Beispiel #1
def initiate_request_monitoring(request):
    # Creates a new transaction and associates it with the request.
    # We always use the default application specified in the agent
    # configuration.

    application = application_instance()

    # We need to fake up a WSGI like environ dictionary with the key
    # bits of information we need.

    environ = request_environment(request)

    # We now start recording the actual web transaction.


    transaction = WebTransaction(application, environ)

    if not transaction.enabled:
        return None


    # Immediately purge the transaction from the cache, so we don't associate
    # Tornado internals inappropriately with this transaction.


    # We also need to add a reference to the request object in to the
    # transaction object so we can later access it in a deferred. We
    # need to use a weakref to avoid an object cycle which may prevent
    # cleanup of the transaction.

    transaction._nr_current_request = weakref.ref(request)

    # Records state of transaction

    transaction._is_finalized = False
    transaction._ref_count = 0

    # For requests that complete normally, a transaction can only be closed
    # after the `finish()` method is called on both the `_ServerRequestAdapter`
    # and the `RequestHandler`.

    transaction._request_handler_finalize = False
    transaction._server_adapter_finalize = False

    # Record framework information for generation of framework metrics.

    import tornado

    if hasattr(tornado, 'version_info'):
        version = '.'.join(map(str, tornado.version_info))
        version = None

    transaction.add_framework_info('Tornado/ASYNC', version)

    return transaction
def initiate_request_monitoring(request):
    # Creates a new transaction and associates it with the request.
    # We always use the default application specified in the agent
    # configuration.

    application = application_instance()

    # We need to fake up a WSGI like environ dictionary with the key
    # bits of information we need.

    environ = request_environment(application, request)

    # We now start recording the actual web transaction.


    transaction = WebTransaction(application, environ)

    # Immediately purge the transaction from the cache, so we don't associate
    # Tornado internals inappropriately with this transaction.


    # We also need to add a reference to the request object in to the
    # transaction object so we can later access it in a deferred. We
    # need to use a weakref to avoid an object cycle which may prevent
    # cleanup of the transaction.

    transaction._nr_current_request = weakref.ref(request)

    # Records state of transaction

    transaction._is_finalized = False
    transaction._ref_count = 0

    # For server requests We only allow the transaction to be closed when
    # either 'finish' or 'on_connection_close' is called on an
    # associated HTTPMessageDelegate.

    transaction._can_finalize = False

    # Record framework information for generation of framework metrics.

    import tornado

    if hasattr(tornado, 'version_info'):
        version = '.'.join(map(str, tornado.version_info))
        version = None

    transaction.add_framework_info('Tornado/ASYNC', version)

    return transaction
Beispiel #3
def initiate_request_monitoring(request):
    # Creates a new transaction and associates it with the request.
    # We always use the default application specified in the agent
    # configuration.

    application = application_instance()

    # We need to fake up a WSGI like environ dictionary with the key
    # bits of information we need.

    environ = request_environment(application, request)

    # We now start recording the actual web transaction. Bail out though
    # if it turns out that recording of transactions is not enabled.

    transaction = WebTransaction(application, environ)

    if not transaction.enabled:

    if tornado_settings.debug.transaction_monitoring:
        global _last_transaction_activation
        _last_transaction_activation = ''.join(traceback.format_stack()[:-1])


    request._nr_transaction = transaction

    request._nr_wait_function_trace = None
    request._nr_request_finished = False

    # We also need to add a reference to the request object in to the
    # transaction object so we can later access it in a deferred. We
    # need to use a weakref to avoid an object cycle which may prevent
    # cleanup of the transaction.

    transaction._nr_current_request = weakref.ref(request)

    # Record framework information for generation of framework metrics.

    import tornado

    if hasattr(tornado, 'version_info'):
        version = '.'.join(map(str, tornado.version_info))
        version = None

    transaction.add_framework_info('Tornado/ASYNC', version)

    return transaction