Beispiel #1
class IQMFileSinkInputSpec(DynamicTraitedSpec, BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    subject_id = Str(mandatory=True, desc='the subject id')
    modality = Str(mandatory=True, desc='the qc type')
    session_id = traits.Either(None, Str, usedefault=True)
    task_id = traits.Either(None, Str, usedefault=True)
    acq_id = traits.Either(None, Str, usedefault=True)
    rec_id = traits.Either(None, Str, usedefault=True)
    run_id = traits.Either(None, Str, usedefault=True)
    metadata = traits.Dict()
    provenance = traits.Dict()

    root = traits.Dict(desc='output root dictionary')
    out_dir = File(desc='the output directory')
    _outputs = traits.Dict(value={}, usedefault=True)

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        if key not in self.copyable_trait_names():
            if not isdefined(value):
                super(IQMFileSinkInputSpec, self).__setattr__(key, value)
            self._outputs[key] = value
            if key in self._outputs:
                self._outputs[key] = value
            super(IQMFileSinkInputSpec, self).__setattr__(key, value)

        if key == 'subject_id':
            #I can not find where it is set from bids ... dirty fix
            if str(value) == '<undefined>':
                self.subject_id = 'TODO'
Beispiel #2
class UploadIQMsInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_iqms = File(exists=True,
                   desc='the input IQMs-JSON file')
    url = Str(mandatory=True, desc='URL (protocol and name) listening')
    port = traits.Int(desc='MRIQCWebAPI service port')
    path = Str(desc='MRIQCWebAPI endpoint root path')
    email = Str(desc='set sender email')
    strict = traits.Bool(False,
                         desc='crash if upload was not succesfull')
Beispiel #3
class SubjectSummaryInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    t1w = InputMultiPath(File(exists=True), desc='T1w structural images')
    t2w = InputMultiPath(File(exists=True), desc='T2w structural images')
    subjects_dir = Directory(desc='FreeSurfer subjects directory')
    subject_id = Str(desc='Subject ID')
    bold = traits.List(desc='BOLD functional series')
    output_spaces = traits.List(desc='Target spaces')
    template = traits.Enum('MNI152NLin2009cAsym', desc='Template space')
Beispiel #4
class ReadSidecarJSONOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    subject_id = Str()
    session_id = Str()
    task_id = Str()
    acq_id = Str()
    rec_id = Str()
    run_id = Str()
    out_dict = traits.Dict()
Beispiel #5
class BIDSDataGrabberInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    subject_data = traits.Dict(Str, traits.Any)
    subject_id = Str()
Beispiel #6
class SubjectSummaryOutputSpec(SummaryOutputSpec):
    # This exists to ensure that the summary is run prior to the first ReconAll
    # call, allowing a determination whether there is a pre-existing directory
    subject_id = Str(desc='FreeSurfer subject ID')
Beispiel #7
class AboutSummaryInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    version = Str(desc='FMRIPREP version')
    command = Str(desc='FMRIPREP command')