Beispiel #1
def str_to_dict(s):
    creates dictionary of words and counts
    input:  s string
    output: dictionary {word: count}
    s = s.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
    s = str(s)
    word_dict = {}
    l = re.findall(WORDRE, s)
    for w in l:
        w = w.lower()  # make all letters lowercase

        if w[0] == "'":  # remove single quotes from beginning/
            w = w[1:]  # end of words in l
        elif w[-1] == "'":
            w = w[:-1]

        w = EnglishStemmer().stem(w)  # stems non-noun/verbs
        w = w.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

        if w != '':
            if w not in word_dict:  # build dictionary
                word_dict[w] = 1
                word_dict[w] += 1

    return word_dict
Beispiel #2
def str_to_dict(s):
    creates dictionary of words and counts
    input:  s string
    output: dictionary {word: count}
    s = s.encode('ascii','ignore')
    s = str(s)
    word_dict = {}
    l = re.findall(WORDRE, s)
    for w in l:
        w = w.lower()               # make all letters lowercase 
        if w[0] == "'":             # remove single quotes from beginning/
            w = w[1:]               # end of words in l
        elif w[-1] == "'":
            w = w[:-1]
        w = EnglishStemmer().stem(w)        # stems non-noun/verbs 
        w = w.encode('ascii','ignore')
        if w != '':
            if w not in word_dict:      # build dictionary
                word_dict[w] = 1
                word_dict[w] += 1

    return word_dict