Beispiel #1
 def to_files(self, files=None):
     ''' Write image to files passed, or self._files
     if files is None:
         files = self._files
         if files is None:
             raise ValueError('Need files to write data')
     data = self.get_data()
     # Adapt header to possible two<->one file difference
     is_pair = files['header'] != files['image']
     hdr = self.get_header().for_file_pair(is_pair)
     slope, inter, mn, mx = adapt_header(hdr, data)
     hdrf = allopen(files['header'], 'wb')
     if is_pair:
         imgf = allopen(files['image'], 'wb')
     else: # single file for header and image
         imgf = hdrf
         # streams like bz2 do not allow seeks, even forward.  We
         # check where to go, and write zeros up until the data part
         # of the file
         offset = hdr.get_data_offset()
         diff = offset-hdrf.tell()
         if diff > 0:
             hdrf.write('\x00' * diff)
     write_data(hdr, data, imgf, inter, slope, mn, mx)
     self._header = hdr
     self._files = files
Beispiel #2
 def from_filename(klass, filename):
     ret = super(Spm99AnalyzeImage, klass).from_filename(filename)
     import as sio
     matf = ret._files['mat']
         matf = allopen(matf)
     except IOError:
         return ret
     mats = sio.loadmat(matf)
     if 'mat' in mats: # this overrides a 'M', and includes any flip
         mat = mats['mat']
         if mat.ndim > 2:
             warnings.warn('More than one affine in "mat" matrix, '
                           'using first')
             mat = mat[:,:,0]
         ret._affine = mat
         return ret
     elif 'M' in mats: # the 'M' matrix does not include flips
         hdr = ret._header
         if hdr.default_x_flip:
             ret._affine =[-1,1,1,1]), mats['M'])
             ret._affine = mats['M']
         raise ValueError('mat file found but no "mat" or "M" in it')
     return ret
Beispiel #3
 def from_files(klass, files):
     fname = files['image']
     header = klass._header_maker.from_fileobj(allopen(fname))
     affine = header.get_best_affine()
     ret =  klass(None, affine, header)
     ret._files = files
     return ret
Beispiel #4
    def get_unscaled_data(self):
        """ Return image data without image scaling applied

        Summary: please use the ``get_data`` method instead of this
        method unless you are sure what you are doing, and that you will
        only be using image formats for which this method exists and
        returns sensible results.
        Use this method with care; the modified Analyze-type formats
        such as SPM formats, and nifti1, specify that the image data
        array, as they are expecting to return it, is given by the raw
        data on disk, multiplied by a scalefactor and maybe with the
        addition of a constant.  This method returns the data on the
        disk, without these format-specific scalings applied.  Please
        use this method only if you absolutely need the unscaled data,
        and the magnitude of the data, as given by the scalefactor, is
        not relevant to your application.  The Analyze-type formats have
        a single scalefactor +/- offset per image on disk. If you do not
        care about the absolute values, and will be removing the mean
        from the data, then the unscaled values will have preserved
        intensity ratios compared to the mean-centered scaled data.
        However, this is not necessarily true of other formats with more
        complicated scaling - such as MINC.

        Note that - unlike the scaled ``get_data`` method, we do not
        cache the array, to minimize the memory taken by the object.
        if not self._files:
            return None
            fname = self._files['image']
        except KeyError:
            return None
        return read_unscaled_data(self._header, allopen(fname))
Beispiel #5
 def get_data(self):
     ''' Lazy load of data '''
     if not self._data is None:
         return self._data
     if not self._files:
         return None
         fname = self._files['image']
     except KeyError:
         return None
     self._data = read_data(self._header, allopen(fname))
     return self._data
Beispiel #6
 def to_files(self, files=None):
     super(Spm99AnalyzeImage, self).to_files(files)
     if self._affine is None:
     import as sio
     matfname = self._files['mat']
     mfobj = allopen(matfname, 'wb')
     mat = self._affine
     hdr = self._header
     if hdr.default_x_flip:
         M =[-1,1,1,1]), mat)
         M = mat
     # use matlab 4 format to allow gzipped write without error
     sio.savemat(mfobj, {'M': M, 'mat': mat}, format='4')
Beispiel #7
def load(filename, *args, **kwargs):
    ''' Load file given filename, guessing at file type

    filename : string or file-like
       specification of filename or file to load
       arguments to pass to image load function

    img : ``SpatialImage``
       Image of guessed type

    # Try and guess file type from filename
    if isinstance(filename, basestring):
        fname = filename
        for ending in ('.gz', '.bz2'):
            if filename.endswith(ending):
                fname = fname[:-len(ending)]
        if fname.endswith('.nii'):
            return nifti1.load(filename, *args, **kwargs)
        if fname.endswith('.mnc'):
            return minc.load(filename, *args, **kwargs)
    # Not a string, or not recognized as nii or mnc
        files = nifti1.Nifti1Image.filespec_to_files(filename)
    except ValueError:
        raise RuntimeError('Cannot work out file type of "%s"' %
    hdr = nifti1.Nifti1Header.from_fileobj(
    magic = hdr['magic']
    if magic in ('ni1', 'n+1'):
        return nifti1.load(filename, *args, **kwargs)
    return spm2.load(filename, *args, **kwargs)
Beispiel #8
def get_unscaled_img(fname):
    ''' Function to get image, data without scalefactor applied

    If the image is of Analyze type, and is integer format, and has
    single scalefactor that is usually applied, then read the raw
    integer data from disk, rather than using the higher-level get_data
    method, that would apply the scalefactor.  We do this because there
    seemed to be images for which the integer binning in the raw file
    data was needed for the histogram-like mask calculation in

    By loading the image in this function we can guarantee that the
    image as loaded from disk is the source of the current image data.

    fname : str
       filename of image

    img : imageformats Image object
    arr : ndarray
    img = load(fname)
    if isinstance(img, AnalyzeImage):
        dt = img.get_data_dtype()
        if dt.kind in ('i', 'u'):
            from import read_unscaled_data
            from import allopen
            # get where the image data is, given input filename
            ft = img.filespec_to_files(fname)
            hdr = img.get_header()
            # read unscaled data from disk
            return img, read_unscaled_data(hdr, allopen(ft['image']))
    return img, img.get_data()