Beispiel #1
    def set_types(self, syn_type, nodes=None, fraction=None):
        Set the synaptic/connection types.

        .. warning ::
            The special "type" attribute cannot be modified when using graphs
            that inherit from the :class:`~nngt.Network` class. This is because
            for biological networks, neurons make only one kind of synapse,
            which is determined by the :class:`nngt.core.NeuralGroup` they
            belong to.

        syn_type : int or string
            Type of the connection among 'excitatory' (also `1`) or
            'inhibitory' (also `-1`).
        nodes : int, float or list, optional (default: `None`)
            If `nodes` is an int, number of nodes of the required type that
            will be created in the graph (all connections from inhibitory nodes
            are inhibitory); if it is a float, ratio of `syn_type` nodes in the
            graph; if it is a list, ids of the `syn_type` nodes.
        fraction : float, optional (default: `None`)
            Fraction of the selected edges that will be set as `syn_type` (if
            `nodes` is not `None`, it is the fraction of the specified nodes'
            edges, otherwise it is the fraction of all edges in the graph).

        t_list : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            List of the types in an order that matches the `edges` attribute of
            the graph.
        inhib_nodes = nodes
        if syn_type == 'excitatory' or syn_type == 1:
            if issubclass(nodes.__class__, int):
                inhib_nodes = graph.node_nb() - nodes
            elif issubclass(nodes.__class__, float):
                inhib_nodes = 1./nodes
            elif hasattr(nodes, '__iter__'):
                inhib_nodes = list(range(graph.node_nb()))
                for node in nodes[::-1]:
                    del inhib_nodes[node]
        return Connections.types(self, inhib_nodes, fraction)