Beispiel #1
class RpcChannel(object):

  """Abstract interface for an RPC channel.

  An RpcChannel represents a communication line to a service which can be used
  to call that service's methods.  The service may be running on another
  machine. Normally, you should not use an RpcChannel directly, but instead
  construct a stub {@link Service} wrapping it.  Example:

    RpcChannel channel = rpcImpl.Channel("")
    RpcController controller = rpcImpl.Controller()
    MyService service = MyService_Stub(channel)
    service.MyMethod(controller, request, callback)
  def __init__(self, exchange, response_queue, request_routing_key, max_retries=3, timeout_ms=5000): = exchange
      self.response_queue = response_queue
      self.request_routing_key = request_routing_key
      self.messagebus = MessageBus()
      self.max_retries = max_retries # maximum number of times to retry on RPC timeout.  -1 indicates infinite retries
      self.timeout_ms = timeout_ms # Set to -1 for no timeout
      self.polling_interval = 0.01 # in seconds
      self.sync_sequence_number = 0
      self.messagebus.exchange_declare(exchange, 'direct')
      #self.messagebus.queue_delete(queue=response_queue) # clear it in case there are backed up messages (EDIT: it *should* autodelete)
      self.messagebus.queue_declare(queue=response_queue, auto_delete=True)
      self.messagebus.queue_bind(response_queue, exchange, routing_key=response_queue)
      logger.debug("Response queue '%s' is bound to key '%s' on exchange '%s'" % (response_queue, response_queue, exchange))

  def CallMethod(self, method_descriptor, rpc_controller,
                 request, response_class, done):
    """Calls the method identified by the descriptor.

    Call the given method of the remote service.  The signature of this
    procedure looks the same as Service.CallMethod(), but the requirements
    are less strict in one important way:  the request object doesn't have to
    be of any specific class as long as its descriptor is method.input_type.
    self.sync_sequence_number += 1
    wrapped_request_bytes = protocols.pack(protocols.RpcRequestWrapper,
        {   'requestor': self.response_queue,
            'payload': request.SerializeToString(),
            'sequence_number': self.sync_sequence_number
    #print ' '.join([hex(ord(c))[2:] for c in request.SerializeToString()])    
    #print ' '.join([hex(ord(c))[2:] for c in request_wrapper])
    retries = 0
    while True: # begin retry loop
        if self.max_retries > -1 and retries > self.max_retries:
            rpc_controller.SetFailed("Too many retries. (Max was %d)" % self.max_retries)
            #if done:
            #    done(None)
            # raise RPCFailure("Too many retries")
            return None # Still not too sure about this whole return None on failure business
        if retries > 0:
  "Retrying (%d)." % retries)
        logger.debug("About to publish to exchange '%s' with key '%s'" % (, self.request_routing_key))
        # Wait for a response
        logger.debug("Waiting for a response on queue '%s'" % self.response_queue)
        timeout_flag = False
        sync_ok = False
        t0 = time.time()
        # begin sync loop
        while not sync_ok:
            # begin response loop
            response = None
            while not response: 
                delta_t = time.time() - t0
                if self.timeout_ms >= 0 and delta_t * 1000.0 > self.timeout_ms:
                    timeout_flag = True
                response = self.messagebus.basic_get(self.response_queue, no_ack=True) # returns a message or None
                if not response: time.sleep(self.polling_interval) # polling interval
            # end response loop
            if timeout_flag:
                logger.warning("RPC method '%s' timed out," %
                retries += 1
                break # from the sync loop out to retry loop.  resets timer

  "Got a response in %s secs" % str(time.time() - t0))
            response_wrapper = protocols.unpack(protocols.RpcResponseWrapper, response.body)
            if response_wrapper.sequence_number == self.sync_sequence_number:
                logger.debug("Sync OK!")
                sync_ok = True
                break # from the sync loop
                sync_delta = self.sync_sequence_number - response_wrapper.sequence_number
                logger.warning("Message sync error.  Sync delta: %d" % sync_delta)
                logger.debug("Expected %d but got %d" % (self.sync_sequence_number, response_wrapper.sequence_number))
                if sync_delta > 0:
                    logger.warning("Trying to catch up.")
                    t0 = time.time() # reset the timeout clock
                    continue # to "while not sync_ok"
                elif sync_delta < 0:
                    logger.error("The message queue is ahead of us!  Purging.")
                    purged = self.messagebus.queue_purge(queue=self.response_queue) # clear the response queue and try again
                    logger.error("Purged %d messages from %s" % (purged, self.response_queue))
                    retries += 1
        #end sync loop
        if timeout_flag:
            continue # jump to the top of the retry loop
        if sync_ok:
            break # from the retry loop
    if response_wrapper.error:
        logger.error("RPC response error: %s" % response_wrapper.error_string)
        #if done:
        #    done(None)
        raise RPCFailure("RPC response error: %s" % response_wrapper.error_string)
    response = protocols.unpack(response_class, response_wrapper.payload)
    logger.debug("Response is: %s" % str(response))
    if done:
    return response