def set_mode(ts, crate, slot, n):		# 0: normal mode, 1: link test mode A (test mode string), 2: link test mode B (IGLOO register)
	s = 0
	if n == 0:
		cmds = [
			"put HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode 0x0".format(crate, slot, n),
			"put HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode 0x0".format(crate, slot, n),
			"get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
			"get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
		output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)["output"]
#		print output
		if "ERROR" not in output[0]["result"] and "ERROR" not in output[1]["result"]:
			s = 1
	elif n == 1:
		cmds = [
			"put HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode 0x1".format(crate, slot, n),
			"put HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode 0x1".format(crate, slot, n),
			"get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
			"get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
		output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)["output"]
		if "ERROR" not in output[0]["result"] and "ERROR" not in output[1]["result"]:
			s = 1
	elif n == 2:
		cmds = [
			"put HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode 0x7".format(crate, slot, n),
			"put HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode 0x7".format(crate, slot, n),
			"get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
			"get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
		output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)["output"]
#		print output
		if "ERROR" not in output[0]["result"] and "ERROR" not in output[1]["result"]:
			s = 1
	return s
Beispiel #2
def get_status(ts=None,
               crate=-1):  # Perform basic checks of the FE crate backplanes:
    log = ""
    s = status(ts=ts, crate=crate)

    if ts:
        # Enable, reset, and check the BKP power:
        if crate in ts.fe_crates:
            ngfec_output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(
                ts, "get HF{0}-bkp_pwr_bad".format(crate))["output"]
            if "ERROR" not in ngfec_output[0]["result"]:
                    good = not int(ngfec_output[0]["result"])
                    s.pwr = int(good)
                except Exception as ex:
                    print ex
            print "ERROR (bkp.get_status): The crate you want ({0}) is not in the teststand object you supplied.".format(
    return s
def get_unique_id(ts, crate, slot):		# Reads the unique ID of a given crate and slot and returns it as a list.
	ngccm_output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, ["get HF{0}-{1}-UniqueID".format(crate,slot)])		# Results in something like "get HF1-1-UniqueID # '1 0x5f000000 0x9b46ce70'"
	result = ngccm_output["output"][0]["result"]
	if "ERROR" not in result: 
		return result.split()[1:3]		# Get the result of the command, and turn the result into a list (ignoring the first element).
		return []
def get_igloo_info(ts, crate, slot):		# Returns a dictionary of information about the IGLOO2, such as the FW versions.
	data = [
		["version_fw_major_top", 'get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_FPGA_MAJOR_VERSION'.format(crate, slot), 0],
		["version_fw_minor_top", 'get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_FPGA_MINOR_VERSION'.format(crate, slot), 0],
		["version_fw_major_bot", 'get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_FPGA_MAJOR_VERSION'.format(crate, slot), 0],
		["version_fw_minor_bot", 'get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_FPGA_MINOR_VERSION'.format(crate, slot), 0],
	log = ""
	parsed_output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, [info[1] for info in data])["output"]
#	print parsed_output
	for info in data:
		result = parsed_output[data.index(info)]["result"]
		cmd = parsed_output[data.index(info)]["cmd"]
		if "ERROR" not in result:
			info[2] = int(result, 16)
			log += '>> ERROR: Failed to find the result of "{0}". The data string follows:\n{1}'.format(cmd, result)
	version_fw_top = "{0:02d}.{1:02d}".format(data[0][2], data[1][2])
	version_fw_bot = "{0:02d}.{1:02d}".format(data[2][2], data[3][2])
	return {
		"slot": slot,
		"version_fw_major_top":	data[0][2],
		"version_fw_minor_top":	data[1][2],
		"version_fw_top":	version_fw_top,
		"version_fw_major_bot":	data[2][2],
		"version_fw_minor_bot":	data[3][2],
		"version_fw_bot":	version_fw_bot,
		"log":			log.strip(),
def get_bridge_info(ts, crate, slot):		# Returns a dictionary of information about the Bridge FPGA, such as the FW versions.
	data = [
		["version_fw_major", 'get HF{0}-{1}-B_FIRMVERSION_MAJOR'.format(crate, slot), 0],
		["version_fw_minor", 'get HF{0}-{1}-B_FIRMVERSION_MINOR'.format(crate, slot), 0],
		["version_fw_svn", 'get HF{0}-{1}-B_FIRMVERSION_SVN'.format(crate, slot), 0],
	log = ""
	parsed_output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, [info[1] for info in data])["output"]
#	print parsed_output
	for info in data:
		result = parsed_output[data.index(info)]["result"]
		cmd = parsed_output[data.index(info)]["cmd"]
		if "ERROR" not in result:
			info[2] = int(result, 16)
			log += '>> ERROR: Failed to find the result of "{0}". The data string follows:\n{1}'.format(cmd, result)
	version_fw = "{0:02d}.{1:02d}.{2:04d}".format(data[0][2], data[1][2], data[2][2])
	return {
		"slot":	slot,
		"version_fw_major":	data[0][2],
		"version_fw_minor":	data[1][2],
		"version_fw_svn":	data[2][2],
		"version_fw":	version_fw,
		"log":			log.strip(),
    def testCache( self ) :
        errors = 0 
        executeErrors = 0 
        totalTests = 0 

        output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed( self.ts , self.commandCache )["output"]

        if self.verbosity >= 1 :
            print output
        if len( output ) % 2 != 0 : 
            print "ERROR, register::testCach() - the wrong number of commands were executed"
            return -999 
        for i in range( len( output ) / 2 ) :
            if output[i*2]["cmd"].find("put ") == -1 :
                print "ERROR, register::testCach() - commands executed in wrong order??"
                return -999 
            else :
                value = output[i*2]["cmd"].split()[2:]

            if self.verbosity >= 1 : 
                print "value:",value

            valueNum = []
            for v in value :
                valueNum.append( int(v,16) )

            if output[i*2]["result"] != "OK" : 
                executeErrors = executeErrors + 1
            else :
                totalTests = totalTests + 1

            if output[i*2+1]["cmd"].find("get ") == -1 :
                print "ERROR, register::testCach() - commands executed in wrong order??"
                return -999 
            else : 
                #check = output[i*2+1]["result"].split("'")[1].split()
                check = output[i*2+1]["result"].split()

            if self.verbosity >= 1 :
                print "check:",check

            checkNum = []
            for c in check[::-1] :
                checkNum.append( int(c,16) )

            ### valueNum and checkNum are compared so that
            ### leading zeroes will be conveniently ignored
            if valueNum != checkNum : 
                errors = errors + 1

        print "--------------------------------"
        print "REGISTER:",
        print "--------------------------------"
        print "errors:",errors
        print "execution errors:",executeErrors
        print "success rate:", 100. * ( 1. - float( errors ) / float( totalTests ) ),"%"
    def read( self ) :
        output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed( self.ts, ["get {0}".format(] )["output"][0]["result"]
        if self.verbosity >= 1 : 
            print "REGISTER::READ() --"
            print output

        return output
Beispiel #8
    def read(self):

        output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(
            self.ts, ["get {0}".format(])["output"][0]["result"]
        if self.verbosity >= 1:
            print "REGISTER::READ() --"
            print output

        return output
 def write( self , value = '') :
     output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(self.ts, ["put {0} {1}".format(,value)] )["output"][0]["result"]
     if self.verbosity >= 1 : 
         print "REGISTER::WRITE() --"
         print output
     if output.find("ERROR!") != -1 : 
         return False
     else : 
         return True
def set_mode(
    ts, crate, slot, n
):  # 0: normal mode, 1: link test mode A (test mode string), 2: link test mode B (IGLOO register)
    s = 0
    if n == 0:
        cmds = [
            "put HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode 0x0".format(crate, slot, n),
            "put HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode 0x0".format(crate, slot, n),
            "get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
            "get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
        output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)["output"]
        #		print output
        if "ERROR" not in output[0]["result"] and "ERROR" not in output[1][
            s = 1
    elif n == 1:
        cmds = [
            "put HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode 0x1".format(crate, slot, n),
            "put HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode 0x1".format(crate, slot, n),
            "get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
            "get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
        output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)["output"]
        if "ERROR" not in output[0]["result"] and "ERROR" not in output[1][
            s = 1
    elif n == 2:
        cmds = [
            "put HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode 0x7".format(crate, slot, n),
            "put HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode 0x7".format(crate, slot, n),
            "get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
            "get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_LinkTestMode".format(crate, slot, n),
        output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)["output"]
        #		print output
        if "ERROR" not in output[0]["result"] and "ERROR" not in output[1][
            s = 1
    return s
Beispiel #11
def get_unique_id(
    ts, crate, slot
):  # Reads the unique ID of a given crate and slot and returns it as a list.
    ngccm_output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(
        ts, ["get HF{0}-{1}-UniqueID".format(crate, slot)]
    )  # Results in something like "get HF1-1-UniqueID # '1 0x5f000000 0x9b46ce70'"
    result = ngccm_output["output"][0]["result"]
    if "ERROR" not in result:
        return result.split(
          3]  # Get the result of the command, and turn the result into a list (ignoring the first element).
        return []
Beispiel #12
def read_counter_qie_bridge(ts, crate, slot):
	log = ""
	count = -1
	cmd = "get HF{0}-{1}-B_RESQIECOUNTER".format(crate, slot)
	output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmd)["output"]
		count = int(output[0]["result"], 16)
	except Exception as ex:
		log += output[0]["cmd"] + " -> " + output[0]["result"] + "\n"
	return {
		"count": count,
		"log": log,
Beispiel #13
    def write(self, value=''):

        output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(
            ["put {0} {1}".format(, value)])["output"][0]["result"]
        if self.verbosity >= 1:
            print "REGISTER::WRITE() --"
            print output

        if output.find("ERROR!") != -1:
            return False
            return True
Beispiel #14
def read_counter_qie_bridge(ts, crate, slot):
    log = ""
    count = -1
    cmd = "get HF{0}-{1}-B_RESQIECOUNTER".format(crate, slot)
    output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmd)["output"]
        count = int(output[0]["result"], 16)
    except Exception as ex:
        log += output[0]["cmd"] + " -> " + output[0]["result"] + "\n"
    return {
        "count": count,
        "log": log,
def get_temps(ts=False):		# It's more flexible to not have the input be a teststand object. I should make it accept both.
	output = {}
	if ts:
		for crate, slots in ts.fe.iteritems():
			output[crate] = []
			for slot in slots:
				cmds = [
					"get HF{0}-{1}-bkp_temp_f".format(crate, slot),		# The temperature sensor on the QIE card, near the bottom, labeled "U40".
				output[crate] += ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)["output"]
		return output
		return output
Beispiel #16
def get_igloo_info(
    ts, crate, slot
):  # Returns a dictionary of information about the IGLOO2, such as the FW versions.
    data = [
            'get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_FPGA_MAJOR_VERSION'.format(crate, slot), 0
            'get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_FPGA_MINOR_VERSION'.format(crate, slot), 0
            'get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_FPGA_MAJOR_VERSION'.format(crate, slot), 0
            'get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_FPGA_MINOR_VERSION'.format(crate, slot), 0
    log = ""
    parsed_output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts,
                                                for info in data])["output"]
    #	print parsed_output
    for info in data:
        result = parsed_output[data.index(info)]["result"]
        cmd = parsed_output[data.index(info)]["cmd"]
        if "ERROR" not in result:
            info[2] = int(result, 16)
            log += '>> ERROR: Failed to find the result of "{0}". The data string follows:\n{1}'.format(
                cmd, result)
    version_fw_top = "{0:02d}.{1:02d}".format(data[0][2], data[1][2])
    version_fw_bot = "{0:02d}.{1:02d}".format(data[2][2], data[3][2])
    return {
        "slot": slot,
        "version_fw_major_top": data[0][2],
        "version_fw_minor_top": data[1][2],
        "version_fw_top": version_fw_top,
        "version_fw_major_bot": data[2][2],
        "version_fw_minor_bot": data[3][2],
        "version_fw_bot": version_fw_bot,
        "log": log.strip(),
def get_temps(
):  # It's more flexible to not have the input be a teststand object. I should make it accept both.
    output = {}

    if ts:
        for crate, slots in ts.fe.iteritems():
            output[crate] = []
            for slot in slots:
                cmds = [
                    "get HF{0}-{1}-bkp_temp_f".format(
                        crate, slot
                    ),  # The temperature sensor on the QIE card, near the bottom, labeled "U40".
                output[crate] += ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)["output"]
        return output
        return output
Beispiel #18
def read_counter_qie_igloo(ts, crate, slot):
	log = ""
	counts = [-1, -1]
	times = [-1, -1]
	cmds = [
		"get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_RST_QIE_count".format(crate, slot),
		"get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_RST_QIE_count".format(crate, slot),
	result = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)
	output = result["output"]
	for i in range(2):
			counts[i] = int(output[i]["result"], 16)
			times[i] = output[i]["times"][0]
		except Exception as ex:
			log += output[i][0] + " -> " + output[i][1] + "\n" + ex + "\n"
	return {
		"counts": counts,
		"times": times,
		"log": log,
Beispiel #19
def read_counter_qie_igloo(ts, crate, slot):
    log = ""
    counts = [-1, -1]
    times = [-1, -1]
    cmds = [
        "get HF{0}-{1}-iTop_RST_QIE_count".format(crate, slot),
        "get HF{0}-{1}-iBot_RST_QIE_count".format(crate, slot),
    result = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)
    output = result["output"]
    for i in range(2):
            counts[i] = int(output[i]["result"], 16)
            times[i] = output[i]["times"][0]
        except Exception as ex:
            log += output[i][0] + " -> " + output[i][1] + "\n" + ex + "\n"
    return {
        "counts": counts,
        "times": times,
        "log": log,
Beispiel #20
def get_bridge_info(
    ts, crate, slot
):  # Returns a dictionary of information about the Bridge FPGA, such as the FW versions.
    data = [
            'get HF{0}-{1}-B_FIRMVERSION_MAJOR'.format(crate, slot), 0
            'get HF{0}-{1}-B_FIRMVERSION_MINOR'.format(crate, slot), 0
            'get HF{0}-{1}-B_FIRMVERSION_SVN'.format(crate, slot), 0
    log = ""
    parsed_output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts,
                                                for info in data])["output"]
    #	print parsed_output
    for info in data:
        result = parsed_output[data.index(info)]["result"]
        cmd = parsed_output[data.index(info)]["cmd"]
        if "ERROR" not in result:
            info[2] = int(result, 16)
            log += '>> ERROR: Failed to find the result of "{0}". The data string follows:\n{1}'.format(
                cmd, result)
    version_fw = "{0:02d}.{1:02d}.{2:04d}".format(data[0][2], data[1][2],
    return {
        "slot": slot,
        "version_fw_major": data[0][2],
        "version_fw_minor": data[1][2],
        "version_fw_svn": data[2][2],
        "version_fw": version_fw,
        "log": log.strip(),
Beispiel #21
def get_status(ts=None, crate=-1):		# Perform basic checks of the FE crate backplanes:
	log = ""
	s = status(ts=ts, crate=crate)
	if ts:
		# Enable, reset, and check the BKP power:
		if crate in ts.fe_crates:
			ngfec_output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, "get HF{0}-bkp_pwr_bad".format(crate))["output"]
			if "ERROR" not in ngfec_output[0]["result"]:
					good = not int(ngfec_output[0]["result"])
					s.pwr = int(good)
				except Exception as ex:
					print ex
			print "ERROR (bkp.get_status): The crate you want ({0}) is not in the teststand object you supplied.".format(crate)
	return s
Beispiel #22
    def testCache(self):

        errors = 0
        executeErrors = 0
        totalTests = 0

        output = ngccm.send_commands_parsed(self.ts,

        if self.verbosity >= 1:
            print output

        if len(output) % 2 != 0:
            print "ERROR, register::testCach() - the wrong number of commands were executed"
            return -999
        for i in range(len(output) / 2):
            if output[i * 2]["cmd"].find("put ") == -1:
                print "ERROR, register::testCach() - commands executed in wrong order??"
                return -999
                value = output[i * 2]["cmd"].split()[2:]

            if self.verbosity >= 1:
                print "value:", value

            valueNum = []
            for v in value:
                valueNum.append(int(v, 16))

            if output[i * 2]["result"] != "OK":
                executeErrors = executeErrors + 1
                totalTests = totalTests + 1

            if output[i * 2 + 1]["cmd"].find("get ") == -1:
                print "ERROR, register::testCach() - commands executed in wrong order??"
                return -999
                #check = output[i*2+1]["result"].split("'")[1].split()
                check = output[i * 2 + 1]["result"].split()

            if self.verbosity >= 1:
                print "check:", check

            checkNum = []
            for c in check[::-1]:
                checkNum.append(int(c, 16))

            ### valueNum and checkNum are compared so that
            ### leading zeroes will be conveniently ignored
            if valueNum != checkNum:
                errors = errors + 1

        print "--------------------------------"
        print "REGISTER:",
        print "--------------------------------"
        print "errors:", errors
        print "execution errors:", executeErrors
        print "success rate:", 100. * (1. -
                                       float(errors) / float(totalTests)), "%"
Beispiel #23
def set_clk_phase(ts, crate, slot, qie, phase=0):
	return ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, "put HF{0}-{1}-Qie{2}_ck_ph {3}".format(crate, slot, qie, phase))
Beispiel #24
def set_clk_phase_all(ts, crate, slot, phase=0):
	cmds = ["put HF{0}-{1}-Qie{2}_ck_ph {3}".format(crate, slot, qie, phase) for qie in range(1, 25)]
	return ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)
Beispiel #25
def set_clk_phase_all(ts, crate, slot, phase=0):
    cmds = [
        "put HF{0}-{1}-Qie{2}_ck_ph {3}".format(crate, slot, qie, phase)
        for qie in range(1, 25)
    return ngccm.send_commands_parsed(ts, cmds)
Beispiel #26
def set_clk_phase(ts, crate, slot, qie, phase=0):
    return ngccm.send_commands_parsed(
        ts, "put HF{0}-{1}-Qie{2}_ck_ph {3}".format(crate, slot, qie, phase))