Beispiel #1
def nipype_convert(item_dicoms, prefix, with_prov, bids, tmpdir):
    """ """
    import nipype
    if with_prov:
        from nipype import config
    from nipype import Node
    from nipype.interfaces.dcm2nii import Dcm2niix

    item_dicoms = list(map(op.abspath, item_dicoms))  # absolute paths

    dicom_dir = op.dirname(item_dicoms[0]) if item_dicoms else None

    convertnode = Node(Dcm2niix(), name='convert')
    convertnode.base_dir = tmpdir
    convertnode.inputs.source_dir = dicom_dir
    convertnode.inputs.out_filename = op.basename(op.dirname(prefix))

    if nipype.__version__.split('.')[0] == '0':
        # deprecated since 1.0, might be needed(?) before
        convertnode.inputs.terminal_output = 'allatonce'
        convertnode.terminal_output = 'allatonce'
    convertnode.inputs.bids_format = bids
    eg =

    # prov information
    prov_file = prefix + '_prov.ttl' if with_prov else None
    if prov_file:
            op.join(convertnode.base_dir,, 'provenance.ttl'),

    return eg, prov_file
Beispiel #2
def nipype_convert(item_dicoms, prefix, with_prov, bids, tmpdir):
    """ """
    import nipype
    if with_prov:
        from nipype import config
    from nipype import Node
    from nipype.interfaces.dcm2nii import Dcm2niix

    item_dicoms = list(map(op.abspath, item_dicoms)) # absolute paths

    dicom_dir = op.dirname(item_dicoms[0]) if item_dicoms else None

    convertnode = Node(Dcm2niix(), name='convert')
    convertnode.base_dir = tmpdir
    convertnode.inputs.source_names = item_dicoms
    convertnode.inputs.out_filename = op.basename(op.dirname(prefix))

    if nipype.__version__.split('.')[0] == '0':
        # deprecated since 1.0, might be needed(?) before
        convertnode.inputs.terminal_output = 'allatonce'
        convertnode.terminal_output = 'allatonce'
    convertnode.inputs.bids_format = bids
    eg =

    # prov information
    prov_file = prefix + '_prov.ttl' if with_prov else None
    if prov_file:

    return eg, prov_file
Beispiel #3
def nipype_convert(item_dicoms,
    Converts DICOMs grouped from heuristic using Nipype's Dcm2niix interface.

    item_dicoms : List
        DICOM files to convert
    prefix : String
        Heuristic output path
    with_prov : Bool
        Store provenance information
    bids_options : List or None
        If not None then output BIDS sidecar JSONs
        List may contain bids specific options
    tmpdir : Directory
        Conversion working directory
    dcmconfig : File (optional)
        JSON file used for additional Dcm2niix configuration
    import nipype
    if with_prov:
        from nipype import config
    from nipype import Node
    from nipype.interfaces.dcm2nii import Dcm2niix

    item_dicoms = list(map(op.abspath, item_dicoms))  # absolute paths

    fromfile = dcmconfig if dcmconfig else None
    if fromfile:"Using custom config file %s", fromfile)

    convertnode = Node(Dcm2niix(from_file=fromfile), name='convert')
    convertnode.base_dir = tmpdir
    convertnode.inputs.source_names = item_dicoms
    convertnode.inputs.out_filename = prefix

    if nipype.__version__.split('.')[0] == '0':
        # deprecated since 1.0, might be needed(?) before
        convertnode.inputs.terminal_output = 'allatonce'
        convertnode.terminal_output = 'allatonce'
    convertnode.inputs.bids_format = bids_options is not None
    eg =

    # prov information
    prov_file = prefix + '_prov.ttl' if with_prov else None
    if prov_file:
            op.join(convertnode.base_dir,, 'provenance.ttl'),

    return eg, prov_file
def create_fs_reg_workflow(name='registration'):
    """Create a FEAT preprocessing workflow together with freesurfer


        name : name of workflow (default: 'registration')


        inputspec.source_files : files (filename or list of filenames to register)
        inputspec.mean_image : reference image to use
        inputspec.target_image : registration target


        outputspec.func2anat_transform : FLIRT transform
        outputspec.anat2target_transform : FLIRT+FNIRT transform
        outputspec.transformed_files : transformed files in target space
        outputspec.transformed_mean : mean image in target space

        See code below

    register = Workflow(name=name)

    inputnode = Node(
            'source_files', 'mean_image', 'subject_id', 'subjects_dir',

    outputnode = Node(
            'func2anat_transform', 'out_reg_file', 'anat2target_transform',
            'transforms', 'transformed_mean', 'transformed_files',
            'min_cost_file', 'anat2target', 'aparc', 'mean2anat_mask'

    # Get the subject's freesurfer source directory
    fssource = Node(FreeSurferSource(), name='fssource')
    fssource.run_without_submitting = True
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subject_id', fssource, 'subject_id')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subjects_dir', fssource, 'subjects_dir')

    convert = Node(freesurfer.MRIConvert(out_type='nii'), name="convert")
    register.connect(fssource, 'T1', convert, 'in_file')

    # Coregister the median to the surface
    bbregister = Node(
        freesurfer.BBRegister(registered_file=True), name='bbregister')
    bbregister.inputs.init = 'fsl'
    bbregister.inputs.contrast_type = 't2'
    bbregister.inputs.out_fsl_file = True
    bbregister.inputs.epi_mask = True
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subject_id', bbregister, 'subject_id')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'mean_image', bbregister, 'source_file')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subjects_dir', bbregister, 'subjects_dir')

    # Create a mask of the median coregistered to the anatomical image
    mean2anat_mask = Node(fsl.BET(mask=True), name='mean2anat_mask')
    register.connect(bbregister, 'registered_file', mean2anat_mask, 'in_file')
    use aparc+aseg's brain mask

    binarize = Node(
        fs.Binarize(min=0.5, out_type="nii.gz", dilate=1),
    register.connect(fssource, ("aparc_aseg", get_aparc_aseg), binarize,

    stripper = Node(fsl.ApplyMask(), name='stripper')
    register.connect(binarize, "binary_file", stripper, "mask_file")
    register.connect(convert, 'out_file', stripper, 'in_file')
    Apply inverse transform to aparc file

    aparcxfm = Node(
        freesurfer.ApplyVolTransform(inverse=True, interp='nearest'),
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subjects_dir', aparcxfm, 'subjects_dir')
    register.connect(bbregister, 'out_reg_file', aparcxfm, 'reg_file')
    register.connect(fssource, ('aparc_aseg', get_aparc_aseg), aparcxfm,
    register.connect(inputnode, 'mean_image', aparcxfm, 'source_file')
    Convert the BBRegister transformation to ANTS ITK format

    convert2itk = Node(C3dAffineTool(), name='convert2itk')
    convert2itk.inputs.fsl2ras = True
    convert2itk.inputs.itk_transform = True
    register.connect(bbregister, 'out_fsl_file', convert2itk, 'transform_file')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'mean_image', convert2itk, 'source_file')
    register.connect(stripper, 'out_file', convert2itk, 'reference_file')
    Compute registration between the subject's structural and MNI template

        * All parameters are set using the example from:
        * This is currently set to perform a very quick registration. However,
          the registration can be made significantly more accurate for cortical
          structures by increasing the number of iterations.

    reg = Node(ants.Registration(), name='antsRegister')
    reg.inputs.output_transform_prefix = "output_"
    reg.inputs.transforms = ['Rigid', 'Affine', 'SyN']
    reg.inputs.transform_parameters = [(0.1, ), (0.1, ), (0.2, 3.0, 0.0)]
    reg.inputs.number_of_iterations = [[10000, 11110, 11110]] * 2 + [[
        100, 30, 20
    reg.inputs.dimension = 3
    reg.inputs.write_composite_transform = True
    reg.inputs.collapse_output_transforms = True
    reg.inputs.initial_moving_transform_com = True
    reg.inputs.metric = ['Mattes'] * 2 + [['Mattes', 'CC']]
    reg.inputs.metric_weight = [1] * 2 + [[0.5, 0.5]]
    reg.inputs.radius_or_number_of_bins = [32] * 2 + [[32, 4]]
    reg.inputs.sampling_strategy = ['Regular'] * 2 + [[None, None]]
    reg.inputs.sampling_percentage = [0.3] * 2 + [[None, None]]
    reg.inputs.convergence_threshold = [1.e-8] * 2 + [-0.01]
    reg.inputs.convergence_window_size = [20] * 2 + [5]
    reg.inputs.smoothing_sigmas = [[4, 2, 1]] * 2 + [[1, 0.5, 0]]
    reg.inputs.sigma_units = ['vox'] * 3
    reg.inputs.shrink_factors = [[3, 2, 1]] * 2 + [[4, 2, 1]]
    reg.inputs.use_estimate_learning_rate_once = [True] * 3
    reg.inputs.use_histogram_matching = [False] * 2 + [True]
    reg.inputs.winsorize_lower_quantile = 0.005
    reg.inputs.winsorize_upper_quantile = 0.995
    reg.inputs.float = True
    reg.inputs.output_warped_image = 'output_warped_image.nii.gz'
    reg.inputs.num_threads = 4
    reg.plugin_args = {
        'qsub_args': '-pe orte 4',
        'sbatch_args': '--mem=6G -c 4'
    register.connect(stripper, 'out_file', reg, 'moving_image')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'target_image', reg, 'fixed_image')

    Concatenate the affine and ants transforms into a list

    merge = Node(Merge(2), iterfield=['in2'], name='mergexfm')
    register.connect(convert2itk, 'itk_transform', merge, 'in2')
    register.connect(reg, 'composite_transform', merge, 'in1')

    Transform the mean image. First to anatomical and then to target

    warpmean = Node(ants.ApplyTransforms(), name='warpmean')
    warpmean.inputs.input_image_type = 0
    warpmean.inputs.interpolation = 'Linear'
    warpmean.inputs.invert_transform_flags = [False, False]
    warpmean.terminal_output = 'file'
    warpmean.inputs.args = '--float'
    # warpmean.inputs.num_threads = 4
    # warpmean.plugin_args = {'sbatch_args': '--mem=4G -c 4'}

    Transform the remaining images. First to anatomical and then to target

    warpall = pe.MapNode(
        ants.ApplyTransforms(), iterfield=['input_image'], name='warpall')
    warpall.inputs.input_image_type = 0
    warpall.inputs.interpolation = 'Linear'
    warpall.inputs.invert_transform_flags = [False, False]
    warpall.terminal_output = 'file'
    warpall.inputs.args = '--float'
    warpall.inputs.num_threads = 2
    warpall.plugin_args = {'sbatch_args': '--mem=6G -c 2'}
    Assign all the output files

    register.connect(warpmean, 'output_image', outputnode, 'transformed_mean')
    register.connect(warpall, 'output_image', outputnode, 'transformed_files')

    register.connect(inputnode, 'target_image', warpmean, 'reference_image')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'mean_image', warpmean, 'input_image')
    register.connect(merge, 'out', warpmean, 'transforms')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'target_image', warpall, 'reference_image')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'source_files', warpall, 'input_image')
    register.connect(merge, 'out', warpall, 'transforms')
    Assign all the output files

    register.connect(reg, 'warped_image', outputnode, 'anat2target')
    register.connect(aparcxfm, 'transformed_file', outputnode, 'aparc')
    register.connect(bbregister, 'out_fsl_file', outputnode,
    register.connect(bbregister, 'out_reg_file', outputnode, 'out_reg_file')
    register.connect(bbregister, 'min_cost_file', outputnode, 'min_cost_file')
    register.connect(mean2anat_mask, 'mask_file', outputnode, 'mean2anat_mask')
    register.connect(reg, 'composite_transform', outputnode,
    register.connect(merge, 'out', outputnode, 'transforms')

    return register
Beispiel #5
def create_reg_workflow(name='registration'):
    """Create a FEAT preprocessing workflow together with freesurfer


        name : name of workflow (default: 'registration')


        inputspec.source_files : files (filename or list of filenames to register)
        inputspec.mean_image : reference image to use
        inputspec.anatomical_image : anatomical image to coregister to
        inputspec.target_image : registration target


        outputspec.func2anat_transform : FLIRT transform
        outputspec.anat2target_transform : FLIRT+FNIRT transform
        outputspec.transformed_files : transformed files in target space
        outputspec.transformed_mean : mean image in target space

    register = Workflow(name=name)

    inputnode = Node(interface=IdentityInterface(fields=['source_files',

    outputnode = Node(interface=IdentityInterface(fields=['func2anat_transform',

    # Get the subject's freesurfer source directory
    fssource = Node(FreeSurferSource(),
    fssource.run_without_submitting = True
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subject_id', fssource, 'subject_id')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subjects_dir', fssource, 'subjects_dir')

    convert = Node(freesurfer.MRIConvert(out_type='nii'),
    register.connect(fssource, 'T1', convert, 'in_file')

    # Coregister the median to the surface
    bbregister = Node(freesurfer.BBRegister(),
    bbregister.inputs.init = 'fsl'
    bbregister.inputs.contrast_type = 't2'
    bbregister.inputs.out_fsl_file = True
    bbregister.inputs.epi_mask = True
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subject_id', bbregister, 'subject_id')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'mean_image', bbregister, 'source_file')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subjects_dir', bbregister, 'subjects_dir')

    Estimate the tissue classes from the anatomical image. But use aparc+aseg's brain mask

    binarize = Node(fs.Binarize(min=0.5, out_type="nii.gz", dilate=1), name="binarize_aparc")
    register.connect(fssource, ("aparc_aseg", get_aparc_aseg), binarize, "in_file")
    stripper = Node(fsl.ApplyMask(), name='stripper')
    register.connect(binarize, "binary_file", stripper, "mask_file")
    register.connect(convert, 'out_file', stripper, 'in_file')

    fast = Node(fsl.FAST(), name='fast')
    register.connect(stripper, 'out_file', fast, 'in_files')

    Binarize the segmentation

    binarize = MapNode(fsl.ImageMaths(op_string='-nan -thr 0.9 -ero -bin'),
    register.connect(fast, 'partial_volume_files', binarize, 'in_file')

    Apply inverse transform to take segmentations to functional space

    applyxfm = MapNode(freesurfer.ApplyVolTransform(inverse=True,
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subjects_dir', applyxfm, 'subjects_dir')
    register.connect(bbregister, 'out_reg_file', applyxfm, 'reg_file')
    register.connect(binarize, 'out_file', applyxfm, 'target_file')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'mean_image', applyxfm, 'source_file')

    Apply inverse transform to aparc file

    aparcxfm = Node(freesurfer.ApplyVolTransform(inverse=True,
    register.connect(inputnode, 'subjects_dir', aparcxfm, 'subjects_dir')
    register.connect(bbregister, 'out_reg_file', aparcxfm, 'reg_file')
    register.connect(fssource, ('aparc_aseg', get_aparc_aseg),
                     aparcxfm, 'target_file')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'mean_image', aparcxfm, 'source_file')

    Convert the BBRegister transformation to ANTS ITK format

    convert2itk = Node(C3dAffineTool(), name='convert2itk')
    convert2itk.inputs.fsl2ras = True
    convert2itk.inputs.itk_transform = True
    register.connect(bbregister, 'out_fsl_file', convert2itk, 'transform_file')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'mean_image', convert2itk, 'source_file')
    register.connect(stripper, 'out_file', convert2itk, 'reference_file')

    Compute registration between the subject's structural and MNI template
    This is currently set to perform a very quick registration. However, the
    registration can be made significantly more accurate for cortical
    structures by increasing the number of iterations
    All parameters are set using the example from:

    reg = Node(ants.Registration(), name='antsRegister')
    reg.inputs.output_transform_prefix = "output_"
    reg.inputs.transforms = ['Rigid', 'Affine', 'SyN']
    reg.inputs.transform_parameters = [(0.1,), (0.1,), (0.2, 3.0, 0.0)]
    reg.inputs.number_of_iterations = [[10000, 11110, 11110]] * 2 + [[100, 30, 20]]
    reg.inputs.dimension = 3
    reg.inputs.write_composite_transform = True
    reg.inputs.collapse_output_transforms = True
    reg.inputs.initial_moving_transform_com = True
    reg.inputs.metric = ['Mattes'] * 2 + [['Mattes', 'CC']]
    reg.inputs.metric_weight = [1] * 2 + [[0.5, 0.5]]
    reg.inputs.radius_or_number_of_bins = [32] * 2 + [[32, 4]]
    reg.inputs.sampling_strategy = ['Regular'] * 2 + [[None, None]]
    reg.inputs.sampling_percentage = [0.3] * 2 + [[None, None]]
    reg.inputs.convergence_threshold = [1.e-8] * 2 + [-0.01]
    reg.inputs.convergence_window_size = [20] * 2 + [5]
    reg.inputs.smoothing_sigmas = [[4, 2, 1]] * 2 + [[1, 0.5, 0]]
    reg.inputs.sigma_units = ['vox'] * 3
    reg.inputs.shrink_factors = [[3, 2, 1]] * 2 + [[4, 2, 1]]
    reg.inputs.use_estimate_learning_rate_once = [True] * 3
    reg.inputs.use_histogram_matching = [False] * 2 + [True]
    reg.inputs.winsorize_lower_quantile = 0.005
    reg.inputs.winsorize_upper_quantile = 0.995
    reg.inputs.float = True
    reg.inputs.output_warped_image = 'output_warped_image.nii.gz'
    reg.inputs.num_threads = 4
    reg.plugin_args = {'sbatch_args': '-c%d' % 4}
    register.connect(stripper, 'out_file', reg, 'moving_image')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'target_image', reg, 'fixed_image')

    Concatenate the affine and ants transforms into a list

    merge = Node(Merge(2), iterfield=['in2'], name='mergexfm')
    register.connect(convert2itk, 'itk_transform', merge, 'in2')
    register.connect(reg, 'composite_transform', merge, 'in1')

    Transform the mean image. First to anatomical and then to target

    warpmean = Node(ants.ApplyTransforms(), name='warpmean')
    warpmean.inputs.input_image_type = 3
    warpmean.inputs.interpolation = 'Linear'
    warpmean.inputs.invert_transform_flags = [False, False]
    warpmean.terminal_output = 'file'
    warpmean.inputs.args = '--float'
    warpmean.inputs.num_threads = 4
    warpmean.plugin_args = {'sbatch_args': '-c%d' % 4}

    register.connect(inputnode, 'target_image', warpmean, 'reference_image')
    register.connect(inputnode, 'mean_image', warpmean, 'input_image')
    register.connect(merge, 'out', warpmean, 'transforms')

    Assign all the output files

    register.connect(reg, 'warped_image', outputnode, 'anat2target')
    register.connect(warpmean, 'output_image', outputnode, 'transformed_mean')
    register.connect(applyxfm, 'transformed_file',
                     outputnode, 'segmentation_files')
    register.connect(aparcxfm, 'transformed_file',
                     outputnode, 'aparc')
    register.connect(bbregister, 'out_fsl_file',
                     outputnode, 'func2anat_transform')
    register.connect(bbregister, 'out_reg_file',
                     outputnode, 'out_reg_file')
    register.connect(reg, 'composite_transform',
                     outputnode, 'anat2target_transform')
    register.connect(merge, 'out', outputnode, 'transforms')
    register.connect(bbregister, 'min_cost_file',
                     outputnode, 'min_cost_file')

    return register