Beispiel #1
def filtering_via_syntactic_and_semantic_information_replace(pert_sent, synonyms):
    """Filter sentences by synonyms and constituency structure for PaInv-Replace.
    Returns a dictionary of original sentence to list of filtered sentences
    stopWords = list(set(stopwords.words('english')))
    syn_dic = {}
    filtered_sent = {}
    stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english")
    lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()

    tokenizer = TreebankWordTokenizer()
    detokenizer = TreebankWordDetokenizer()

    # Run CoreNLPPArser on local host
    eng_parser = CoreNLPParser('http://localhost:9000')

    for original_sentence in list(pert_sent.keys()):
        # Create a dictionary from original sentence to list of filtered sentences
        filtered_sent[original_sentence] = []
        tokens_or = tokenizer.tokenize(original_sentence)
        # Constituency tree of source sentence
        source_tree = [i for i, in eng_parser.raw_parse_sents([original_sentence])]
        # Get lemma of each word of source sentence
        source_lem = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(w, get_wordnet_pos(w)) for w in nltk.word_tokenize(original_sentence)]
        new_sents = pert_sent[original_sentence]
        target_trees_GT = []
        num = 50
        # Generate constituency tree of each generated sentence
        for x in range(int(len(new_sents)/num)):
            target_trees_GT[(x*num):(x*num)+num] = [i for i, in eng_parser.raw_parse_sents(new_sents[(x*num):(x*num)+num])]
        x = int(len(new_sents)/num)
        target_trees_GT[(x*num):] = [i for i, in eng_parser.raw_parse_sents(new_sents[(x*num):])]
        for x in range(len(new_sents)):
            s = new_sents[x]
            target_lem = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(w, get_wordnet_pos(w)) for w in nltk.word_tokenize(s)]
            # If sentence is same as original sentence then filter that
            if s.lower()==original_sentence.lower():
            # If there constituency structure is not same, then filter
            if treeDistance(target_trees_GT[x],source_tree[0]) > 1:
            # If original sentence and generate sentence have same lemma, then filter
            if target_lem == source_lem:
            # Tokens of generated sentence
            tokens_tar = tokenizer.tokenize(s)
            for i in range(len(tokens_or)):
                if tokens_or[i]!=tokens_tar[i]:
                    word1 = tokens_or[i]
                    word2 = tokens_tar[i]
                    word1_stem = stemmer.stem(word1)
                    word2_stem = stemmer.stem(word2)
                    word1_base = WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize(word1,'v')
                    word2_base = WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize(word2,'v')
                    # If original word and predicted word have same stem, then filter
                    if word1_stem==word2_stem:
                    # If they are synonyms of each other, the filter
                    syn1 = synonyms(word1_base)
                    syn2 = synonyms(word2_base)
                    if (word1 in syn2) or (word1_base in syn2) or (word2 in syn1) or (word2_base in syn1):
                    if ((word1 in stopWords) or (word2 in stopWords) or (word1_stem in stopWords)
                        or (word2_stem in stopWords) or (word1_base in stopWords) or (word2_base in stopWords)):
    return filtered_sent
Beispiel #2
# initialize stop words in the source language
stopwordsS = set(stopwords.words('english'))

# get original sentences from file
ori_source_sents = []
with open(input_file) as file:
    for line in file:

# a dictionay of RTIs, each key is a containing RTI, each value is a list of RTIs contained by the key
np_invariantsD = dict()

# parse the original source sentences
ori_source_trees = [
    i for (i, ) in eng_parser.raw_parse_sents(
        ori_source_sents, properties={'ssplit.eolonly': 'true'})

# find RTIs
for t, super_str in zip(ori_source_trees, ori_source_sents):
    FindInvariant(t, super_str, np_invariantsD, stopwordsS, num_word_th)

print('\n invariants constructed\nThere are', len(np_invariantsD),
      'invariants. Filtering')

# Since np sometimes could be nearly identical to the original sentence (i.e., only punctuations different), we filter those duplicate pairs here.
chartosent = dict()
for sent in ori_source_sents:
    sent_no_pun = ''.join(
        sent.translate(str.maketrans('', '',