Beispiel #1
    my_input_file_no_extension = my_input_file_no_extension_nnMSB

if(software=="nextnano.NEGF" or software=="nextnano.MSB"):
    FileExtension = '.xml' # for nextnano.NEGF and nextnano.MSB
    FileExtension = '.in'  # for nextnano++ and nextnano3

my_input_file = my_input_file_no_extension+FileExtension

# plt.ion() # interactive mode

print(f"starting nextnano...")
input_file_name = os.path.join(folder_examples,my_input_file)
input_file = nn.InputFile(input_file_name)

# These lines have to be adjusted by the user.  
print(f"List of variables: {input_file.variables}")
for var in input_file.variables.values():
  # print(f'${} = {var.value} ! {var.comment}')
    print(f'{var.text}') # --> better method to preview

#SweepVariable = 'ThicknessAlGaN'
SweepVariable = 'ThicknessGaNcap'

comment_original = input_file.variables[SweepVariable].comment
#ListOfValues = ["10.0"]
#ListOfValues = ["10.0", "15.0", "20.0"]
# ```python
# my_input = nextnanopy.InputFile('')
# my_input.config
# ```
# When you want to execute the input file,
# ```python
# my_input.execute()
# ```
# It will automatically detect the nextnano product (nextnano++, nextnano3 or nextnano.NEGF) and will load the corresponding configuration parameters.

# In[8]:

my_input = nn.InputFile(r'..\..\tests\datafiles\nextnano++\')

# In[9]:


# ## Execute with different parameters
# ### Method 1: use another configuration file
# If you want to execute an input file with another configuration file, you can do
# ```python
# my_input = nextnanopy.InputFile('',configpath=r'C:\new_path\random_name.nextnanopy-config')
# my_input.config
# detect software based on input file
software, software_short, FileExtension = detect_software(
    input_folder, filename)

# Define output folders. If they do not exist, they are created.
folder_output = nn.config.config[software]['outputdirectory']
folder_output_python = os.path.join(folder_output, r'nextnanopy')
print("Output folder:        ", folder_output)
print("Output folder python: ", folder_output_python)

# plt.ion() # interactive mode
print("starting nextnano...")
input_path = os.path.join(input_folder, filename)
input_file = nn.InputFile(input_path)

filename_no_extension = filename.replace(FileExtension, '')

folder_total = os.path.join(folder_output, filename_no_extension)
print("output folder_total:")

my_input_file_python = os.path.join(folder_output_python, filename)
my_input_file_new = os.path.join(folder_total, filename)
print("input file:")
print(my_input_file_new), overwrite=True, automkdir=True), overwrite=True, automkdir=True)
Beispiel #4
    my_input_file_no_extension = my_input_file_no_extension_nnMSB

if (software == "nextnano.NEGF" or software == "nextnano.MSB"):
    FileExtension = '.xml'  # for nextnano.NEGF and nextnano.MSB
    FileExtension = '.in'  # for nextnano++ and nextnano3

my_input_file = my_input_file_no_extension + FileExtension

# plt.ion() # interactive mode

print(f"starting nextnano...")
input_file_name = os.path.join(folder_examples, my_input_file)
input_file = nn.InputFile(
    r'C:\Users\naoki.mitsui\Documents\nextnano\My input files\laser_diode_tutorial\'

# Execute nextnano software
# input_file.execute() # Put line into comment if you only want to to post-processing of results

# plot energy-resolved density + conduction bandedge (cb)
ListOfValues = [
    '00000', '00001', '00002', '00003', '00004', '00005', '00006', '00007',
Beispiel #5
import os
import nextnanopy as nn
from nextnanopy.nnp.shapes import GdsPolygons
from nextnanopy.nnp.assistants import InputAssistant
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def find_line_by_pattern(_str, lines):
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if _str in line:
            return i
    raise ValueError(f'{_str} is not in the input file')

input_template = nn.InputFile(r'')
raw_lines = list(input_template.lines)

# Here gates
gdspols = GdsPolygons(r'example3.gds')
gdspols.labels = ['up', 'down']
if True:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)

f = InputAssistant()  # Helper for generating text for nextnano++ input files
zi = 0  # nm, gate initial z
zf = 50  # nm, gate final z
pols = gdspols.get_polygonal_prisms(zi, zf)  # get the polygonal_prisms text

# Generate the region block with the contact name and the material