Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, model, **kwargs):

        AmplModel.__init__(self, model, **kwargs)

        # Save number of variables and constraints prior to transformation
        self.original_n = self.n
        self.original_m = self.m
        self.original_nbounds = self.nbounds

        # Number of slacks for inequality constraints with a lower bound
        n_con_low = self.nlowerC + self.nrangeC ; self.n_con_low = n_con_low

        # Number of slacks for inequality constraints with an upper bound
        n_con_up = self.nupperC + self.nrangeC ; self.n_con_up = n_con_up

        # Number of slacks for variables with a lower bound
        n_var_low = self.nlowerB + self.nrangeB ; self.n_var_low = n_var_low

        # Number of slacks for variables with an upper bound
        n_var_up = self.nupperB + self.nrangeB ; self.n_var_up = n_var_up

        # Update effective number of variables and constraints
        self.n  = self.original_n + n_con_low + n_con_up + n_var_low + n_var_up
        self.m  = self.original_m + self.nrangeC + n_var_low + n_var_up

        # Redefine primal and dual initial guesses
        self.original_x0 = self.x0[:]
        self.x0 = numpy.zeros(self.n)
        self.x0[:self.original_n] = self.original_x0[:]

        self.original_pi0 = self.pi0[:]
        self.pi0 = numpy.zeros(self.m)
        self.pi0[:self.original_m] = self.original_pi0[:]

Beispiel #2
 def obj(self, x):
     Return the value of the objective function at `x`. This function is
     specialized since the original objective function only depends on a
     subvector of `x`.
     return AmplModel.obj(self, x[:self.original_n])
Beispiel #3
 def obj(self, x):
     Return the value of the objective function at `x`. This function is
     specialized since the original objective function only depends on a
     subvector of `x`.
     return AmplModel.obj(self, x[:self.original_n])
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, model, **kwargs):

        AmplModel.__init__(self, model, **kwargs)

        # Save number of variables and constraints prior to transformation
        self.original_n = self.n
        self.original_m = self.m
        self.original_nbounds = self.nbounds

        # Number of slacks for inequality constraints with a lower bound
        n_con_low = self.nlowerC + self.nrangeC
        self.n_con_low = n_con_low

        # Number of slacks for inequality constraints with an upper bound
        n_con_up = self.nupperC + self.nrangeC
        self.n_con_up = n_con_up

        # Number of slacks for variables with a lower bound
        n_var_low = self.nlowerB + self.nrangeB
        self.n_var_low = n_var_low

        # Number of slacks for variables with an upper bound
        n_var_up = self.nupperB + self.nrangeB
        self.n_var_up = n_var_up

        # Update effective number of variables and constraints
        self.n = self.original_n + n_con_low + n_con_up + n_var_low + n_var_up
        self.m = self.original_m + self.nrangeC + n_var_low + n_var_up

        # Redefine primal and dual initial guesses
        self.original_x0 = self.x0[:]
        self.x0 = numpy.zeros(self.n)
        self.x0[:self.original_n] = self.original_x0[:]

        self.original_pi0 = self.pi0[:]
        self.pi0 = numpy.zeros(self.m)
        self.pi0[:self.original_m] = self.original_pi0[:]

        options, fname = getopt.getopt(arglist, '')

    except getopt.error, e:
        commandline_err("%s" % str(e))
        return None

    return fname[0]

ProblemName = parse_cmdline(sys.argv[1:])

# Create a NLPy AmplModel

print 'Problem', ProblemName
nlp = AmplModel(ProblemName)  #amplpy.AmplModel( ProblemName )

# Translate this NLPy - Ampl problem in a pyOpt problem

nlp.Uvar = numpy.inf * numpy.ones(9)

opt_prob = PyOpt_From_NLPModel(nlp)
print opt_prob

# Call the imported solver SNOPT
snopt = SNOPT()

# Choose sensitivity type for computing gradients with :
#  'FD' : finite difference
#  opt_prob.grad_func : NLPy
Beispiel #6
        options, fname = getopt.getopt(arglist, '')

    except getopt.error, e:
        commandline_err("%s" % str(e))
        return None

    return fname[0]

ProblemName = parse_cmdline(sys.argv[1:])

# Create a model
print 'Problem', ProblemName
nlp = AmplModel(ProblemName)  #amplpy.AmplModel( ProblemName )

# Query the model
x0 = nlp.x0
pi0 = nlp.pi0
n = nlp.n
m = nlp.m
print 'There are %d variables and %d constraints' % (n, m)

max_n = min(n, 5)
max_m = min(m, 5)

print ' Printing at most 5 first components of vectors'
Beispiel #7

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    from nlpy.krylov.linop import PysparseLinearOperator
    from import TrustRegionFramework, TrustRegionCG
    from import DerivativeChecker

    # Set printing standards for arrays.
    np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=80, threshold=10, edgeitems=3)

    prob = sys.argv[1]

    # Initialize problem.
    nlp = AmplModel(prob)
    pdmerit = _meritfunction(nlp)
    (nx, nz) = (pdmerit.nlp.n,

    # Initialize trust region framework.
    TR = TrustRegionFramework(Delta=1.0,
                              gamma1=1.0 / 3,

    # Set up interior-point framework.
    TRIP = PrimalDualInteriorPointFramework(
Beispiel #8
error = False

if multiple_problems:
    # Define formats for output table.
    hdrfmt = '%-10s %5s %5s %15s %7s %7s %6s %6s %5s'
    hdr = hdrfmt % ('Name','Iter','Feval','Objective','dResid','pResid',
    lhdr = len(hdr)
    fmt = '%-10s %5d %5d %15.8e %7.1e %7.1e %6.2f %6.2f %5s''-' * lhdr)

# Solve each problem in turn.
for ProblemName in args:

    nlp = AmplModel(ProblemName)

    # Check for equality-constrained problem.
    n_ineq = nlp.nlowerC + nlp.nupperC + nlp.nrangeC
    if nlp.nbounds > 0 or n_ineq > 0:
        msg = '%s has %d bounds and %d inequality constraints\n'
        log.error(msg % (, nlp.nbounds, n_ineq))
        error = True
        ProblemName = os.path.basename(ProblemName)
        if ProblemName[-3:] == '.nl':
            ProblemName = ProblemName[:-3]
        t_setup, funn = pass_to_funnel(nlp, **opts)
        if multiple_problems:
   % (ProblemName, funn.niter, funn.nlp.feval, funn.f,
                            funn.dResid, funn.pResid,
Beispiel #9

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    from nlpy.krylov.linop import PysparseLinearOperator
    from import TrustRegionFramework, TrustRegionCG
    from import DerivativeChecker

    # Set printing standards for arrays.
    np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=80, threshold=10, edgeitems=3)

    prob = sys.argv[1]

    # Initialize problem.
    nlp = AmplModel(prob)
    pdmerit = _meritfunction(nlp)
    (nx, nz) = (pdmerit.nlp.n,

    # Initialize trust region framework.
    TR = TrustRegionFramework(Delta = 1.0,
                              eta1 = 0.0001,
                              eta2 = 0.95,
                              gamma1 = 1.0/3,
                              gamma2 = 2.5)

    # Set up interior-point framework.
    TRIP = PrimalDualInteriorPointFramework(
Beispiel #10
                # 4. Update x using projected linesearch with initial step=1.
                (x, qval) = self.projected_linesearch(x, g, d, qval)
                g = qp.grad(x)
                pg = self.pgrad(x, g=g, active_set=(lower, upper))
                pgNorm = np.linalg.norm(pg)

        self.exitOptimal = exitOptimal
        self.exitIter = exitIter
        self.niter = iter
        self.x = x
        self.qval = qval
        self.lower = lower
        self.upper = upper

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    from nlpy.model import AmplModel

    qp = AmplModel(sys.argv[1])
    bqp = BQP(qp)
    bqp.solve(maxiter=50, stoptol=1.0e-8)
    print 'optimal = ', repr(bqp.exitOptimal)
    print 'niter = ', bqp.niter
    print 'solution: ', bqp.x
    print 'objective value: ', bqp.qval
    print 'vars on lower bnd: ', bqp.lower
    print 'vars on upper bnd: ', bqp.upper
Beispiel #11
        commandline_err( 'Specify file name (look in data directory)' )
        return None

    try: options, fname = getopt.getopt( arglist, '' )

    except getopt.error, e:
        commandline_err( "%s" % str( e ) )
        return None

    return fname[0]

ProblemName = parse_cmdline(sys.argv[1:]) 

# Create a model
print 'Problem', ProblemName
nlp = AmplModel( ProblemName ) #amplpy.AmplModel( ProblemName )

# Query the model
x0  = nlp.x0
pi0 = nlp.pi0
n = nlp.n
m = nlp.m
print 'There are %d variables and %d constraints' % ( n, m )

max_n = min( n, 5 )
max_m = min( m, 5 )

print ' Printing at most 5 first components of vectors'
        return None

    try: options, fname = getopt.getopt( arglist, '' )

    except getopt.error, e:
        commandline_err( "%s" % str( e ) )
        return None

    return fname[0]

ProblemName = parse_cmdline(sys.argv[1:])

# Create a NLPy AmplModel

print 'Problem', ProblemName
nlp = AmplModel( ProblemName )

# Translate this NLPy - Ampl problem in a pyOpt problem
opt_prob = PyOpt_From_NLPModel(nlp)
print opt_prob

# Call the imported solver IPOPT
ipopt = IPOPT()

# Choose sensitivity type for computing gradients with :
#  'FD' : finite difference
#  opt_prob.grad_func : NLPy
# As AMPL isn't handling complex values, we cannot use the complex step method
# to estimate the gradients
Beispiel #13
        commandline_err( 'Specify file name (look in data directory)' )
        return None

    try: options, fname = getopt.getopt( arglist, '' )

    except getopt.error, e:
        commandline_err( "%s" % str( e ) )
        return None

    return fname[0]

ProblemName = parse_cmdline(sys.argv[1:])

# Create a model
print 'Problem', ProblemName
nlp = AmplModel( ProblemName ) #amplpy.AmplModel( ProblemName )

# Query the model
x0  = nlp.x0
pi0 = nlp.pi0
n = nlp.n
m = nlp.m
print 'There are %d variables and %d constraints' % ( n, m )

max_n = min( n, 5 )
max_m = min( m, 5 )

print ' Printing at most 5 first components of vectors'
Beispiel #14
    def _jac(self, x, lp=False):
        Helper method to assemble the Jacobian matrix of the constraints of the
        transformed problems. See the documentation of :meth:`jac` for more

        The positional argument `lp` should be set to `True` only if the problem
        is known to be a linear program. In this case, the evaluation of the
        constraint matrix is cheaper and the argument `x` is ignored.
        n = self.original_n
        m = self.original_m

        # List() simply allows operations such as 1 + [2,3] -> [3,4]
        lowerC = List(self.lowerC) ; nlowerC = self.nlowerC
        upperC = List(self.upperC) ; nupperC = self.nupperC
        rangeC = List(self.rangeC) ; nrangeC = self.nrangeC
        lowerB = List(self.lowerB) ; nlowerB = self.nlowerB
        upperB = List(self.upperB) ; nupperB = self.nupperB
        rangeB = List(self.rangeB) ; nrangeB = self.nrangeB
        nbnds  = nlowerB + nupperB + 2*nrangeB
        nSlacks = nlowerC + nupperC + 2*nrangeC

        # Initialize sparse Jacobian
        nnzJ = 2 * self.nnzj + m + nrangeC + nbnds + nrangeB  # Overestimate
        J = sp(nrow=self.m, ncol=self.n, sizeHint=nnzJ)

        # Insert contribution of general constraints
        if lp:
            J[:m,:n] = AmplModel.A(self)
            J[:m,:n] = AmplModel.jac(self,x[:n])
        J[upperC,:n] *= -1.0               # Flip sign of 'upper' gradients
        J[m:m+nrangeC,:n] = J[rangeC,:n]  # Append 'upper' side of range const.
        J[m:m+nrangeC,:n] *= -1.0        # Flip sign of 'upper' range gradients.

        # Create a few index lists
        rlowerC = List(range(nlowerC)) ; rlowerB = List(range(nlowerB))
        rupperC = List(range(nupperC)) ; rupperB = List(range(nupperB))
        rrangeC = List(range(nrangeC)) ; rrangeB = List(range(nrangeB))

        # Insert contribution of slacks on general constraints
        J.put(-1.0,      lowerC, n + rlowerC)
        J.put(-1.0,      upperC, n + nlowerC + rupperC)
        J.put(-1.0,      rangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + rrangeC)
        J.put(-1.0, m + rrangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + nrangeC + rrangeC)

        # Insert contribution of bound constraints on the original problem
        bot  = m+nrangeC ; J.put( 1.0, bot + rlowerB, lowerB)
        bot += nlowerB   ; J.put( 1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)
        bot += nrangeB   ; J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, upperB)
        bot += nupperB   ; J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)

        # Insert contribution of slacks on the bound constraints
        bot  = m+nrangeC
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rlowerB, n + nSlacks + rlowerB)
        bot += nlowerB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + rrangeB)
        bot += nrangeB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + nrangeB + rupperB)
        bot += nupperB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, n+nSlacks+nlowerB+nrangeB+nupperB+rrangeB)

        return J
Beispiel #15
    def cons(self, x):
        Evaluate the vector of general constraints for the modified problem.
        Constraints are stored in the order in which they appear in the
        original problem. If constraint i is a range constraint, c[i] will
        be the constraint that has the slack on the lower bound on c[i].
        The constraint with the slack on the upper bound on c[i] will be stored
        in position m + k, where k is the position of index i in
        rangeC, i.e., k=0 iff constraint i is the range constraint that
        appears first, k=1 iff it appears second, etc.

        Constraints appear in the following order:

        1. [ c  ]   general constraints in origninal order
        2. [ cR ]   'upper' side of range constraints
        3. [ b  ]   linear constraints corresponding to bounds on original problem
        4. [ bR ]   linear constraints corresponding to 'upper' side of two-sided
        n = self.n ; on = self.original_n
        m = self.m ; om = self.original_m
        equalC = self.equalC
        lowerC = self.lowerC ; nlowerC = self.nlowerC
        upperC = self.upperC ; nupperC = self.nupperC
        rangeC = self.rangeC ; nrangeC = self.nrangeC

        mslow = on + self.n_con_low
        msup  = mslow + self.n_con_up
        s_low = x[on:mslow]    # len(s_low) = n_con_low
        s_up  = x[mslow:msup]  # len(s_up)  = n_con_up

        c = numpy.empty(m)
        c[:om] = AmplModel.cons(self, x[:on])
        c[om:om+nrangeC] = c[rangeC]

        c[equalC] -= self.Lcon[equalC]
        c[lowerC] -= self.Lcon[lowerC] ; c[lowerC] -= s_low[:nlowerC]

        c[upperC] -= self.Ucon[upperC] ; c[upperC] *= -1
        c[upperC] -= s_up[:nupperC]

        c[rangeC] -= self.Lcon[rangeC] ; c[rangeC] -= s_low[nlowerC:]

        c[om:om+nrangeC] -= self.Ucon[rangeC]
        c[om:om+nrangeC] *= -1
        c[om:om+nrangeC] -= s_up[nupperC:]

        # Add linear constraints corresponding to bounds on original problem
        lowerB = self.lowerB ; nlowerB = self.nlowerB ; Lvar = self.Lvar
        upperB = self.upperB ; nupperB = self.nupperB ; Uvar = self.Uvar
        rangeB = self.rangeB ; nrangeB = self.nrangeB

        nt = on + self.n_con_low + self.n_con_up
        ntlow = nt + self.n_var_low
        t_low = x[nt:ntlow]
        t_up  = x[ntlow:]

        b = c[om+nrangeC:]

        b[:nlowerB] = x[lowerB] - Lvar[lowerB] - t_low[:nlowerB]
        b[nlowerB:nlowerB+nrangeB] = x[rangeB] - Lvar[rangeB] - t_low[nlowerB:]
        b[nlowerB+nrangeB:nlowerB+nrangeB+nupperB] = Uvar[upperB] - x[upperB] - t_up[:nupperB]
        b[nlowerB+nrangeB+nupperB:] = Uvar[rangeB] - x[rangeB] - t_up[nupperB:]

        return c
Beispiel #16
multiple_problems = len(args) > 1

if multiple_problems:
    # Define formats for output table.
    hdrfmt = '%-15s %5s %5s %15s %7s %7s %7s %5s %6s %6s %5s'
    hdr = hdrfmt % ('Name', 'Iter', 'Feval', 'Objective', 'dResid', 'pResid',
                    'Comp', 'LogPen', 'Setup', 'Solve', 'Opt')
    lhdr = len(hdr)
    fmt = '%-15s %5d %5d %15.8e %7.1e %7.1e %7.1e %5.1f %6.2f %6.2f %5s''-' * lhdr)

for problemName in args:

    nlp = AmplModel(problemName)
    problemName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(problemName))[0]

    # Create solution logger (if requested).
    if options.solution_requested:
        solution_logger = config_logger('elastic.solution',
                                        filename=problemName + '.sol',

    t_setup, eif = pass_to_elastic(nlp, **opts)
    l1 = eif.l1bar.l1
    max_penalty = max(l1.get_penalty_parameters())

    if not multiple_problems:  # Output final statistics
        return None

    try: options, fname = getopt.getopt( arglist, '' )

    except getopt.error, e:
        commandline_err( "%s" % str( e ) )
        return None

    return fname[0]

ProblemName = parse_cmdline(sys.argv[1:])

# Create a NLPy AmplModel

print 'Problem', ProblemName
nlp = AmplModel( ProblemName ) #amplpy.AmplModel( ProblemName )

# Translate this NLPy - Ampl problem in a pyOpt problem

nlp.Uvar = numpy.inf * numpy.ones(9)

opt_prob = PyOpt_From_NLPModel(nlp)
print opt_prob

# Call the imported solver SNOPT
snopt = SNOPT()

# Choose sensitivity type for computing gradients with :
#  'FD' : finite difference
Beispiel #18
    Return the square root of a linear operator, if defined. Note that
    this is not the elementwise square root. The result is a linear operator
    that, when composed with itself, yields the original operator.
    return op._sqrt()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from import check_symmetric
    from pysparse.sparse.pysparseMatrix import PysparseMatrix as sp
    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    import sys

    np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=80, threshold=10, edgeitems=3)

    nlp = AmplModel(sys.argv[1])
    J = sp(matrix=nlp.jac(nlp.x0))
    e1 = np.ones(J.shape[0])
    e2 = np.ones(J.shape[1])
    print 'J.shape = ', J.getShape()

    print 'Testing PysparseLinearOperator:'
    op = PysparseLinearOperator(J)
    print 'op.shape = ', op.shape
    print 'op.T.shape = ', op.T.shape
    print 'op * e2 = ', op * e2
    print "op.T * e1 = ", op.T * e1
    print 'op.T.T * e2 = ', op.T.T * e2
    print 'op.T.T.T * e1 = ', op.T.T.T * e1
    print 'With call:'
    print 'op(e2) = ', op(e2)
Beispiel #19
    def cons(self, x):
        Evaluate the vector of general constraints for the modified problem.
        Constraints are stored in the order in which they appear in the
        original problem. If constraint i is a range constraint, c[i] will
        be the constraint that has the slack on the lower bound on c[i].
        The constraint with the slack on the upper bound on c[i] will be stored
        in position m + k, where k is the position of index i in
        rangeC, i.e., k=0 iff constraint i is the range constraint that
        appears first, k=1 iff it appears second, etc.

        Constraints appear in the following order:

        1. [ c  ]   general constraints in origninal order
        2. [ cR ]   'upper' side of range constraints
        3. [ b  ]   linear constraints corresponding to bounds on original problem
        4. [ bR ]   linear constraints corresponding to 'upper' side of two-sided
        n = self.n
        on = self.original_n
        m = self.m
        om = self.original_m
        equalC = self.equalC
        lowerC = self.lowerC
        nlowerC = self.nlowerC
        upperC = self.upperC
        nupperC = self.nupperC
        rangeC = self.rangeC
        nrangeC = self.nrangeC

        mslow = on + self.n_con_low
        msup = mslow + self.n_con_up
        s_low = x[on:mslow]  # len(s_low) = n_con_low
        s_up = x[mslow:msup]  # len(s_up)  = n_con_up

        c = numpy.empty(m)
        c[:om] = AmplModel.cons(self, x[:on])
        c[om:om + nrangeC] = c[rangeC]

        c[equalC] -= self.Lcon[equalC]
        c[lowerC] -= self.Lcon[lowerC]
        c[lowerC] -= s_low[:nlowerC]

        c[upperC] -= self.Ucon[upperC]
        c[upperC] *= -1
        c[upperC] -= s_up[:nupperC]

        c[rangeC] -= self.Lcon[rangeC]
        c[rangeC] -= s_low[nlowerC:]

        c[om:om + nrangeC] -= self.Ucon[rangeC]
        c[om:om + nrangeC] *= -1
        c[om:om + nrangeC] -= s_up[nupperC:]

        # Add linear constraints corresponding to bounds on original problem
        lowerB = self.lowerB
        nlowerB = self.nlowerB
        Lvar = self.Lvar
        upperB = self.upperB
        nupperB = self.nupperB
        Uvar = self.Uvar
        rangeB = self.rangeB
        nrangeB = self.nrangeB

        nt = on + self.n_con_low + self.n_con_up
        ntlow = nt + self.n_var_low
        t_low = x[nt:ntlow]
        t_up = x[ntlow:]

        b = c[om + nrangeC:]

        b[:nlowerB] = x[lowerB] - Lvar[lowerB] - t_low[:nlowerB]
        b[nlowerB:nlowerB +
          nrangeB] = x[rangeB] - Lvar[rangeB] - t_low[nlowerB:]
        b[nlowerB + nrangeB:nlowerB + nrangeB +
          nupperB] = Uvar[upperB] - x[upperB] - t_up[:nupperB]
        b[nlowerB + nrangeB +
          nupperB:] = Uvar[rangeB] - x[rangeB] - t_up[nupperB:]

        return c
Beispiel #20
            # Check second partial derivatives in turn.
            for i in range(n):
                xph = self.x.copy()
                xph[i] += h
                xmh = self.x.copy()
                xmh[i] -= h
                dgdx = (nlp.igrad(k, xph) - nlp.igrad(k, xmh)) / (2 * h)
                for j in range(i + 1):
                    dgjdxi = dgdx[j]
                    err = abs(Hk[i, j] - dgjdxi) / (1 + abs(Hk[i, j]))

                    line = self.d2fmt % (k + 1, i, j, Hk[i, j], dgjdxi, err)
                    if verbose:

                    if err > self.tol:

        return errs

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import sys
    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    nlp = AmplModel(sys.argv[1])
    print 'Checking at x = ', nlp.x0
    derchk = DerivativeChecker(nlp, nlp.x0)
Beispiel #21
    def _jac(self, x, lp=False):
        Helper method to assemble the Jacobian matrix of the constraints of the
        transformed problems. See the documentation of :meth:`jac` for more

        The positional argument `lp` should be set to `True` only if the problem
        is known to be a linear program. In this case, the evaluation of the
        constraint matrix is cheaper and the argument `x` is ignored.
        n = self.original_n
        m = self.original_m

        # List() simply allows operations such as 1 + [2,3] -> [3,4]
        lowerC = List(self.lowerC)
        nlowerC = self.nlowerC
        upperC = List(self.upperC)
        nupperC = self.nupperC
        rangeC = List(self.rangeC)
        nrangeC = self.nrangeC
        lowerB = List(self.lowerB)
        nlowerB = self.nlowerB
        upperB = List(self.upperB)
        nupperB = self.nupperB
        rangeB = List(self.rangeB)
        nrangeB = self.nrangeB
        nbnds = nlowerB + nupperB + 2 * nrangeB
        nSlacks = nlowerC + nupperC + 2 * nrangeC

        # Initialize sparse Jacobian
        nnzJ = 2 * self.nnzj + m + nrangeC + nbnds + nrangeB  # Overestimate
        J = sp(nrow=self.m, ncol=self.n, sizeHint=nnzJ)

        # Insert contribution of general constraints
        if lp:
            J[:m, :n] = AmplModel.A(self)
            J[:m, :n] = AmplModel.jac(self, x[:n])
        J[upperC, :n] *= -1.0  # Flip sign of 'upper' gradients
        J[m:m +
          nrangeC, :n] = J[rangeC, :n]  # Append 'upper' side of range const.
        J[m:m + nrangeC, :n] *= -1.0  # Flip sign of 'upper' range gradients.

        # Create a few index lists
        rlowerC = List(range(nlowerC))
        rlowerB = List(range(nlowerB))
        rupperC = List(range(nupperC))
        rupperB = List(range(nupperB))
        rrangeC = List(range(nrangeC))
        rrangeB = List(range(nrangeB))

        # Insert contribution of slacks on general constraints
        J.put(-1.0, lowerC, n + rlowerC)
        J.put(-1.0, upperC, n + nlowerC + rupperC)
        J.put(-1.0, rangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + rrangeC)
        J.put(-1.0, m + rrangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + nrangeC + rrangeC)

        # Insert contribution of bound constraints on the original problem
        bot = m + nrangeC
        J.put(1.0, bot + rlowerB, lowerB)
        bot += nlowerB
        J.put(1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)
        bot += nrangeB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, upperB)
        bot += nupperB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)

        # Insert contribution of slacks on the bound constraints
        bot = m + nrangeC
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rlowerB, n + nSlacks + rlowerB)
        bot += nlowerB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + rrangeB)
        bot += nrangeB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + nrangeB + rupperB)
        bot += nupperB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB,
              n + nSlacks + nlowerB + nrangeB + nupperB + rrangeB)

        return J
Beispiel #22
    "Return a linear operator from a Numpy `ndarray`."
    return LinearOperator(A.shape[1], A.shape[0],
                          lambda v:, v),
                          matvec_transp=lambda u:, u),

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from import check_symmetric
    from pysparse.sparse.pysparseMatrix import PysparseMatrix as sp
    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    import sys

    np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=80, threshold=10, edgeitems=3)

    nlp = AmplModel(sys.argv[1])
    J = sp(matrix=nlp.jac(nlp.x0))
    e1 = np.ones(J.shape[0])
    e2 = np.ones(J.shape[1])
    print 'J.shape = ', J.getShape()

    print 'Testing PysparseLinearOperator:'
    op = PysparseLinearOperator(J)
    print 'op.shape = ', op.shape
    print 'op.T.shape = ', op.T.shape
    print 'op * e2 = ', op * e2
    print "op.T * e1 = ", op.T * e1
    print 'op.T.T * e2 = ', op.T.T * e2
    print 'op.T.T.T * e1 = ', op.T.T.T * e1
    print 'With call:'
    print 'op(e2) = ', op(e2)
Beispiel #23
    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    msg='NLPy is required to run this demo. See'
    raise RuntimeError, msg

from import coord2csc
from pyorder.pymc60 import sloan, rcmk
from import FastSpy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

nlp = AmplModel('')
x = np.random.random(nlp.n)
y = np.random.random(nlp.m)
H = nlp.hess(x,y)
(val,irow,jcol) = H.find()
(rowind, colptr, values) = coord2csc(nlp.n, irow, jcol, val)  # Convert to CSC

perm1, rinfo1 = rcmk(nlp.n, rowind, colptr)   # Reverse Cuthill-McKee
perm2, rinfo2 = sloan(nlp.n, rowind, colptr)  # Sloan's method

left = plt.subplot(131)
FastSpy(nlp.n, nlp.n, irow, jcol, sym=True,
        ax=left.get_axes(), title='Original')

# Apply permutation 1 and plot reordered matrix
middle = plt.subplot(132)
FastSpy(nlp.n, nlp.n, perm1[irow], perm1[jcol], sym=True,
        ax=middle.get_axes(), title='Rev. Cuthill-McKee (semibandwidth=%d)' % rinfo1[2])