def test_random_crop_forward_backward(seed, inshape, shape, ctx, func_name):
    from nbla_test_utils import function_tester
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    inputs = [rng.randn(*inshape).astype(np.float32)]
    i = nn.Variable(inputs[0].shape, need_grad=True)
    i.d = inputs[0]
    # NNabla forward
    with nn.context_scope(ctx), nn.auto_forward():
        o = F.random_crop(i, shape, 0, seed)
    if shape is not None:
        max_correl = 0
        possible_crop_range = [
            input - output for output, input in zip(shape, inshape)
        for crop_pos in itertools.product(*map(
                map(lambda x: range(*x), [(0, r + 1)
                                          for r in possible_crop_range]))):
            r = inputs[0][crop_pos[0]:crop_pos[0] + shape[0],
                          crop_pos[1]:crop_pos[1] + shape[1],
                          crop_pos[2]:crop_pos[2] + shape[2]]
            assert (o.d.shape == r.shape)
            correl_and_p = pearsonr(o.d.flatten(), r.flatten())
            if correl_and_p[0] > max_correl:
                max_correl = correl_and_p[0]
        max_correl = pearsonr(o.d.flatten(), inputs[0].flatten())[0]

    assert (max_correl == 1.0)

    assert == func_name

    # Skipping Backward check
    g = np.random.randn(*i.shape)
    i.g = g
    o_grad = np.random.randn(*o.shape)
    o.g = o_grad
    o.parent.backward([i], [o])
    ref_grad = i.g.copy() - g

    # Check accum=False with NaN gradient
    i.g = np.float32('nan')
    o.parent.backward([i], [o], [False])
    assert not np.any(np.isnan(i.g))

    # Check if accum option works
    i.g[...] = 1
    o.g = o_grad
    o.parent.backward([i], [o], [False])
    assert np.allclose(i.g, ref_grad, atol=1e-6)

    # Check if need_grad works
    i.g[...] = 0
    i.need_grad = False
    o_diff = rng.randn(*o.shape).astype(i.d.dtype)
    assert np.all(i.g == 0)
Beispiel #2
def construct_networks(args, ops, arch_dict, image, test):
        Construct a network by stacking cells.
            args: arguments set by user.
            ops: operations used in the network.
            arch_dict: a dictionary containing architecture information.
            image: Variable. Input images.
            test: bool. True if the network is for validation.

    num_of_cells = args.num_cells
    initial_output_filter = args.output_filter + args.additional_filters_on_retrain

    num_class = 10
    aux_logits = None

    if not test:
        image = F.random_crop(F.pad(image, (4, 4, 4, 4)), shape=(image.shape))
        image = F.image_augmentation(image, flip_lr=True)
        image.need_grad = False
    x = image

    with nn.parameter_scope("stem_conv1"):
        stem_1 = PF.convolution(x,
                                initial_output_filter, (3, 3), (1, 1),
        stem_1 = PF.batch_normalization(stem_1, batch_stat=not test)

    cell_prev, cell_prev_prev = stem_1, stem_1
    output_filter = initial_output_filter
    is_reduced_curr, is_reduced_prev = False, False

    for i in range(num_of_cells):
        if i in [num_of_cells // 3, 2 * num_of_cells // 3]:
            output_filter = 2 * output_filter
            is_reduced_curr = True
            is_reduced_curr = False
        y, is_reduced_curr, is_reduced_prev, output_filter = \
            constructing_learned_cell(args, ops, arch_dict, i,
                                      cell_prev_prev, cell_prev, output_filter,
                                      is_reduced_curr, is_reduced_prev, test)

        if i == 2 * num_of_cells // 3 and args.auxiliary and not test:
            print("Using Aux Tower after cell_{}".format(i))
            aux_logits = construct_aux_head(y, num_class)

        cell_prev, cell_prev_prev = y, cell_prev  # shifting

    y = F.average_pooling(y, y.shape[2:])  # works as global average pooling

    with nn.parameter_scope("fc"):
        pred = PF.affine(y, num_class, with_bias=True)

    return pred, aux_logits
Beispiel #3
def test_random_crop_forward_backward(seed, inshape, shape, ctx, func_name):
    from nbla_test_utils import function_tester
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    inputs = [rng.randn(*inshape).astype(np.float32)]
    i = nn.Variable(inputs[0].shape, need_grad=True)
    i.d = inputs[0]
    # NNabla forward
    with nn.context_scope(ctx), nn.auto_forward():
        o = F.random_crop(i, shape, 0, seed)
    if shape is not None:
        max_correl = 0
        possible_crop_range = [
            input - output for output, input in zip(shape, inshape)]
        for crop_pos in itertools.product(*map(tuple, map(lambda x: range(*x), [(0, r + 1) for r in possible_crop_range]))):
            r = inputs[0][crop_pos[0]:crop_pos[0] + shape[0], crop_pos[1]:crop_pos[1] + shape[1], crop_pos[2]:crop_pos[2] + shape[2]]
            assert(o.d.shape == r.shape)
            correl_and_p = pearsonr(o.d.flatten(), r.flatten())
            if correl_and_p[0] > max_correl:
                max_correl = correl_and_p[0]
        max_correl = pearsonr(o.d.flatten(), inputs[0].flatten())[0]

    assert(max_correl == 1.0)

    assert == func_name

    # Skipping Backward check
    g = np.random.randn(*i.shape)
    i.g = g
    o_grad = np.random.randn(*o.shape)
    o.g = o_grad
    o.parent.backward([i], [o])
    ref_grad = i.g.copy() - g

    # Check accum=False with NaN gradient
    i.g = np.float32('nan')
    o.parent.backward([i], [o], [False])
    assert not np.any(np.isnan(i.g))

    # Check if accum option works
    i.g[...] = 1
    o.g = o_grad
    o.parent.backward([i], [o], [False])
    assert np.allclose(i.g, ref_grad, atol=1e-6)

    # Check if need_grad works
    i.g[...] = 0
    i.need_grad = False
    o_diff = rng.randn(*o.shape).astype(i.d.dtype)
    assert np.all(i.g == 0)
Beispiel #4
def image_augmentation(args, img, seg):
    imgseg = F.concatenate(img, seg, axis=1)
    imgseg = F.random_crop(imgseg, shape=(args.fineSizeH, args.fineSizeW))
    if not args.no_flip:
        imgseg = F.random_flip(imgseg, axes=(3, ))
    return imgseg
Beispiel #5
def random_jitter(wave, max_jitter_steps):
    r"""Temporal jitter."""
    shape = wave.shape
    wave = F.pad(wave, (0, 0, max_jitter_steps, max_jitter_steps))
    wave = F.random_crop(wave, shape=shape)
    return wave
Beispiel #6
 def __call__(self, input):
     if self._pad_width is not None:
         input = F.pad(input, self._pad_width)
     return F.random_crop(input, shape=self._shape)