Beispiel #1
def test_meanimage(fsl_output_type=None):
    prev_type = set_output_type(fsl_output_type)
    files, testdir, origdir, out_ext = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    meaner = fsl.MeanImage(in_file="a.nii", out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, meaner.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test the defualt opstring
    yield assert_equal, meaner.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -Tmean b.nii"

    # Test the other dimensions
    cmdline = "fslmaths a.nii -%smean b.nii"
    for dim in ["X", "Y", "Z", "T"]:
        meaner.inputs.dimension = dim
        yield assert_equal, meaner.cmdline, cmdline % dim

    # Test the auto naming
    meaner = fsl.MeanImage(in_file="a.nii")
    yield assert_equal, meaner.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -Tmean %s" % os.path.join(testdir, "a_mean%s" % out_ext)

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir)
Beispiel #2
def test_meanimage(create_files_in_directory):
    files, testdir, out_ext = create_files_in_directory

    # Get the command
    meaner = fsl.MeanImage(in_file="a.nii", out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    assert meaner.cmd == "fslmaths"

    # Test the defualt opstring
    assert meaner.cmdline == "fslmaths a.nii -Tmean b.nii"

    # Test the other dimensions
    cmdline = "fslmaths a.nii -%smean b.nii"
    for dim in ["X", "Y", "Z", "T"]:
        meaner.inputs.dimension = dim
        assert meaner.cmdline == cmdline % dim

    # Test the auto naming
    meaner = fsl.MeanImage(in_file="a.nii")
    assert meaner.cmdline == "fslmaths a.nii -Tmean %s" % os.path.join(testdir, "a_mean%s" % out_ext)
Beispiel #3
def COMPOSER(verbose=False, is_bruker=False):
    inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['in_file', 'ref_file']),
    outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['out_file']), name='output')
    wf = Workflow(name='COMPOSER')

    in_mag = Node(Complex(magnitude_out_file='in_mag.nii.gz', verbose=verbose),
    ref_mag = Node(Complex(magnitude_out_file='ref_mag.nii.gz',
    if is_bruker:
        wf.connect([(inputnode, in_mag, [('in_file', 'realimag')])])
        wf.connect([(inputnode, ref_mag, [('ref_file', 'realimag')])])
        wf.connect([(inputnode, in_mag, [('in_file', 'complex')])])
        wf.connect([(inputnode, ref_mag, [('ref_file', 'complex')])])

    in_mean = Node(maths.MeanImage(), name='in_mean')
    ref_mean = Node(maths.MeanImage(), name='ref_mean')
    wf.connect([(in_mag, in_mean, [('magnitude_out_file', 'in_file')]),
                (ref_mag, ref_mean, [('magnitude_out_file', 'in_file')])])

    register = Node(Registration(dimension=3,
                                 transform_parameters=[(0.1, )],
                                 number_of_iterations=[[1000, 500, 250]],
                                 sampling_strategy=['Regular', None],
                                 sampling_percentage=[0.25, None],
                                 smoothing_sigmas=[[4, 2, 1]],
                                 shrink_factors=[[8, 4, 2]],
    wf.connect([(in_mean, register, [('out_file', 'moving_image')]),
                (ref_mean, register, [('out_file', 'fixed_image')])])

    if is_bruker:
        resample = Node(ApplyTransforms(dimension=3, input_image_type=3),
        in_x = Node(Complex(complex_out_file='in_x.nii.gz', verbose=verbose),
        ref_x = Node(Complex(complex_out_file='ref_x.nii.gz', verbose=verbose),
        cc = Node(CoilCombine(), name='cc')
        wf.connect([(inputnode, resample, [('ref_file', 'input_image')]),
                    (in_mean, resample, [('out_file', 'reference_image')]),
                    (register, resample, [('reverse_transforms', 'transforms')
                    (inputnode, in_x, [('in_file', 'realimag')]),
                    (resample, ref_x, [('output_image', 'realimag')]),
                    (in_x, cc, [('complex_out_file', 'in_file')]),
                    (ref_x, cc, [('complex_out_file', 'composer_file')]),
                    (cc, outputnode, [('out_file', 'out_file')])])
        raise ('Not Yet Supported')

    return wf
Beispiel #4
def test_meanimage():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    meaner = fsl.MeanImage(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, meaner.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test the defualt opstring
    yield assert_equal, meaner.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -Tmean b.nii"

    # Test the other dimensions
    cmdline = "fslmaths a.nii -%smean b.nii"
    for dim in ["X","Y","Z","T"]:
        yield assert_equal, meaner.cmdline, cmdline%dim

    # Test the auto naming
    meaner = fsl.MeanImage(in_file="a.nii")
    yield assert_equal, meaner.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -Tmean %s"%os.path.join(testdir, "a_mean.nii")

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)
def test_stdimage():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    stder = fsl.StdImage(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, stder.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test the defualt opstring
    yield assert_equal, stder.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -Tstd b.nii"

    # Test the other dimensions
    cmdline = "fslmaths a.nii -%sstd b.nii"
    for dim in ["X","Y","Z","T"]:
        yield assert_equal, stder.cmdline, cmdline%dim

    # Test the auto naming
    stder = fsl.StdImage(in_file="a.nii")
    yield assert_equal, stder.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -Tstd %s"%os.path.join(testdir, "a_std.nii")

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)

def test_maximage():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    maxer = fsl.MaxImage(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, maxer.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test the defualt opstring
    yield assert_equal, maxer.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -Tmax b.nii"

    # Test the other dimensions
    cmdline = "fslmaths a.nii -%smax b.nii"
    for dim in ["X","Y","Z","T"]:
        yield assert_equal, maxer.cmdline, cmdline%dim

    # Test the auto naming
    maxer = fsl.MaxImage(in_file="a.nii")
    yield assert_equal, maxer.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -Tmax %s"%os.path.join(testdir, "a_max.nii")

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)

def test_smooth():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    smoother = fsl.IsotropicSmooth(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, smoother.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test that smoothing kernel is mandatory
    yield assert_raises, ValueError,

    # Test smoothing kernels
    cmdline = "fslmaths a.nii -s %.5f b.nii"
    for val in [0,1.,1,25,0.5,8/3]:
        smoother = fsl.IsotropicSmooth(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii",sigma=val)
        yield assert_equal, smoother.cmdline, cmdline%val
        smoother = fsl.IsotropicSmooth(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii",fwhm=val)
        val = float(val)/np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2))
        yield assert_equal, smoother.cmdline, cmdline%val

    # Test automatic naming
    smoother = fsl.IsotropicSmooth(in_file="a.nii", sigma=5)
    yield assert_equal, smoother.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -s %.5f %s"%(5, os.path.join(testdir, "a_smooth.nii"))

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)

def test_mask():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    masker = fsl.ApplyMask(in_file="a.nii",out_file="c.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, masker.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test that the mask image is mandatory
    yield assert_raises, ValueError,

    # Test setting the mask image
    masker.inputs.mask_file = "b.nii"
    yield assert_equal, masker.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -mas b.nii c.nii"

    # Test auto name generation
    masker = fsl.ApplyMask(in_file="a.nii",mask_file="b.nii")
    yield assert_equal, masker.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -mas b.nii "+os.path.join(testdir, "a_masked.nii")

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)

def test_dilation():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    diller = fsl.DilateImage(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, diller.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test that the dilation operation is mandatory
    yield assert_raises, ValueError,

    # Test the different dilation operations
    for op in ["mean", "modal", "max"]:
        cv = dict(mean="M", modal="D", max="F")
        diller.inputs.operation = op
        yield assert_equal, diller.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -dil%s b.nii"%cv[op]

    # Now test the different kernel options
    for k in ["3D", "2D", "box", "boxv", "gauss", "sphere"]:
        for size in [1, 1.5, 5]:
            diller.inputs.kernel_shape = k
            diller.inputs.kernel_size = size
            yield assert_equal, diller.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -kernel %s %.4f -dilF b.nii"%(k, size)

    # Test that we can use a file kernel
    f = open("kernel.txt","w").close()
    del f # Shut pyflakes up
    diller.inputs.kernel_shape = "file"
    diller.inputs.kernel_size = Undefined
    diller.inputs.kernel_file = "kernel.txt"
    yield assert_equal, diller.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -kernel file kernel.txt -dilF b.nii"

    # Test that we don't need to request an out name
    dil = fsl.DilateImage(in_file="a.nii", operation="max")
    yield assert_equal, dil.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -dilF %s"%os.path.join(testdir, "a_dil.nii")

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)

def test_erosion():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    erode = fsl.ErodeImage(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, erode.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test the basic command line
    yield assert_equal, erode.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -ero b.nii"

    # Test that something else happens when you minimum filter
    erode.inputs.minimum_filter = True
    yield assert_equal, erode.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -eroF b.nii"

    # Test that we don't need to request an out name
    erode = fsl.ErodeImage(in_file="a.nii")
    yield assert_equal, erode.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -ero %s"%os.path.join(testdir, "a_ero.nii")

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)

def test_spatial_filter():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    filter = fsl.SpatialFilter(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, filter.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test that it fails without an operation
    yield assert_raises, ValueError,

    # Test the different operations
    for op in ["mean", "meanu", "median"]:
        filter.inputs.operation = op
        yield assert_equal, filter.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -f%s b.nii"%op

    # Test that we don't need to ask for an out name
    filter = fsl.SpatialFilter(in_file="a.nii", operation="mean")
    yield assert_equal, filter.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -fmean %s"%os.path.join(testdir, "a_filt.nii")

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)

def test_unarymaths():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    maths = fsl.UnaryMaths(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, maths.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test that it fails without an operation
    yield assert_raises, ValueError,

    # Test the different operations
    ops = ["exp", "log", "sin", "cos", "sqr", "sqrt", "recip", "abs", "bin", "index"]
    for op in ops:
        maths.inputs.operation = op
        yield assert_equal, maths.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -%s b.nii"%op

    # Test that we don't need to ask for an out file
    for op in ops:
        maths = fsl.UnaryMaths(in_file="a.nii", operation=op)
        yield assert_equal, maths.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -%s %s"%(op, os.path.join(testdir, "a_%s.nii"%op))

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)

def test_binarymaths():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    maths = fsl.BinaryMaths(in_file="a.nii",out_file="c.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, maths.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test that it fails without an operation an
    yield assert_raises, ValueError,

    # Test the different operations
    ops = ["add", "sub", "mul", "div", "rem", "min", "max"]
    operands = ["b.nii", -2, -0.5, 0, .123456, np.pi, 500]
    for op in ops:
        for ent in operands:
            maths = fsl.BinaryMaths(in_file="a.nii", out_file="c.nii", operation = op)
            if ent == "b.nii":
                maths.inputs.operand_file = ent
                yield assert_equal, maths.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -%s b.nii c.nii"%op
                maths.inputs.operand_value = ent
                yield assert_equal, maths.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -%s %.8f c.nii"%(op, ent)

    # Test that we don't need to ask for an out file
    for op in ops:
        maths = fsl.BinaryMaths(in_file="a.nii", operation=op, operand_file="b.nii")
        yield assert_equal, maths.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -%s b.nii %s"%(op,os.path.join(testdir,"a_maths.nii"))

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)

def test_multimaths():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    maths = fsl.MultiImageMaths(in_file="a.nii",out_file="c.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, maths.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test that it fails without an operation an
    yield assert_raises, ValueError,

    # Test a few operations
    maths.inputs.operand_files = ["a.nii", "b.nii"]
    opstrings = ["-add %s -div %s",
                 "-max 1 -sub %s -min %s",
                 "-mas %s -add %s"]
    for ostr in opstrings:
        maths.inputs.op_string = ostr
        yield assert_equal, maths.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii %s c.nii"%ostr%("a.nii", "b.nii")

    # Test that we don't need to ask for an out file
    maths = fsl.MultiImageMaths(in_file="a.nii", op_string="-add %s -mul 5", operand_files=["b.nii"])
    yield assert_equal, maths.cmdline, \
    "fslmaths a.nii -add b.nii -mul 5 %s"%os.path.join(testdir,"a_maths.nii")

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)

def test_tempfilt():
    files, testdir, origdir, ftype = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    filt = fsl.TemporalFilter(in_file="a.nii",out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, filt.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test that both filters are initialized off
    yield assert_equal, filt.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -bptf -1.000000 -1.000000 b.nii"

    # Test some filters
    windows = [(-1, -1), (0.1, 0.1), (-1, 20), (20, -1), (128, 248)]
    for win in windows:
        filt.inputs.highpass_sigma = win[0]
        filt.inputs.lowpass_sigma = win[1]
        yield assert_equal, filt.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -bptf %.6f %.6f b.nii"%win

    # Test that we don't need to ask for an out file
    filt = fsl.TemporalFilter(in_file="a.nii", highpass_sigma = 64)
    yield assert_equal, filt.cmdline, \
    "fslmaths a.nii -bptf 64.000000 -1.000000 %s"%os.path.join(testdir,"a_filt.nii")

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir, ftype)