Beispiel #1
bbox = [[-1.,-1.],[7.,6.]]
mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [box,cone],a0=0.4, bounding_box=bbox)

# create mesh_info lists for parts 1&2 combined and for part 2 alone
[mesh_info1, mesh_info2] = viz.separate_parts(mesh_info, listOfParts=[[1,2],[2]])

# generate a VTK dataset for parts 1&2 combined
vtkData, points, simplices,indices, icradii, ccradii = \
         viz.mesh2vtk(mesh_info1, VTKonly=False)
in2circ=viz.findRatios(icradii, ccradii, factor=2)
vtkData=viz.append2vtk(vtkData, in2circ, "in2circ")
vtkData=viz.append2vtk(vtkData, indices, "part indices")
viz.save_vtk(vtkData, "compound_example_1.vtk")

# create VTK data for part 2 alone and apply outer_skin() to it
# request that only cells with two or more points on the surface are shown
mesh_info2 = viz.outer_skin(mesh_info2, condition='>=2')
vtkData2, points2, simplices2, indices2, icradii2, ccradii2 = \
          viz.mesh2vtk(mesh_info2, VTKonly=False)
in2circ2=viz.findRatios(icradii2, ccradii2, factor=2)
vtkData2=viz.append2vtk(vtkData2, in2circ2, "in2circ")
vtkData2=viz.append2vtk(vtkData2, indices2, "part indices")
viz.save_vtk(vtkData2, "compound_example_2.vtk")

cone = nmesh.conic([3.0, 0.0], 1.0, [3.0, 4.0], 0.0)
bbox = [[-2., -2.], [7., 6.]]
rod = 0.4
mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[box, cone], a0=rod, bounding_box=bbox)
mesh_info = mesh.tolists()

# visualise in MayaVi, using the ratio of inradius:circumradius
# as cell_data for a colour scale
mesh_info2 = viz.surface_only(mesh_info)
vtkData, points, simplices, indices, icradii, ccradii = viz.mesh2vtk(
    mesh_info2, VTKonly=False)

# calculate ratio of actual:requested rod_length for surface elements
rod_length2a0 = []
for i in icradii:
    rod_length2a0.append(i / rod)

# append this as a scalar dataset and also the part indices
vtkData = viz.append2vtk(vtkData, rod_length2a0, "actual/requested rod_length")
vtkData = viz.append2vtk(vtkData, indices, "part indices")

# display mesh from file
viz.save_vtk(vtkData, 'temp.vtk')
myv = viz.mesh2mayavi('temp.vtk')

# open the data selection dialog so the user can choose between
# the available scalar datasets.
dvm = myv.get_current_dvm()

# visualise in MayaVi, using the ratio of inradius:circumradius
# as cell_data for a colour scale
mesh_info2 = viz.surface_only(mesh_info)
vtkData, points, simplices, indices, icradii, ccradii=viz.mesh2vtk(mesh_info2, VTKonly=False)

# calculate ratio of actual:requested rod_length for surface elements
for i in icradii:

# append this as a scalar dataset and also the part indices
vtkData=viz.append2vtk(vtkData, rod_length2a0, "actual/requested rod_length")
vtkData=viz.append2vtk(vtkData, indices, "part indices")

# display mesh from file
myv = viz.mesh2mayavi('temp.vtk')

# open the data selection dialog so the user can choose between
# the available scalar datasets.
dvm = myv.get_current_dvm()

Beispiel #4
cone = nmesh.conic([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 1.0, [2.0, 0.0, 0.0], 2.0)
bbox = [[-4.0, -4.0, -4.0], [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]]
mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[cone], bounding_box=bbox)
mesh_info = mesh.tolists()

##add the next line to only look at surface elements
# mesh_info = viz.surface_only(mesh_info)
vtkData, points, simplices, indices, icradii, ccradii = viz.mesh2vtk(mesh_info, VTKonly=False)

# append the point index to each point  -  this will be a scalar field
customScalars = []
for i in range(len(points)):

# append the data to the mesh and visualise it
vtkData = viz.append2vtk(vtkData, customScalars, "point indices", sites="point")
viz.save_vtk(vtkData, "example_for_tf.vtk")
myv = viz.mesh2mayavi("example_for_tf.vtk")

# extensive customisation of MayaVi visualisation
# users are encouraged to use MayaVi GUI for similar operations
dvm = myv.get_current_dvm()  # data-visualisation-manager
mm = dvm.get_current_module_mgr()  # module manager
m0 = mm.get_module(0)  # this is the SurfaceMap (first module)
m1 = myv.load_module("Glyph", 0)

# change SurfaceMap to wireframe, line_width=1.0, no scalar colouring  # .SetRepresentation(1)
Beispiel #5
cone = nmesh.conic([0.0,0.0,0.0],1.0,[2.0,0.0,0.0],2.0)
bbox = [[-4.,-4.,-4.0],[4.,4.,4.]]
mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [cone], bounding_box=bbox)

##add the next line to only look at surface elements
#mesh_info = viz.surface_only(mesh_info)
vtkData, points, simplices, indices, icradii, ccradii=viz.mesh2vtk(mesh_info, VTKonly=False)

# append the point index to each point  -  this will be a scalar field
customScalars = []
for i in range(len(points)):
# append the data to the mesh and visualise it
vtkData=viz.append2vtk(vtkData, customScalars, "point indices", sites='point')
viz.save_vtk(vtkData, "example_for_tf.vtk")
myv = viz.mesh2mayavi("example_for_tf.vtk")

# extensive customisation of MayaVi visualisation
# users are encouraged to use MayaVi GUI for similar operations
dvm = myv.get_current_dvm()        # data-visualisation-manager
mm = dvm.get_current_module_mgr()  # module manager
m0 = mm.get_module(0)              # this is the SurfaceMap (first module)
m1 = myv.load_module('Glyph',0)

# change SurfaceMap to wireframe, line_width=1.0, no scalar colouring #.SetRepresentation(1)