Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, k=50.0, m=1.0, g=9.8, **kw):
        self.k = k
        self.m = m
        self.g = g

        self.dim = 2

        self.z = map(S, ['z0', 'z1'])
        self.p = map(S, ['p0', 'p1'])
        self.q = map(S, ['q0', 'q1'])
        self.x = map(S, ['x0', 'x1', 'x2', 'x3'])
        self.u = map(S, ['u0', 'u1'])

        self.Mq = np.eye(self.dim) * self.m
        self.Mqi = np.eye(self.dim) / self.m

        self.Vq = -self.m * self.g * self.q[1]

        # create Ohm and Psi
        self._Ohm = np.array([self.z[0], self.z[1] + sym.sin(self.z[0])])
        self._Psi = np.array([self.q[0], self.q[1] - sym.sin(self.q[0])])

        #self.controller = lambda t, x: [0, 0]

        super(SinFloor2D, self).__init__(si=1)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, k=50.0, m=1.0, g=9.8, **kw):
        self.k = k
        self.m = m
        self.g = g
        self.dim = 2

        self.z = map(S, ['z0', 'z1'])
        self.p = map(S, ['p0', 'p1'])
        self.q = map(S, ['q0', 'q1'])
        self.x = map(S, ['x0', 'x1', 'x2', 'x3'])
        self.u = map(S, ['u0', 'u1'])

        self.Mq = np.eye(self.dim) * self.m
        self.Mqi = np.eye(self.dim) / self.m

        self.Vq = -self.m * self.g * self.q[1]
        # create Ohm and Psi
        self._Ohm = np.array([self.z[0], self.z[1] + sym.sin(self.z[0])])
        self._Psi = np.array([self.q[0], self.q[1] - sym.sin(self.q[0])])

        #self.controller = lambda t, x: [0, 0]
        super(SinFloor2D, self).__init__(si=1) 
Beispiel #3
    def _makeP(self, k):
        # builds the symbolic expression for the projection
        # does NOT check for feasible/infeasible stuff
        si =
        z = self.z
        zs = z[si]
        out = deepcopy(z)

        out[si] = -zs
        for i in range(len(z)):
            if i != si:
                out[i] = z[i] -[i] * 2 * zs / (1 + k * zs ** 2)

        return np.array(out)
Beispiel #4
    def _makeP(self, k):
        # builds the symbolic expression for the projection
        # does NOT check for feasible/infeasible stuff
        si =
        z = self.z
        zs = z[si]
        out = deepcopy(z)

        out[si] = -zs
        for i in range(len(z)):
            if i != si:
                out[i] = z[i] -[i] * 2 * zs / (1 + k * zs**2)

        return np.array(out)
Beispiel #5
from nlsymb import np, sym, matmult, tensor
import nlsymb.tensor as tn

from sympy import Symbol as S

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x1 = S('x1')
    x2 = S('x2')
    x = np.array([x1, x2])
    f = np.array([x[0], x[1]**2, 3 * x[0] + x[1]])
    print f
    print tn.subs(f, {x1: 2.0, x2: 3.0})
    print tn.eval(f, x, [2.0, 3.0])

    A = tn.diff(f, x)
    print A
    print A[0, 1]
    Anum = tn.eval(A, x, [2, 3])
    print Anum[0, 1]

    g =, x)
    print g

    g = tn.einsum('ij,j', A, x)
    print g
Beispiel #6
from nlsymb import np, sym, matmult, tensor
import nlsymb.tensor as tn

from sympy import Symbol as S

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x1 = S('x1')
    x2 = S('x2')
    x = np.array([x1, x2])
    f = np.array([x[0], x[1]**2, 3*x[0]+x[1]]) 
    print f
    print tn.subs(f, {x1:2.0, x2:3.0})
    print tn.eval(f, x, [2.0, 3.0])

    A = tn.diff(f, x)
    print A
    print A[0, 1]
    Anum = tn.eval(A, x, [2,3])
    print Anum[0,1]

    g =, x)
    print g

    g = tn.einsum('ij,j', A, x)
    print g
Beispiel #7
from nlsymb import np, sym, matmult, tensor
import nlsymb.tensor as tn

from sympy import Symbol as S, sin, cos

from Cdynamics import WriteDynamics, WriteLinearizations

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # x, u
    x = np.array([S('x1'), S('x2')])  # theta, theta'
    u = np.array([S('u1')])  # x''

    # constants
    g = S('m_g')
    h = S('h')

    # dynamics
    f = np.array([x[1], (g * sin(x[0]) + cos(x[0]) * u[0]) / h])

    # linearizations
    A = tn.diff(f, x)
    B = tn.diff(f, u)

    # write to file
    WriteDynamics(f, x, u)
    WriteLinearizations(A, B, x, u)
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, si=0, **kwargs):
        # this is the special index: z[si] = phi(z) = si
        self.t = S('t')
        n = self.dim

        self.qtoz = zip(self.q, self._Ohm)
        self.alltoz = self.qtoz + zip(self.x, self.z)
        self.ztoq = zip(self.z, self._Psi)
        self.alltoq = self.ztoq + zip(self.x, self._Psi)
        self.ztox = zip(self.z, self.x)

        # dOhm/dz, dPhi/dq, assuming the pieces are already defined
        self._dOhm = tn.diff(self._Ohm, self.z)
        self._dPsi = tn.diff(self._Psi, self.q)
        self.Mz = matmult(self._dOhm.T, self.Mq, self._dOhm)
        self.Mzi = self._Mzi() 

        self.dMq = tn.diff(self.Mq, self.q)
        self.dMz = tn.diff(self.Mz, self.z) = self.Mzi[:,] / self.Mzi[,]
        # self.ddelta = tn.diff(, self.z)

        self.Vz = self.Vq.subs(self.alltoz, simultaneous=True)
        self.dVz = tn.diff(self.Vz, self.z)

        self._P = self._makeP(self.k)
        self._dP = tn.diff(self._P, self.z)
        self._dPi = np.array(sym.Matrix(self._dP).inv())

        self.ztozz = {self.z[i]: self._P[i] for i in range(self.dim)}
        self.Mzzi = tn.subs(self.Mzi, self.ztozz)
        self.dMzz = tn.subs(self.dMz, self.ztozz)
        self.dVzz = tn.subs(self.dVz, self.ztozz)
        self.dPzz = tn.subs(self._dP, self.ztozz)

        params = [self.t, self.x, self.u]

        self._fplus = self._makefp(params)
        self._fmins = self._makefm(params)

        self._dfxp = tn.SymExpr(self._fplus.diff(self.x))
        self._dfxm = tn.SymExpr(self._fmins.diff(self.x))
        self._dfup = tn.SymExpr(self._fplus.diff(self.u))
        self._dfum = tn.SymExpr(self._fmins.diff(self.u))

        self._ohm = tn.lambdify(self.z, self._Ohm)
        self._psi = tn.lambdify(self.q, self._Psi)

        # make the jump term generator callable
        # and a bunch of other stuff as well
        self.delf = lambda t, x, u: self._delf(t, x, u)

        self.Ohm = lambda z: tn.eval(self._Ohm, self.z, z)
        self.dOhm = lambda z: tn.eval(self._dOhm, self.z, z)
        self.Psi = lambda q: tn.eval(self._Psi, self.q, q)
        self.dPsi = lambda q: tn.eval(self._dPsi, self.q, q)
Beispiel #9
from nlsymb import np, sym, matmult, tensor
import nlsymb.tensor as tn

from sympy import Symbol as S, sin, cos

from Cdynamics import WriteDynamics, WriteLinearizations

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x = np.array([S('x1'), S('x2'), S('x3')])  # x, y, theta
    u = np.array([S('u1'), S('u2')])  # v, omega
    f = np.array([cos(x[2]) * u[0], sin(x[2]) * u[0], u[1]])

    A = tn.diff(f, x)
    B = tn.diff(f, u)

    WriteDynamics(f, x, u)
    WriteLinearizations(A, B, x, u)
Beispiel #10
from nlsymb import np, sym, matmult, tensor
import nlsymb.tensor as tn

from sympy import Symbol as S, sin, cos

from Cdynamics import WriteDynamics, WriteLinearizations

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # x, u
    x = np.array([S('x1'),
                  S('x6')])  # x,y,theta, x',y',theta'
    u = np.array([S('u1'), S('u2')])  # x''

    # constants
    g = S('g_')
    eps = S('eps_')

    # dynamics
    f = np.array([
        x[3], x[4], x[5], -u[0] * sin(x[2]) + eps * u[1] * cos(x[2]),
        u[0] * cos(x[2]) + eps * u[1] * sin(x[2]) - g, u[1]

    # linearizations
    A = tn.diff(f, x)
    B = tn.diff(f, u)
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(self, si=0, **kwargs):
        # this is the special index: z[si] = phi(z) = si
        self.t = S('t')
        n = self.dim

        self.qtoz = zip(self.q, self._Ohm)
        self.alltoz = self.qtoz + zip(self.x, self.z)
        self.ztoq = zip(self.z, self._Psi)
        self.alltoq = self.ztoq + zip(self.x, self._Psi)
        self.ztox = zip(self.z, self.x)

        # dOhm/dz, dPhi/dq, assuming the pieces are already defined
        self._dOhm = tn.diff(self._Ohm, self.z)
        self._dPsi = tn.diff(self._Psi, self.q)

        self.Mz = matmult(self._dOhm.T, self.Mq, self._dOhm)
        self.Mzi = self._Mzi()

        self.dMq = tn.diff(self.Mq, self.q)
        self.dMz = tn.diff(self.Mz, self.z) = self.Mzi[:,] / self.Mzi[,]
        # self.ddelta = tn.diff(, self.z)

        self.Vz = self.Vq.subs(self.alltoz, simultaneous=True)
        self.dVz = tn.diff(self.Vz, self.z)

        self._P = self._makeP(self.k)
        self._dP = tn.diff(self._P, self.z)
        self._dPi = np.array(sym.Matrix(self._dP).inv())

        self.ztozz = {self.z[i]: self._P[i] for i in range(self.dim)}
        self.Mzzi = tn.subs(self.Mzi, self.ztozz)
        self.dMzz = tn.subs(self.dMz, self.ztozz)
        self.dVzz = tn.subs(self.dVz, self.ztozz)
        self.dPzz = tn.subs(self._dP, self.ztozz)

        params = [self.t, self.x, self.u]

        self._fplus = self._makefp(params)
        self._fmins = self._makefm(params)

        self._dfxp = tn.SymExpr(self._fplus.diff(self.x))
        self._dfxm = tn.SymExpr(self._fmins.diff(self.x))
        self._dfup = tn.SymExpr(self._fplus.diff(self.u))
        self._dfum = tn.SymExpr(self._fmins.diff(self.u))

        self._ohm = tn.lambdify(self.z, self._Ohm)
        self._psi = tn.lambdify(self.q, self._Psi)

        # make the jump term generator callable
        # and a bunch of other stuff as well
        self.delf = lambda t, x, u: self._delf(t, x, u)

        self.Ohm = lambda z: tn.eval(self._Ohm, self.z, z)
        self.dOhm = lambda z: tn.eval(self._dOhm, self.z, z)
        self.Psi = lambda q: tn.eval(self._Psi, self.q, q)
        self.dPsi = lambda q: tn.eval(self._dPsi, self.q, q)
Beispiel #12
from nlsymb import np, sym, matmult, tensor
import nlsymb.tensor as tn

from sympy import Symbol as S, sin, cos

from Cdynamics import WriteDynamics, WriteLinearizations

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # x, u
    x = np.array([S('x1'), S('x2'), S('x3'), S('x4')])  # theta, theta', x, x'
    u = np.array([S('u1')])  # x''

    # constants
    g = S('m_g')
    h = S('h')

    # dynamics
    f = np.array([x[1], (g * sin(x[0]) + cos(x[0]) * u[0]) / h, x[3], u[0]])

    # linearizations
    A = tn.diff(f, x)
    B = tn.diff(f, u)

    # write to file
    WriteDynamics(f, x, u)
    WriteLinearizations(A, B, x, u)