Beispiel #1
def test_lambdify():
    # Test lambdify with implemented functions
    # first test basic (sympy) lambdify
    f = sympy.cos
    yield assert_equal(lambdify(x, f(x))(0), 1)
    yield assert_equal(lambdify(x, 1 + f(x))(0), 2)
    yield assert_equal(lambdify((x, y), y + f(x))(0, 1), 2)
    # make an implemented function and test
    f = aliased_function("f", lambda x : x+100)
    yield assert_equal(lambdify(x, f(x))(0), 100)
    yield assert_equal(lambdify(x, 1 + f(x))(0), 101)
    yield assert_equal(lambdify((x, y), y + f(x))(0, 1), 101)
    # Error for functions with same name and different implementation
    f2 = aliased_function("f", lambda x : x+101)
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, lambdify, x, f(f2(x)))
    # our lambdify, like sympy's lambdify, can also handle tuples,
    # lists, dicts as expressions
    lam = lambdify(x, (f(x), x))
    yield assert_equal(lam(3), (103, 3))
    lam = lambdify(x, [f(x), x])
    yield assert_equal(lam(3), [103, 3])
    lam = lambdify(x, [f(x), (f(x), x)])
    yield assert_equal(lam(3), [103, (103, 3)])
    lam = lambdify(x, {f(x): x})
    yield assert_equal(lam(3), {103: 3})
    lam = lambdify(x, {f(x): x})
    yield assert_equal(lam(3), {103: 3})
    lam = lambdify(x, {x: f(x)})
    yield assert_equal(lam(3), {3: 103})
Beispiel #2
def test_2d():
    B1, B2 = [gen_BrownianMotion() for _ in range(2)]
    B1s = aliased_function("B1", B1)
    B2s = aliased_function("B2", B2)
    s, t = sympy.symbols('s', 't')
    e = B1s(s)+B2s(t)
    ee = lambdify((s,t), e)
    yield assert_almost_equal(ee(B1.x, B2.x), B1.y + B2.y)
Beispiel #3
def test_aliased_function():
    # Here we check if the default returned functions are anonymous - in
    # the sense that we can have more than one function with the same name
    f = aliased_function('f', lambda x: 2*x)
    g = aliased_function('f', lambda x: np.sqrt(x))
    l1 = lambdify(x, f(x))
    l2 = lambdify(x, g(x))
    yield assert_equal(str(f(x)), str(g(x)))
    yield assert_equal(l1(3), 6)
    yield assert_equal(l2(3), np.sqrt(3))
    # check that we can pass in a sympy function as input
    func = sympy.Function('myfunc')
    yield assert_false(hasattr(func, 'alias'))
    f = aliased_function(func, lambda x: 2*x)
    yield assert_true(hasattr(func, 'alias'))
Beispiel #4
def test_1d():
    B = gen_BrownianMotion()
    Bs = aliased_function("B", B)
    t = sympy.Symbol('t')
    expr = 3*sympy.exp(Bs(t)) + 4
    expected = 3*np.exp(B.y)+4
    ee_vec = lambdify(t, expr)
    yield assert_almost_equal(ee_vec(B.x), expected)
    # with any arbitrary symbol
    b = sympy.Symbol('b')
    expr = 3*sympy.exp(Bs(b)) + 4
    ee_vec = lambdify(b, expr)
    yield assert_almost_equal(ee_vec(B.x), expected)
Beispiel #5
def test_vectorize():
    theta = sympy.Symbol('theta')
    num_func = lambdify(theta, sympy.cos(theta))
    yield assert_equal(num_func(0), 1)
    # we don't need to do anything for a naturally numpy'ed function
    yield assert_array_almost_equal(num_func([0, np.pi]), [1, -1])
    # but we do for single valued functions
    func = aliased_function('f', lambda x: x**2)
    num_func = lambdify(theta, func(theta))
    yield assert_equal(num_func(2), 4)
    # ** on a list raises a type error
    yield assert_raises(TypeError, num_func, [2, 3])
    # so vectorize
    num_func = vectorize(func(theta), theta)
Beispiel #6
def test_1d():
    B = gen_BrownianMotion()
    Bs = aliased_function("B", B)
    t = sympy.Symbol('t')
    def_t = sympy.DeferredVector('t')
    def_expr = 3*sympy.exp(Bs(def_t)) + 4
    expected = 3*np.exp(B.y)+4
    ee_lam = lambdify(def_t, def_expr)
    yield assert_almost_equal(ee_lam(B.x), expected)
    # use vectorize to do the deferred stuff
    expr = 3*sympy.exp(Bs(t)) + 4
    ee_vec = vectorize(expr)
    yield assert_almost_equal(ee_vec(B.x), expected)
    # with any arbitrary symbol
    b = sympy.Symbol('b')
    expr = 3*sympy.exp(Bs(b)) + 4
    ee_vec = vectorize(expr, b)
    yield assert_almost_equal(ee_vec(B.x), expected)