def __init__(
        method: EmbeddingMethod = EmbeddingMethod.GLOVE,
        glove_file: str = None,
        elmo_file: str = None,
        cos_accepted_dist: float = 0.7,
        Extract Relation between two mentions according to Word Embedding cosine distance

            method (optional): EmbeddingMethod.{GLOVE/GLOVE_OFFLINE/ELMO/ELMO_OFFLINE}
                (default = GLOVE)
            glove_file (required on GLOVE/GLOVE_OFFLINE mode): str Location of Glove file
            elmo_file (required on ELMO_OFFLINE mode): str Location of Elmo file
        if method == EmbeddingMethod.GLOVE:
            self.embedding = GloveEmbedding(glove_file)
            self.contextual = False
        elif method == EmbeddingMethod.GLOVE_OFFLINE:
            self.embedding = GloveEmbeddingOffline(glove_file)
            self.contextual = False
        elif method == EmbeddingMethod.ELMO:
            self.embedding = ElmoEmbedding()
            self.contextual = True
        elif method == EmbeddingMethod.ELMO_OFFLINE:
            self.embedding = ElmoEmbeddingOffline(elmo_file)
            self.contextual = True

        self.accepted_dist = cos_accepted_dist
        super(WordEmbeddingRelationExtraction, self).__init__()
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, method: EmbeddingMethod, glove_file: str = None, elmo_file: str = None):
        Extract Relation between two mentions according to Word Embedding cosine distance

            method (required): EmbeddingMethod.{GLOVE/GLOVE_OFFLINE/ELMO/ELMO_OFFLINE}
            glove_file (required on GLOVE/GLOVE_OFFLINE mode): str Location of Glove file
            elmo_file (required on ELMO_OFFLINE mode): str Location of Elmo file
        if method == EmbeddingMethod.GLOVE:
            self.embedding = GloveEmbedding(glove_file)
        elif method == EmbeddingMethod.GLOVE_OFFLINE:
            self.embedding = GloveEmbeddingOffline(glove_file)
        elif method == EmbeddingMethod.ELMO:
            self.embedding = ElmoEmbedding()
        elif method == EmbeddingMethod.ELMO_OFFLINE:
            self.embedding = ElmoEmbeddingOffline(elmo_file)

        super(WordEmbeddingRelationExtraction, self).__init__()
class WordEmbeddingRelationExtraction(RelationExtraction):
    def __init__(
        method: EmbeddingMethod = EmbeddingMethod.GLOVE,
        glove_file: str = None,
        elmo_file: str = None,
        cos_accepted_dist: float = 0.7,
        Extract Relation between two mentions according to Word Embedding cosine distance

            method (optional): EmbeddingMethod.{GLOVE/GLOVE_OFFLINE/ELMO/ELMO_OFFLINE}
                (default = GLOVE)
            glove_file (required on GLOVE/GLOVE_OFFLINE mode): str Location of Glove file
            elmo_file (required on ELMO_OFFLINE mode): str Location of Elmo file
        if method == EmbeddingMethod.GLOVE:
            self.embedding = GloveEmbedding(glove_file)
            self.contextual = False
        elif method == EmbeddingMethod.GLOVE_OFFLINE:
            self.embedding = GloveEmbeddingOffline(glove_file)
            self.contextual = False
        elif method == EmbeddingMethod.ELMO:
            self.embedding = ElmoEmbedding()
            self.contextual = True
        elif method == EmbeddingMethod.ELMO_OFFLINE:
            self.embedding = ElmoEmbeddingOffline(elmo_file)
            self.contextual = True

        self.accepted_dist = cos_accepted_dist
        super(WordEmbeddingRelationExtraction, self).__init__()

    def extract_all_relations(
            self, mention_x: MentionDataLight,
            mention_y: MentionDataLight) -> Set[RelationType]:
        ret_ = set()
            self.extract_sub_relations(mention_x, mention_y,
        return ret_

    def extract_sub_relations(self, mention_x: MentionDataLight,
                              mention_y: MentionDataLight,
                              relation: RelationType) -> RelationType:
        Check if input mentions has the given relation between them

            mention_x: MentionDataLight
            mention_y: MentionDataLight
            relation: RelationType

            RelationType: relation in case mentions has given relation or
                RelationType.NO_RELATION_FOUND otherwise
        if relation is not RelationType.WORD_EMBEDDING_MATCH:
            return RelationType.NO_RELATION_FOUND

        mention_x_str = mention_x.tokens_str
        mention_y_str = mention_y.tokens_str
        if StringUtils.is_pronoun(
                mention_x_str.lower()) or StringUtils.is_pronoun(
            if not self.contextual:
                return RelationType.NO_RELATION_FOUND

            if mention_x.mention_context is None or mention_y.mention_context is None:
                return RelationType.NO_RELATION_FOUND

        if self.is_word_embed_match(mention_x, mention_y):
            return RelationType.WORD_EMBEDDING_MATCH

        return RelationType.NO_RELATION_FOUND

    def is_word_embed_match(self, mention_x: MentionDataLight,
                            mention_y: MentionDataLight):
        Check if input mentions Word Embedding cosine distance below above 0.65

            mention_x: MentionDataLight
            mention_y: MentionDataLight

        match_result = False
        x_embed = self.embedding.get_head_feature_vector(mention_x)
        y_embed = self.embedding.get_head_feature_vector(mention_y)
        # make sure words are not 'unk/None/0'
        if x_embed is not None and y_embed is not None:
            dist = cos(x_embed, y_embed)
            if not math.isnan(dist):
                sim = 1 - dist
                if sim >= self.accepted_dist:
                    match_result = True

        return match_result

    def get_supported_relations() -> List[RelationType]:
        Return all supported relations by this class

        return [RelationType.WORD_EMBEDDING_MATCH]