def parse(self, data_file, data_file_part2=None, surface_type=OPTION_READ_METADATA, should_center=False): """ Parse NIFTI file(s) and returns A Surface or a TimeSeries for it. :param surface_type: one of "Cortex" "Head" "ReadFromMetaData" :param data_file_part2: a file containing the second part of the surface """ self.logger.debug("Start to parse GIFTI file: %s" % data_file) if data_file is None: raise ParseException("Please select GIFTI file which contains data to import") if not os.path.exists(data_file): raise ParseException("Provided file %s does not exists" % data_file) if data_file_part2 is not None and not os.path.exists(data_file_part2): raise ParseException("Provided file part %s does not exists" % data_file_part2) try: gifti_image = data_arrays = gifti_image.darrays self.logger.debug("File parsed successfully") if data_file_part2 is not None: data_arrays_part2 = else: data_arrays_part2 = None except Exception, excep: self.logger.exception(excep) msg = "File: %s does not have a valid GIFTI format." % data_file raise ParseException(msg)
def test_read_deprecated(): with clear_and_catch_warnings() as w: warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning) from nibabel.gifti.giftiio import read read(DATA_FILE1) assert_equal(len(w), 1)
def mean_value_phenotyping(pair): i, task = pair for side in sides: file_parcels = os.path.join(group_path, side+'.fsaverage41k.label.gii') array_parcels =[0].data for k, parcel in enumerate(parcels_org): parameters.append([k, parcel]) working_dir = 'functional_analysis/solar_analysis' output_dir = os.path.join('/neurospin/brainomics/2016_HCP/functional_analysis/pheno_mean_value', task+'_'+str(i), side) if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) index = np.where(array_parcels == parcel)[0] array_s_ids = [] array_mu = [] for s_id in s_ids: file_path = path+s_id+'/MNINonLinear/Results/tfMRI_'+task+'/tfMRI_'+task+'_hp200_s2_level2'+reg+'.feat/GrayordinatesStats/cope'+str(i)+'.feat/' metric_out = os.path.join(file_path, side+"_"+fil+".41k_fsavg_"+side+".func.gii") if os.path.isfile(metric_out): array_s_ids.append(s_id) array_fil =[0].data array_mu.append(np.mean(array_fil[index])) df = pd.DataFrame() df['IID'] = array_s_ids df[fil] = array_mu output = os.path.join(output_dir, parcels_name[k]+'_'+fil) print "saving "+output df.to_csv(output+'.csv', header=True, index=False)
def main(args): ''' Reads both meshes, finds associations between nodes from both meshes and writes : - a distance map between each pair of associated nodes - a difference map between texture values for each pair of nodes If n is provided, stops the process after n random nodes''' import thickness as t import random m1 = t.Mesh(args.m1) m2 = t.Mesh(args.m2) t1 =[0].data t2 =[0].data diff = [-1] * len(m1.vertex) dist = [-1] * len(m1.vertex) if args.n: for i in xrange(int(args.n)): if i%1000==0: print i, '/', int(args.n) r = random.randint(0, len(m1.vertex)) diff[r], dist[r] = compare_node(r, m1, m2, t1, t2) else: for r in xrange(len(m1.vertex)): if r%1000==0: print r, '/', len(m1.vertex) diff[r], dist[r] = compare_node(r, m1, m2, t1, t2) gda = gifti.GiftiDataArray.from_array(np.array(diff), intent=1001) g = gifti.GiftiImage(darrays=[gda]) gio.write(g, args.difffp) gda = gifti.GiftiDataArray.from_array(np.array(dist), intent=1001) g = gifti.GiftiImage(darrays=[gda]) gio.write(g, args.distfp)
def pits_DPF_distribution(parameters): """pits_DPF_distribution(database, array_areals, s_ids, areal, side, sd_template="lh", outdir='/tmp/'): """ database, array_areals, s_ids, areal, side, sd_template, outdir = parameters """ Parameters database: path of Morphologist database array_areals: array containing the areals information for each vertex s_ids: list of s_ids to consider areal: considered areal number in the areal file side: either R or L sd_template: side of the template outdir: output directory """ if not (side == 'R' or side == 'L'): raise ValueError("argument side must be either 'R' or 'L'") OUTPUT = os.path.join(outdir, side) if not os.path.isdir(OUTPUT): os.makedirs(OUTPUT) # Array containing the pits DPF values in the areal for all subjects X = np.array([]) for s_id in s_ids: file_pits = os.path.join(database, s_id, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis_" + sd_template, s_id + "_" + side + "white_pits_on_atlas.gii") file_DPF = os.path.join(database, s_id, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis_" + sd_template, s_id + "_" + side + "white_DPF_on_atlas.gii") #print file_DPF if os.path.isfile(file_pits) and os.path.isfile(file_DPF): array_pits =[0].data array_DPF =[0].data # Find the index of pits index_pits = np.nonzero(array_pits)[0] # Identify their corresponding areals areals = array_areals[index_pits] # Find index of pits in the considered areal ind = np.where(areals == areal)[0] # test if the subject has pit in this parcel if ind.size: X = np.concatenate((X, array_DPF[index_pits[ind]])) else: print str(s_id) + " is missing either pits or DPF files" # Save the array X to output output = os.path.join(OUTPUT, 'Areal_' + str(areal) + '.txt') print "saving " + output np.savetxt(output, X)
def median_value_phenotyping(parameters): """ Parameters task: HCP task name reg: type of registration either 'MSMAll' or '' for MSMSulc COPE: COPE number cf ..PublicData/Task+fMRI+Contrasts s_ids: list of subject ids sd: hemisphere side areal: areal number on the texture of the HCP multimodal parcellation k: numero of the areal in areals_name table outdir: output directory """ task, reg, COPE, s_ids, file_areals, sd, areal, k, outdir = parameters array_areals =[0].data index = np.where(array_areals == areal)[0] array_s_ids = [] array_mu = [] for s_id in s_ids: f_path = os.path.join( path_org, '3T_tfMRI_' + task, s_id, 'MNINonLinear/Results', 'tfMRI_' + task, 'tfMRI_' + task + '_hp200_s2_level2' + reg + '.feat', 'GrayordinatesStats/cope' + str(COPE) + '.feat') # For some subjects the MSMAll reg is not available in HCP database # this does not apply to the LANGUAGE tasks if not os.path.isdir(f_path): reg_bis = '' f_path = os.path.join( path_org, '3T_tfMRI_' + task, s_id, 'MNINonLinear/Results', 'tfMRI_' + task, 'tfMRI_' + task + '_hp200_s2_level2' + reg_bis + '.feat', 'GrayordinatesStats/cope' + str(COPE) + '.feat') metric_out = os.path.join( f_path, sd + "_" + fil + ".41k_fsavg_" + sd + ".func.gii") if os.path.isfile(metric_out): array_s_ids.append(s_id) array_fil =[0].data if median: #array_mu.append(np.amax(array_fil[index])) array_mu.append(np.median(array_fil[index])) else: array_mu.append(np.mean(array_fil[index])) else: pass #print metric_out+" doesn't exist for "+s_id df = pd.DataFrame() df['IID'] = array_s_ids df[fil] = array_mu output = os.path.join(outdir, areals_name[k] + '_' + fil) print "saving " + output df.to_csv(output + '.csv', header=True, index=False)
def read(self, data_file, use_center_surface): gifti_image = image_metadata = gifti_image.meta.metadata "From the file %s the extracted metadata is %s", data_file, image_metadata) data_arrays = gifti_image.darrays vertices = data_arrays[0].data triangles = data_arrays[1].data vol_geom_center_ras = [0, 0, 0] vertices_metadata = data_arrays[0].metadata "The metadata from vertices data array is %s", vertices_metadata) vertices_coord_system = data_arrays[0].coordsys "The coordinate system transform matrix from vertices data array is %s", vertices_coord_system) triangles_metadata = data_arrays[1].metadata "The metadata from triangles data array is %s", triangles_metadata) if use_center_surface: vol_geom_center_ras = [0, 0, 0] else: vol_geom_center_ras[0] = float( vertices_metadata[CENTER_RAS_GIFTI_SURF[0]]) vol_geom_center_ras[1] = float( vertices_metadata[CENTER_RAS_GIFTI_SURF[1]]) vol_geom_center_ras[2] = float( vertices_metadata[CENTER_RAS_GIFTI_SURF[2]]) return Surface(vertices, triangles, area_mask=None, center_ras=vol_geom_center_ras, vertices_coord_system=vertices_coord_system, generic_metadata=image_metadata, vertices_metadata=vertices_metadata, triangles_metadata=triangles_metadata)
def parse_gifti(self, data_file): gifti_image = image_metadata = gifti_image.meta.metadata logger = get_logger(__name__)"From the file %s the extracted metadata is %s" % (data_file, image_metadata)) data_arrays = gifti_image.darrays vertices = data_arrays[0].data triangles = data_arrays[1].data vol_geom_center_ras = [0, 0, 0] vertices_metadata = data_arrays[0].metadata"The metadata from vertices data array is %s" % vertices_metadata) vertices_coord_system = data_arrays[0].coordsys"The coordinate system transform matrix from vertices data array is %s" % vertices_coord_system) triangles_metadata = data_arrays[1].metadata"The metadata from triangles data array is %s" % triangles_metadata) # TODO we could read this values directly form the metadata vol_geom_center_ras[0] = float(data_arrays[0].metadata['VolGeomC_R']) vol_geom_center_ras[1] = float(data_arrays[0].metadata['VolGeomC_A']) vol_geom_center_ras[2] = float(data_arrays[0].metadata['VolGeomC_S']) return Surface(vertices, triangles, vol_geom_center_ras, image_metadata, vertices_metadata, vertices_coord_system, triangles_metadata)
def _get_gifti_image(samples): if isinstance(samples, basestring): samples = required_class = gifti.GiftiImage if not isinstance(samples, required_class): raise TypeError('Input of type %s must be a %s' % (samples, required_class)) return samples
def test_read_deprecated(): with clear_and_catch_warnings() as w: warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning) from nibabel.gifti.giftiio import read, write img = read(DATA_FILE1) assert_equal(len(w), 1) with InTemporaryDirectory(): write(img, 'test.gii') assert_equal(len(w), 2)
def parse(self, data_file, data_file_part2=None, surface_type=OPTION_READ_METADATA, should_center=False): """ Parse NIFTI file(s) and returns A Surface or a TimeSeries for it. :param surface_type: one of "Cortex" "Head" "ReadFromMetaData" :param data_file_part2: a file containing the second part of the surface """ self.logger.debug("Start to parse GIFTI file: %s" % data_file) if data_file is None: raise ParseException("Please select GIFTI file which contains data to import") if not os.path.exists(data_file): raise ParseException("Provided file %s does not exists" % data_file) if data_file_part2 is not None and not os.path.exists(data_file_part2): raise ParseException("Provided file part %s does not exists" % data_file_part2) try: gifti_image = data_arrays = gifti_image.darrays self.logger.debug("File parsed successfully") if data_file_part2 is not None: data_arrays_part2 = else: data_arrays_part2 = None except Exception as excep: self.logger.exception(excep) msg = "File: %s does not have a valid GIFTI format." % data_file raise ParseException(msg) self.logger.debug("Determine data type stored in GIFTI file") # First check if it's a surface if self._is_surface_gifti(data_arrays): # If a second part exists is must be of the same type if data_arrays_part2 is not None and not self._is_surface_gifti(data_arrays_part2): raise ParseException("Second file must be a surface too") return self._parse_surface(data_arrays, data_arrays_part2, surface_type, should_center) elif self._is_timeseries_gifti(data_arrays): return self._parse_timeseries(data_arrays) else: raise ParseException("Could not map data from GIFTI file to a TVB data type")
def test_gifti_dataset(fn, format_, include_nodes): expected_ds = _get_test_dataset(include_nodes) expected_ds_sa = expected_ds.copy(deep=True)['chunks'] = [4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2]['targets'] = ['t%d' % i for i in xrange(6)] # build GIFTI file from scratch gifti_string = _build_gifti_string(format_, include_nodes) with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write(gifti_string) # reading GIFTI file ds = gifti_dataset(fn) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, expected_ds) # test GiftiImage input img = ds2 = gifti_dataset(img) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds2, expected_ds) # test using Nibabel's output from write nb_giftiio.write(img, fn) ds3 = gifti_dataset(fn) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds3, expected_ds) # test targets and chunks arguments ds3_sa = gifti_dataset(fn, targets=expected_ds_sa.targets, chunks=expected_ds_sa.chunks) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds3_sa, expected_ds_sa) # test map2gifti img2 = map2gifti(ds) ds4 = gifti_dataset(img2) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds4, expected_ds) map2gifti(ds, fn, encoding=format_) ds5 = gifti_dataset(fn) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds5, expected_ds) # test map2gifti with array input; nodes are not stored map2gifti(ds.samples, fn) ds6 = gifti_dataset(fn) if include_nodes: assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_datasets_almost_equal, ds6, expected_ds) else: assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds6, expected_ds) assert_raises(TypeError, gifti_dataset, ds3_sa) assert_raises(TypeError, map2gifti, img, fn)
def parse(self, data_file): """ Parse NIFTI file and returns TimeSeries for it. """ self.logger.debug("Start to parse GIFTI file: %s"%data_file) if data_file is None: raise ParseException ("Please select GIFTI file which contains data to import") if not os.path.exists(data_file): raise ParseException ("Provided file %s does not exists"%data_file) try: gifti_image = self.logger.debug("File parsed successfully") except Exception, excep: self.logger.exception(excep) msg = "File: %s does not have a valid GIFTI format." % data_file raise ParseException(msg)
def load_folds(folds_file, graph_file=None): """ Load morphologist folds and associated labels. Parameters ---------- folds_file: str( mandatory) the folds '.gii' file. graph_file: str (optional, default None) the path to a morphologist '.arg' graph file. Returns ------- folds: dict with TriSurface all the loaded folds. The fold names are stored in the metadata. """ # Load the labels if graph_file is not None: labels = parse_graph(graph_file) else: labels = {} # Load folds image = nb_of_surfs = len(image.darrays) if nb_of_surfs % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("Need an odd number of arrays (vertices, triangles).") folds = {} for vertindex in range(0, nb_of_surfs, 2): vectices = image.darrays[vertindex].data triangles = image.darrays[vertindex + 1].data labelindex = image.darrays[vertindex].get_metadata()["Timestep"] if labelindex != image.darrays[vertindex + 1].get_metadata()["Timestep"]: raise ValueError("Gifti arrays '{0}' and '{1}' do not share the " "same label.".format(vertindex, vertindex + 1)) labelindex = int(labelindex) if labelindex in labels: label = labels[labelindex] else: label = "NC" metadata = {"fold_name": label} surf = TriSurface(vectices, triangles, labels=None, metadata=metadata) folds[labelindex] = surf return folds
def cortical_mesh_items(fname, xyz=[1, 0, 2]): glopt = {'shader': 'shaded', 'glOptions': 'opaque', 'smooth': True, 'color': (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0)} parts = fname.split('_') bname = '_'.join(parts[:-1]) gtype = parts[-1].split('.gii')[0][1:] items = [] centers = [] for hemi in 'LR': gii ='%s_%s%s.gii' % (bname, hemi, gtype)) vert, face = [ for a in gii.darrays] print vert.shape, face.shape items.append(gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=vert, face=face[:, xyz], **glopt)) centers.append(vert.mean(axis=0)) center = (centers[0] + centers[1]) / 2.0 return center, items
def read(fn): '''Reads a GIFTI surface file Parameters ---------- fn: str Filename Returns ------- surf_: surf.Surface Surface Notes ----- Any meta-information stored in the GIFTI file is not present in surf_. ''' g = vertices = _get_single_array(g, 'NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET').data faces = _get_single_array(g, 'NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE').data return surf.Surface(vertices, faces)
def test_gifti_dataset(fn, format_, include_nodes): expected_ds = _get_test_dataset(include_nodes) expected_ds_sa = expected_ds.copy(deep=True)['chunks'] = [4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2]['targets'] = ['t%d' % i for i in xrange(6)] # build GIFTI file from scratch gifti_string = _build_gifti_string(format_, include_nodes) with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write(gifti_string) # reading GIFTI file ds = gifti_dataset(fn) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, expected_ds) # test GiftiImage input img = ds2 = gifti_dataset(img) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds2, expected_ds) # test using Nibabel's output from write nb_giftiio.write(img, fn) ds3 = gifti_dataset(fn) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds3, expected_ds) # test targets and chunks arguments ds3_sa = gifti_dataset(fn, targets=expected_ds_sa.targets, chunks=expected_ds_sa.chunks) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds3_sa, expected_ds_sa) # test map2gifti img2 = map2gifti(ds) ds4 = gifti_dataset(img2) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds4, expected_ds) # test float64 and int64, which must be converted to float32 and int32 fa = dict() if include_nodes: fa['node_indices'] = ds.fa.node_indices.astype(np.int64) ds_float64 = Dataset(samples=ds.samples.astype(np.float64), fa=fa) ds_float64_again = gifti_dataset(map2gifti(ds_float64)) assert_equal(ds_float64_again.samples.dtype, np.float32) if include_nodes: assert_equal(ds_float64_again.fa.node_indices.dtype, np.int32) # test contents of GIFTI image assert (isinstance(img2, nb_gifti.GiftiImage)) nsamples = ds.samples.shape[0] if include_nodes: node_arr = img2.darrays[0] assert_equal(node_arr.intent, intent_codes.code['NIFTI_INTENT_NODE_INDEX']) assert_equal(node_arr.coordsys, None) assert_equal(, np.int32) assert_equal(node_arr.datatype, data_type_codes['int32']) first_data_array_pos = 1 narrays = nsamples + 1 else: first_data_array_pos = 0 narrays = nsamples assert_equal(len(img.darrays), narrays) for i in xrange(nsamples): arr = img2.darrays[i + first_data_array_pos] # check intent code illegal_intents = ['NIFTI_INTENT_NODE_INDEX', 'NIFTI_INTENT_GENMATRIX', 'NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET', 'NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE'] assert (arr.intent not in [intent_codes.code[s] for s in illegal_intents]) # although the GIFTI standard is not very clear about whether # arrays with other intent than NODE_INDEX can have a # GiftiCoordSystem, FreeSurfer's mris_convert # does not seem to like its presence. Thus we make sure that # it's not there. assert_equal(arr.coordsys, None) assert_equal(, np.float32) assert_equal(arr.datatype, data_type_codes['float32']) # another test for map2gifti, setting the encoding explicitly map2gifti(ds, fn, encoding=format_) ds5 = gifti_dataset(fn) assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds5, expected_ds) # test map2gifti with array input; nodes are not stored map2gifti(ds.samples, fn) ds6 = gifti_dataset(fn) if include_nodes: assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_datasets_almost_equal, ds6, expected_ds) else: assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds6, expected_ds) assert_raises(TypeError, gifti_dataset, ds3_sa) assert_raises(TypeError, map2gifti, img, fn)
# Save the array X to output output = os.path.join(OUTPUT, 'Areal_' + str(areal) + '.txt') print "saving " + output np.savetxt(output, X) if __name__ == '__main__': ROOT_DIR = "" # In the following, lh refers to the symmetric template side file_areals = ('clusters_total_average_pits_smoothed0.7_60_sym_lh_dist15.0' '_area100.0_ridge2.0.gii') areals = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '2016_HCP_pits_cleaned', 'pits_density_sym_lh', file_areals) array_areals =[0].data # Obtain a list of areal numbers areals_list = np.unique(array_areals) # Exclude the first areal corresponding to corpus callosum and fornix areals_list = areals_list[1:] # Path to the Morphologist database database = '' s_ids = os.listdir(database) s_ids = sorted(s_ids) # output directory outdir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '2016_HCP_pits_cleaned', 'pits_analysis_lh', 'pits_DPF_distribution') parameters = []
INPUT = "/neurospin/brainomics/2016_sulcal_pits/extracting_pits_V1/" ## OUTPUT ## OUTPUT = "/neurospin/brainomics/2016_sulcal_pits/pheno_pits/test0_V1/" path = INPUT + sides[side] + '/kept/pits/' s_ids = [] for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.txt')): m = + side + '(.+?)_pits_kept.txt', filename) if m: label = if '000' in label: s_ids.append(label) filename_average = '/neurospin/imagen/workspace/cati/BVdatabase/average_' + side + 'mesh_BL.gii' mesh_average = vertices_origin = mesh_average.darrays[0].data triangles_origin = mesh_average.darrays[1].data file_parcels_marsAtlas = '/neurospin/imagen/workspace/cati/hiphop138-Template/hiphop138_' + side + 'white_parcels_marsAtlas.gii' parcels_data =[0].data """cortex = np.nonzero(parcels_data)[0] # because from my understanding the medial wall (which is the non-cortex part) is the parcel of value 0 keep = np.zeros(triangles_origin.shape[0]) for i in [0, 1, 2]: keep += np.array([item in cortex for item in triangles_origin[:, i]]) ind = np.where(keep == 3)[0] triangles = np.array(triangles_origin[ind], dtype=np.int32) triangles_old = np.array(triangles_origin[ind], dtype=np.int32) for c, i in enumerate(cortex): triangles[np.where(triangles_old == i)] = c vertices = vertices_origin[cortex].astype(np.float64) triangles = triangles.astype(np.int32)
def get_parcel_info(): # load parcellation lhfile=os.path.join(basedir,'all_selected_L_new_parcel_renumbered.func.gii') rhfile=os.path.join(basedir,'all_selected_R_new_parcel_renumbered.func.gii') lhparcvals=numpy.unique(lh.darrays[0].data)[1:] rhparcvals=numpy.unique(rh.darrays[0].data)[1:] lhinfomapfile=os.path.join(basedir,'parcel_L_consensus_new.func.gii') rhinfomapfile=os.path.join(basedir,'parcel_R_consensus_new.func.gii') # open community files communities_orig=numpy.loadtxt(os.path.join(basedir,'parcel_infomap_assigns_startpos50_neworder_communities.txt')) communities_orig_idx=numpy.loadtxt(os.path.join(basedir,'parcel_infomap_assigns_startpos50_neworder_consensus_ind.txt')) lhsurffile=os.path.join(fsdir,'') rhsurffile=os.path.join(fsdir,'') # get mean XYZ location and central vertex of each parcel lhcoords=numpy.zeros((len(lhparcvals),3)) lhcentvertex=numpy.zeros(len(lhparcvals)) for i in range(len(lhparcvals)): v=lhparcvals[i] vertices=numpy.where(lh.darrays[0].data==v)[0] lhcoords[i,:]=numpy.mean(lhsurf.darrays[0].data[vertices,:],0) vdist=numpy.zeros(len(vertices)) for j in range(len(vertices)): vdist[j]= numpy.linalg.norm(lhsurf.darrays[0].data[j,:] - lhcoords[i,:]) lhcentvertex[i]=vertices[vdist==numpy.min(vdist)] rhcoords=numpy.zeros((len(rhparcvals),3)) rhcentvertex=numpy.zeros(len(rhparcvals)) for i in range(len(rhparcvals)): v=rhparcvals[i] vertices=numpy.where(rh.darrays[0].data==v)[0] rhcoords[i,:]=numpy.mean(rhsurf.darrays[0].data[vertices,:],0) vdist=numpy.zeros(len(vertices)) for j in range(len(vertices)): vdist[j]= numpy.linalg.norm(rhsurf.darrays[0].data[j,:] - rhcoords[i,:]) rhcentvertex[i]=vertices[vdist==numpy.min(vdist)] # get labels for each parcel llabelfile=os.path.join(fsdir,'sub013.L.aparc.32k_fs_LR.label.gii') rlabelfile=os.path.join(fsdir,'sub013.R.aparc.32k_fs_LR.label.gii') lhparclabels=[] rhparclabels=[] for i in range(len(lhcentvertex)): l=lparc.darrays[0].data[lhcentvertex[i]] lhparclabels.append(lparc.labeltable.labels[l].label) for i in range(len(rhcentvertex)): l=rparc.darrays[0].data[rhcentvertex[i]] rhparclabels.append(rparc.labeltable.labels[l].label) # get RSN labels from HCP tutorial data l_rsnlabelfile=os.path.join(tutorialdir,'RSN-networks.L.32k_fs_LR.label.gii') r_rsnlabelfile=os.path.join(tutorialdir,'RSN-networks.R.32k_fs_LR.label.gii') f=open(os.path.join(basedir,'module_names.txt')) power_network_names={} for l in f.readlines(): l_s=l.strip().split('\t') power_network_names[float(l_s[0])]=l_s[1] f.close() l_rsnlabels=[] r_rsnlabels=[] l_rsnlabels_yeo7=[] r_rsnlabels_yeo7=[] l_rsnlabels_yeo17=[] r_rsnlabels_yeo17=[] for i in range(len(lhcentvertex)): l=lhinfomap.darrays[0].data[lhcentvertex[i]] l_rsnlabels.append(power_network_names[l]) l=l_rsn.darrays[0].data[lhcentvertex[i]] l_rsnlabels_yeo7.append(l_rsn.labeltable.labels[l].label) l=l_rsn.darrays[1].data[lhcentvertex[i]] l_rsnlabels_yeo17.append(l_rsn.labeltable.labels[l].label) for i in range(len(rhcentvertex)): l=rhinfomap.darrays[0].data[rhcentvertex[i]] r_rsnlabels.append(power_network_names[l]) l=r_rsn.darrays[0].data[rhcentvertex[i]] r_rsnlabels_yeo7.append(r_rsn.labeltable.labels[l].label) l=r_rsn.darrays[1].data[rhcentvertex[i]] r_rsnlabels_yeo17.append(r_rsn.labeltable.labels[l].label) # get lobe atlasfile=os.path.join(fsldir,'data/atlases/MNI/MNI-maxprob-thr0-2mm.nii.gz') atlas=nibabel.load(atlasfile) atlasdata=atlas.get_data() lobenames=['None','Caudate','Cerebellum','Frontal','Insula','Occipital','Parietal','Putamen','Temporal','Thalamus'] def mni2vox(mni,qform): tmp=numpy.linalg.inv(qform)*numpy.matrix([mni[0],mni[1],mni[2],1]).T return numpy.array(numpy.round(tmp.T[0,0:3]))[0] l_lobe=[] r_lobe=[] for i in range(len(lhcentvertex)): vox=mni2vox(lhcoords[i,:],atlas.get_qform()) lobe=atlasdata[vox[0],vox[1],vox[2]] l_lobe.append(lobenames[lobe]) for i in range(len(rhcentvertex)): vox=mni2vox(rhcoords[i,:],atlas.get_qform()) lobe=atlasdata[vox[0],vox[1],vox[2]] r_lobe.append(lobenames[lobe]) use_aseg=True def vox2mni(vox,qform): vox=numpy.array([vox[0],vox[1],vox[2],1]) return[:3] if use_aseg: # now get data from APARC f=open(os.path.join(stdir,'aseg/aseg_fields.txt')) asegnames={} for l in f.readlines(): l_s=l.strip().split() asegnames[int(l_s[0])]=l_s[1] f.close() asegkeys=asegnames.keys() asegkeys.sort() asegimg=nibabel.load(os.path.join(stdir,'aseg/aparc+aseg_reg2mni.nii.gz')) asegdata=asegimg.get_data() meancoords={} for k in asegkeys: mni=[] v=numpy.where(asegdata==k) nvox=len(v[0]) for i in range(nvox): mni.append(vox2mni([v[0][i],v[1][i],v[2][i]],asegimg.get_qform())) mni=numpy.matrix(mni) meancoords[k]=numpy.mean(mni,0) f=open(os.path.join(basedir,'parcel_data.txt'),'w') ctr=1 for i in range(len(lhcentvertex)): f.write('%d\tL\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n'%(ctr,lhcoords[i,0], lhcoords[i,1],lhcoords[i,2],l_lobe[i],lhparclabels[i], l_rsnlabels[i],l_rsnlabels_yeo7[i],l_rsnlabels_yeo17[i])) ctr+=1 for i in range(len(rhcentvertex)): f.write('%d\tR\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n'%(ctr,rhcoords[i,0], rhcoords[i,1],rhcoords[i,2],r_lobe[i],rhparclabels[i], r_rsnlabels[i],r_rsnlabels_yeo7[i],r_rsnlabels_yeo17[i])) ctr+=1 if use_aseg: for k in asegkeys: if meancoords[k][0,0]<0: hemis='L' else: hemis='R' f.write('%d\t%s\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n'%(ctr,hemis,meancoords[k][0,0],meancoords[k][0,1],meancoords[k][0,2],'subcortical',asegnames[k],'na','na','na')) ctr+=1 f.close()
def map_pits_heritability(template, side, areals, indir, cb, interval_cb, dict_freq, pval_thresh, outdir): """ Parameters template: path to template mesh file areals: path to gii file containing the texture of areals side: hemisphere side from which SOLAR estimates are displayed indir: directory containing h2 and pval dictionaries cb: colorbar names must be an array with [cb_h2, cb_pval] interval_cb: number boundaries for the colobar display must be a double array [inter_h2[0,1], inter_pval[0,1]] dict_freq: dictionary containing pits frequency per areal pval_thresh: p-value threshold outdir: output directory for the snapshots """ if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) # Define the quaternions that are gonna be used for the snapshots if (side == "L"): view_quaternions = { 'intern': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'extern': [0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5], 'bottom': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'top': [0, 0, 1, 0] } else: view_quaternions = { 'intern': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'extern': [0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5], 'bottom': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'top': [0, 0, 1, 0] } # Load h2 and pval dictionaries path_h2 = os.path.join(indir, 'h2_dict.json') with open(path_h2, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) dict_h2 = json.loads(data) path_pval = os.path.join(indir, 'pval_dict.json') with open(path_pval, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) dict_pval = json.loads(data) # Areal value in each vertex array_areals =[0].data # Create arrays that will contain h2 and pval estimates on each vertex array_h2 = np.zeros(len(array_areals)) array_pval = np.zeros(len(array_areals)) list_areals = np.unique(array_areals) # Load the mesh in anatomist mesh = ana.loadObject(template) for areal in list_areals: # make sure areal has the right format areal = str(int(areal)) if (dict_h2[side].has_key(areal) and # Check if areal passed the threshold frequency in both hemispheres dict_freq['L']["Areal_" + areal] * dict_freq['R']["Areal_" + areal] > 0): # Finally, checl if the p-value pass the pval threshold if dict_pval[side][areal] < pval_thresh: # Select the index of vertices belonging to the areal ind = np.where(array_areals == float(areal))[0] # Give them the h2 estimate of this areal array_h2[ind] = dict_h2[side][areal] # And the log10 pvalue array_pval[ind] = -np.log10(dict_pval[side][areal]) ### Block performing the display of h2 estimates ### # Create anatomist window window = ana.createWindow('3D', geometry=[0, 0, 584, 584]) tex = aims.TimeTexture(dtype='FLOAT') tex[0].assign(array_h2) pits_tex = ana.toAObject(tex) tex_mesh = ana.fusionObjects([mesh, pits_tex], method='FusionTexSurfMethod') tex_mesh.assignReferential(ref) tex_mesh.setMaterial(front_face='counterclockwise') pits_tex.setPalette(cb[0], minVal=interval_cb[0][0], maxVal=interval_cb[0][1], absoluteMode=True) updateWindow(window, tex_mesh) # Loop through the quaternions and do the snapshot for sd in view_quaternions.keys(): q = aims.Quaternion(view_quaternions[sd])[sd], zoom=0.65) # Snapshot file output output = os.path.join(outdir, 'snapshot_h2_' + side + '_' + sd + '.png') ana.execute('WindowConfig', windows=[window], snapshot=output) #### Block performing the display of pvalues estimates ### # Create anatomist window, second time (else zoom problem for snapshots) window = ana.createWindow('3D', geometry=[0, 0, 584, 584]) tex = aims.TimeTexture(dtype='FLOAT') tex[0].assign(array_pval) pits_tex = ana.toAObject(tex) tex_mesh = ana.fusionObjects([mesh, pits_tex], method='FusionTexSurfMethod') tex_mesh.assignReferential(ref) tex_mesh.setMaterial(front_face='counterclockwise') pits_tex.setPalette(cb[1], minVal=interval_cb[1][0], maxVal=interval_cb[1][1], absoluteMode=True) updateWindow(window, tex_mesh) # Loop through the quaternions and do the snapshot for sd in view_quaternions.keys(): q = aims.Quaternion(view_quaternions[sd])[sd], zoom=0.65) # Snapshot file output output = os.path.join(outdir, 'snapshot_pval_' + side + '_' + sd + '.png') ana.execute('WindowConfig', windows=[window], snapshot=output)
"mesh", "surface_analysis", "" + s_id + "_" + side + "white_pits_on_atlas.gii") file_DPF_on_atlas = os.path.join( path, s_id, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis", "" + s_id + "_" + side + "white_DPF_on_atlas.gii") file_pits = os.path.join(path, s_id, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis", "" + s_id + "_" + side + "white_pits.gii") file_DPF = os.path.join(path, s_id, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis", "" + s_id + "_" + side + "white_DPF.gii") if os.path.isfile(file_pits_on_atlas) and os.path.isfile( file_DPF_on_atlas): count += 1 array_pits_on_atlas =[0].data array_DPF_on_atlas =[0].data array_pits =[0].data array_DPF =[0].data pits = np.nonzero(array_pits) print "NUMBER PITS: " + str(len(pits[0])) """print pits[0] print array_DPF[pits] print len(array_DPF[pits])""" pits_on_atlas = np.nonzero(array_pits_on_atlas) print "NUMBER PITS ON ATLAS: " + str(len(pits_on_atlas[0])) avg_sum[side] += float(len(pits_on_atlas[0])) / len(pits[0]) avg_sum[side] = avg_sum[side] / count print avg_sum
data = json.load(f) s_ids = list(json.loads(data)) ## CONSTANTS ## FILTERING = False THRESHOLD_DPF = 1.2 if FILTERING: OUTPUT = '/neurospin/brainomics/2016_HCP/pheno_pits_closest_filtered'+str(THRESHOLD_DPF)+'/' else: OUTPUT = '/neurospin/brainomics/2016_HCP/pheno_pits_closest_filtered/' for side in sides: t0 = time.time() file_parcels_on_atlas = path0 +'pits_density/clusters_'+side+'_average_pits_smoothed0.7_60_dist15.0_area100.0_ridge2.0.gii' array_parcels =[0].data parcels_org = np.unique(array_parcels) NB_PARCELS = len(parcels_org) DATA_DPF = np.zeros((len(s_ids), NB_PARCELS))*np.nan filename_average = '/neurospin/imagen/workspace/cati/BVdatabase/average_'+side+'mesh_BL.gii' mesh_average = vertices_origin = mesh_average.darrays[0].data triangles_origin = mesh_average.darrays[1].data for k,parcel in enumerate(parcels_org): t = time.time() X = np.array([]) for j, s_id in enumerate(s_ids): file_pits_on_atlas = os.path.join(path, s_id, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis", ""+s_id+"_"+side+"white_pits_on_atlas.gii")
'/neurospin/imagen/src/scripts/psc_tools/psc2_centre.csv', delimiter=',') all_centres_subjects = {} for j in range(len(psc2_centre)): label = str(int(psc2_centre[j][0])) for i in range(12 - len(label)): label = '0' + label all_centres_subjects[label] = centres_number[str(int(psc2_centre[j][1]))] city = all_centres_subjects[s_id] subject_folder = "/neurospin/imagen/workspace/cati/BVdatabase/" + city + "/" + s_id + "/" file_pits = os.path.join(subject_folder, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis", "" + s_id + "_" + side + "white_pits.gii") pits_data =[0].data pits_data = np.zeros(len(pits_data)) pits_data[index_pit] = 1 file_white_mesh = os.path.join(subject_folder, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "" + s_id + "_" + side + "white.gii") white_mesh = ana.loadObject(file_white_mesh) ### Convert to readable format for from soma import aims tex = aims.TimeTexture(dtype='FLOAT') #tex[0].assign(lh_pval2) tex[0].assign(pits_data) tex_pit = ana.toAObject(tex) tex_mesh_pit = ana.fusionObjects([white_mesh, tex_pit],
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", "--sub", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("-d", "--dir", type=str, default="./") args = parser.parse_args() subject=args.sub dir=args.dir subdir=dir+"/"+subject+"/" os.chdir(args.dir) os.mkdir(subdir+"vertices") print("\n") print ("Current Directory:") print(os.getcwd() + "\n") print ("Current Subject:") print (subject) for hemi in ['L', 'R']: myelin_file=subdir+'MNINonLinear/Native/'+subject+"."+hemi+".MyelinMap.native.func.gii" out_fname=subdir+"vertices/"+hemi+'_vertices' myelin_vector=myelin_map.getArraysFromIntent(intent)[0].data zero_myelin=np.where(myelin_vector == 0)[0] nonzero_myelin=np.where(myelin_vector > 0)[0] np.savetxt(out_fname, nonzero_myelin+1,fmt='%d')
intent = 'NIFTI_INTENT_NORMAL' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", "--sub", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("-d", "--dir", type=str, default="./") args = parser.parse_args() subject = args.sub dir = args.dir subdir = dir + "/" + subject + "/" os.chdir(args.dir) os.mkdir(subdir + "vertices") print("\n") print("Current Directory:") print(os.getcwd() + "\n") print("Current Subject:") print(subject) for hemi in ['L', 'R']: myelin_file = subdir + 'MNINonLinear/Native/' + subject + "." + hemi + ".MyelinMap.native.func.gii" out_fname = subdir + "vertices/" + hemi + '_vertices' myelin_map = myelin_vector = myelin_map.getArraysFromIntent(intent)[0].data zero_myelin = np.where(myelin_vector == 0)[0] nonzero_myelin = np.where(myelin_vector > 0)[0] np.savetxt(out_fname, nonzero_myelin + 1, fmt='%d')
def get_parcel_info(): # load parcellation lhfile = os.path.join(basedir, 'all_selected_L_new_parcel_renumbered.func.gii') rhfile = os.path.join(basedir, 'all_selected_R_new_parcel_renumbered.func.gii') lh = rh = lhparcvals = numpy.unique(lh.darrays[0].data)[1:] rhparcvals = numpy.unique(rh.darrays[0].data)[1:] lhinfomapfile = os.path.join(basedir, 'parcel_L_consensus_new.func.gii') rhinfomapfile = os.path.join(basedir, 'parcel_R_consensus_new.func.gii') lhinfomap = rhinfomap = # open community files communities_orig = numpy.loadtxt( os.path.join( basedir, 'parcel_infomap_assigns_startpos50_neworder_communities.txt')) communities_orig_idx = numpy.loadtxt( os.path.join( basedir, 'parcel_infomap_assigns_startpos50_neworder_consensus_ind.txt')) lhsurffile = os.path.join(fsdir, '') lhsurf = rhsurffile = os.path.join(fsdir, '') rhsurf = # get mean XYZ location and central vertex of each parcel lhcoords = numpy.zeros((len(lhparcvals), 3)) lhcentvertex = numpy.zeros(len(lhparcvals)) for i in range(len(lhparcvals)): v = lhparcvals[i] vertices = numpy.where(lh.darrays[0].data == v)[0] lhcoords[i, :] = numpy.mean(lhsurf.darrays[0].data[vertices, :], 0) vdist = numpy.zeros(len(vertices)) for j in range(len(vertices)): vdist[j] = numpy.linalg.norm(lhsurf.darrays[0].data[j, :] - lhcoords[i, :]) lhcentvertex[i] = vertices[vdist == numpy.min(vdist)] rhcoords = numpy.zeros((len(rhparcvals), 3)) rhcentvertex = numpy.zeros(len(rhparcvals)) for i in range(len(rhparcvals)): v = rhparcvals[i] vertices = numpy.where(rh.darrays[0].data == v)[0] rhcoords[i, :] = numpy.mean(rhsurf.darrays[0].data[vertices, :], 0) vdist = numpy.zeros(len(vertices)) for j in range(len(vertices)): vdist[j] = numpy.linalg.norm(rhsurf.darrays[0].data[j, :] - rhcoords[i, :]) rhcentvertex[i] = vertices[vdist == numpy.min(vdist)] # get labels for each parcel llabelfile = os.path.join(fsdir, 'sub013.L.aparc.32k_fs_LR.label.gii') rlabelfile = os.path.join(fsdir, 'sub013.R.aparc.32k_fs_LR.label.gii') lparc = rparc = lhparclabels = [] rhparclabels = [] for i in range(len(lhcentvertex)): l = lparc.darrays[0].data[lhcentvertex[i]] lhparclabels.append(lparc.labeltable.labels[l].label) for i in range(len(rhcentvertex)): l = rparc.darrays[0].data[rhcentvertex[i]] rhparclabels.append(rparc.labeltable.labels[l].label) # get RSN labels from HCP tutorial data l_rsnlabelfile = os.path.join(tutorialdir, 'RSN-networks.L.32k_fs_LR.label.gii') r_rsnlabelfile = os.path.join(tutorialdir, 'RSN-networks.R.32k_fs_LR.label.gii') l_rsn = r_rsn = f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'module_names.txt')) power_network_names = {} for l in f.readlines(): l_s = l.strip().split('\t') power_network_names[float(l_s[0])] = l_s[1] f.close() l_rsnlabels = [] r_rsnlabels = [] l_rsnlabels_yeo7 = [] r_rsnlabels_yeo7 = [] l_rsnlabels_yeo17 = [] r_rsnlabels_yeo17 = [] for i in range(len(lhcentvertex)): l = lhinfomap.darrays[0].data[lhcentvertex[i]] l_rsnlabels.append(power_network_names[l]) l = l_rsn.darrays[0].data[lhcentvertex[i]] l_rsnlabels_yeo7.append(l_rsn.labeltable.labels[l].label) l = l_rsn.darrays[1].data[lhcentvertex[i]] l_rsnlabels_yeo17.append(l_rsn.labeltable.labels[l].label) for i in range(len(rhcentvertex)): l = rhinfomap.darrays[0].data[rhcentvertex[i]] r_rsnlabels.append(power_network_names[l]) l = r_rsn.darrays[0].data[rhcentvertex[i]] r_rsnlabels_yeo7.append(r_rsn.labeltable.labels[l].label) l = r_rsn.darrays[1].data[rhcentvertex[i]] r_rsnlabels_yeo17.append(r_rsn.labeltable.labels[l].label) # get lobe atlasfile = os.path.join(fsldir, 'data/atlases/MNI/MNI-maxprob-thr0-2mm.nii.gz') atlas = nibabel.load(atlasfile) atlasdata = atlas.get_data() lobenames = [ 'None', 'Caudate', 'Cerebellum', 'Frontal', 'Insula', 'Occipital', 'Parietal', 'Putamen', 'Temporal', 'Thalamus' ] def mni2vox(mni, qform): tmp = numpy.linalg.inv(qform) * numpy.matrix( [mni[0], mni[1], mni[2], 1]).T return numpy.array(numpy.round(tmp.T[0, 0:3]))[0] l_lobe = [] r_lobe = [] for i in range(len(lhcentvertex)): vox = mni2vox(lhcoords[i, :], atlas.get_qform()) lobe = atlasdata[vox[0], vox[1], vox[2]] l_lobe.append(lobenames[lobe]) for i in range(len(rhcentvertex)): vox = mni2vox(rhcoords[i, :], atlas.get_qform()) lobe = atlasdata[vox[0], vox[1], vox[2]] r_lobe.append(lobenames[lobe]) use_aseg = True def vox2mni(vox, qform): vox = numpy.array([vox[0], vox[1], vox[2], 1]) return[:3] if use_aseg: # now get data from APARC f = open(os.path.join(stdir, 'aseg/aseg_fields.txt')) asegnames = {} for l in f.readlines(): l_s = l.strip().split() asegnames[int(l_s[0])] = l_s[1] f.close() asegkeys = asegnames.keys() asegkeys.sort() asegimg = nibabel.load( os.path.join(stdir, 'aseg/aparc+aseg_reg2mni.nii.gz')) asegdata = asegimg.get_data() meancoords = {} for k in asegkeys: mni = [] v = numpy.where(asegdata == k) nvox = len(v[0]) for i in range(nvox): mni.append( vox2mni([v[0][i], v[1][i], v[2][i]], asegimg.get_qform())) mni = numpy.matrix(mni) meancoords[k] = numpy.mean(mni, 0) f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'parcel_data.txt'), 'w') ctr = 1 for i in range(len(lhcentvertex)): f.write('%d\tL\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (ctr, lhcoords[i, 0], lhcoords[i, 1], lhcoords[i, 2], l_lobe[i], lhparclabels[i], l_rsnlabels[i], l_rsnlabels_yeo7[i], l_rsnlabels_yeo17[i])) ctr += 1 for i in range(len(rhcentvertex)): f.write('%d\tR\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (ctr, rhcoords[i, 0], rhcoords[i, 1], rhcoords[i, 2], r_lobe[i], rhparclabels[i], r_rsnlabels[i], r_rsnlabels_yeo7[i], r_rsnlabels_yeo17[i])) ctr += 1 if use_aseg: for k in asegkeys: if meancoords[k][0, 0] < 0: hemis = 'L' else: hemis = 'R' f.write('%d\t%s\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (ctr, hemis, meancoords[k][0, 0], meancoords[k][0, 1], meancoords[k][0, 2], 'subcortical', asegnames[k], 'na', 'na', 'na')) ctr += 1 f.close()
def map_shared_genetic(template, sd, areals, indir, cb, interval_cb, rho, trait, pval_thresh, outdir): """ Parameters template: path to template mesh file areals: path to gii file containing the texture of areals sd: hemisphere side from which SOLAR estimates are displayed indir: directory containing h2 and pval dictionaries cb: colorbar names must be an array with [cb_h2, cb_pval] interval_cb: number boundaries for the colobar display must be a double array [inter_h2[0,1], inter_pval[0,1]] pval_thresh: p-value threshold outdir: output directory for the snapshots """ if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) # Define the quaternions that are gonna be used for the snapshots if (sd == "L"): view_quaternions = { 'intern': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'extern': [0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5], 'bottom': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'top': [0, 0, 1, 0] } else: view_quaternions = { 'intern': [0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5], 'extern': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'bottom': [1, 0, 0, 0], 'top': [0, 0, 1, 0] } # Load h2 and pval dictionaries path_h2 = os.path.join(indir, sd + rho + '_dict.json') with open(path_h2, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) dict_h2 = json.loads(data) path_pval = os.path.join(indir, sd + rho + '_pval_dict.json') with open(path_pval, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) dict_pval = json.loads(data) # Load h2 and pval dictionaries rho2 = 'scipy_rhop' path_h2 = os.path.join(indir, sd + rho2 + '_dict.json') with open(path_h2, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) dict_rhop = json.loads(data) path_pval = os.path.join(indir, sd + rho2 + '_pval_dict.json') with open(path_pval, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) dict_pval_rhop = json.loads(data) # Areal value in each vertex array_areals =[0].data # Create arrays that will contain h2 and pval estimates on each vertex array_h2 = np.zeros(len(array_areals)) array_pval = np.zeros(len(array_areals)) list_areals = np.unique(array_areals) # Load the mesh in anatomist mesh = ana.loadObject(template) for areal in list_areals: # make sure areal has the right format areal = str(int(areal)) if dict_h2.has_key(areal + '_' + col): # Finally, checl if the p-value pass the pval threshold if (dict_pval[areal + '_' + col] < pval_thresh and # Force the phenotypic correlation to be significant dict_pval_rhop[areal + '_' + col] < 5e-2 / (2 * 180)): # Select the index of vertices belonging to the areal ind = np.where(array_areals == float(areal))[0] # Give them the h2 estimate of this areal if 'rhog' in rho: # Change this line for Figure 3 array_h2[ind] = abs(dict_h2[areal + '_' + col]) else: array_h2[ind] = dict_h2[areal + '_' + col] # And the log10 pvalue array_pval[ind] = -np.log10(dict_pval[areal + '_' + col]) ### Block performing the display of h2 estimates ### # Create anatomist window window = ana.createWindow('3D', geometry=[0, 0, 584, 584]) tex = aims.TimeTexture(dtype='FLOAT') tex[0].assign(array_h2) pits_tex = ana.toAObject(tex) tex_mesh = ana.fusionObjects([mesh, pits_tex], method='FusionTexSurfMethod') tex_mesh.assignReferential(ref) tex_mesh.setMaterial(front_face='counterclockwise') pits_tex.setPalette(cb[0], minVal=interval_cb[0][0], maxVal=interval_cb[0][1], absoluteMode=True) updateWindow(window, tex_mesh) ana.execute('TexturingParams', objects=[tex_mesh], interpolation='rgb') # Loop through the quaternions and do the snapshot for vw in view_quaternions.keys(): q = aims.Quaternion(view_quaternions[vw])[vw], zoom=0.65) # Snapshot file output output = os.path.join( outdir, '_'.join(['snapshot', trait, rho, sd, vw + '.png'])) ana.execute('WindowConfig', windows=[window], snapshot=output) if False: ana.releaseObject(pits_tex) pits_tex = None ana.releaseObject(tex_mesh) tex_mesh = None #### Block performing the display of pvalues estimates ### # Create anatomist window, second time (else zoom problem for snapshots) window = ana.createWindow('3D', geometry=[0, 0, 584, 584]) tex = aims.TimeTexture(dtype='FLOAT') tex[0].assign(array_pval) pits_tex = ana.toAObject(tex) tex_mesh = ana.fusionObjects([mesh, pits_tex], method='FusionTexSurfMethod') tex_mesh.assignReferential(ref) tex_mesh.setMaterial(front_face='counterclockwise') pits_tex.setPalette(cb[1], minVal=interval_cb[1][0], maxVal=interval_cb[1][1], absoluteMode=True) updateWindow(window, tex_mesh) ana.execute('TexturingParams', objects=[tex_mesh], interpolation='rgb') # Loop through the quaternions and do the snapshot for vw in view_quaternions.keys(): q = aims.Quaternion(view_quaternions[vw])[vw], zoom=0.65) # Snapshot file output output = os.path.join( outdir, '_'.join(['snapshot', trait, rho, 'pval', sd, vw + '.png'])) ana.execute('WindowConfig', windows=[window], snapshot=output) if False: ana.releaseObject(pits_tex) pits_tex = None ana.releaseObject(tex_mesh) tex_mesh = None
def display_folds(folds_file, labels, weights, white_file=None, interactive=True, snap=False, animate=False, outdir=None, name="folds", actor_ang=(0., 0., 0.)): """ Display the folds computed by morphologist. The scene supports one feature activated via the keystroke: * 'p': Pick the data at the current mouse point. This will pop-up a window with information on the current pick (ie. the fold name). Parameters ---------- folds_file: str( mandatory) the folds '.gii' file. labels: dict (mandatory) a mapping between a mesh id and its label. weights: dict (mandatory) a mapping between a mesh label and its wheight in [0, 1]. white_file: str (optional, default None) if specified the white surface will be displayed. interactive: bool (optional, default True) if True display the renderer. snap: bool (optional, default False) if True create a snap of the scene: need a valid outdir. animate: bool (optional, default False) if True create a gif 360 degrees animation of the scene: need a valid outdir. outdir: str (optional, default None) an existing directory. name: str (optional, default 'folds') the basename of the generated files. actor_ang: 3-uplet (optinal, default (0, 0, 0)) the actors x, y, z position (in degrees). """ # Load the folds file image = nb_of_surfs = len(image.darrays) if nb_of_surfs % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("Need an odd number of arrays (vertices, triangles).") # Create an actor for each fold ren = ren.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) for vertindex in range(0, nb_of_surfs, 2): vectices = image.darrays[vertindex].data triangles = image.darrays[vertindex + 1].data labelindex = image.darrays[vertindex].get_metadata()["Timestep"] if labelindex != image.darrays[vertindex + 1].get_metadata()["Timestep"]: raise ValueError("Gifti arrays '{0}' and '{1}' do not share the " "same label.".format(vertindex, vertindex + 1)) labelindex = int(labelindex) if labelindex in labels: label = labels[labelindex] if label in weights: weight = weights[label] * 256. else: weight = 0 else: label = "NC" weight = 0 surf = TriSurface(vectices, triangles, labels=None) actor = pvtk.surface(surf.vertices, surf.triangles, surf.labels + weight) actor.label = label actor.RotateX(actor_ang[0]) actor.RotateY(actor_ang[1]) actor.RotateZ(actor_ang[2]) pvtk.add(ren, actor) # Add the white surface if specified if white_file is not None: image = nb_of_surfs = len(image.darrays) if nb_of_surfs != 2: raise ValueError("'{0}' does not a contain a valid white " "mesh.".format(white_file)) vectices = image.darrays[0].data triangles = image.darrays[1].data surf = TriSurface(vectices, triangles, labels=None) actor = pvtk.surface(surf.vertices, surf.triangles, surf.labels, opacity=1, set_lut=False) actor.label = "white" actor.RotateX(actor_ang[0]) actor.RotateY(actor_ang[1]) actor.RotateZ(actor_ang[2]) pvtk.add(ren, actor) # Show the renderer if interactive: actor = pvtk.text("!!!!", font_size=15, position=(10, 10), is_visible=False) pvtk.add(ren, actor) obs = LabelsOnPick(actor, static_position=True, to_keep_actors=["white"]), title="morphologist folds", observers=[obs]) # Create a snap if snap: if not os.path.isdir(outdir): raise ValueError("'{0}' is not a valid directory.".format(outdir)) pvtk.record(ren, outdir, name, n_frames=1) # Create an animation if animate: if not os.path.isdir(outdir): raise ValueError("'{0}' is not a valid directory.".format(outdir)) pvtk.record(ren, outdir, name, n_frames=36, az_ang=10, animate=True, delay=25)
pits_data_R = np.array([]) pits_data_L = np.array([]) count_R = 0 count_L = 0 total_density = np.array([]) for s_id in s_ids: path_s = path + s_id + '/' if "imagen" in path and "Freesurfer" not in path: s_id = s_id[len(s_id) - 12:] file_pits_R = path_s + 't1mri/BL/default_analysis/segmentation/mesh/surface_analysis_sym/' + s_id + '_Rwhite_pits_smoothed0.7_60_on_atlas.gii' file_pits_L = path_s + 't1mri/BL/default_analysis/segmentation/mesh/surface_analysis_sym/' + s_id + '_Lwhite_pits_smoothed0.7_60_on_atlas.gii' if os.path.isfile(file_pits_R): count_R += 1 if pits_data_R.size == 0: pits_data_R =[0].data else: pits_data_R +=[0].data if os.path.isfile(file_pits_L): count_L += 1 if pits_data_L.size == 0: pits_data_L =[0].data else: pits_data_L +=[0].data pits_data_R_temp = pits_data_R / count_R pits_data_L_temp = pits_data_L / count_L total_density = (pits_data_R_temp + pits_data_L_temp) / 2 """g_R = g_L =
with open(temp_file_s_ids, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) s_ids = list(json.loads(data)) ### OUTPUT ### if SYMMETRIC: OUTPUT = '/neurospin/brainomics/2016_HCP/new_pheno_threshold_' + feature_threshold + '/pheno_pits_sym_' + feature + '_' + database_parcel + '_Freesurfer_new/' else: OUTPUT = '/neurospin/brainomics/2016_HCP/new_pheno_threshold_' + feature_threshold + '/pheno_pits_' + feature + '_' + database_parcel + '_Freesurfer_new/' for side in sides: if SYMMETRIC: file_parcels_on_atlas = path_parcels + 'pits_density_update/clusters_total_average_pits_smoothed0.7_60_sym_dist15.0_area100.0_ridge2.0.gii' else: file_parcels_on_atlas = path_parcels + 'pits_density_update/clusters_' + side + '_average_pits_smoothed0.7_60_dist15.0_area100.0_ridge2.0.gii' array_parcels =[0].data parcels_org = np.unique(array_parcels) parcels_org = parcels_org[1:] NB_PARCELS = len(parcels_org) DATA_DPF = np.zeros((len(s_ids), NB_PARCELS)) * np.nan INPUT_side = INPUT + side + '/' thresholds = np.loadtxt(INPUT_side + 'thresholds' + side + '.txt') for j, s_id in enumerate(s_ids): if SYMMETRIC: file_pits_on_atlas = os.path.join( path, s_id, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis_sym", s_id + "_" + side + "white_pits_on_atlas.gii") file_DPF_on_atlas = os.path.join( path, s_id,
if "Freesurfer" in path_parcels: if "sym" in path_parcels: template_mesh = '/neurospin/brainomics/folder_gii/' + sid.lower( ) + 'h.inflated.white.gii' else: template_mesh = '/neurospin/brainomics/folder_gii/' + sid.lower( ) + 'h.inflated.white.gii' else: template_mesh = '/neurospin/imagen/workspace/cati/templates/average_' + sid + 'mesh_BL.gii' meshes[side] = ana.loadObject(template_mesh) windows[side] = ana.createWindow('3D', geometry=[0, 0, 584, 584]) if SYMMETRIC: file_parcels_on_atlas = path_parcels + 'pits_density_update/clusters_total_average_pits_smoothed0.7_60_sym_dist15.0_area100.0_ridge2.0.gii' else: file_parcels_on_atlas = path_parcels + 'pits_density_update/clusters_' + side + '_average_pits_smoothed0.7_60_dist15.0_area100.0_ridge2.0.gii' array_parcels =[0].data array_h2 = np.zeros(len(array_parcels)) parcels_org = np.unique(array_parcels) for parcel in parcels_org: if dict_h2[pheno].has_key(str(int(parcel))): ind = np.where(array_parcels == parcel)[0] array_h2[ind] = dict_h2[pheno][str(int(parcel))] tex = aims.TimeTexture(dtype='FLOAT') tex[0].assign(array_h2) pits_tex[side] = ana.toAObject(tex) tex_mesh[side] = ana.fusionObjects([meshes[side], pits_tex[side]], method='FusionTexSurfMethod') if "Freesurfer" in path_parcels: ref = ana.createReferential() tr = ana.createTransformation( [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1], ref,
@author: margulies """ import scipy, h5py from sklearn import manifold import numpy as np import nibabel.gifti.giftiio as gio f = h5py.File( '/scr/murg2/HCP_new/HCP_Q1-Q6_GroupAvg_Related440_Unrelated100_v1/HCP_Q1-Q6_R468_rfMRI_groupAvg_left_corr_smoothed2_toR_nifti.mat', 'r') dataCorr = f.get('dataCorr') dataCorr = np.array(dataCorr) gii = '/scr/murg2/HCP_new/HCP_Q1-Q6_GroupAvg_Related440_Unrelated100_v1/lh.cortex.gii' ) structure = gii.darrays[0].data cortex = np.where(structure != 1)[0] d = [] for i in cortex: d.append(dataCorr[i, cortex]) data = np.array(d) K = 1 - ((data + 1) / 2.) tsne = manifold.TSNE(n_components=3, metric='precomputed') X_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(K) results = ([0] * 32492) count = 0
def display_folds(folds_file, labels, weights, white_file=None, interactive=True, snap=False, animate=False, outdir=None, name="folds", actor_ang=(0., 0., 0.)): """ Display the folds computed by morphologist. The scene supports one feature activated via the keystroke: * 'p': Pick the data at the current mouse point. This will pop-up a window with information on the current pick (ie. the fold name). Parameters ---------- folds_file: str( mandatory) the folds '.gii' file. labels: dict (mandatory) a mapping between a mesh id and its label. weights: dict (mandatory) a mapping between a mesh label and its wheight in [0, 1]. white_file: str (optional, default None) if specified the white surface will be displayed. interactive: bool (optional, default True) if True display the renderer. snap: bool (optional, default False) if True create a snap of the scene: need a valid outdir. animate: bool (optional, default False) if True create a gif 360 degrees animation of the scene: need a valid outdir. outdir: str (optional, default None) an existing directory. name: str (optional, default 'folds') the basename of the generated files. actor_ang: 3-uplet (optinal, default (0, 0, 0)) the actors x, y, z position (in degrees). """ # Load the folds file image = nb_of_surfs = len(image.darrays) if nb_of_surfs % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("Need an odd number of arrays (vertices, triangles).") # Create an actor for each fold ren = ren.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) for vertindex in range(0, nb_of_surfs, 2): vectices = image.darrays[vertindex].data triangles = image.darrays[vertindex + 1].data labelindex = image.darrays[vertindex].get_metadata()["Timestep"] if labelindex != image.darrays[vertindex + 1].get_metadata()[ "Timestep"]: raise ValueError("Gifti arrays '{0}' and '{1}' do not share the " "same label.".format(vertindex, vertindex + 1)) labelindex = int(labelindex) if labelindex in labels: label = labels[labelindex] if label in weights: weight = weights[label] * 256. else: weight = 0 else: label = "NC" weight = 0 surf = TriSurface(vectices, triangles, labels=None) actor = pvtk.surface(surf.vertices, surf.triangles, surf.labels + weight) actor.label = label actor.RotateX(actor_ang[0]) actor.RotateY(actor_ang[1]) actor.RotateZ(actor_ang[2]) pvtk.add(ren, actor) # Add the white surface if specified if white_file is not None: image = nb_of_surfs = len(image.darrays) if nb_of_surfs != 2: raise ValueError("'{0}' does not a contain a valid white " "mesh.".format(white_file)) vectices = image.darrays[0].data triangles = image.darrays[1].data surf = TriSurface(vectices, triangles, labels=None) actor = pvtk.surface(surf.vertices, surf.triangles, surf.labels, opacity=1, set_lut=False) actor.label = "white" actor.RotateX(actor_ang[0]) actor.RotateY(actor_ang[1]) actor.RotateZ(actor_ang[2]) pvtk.add(ren, actor) # Show the renderer if interactive: actor = pvtk.text("!!!!", font_size=15, position=(10, 10), is_visible=False) pvtk.add(ren, actor) obs = LabelsOnPick(actor, static_position=True, to_keep_actors=["white"]), title="morphologist folds", observers=[obs]) # Create a snap if snap: if not os.path.isdir(outdir): raise ValueError("'{0}' is not a valid directory.".format(outdir)) pvtk.record(ren, outdir, name, n_frames=1) # Create an animation if animate: if not os.path.isdir(outdir): raise ValueError("'{0}' is not a valid directory.".format(outdir)) pvtk.record(ren, outdir, name, n_frames=36, az_ang=10, animate=True, delay=25)
def create_phenotype(database, s_ids, array_areals, areal_list, side, indir, outdir, sd_template='lh'): """ Parameters database: path of Morphologist database array_areals: array containing the areals information for each vertex areal_list: contain the areal numbers s_ids: list of s_ids to consider side: either R or L indir: directory containing the thresholds table outdir: output directory sd_template: side of the template """ if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) outdir_cc = os.path.join(outdir, 'case_control') if not os.path.isdir(outdir_cc): os.makedirs(outdir_cc) INPUT = os.path.join(indir, side) if THRESHOLDING: thr_file = os.path.join(INPUT, 'Areal_' + str(areal) + '.txt') thresholds = np.loadtxt(thr_file) NB_AREALS = len(areal_list) # Matrix containing the retained pit (if any) DPF value for each subject DATA_DPF = np.zeros((len(s_ids), NB_AREALS)) * np.nan for j, s_id in enumerate(s_ids): print "Currently processing s_id " + str(s_id) file_pits = os.path.join(database, s_id, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis_" + sd_template, s_id + "_" + side + "white_pits_on_atlas.gii") file_DPF = os.path.join(database, s_id, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis_" + sd_template, s_id + "_" + side + "white_DPF_on_atlas.gii") array_pits =[0].data array_DPF =[0].data # Remove the pits with a DPF below threshold if THRESHOLDING: for k, areal in enumerate(areal_list): ind = np.where(array_areals == areal) array_pits[ind] = (array_pits[ind] * (array_DPF[ind] > thresholds[k])) if False: # Locate the remaining pits index_pits = np.nonzero(array_pits)[0] # And their corresponding areals areals = array_areals[index_pits] for k, areal in enumerate(areal_list): ind = np.where(areals == areal)[0] # If the subject has pit in this areal we consider the deepest one if ind.size: index_max_DPF = np.argmax(array_DPF[index_pits[ind]]) # MULTIPLY BY 20 BECAUSE # SOLAR REQUIRES THIS TO ALLOW LARGE ENOUGH STD FOR ITS MODEL # 20 is chosen to have an std sufficient in each areal # It's somewhat arbitrary but doesn't affect the heritability DATA_DPF[j, k] = array_DPF[index_pits[ind]][index_max_DPF] elif True: for k, areal in enumerate(areal_list): ind = np.where(array_areals == areal)[0] if ind.size: index_max_DPF = np.argmax(array_DPF[ind]) else: DATA_DPF[j, k] = array_DPF[ind][index_max_DPF] """ Process the DATA_DPF matrix 3 steps: 1st filter out areals with less than 50% subjects having a pit 2nd create DPF quantitative phenotype file for each areal kept 3rd create a case control phenotype stating if a subject has pit or not """ # We do not consider subject with pit DPF = 0, # because the pit DPF must be > 0. # Else use find zeros of numpy and replace them with almost 0 DATA_DPF = np.nan_to_num(DATA_DPF) index_columns_kept = [] # Identify the columns with at least 50% subjects having a sulcal pit for j in range(DATA_DPF.shape[1]): if np.count_nonzero(DATA_DPF[:, j]) > DATA_DPF.shape[0] * 0.5: index_columns_kept.append(j) # For the columns kept create a phenotype file containing subjects # with at least one pit for index in index_columns_kept: num = str(int(areal_list[index])) df3 = pd.DataFrame() df3['FID'] = np.asarray(s_ids)[np.nonzero(DATA_DPF[:, index])].tolist() df3['IID'] = df3['FID'] df3['Areal_' + num] = DATA_DPF[:, index][np.nonzero(DATA_DPF[:, index])] output = os.path.join(outdir, 'DPF_pit' + num + 'side' + side + '.csv') df3.to_csv(output, sep=' ', header=True, index=False) # Create a case control phenotype file, stating if a subject has a pit df = pd.DataFrame() for j in range(DATA_DPF.shape[1]): df['Areal_' + str(int(areal_list[j]))] = DATA_DPF[:, j] df[df != 0] = 2 df[df == 0] = 1 df['IID'] = np.asarray(s_ids) output_cc = os.path.join(outdir_cc, 'all_pits_side' + side + '.csv') df.to_csv(output_cc, sep=',', header=True, index=False)