Beispiel #1
        def to_team(row):
            tpos = row.find(class_='playertablePlayerName').a.next_sibling
            tpos = tpos.strip(' \r\n\t*,|').upper()

            # This is a little weird because the team name seems to run
            # in with the position. Perhaps a weird encoding quirk?
            if len(tpos) < 2:
                return 'UNK'
            elif len(tpos) == 2:
                return nfldb.standard_team(tpos)
                team = nfldb.standard_team(tpos[0:3])
                if team == 'UNK':
                    team = nfldb.standard_team(tpos[0:2])
                return team
Beispiel #2
        def to_team(row):
            tpos = row.find(class_='playertablePlayerName').a.next_sibling
            tpos = tpos.strip(' \r\n\t*,|').upper()

            # This is a little weird because the team name seems to run
            # in with the position. Perhaps a weird encoding quirk?
            if len(tpos) < 2:
                return 'UNK'
            elif len(tpos) == 2:
                return nfldb.standard_team(tpos)
                team = nfldb.standard_team(tpos[0:3])
                if team == 'UNK':
                    team = nfldb.standard_team(tpos[0:2])
                return team
Beispiel #3
def schedule(bot, trigger):
    season_type, season_year, current_week = nfldb.current(db)
    if current_week is None:
        bot.reply('not currently in season')
    name =
    team = nfldb.standard_team(name)
    p = None
    if team == 'UNK':
        results = nfldb.player_search2(db, name, limit=1000)
        if len(results) == 0:
            bot.reply("No player or team matching that name could be found")
            p = results[0][0]
            team =
    weeks = range(18)
    q = nfldb.Query(db).game(season_type=season_type,
                             week=weeks[current_week:current_week + 5],
    message = []
    if p is not None:
        message.append('Upcoming schedule for %s' % p)
        message.append('Upcoming schedule for %s' % team)
    for g in q.sort(('week', 'asc')).as_games():
    say_multiline(bot, '\n'.join(message))
Beispiel #4
def schedule(bot, trigger):
    season_type, season_year, current_week = nfldb.current(db)
    if current_week is None:
        bot.reply("not currently in season")
    name =
    team = nfldb.standard_team(name)
    p = None
    if team == "UNK":
        results = nfldb.player_search2(db, name, limit=1000)
        if len(results) == 0:
            bot.reply("No player or team matching that name could be found")
            p = results[0][0]
            team =
    weeks = range(18)
    q = nfldb.Query(db).game(
        season_type=season_type, season_year=season_year, week=weeks[current_week : current_week + 5], team=team
    message = []
    if p is not None:
        message.append("Upcoming schedule for %s" % p)
        message.append("Upcoming schedule for %s" % team)
    for g in q.sort(("week", "asc")).as_games():
    say_multiline(bot, "\n".join(message))
Beispiel #5
 def rplayer(r, name, team, pos):
     bench = pos == 'BN'
     if name is None and team is None:
         return r.new_player(pos, None, bench, None)
     elif nfldb.standard_team(name) != 'UNK':
         return r.new_player(pos, team, bench, None)
         player = player_search(name, team=team, position=pos)
         return r.new_player(pos, team, bench, player.player_id)
Beispiel #6
 def rplayer(r, name, team, pos):
     bench = pos == 'BN'
     if name is None and team is None:
         return r.new_player(pos, None, bench, None)
     elif nfldb.standard_team(name) != 'UNK':
         return r.new_player(pos, team, bench, None)
         player = player_search(name, team=team, position=pos)
         return r.new_player(pos, team, bench, player.player_id)
Beispiel #7
def gameforecast(bot, trigger):
    """.gameforecast denver gives the forecast for the denver game this week"""
    week = None
    team = nfldb.standard_team(
    if team == 'UNK':
        bot.reply('I do not know that team')

    season_type, season_year, current_week = nfldb.current(db)
    if week is None:
        if current_week is None:
            bot.reply('Not currently in season')
        week = current_week

    q = nfldb.Query(db).game(season_type='Regular',
    games = q.as_games()
    if len(games) == 0:
        bot.reply('%s is on BYE' % team)

    g = games[0]
    start_time = g.start_time
    stadium = stadiums[g.home_team]
    lat, lon = stadium[2]
    output = []
    output.append('Kickoff forecast for %s at %s %s' %
                  (g.away_team, g.home_team,
                   g.start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%p')))
    if stadium[3] == False:
            forecast = forecastio.load_forecast(forecastio_api_key,
                u'%s %s\u00B0F windspeed %smph from the %s chance of precip %s%%'
                % (forecast.currently().d['summary'],
            output.append('there was an error getting the forecast')

    say_multiline(bot, '\n'.join(output))
Beispiel #8
def gameforecast(bot, trigger):
    """.gameforecast denver gives the forecast for the denver game this week"""
    week = None
    team = nfldb.standard_team(
    if team == "UNK":
        bot.reply("I do not know that team")

    season_type, season_year, current_week = nfldb.current(db)
    if week is None:
        if current_week is None:
            bot.reply("Not currently in season")
        week = current_week

    q = nfldb.Query(db).game(season_type="Regular", season_year=season_year, week=week, team=team)
    games = q.as_games()
    if len(games) == 0:
        bot.reply("%s is on BYE" % team)

    g = games[0]
    start_time = g.start_time
    stadium = stadiums[g.home_team]
    lat, lon = stadium[2]
    output = []
        "Kickoff forecast for %s at %s %s" % (g.away_team, g.home_team, g.start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%p"))
    if stadium[3] == False:
            forecast = forecastio.load_forecast(forecastio_api_key, lat, lon, time=start_time, units="us")
                u"%s %s\u00B0F windspeed %smph from the %s chance of precip %s%%"
                % (
            output.append("there was an error getting the forecast")

    say_multiline(bot, "\n".join(output))
Beispiel #9
def spread(bot, trigger):
    vdb = vegasdb.VegasDb('vegas.db')
    team = nfldb.standard_team(
    if team == 'UNK':
        bot.reply("No team matching that name could be found")
    line = vdb.get_line(format_team(team))
    if line is None:
        bot.say('sorry i do not have a line for that game at this time')
    ltz = reference.LocalTimezone()
    d = line[0].astimezone(ltz)
    if line[3] is None and line[4] is None and line[5] is None:
        bot.say('sorry i do not have a line for that game at this time')
    message = '%s (%0.1f) @ %s (%0.1f) %0.1fo/u %s' % (
        line[1], line[3] if line[3] is not None else 0, line[2], line[4]
        if line[4] is not None else 0, line[5] if line[5] is not None else 0,
        d.strftime('%I:%M%p %A %b %d, %Y'))
Beispiel #10
def spread(bot, trigger):
    vdb = vegasdb.VegasDb("vegas.db")
    team = nfldb.standard_team(
    if team == "UNK":
        bot.reply("No team matching that name could be found")
    line = vdb.get_line(format_team(team))
    if line is None:
        bot.say("sorry i do not have a line for that game at this time")
    ltz = reference.LocalTimezone()
    d = line[0].astimezone(ltz)
    if line[3] is None and line[4] is None and line[5] is None:
        bot.say("sorry i do not have a line for that game at this time")
    message = "%s (%0.1f) @ %s (%0.1f) %0.1fo/u %s" % (
        line[3] if line[3] is not None else 0,
        line[4] if line[4] is not None else 0,
        line[5] if line[5] is not None else 0,
        d.strftime("%I:%M%p %A %b %d, %Y"),
Beispiel #11
def parse_upsert_xmls(xml_filenames, qb_stat_descs, stat_descs,
                      stat_with_dash_descs, rare_stat_descs,
    for xml_file in xml_filenames:
        # raw game summary data
        season_year, week, season_type, gamekey = xml_file.split(
        sys.stderr.write("{}-{}-{}-{}.xml\n".format(season_year, week,
                                                    season_type, gamekey))
        season_type = short_to_long_stype(season_type)
        dom = get_dom(gamebooks_path, xml_file)
        gamebook_summary = dom.getElementsByTagName('GamebookSummary')[0]
        schedule_date = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'ScheduleDate')
        home_team = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'HomeTeam')
        away_team = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'VisitingTeam')
        start_time = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'StartTime')
        time_zone = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'TimeZone')
        stadium = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'Stadium')
        stadium_type = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'StadiumType')
        game_weather = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'GameWeather')
        temp = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'Temperature')
        humidity = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'Humidity')
        windspeed = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'WindSpeed')
        turf_type = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'TurfType')
        outdoor_weather = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'OutdoorWeather')
        wind_chill = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'WindChill')
        wind_direction = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'WindDirection')
        referee = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'Referee')
        umpire = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'Umpire')
        head_linesman = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'HeadLinesman')
        line_judge = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'LineJudge')
        side_judge = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'SideJudge')
        back_judge = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'BackJudge')
        field_judge = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'FieldJudge')
        replay_official = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'ReplayOfficial')
        attendance = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary,
                                       'Attendance').replace(',', '')
        game_length = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'GameLength')
        visitor_score_q1 = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary,
        visitor_score_q2 = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary,
        visitor_score_q3 = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary,
        visitor_score_q4 = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary,
        visitor_score_ot = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary,
        visitor_score = int(visitor_score_q1) + int(visitor_score_q2) + int(
            visitor_score_q3) + int(visitor_score_q4) + int(visitor_score_ot)
        home_score_q1 = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'HomeScoreQ1')
        home_score_q2 = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'HomeScoreQ2')
        home_score_q3 = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'HomeScoreQ3')
        home_score_q4 = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'HomeScoreQ4')
        home_score_ot = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'HomeScoreOT')
        home_score = int(home_score_q1) + int(home_score_q2) + int(
            home_score_q3) + int(home_score_q4) + int(home_score_ot)
        last_updated = get_xml_attribute(gamebook_summary, 'LastUpdated')

        # raw roster data
        offensive_starters_away = parse_players_from_xml(
            dom, 'OffensiveStarterVisitor')
        offensive_starters_home = parse_players_from_xml(
            dom, 'OffensiveStarterHome')
        defensive_starters_away = parse_players_from_xml(
            dom, 'DefensiveStarterVisitor')
        defensive_starters_home = parse_players_from_xml(
            dom, 'DefensiveStarterHome')
        subs_away = parse_players_from_xml(dom, 'SubstitutionsVisitor')
        subs_home = parse_players_from_xml(dom, 'SubstitutionsHome')
        did_not_play_away = parse_players_from_xml(dom, 'DidNotPlayVisitor')
        did_not_play_home = parse_players_from_xml(dom, 'DidNotPlayHome')
        not_active_away = parse_players_from_xml(dom, 'NotActiveVisitor')
        not_active_home = parse_players_from_xml(dom, 'NotActiveHome')

        # raw team statistics
        all_team_stats_xml = dom.getElementsByTagName('TeamStatistics')
        first_half_team_stats_xml = dom.getElementsByTagName(
        # filter out first half stats to get just the full game team stats
        game_team_stats_xml = []
        for team_stat_xml in all_team_stats_xml:
            if team_stat_xml not in first_half_team_stats_xml:
        home_team_stats = {}
        away_team_stats = {}
        for team_stat_xml in game_team_stats_xml:
            # convert all descriptions to lowercase
            team_stat_description = get_xml_attribute(team_stat_xml,
            # edge case error, replace all double -- with single -
            away_team_stats[team_stat_description] = re.sub(
                '--', '-', get_xml_attribute(team_stat_xml, 'VisitorStats'))
            home_team_stats[team_stat_description] = re.sub(
                '--', '-', get_xml_attribute(team_stat_xml, 'HomeStats'))

            # check for unknown stats
            if team_stat_description not in stat_descs and \
                    team_stat_description not in stat_with_dash_descs and \
                    team_stat_description not in rare_stat_descs and \
                    team_stat_description not in rare_stat_with_dash_descs:
                print "ERROR: Unknown team stat %s" % team_stat_description

        # clean and standardize the raw game summary data
        home_team = standard_team(home_team)
        away_team = standard_team(away_team)
        # some stadium values are empty, manually replace each one
        if stadium == '':
            stadium = edge_case_stadium(gamekey)
        stadium = standard_stadium(stadium)

        # split up the team stats with dash
        away_team_stats['third downs converted'], away_team_stats[
            'third downs'], away_team_stats[
                'third down convert percent'] = re.sub(
                    '%', '',
                    away_team_stats['third down efficiency']).split('-')
        home_team_stats['third downs converted'], home_team_stats[
            'third downs'], home_team_stats[
                'third down convert percent'] = re.sub(
                    '%', '',
                    home_team_stats['third down efficiency']).split('-')
        away_team_stats['fourth downs converted'], away_team_stats[
            'fourth downs'], away_team_stats[
                'fourth down convert percent'] = re.sub(
                    '%', '',
                    away_team_stats['fourth down efficiency']).split('-')
        home_team_stats['fourth downs converted'], home_team_stats[
            'fourth downs'], home_team_stats[
                'fourth down convert percent'] = re.sub(
                    '%', '',
                    home_team_stats['fourth down efficiency']).split('-')
        away_team_stats['tackles for a loss'], away_team_stats[
            'tackles for a loss yardage'] = away_team_stats[
                'tackles for a loss-number and yards'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['tackles for a loss'], home_team_stats[
            'tackles for a loss yardage'] = home_team_stats[
                'tackles for a loss-number and yards'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['times thrown'], away_team_stats[
            'yards lost attempting to pass'] = away_team_stats[
                'times thrown - yards lost attempting to pass'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['times thrown'], home_team_stats[
            'yards lost attempting to pass'] = home_team_stats[
                'times thrown - yards lost attempting to pass'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['pass attempts'], away_team_stats[
            'completions'], away_team_stats[
                'had intercepted'] = away_team_stats[
                    'pass attempts-completions-had intercepted'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['pass attempts'], home_team_stats[
            'completions'], home_team_stats[
                'had intercepted'] = home_team_stats[
                    'pass attempts-completions-had intercepted'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['n kickoffs'], away_team_stats[
            'n kickoffs in endzone'], away_team_stats[
                'n kickoffs touchbacks'] = away_team_stats[
                    'kickoffs number-in end zone-touchbacks'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['n kickoffs'], home_team_stats[
            'n kickoffs in endzone'], home_team_stats[
                'n kickoffs touchbacks'] = home_team_stats[
                    'kickoffs number-in end zone-touchbacks'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['n punts'], away_team_stats[
            'avg punt'] = away_team_stats['punts number and average'].split(
        home_team_stats['n punts'], home_team_stats[
            'avg punt'] = home_team_stats['punts number and average'].split(
        away_team_stats['fgs had blocked'], away_team_stats[
            'pats had blocked'] = away_team_stats[
                'fgs - pats had blocked'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['fgs had blocked'], home_team_stats[
            'pats had blocked'] = home_team_stats[
                'fgs - pats had blocked'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['n punt returns'], away_team_stats[
            'yards punt returns'] = away_team_stats[
                'no. and yards punt returns'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['n punt returns'], home_team_stats[
            'yards punt returns'] = home_team_stats[
                'no. and yards punt returns'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['n kickoff returns'], away_team_stats[
            'yards kickoff returns'] = away_team_stats[
                'no. and yards kickoff returns'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['n kickoff returns'], home_team_stats[
            'yards kickoff returns'] = home_team_stats[
                'no. and yards kickoff returns'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['n interception returns'], away_team_stats[
            'yards interception returns'] = away_team_stats[
                'no. and yards interception returns'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['n interception returns'], home_team_stats[
            'yards interception returns'] = home_team_stats[
                'no. and yards interception returns'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['n penalties'], away_team_stats[
            'penalty yards'] = away_team_stats[
                'penalties number and yards'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['n penalties'], home_team_stats[
            'penalty yards'] = home_team_stats[
                'penalties number and yards'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['n fumbles'], away_team_stats[
            'n fumbles lost'] = away_team_stats[
                'fumbles number and lost'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['n fumbles'], home_team_stats[
            'n fumbles lost'] = home_team_stats[
                'fumbles number and lost'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['extra points made'], away_team_stats[
            'extra points attempts'] = away_team_stats[
                'extra points made-attempts'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['extra points made'], home_team_stats[
            'extra points attempts'] = home_team_stats[
                'extra points made-attempts'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['kicking made'], away_team_stats[
            'kicking attempts'] = away_team_stats[
                'kicking made-attempts'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['kicking made'], home_team_stats[
            'kicking attempts'] = home_team_stats[
                'kicking made-attempts'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['field goals made'], away_team_stats[
            'field goals attempts'] = away_team_stats[
                'field goals made-attempts'].split('-')
        home_team_stats['field goals made'], home_team_stats[
            'field goals attempts'] = home_team_stats[
                'field goals made-attempts'].split('-')
        away_team_stats['red zone converts'], away_team_stats[
            'red zone attempts'], away_team_stats[
                'red zone convert percentage'] = re.sub(
                    '%', '', away_team_stats['red zone efficiency']).split('-')
        home_team_stats['red zone converts'], home_team_stats[
            'red zone attempts'], home_team_stats[
                'red zone convert percentage'] = re.sub(
                    '%', '', home_team_stats['red zone efficiency']).split('-')
        away_team_stats['goal to go converts'], away_team_stats[
            'goal to go attempts'], away_team_stats[
                'goal to go convert percentage'] = re.sub(
                    '%', '',
                    away_team_stats['goal to go efficiency']).split('-')
        home_team_stats['goal to go converts'], home_team_stats[
            'goal to go attempts'], home_team_stats[
                'goal to go convert percentage'] = re.sub(
                    '%', '',
                    home_team_stats['goal to go efficiency']).split('-')
        away_team_stats['time of possession minutes'], away_team_stats['time of possession seconds'] = away_team_stats['time of possession'].split(':')
        home_team_stats['time of possession minutes'], home_team_stats['time of possession seconds'] = home_team_stats['time of possession'].split(':')
        away_team_stats['time of possession decimal'] = str(round(float(away_team_stats['time of possession minutes']) + float(away_team_stats['time of possession seconds']) / 60.0, 2))
        home_team_stats['time of possession decimal'] = str(round(float(home_team_stats['time of possession minutes']) + float(home_team_stats['time of possession seconds']) / 60.0, 2))

        # set rare team stats to zero if they don't exist
        for rare_stat_desc in rare_stat_descs:
            if rare_stat_desc not in away_team_stats:
                away_team_stats[rare_stat_desc] = '0'
                home_team_stats[rare_stat_desc] = '0'

        # set rare team stats with dash to zero if they don't exist, fill them in otherwise
        if 'rushing made-attempts' in away_team_stats:
            away_team_stats['2pt conv rush made'] = away_team_stats[
                'rushing made-attempts'].split('-')[0]
            away_team_stats['2pt conv rush att'] = away_team_stats[
                'rushing made-attempts'].split('-')[1]
            home_team_stats['2pt conv rush made'] = home_team_stats[
                'rushing made-attempts'].split('-')[0]
            home_team_stats['2pt conv rush att'] = home_team_stats[
                'rushing made-attempts'].split('-')[1]
            away_team_stats['2pt conv rush made'] = '0'
            away_team_stats['2pt conv rush att'] = '0'
            home_team_stats['2pt conv rush made'] = '0'
            home_team_stats['2pt conv rush att'] = '0'
        if 'passing made-attempts' in away_team_stats:
            away_team_stats['2pt conv pass made'] = away_team_stats[
                'passing made-attempts'].split('-')[0]
            away_team_stats['2pt conv pass att'] = away_team_stats[
                'passing made-attempts'].split('-')[1]
            home_team_stats['2pt conv pass made'] = home_team_stats[
                'passing made-attempts'].split('-')[0]
            home_team_stats['2pt conv pass att'] = home_team_stats[
                'passing made-attempts'].split('-')[1]
            away_team_stats['2pt conv pass made'] = '0'
            away_team_stats['2pt conv pass att'] = '0'
            home_team_stats['2pt conv pass made'] = '0'
            home_team_stats['2pt conv pass att'] = '0'

        # raw individual stats
        individual_stats_dom = dom.getElementsByTagName(

        # get starting qbs names
        starting_qb_away_name = get_starting_position_player_name(
            offensive_starters_away, 'QB')
        starting_qb_home_name = get_starting_position_player_name(
            offensive_starters_home, 'QB')

        # get qb stats for away starter and for the game
        away_passers_xml = individual_stats_dom.getElementsByTagName(
        away_rushers_xml = individual_stats_dom.getElementsByTagName(
        away_qb_stats = get_qb_stats(starting_qb_away_name, away_passers_xml,
        away_total_qb_stats = get_qb_stats('Total', away_passers_xml,

        # get qb stats for home starter and for the game
        home_passers_xml = individual_stats_dom.getElementsByTagName(
        home_rushers_xml = individual_stats_dom.getElementsByTagName(
        home_qb_stats = get_qb_stats(starting_qb_home_name, home_passers_xml,
        home_total_qb_stats = get_qb_stats('Total', home_passers_xml,

        # get away interceptors stats
        away_interceptors_xml = individual_stats_dom.getElementsByTagName(
        away_interceptor_stats = get_interceptor_stats('Total',

        # get home interceptors stats
        home_interceptors_xml = individual_stats_dom.getElementsByTagName(
        home_interceptor_stats = get_interceptor_stats('Total',

        output = [
            season_year, week, season_type, gamekey, away_team, home_team,
            stadium, stadium_type, turf_type, schedule_date, start_time,
            time_zone, game_weather, temp, humidity, windspeed,
            outdoor_weather, wind_chill, wind_direction, referee, umpire,
            head_linesman, line_judge, side_judge, back_judge, field_judge,
            replay_official, attendance, game_length, visitor_score,
            visitor_score_q1, visitor_score_q2, visitor_score_q3,
            visitor_score_q4, visitor_score_ot, home_score, home_score_q1,
            home_score_q2, home_score_q3, home_score_q4, home_score_ot,
        for qb_stat in qb_stat_descs:

        for stat in stat_descs + rare_stat_descs:
        output += [
            away_team_stats['2pt conv rush made'],
            away_team_stats['2pt conv rush att'],
            away_team_stats['2pt conv pass made'],
            away_team_stats['2pt conv pass att']
        output += [
            home_team_stats['2pt conv rush made'],
            home_team_stats['2pt conv rush att'],
            home_team_stats['2pt conv pass made'],
            home_team_stats['2pt conv pass att']

        # upsert gamebooks

        # parse and upsert gamebook drives
        away_drive_stats_dom = dom.getElementsByTagName('DriveVisitor')
        home_drive_stats_dom = dom.getElementsByTagName('DriveHome')
        away_drives_inserted = parse_and_upsert_drives(gamekey,
                                                       True, away_team,
        home_drives_inserted = parse_and_upsert_drives(gamekey,
                                                       False, away_team,
Beispiel #12
def player_search2(db,
    from nfldb.db import Tx
    import nfldb.sql as sql
    import nfldb.types as types
    Given a database handle and a player's full name, this function
    searches the database for players with full names *similar* to the
    one given. Similarity is measured by the
    [Levenshtein distance](,
    or by [Soundex similarity](

    Results are returned as tuples. The first element is the is a
    `nfldb.Player` object and the second element is the Levenshtein
    (or Soundex) distance. When `limit` is `1` (the default), then the
    return value is a tuple.  When `limit` is more than `1`, then the
    return value is a list of tuples.

    If no results are found, then `(None, None)` is returned when
    `limit == 1` or the empty list is returned when `limit > 1`.

    If `team` is not `None`, then only players **currently** on the
    team provided will be returned. Any players with an unknown team
    are therefore omitted.

    If `position` is not `None`, then only players **currently**
    at that position will be returned. Any players with an unknown
    position are therefore omitted.

    In order to use this function, the PostgreSQL `levenshtein`
    function must be available. If running this functions gives
    you an error about "No function matches the given name and
    argument types", then you can install the `levenshtein` function
    into your database by running the SQL query `CREATE EXTENSION
    fuzzystrmatch` as a superuser like `postgres`. For example:

        psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;' nfldb

    Note that enabled the `fuzzystrmatch` extension also provides
    functions for comparing using Soundex.
    assert isinstance(limit, int) and limit >= 1

    if soundex:
        # Careful, soundex distances are sorted in reverse of Levenshtein
        # distances.
        # Difference yields an integer in [0, 4].
        # A 4 is an exact match.
        fuzzy = 'difference(%s, %%s)'
        q = '''
            SELECT {columns}
            FROM player
            WHERE {where}
            ORDER BY distance DESC LIMIT {limit}
        fuzzy = 'levenshtein(LOWER(%s), %%s)'
        q = '''
            SELECT {columns}
            FROM player
            WHERE {where}
            ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT {limit}

    full_name = full_name.lower()
    tokens = full_name.split(' ')
    for token in tokens:
        team = nfldb.standard_team(token)
        if team != 'UNK':
            full_name = ' '.join(tokens)
        team = None

    def get_results(fuzzy, q, name_type, name):
        fuzzy = fuzzy % name_type
        similar = 'LOWER(%s) LIKE %%s' % name_type
        qteam, qposition = '', ''
        results = []
        with Tx(db) as cursor:
            if team is not None:
                qteam = cursor.mogrify('team = %s', (team, ))
            if position is not None:
                qposition = cursor.mogrify('position = %s', (position, ))

            fuzzy_filled = cursor.mogrify(fuzzy, (name, ))
            similar_filled = cursor.mogrify(similar, (name + '%', ))
            columns = types.Player._sql_select_fields(
            columns.append('%s AS distance' % fuzzy_filled)
            q = q.format(columns=', '.join(columns),
                                        fuzzy_filled + ' IS NOT NULL',
                                        'team != \'UNK\'', qteam, qposition),

            for row in cursor.fetchall():
                    (types.Player.from_row_dict(db, row), row['distance']))
        return results

    if len(full_name.split(' ')) > 1:
        first_name, last_name = full_name.split(' ')[:2]
        results_first = get_results(fuzzy, q, 'first_name', first_name)
        results_last = get_results(fuzzy, q, 'last_name', last_name)
        results_dict = {}
        for player, dist in results_last:
            results_dict[str(player)] = dist
        results_2nd_pass = {}
        for player, dist in results_first:
            if str(player) in results_dict:
                results_2nd_pass[player] = (results_dict[str(player)], dist)
        combined_results = results_2nd_pass.items()
        combined_results = sorted(
            cmp=lambda x, y: x[1][0] - y[1][0]
            if x[1][0] - y[1][0] != 0 else x[1][1] - y[1][1])
        results = combined_results
        results = get_results(fuzzy, q, 'last_name', full_name)
        results.extend(get_results(fuzzy, q, 'first_name', full_name))
        results = sorted(results, cmp=lambda x, y: x[1] - y[1])

    if limit == 1:
        if len(results) == 0:
            return (None, None)
        return results[0]
    return results
Beispiel #13
 def to_team(row):
     team_pos = row.find(class_='ysf-player-name').span.text.strip()
     return nfldb.standard_team('^\S+', team_pos).group(0))
Beispiel #14
def player_search2(db, full_name, team=None, position=None, limit=1, soundex=False):
    from nfldb.db import Tx
    import nfldb.sql as sql
    import nfldb.types as types

    Given a database handle and a player's full name, this function
    searches the database for players with full names *similar* to the
    one given. Similarity is measured by the
    [Levenshtein distance](,
    or by [Soundex similarity](

    Results are returned as tuples. The first element is the is a
    `nfldb.Player` object and the second element is the Levenshtein
    (or Soundex) distance. When `limit` is `1` (the default), then the
    return value is a tuple.  When `limit` is more than `1`, then the
    return value is a list of tuples.

    If no results are found, then `(None, None)` is returned when
    `limit == 1` or the empty list is returned when `limit > 1`.

    If `team` is not `None`, then only players **currently** on the
    team provided will be returned. Any players with an unknown team
    are therefore omitted.

    If `position` is not `None`, then only players **currently**
    at that position will be returned. Any players with an unknown
    position are therefore omitted.

    In order to use this function, the PostgreSQL `levenshtein`
    function must be available. If running this functions gives
    you an error about "No function matches the given name and
    argument types", then you can install the `levenshtein` function
    into your database by running the SQL query `CREATE EXTENSION
    fuzzystrmatch` as a superuser like `postgres`. For example:

        psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;' nfldb

    Note that enabled the `fuzzystrmatch` extension also provides
    functions for comparing using Soundex.
    assert isinstance(limit, int) and limit >= 1

    if soundex:
        # Careful, soundex distances are sorted in reverse of Levenshtein
        # distances.
        # Difference yields an integer in [0, 4].
        # A 4 is an exact match.
        fuzzy = "difference(%s, %%s)"
        q = """
            SELECT {columns}
            FROM player
            WHERE {where}
            ORDER BY distance DESC LIMIT {limit}
        fuzzy = "levenshtein(LOWER(%s), %%s)"
        q = """
            SELECT {columns}
            FROM player
            WHERE {where}
            ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT {limit}

    full_name = full_name.lower()
    tokens = full_name.split(" ")
    for token in tokens:
        team = nfldb.standard_team(token)
        if team != "UNK":
            full_name = " ".join(tokens)
        team = None

    def get_results(fuzzy, q, name_type, name):
        fuzzy = fuzzy % name_type
        similar = "LOWER(%s) LIKE %%s" % name_type
        qteam, qposition = "", ""
        results = []
        with Tx(db) as cursor:
            if team is not None:
                qteam = cursor.mogrify("team = %s", (team,))
            if position is not None:
                qposition = cursor.mogrify("position = %s", (position,))

            fuzzy_filled = cursor.mogrify(fuzzy, (name,))
            similar_filled = cursor.mogrify(similar, (name + "%",))
            columns = types.Player._sql_select_fields(types.Player.sql_fields())
            columns.append("%s AS distance" % fuzzy_filled)
            q = q.format(
                columns=", ".join(columns),
                where=sql.ands(similar_filled, fuzzy_filled + " IS NOT NULL", "team != 'UNK'", qteam, qposition),

            for row in cursor.fetchall():
                results.append((types.Player.from_row_dict(db, row), row["distance"]))
        return results

    if len(full_name.split(" ")) > 1:
        first_name, last_name = full_name.split(" ")[:2]
        results_first = get_results(fuzzy, q, "first_name", first_name)
        results_last = get_results(fuzzy, q, "last_name", last_name)
        results_dict = {}
        for player, dist in results_last:
            results_dict[str(player)] = dist
        results_2nd_pass = {}
        for player, dist in results_first:
            if str(player) in results_dict:
                results_2nd_pass[player] = (results_dict[str(player)], dist)
        combined_results = results_2nd_pass.items()
        combined_results = sorted(
            combined_results, cmp=lambda x, y: x[1][0] - y[1][0] if x[1][0] - y[1][0] != 0 else x[1][1] - y[1][1]
        results = combined_results
        results = get_results(fuzzy, q, "last_name", full_name)
        results.extend(get_results(fuzzy, q, "first_name", full_name))
        results = sorted(results, cmp=lambda x, y: x[1] - y[1])

    if limit == 1:
        if len(results) == 0:
            return (None, None)
        return results[0]
    return results
Beispiel #15
def _defense_lookup(d, conn):
    t = standard_team(d)
    if t != 'UNK':
        return (t, t), False
        return _player_lookup(d, conn), True
Beispiel #16
 def to_team(row):
     team_pos = row.find(class_='ysf-player-name').span.text.strip()
     return nfldb.standard_team('^\S+', team_pos).group(0))