Beispiel #1
 def preparePoint(self, num, xvalues):
     if num > 0:  # skip starting point, because of range scan (0..1, ...)
         Scan.preparePoint(self, num, xvalues)
         # Open Shutters before movement of scan devices (e.g. motor).
         # Just for RScan because movement and counting should be done
         # simultaneous.
         where = []
         for det in self._detlist:
             if isinstance(det, BiodiffDetector):
                 if det.ctrl_gammashutter:
                     where.append((det._attached_gammashutter, OPEN))
                 if det.ctrl_photoshutter:
                     where.append((det._attached_photoshutter, OPEN))
         if where:
             where = list(zip(*where))
             self.moveDevices(where[0], where[1])
Beispiel #2
 def preparePoint(self, num, xvalues):
     if num > 1 and self._nsettings > 1 and (num -
                                             1) % self._nsettings == 0:
         for sink in self._sinks:
     Scan.preparePoint(self, num, xvalues)