neuron = [rdflib.Literal(s.strip()) # FIXME bare comma is extremely dangerous for s in cell.split(',')] continue elif header in skip: continue objects = [] if cell: predicate = convert_header(header) if predicate is None: log.debug(f'{(header, cell, notes)}') for object, label in convert_cell(cell): if isinstance(label, tuple): # LogicalPhenotype case _err = [] for l in label: if lower_check(l, cell): _err.append((cell, label)) if _err: errors.extend(_err) else: objects.append(object) elif lower_check(label, cell): errors.append((cell, label)) elif str(id) == object: errors.append((header, cell, object, label)) object = None else: objects.append(object) if notes: # FIXME this is a hack to only attach to the last value # since we can't distinguish at the moment wat[predicate, object] = notes if object is not None: # object aka iri can be none if we don't find anything object_notes[object] = notes else: predicate_notes[predicate] = notes # FIXME it might also be simpler in some cases # to have this be object_notes[object] = notes # because we are much less likely to have the same # phenotype appear attached to the different dimensions # FIXME comma sep is weak here because the # reference is technically ambiguous # might be an argument for the denormalized form ... # or perhaps having another sheet for cases like that else: continue if predicate and objects: for object in objects: # FIXME has layer location phenotype if isinstance(object, tuple): op, *rest = object pes = (Phenotype(r, predicate) for r in rest) # FIXME nonhomogenous phenotypes phenotypes.append(LogicalPhenotype(op, *pes)) elif object: phenotypes.append(Phenotype(object, predicate)) else: errors.append((object, predicate, cell)) elif objects: errors.append((header, objects)) else: errors.append((header, cell)) # translate header -> predicate # translate cell value to ontology id if current_neuron and phenotypes: # TODO merge current with changes # or maybe we just replace since all the phenotypes should be there? log.debug(phenotypes) if id is not None: log.debug(f'{(id, bool(id))}') elif label_neuron: id = make_cut_id(label_neuron) if id not in expect_pes: log.error(f'{id!r} not in cuts!?') continue if expect_pes[id] != len(phenotypes): log.error(f'{id!r} failed roundtrip {len(phenotypes)} != {expect_pes[id]}') continue neuron = NeuronCUT(*phenotypes, id_=id, label=label_neuron, override=bool(id) or bool(label_neuron)) neuron.adopt_meta(current_neuron) # FIXME occasionally this will error?! else: continue # FIXME this polutes everything ??? fn = fixname(label_neuron) if not phenotypes and i: # i skips header errors.append((i, neuron_row)) # TODO special review for phenos but not current phenotypes = Phenotype('TEMP:phenotype/' + fn), neuron = NeuronCUT(*phenotypes, id_=make_cut_id(label_neuron), label=label_neuron, override=True) # update the meta if there were any changes if definition_neuron is not None: neuron.definition = definition_neuron if synonyms_neuron is not None: neuron.synonyms = synonyms_neuron try: neuron.batchAnnotateByObject(object_notes) neuron.batchAnnotate(other_notes) except AttributeError as e: #embed() log.exception(e) #'something very strage has happened\n', e) pass # FIXME FIXME FIXME #neuron.batchAnnotateByPredicate(predicate_notes) # TODO # FIXME doesn't quite work in this context, but there are other # cases where annotations to the general modality are still desireable # FIXME there may be no predicate? if the object fails to match? if do_release: release.append(neuron) return config, errors, new, release