def _generate_DROI_tables_call(tup): import os, neuropythy as ny # set our niceness! os.nice(10) flnm = os.path.join(tup[3], '%s.csv' % (tup[0], )) if os.path.isfile(flnm): return flnm f = VisualPerformanceFieldsDataset._generate_subject_DROI_table subjects =['visual_performance_fields'].subjects tbl = f(subjects, tup[0], angles=tup[1], eccens=tup[2], min_variance_explained=tup[4], method=tup[5]), tbl) return flnm
if not os.path.isabs(maskfile): maskfile = os.path.join(tdir, maskfile) if not os.path.isfile(stimfile): warn('Could not find mask file (%s) in test dir %s!' % (maskfile, tdir)) else: mask = ny.load(maskfile, to='image') # Okay, now convert into something more standard: params['frame_rate'] = frate params['pixels_per_degree'] = d2p params['TR_length'] = trlen stim = np.asarray(stim.dataobj) params['stimulus'] = np.reshape(stim, [stim.shape[0], stim.shape[1], -1]) params['data'] = np.asarray(data.dataobj) if mask is None: params['mask'] = np.ones(params['data'].shape[:-1], dtype='bool') else: params['mask'] = np.asarray(mask.dataobj) # Okay, now we can call the solver: note(' Solving...') try: results = solver(params) # Now, write out each of the results for (k, v) in six.iteritems(results): flnm = os.path.join(tdir, 'out_' + k + '.nii.gz'), v, 'nifti') except Exception: warn('Exception raised while solving test dir: %s' % (tdir, )) raise sys.exit(0)
n = nl + nr pial = np.vstack([lpial.coordinates.T, rpial.coordinates.T]) try: sh = space.cKDTree(pial) except Exception: sh = space.KDTree(pial) (d, ii) = sh.query(coords) lpts = (ii < nl) rpts = ~lpts (lpts, rpts) = [np.where(pts)[0] for pts in (lpts, rpts)] fsa = ny.freesurfer_subject('fsaverage') res = np.full(coords.shape, np.nan) for (h, pts) in zip(['lh', 'rh'], [lpts, rpts]): if len(pts) == 0: continue idcs = ii[pts] if h == 'rh': idcs = idcs - nl fshem = fsa.hemis[h] sbhem = sub.hemis[h] fsmsh = fshem.registrations['fsaverage'] addrs = fsmsh.address(sbhem.registrations['fsaverage'].coordinates[:, idcs].T) res[pts, :] = fshem.pial_surface.unaddress(addrs).T df = ny.to_dataframe({k: v for (k, v) in zip(['x', 'y', 'z'], res.T)})[3], df) note('Success!') sys.exit(0)
def main(args): # Parse the arguments... parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('sub', metavar='subject', nargs=1, help=('The FreeSurfer subject ID or directory.')) parser.add_argument('outdir', metavar='directory', type=str, nargs=1, help='The directory containing the output nifti files.') parser.add_argument('-x', '--no-surf', required=False, default=True, dest='surface', action='store_false', help=('If provided, instructs the script not to produce files of the ' 'pRF parameters resampled onto the cortical surface.')) parser.add_argument('-m', '--method', required=False, default='linear', dest='method', help=('The method to use for volume-to-surface interpolation; this may' ' be nearest or linear; the default is linear.')) parser.add_argument('-l', '--layer', required=False, default='midgray', dest='layer', help=('Specifies the cortical layer to user in interpolation from volume' ' to surface. By default, uses midgray. May be set to a value' ' between 0 (white) and 1 (pial) to specify an intermediate surface' ' or may be simply white, pial, or midgray.')) parser.add_argument('-d', '--subjects-dir', required=False, default=None, dest='sdir', help=('Specifies the subjects directory to use; by default uses the' ' environment variable SUBJECTS_DIR.')) parser.add_argument('-y', '--no-invert-y', required=False, default=True, dest='invert_y', action='store_false', help=('If provided, does not invert the y-coordinate exported from' ' VistaSoft; by default this inversion is performed.')) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', required=False, default=False, action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='Print verbose output') if args[0].startswith('python'): args = args[2:] else: args = args[1:] args = parser.parse_args(args) # Check some of the arguments... sub = ny.freesurfer_subject(args.sub[0]) dosurf = args.surface outdir = args.outdir[0] if not os.path.isdir(outdir): raise RuntimeError('Directory %s does not exist' % outdir) else: os.chdir(outdir) if args.verbose: def note(*args): six.print_(*args, flush=True) return True else: def note(*args): return False try: args.layer = float(args.layer) except: pass # figure out what datasets are here... dsets = [fl[:-13] for fl in os.listdir('.') if fl.endswith('-xcrds.nii.gz')] # loop over the given EPIs for ds in dsets: note('Processing Dataset %s...' % ds) # import the files... note(' - Importing parameters...') (x,y,s,v) = [ny.load('%s-%s.nii.gz' % (ds, suff), to='image') for suff in ['xcrds','ycrds','sigma','vexpl']] # fix polar angle/eccen note(' - Creating polar angle/eccentricity images...') ang = np.arctan2(-y.get_data() if args.invert_y else y.get_data(), x.get_data()) ang = np.mod((90.0 - 180.0/np.pi * ang) + 180, 360) - 180 a = nib.Nifti1Image(ang, x.affine, x.header) e = nib.Nifti1Image(np.sqrt(y.get_data()**2 + x.get_data()**2), x.affine, x.header) a.to_filename('%s-angle.nii.gz' % ds) e.to_filename('%s-eccen.nii.gz' % ds) # surfaces... if not dosurf: continue note(' - Projecting to surface...') to_output = {'xcrds':x, 'ycrds':y, 'sigma': s, 'vexpl': v} xy = ([0,0],[0,0]) for (dname,im) in six.iteritems(to_output): (ldat, rdat) = sub.image_to_cortex(im, args.layer, method=args.method, dtype=np.float32, weights=v) if dname == 'xcrds': xy[0][0] = ldat xy[1][0] = rdat elif dname == 'ycrds': xy[0][1] = ldat xy[1][1] = rdat # we need to fix the dimensions... for (d,h) in zip([ldat,rdat], ['lh','rh']):'%s.%s-%s.mgz' % (h, ds, dname), d) # Special handling for the angle and eccen (avoids need for circular averaging) xy = (np.asarray(xy[0]), np.asarray(xy[1])) (lecc,recc) = [np.sqrt(np.sum(u**2, axis=0)) for u in xy] (lang,rang) = [np.arctan2(-u[1] if args.invert_y else u[1], u[0]) for u in (xy[0] * ny.util.zinv(lecc), xy[1] * ny.util.zinv(recc))] (lang,rang) = [np.mod((90 - 180/np.pi * aa) + 180, 360) - 180 for aa in (lang,rang)] # export these... for (h,nm,dat) in [('lh','eccen',lecc), ('lh','angle',lang), ('rh','eccen',recc), ('rh','angle',rang)]:'%s.%s-%s.mgz' % (h, ds, nm), dat) # That's it! return 0
(anat,sid,h,meta) = msg.split(':')[0].split(' path ')[-1].split('/') sid = int(sid) tag = 'mesh' elif 'Incomplete set of lines for' in msg: (anat, sid, h) = msg.split(' lines for ')[-1].split(' / ') sid = int(sid) tag = 'anatomist' else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized warning in file %s: %s' % (flnm,ln)) if anat != 'mean': errs.append((anat,sid,h)) dat = errnotes[sid] if anat not in dat[h]: dat[h][anat] = [] lst = dat[h][anat] entry = {'tag': tag, 'message': msg} if meta is not None: entry['metadata'] = meta lst.append(entry) if bh: h = ('lh' if h == 'rh' else 'rh') if anat not in dat[h]: dat[h][anat] = [] lst = dat[h][anat] lst.append(entry) errs = list(map(list, sorted(set(errs)))) # save the json exclusions file, 'exclusions.json'), errs, 'JSON') # and the json errors file errnotes = {str(k):v for (k,v) in six.iteritems(errnotes)}, 'errors.json'), errnotes, 'JSON') sys.exit(0)