def _getVideoInfo(self, video, time_zone = None): title = u'{0} ({1} {2} - {3} {4})'.format(video['name'], nw.getTranslation(30011), video['seasonNumber'], nw.getTranslation(30012), video['episodeNumber']) descr = video['description'] if 'publishEnd' in video: if time_zone == None: time_zone = nw.gettzlocal() date = nw.strptime(video['publishEnd'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') date = date.replace(tzinfo = nw.gettz('UTC')) date = date.astimezone(time_zone) descr = u'{0}\n\n{1} {2}'.format(descr, nw.getTranslation(30013), date.strftime(nw.datetime_format)) plus = False if 'packages' in video: descr = descr + "\n" + nw.getTranslation(30015) + ":" # cambiare stringa for p in video['packages']: if p == "Premium" : pp = "Dplay plus" plus = True title = title + " (PLUS)" else: pp = p descr = descr + " " + pp # aggiungere immagini return { 'img' : '' , 'title' : title, 'descr' : descr , 'plus' : plus}
def __init__(self): fanart = nw.addon.getAddonInfo('fanart') if len(self._params) == 0: response = self._getResponseJson(None) if response.isSucceeded: #~ for menu in response.body['Menu']: #~ if menu['Url'] == None: #~ self._addItem(menu['Label'], { 'at' : self._access_token, 'action' : 'm', 'value' : re.sub('\s+', '', menu['Label']) }, fanart = fanart) #~ xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) response = self._getResponseJson('') for show in response.body: self._addItem(show['Name'], { 'at' : self._access_token, 'action' : 's', 'value' : show['Id'] }, show['Images'][0]['Src'], fanart, show['Description']) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: self._access_token = self._params['at'] if self._params['action'] == 's': response = self._getResponseJson('{0}'.format(self._params['value'])) if response.isSucceeded: if len(response.body['Sections']) > 0: fanart = response.body['Images'][0]['Src'] time_zone = nw.gettzlocal() haveFFmpeg = os.path.isfile(nw.addon.getSetting('ffmpeg_path')) and os.path.isdir(nw.addon.getSetting('download_path')) for video in response.body['Sections'][0]['Items']: season_number = video['SeasonNumber'] for video in video['Episodes']: vd = self._getVideoInfo(video, time_zone) cm = None params = { 'at' : self._access_token, 'action' : 'd', 'value' : video['Id'] } if haveFFmpeg: cm = nw.getDownloadContextMenu('RunPlugin({0})'.format(nw.formatUrl(params)), vd['title']) params['action'] = 'v' self._addItem(vd['title'], params, vd['img'], fanart, vd['descr'], self._getDuration(video['Duration']), True, cm) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: nw.showNotification(nw.getTranslation(30014)) elif self._params['action'] == 'v': result = self._getStream(self._params['value']) if not result: nw.showVideoNotAvailable() else: nw.playStream(self._handle, result['title'], result['img'], result['url'], 'video', { 'title' : result['title'], 'plot' : result['descr'] }) elif self._params['action'] == 'd': result = self._getStream(self._params['value']) if not result: nw.showVideoNotAvailable() else: name = ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else '' for i in result['title'].replace(' ', '_')]) name = '{0}.ts'.format(name) os.chdir(nw.addon.getSetting('download_path')) #~[nw.addon.getSetting('ffmpeg_path'), '-i', result['url'], '-c', 'copy', name]) subprocess.Popen([nw.addon.getSetting('ffmpeg_path'), '-i', result['url'], '-c', 'copy', name])
def _getVideoInfo(self, video, time_zone = None): title = u'{0} ({1} {2} - {3} {4})'.format(video['Name'], nw.getTranslation(30011), video['SeasonNumber'], nw.getTranslation(30012), video['EpisodeNumber']) descr = video['Description'] if video['PublishEndDate'] != None: if time_zone == None: time_zone = nw.gettzlocal() date = nw.strptime(video['PublishEndDate'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') date = date.replace(tzinfo = nw.gettz('UTC')) date = date.astimezone(time_zone) descr = u'{0}\n\n{1} {2}'.format(descr, nw.getTranslation(30013), date.strftime(nw.datetime_format)) return { 'img' : video['Images'][0]['Src'], 'title' : title, 'descr' : descr }
def __init__(self): fanart = nw.addon.getAddonInfo('fanart') if len(self._params) == 0: response = self._getResponseJson(None) if response.isSucceeded: response = self._getResponseJson('[size]=100&include=images', self._getHeaders(True)) pages = response.body["meta"]["totalPages"] for p in range(1,pages+1): response = self._getResponseJson('[size]=100&include=images&page[number]={0}'.format(p), self._getHeaders(True)) imgList = self.loadImagesFromJson(response.body["included"]) for show in response.body['data']: attr = show["attributes"] desc = attr['description'] if 'description' in attr else '' title = attr['name'] rel = show.get("relationships",{}) plus = False try: packages = rel["contentPackages"]["data"] for p in packages: if p.get("id","") == "Premium" : pp = "Dplay plus" plus = True title = title + " (PLUS)" else: pp = p except: pass images = rel.get("images",[]) if images: icon_code = images["data"][0]["id"] if icon_code in imgList: icon = imgList[icon_code] else: icon = "" else: icon = "" self._addItem(title, { 'at' : self._access_token, 'action' : 's', 'value' : show['id'] }, icon , fanart, desc) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: self._access_token = self._params['at'] if self._params['action'] == 's': url = '[]={0}&page[size]=100&include=images&sort=seasonNumber,episodeNumber&filter[videoType]=EPISODE'.format(self._params['value']) xbmc.log("Dplay. OPEN URL: %s" % url) response = self._getResponseJson(url, self._getHeaders(True)) if response.isSucceeded: #if len(response.body['Sections']) > 0: # fanart = response.body['Images'][0]['Src'] fanart = "" # da aggiustare time_zone = nw.gettzlocal() haveFFmpeg = os.path.isfile(nw.addon.getSetting('ffmpeg_path')) and os.path.isdir(nw.addon.getSetting('download_path')) xbmc.log("Dplay. start reading images") imgList = self.loadImagesFromJson(response.body["included"]) xbmc.log("Dplay. end reading images") for video in response.body["data"]: attr = video["attributes"] season_number = attr.get("seasonNumber", 0) episode_number = attr.get("episodeNumber",0) vd = self._getVideoInfo(attr, time_zone) rel = video.get("relationships",{}) images = rel.get("images",[]) if images: icon_code = images["data"][0]["id"] if icon_code in imgList: icon = imgList[icon_code] else: icon = "" else: icon = "" cm = nw.getDownloadContextMenu('RunPlugin({0})'.format(nw.formatUrl(params)), vd['title']) if haveFFmpeg else None params = { 'at' : self._access_token, 'action' : 'v', 'value' : video['id'] } #'v' instead of 'd' #params['action'] = 'v' self._addItem(vd['title'], params, icon, icon, vd['descr'], self._getDuration(attr["videoDuration"]), True, cm) xbmcplugin.setContent(self._handle, 'episodes') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self._handle) else: nw.showNotification(nw.getTranslation(30014)) elif self._params['action'] == 'v': result = self._getStream(self._params['value']) if not result: nw.showVideoNotAvailable() else: # Force XBMC to set the User-Agent HTTP header to the correct value result_url = result['url'] + "|User-Agent=%s" % Dplay.USER_AGENT nw.playStream(self._handle, result['title'], result['img'], result_url, 'video', { 'title' : result['title'], 'plot' : result['descr'] }) elif self._params['action'] == 'd': result = self._getStream(self._params['value']) if not result: nw.showVideoNotAvailable() else: name = ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else '' for i in result['title'].replace(' ', '_')]) name = '{0}.ts'.format(name) os.chdir(nw.addon.getSetting('download_path')) #~[nw.addon.getSetting('ffmpeg_path'), '-i', result['url'], '-c', 'copy', name]) subprocess.Popen([nw.addon.getSetting('ffmpeg_path'), '-user-agent', Dplay.USER_AGENT, '-i', result['url'], '-c', 'copy', name])