Beispiel #1
def test_ie_core_class():
    input_shape = [1, 3, 4, 4]
    param = ng.parameter(input_shape, np.float32, name="parameter")
    relu = ng.relu(param, name="relu")
    func = Function([relu], [param], "test")
    func.get_ordered_ops()[2].friendly_name = "friendly"

    cnn_network = ov.IENetwork(func)

    ie_core = ov.Core()
    ie_core.set_config({}, device_name="CPU")
    executable_network = ie_core.load_network(cnn_network, "CPU", {})

    td = TensorDesc("FP32", input_shape, "NCHW")

    # from IPython import embed; embed()

    request = executable_network.create_infer_request()
    input_data = np.random.rand(*input_shape) - 0.5

    expected_output = np.maximum(0.0, input_data)

    input_blob = Blob(td, input_data)

    request.set_input({"parameter": input_blob})

    result = request.get_blob("relu").buffer

    assert np.allclose(result, expected_output)
Beispiel #2
def create_relu(input_shape):
    import ngraph as ng
    input_shape = ng.impl.PartialShape(input_shape)
    param = ng.parameter(input_shape, dtype=np.float32, name="data")
    result = ng.relu(param, name="out")
    function  = ng.Function(result, [param], "TestFunction")
    return function
Beispiel #3
def simple_if(condition_val):
    condition = ng.constant(condition_val, dtype=np.bool)
    # then_body
    X_t = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "X")
    Y_t = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "Y")

    then_mul = ng.multiply(X_t, Y_t)
    then_body_res_1 = ng.result(then_mul)
    then_body = GraphBody([X_t, Y_t], [then_body_res_1])
    then_body_inputs = [
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(1, 0),
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(2, 1)
    then_body_outputs = [TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0)]

    # else_body
    X_e = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "X")
    Y_e = ng.parameter([2], np.float32, "Y")
    add_e = ng.add(X_e, Y_e)
    else_body_res_1 = ng.result(add_e)
    else_body = GraphBody([X_e, Y_e], [else_body_res_1])
    else_body_inputs = [
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(1, 0),
        TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc(2, 1)
    else_body_outputs = [TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0)]

    X = ng.constant([3, 4], dtype=np.float32)
    Y = ng.constant([2, 1], dtype=np.float32)
    if_node = ng.if_op(condition, [X, Y], (then_body, else_body),
                       (then_body_inputs, else_body_inputs),
                       (then_body_outputs, else_body_outputs))
    relu = ng.relu(if_node)
    return relu
Beispiel #4
def get_test_cnnnetwork():
    element_type = Type.f32
    param = Parameter(element_type, Shape([1, 3, 22, 22]))
    relu = ng.relu(param)
    func = Function([relu], [param], 'test')
    caps = Function.to_capsule(func)

    cnnNetwork = IENetwork(caps)
    assert cnnNetwork != None
    return cnnNetwork
Beispiel #5
def test_create_IENetwork_from_nGraph():
    element_type = Type.f32
    param = Parameter(element_type, Shape([1, 3, 22, 22]))
    relu = ng.relu(param)
    func = Function([relu], [param], "test")
    cnnNetwork = ov.IENetwork(func)
    assert cnnNetwork is not None
    func2 = cnnNetwork.get_function()
    assert func2 is not None
    assert len(func2.get_ops()) == 3
Beispiel #6
def test_CreateIENetworkFromNGraph():
    element_type = Type.f32
    param = Parameter(element_type, Shape([1, 3, 22, 22]))
    relu = ng.relu(param)
    func = Function([relu], [param], 'test')
    caps = Function.to_capsule(func)
    cnnNetwork = IENetwork(caps)
    assert cnnNetwork != None
    assert ng.function_from_cnn(cnnNetwork) != None
    assert len(cnnNetwork.layers) == 2
Beispiel #7
def get_test_cnnnetwork():
    param = ng.parameter(Shape([1, 3, 22, 22]), name="parameter")
    relu = ng.relu(param)
    res = ng.result(relu, name='result')
    func = Function([res], [param], 'test')
    caps = Function.to_capsule(func)

    cnnNetwork = IENetwork(caps)
    assert cnnNetwork != None
    return cnnNetwork
Beispiel #8
def test_runtime_info():
    test_shape = PartialShape([1, 1, 1, 1])
    test_type = Type.f32
    test_param = Parameter(test_type, test_shape)
    relu_node = ng.relu(test_param)
    runtime_info = relu_node.get_rt_info()
    runtime_info["affinity"] = "test_affinity"
    runtime_info_after = relu_node.get_rt_info()

    assert runtime_info_after["affinity"] == "test_affinity"
Beispiel #9
def test_get_IENetwork_from_nGraph():
    element_type = Type.f32
    param = Parameter(element_type, Shape([1, 3, 22, 22]))
    relu = ng.relu(param)
    func = Function([relu], [param], 'test')
    caps = Function.to_capsule(func)
    cnnNetwork = IENetwork(caps)
    assert cnnNetwork != None
    assert ng.function_from_cnn(cnnNetwork) != None
    func2 = ng.function_from_cnn(cnnNetwork)
    assert func2 != None
Beispiel #10
def test_offline_api():
    element_type = Type.f32
    param = Parameter(element_type, Shape([1, 3, 22, 22]))
    relu = ng.relu(param)
    func = Function([relu], [param], 'test')
    caps = Function.to_capsule(func)

    cnnNetwork = IENetwork(caps)
    assert cnnNetwork != None

    ApplyMOCTransformations(cnnNetwork, False)

    func2 = ng.function_from_cnn(cnnNetwork)
    assert func2 != None
    assert len(func2.get_ops()) == 3
Beispiel #11
def test_mutiple_outputs():
    input_shape = [4, 4]
    input_data = np.arange(-8, 8).reshape(input_shape)

    expected_output = np.split(input_data, 2, axis=1)[0]
    expected_output[expected_output < 0] = 0

    test_param = ng.parameter(input_shape, dtype=np.float32, name="A")
    split = ng.split(test_param, axis=1, num_splits=2)
    split_first_output = split.output(0)
    relu = ng.relu(split_first_output)

    runtime = get_runtime()
    computation = runtime.computation(relu, test_param)
    output = computation(input_data)

    assert np.equal(output, expected_output).all()
Beispiel #12
def simple_if_without_parameters(condition_val):
    condition = ng.constant(condition_val, dtype=np.bool)

    # then_body
    then_constant = ng.constant(0.7, dtype=np.float)
    then_body_res_1 = ng.result(then_constant)
    then_body = GraphBody([], [then_body_res_1])
    then_body_inputs = []
    then_body_outputs = [TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0)]

    # else_body
    else_const = ng.constant(9.0, dtype=np.float)
    else_body_res_1 = ng.result(else_const)
    else_body = GraphBody([], [else_body_res_1])
    else_body_inputs = []
    else_body_outputs = [TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc(0, 0)]

    if_node = ng.if_op(condition, [], (then_body, else_body),
                       (then_body_inputs, else_body_inputs),
                       (then_body_outputs, else_body_outputs))
    relu = ng.relu(if_node)
    return relu
Beispiel #13
def test_runtime_info():
    test_shape = PartialShape([1, 3, 22, 22])
    test_type = Type.f32
    test_param = Parameter(test_type, test_shape)
    relu_node = ng.relu(test_param)
    runtime_info = relu_node.get_rt_info()
    runtime_info["affinity"] = "test_affinity"
    runtime_info_after = relu_node.get_rt_info()

    assert runtime_info == runtime_info_after

    params = [test_param]
    results = [relu_node]

    ng_function = Function(results, params, "testFunc")

    capsule = Function.to_capsule(ng_function)
    cnn_network = IENetwork(capsule)
    cnn_layer = cnn_network.layers["testReLU"]
    assert cnn_layer is not None
    assert cnn_layer.affinity == "test_affinity"
def create_ngraph_function(args) -> Function:
    weights = np.fromfile(args.model, dtype=np.float32)
    weights_offset = 0
    padding_begin = [0, 0]
    padding_end = [0, 0]

    # input
    input_shape = [64, 1, 28, 28]
    param_node = ngraph.parameter(input_shape, np.float32, 'Parameter')

    # convolution 1
    conv_1_kernel_shape, conv_1_kernel_length = shape_and_length([20, 1, 5, 5])
    conv_1_kernel = ngraph.constant(
    weights_offset += conv_1_kernel_length
    conv_1_node = ngraph.convolution(param_node, conv_1_kernel, [1, 1],
                                     padding_begin, padding_end, [1, 1])

    # add 1
    add_1_kernel_shape, add_1_kernel_length = shape_and_length([1, 20, 1, 1])
    add_1_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
    weights_offset += add_1_kernel_length
    add_1_node = ngraph.add(conv_1_node, add_1_kernel)

    # maxpool 1
    maxpool_1_node = ngraph.max_pool(add_1_node, [2, 2], padding_begin,
                                     padding_end, [2, 2], 'ceil', None)

    # convolution 2
    conv_2_kernel_shape, conv_2_kernel_length = shape_and_length(
        [50, 20, 5, 5])
    conv_2_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
    weights_offset += conv_2_kernel_length
    conv_2_node = ngraph.convolution(maxpool_1_node, conv_2_kernel, [1, 1],
                                     padding_begin, padding_end, [1, 1])

    # add 2
    add_2_kernel_shape, add_2_kernel_length = shape_and_length([1, 50, 1, 1])
    add_2_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
    weights_offset += add_2_kernel_length
    add_2_node = ngraph.add(conv_2_node, add_2_kernel)

    # maxpool 2
    maxpool_2_node = ngraph.max_pool(add_2_node, [2, 2], padding_begin,
                                     padding_end, [2, 2], 'ceil', None)

    # reshape 1
    reshape_1_dims, reshape_1_length = shape_and_length([2])
    # workaround to get int64 weights from float32 ndarray w/o unnecessary copying
    dtype_weights = np.frombuffer(weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
                                          2 * reshape_1_length],
    reshape_1_kernel = ngraph.constant(dtype_weights)
    weights_offset += 2 * reshape_1_length
    reshape_1_node = ngraph.reshape(maxpool_2_node, reshape_1_kernel, True)

    # matmul 1
    matmul_1_kernel_shape, matmul_1_kernel_length = shape_and_length(
        [500, 800])
    matmul_1_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
    weights_offset += matmul_1_kernel_length
    matmul_1_node = ngraph.matmul(reshape_1_node, matmul_1_kernel, False, True)

    # add 3
    add_3_kernel_shape, add_3_kernel_length = shape_and_length([1, 500])
    add_3_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
    weights_offset += add_3_kernel_length
    add_3_node = ngraph.add(matmul_1_node, add_3_kernel)

    # ReLU
    relu_node = ngraph.relu(add_3_node)

    # reshape 2
    reshape_2_kernel = ngraph.constant(dtype_weights)
    reshape_2_node = ngraph.reshape(relu_node, reshape_2_kernel, True)

    # matmul 2
    matmul_2_kernel_shape, matmul_2_kernel_length = shape_and_length([10, 500])
    matmul_2_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
    weights_offset += matmul_2_kernel_length
    matmul_2_node = ngraph.matmul(reshape_2_node, matmul_2_kernel, False, True)

    # add 4
    add_4_kernel_shape, add_4_kernel_length = shape_and_length([1, 10])
    add_4_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
    weights_offset += add_4_kernel_length
    add_4_node = ngraph.add(matmul_2_node, add_4_kernel)

    # softmax
    softmax_axis = 1
    softmax_node = ngraph.softmax(add_4_node, softmax_axis)

    # result
    result_node = ngraph.result(softmax_node)

    # nGraph function
    function = Function(result_node, [param_node], 'lenet')

    return function
Beispiel #15
def Relu(onnx_node,
         ng_inputs):  # type: (NodeWrapper, List[NgraphNode]) -> NgraphNode
    """Apply the Relu function, f(x) = max(0, x) to the input tensor elementwise."""
    return ng.relu(ng_inputs[0])
def create_ngraph_function(args: argparse.Namespace) -> ngraph.impl.Function:
    """Create a network on the fly from the source code using ngraph"""
    def shape_and_length(shape: list) -> typing.Tuple[list, int]:
        length = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, shape)
        return shape, length

    weights = np.fromfile(args.model, dtype=np.float32)
    weights_offset = 0
    padding_begin = padding_end = [0, 0]

    # input
    input_shape = [64, 1, 28, 28]
    param_node = ngraph.parameter(input_shape, np.float32, 'Parameter')

    # convolution 1
    conv_1_kernel_shape, conv_1_kernel_length = shape_and_length([20, 1, 5, 5])
    conv_1_kernel = ngraph.constant(
    weights_offset += conv_1_kernel_length
    conv_1_node = ngraph.convolution(param_node, conv_1_kernel, [1, 1],
                                     padding_begin, padding_end, [1, 1])

    # add 1
    add_1_kernel_shape, add_1_kernel_length = shape_and_length([1, 20, 1, 1])
    add_1_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
                add_1_kernel_length].reshape(add_1_kernel_shape), )
    weights_offset += add_1_kernel_length
    add_1_node = ngraph.add(conv_1_node, add_1_kernel)

    # maxpool 1
    maxpool_1_node = ngraph.max_pool(add_1_node, [2, 2], padding_begin,
                                     padding_end, [2, 2], 'ceil', None)

    # convolution 2
    conv_2_kernel_shape, conv_2_kernel_length = shape_and_length(
        [50, 20, 5, 5])
    conv_2_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
                conv_2_kernel_length].reshape(conv_2_kernel_shape), )
    weights_offset += conv_2_kernel_length
    conv_2_node = ngraph.convolution(maxpool_1_node, conv_2_kernel, [1, 1],
                                     padding_begin, padding_end, [1, 1])

    # add 2
    add_2_kernel_shape, add_2_kernel_length = shape_and_length([1, 50, 1, 1])
    add_2_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
                add_2_kernel_length].reshape(add_2_kernel_shape), )
    weights_offset += add_2_kernel_length
    add_2_node = ngraph.add(conv_2_node, add_2_kernel)

    # maxpool 2
    maxpool_2_node = ngraph.max_pool(add_2_node, [2, 2], padding_begin,
                                     padding_end, [2, 2], 'ceil', None)

    # reshape 1
    reshape_1_dims, reshape_1_length = shape_and_length([2])
    # workaround to get int64 weights from float32 ndarray w/o unnecessary copying
    dtype_weights = np.frombuffer(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset + 2 * reshape_1_length],
    reshape_1_kernel = ngraph.constant(dtype_weights)
    weights_offset += 2 * reshape_1_length
    reshape_1_node = ngraph.reshape(maxpool_2_node, reshape_1_kernel, True)

    # matmul 1
    matmul_1_kernel_shape, matmul_1_kernel_length = shape_and_length(
        [500, 800])
    matmul_1_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
                matmul_1_kernel_length].reshape(matmul_1_kernel_shape), )
    weights_offset += matmul_1_kernel_length
    matmul_1_node = ngraph.matmul(reshape_1_node, matmul_1_kernel, False, True)

    # add 3
    add_3_kernel_shape, add_3_kernel_length = shape_and_length([1, 500])
    add_3_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
                add_3_kernel_length].reshape(add_3_kernel_shape), )
    weights_offset += add_3_kernel_length
    add_3_node = ngraph.add(matmul_1_node, add_3_kernel)

    # ReLU
    relu_node = ngraph.relu(add_3_node)

    # reshape 2
    reshape_2_kernel = ngraph.constant(dtype_weights)
    reshape_2_node = ngraph.reshape(relu_node, reshape_2_kernel, True)

    # matmul 2
    matmul_2_kernel_shape, matmul_2_kernel_length = shape_and_length([10, 500])
    matmul_2_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
                matmul_2_kernel_length].reshape(matmul_2_kernel_shape), )
    weights_offset += matmul_2_kernel_length
    matmul_2_node = ngraph.matmul(reshape_2_node, matmul_2_kernel, False, True)

    # add 4
    add_4_kernel_shape, add_4_kernel_length = shape_and_length([1, 10])
    add_4_kernel = ngraph.constant(
        weights[weights_offset:weights_offset +
                add_4_kernel_length].reshape(add_4_kernel_shape), )
    weights_offset += add_4_kernel_length
    add_4_node = ngraph.add(matmul_2_node, add_4_kernel)

    # softmax
    softmax_axis = 1
    softmax_node = ngraph.softmax(add_4_node, softmax_axis)

    # result
    result_node = ngraph.result(softmax_node)
    return ngraph.impl.Function(result_node, [param_node], 'lenet')