Beispiel #1
def _handleCmdCRetrieve(srvObj, reqPropsObj, httpRef):
    Carry out the action of a CRETRIEVE command.

    srvObj:         Reference to NG/AMS server class object (ngamsServer).

    reqPropsObj:    Request Property object to keep track of
                    actions done during the request handling

    httpRef:        Reference to the HTTP request handler
                    object (ngamsHttpRequestHandler).

    Returns:        Void.

    # For data files, retrieval must be enabled otherwise the request is
    # rejected.
    if (not srvObj.getCfg().getAllowRetrieveReq()):
        errMsg = genLog("NGAMS_ER_ILL_REQ", ["Retrieve"])
        raise Exception(errMsg)

    # We don't allow processing yet
    if 'processing' in reqPropsObj:
        raise Exception('CRETRIEVE command does not allow processing (yet)')

    # At least container_id or container_name must be specified
    containerName = containerId = None
    if reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("container_id") and reqPropsObj.getHttpPar(
        containerId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("container_id").strip()
    if not containerId and reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar(
            "container_name") and reqPropsObj.getHttpPar(
        containerName = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("container_name").strip()
    if not containerId and not containerName:
        errMsg = genLog("NGAMS_ER_RETRIEVE_CMD")
        raise Exception(errMsg)

    # If container_name is specified, and maps to more than one container,
    # an error is issued
    if not containerId:
        containerId = srvObj.getDb().getContainerIdForUniqueName(containerName)

    logger.debug("Handling request for file with containerId: %s", containerId)

    # Build the container hierarchy, get all file references and send back the results
    container = srvObj.getDb().readHierarchy(containerId, True)
    cinfo = cinfo_from_database(container, srvObj, reqPropsObj)
    reader = ngamsMIMEMultipart.ContainerReader(cinfo)

    # Send all the data back
    httpRef.send_data(reader, NGAMS_CONT_MT)
Beispiel #2
    def _createMIMEMessage(self, onlyDirs):
        if not onlyDirs:

        cinfo = ngamsMIMEMultipart.cinfo_from_filesystem('toplevel', 'application/octet-stream')
        bs = 65536
        output = StringIO.StringIO()
        reader = ngamsMIMEMultipart.ContainerReader(cinfo)
        rfunc = functools.partial(, bs)
        for buf in iter(rfunc, ''):
        message = output.getvalue()

        self.assertEqual(len(reader), len(message), "Message size calculated by the reader is wrong: %d != %d" % (len(reader), len(message)))
        return message
Beispiel #3
def _handleCmdCRetrieve(srvObj,
    Carry out the action of a CRETRIEVE command.

    srvObj:         Reference to NG/AMS server class object (ngamsServer).

    reqPropsObj:    Request Property object to keep track of
                    actions done during the request handling

    httpRef:        Reference to the HTTP request handler
                    object (ngamsHttpRequestHandler).

    Returns:        Void.

    # For data files, retrieval must be enabled otherwise the request is
    # rejected.
    if (not srvObj.getCfg().getAllowRetrieveReq()):
        errMsg = genLog("NGAMS_ER_ILL_REQ", ["Retrieve"])
        raise Exception(errMsg)

    # We don't allow processing yet
    if 'processing' in reqPropsObj:
        raise Exception('CRETRIEVE command does not allow processing (yet)')

    # Users can request a tarball instead of the default MIME multipart message
    return_tar = 'format' in reqPropsObj and reqPropsObj['format'] == 'application/x-tar'

    container_id = containers.get_container_id(reqPropsObj, srvObj.db)
    logger.debug("Handling request for file with containerId: %s", container_id)

    # Build the container hierarchy and get all file references
    container = srvObj.getDb().readHierarchy(container_id, True)
    cinfo = cinfo_from_database(container, srvObj, reqPropsObj)

    # Send all the data back, either as a multipart message or as a tarball
    if return_tar:
        httpRef.send_file_headers(, 'application/x-tar', tarsize_cinfo(cinfo))
        send_toplevel_cinfo(cinfo, httpRef)
        reader = ngamsMIMEMultipart.ContainerReader(cinfo)
        httpRef.send_data(reader, NGAMS_CONT_MT)
Beispiel #4
    def carchive(self, dirname, files_mtype):
        Sends a CARCHIVE command to the NG/AMS Server to archive
        a full hierarchy of files, effectively creating a hierarchy of
        containers with all the files within

        # If the dataRef is a directory, scan the directory
        # and build up a list of files contained directly within
        # Start preparing a mutipart MIME message that will contain
        # all of them
        dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname)
        logger.debug('Archiving directory %s as a container', dirname)

        # Recursively collect all files
        cinfo = ngamsMIMEMultipart.cinfo_from_filesystem(dirname, files_mtype)
        stream = ngamsMIMEMultipart.ContainerReader(cinfo)

        return self._post('CARCHIVE', NGAMS_CONT_MT, stream)