Beispiel #1
def test_check_surface():
    coords, faces = generate_surf()
    mesh = Mesh(coords, faces)
    data = mesh[0][:,0]
    surf = Surface(mesh, data)
    s = surface.check_surface(surf)
    assert_array_equal(, data)
    assert_array_equal(s.mesh.coordinates, coords)
    assert_array_equal(s.mesh.coordinates, mesh.coordinates)
    assert_array_equal(s.mesh.faces, faces)
    assert_array_equal(s.mesh.faces, mesh.faces)
    # Generate faces such that max index is larger than
    # the length of coordinates array.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    wrong_faces = rng.randint(coords.shape[0] + 1, size=(30, 3))
    wrong_mesh = Mesh(coords, wrong_faces)
    wrong_surface = Surface(wrong_mesh, data)
    # Check that check_mesh_and_data raises an error with the resulting wrong mesh
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="Mismatch between the indices of faces and the number of nodes."):
    # Alter the data and check that an error is raised
    wrong_data = mesh[0][::2, 0]
    wrong_surface = Surface(mesh, wrong_data)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="Mismatch between number of nodes in mesh"):
Beispiel #2
def test_load_surface():
    coords, faces = generate_surf()
    mesh = Mesh(coords, faces)
    data = mesh[0][:,0]
    surf = Surface(mesh, data)
    surf_like_obj = SurfaceLikeObject(mesh, data)
    # Load the surface from:
    #   - Surface-like objects having the right attributes
    #   - a list of length 2 (mesh, data)
    for loadings in [surf,
                     [mesh, data]]:
        s = surface.load_surface(loadings)
        assert_array_equal(, data)
        assert_array_equal(s.mesh.coordinates, coords)
        assert_array_equal(s.mesh.coordinates, surf.mesh.coordinates)
        assert_array_equal(s.mesh.faces, surf.mesh.faces)
    # Giving an iterable of length other than 2 will raise an error
    # Length 3
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="`load_surface` accepts iterables of length 2"):
        s = surface.load_surface([coords, faces, data])
    # Length 1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="`load_surface` accepts iterables of length 2"):
        s = surface.load_surface([coords])
    # Giving other objects will raise an error
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="Wrong parameter `surface` in `load_surface`"):
        s = surface.load_surface("foo")
Beispiel #3
def test_check_mesh_and_data():
    coords, faces = generate_surf()
    mesh = Mesh(coords, faces)
    data = mesh[0][:, 0]
    m, d = surface.check_mesh_and_data(mesh, data)
    assert (m[0] == mesh[0]).all()
    assert (m[1] == mesh[1]).all()
    assert (d == data).all()
    # Generate faces such that max index is larger than
    # the length of coordinates array.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    wrong_faces = rng.randint(coords.shape[0] + 1, size=(30, 3))
    wrong_mesh = Mesh(coords, wrong_faces)
    # Check that check_mesh_and_data raises an error with the resulting wrong mesh
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="Mismatch between the indices of faces and the number of nodes."):
        surface.check_mesh_and_data(wrong_mesh, data)
    # Alter the data and check that an error is raised
    data = mesh[0][::2, 0]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="Mismatch between number of nodes in mesh"):
        surface.check_mesh_and_data(mesh, data)
Beispiel #4
def test_load_surf_mesh():
    coords, faces = generate_surf()
    mesh = Mesh(coords, faces)
    assert_array_equal(mesh.coordinates, coords)
    assert_array_equal(mesh.faces, faces)
    # Call load_surf_mesh with a Mesh as argument
    loaded_mesh = load_surf_mesh(mesh)
    assert isinstance(loaded_mesh, Mesh)
    assert_array_equal(mesh.coordinates, loaded_mesh.coordinates)
    assert_array_equal(mesh.faces, loaded_mesh.faces)

    mesh_like = MeshLikeObject(coords, faces)
    assert_array_equal(mesh_like.coordinates, coords)
    assert_array_equal(mesh_like.faces, faces)
    # Call load_surf_mesh with an object having
    # coordinates and faces attributes
    loaded_mesh = load_surf_mesh(mesh_like)
    assert isinstance(loaded_mesh, Mesh)
    assert_array_equal(mesh_like.coordinates, loaded_mesh.coordinates)
    assert_array_equal(mesh_like.faces, loaded_mesh.faces)