Beispiel #1
def simple_if(condition_val):
    condition = ng.constant(condition_val, dtype=np.bool)
    # then_body
    X_t = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "X")
    Y_t = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "Y")

    then_mul = ng.multiply(X_t, Y_t)
    then_body_res_1 = ng.result(then_mul)
    then_body = GraphBody([X_t, Y_t], [then_body_res_1])
    then_body_inputs = [
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(1, 0),
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(2, 1)
    then_body_outputs = [TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0)]

    # else_body
    X_e = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "X")
    Y_e = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "Y")
    add_e = ng.add(X_e, Y_e)
    else_body_res_1 = ng.result(add_e)
    else_body = GraphBody([X_e, Y_e], [else_body_res_1])
    else_body_inputs = [
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(1, 0),
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(2, 1)
    else_body_outputs = [TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0)]

    X = ng.constant([3, 4], dtype=np.float32)
    Y = ng.constant([2, 1], dtype=np.float32)
    if_node = ng.if_op(condition, [X, Y], (then_body, else_body),
                       (then_body_inputs, else_body_inputs),
                       (then_body_outputs, else_body_outputs))
    relu = ng.relu(if_node)
    return relu
Beispiel #2
def create_simple_if_with_two_outputs(condition_val):
    condition = ng.constant(condition_val, dtype=np.bool)

    # then_body
    X_t = ng.parameter([], np.float32, "X")
    Y_t = ng.parameter([], np.float32, "Y")
    Z_t = ng.parameter([], np.float32, "Z")

    add_t = ng.add(X_t, Y_t)
    mul_t = ng.multiply(Y_t, Z_t)
    then_body_res_1 = ng.result(add_t)
    then_body_res_2 = ng.result(mul_t)
    then_body = GraphBody([X_t, Y_t, Z_t], [then_body_res_1, then_body_res_2])
    then_body_inputs = [
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(1, 0),
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(2, 1),
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(3, 2)
    then_body_outputs = [
        TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0),
        TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(1, 1)

    # else_body
    X_e = ng.parameter([], np.float32, "X")
    Z_e = ng.parameter([], np.float32, "Z")
    W_e = ng.parameter([], np.float32, "W")

    add_e = ng.add(X_e, W_e)
    pow_e = ng.power(W_e, Z_e)
    else_body_res_1 = ng.result(add_e)
    else_body_res_2 = ng.result(pow_e)
    else_body = GraphBody([X_e, Z_e, W_e], [else_body_res_1, else_body_res_2])
    else_body_inputs = [
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(1, 0),
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(3, 1),
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(4, 2)
    else_body_outputs = [
        TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0),
        TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(1, 1)

    X = ng.constant(15.0, dtype=np.float32)
    Y = ng.constant(-5.0, dtype=np.float32)
    Z = ng.constant(4.0, dtype=np.float32)
    W = ng.constant(2.0, dtype=np.float32)
    if_node = ng.if_op(condition, [X, Y, Z, W], (then_body, else_body),
                       (then_body_inputs, else_body_inputs),
                       (then_body_outputs, else_body_outputs))
    return if_node
Beispiel #3
def loop(
    trip_count: NodeInput,
    execution_condition: NodeInput,
    inputs: List[Node],
    graph_body: GraphBody,
    slice_input_desc: List[TensorIteratorSliceInputDesc],
    merged_input_desc: List[TensorIteratorMergedInputDesc],
    invariant_input_desc: List[TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc],
    body_output_desc: List[TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc],
    concat_output_desc: List[TensorIteratorConcatOutputDesc],
    body_condition_output_idx: int,
    current_iteration_input_idx: int = -1,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Perform recurrent execution of the network described in the body, iterating through the data.

    :param trip_count: A scalar or 1D tensor with 1 element specifying
        maximum number of iterations.
    :param execution_condition: A scalar or 1D tensor with 1 element
        specifying whether to execute the first iteration or not.
    :param      inputs:                The provided to TensorIterator operator.
    :param      graph_body:            The graph representing the body we execute.
    :param      slice_input_desc:      The descriptors describing sliced inputs, that is nodes
                                       representing tensors we iterate through, processing single
                                       data slice in one iteration.
    :param      merged_input_desc:     The descriptors describing merged inputs, that is nodes
                                       representing variables with initial value at first iteration,
                                       which may be changing through iterations.
    :param      invariant_input_desc:  The descriptors describing invariant inputs, that is nodes
                                       representing variable with persistent value through all
    :param      body_output_desc:      The descriptors describing body outputs from specified
    :param      concat_output_desc:    The descriptors describing specified output values through
                                       all the iterations concatenated into one node.
    :param      body_condition_output_idx:    Determines the purpose of the corresponding result in
                                              the graph_body. This result will determine the dynamic
                                              exit condition. If the value of this result is False,
                                              then iterations stop.
    :param      current_iteration_input_idx:  Determines the purpose of the corresponding parameter
                                              in the graph_body. This parameter will be used as
                                              an iteration counter. Optional.
    :return: The new node which performs Loop.
    attributes = {
        "body": graph_body.serialize(),
        "input_descriptions": {"slice_input_desc": [desc.serialize() for desc in slice_input_desc],
                               "merged_input_desc": [desc.serialize() for desc in merged_input_desc],
                               "invariant_input_desc": [desc.serialize() for desc in invariant_input_desc]},
        "output_descriptions": {"body_output_desc": [desc.serialize() for desc in body_output_desc],
                                "concat_output_desc": [desc.serialize() for desc in concat_output_desc]},
        "special_body_ports": {"body_condition_output_idx": body_condition_output_idx,
                               "current_iteration_input_idx": current_iteration_input_idx}
    return _get_node_factory_opset5().create("Loop", as_nodes(trip_count, execution_condition, *inputs),
Beispiel #4
def create_diff_if_with_two_outputs(condition_val):
    condition = ng.constant(condition_val, dtype=np.bool)

    # then_body
    X_t = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "X")
    Y_t = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "Y")
    mmul_t = ng.matmul(X_t, Y_t, False, False)
    mul_t = ng.multiply(Y_t, X_t)
    then_body_res_1 = ng.result(mmul_t)
    then_body_res_2 = ng.result(mul_t)
    then_body = GraphBody([X_t, Y_t], [then_body_res_1, then_body_res_2])
    then_body_inputs = [
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(1, 0),
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(2, 1)
    then_body_outputs = [
        TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0),
        TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(1, 1)

    # else_body
    X_e = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "X")
    Z_e = ng.parameter([], np.float32, "Z")
    mul_e = ng.multiply(X_e, Z_e)
    else_body_res_1 = ng.result(Z_e)
    else_body_res_2 = ng.result(mul_e)
    else_body = GraphBody([X_e, Z_e], [else_body_res_1, else_body_res_2])
    else_body_inputs = [
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(1, 0),
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(3, 1)
    else_body_outputs = [
        TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0),
        TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(1, 1)

    X = ng.constant([3, 4], dtype=np.float32)
    Y = ng.constant([2, 1], dtype=np.float32)
    Z = ng.constant(4.0, dtype=np.float32)
    if_node = ng.if_op(condition, [X, Y, Z], (then_body, else_body),
                       (then_body_inputs, else_body_inputs),
                       (then_body_outputs, else_body_outputs))
    return if_node
Beispiel #5
def simple_if_without_parameters(condition_val):
    condition = ng.constant(condition_val, dtype=np.bool)

    # then_body
    then_constant = ng.constant(0.7, dtype=np.float)
    then_body_res_1 = ng.result(then_constant)
    then_body = GraphBody([], [then_body_res_1])
    then_body_inputs = []
    then_body_outputs = [TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0)]

    # else_body
    else_const = ng.constant(9.0, dtype=np.float)
    else_body_res_1 = ng.result(else_const)
    else_body = GraphBody([], [else_body_res_1])
    else_body_inputs = []
    else_body_outputs = [TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0)]

    if_node = ng.if_op(condition, [], (then_body, else_body),
                       (then_body_inputs, else_body_inputs),
                       (then_body_outputs, else_body_outputs))
    relu = ng.relu(if_node)
    return relu
def test_tensor_iterator():
    from ngraph.utils.tensor_iterator_types import (

    #  Body parameters
    body_timestep = ng.parameter([], np.int32, "timestep")
    body_data_in = ng.parameter([1, 2, 2], np.float32, "body_in")
    body_prev_cma = ng.parameter([2, 2], np.float32, "body_prev_cma")
    body_const_one = ng.parameter([], np.int32, "body_const_one")

    # CMA = cumulative moving average
    prev_cum_sum = ng.multiply(ng.convert(body_timestep, "f32"), body_prev_cma)
    curr_cum_sum = ng.add(prev_cum_sum, ng.squeeze(body_data_in, [0]))
    elem_cnt = ng.add(body_const_one, body_timestep)
    curr_cma = ng.divide(curr_cum_sum, ng.convert(elem_cnt, "f32"))
    cma_hist = ng.unsqueeze(curr_cma, [0])

    # TI inputs
    data = ng.parameter([16, 2, 2], np.float32, "data")
    # Iterations count
    zero = ng.constant(0, dtype=np.int32)
    one = ng.constant(1, dtype=np.int32)
    initial_cma = ng.constant(np.zeros([2, 2], dtype=np.float32),
    iter_cnt = ng.range(zero, np.int32(16), np.int32(1))
    ti_inputs = [iter_cnt, data, initial_cma, one]

    graph_body = GraphBody(
        [body_timestep, body_data_in, body_prev_cma, body_const_one],
        [curr_cma, cma_hist])
    ti_slice_input_desc = [
        # timestep
        # input_idx, body_param_idx, start, stride, part_size, end, axis
        TensorIteratorSliceInputDesc(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0),
        # data
        TensorIteratorSliceInputDesc(1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0),
    ti_merged_input_desc = [
        # body prev/curr_cma
        TensorIteratorMergedInputDesc(2, 2, 0),
    ti_invariant_input_desc = [
        # body const one
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(3, 3),

    # TI outputs
    ti_body_output_desc = [
        # final average
        TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0, -1),
    ti_concat_output_desc = [
        # history of cma
        TensorIteratorConcatOutputDesc(1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0),

    node = ng.tensor_iterator(

    assert node.get_type_name() == "TensorIterator"
    assert node.get_output_size() == 2
    # final average
    assert list(node.get_output_shape(0)) == [2, 2]
    # cma history
    assert list(node.get_output_shape(1)) == [16, 2, 2]