Beispiel #1
def _fix_legacy(parameter: Data) -> None:
    """Ugly hack for keeping the legacy behaviors with considers bounds always after the exponent
    and can still sample "before" the exponent (log-uniform).
    from . import _datalayers

    legacy = [
        x for x in _datalayers.Operation.filter_from(parameter) if x._LEGACY
    if len(legacy) < 2:
    if len(legacy) > 2:
        raise errors.NevergradRuntimeError(
            "More than 2 legacy layers, this should not happen, open an issue")
    # warnings.warn(
    #     "Settings bounds and exponent through the Array/Scalar API will change behavior "
    #     " (this is an early warning, more on this asap)",
    #     errors.NevergradBehaviorChangesWarning,
    # )  # TODO activate when ready
    value = parameter.value
    layers_inds = tuple(leg._layer_index for leg in legacy)
    if abs(layers_inds[0] - layers_inds[1]) > 1:
        raise errors.NevergradRuntimeError(
            "Non-legacy layers between 2 legacy layers")
    parameter._layers = [
        x for x in parameter._layers if x._layer_index not in layers_inds
    # fix parameter layers
    for k, sub in enumerate(parameter._layers):
        sub._layer_index = k
        sub._layers = parameter._layers
    parameter.value = value
    bound_ind = int(isinstance(legacy[0], _datalayers.Exponent))
    bound: _datalayers.BoundLayer = legacy[bound_ind]  # type: ignore
    exp: _datalayers.Exponent = legacy[(bound_ind + 1) % 2]  # type: ignore
    bound.bounds = tuple(None if b is None else exp.backward(b)
                         for b in bound.bounds)  # type: ignore
    if isinstance(bound, _datalayers.Bound):
        bound = _datalayers.Bound(
    for l in (bound, exp):
        l._layer_index = 0
        l._layers = [l]
Beispiel #2
 def copy(self: P) -> P:
     """Creates a full copy of the parameter (with new unique uid).
     Use spawn_child instead to make sure to add the parenthood information.
     child = super().copy()
     child.uid = uuid.uuid4().hex
     child._frozen = False
     child._subobjects =
     child._meta = {}
     child.parents_uids = list(self.parents_uids)
     child.heritage = dict(self.heritage)
     child.loss = None
     child._losses = None
     child._constraint_checkers = list(self._constraint_checkers)
     # layers
     if self is not self._layers[0]:
         raise errors.NevergradRuntimeError(
             "Something has gone horribly wrong with the layers")
     # subparameters
     attribute = self._subobjects.attribute
     container = getattr(child, attribute)
     if attribute != "__dict__":  # make a copy of the container if different from __dict__
         container = dict(container) if isinstance(
             container, dict) else list(container)
         setattr(child, attribute, container)
     for key, val in self._subobjects.items():
         container[key] = val.copy()
     del child.value  # clear cache
     return child
Beispiel #3
 def _layered_get_value(self) -> float:
     out = super()._layered_get_value()  # pulls from previous layer
     if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray) or not out.size == 1:
         raise errors.NevergradRuntimeError("Scalar casting can only be applied to size=1 Data parameters")
     integer = np.issubdtype(out.dtype, np.integer)
     out = (int if integer else float)(out[0])
     return out  # type: ignore
Beispiel #4
 def __call__(self, optimizer: base.Optimizer, *args: tp.Any,
              **kwargs: tp.Any) -> None:
     if args or kwargs:
         raise errors.NevergradRuntimeError(
             "EarlyStopping must be registered on ask method")
     if self.stopping_criterion(optimizer):
         raise errors.NevergradEarlyStopping(
             "Early stopping criterion is reached")
Beispiel #5
 def add_layer(self: L, other: "Layered") -> L:
     """Adds a layer which will modify the object behavior"""
     if self is not self._layers[0] or self._LAYER_LEVEL != Level.ROOT:
         raise errors.NevergradRuntimeError("Layers can only be added from the root.")
     if len(other._layers) > 1:
         raise errors.NevergradRuntimeError("Cannot append multiple layers at once")
     if other._LAYER_LEVEL.value >= self._layers[-1]._LAYER_LEVEL.value:
         other._layer_index = len(self._layers)
         levels = [x._LAYER_LEVEL.value for x in self._layers]
         ind = bisect.bisect_right(levels, other._LAYER_LEVEL.value)
         self._layers.insert(ind, other)
         for k, x in enumerate(self._layers):
             x._layer_index = k
     other._layers = self._layers
     return self
Beispiel #6
 def sample(self: P) -> P:
     """Sample a new instance of the parameter.
     This usually means spawning a child and mutating it.
     This function should be used in optimizers when creating an initial population,
     and parameter.heritage["lineage"] is reset to parameter.uid instead of its parent's
     # inner working can be overrided by _layer_sample()
     self.random_state  # make sure to populate it before copy
     child = self._layers[-1]._layered_sample()
     if not isinstance(child, Parameter) and not isinstance(
             child, type(self)):
         raise errors.NevergradRuntimeError("Unexpected sample return type")
     return child  # type: ignore
Beispiel #7
 def _call_deeper(self, name: str, *args: tp.Any, **kwargs: tp.Any) -> tp.Any:
     if self._layers[self._layer_index] is not self:
         layers = [f"{}({lay._layer_index})" for lay in self._layers]
         raise errors.NevergradRuntimeError(
             "Layer indexing has changed for an unknown reason. Please open an issue:\n"
             f"Caller at index {self._layer_index}: {}"
             f"Layers: {layers}.\n"
     if not name.startswith("_layered_"):
         raise errors.NevergradValueError("For consistency, only _layered functions can be used.")
     for layer in reversed(self._layers[: self._layer_index]):
         func = getattr(layer, name)
         if func.__func__ is not getattr(Layered, name):  # skip unecessary stack calls
             return func(*args, **kwargs)
     types = [type(x) for x in self._layers]
     raise errors.NevergradNotImplementedError(f"No implementation for {name} on layers: {types}.")