Beispiel #1
def resample_to_average(tex_path, subject, side, verbose=False):
    """Resample a given texture to fsaverage

    tex_path: string, path of the input texture
    subject: string, subject id in the freesurfer database
    side: string, on of ['left', 'right']
    verbose: boolean, the verbosity mode
    resmapled: string, path of the result
    resampled = op.join(op.dirname(tex_path), 
                        op.basename(tex_path)[:-4] + '_resampled.gii')

    # convert the input to .mgz format
    mgz = tex_path[:-4] + '.mgz'
    tex = load_texture(tex_path)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis].T, np.eye(4)), mgz)

    # run the resmapling using freesurfer tools
    fs_comment = commands.getoutput(
        'mri_surf2surf --srcsubject %s --srcsurfval %s --trgsubject ico --trgsurfval %s --hemi %sh --trgicoorder 7' % (
            subject, mgz, resampled, side[0]))
    if verbose:
        print fs_comment
    return resampled
Beispiel #2
def resample_to_subject(tex_path, subject, side, output_path, verbose=False):
    """Resample a given texture from fsaverage to subject space
    tex_path: string, path of the input texture
    subject: string, subject id in the freesurfer database
    side: string, on of ['left', 'right']
    outoput_path: string
    verbose: boolean, the verbosity mode
    # convert the input to .mgz format
    mgz = tex_path[:-4] + '.mgz'
    tex = load_texture(tex_path)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis].T, np.eye(4)), mgz)
    fs_comment = commands.getoutput(
        'mri_surf2surf --trgsubject %s --trgsurfval %s --srcsubject ico --srcsurfval %s --hemi %sh --srcicoorder 7' % (
                subject, output_path, mgz, side[0]))
    if verbose:
        print fs_comment
    return output_path
Beispiel #3
    imgs = np.expand_dims(imgs, axis=3)
    return imgs

def preprocess_squeeze(imgs):
    imgs = np.squeeze(imgs, axis=3)
    return imgs

number_of_files = len(png_files)
image_rows = int(256)
image_cols = int(256)
image_depth = 5
print(' ---------------- image reconstruction in progress -----------------')
imgs_temp = np.ndarray((number_of_files, image_rows, image_cols),
for i in range(0, number_of_files):
    img = ((imread("mask/" + png_files[i])))
    img = img.astype(np.uint8)
    img = np.array([img])
    imgs_temp[i] = img
imgs_temp = np.around(imgs_temp, decimals=0)
imgs_temp = (imgs_temp * 255).astype(np.uint8)

affine = np.diag([1, 2, 2, 1])
array_img = nib.Nifti1Image(imgs_temp, affine)
print(' ---------------- image reconstructed -----------------')
array_header = array_img.header, "img.mgz")
print(' ---------------- image saved to local drive -----------------')