Beispiel #1
    def __call__(self, x):
        Returns the Clipped Rectified Linear activation

            x (Tensor or optree): Input value

            Tensor or optree: output activation
        return ng.minimum(
            ng.maximum(x, 0) + self.slope * ng.minimum(x, 0), self.cutoff)
Beispiel #2
    def __call__(self, x):
        Returns the Exponential Linear activation

            x (Tensor or optree): input value

            Tensor or optree: output activation
        return ng.maximum(x, 0) + self.alpha * (ng.exp(ng.minimum(x, 0)) - 1)
Beispiel #3
    def __call__(self, x):
        Returns the Exponential Linear activation

            x (Tensor or optree): Input value

            Tensor or optree: output activation
        return ng.maximum(x, 0) + self.slope * ng.minimum(0, x)
Beispiel #4
def Clip(onnx_node,
         ng_inputs):  # type: (NodeWrapper, List[NgraphNode]) -> NgraphNode
    """Limit input tensor values within specified interval."""
    data = ng_inputs[0]
    data_elem_dtype = get_dtype(data.get_element_type())
    max_value = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('max',
    min_value = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('min',

    return ng.minimum(
        ng.maximum(data, ng.constant(min_value, data_elem_dtype)),
        ng.constant(max_value, data_elem_dtype))
def clip_gradient_value(grad, clip_value=None):
    Element-wise clip a gradient tensor to between ``-clip_value`` and ``+clip_value``.

        grad (Tensor): List of gradients for a single layer
        clip_value (float, optional): Value to element-wise clip gradients. Default: no clipping

        grad (list): List of clipped gradients.
    if clip_value is None:
        return grad
        return ng.minimum(ng.maximum(grad, -abs(clip_value)), abs(clip_value))
Beispiel #6
def HardSigmoid(
        ng_inputs):  # type: (NodeWrapper, List[NgraphNode]) -> NgraphNode
    """Apply f(x) = max(0, min(1, alpha * x + beta)) function to tensor element-wise.

    :param onnx_node: The ONNX node representing this operation.
    :param ng_inputs: The input tensors.
    :return: The tensor with applied HardSigmoid operation.
    data = ng_inputs[0]
    data_type = get_dtype(data.get_element_type()).type
    alpha = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('alpha', float(0.2))
    beta = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('beta', float(0.5))
    return ng.maximum(data_type(0),
                      ng.minimum(data_type(1), alpha * data + beta))
Beispiel #7
def test_clip(transformer_factory):
    H = ng.make_axis(length=5)
    W = ng.make_axis(length=4)
    axes = ng.make_axes([W, H])

    p_x = ng.placeholder(axes)
    x = (2 * rng.uniform(0, 1, axes) - 1) * 20
    clip_value = 10

    clip_func = ng.minimum(ng.maximum(p_x, -abs(clip_value)), abs(clip_value))

    # numpy results as expected results
    expected_result = np.clip(x, -abs(clip_value), abs(clip_value))

    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        costfunc = ex.executor(clip_func, p_x)
        result = costfunc(x)
        ng.testing.assert_allclose(result, expected_result)
def clip_weight_value(weight, clip_value=None, min_value_override=None):
    Element-wise clip a weight tensor to between ``min_value_override`` and ``clip_value``.

        weight (Tensor): List of gradients for a single layer
        clip_value (float, optional): Value to element-wise clip weights. Default: no clipping
        min_value (float, optional): Value to minimum value to element-wise clip
                                     weights. Default: -abs(clip_value)

        weight (list): List of clipped weights.
    if clip_value is None:
        return weight
        if min_value_override is None:
            min_value_override = -abs(clip_value)
        return ng.minimum(ng.maximum(weight, min_value_override),
Beispiel #9
def binary_op(op_str, a, b):

    if op_str == '+':
        return a + b
    elif op_str == 'Add':
        return ng.add(a, b)
    elif op_str == '-':
        return a - b
    elif op_str == 'Sub':
        return ng.subtract(a, b)
    elif op_str == '*':
        return a * b
    elif op_str == 'Mul':
        return ng.multiply(a, b)
    elif op_str == '/':
        return a / b
    elif op_str == 'Div':
        return ng.divide(a, b)
    elif op_str == 'Dot':
        return Dot(a, b)
    elif op_str == 'Equal':
        return ng.equal(a, b)
    elif op_str == 'Greater':
        return ng.greater(a, b)
    elif op_str == 'GreaterEq':
        return ng.greater_equal(a, b)
    elif op_str == 'Less':
        return ng.less(a, b)
    elif op_str == 'LessEq':
        return ng.less_equal(a, b)
    elif op_str == 'Maximum':
        return ng.maximum(a, b)
    elif op_str == 'Minimum':
        return ng.minimum(a, b)
    elif op_str == 'NotEqual':
        return ng.not_equal(a, b)
    elif op_str == 'Power':
        return ng.power(a, b)
Beispiel #10
def binary_op(op_str, a, b):

    if op_str == "+":
        return a + b
    elif op_str == "Add":
        return ng.add(a, b)
    elif op_str == "-":
        return a - b
    elif op_str == "Sub":
        return ng.subtract(a, b)
    elif op_str == "*":
        return a * b
    elif op_str == "Mul":
        return ng.multiply(a, b)
    elif op_str == "/":
        return a / b
    elif op_str == "Div":
        return ng.divide(a, b)
    elif op_str == "Equal":
        return ng.equal(a, b)
    elif op_str == "Greater":
        return ng.greater(a, b)
    elif op_str == "GreaterEq":
        return ng.greater_equal(a, b)
    elif op_str == "Less":
        return ng.less(a, b)
    elif op_str == "LessEq":
        return ng.less_equal(a, b)
    elif op_str == "Maximum":
        return ng.maximum(a, b)
    elif op_str == "Minimum":
        return ng.minimum(a, b)
    elif op_str == "NotEqual":
        return ng.not_equal(a, b)
    elif op_str == "Power":
        return ng.power(a, b)