Beispiel #1
    def compute_registration(self, moving, fixed, init=None, interp="tri"):
        """Estimate a linear, within-modality transform from moving to fixed.

        moving : nibabel image object
            Image to be registered to the reference image.
        fixed : nibabel image object
            Reference image.
        init : transformation object or None
            Initialization for the transformation. If ``None``, the
            registration is seeded with a small rotation, which helps avoid
            getting stuck in the local minimum of no motion.

        T : nipy Rigid object
            Rigid matrix giving transform from moving to fixed.

        if init is None:
            # This applies a small rotation; code from Alexis Roche
            init = Rigid((0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        reg = HistogramRegistration(moving, fixed, interp=interp)
        with silent():  # Mute stdout due to verbose optimization info
            T = reg.optimize(init)
        return T
Beispiel #2
    def compute_registration(self, moving, fixed, init=None, interp="tri"):
        """Estimate a linear, within-modality transform from moving to fixed.

        moving : nibabel image object
            Image to be registered to the reference image.
        fixed : nibabel image object
            Reference image.
        init : transformation object or None
            Initialization for the transformation. If ``None``, the
            registration is seeded with a small rotation, which helps avoid
            getting stuck in the local minimum of no motion.

        T : nipy Rigid object
            Rigid matrix giving transform from moving to fixed.

        if init is None:
            # This applies a small rotation; code from Alexis Roche
            init = Rigid((0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        reg = HistogramRegistration(moving, fixed, interp=interp)
        with silent():  # Mute stdout due to verbose optimization info
            T = reg.optimize(init)
        return T
    def estimateMotion(self, niiVol, volIdx):
        """ Estimate the motion parameters for the current volume.

        This tool will first estimate the transformation needed to align the
        current volume to the reference volume. This transformation can be
        expressed as a rigid body transformation with 6 degrees of freedom
        (translation x,y,z; rotation x,y,z).

        Using the estimated transformation matrix, we can compute RMS deviation
        as a single value representing the displacement (in mm) between the
        current volume and the reference volume (abs rms) or the current volume
        and the previous volume (relative rms).

        This approach for estimating motion borrows heavily from:

        RMS calculations:

        niiVol : nibabel-like image
            nibabel-like 3D data object, representing the current volume
        volIdx : int
            the 0-based index of the current volume along the 4th dim
            (i.e. time)

        if volIdx < self.refVolIdx:
            return None

        elif volIdx == self.refVolIdx:
            self.refVol = niiVol            # set the reference volume
            return None

        elif volIdx > self.refVolIdx:
            # create a regisitration object
            reg = HistogramRegistration(niiVol, self.refVol, interp='tri')

            # estimate optimal transformation
            T = reg.optimize(self.prevVol_T.copy(), ftol=0.1, maxfun=30)

            # compute RMS relative to reference vol (rms abs)
            rms_abs = self.computeRMS(self.refVol_T, T)

            # compute RMS relative to previous vol (rms rel)
            rms_rel = self.computeRMS(self.prevVol_T, T)

            # # get the realignment parameters:
            # rot_x, rot_y, rot_z = np.rad2deg(T.rotation)
            # trans_x, trans_y, trans_z = T.translation

            # update the estimate
            self.prevVol_T = T

            motionParams = {'rms_abs': rms_abs,
                            'rms_rel': rms_rel}
            return motionParams
Beispiel #4
print('Target brain: %s' % target)
print('Similarity measure: %s' % similarity)
print('Optimizer: %s' % optimizer)

# Get data
print('Fetching image data...')
I = load_image(source_file)
J = load_image(target_file)

# Perform affine registration
# The output is an array-like object such that
# np.asarray(T) is a customary 4x4 matrix
print('Setting up registration...')
tic = time.time()
R = HistogramRegistration(I, J, similarity=similarity, interp=interp)
T = R.optimize('affine', optimizer=optimizer)
toc = time.time()
print('  Registration time: %f sec' % (toc - tic))

# Resample source image
print('Resampling source image...')
tic = time.time()
#It = resample2(I, J.coordmap, T.inv(), J.shape)
It = resample(I, T.inv(), reference=J)
toc = time.time()
print('  Resampling time: %f sec' % (toc - tic))

# Save resampled source
outroot = source + '_TO_' + target
outimg = outroot + '.nii.gz'
print('Saving resampled source in: %s' % outimg)
Beispiel #5
print('Similarity measure: %s' % similarity)
print('Optimizer: %s' % optimizer)

# Get data
print('Fetching image data...')
I = load_image(source_file)
J = load_image(target_file)

# Perform affine registration
# The output is an array-like object such that
# np.asarray(T) is a customary 4x4 matrix
print('Setting up registration...')
tic = time.time()
R = HistogramRegistration(I, J, similarity=similarity, interp=interp,
T = R.optimize('affine', optimizer=optimizer)
toc = time.time()
print('  Registration time: %f sec' % (toc - tic))

# Resample source image
print('Resampling source image...')
tic = time.time()
#It = resample2(I, J.coordmap, T.inv(), J.shape)
It = resample(I, T.inv(), reference=J)
toc = time.time()
print('  Resampling time: %f sec' % (toc - tic))

# Save resampled source
outroot = source + '_TO_' + target
outimg = outroot + '.nii.gz'
print ('Saving resampled source in: %s' % outimg)
def estimate_hippocampus(subject, vem_iters=VEM_ITERS, beta=BETA, register=True): 
    f_im, f_msk = get_image_files(subject)
    f_tiv = get_tiv_image(subject) 
    im = load(f_im)
    msk = reorient_mask(load(f_msk), im) # just for posterior evaluation
    tiv = reorient_tiv(load(f_tiv), im) 
    print im.get_shape()
    print tiv.get_shape()
    save(im, 'fixed.nii')
    save(msk, 'fixed_mask.nii')
    save(tiv, 'fixed_tiv.nii')

    # register atlas and deform hippocampus ppm
    if register:
            I = load_image('template.nii')
            J = AffineImage(im.get_data(), im.get_affine(), 'scanner')
            R = HistogramRegistration(I, J, similarity='crl1', interp='pv')
            T = R.optimize('affine')
            if not HIPPO_CORNER == None:
                R.subsample(corner=HIPPO_CORNER, size=HIPPO_SIZE)
                T = R.optimize(T)
            save_image(resample(I, T.inv(), reference=J), 'r_template.nii')
            tmp = resample(load_image('hippocampus_prior.nii'), T.inv(),
                           reference=J, dtype='double')
            #save_image(tmp, 'r_hippocampus_prior.nii')
            tmp_data = np.minimum(np.maximum(tmp.get_data(), 0.0),
            save_image(AffineImage(tmp_data, tmp.affine, 'scanner'),
            system('./register template.nii fixed.nii hippocampus_prior.nii '
                   + 'r_hippocampus_prior.nii r_template.nii')
            if not HIPPO_CORNER == None:
                I = load_image('template.nii')
                Izoom = I[tuple([slice(c, c + s) for c, s
                                 in zip(HIPPO_CORNER, HIPPO_SIZE)])]

                print type(Izoom)

                save_image(Izoom, 'zoom_template.nii')
                system('./register zoom_template.nii fixed.nii '
                       + 'hippocampus_prior.nii '
                       + 'r_hippocampus_prior.nii r_template.nii')

    # perform tissue classification
    if vem_iters == 0:
        f_gray_ppm = get_gray_ppm_image(subject)
        gray_ppm = reorient_tiv(load(f_gray_ppm), im)
        save(gray_ppm, 'fixed_gray_ppm.nii')
        count_tiv = len(np.where(tiv.get_data() > 0)[0])
        count_gm = np.sum(gray_ppm.get_data())
        gray_ppm, csf_ppm, count_tiv = perform_tissue_classification(
            tiv, vem_iters, beta,
            scheme=SCHEME, noise=NOISE, labels=LABELS,
            mixmat=MIXMAT, freeze_prop=FREEZE_PROP)
        count_gm = np.sum(gray_ppm.get_data())
        count_csf = np.sum(csf_ppm.get_data())
        s2_gm = np.sum(gray_ppm.get_data() ** 2)
        s2_csf = np.sum(csf_ppm.get_data() ** 2)

    # compound hippocampus probabilities
    hippo_prior = load('r_hippocampus_prior.nii')
    hippo_ppm = compound_proba(hippo_prior, gray_ppm)
    save(hippo_ppm, 'r_hippocampus_ppm.nii')

    # estimate hippocampus volume
    jacobian = np.abs(np.linalg.det(hippo_prior.get_affine()))
    count_hippo = np.sum(from_ushort(hippo_prior.get_data()))
    count_hippo_gm = np.sum(hippo_ppm.get_data())
    s2_hippo = np.sum(from_ushort(hippo_prior.get_data()) ** 2)
    s2_hippo_gm = np.sum(hippo_ppm.get_data() ** 2)

    # compute Dice coefficient
    hippo_msk = np.where(msk.get_data() > 0)
    count_true_hippo = float(len(hippo_msk[0]))
    count_inter = np.sum(from_ushort(hippo_prior.get_data())[hippo_msk])
    dice_coeff = 2 * count_inter / (count_hippo + count_true_hippo)
    count_true_hippo_gm = np.sum(gray_ppm.get_data()[hippo_msk])

    # CSF
    hippo_csf_ppm = compound_proba(hippo_prior, csf_ppm)
    save(hippo_csf_ppm, 'r_hippocampus_csf_ppm.nii')
    count_hippo_csf = np.sum(hippo_csf_ppm.get_data())
    s2_hippo_csf = np.sum(hippo_csf_ppm.get_data() ** 2)

    # hack
    dat = np.zeros(gray_ppm.get_shape())
    dat[hippo_msk] = gray_ppm.get_data()[hippo_msk]
    save(Nifti1Image(dat, gray_ppm.get_affine()), 'compound.nii')
    def relative_std(count, s2):
        return np.sqrt(np.maximum(count - s2, 0.0))\
            / np.maximum(count, 1e-20)

    # output
    return {'tiv': count_tiv * jacobian,
            'gm': count_gm * jacobian,
            'csf': count_csf * jacobian,
            'hippo': count_hippo * jacobian,
            'hippo_gm': count_hippo_gm * jacobian,
            'hippo_csf': count_hippo_csf * jacobian,
            'true_hippo_gm': count_true_hippo_gm * jacobian,
            'true_hippo': count_true_hippo * jacobian,
            'dice': dice_coeff,
            'jacobian': jacobian,
            'gm_rstd': relative_std(count_gm, s2_gm),
            'csf_rstd': relative_std(count_csf, s2_csf),
            'hippo_rstd': relative_std(count_hippo, s2_hippo),
            'hippo_gm_rstd': relative_std(count_hippo_gm, s2_hippo_gm),
            'hippo_csf_rstd': relative_std(count_hippo_csf, s2_hippo_csf)}
from nipy import load_image
from nipy.algorithms.registration import (HistogramRegistration,

# Load input images
fmri_img = load_image('mean_fmri.nii')
t1_img = load_image('T1.nii')

# First pass: rigid registration using mutual information
reg = HistogramRegistration(fmri_img, t1_img, similarity='mi')
T = reg.optimize('rigid')

# Second pass: 12-parameter affine registration using a custom variant
# of mutual information based on the Hellinger distance
def mymi(H):
    # takes a 2D array representing the joint histogram as input
    P = H / H.sum()
    Pi = P.sum(0).reshape((H.shape[1], 1))
    Pj = P.sum(1).reshape((H.shape[0], 1))
    return np.sum((np.sqrt(P) - np.sqrt(Pi.T * Pj)) ** 2)

T2 = Affine(T.as_affine())
reg2 = HistogramRegistration(fmri_img, t1_img, similarity=mymi)
T2 = reg2.optimize(T2)

# Resample the fMRI image in T1 space
reg_fmri_img = resample(fmri_img, T2.inv(), reference=t1_img)
print('Optimizer: %s' % optimizer)
print('Tolerance: %f' % tol)

# Get data
print('Fetching image data...')
I = load_image(source_file)
J = load_image(target_file)

# Perform affine registration
# The output is an array-like object such that
# np.asarray(T) is a customary 4x4 matrix
print('Setting up registration...')
tic = time.time()
R = HistogramRegistration(I, J, similarity=similarity, interp=interp,
T = R.optimize('affine', optimizer=optimizer, xtol=tol, ftol=tol)
toc = time.time()
print('  Registration time: %f sec' % (toc - tic))

# Resample source image
print('Resampling source image...')
tic = time.time()
#It = resample2(I, J.coordmap, T.inv(), J.shape)
It = resample(I, T.inv(), reference=J)
toc = time.time()
print('  Resampling time: %f sec' % (toc - tic))

# Save resampled source
outroot = source + '_TO_' + target
outimg = outroot + '.nii.gz'
print ('Saving resampled source in: %s' % outimg)
Beispiel #9
print("Target brain: %s" % target)
print("Similarity measure: %s" % similarity)
print("Optimizer: %s" % optimizer)

# Get data
print("Fetching image data...")
I = load_image(source_file)
J = load_image(target_file)

# Perform affine registration
# The output is an array-like object such that
# np.asarray(T) is a customary 4x4 matrix
print("Setting up registration...")
tic = time.time()
R = HistogramRegistration(I, J, similarity=similarity, interp=interp)
T = R.optimize("affine", optimizer=optimizer)
toc = time.time()
print("  Registration time: %f sec" % (toc - tic))

# Resample source image
print("Resampling source image...")
tic = time.time()
# It = resample2(I, J.coordmap, T.inv(), J.shape)
It = resample(I, T.inv(), reference=J)
toc = time.time()
print("  Resampling time: %f sec" % (toc - tic))

# Save resampled source
outroot = source + "_TO_" + target
outimg = outroot + ".nii.gz"
print("Saving resampled source in: %s" % outimg)
from nipy import load_image
from nipy.algorithms.registration import (HistogramRegistration, Affine,

# Load input images
fmri_img = load_image('mean_fmri.nii')
t1_img = load_image('T1.nii')

# First pass: rigid registration using mutual information
reg = HistogramRegistration(fmri_img, t1_img, similarity='mi')
T = reg.optimize('rigid')

# Second pass: 12-parameter affine registration using a custom variant
# of mutual information based on the Hellinger distance
def mymi(H):
    # takes a 2D array representing the joint histogram as input
    P = H / H.sum()
    Pi = P.sum(0).reshape((H.shape[1], 1))
    Pj = P.sum(1).reshape((H.shape[0], 1))
    return np.sum((np.sqrt(P) - np.sqrt(Pi.T * Pj))**2)

T2 = Affine(T.as_affine())
reg2 = HistogramRegistration(fmri_img, t1_img, similarity=mymi)
T2 = reg2.optimize(T2)

# Resample the fMRI image in T1 space
reg_fmri_img = resample(fmri_img, T2.inv(), reference=t1_img)
target_file = example_data.get_filename('neurospin', 'sulcal2000',
                                        'nobias_' + target + '.nii.gz')

# Optional arguments
similarity = 'cc'
interp = 'pv'
optimizer = 'powell'

# Make registration instance
I = load_image(source_file)
J = load_image(target_file)
R = HistogramRegistration(I, J, similarity=similarity, interp=interp)

# Global affine registration
A = Affine()

#Jt = resample(J, A, reference=I)
Av = A.compose(Affine(I.affine))
Jat = resample(J, Av, reference=I, ref_voxel_coords=True)
save_image(Jat, 'affine_anubis_to_ammon.nii')

# Region matching
t0 = time.time()

##corners, size = get_blocks(I.shape, 3, 1, 0) #.5 size
##corners, size = get_blocks(I.shape, 6, 2, 0) #.75 size
##corners, size = get_blocks(I.shape, 6, 1, 0) # .5 size

corners, size = get_blocks(I.shape, 5, 2, 1)