Beispiel #1
def java_potential_term(mesh, instructions):
    java_potential_term(mesh, instructions) yields a Java object that implements the potential field
      described in the given list of instructions. Generally, this should not be invoked directly
      and should only be called by mesh_register. Note: this expects a single term's description,
      not a series of descriptions.
    faces = to_java_ints(mesh.indexed_faces)
    edges = to_java_ints(mesh.indexed_edges)
    coords = to_java_doubles(mesh.coordinates)
    return _parse_field_arguments([instructions], faces, edges, coords)
Beispiel #2
 def cortex_to_angle(self, x, y):
     iterX = hasattr(x, '__iter__')
     iterY = hasattr(y, '__iter__')
     if iterX and iterY:
         if len(x) != len(y):
             raise RuntimeError('Arguments x and y must be the same length!')
         return self._java_object.cortexToAngle(to_java_doubles(x), to_java_doubles(y))
     elif iterX:
         return self._java_object.cortexToAngle(to_java_doubles(x),
                                                to_java_doubles([y for i in x]))
     elif iterY:
         return self._java_object.cortexToAngle(to_java_doubles([x for i in y]),
         return self._java_object.cortexToAngle(x, y)
Beispiel #3
 def angle_to_cortex(self, theta, rho):
     iterTheta = hasattr(theta, '__iter__')
     iterRho = hasattr(rho, '__iter__')
     if iterTheta and iterRho:
         if len(theta) != len(rho):
             raise RuntimeError('Arguments theta and rho must be the same length!')
         return self._java_object.angleToCortex(to_java_doubles(theta), to_java_doubles(rho))
     elif iterTheta:
         return self._java_object.angleToCortex(to_java_doubles(theta),
                                                to_java_doubles([rho for t in theta]))
     elif iterRho:
         return self._java_object.angleToCortex(to_java_doubles([theta for r in rho]),
         return self._java_object.angleToCortex(theta, rho)
Beispiel #4
 def cortex_to_angle(self, x, y):
     iterX = hasattr(x, '__iter__')
     iterY = hasattr(y, '__iter__')
     jarr = None
     if iterX and iterY:
         if len(x) != len(y):
             raise RuntimeError(
                 'Arguments x and y must be the same length!')
         jarr = self._java_object.cortexToAngle(to_java_doubles(x),
     elif iterX:
         jarr = self._java_object.cortexToAngle(
             to_java_doubles(x), to_java_doubles([y for i in x]))
     elif iterY:
         jarr = self._java_object.cortexToAngle(
             to_java_doubles([x for i in y]), to_java_doubles(y))
         return self._java_object.cortexToAngle(x, y)
     return np.asarray([[c for c in r] for r in jarr])
Beispiel #5
 def angle_to_cortex(self, theta, rho):
     iterTheta = hasattr(theta, '__iter__')
     iterRho = hasattr(rho, '__iter__')
     jarr = None
     if iterTheta and iterRho:
         if len(theta) != len(rho):
             raise RuntimeError(
                 'Arguments theta and rho must be the same length!')
         jarr = self._java_object.angleToCortex(to_java_doubles(theta),
     elif iterTheta:
         jarr = self._java_object.angleToCortex(
             to_java_doubles(theta), to_java_doubles([rho for t in theta]))
     elif iterRho:
         jarr = self._java_object.angleToCortex(
             to_java_doubles([theta for r in rho]), to_java_doubles(rho))
         return self._java_object.angleToCortex(theta, rho)
     return np.asarray([[c for c in r] for r in jarr])
Beispiel #6
def mesh_register(mesh,
    mesh_register(mesh, field) yields the mesh that results from registering the given mesh by
    minimizing the given potential field description over the position of the vertices in the
    mesh. The mesh argument must be a CorticalMesh (see neuropythy.cortex) such as can be read
    from FreeSurfer using the neuropythy.freesurfer.Subject class. The field argument must be
    a list of field names and arguments; with the exception of 'mesh' (or 'standard'), the 
    arguments must be a list, the first element of which is the field type name, the second
    element of which is the field shape name, and the final element of which is a dictionary of
    arguments accepted by the field shape.

    The following are valid field type names:
      * 'mesh' : the standard mesh potential, which includes an edge potential, an angle
        potential, and a perimeter potential. Accepts no arguments, and must be passed as a
        single string instead of a list.
      * 'edge': an edge potential field in which the potential is a function of the change in the
        edge length, summed over each edge in the mesh.
      * 'angle': an angle potential field in which the potential is a function of the change in
        the angle measure, summed over all angles in the mesh.
      * 'perimeter': a potential that depends on the vertices on the perimeter of a 2D mesh
        remaining in place; the potential changes as a function of the distance of each perimeter
        vertex from its reference position.
      * 'anchor': a potential that depends on the distance of a set of vertices from fixed points
        in space. After the shape name second argument, an anchor must be followed by a list of
        vertex ids then a list of fixed points to which the vertex ids are anchored:
        ['anchor', shape_name, vertex_ids, fixed_points, args...].

    The following are valid shape names:
      * 'harmonic': a harmonic function with the form (c/q) * abs(x - x0)^q.
          * 'scale', the scale parameter c; default: 1.
          * 'order', the order parameter q; default: 2.
      * 'Lennard-Jones': a Lennard-Jones function with the form c (1 + (r0/r)^q - 2(r0/r)^(q/2));
          * 'scale': the scale parameter c; default: 1. 
          * 'order': the order parameter q; default: 2.
      * 'Gaussian': A Gaussian function with the form c (1 - exp(-0.5 abs((x - x0)/s)^q))
          * 'scale': the scale parameter c; default: 1.
          * 'order': the order parameter q; default: 2.
          * 'sigma': the standard deviation parameter s; default: 1.
      * 'infinite-well': an infinite well function with the form 
        c ( (((x0 - m)/(x - m))^q - 1)^2 + (((M - x0)/(M - x))^q - 1)^2 )
          * 'scale': the scale parameter c; default: 1.
          * 'order': the order parameter q; default: 0.5.
          * 'min': the minimum value m; default: 0.
          * 'max': the maximum value M; default: pi.

    Options: The following optional arguments are accepted.
      * max_steps (default: 2000) the maximum number of steps to minimize for.
      * max_step_size (default: 0.1) the maximum distance to allow a vertex to move in a single
        minimization step.
      * max_pe_change: the maximum fraction of the initial potential value that the minimizer
        should minimize away before returning; i.e., 0 indicates that no minimization should be
        allowed while 0.9 would indicate that the minimizer should minimize until the potential
        is 10% or less of the initial potential.
      * return_report (default: False) indicates that instead of returning the registered data,
        mesh_register should instead return the Java Minimizer.Report object (for debugging).
      * method (default: 'random') specifies the search algorithm used; available options are 
        'random', 'nimble', and 'pure'. Generally all options will converge on a similar solution,
        but usually 'random' is fastest. The 'pure' option uses the nben library's step function,
        which performs straight-forward gradient descent. The 'nimble' option performs a gradient
        descent in which subsets of vertices in the mesh that have the highest gradients during the
        registration are updated more often than those vertices with small gradients; this can
        sometimes but not always increase the speed of the minimization. Note that instead of
        'nimble', one may alternately provide ('nimble', k) where k is the number of partitions that
        the vertices should be sorted into (by partition). 'nimble' by itself is equivalent to 
        ('nimble', 4). Note also that a single step of nimble minimization is equivalent to 2**k
        steps of 'pure' minimization. Finally, the 'random' option uses the nben library's
        randomStep function, which is a gradient descent algorithm that moves each vertex in the
        direction of its negative gradient during each step but which randomizes the length of the
        gradient at each individual vertex by drawing from an exponential distribution centered at
        the vertex's actual gradient length. In effect, this can prevent vertices with very large
        gradients from dominating the minimization and often results in the best results.

      registered_mesh = mesh_register(
         [['edge', 'harmonic', 'scale', 0.5], # slightly weak edge potential
          ['angle', 'infinite-well'], # default arguments for an infinite-well angle potential
          ['anchor', 'Gaussian', [1, 10, 50], [[0.0, 0.0], [1.1, 1.1], [2.2, 2.2]]]],
    # Sanity checking:
    # First, make sure that the arguments are all okay:
    if not isinstance(mesh, CorticalMesh):
        raise RuntimeError(
            'mesh argument must be an instance of neuropythy.cortex.CorticalMesh'
    if not isinstance(max_steps, (int, long)) or max_steps < 0:
        raise RuntimeError('max_steps argument must be a positive integer')
    if not isinstance(max_steps, (float, int, long)) or max_step_size <= 0:
        raise RuntimeError('max_step_size must be a positive number')
    if not isinstance(
        (float, int, long)) or max_pe_change <= 0 or max_pe_change > 1:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'max_pe_change must be a number x such that 0 < x <= 1')
    if isinstance(method, basestring):
        method = method.lower()
        if method == 'nimble': k = 4
        else: k = 0
        k = method[1]
        method = method[0].lower()
    # If steps is 0, we can skip most of this...
    if max_steps == 0:
        if return_report: return None
        else: return mesh.coordinates
    # Otherwise, we run at least some minimization
    max_pe_change = float(max_pe_change)
    max_steps = int(max_steps)
    max_step_size = float(max_step_size)
    # Parse the field argument.
    faces = to_java_ints(mesh.indexed_faces)
    edges = to_java_ints(mesh.indexed_edges)
    coords = to_java_doubles(mesh.coordinates)
    potential = _parse_field_arguments(field, faces, edges, coords)
    # Okay, that's basically all we need to do the minimization...
    minimizer = java_link().jvm.nben.mesh.registration.Minimizer(
        potential, coords)
    if method == 'pure':
        rep = minimizer.step(max_pe_change, max_steps, max_step_size)
    elif method == 'random':
        # if k is -1, we do the inverse version where we draw from the 1/mean distribution
        rep = minimizer.randomStep(max_pe_change, max_steps, max_step_size,
                                   k == -1)
    elif method == 'nimble':
        rep = minimizer.nimbleStep(max_pe_change, max_steps, max_step_size,
        raise ValueError('Unrecognized method: %s' % method)
    # Return the report if requested
    if return_report:
        return rep
        result = minimizer.getX()
        return np.asarray([[x for x in row] for row in result])
Beispiel #7
def mesh_register(mesh, field, max_steps=2000, max_step_size=0.05, max_pe_change=1, k=4):
    mesh_register(mesh, field) yields the mesh that results from registering the given mesh by
    minimizing the given potential field description over the position of the vertices in the
    mesh. The mesh argument must be a CorticalMesh (see neuropythy.cortex) such as can be read
    from FreeSurfer using the neuropythy.freesurfer.Subject class. The field argument must be
    a list of field names and arguments; with the exception of 'mesh' (or 'standard'), the 
    arguments must be a list, the first element of which is the field type name, the second
    element of which is the field shape name, and the final element of which is a dictionary of
    arguments accepted by the field shape.

    The following are valid field type names:
      * 'mesh' : the standard mesh potential, which includes an edge potential, an angle
        potential, and a perimeter potential. Accepts no arguments, and must be passed as a
        single string instead of a list.
      * 'edge': an edge potential field in which the potential is a function of the change in the
        edge length, summed over each edge in the mesh.
      * 'angle': an angle potential field in which the potential is a function of the change in
        the angle measure, summed over all angles in the mesh.
      * 'perimeter': a potential that depends on the vertices on the perimeter of a 2D mesh
        remaining in place; the potential changes as a function of the distance of each perimeter
        vertex from its reference position.
      * 'anchor': a potential that depends on the distance of a set of vertices from fixed points
        in space. After the shape name second argument, an anchor must be followed by a list of
        vertex ids then a list of fixed points to which the vertex ids are anchored:
        ['anchor', shape_name, vertex_ids, fixed_points, args...].

    The following are valid shape names:
      * 'harmonic': a harmonic function with the form (c/q) * abs(x - x0)^q.
          * 'scale', the scale parameter c; default: 1.
          * 'order', the order parameter q; default: 2.
      * 'Lennard-Jones': a Lennard-Jones function with the form c (1 + (r0/r)^q - 2(r0/r)^(q/2));
          * 'scale': the scale parameter c; default: 1. 
          * 'order': the order parameter q; default: 2.
      * 'Gaussian': A Gaussian function with the form c (1 - exp(-0.5 abs((x - x0)/s)^q))
          * 'scale': the scale parameter c; default: 1.
          * 'order': the order parameter q; default: 2.
          * 'sigma': the standard deviation parameter s; default: 1.
      * 'infinite-well': an infinite well function with the form 
        c ( (((x0 - m)/(x - m))^q - 1)^2 + (((M - x0)/(M - x))^q - 1)^2 )
          * 'scale': the scale parameter c; default: 1.
          * 'order': the order parameter q; default: 0.5.
          * 'min': the minimum value m; default: 0.
          * 'max': the maximum value M; default: pi.

    Options: The following optional arguments are accepted.
      * max_steps (default: 25000) the maximum number of steps to minimize for.
      * max_step_size (default: 0.1) the maximum distance to allow a vertex to move in a single
        minimization step.
      * max_pe_change: the maximum fraction of the initial potential value that the minimizer
        should minimize away before returning; i.e., 0 indicates that no minimization should be
        allowed while 0.9 would indicate that the minimizer should minimize until the potential
        is 10% or less of the initial potential.
      * k (default: 4) the number of groups into which the gradient should be partitioned each step;
        this argument, if greater than 1, specifies that the minimizer should use the nimbleStep
        rather than the step function for performing gradient descent; the number of partitions is
        k in this case.

      registered_mesh = mesh_register(
         [['edge', 'harmonic', 'scale', 0.5], # slightly weak edge potential
          ['angle', 'infinite-well'], # default arguments for an infinite-well angle potential
          ['anchor', 'Gaussian', [1, 10, 50], [[0.0, 0.0], [1.1, 1.1], [2.2, 2.2]]]],
    # Sanity checking:
    # First, make sure that the arguments are all okay:
    if not isinstance(mesh, CorticalMesh):
        raise RuntimeError("mesh argument must be an instance of neuropythy.cortex.CorticalMesh")
    if not isinstance(max_steps, (int, long)) or max_steps < 1:
        raise RuntimeError("max_steps argument must be a positive integer")
    if not isinstance(max_steps, (float, int, long)) or max_step_size <= 0:
        raise RuntimeError("max_step_size must be a positive number")
    if not isinstance(max_pe_change, (float, int, long)) or max_pe_change <= 0 or max_pe_change > 1:
        raise RuntimeError("max_pe_change must be a number x such that 0 < x <= 1")
    if not isinstance(k, (int, long)) or k < 1:
        raise RuntimeError("k must be a positive integer")
    # Parse the field argument.
    faces = to_java_ints([mesh.index[frow] for frow in mesh.faces])
    coords = to_java_doubles(mesh.coordinates)
    potential = _parse_field_arguments(field, faces, coords)
    # Okay, that's basically all we need to do the minimization...
    minimizer = java_link().jvm.nben.mesh.registration.Minimizer(potential, coords)
    if k == 1:
        minimizer.step(float(max_pe_change), int(max_steps), float(max_step_size))
        minimizer.nimbleStep(float(max_pe_change), int(max_steps), float(max_step_size), int(k))
    result = minimizer.getX()
    return np.asarray([[x for x in row] for row in result])