class TweetTagCategory(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(50)) description = db.Column(db.String(100)) tweets = db.relationship('Tweet') tags = db.relationship('TweetTag') projects = db.relationship('Project', secondary='project_categories')
class User(db.Model, UserMixin): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) username = db.Column(db.String(20), unique=True, nullable=False) email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True, nullable=False) image_file = db.Column(db.String(20), nullable=False, default='default.jpg') password = db.Column(db.String(60), nullable=False) organizations = db.relationship('Organization', secondary='user_orgs') admin = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) roles = db.relationship('Role', secondary='user_roles') analyses = db.relationship('BayesianAnalysis') def get_reset_token(self, expires_sec=1800): s = Serializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY'], expires_sec) return s.dumps({'user_id':}).decode('utf-8') @staticmethod def verify_reset_token(token): s = Serializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY']) try: user_id = s.loads(token)['user_id'] except: return None return User.query.get(user_id) def __repr__(self): return f"User('{self.username}', '{}', '{self.image_file}')"
class TweetAnnotation(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) user = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) #category = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) annotation_tag = db.Column(db.String(50)) ## dropdown: project categories, other analysis = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE")) tweet = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE")) words = db.Column(JSON) text = db.Column(db.String(50)) coordinates = db.Column(JSON) time_created = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
class Tweet(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) time_posted = db.Column(db.DateTime) category = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) projects = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) handle = db.Column(db.String(15)) full_text = db.Column(db.String(280)) words = db.Column(JSON) hashtags = db.Column(JSON) tags = db.relationship('TweetTag') links = db.Column(JSON) mentions = db.Column(JSON) url = db.Column(db.String(200), unique=True) text = db.Column(db.String(300)) annotations = db.relationship('TweetAnnotation')
class Project(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(50)) description = db.Column(db.String) organization = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) analyses = db.relationship('BayesianAnalysis') categories = db.relationship('TweetTagCategory', secondary='project_categories') tf_idf = db.Column(JSON) tweets = db.relationship('Tweet', secondary='tweet_project') training_and_test_sets = db.Column(JSON) def get_tweets(self): return [t for cat in categories for t in cat.tweets]
class BayesianAnalysis(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) user = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) name = db.Column(db.String(50)) tags = db.relationship('TweetTag') # this also tells us which tweets data = db.Column(JSON) project = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) robots = db.relationship('BayesianRobot') shared = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) tweets = db.Column(JSON, default=[]) annotate = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) annotations = db.relationship('TweetAnnotation') annotation_tags = db.Column(JSON) def get_project(self): return Project.query.get(self.project) def updated_data(self, tweet, category):['counts'] =['counts'] + 1 if not in[] = {'counts' : 0, 'words' : {}}[]['counts'] = ([].get('counts', 0)) + 1 for w in set(tweet.words): val =[]['words'].get(w, 0)[]['words'][w] = val + 1 return def updated_a_tags(self, atag,tweet): if atag not in self.annotation_tags.keys(): self.annotation_tags[atag] = {'counts' : 0, 'category' : tweet.handle, 'tweets':[]} self.annotation_tags[atag]['counts'] = self.annotation_tags[atag]['counts']+1 if not in self.annotation_tags[atag]['tweets']: self.annotation_tags[atag]['tweets'].append( return self.annotation_tags def get_predictions_and_words(self, words): # take each word and calculate a probabilty for each category categories = Project.query.get(self.project).categories category_names = [ for c in categories if in] preds = {} predictions = {} if['counts'] == 0: predictions = {c : {w : 0} for w in words for c in category_names} # predictions = {word : {category : 0 for category in category_names} for word in words} else: for w in words: # only categorize each word once preds[w] = {c : 0 for c in category_names} for cat in category_names: predictions[cat] = predictions.get(cat, {}) prob_ba =[cat]['words'].get(w, 0) /[cat]['counts'] prob_a =[cat]['counts'] /['counts'] prob_b = sum([[c]['words'].get(w, 0) for c in category_names]) /['counts'] if prob_b == 0: preds[w][cat] = 0 predictions[cat][w] = 0 else: preds[w][cat] = round(prob_ba * prob_a / prob_b, 2) predictions[cat][w] = round(prob_ba * prob_a / prob_b, 2) return (preds, {k : round(sum(v.values()) / len(set(words)),2) for k, v in predictions.items()}) def annotation_counts(self, tweets): anns = TweetAnnotation.query.filter( a_list = set([a.tweet for a in anns]) annotated_tweets = list(set([a.tweet for a in anns])) ann_table = { : {'annotation': t.text,'tag':t.annotation_tag , "tweet_id": t.tweet, 'tag_counts':1}for t in anns} a_list=[] for tweet in annotated_tweets: a_list.append(sorted([t for t in ann_table.items() if t[1]["tweet_id"]==tweet], key=lambda x:x[1]["tweet_id"], reverse=True)) new_list=[] for l in a_list: li=[t[1] for t in l] new_list.append(li) keys=[i[0].get('tweet_id') for i in new_list] values=[[{'tag':j.get('tag'), 'annotation':j.get('annotation')} for j in i] for i in new_list] countlist=[[] for _ in range(len(values))] for x in range(len(values)): for i in values[x]: n=values[x].count(i) c= i.copy() c.update({'count':n}) if c not in countlist[x]: countlist[x].append(c) n_dict = {key:value for key, value in zip(keys, countlist)} return(n_dict)
class Organization(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(50)) users = db.relationship('User', secondary='user_orgs') projects = db.relationship('Project')
class Role(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'role' id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(50), unique=True)
class BayesianRobot(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(25)) parent = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), default=None) child = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), default=None) analysis = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) features = db.Column(JSON, default = {}) accuracy = db.Column(JSON, default = {}) retired = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) time_retired = db.Column(db.DateTime) def clone(self): new_robot = BayesianRobot() = new_robot.analysis = self.analysis new_robot.features = self.features new_robot.parent = return(new_robot) # def run_analysis(self): def get_analysis(): return BayesianAnalysis.query.get(self.analysis) def word_in_features(self, word): for f in self.features.keys(): feature_string = f.lower() if feature_string.startswith('*') and feature_string.endswith('*'): if feature_string[1:-1] in word: return(True) elif feature_string.startswith('*'): if word.endswith(feature_string[1:]): return(True) elif feature_string.endswith('*'): if word.startswith(feature_string[:1]): return(True) else: if word == feature_string : return(True) return(False) def accuracy_for_tnt_set(words, tweets_with_word, words_by_tweet, tnt_sets): accuracy_dict = {} accuracy = 0 # find de relevante tweets total_predictions_by_word = {} for tnt_set in tnt_sets: word_predictions = {} for word in words: categories_with_word_in_training = [n[1] for n in tnt_set[0].items() if n[0] in str(tweets_with_word[word])] predictions = {n : categories_with_word_in_training.count(n) / len(categories_with_word_in_training) for n in set(categories_with_word_in_training) } word_predictions[word] = predictions train_set = tnt_set[1] for t in train_set: if int(t) in words_by_tweet.keys(): category_predictions = collections.Counter({}) for word in words_by_tweet[int(t)]: category_predictions = category_predictions + collections.Counter(word_predictions[word]) # predicted_category = max(category_predictions, key = lambda k: category_predictions[k]) real_cat = Tweet.query.get(int(t)).category else: accuracy_dict['uncategorized'] = [] return accuracy_dict def calculate_accuracy(self): analysis_obj = BayesianAnalysis.query.get(self.analysis) proj_obj = Project.query.get(analysis_obj.project) tf_idf = proj_obj.tf_idf ## skriv det her om så accuraacy bregnes per feature, og ikke per ord. # relevant_words = [word for word in tf_idf.get('words') if BayesianRobot.word_in_features(self, word)] feature_words = {} for feature in self.features: feature_words[feature] = [word for word in tf_idf.get('words') if BayesianRobot.matches(word, feature)] # relevant_words = [w for words in feature_words.values() for w in words] # first calculate the predictions, based on the training sets. predictions_by_feature = {} # initialize test_set_tweets so we dont need to calculate it twice test_set_tweets = set() cats = [ for c in proj_obj.categories] # make one for individual words too so we can more easily access them later, and make a list of category names for viewing word_category_predictions = {} cat_names = { : for cat in Project.query.get(analysis_obj.project).categories} for feature in feature_words: predictions_by_feature[feature] = {} for word in feature_words[feature]: for dataset in proj_obj.training_and_test_sets[:1]: train_set = dataset[0] tweets = tf_idf.get('words').get(word) train_set_tweets = [] for t in tweets: if str(t[0]) in train_set.keys(): train_set_tweets.append(t) else: test_set_tweets.add(t[0]) categories_in_dataset = [dataset[0].get(str(tweet[0])) for tweet in train_set_tweets] cat_counts = {c : categories_in_dataset.count(c) for c in cats} total_cats = sum(cat_counts.values()) predictions = 0 # if there are no words in the training set to learn from, we simply ignore the word and do not append anything here if total_cats > 0: predictions = {c : cat_counts[c] / sum(cat_counts.values()) for c in cats} category_dict = {"category_prediction" : cat_names[max(predictions.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]]} word_category_predictions[word] = category_dict predictions_by_feature[feature][word] = predictions # now for each word, figure out which tweets contain them, and build - for each tweet - a classification, that we can then compare to the real value test_set = proj_obj.training_and_test_sets[0][1] tweet_predictions = {} for word_prediction in predictions_by_feature.values(): for word, predictions in word_prediction.items(): word_tweets = tf_idf.get('words').get(word) test_set_tweets = [tweet for tweet in word_tweets if str(tweet[0]) in test_set.keys()] for tweet in test_set_tweets: preds = tweet_predictions.get(tweet[0], {'predictions' : [], 'words' : [], 'category' : tweet[1]}) preds['predictions'].append(predictions) preds['words'].append(word) tweet_predictions[tweet[0]] = preds # now finally evaluate how well we did, in general and by word word_accuracy = {} for tweet_key in tweet_predictions: prediction_dict = tweet_predictions[tweet_key].copy() # for d in prediction_dict['predictions']: # if 'category_prediction' in d.keys(): # del d['category_prediction'] summed_prediction = dict(functools.reduce(operator.add, map(collections.Counter, prediction_dict['predictions']))) ## the old code that makes summed_prediction also includes the newly added "category_prediction". Since we don't want to ## sum that, we remove it first # it can happen that we evaluate a word that we have no information on. In that cat_prediction = max(summed_prediction.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] tweet_predictions[tweet_key]['correct'] = test_set[str(tweet_key)] == cat_prediction # save a per-word accuracy for word in prediction_dict['words']: acc = word_accuracy.get(word, []) acc.append(tweet_predictions[tweet_key]['correct']) word_accuracy[word] = acc # and then build a nice dict full of info feature_info = {} for feature in feature_words: feature_info[feature] = {} feature_info[feature]['words'] = {} for word in feature_words[feature]: word_dict = feature_info[feature].get(word, {}) if word in word_accuracy: # the word is only in the word_accuracy dict if it was in the test set word_dict['tweets_targeted'] = len(word_accuracy[word]) word_dict['accuracy'] = round(len([x for x in word_accuracy[word] if x]) / len(word_accuracy[word]), 2) feature_info[feature]['words'][word] = word_dict # else: # # if it's not in the test set, we just take it out. # word_dict['tweets_targeted'] = 0 # word_dict['accuracy'] = 0 # feature_info[feature]['words'][word] = word_dict accuracy_values = [d['accuracy'] for d in feature_info[feature]['words'].values()] targeted_values = [d['tweets_targeted'] for d in feature_info[feature]['words'].values()] if len(accuracy_values) > 0: feature_info[feature]['accuracy'] = sum(accuracy_values) / len(accuracy_values) feature_info[feature]['tweets_targeted'] = sum(targeted_values) else: feature_info[feature]['accuracy'] = 0 feature_info[feature]['tweets_targeted'] = 0 tweets_targeted = 0 table_data = [] for f in feature_info: tweets_targeted = tweets_targeted + feature_info[f]['tweets_targeted'] feat_dict = {} feat_dict['word'] = f feat_dict['category_prediction'] = "N/A" feat_dict['accuracy'] = feature_info[f]['accuracy'] feat_dict['tweets_targeted'] = feature_info[f]['tweets_targeted'] feat_dict['score'] = round(feat_dict['accuracy'] * feat_dict['tweets_targeted'], 2) # calculate the most often predicted category. This isn't trivial - should it be by total tweets in test set, or just the most common # category across its words? Well, it's obvious. Boo. It needs to be weighted by how many tweets there are. # NO NO NO! I thought about that wrong. We just want the average of each of the category prediction for each word. ca_tid_scores = {cat_id : 0 for cat_id in cat_names} print(feat_dict) table_data.append(feat_dict) for word in feature_info[f]['words']: feat_dict = {} feat_dict['word'] = word feat_dict['category_prediction'] = word_category_predictions[word]['category_prediction'] feat_dict['accuracy'] = feature_info[f]['words'][word]['accuracy'] feat_dict['tweets_targeted'] = feature_info[f]['words'][word]['tweets_targeted'] feat_dict['score'] = round(feat_dict['accuracy'] * feat_dict['tweets_targeted'], 2) table_data.append(feat_dict) if len(tweet_predictions) == 0: accuracy = 0 else: accuracy = len([d for d in tweet_predictions.values() if d['correct']]) / len(tweet_predictions) accuracy_info = {'accuracy' : round(accuracy, 2), 'tweets_targeted' : tweets_targeted} accuracy_info['features'] = feature_info accuracy_info['table_data'] = table_data return accuracy_info def matches(aword, afeature): feature_string = afeature.lower() if feature_string.startswith('*') and feature_string.endswith('*'): if feature_string[1:-1] in aword: return True elif feature_string.startswith('*'): if aword.endswith(feature_string[1:]): return True elif feature_string.endswith('*'): # if aword.startswith(feature_string[:1]): ## this was a bug. Leave it in if people want to see it. if aword.startswith(feature_string[:-1]): return True else: if aword == feature_string : return True return False def feature_words(self, a_feature, tf_idf): return_list = [] words = tf_idf.get('words') feature_string = a_feature.lower() for word in words: if feature_string.startswith('*') and feature_string.endswith('*'): if feature_string[1:-1] in word: return_list.append(word) elif feature_string.startswith('*'): if word.endswith(feature_string[1:]): return_list.append(word) elif feature_string.endswith('*'): if word.startswith(feature_string[:1]): return_list.append(word) else: if word == feature_string : return_list.append(word) return(return_list)