Beispiel #1
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, wav_path, text):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out,
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
    # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

    # zero pad for quantized signal
    out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

    timesteps = len(out)

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    audio_filename = 'ljspeech-audio-%05d.npy' % index
    mel_filename = 'ljspeech-mel-%05d.npy' % index
    #, audio_filename),
    #         out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False)
    #, mel_filename),
    #         mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False)

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (audio_filename, mel_filename, timesteps, text)
def _process_utterance(out_dir, wav_path):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out,
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T

    return mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32)
Beispiel #3
def _extract_mel(wav_path):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array. Resampled if needed.
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out,
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
    # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
    # this is needed to adjast time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

    # zero pad for quantized signal
    out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjastment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0
    assert len(out) // N == audio.get_hop_size()

    timesteps = len(out)

    return out, mel_spectrogram, timesteps, out_dtype
Beispiel #4
def test_mulaw():
    # Check corner cases
    assert P.mulaw_quantize(-1.0, 2) == 0
    assert P.mulaw_quantize(-0.5, 2) == 0
    assert P.mulaw_quantize(-0.001, 2) == 0
    assert P.mulaw_quantize(0.0, 2) == 1
    assert P.mulaw_quantize(0.0001, 2) == 1
    assert P.mulaw_quantize(0.5, 2) == 1
    assert P.mulaw_quantize(0.99999, 2) == 1
    assert P.mulaw_quantize(1.0, 2) == 2

    # forward/backward correctness
    for mu in [128, 256, 512]:
        for x in np.random.rand(100):
            y = P.mulaw(x, mu)
            assert y >= 0 and y <= 1
            x_hat = P.inv_mulaw(y, mu)
            assert np.allclose(x, x_hat)

    # forward/backward correctness for quantize
    for mu in [128, 256, 512]:
        for x, y in [(-1.0, 0), (0.0, mu // 2), (0.99999, mu - 1)]:
            y_hat = P.mulaw_quantize(x, mu)
            err = np.abs(x - P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_hat, mu))
            print(y, y_hat, err)
            assert np.allclose(y, y_hat)
            # have small quantize error
            assert err <= 0.1

    # ndarray input
    for mu in [128, 256, 512]:
        x = np.random.rand(10)
        y = P.mulaw(x, mu)
        x_hat = P.inv_mulaw(y, mu)
        assert np.allclose(x, x_hat)

    # torch array input
    from warnings import warn
    import torch
    for mu in [128, 256, 512]:
        x = torch.rand(10)
        y = P.mulaw(x, mu)
        x_hat = P.inv_mulaw(y, mu)
        assert np.allclose(x, x_hat)
Beispiel #5
def _process_utterance_single(out_dir, text, wav_path, hparams=hparams):
    # modified version of LJSpeech _process_utterance
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)
    sr = hparams.sample_rate
    # Added from the multispeaker version
    lab_path = wav_path.replace("wav48/", "lab/").replace(".wav", ".lab")
    if not exists(lab_path):
        lab_path = os.path.splitext(wav_path)[0]+'.lab'

    # Trim silence from hts labels if available
    if exists(lab_path):
        labels = hts.load(lab_path)
        wav = clean_by_phoneme(labels, wav, sr)
        wav, _ = librosa.effects.trim(wav, top_db=25)
        if hparams.process_only_htk_aligned:
            return None
        wav, _ = librosa.effects.trim(wav, top_db=15)
    # End added from the multispeaker version
    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max
    if hparams.max_audio_length != 0 and librosa.core.get_duration(y=wav, sr=sr) > hparams.max_audio_length:
        return None
    if hparams.min_audio_length != 0 and librosa.core.get_duration(y=wav, sr=sr) < hparams.min_audio_length:
        return None
        # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
    # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())
    # zero pad for quantized signal
    out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()
    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0
    timesteps = len(out)
    # Write the spectrograms to disk: 
    # Get filename from wav_path
    wav_name = os.path.basename(wav_path)
    wav_name = os.path.splitext(wav_name)[0]
    out_filename = 'audio-{}.npy'.format(wav_name)
    mel_filename = 'mel-{}.npy'.format(wav_name), out_filename), out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False), mel_filename), mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False)

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (out_filename, mel_filename, timesteps, text)
Beispiel #6
def _process_utterance(wav_path, out_dir):
    fname = wav_path.split(os.sep)[-1].split(".")[0]
    audio_filename = '{}_resolved.npy'.format(fname)
    mel_filename = '{}_mel.npy'.format(fname)
    apth = os.path.join(out_dir, audio_filename)
    mpth = os.path.join(out_dir, mel_filename)
    if os.path.exists(apth) and os.path.exists(mpth):
        print("File {} already processed".format(wav_path))

    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
    # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

    # zero pad for quantized signal
    out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

    timesteps = len(out)

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:,
            out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False),
            mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False)
def _process_utterance(out_dir,wav_path,sp2ind_dir,text):
    sp_f = open(sp2ind_dir,'r')
    sp2ind = json.load(sp_f)
    sp = wav_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[0]
    if sp in sp2ind:
        sp_ind = sp2ind[sp]
        sp_ind = -1
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)
    if not 'test' in wav_path:
        wav,_ = librosa.effects.trim(wav,top_db=60,frame_length=2048,hop_length=512)

    if hparams.highpass_cutoff > 0.0:
        wav = audio.low_cut_filter(wav, hparams.sample_rate, hparams.highpass_cutoff)

    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # Trim silences in mul-aw quantized domain
        silence_threshold = 0
        if silence_threshold > 0:
            # [0, quantize_channels)
            out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
            start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, silence_threshold)
            wav = wav[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.logmelspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
    mfcc = audio.mfcc(wav).astype(np.float32).T
    if hparams.global_gain_scale > 0:
        wav *= hparams.global_gain_scale

    # Time domain preprocessing
    if hparams.preprocess is not None and hparams.preprocess not in ["", "none"]:
        f = getattr(audio, hparams.preprocess)
        wav = f(wav)

    # Clip
    if np.abs(wav).max() > 1.0:
        print("""Warning: abs max value exceeds 1.0: {}""".format(np.abs(wav).max()))
        # ignore this sample
        #return ("dummy", "dummy","dummy", -1,-1, "dummy")

    wav = np.clip(wav, -1.0, 1.0)

    # Set waveform target (out)
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out = wav

    # zero pad
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.pad_lr(out, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())
    if l > 0 or r > 0:
        out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    #name = splitext(basename(wav_path))[0]
    #audio_filename = '%s-wave.npy' % (name)
    #mel_filename = '%s-feats.npy' % (name)
    audio_filename = f'{out_dir}wave.npy'
    mel_filename = f'{out_dir}mel.npy'
    mfcc_filename = f'{out_dir}mfcc.npy'
    assert mfcc.shape[0] == N,
            out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False),
            mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False),
            mfcc.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False)

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (out_dir, N, sp_ind,text)
Beispiel #8
def _process_song(out_dir, index, wav_path, text):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)
    # Trim begin/end silences
    # NOTE: the threshold was chosen for clean signals
    wav, _ = librosa.effects.trim(wav,

    if hparams.highpass_cutoff > 0.0:
        wav = audio.low_cut_filter(wav, hparams.sample_rate,

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # Trim silences in mul-aw quantized domain
        silence_threshold = 0
        if silence_threshold > 0:
            # [0, quantize_channels)
            out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
            start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, silence_threshold)
            wav = wav[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    #### CLAIRE Work here
    wav_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(wav_path))[0]
    os.makedirs('./pwavs', exist_ok=True)
    pwav_path = './pwavs/{0}.wav'.format(wav_name), 16000, wav)
    # make the chord directory if it does not exist
    chord_dir = "chord_dir"
    os.makedirs(chord_dir, exist_ok=True)

    # create xml file with notes and timestamps
    #subprocess.check_call(['./', wav_path, chord_dir], shell=True)
    #os.system('./ {0} {1}'.format(pwav_path, chord_dir))
    os.system('./ {0} {1} > /dev/null 2>&1'.format(
        pwav_path, chord_dir))

    note_filename = '{0}/{1}.csv'.format(chord_dir, wav_name)

    #### Instead of computing the Mel Spectrogram, here return a time series of one hot encoded chords.
    # vector with 1 in row for each note played
    # 1000 samples per second
    note_samples = int(len(wav) / 2048)
    # 12 notes per octave
    chords_time_series = np.zeros((24, note_samples))


    with open(note_filename, newline='\n') as csvfile:
        #chordreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimeter=',')
        chordreader = csvfile.readlines()
        for idx, row in enumerate(chordreader):
            row = row.split(",")
            chromogram_samples = np.array(row).astype(np.float)[1:]
            chords_time_series[:, idx] = chromogram_samples
    chords_time_series = chords_time_series.T

    # if hparams.global_gain_scale > 0:
    #     wav *= hparams.global_gain_scale

    # Time domain preprocessing
    if hparams.preprocess is not None and hparams.preprocess not in [
            "", "none"
        f = getattr(audio, hparams.preprocess)
        wav = f(wav)

    # wav = np.clip(wav, -1.0, 1.0)

    # Set waveform target (out)
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out = wav

    # zero pad
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.pad_lr(out, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())
    if l > 0 or r > 0:
        out = np.pad(out, (l, r),
    N = chords_time_series.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    name = splitext(basename(wav_path))[0]
    audio_filename = '%s-wave.npy' % (name)
    chords_filename = '%s-feats.npy' % (name), audio_filename),
            allow_pickle=False), chords_filename),

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (audio_filename, chords_filename, N, text)
Beispiel #9
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, speaker_id, wav_path, text):
    sr = hparams.sample_rate

    # Load the audio to a numpy array. Resampled if needed
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    lab_path = wav_path.replace("wav/", "lab/").replace(".wav", ".lab")

    # Trim silence from hts labels if available
    # TODO
    if exists(lab_path) and False:
        labels = hts.load(lab_path)
        b = int(start_at(labels) * 1e-7 * sr)
        e = int(end_at(labels) * 1e-7 * sr)
        wav = wav[b:e]
        wav, _ = librosa.effects.trim(wav, top_db=20)
        wav, _ = librosa.effects.trim(wav, top_db=20)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
    # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

    # zero pad for quantized signal
    out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

    timesteps = len(out)

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    audio_filename = 'cmu_arctic-audio-%05d.npy' % index
    mel_filename = 'cmu_arctic-mel-%05d.npy' % index, audio_filename),
            out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False), mel_filename),
            mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False)

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (audio_filename, mel_filename, timesteps, text, speaker_id)
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, speaker_id, wav_path, text):
    sr = hparams.sample_rate

    # Load the audio to a numpy array. Resampled if needed
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    #print("Wavepath is ", wav_path)
    filename = wav_path.split('/wav/')[-1].split('.wav')[0]
    fname = filename
    filename = ccoeffs_feats_path + '/' + filename + '.mcep'
    mel_spectrogram = np.loadtxt(filename)
    #print("Shape of mel scptrogram is ", mel_spectrogram.shape)
    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    #mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
    # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    #l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

    # zero pad for quantized signal
    #out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    #out = ensure_divisible(out, N)
    #print("Length of out: ", len(out), "N ", N)

    #print("Out and N: ", len(out), N)
    #if len(out) < N * audio.get_hop_size():
        #print("Out and N: ", filename, len(out), N, N * audio.get_hop_size())   
    #    sys.exit()
    #assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()
    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    #out = out[:N * 80]
    #out = ensure_divisible(out, N)
    g = open('logfile','a')
    g.write("Processing " + fname + '\n')
    out,mel_spectrogram = ensure_frameperiod(out,mel_spectrogram)
    #out = ensure_divisible(out, audio.get_hop_size())
    #assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0
    #assert len(out) % N == 0
    timesteps = len(out)
    g = open('logfile','a')
    g.write(fname + ' ' + str(len(out)) + ' ' + str(N) + ' ' + str(len(out) % N) + '\n')

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    audio_filename = fname + '-audio-%05d.npy' % index
    mel_filename = fname + '-mel-%05d.npy' % index, audio_filename),
            out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False), mel_filename),
            mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False)

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (audio_filename, mel_filename, timesteps, text, speaker_id)
Beispiel #11
def eval_model(hparams, global_step, model, x, y, c, g, input_lengths,
    Function for model evaluation. This function is used for debugging in this project.

    idx = np.random.randint(0, len(y))
    length = input_lengths.asnumpy()[idx]
    y_target = np.reshape(y.asnumpy()[idx], (-1))
    y_target = y_target[:length]

    if c is not None:
        expand_op = P.ExpandDims()
        if hparams.upsample_conditional_features:
            c = expand_op(
                c[idx, :, :int(length // audio.get_hop_size() +
                               hparams.cin_pad * 2)], 0)
            c = expand_op(c[idx, :, :length], 0)
        assert c.dim() == 3
        print("Shape of local conditioning features: {}".format(c.size()))

    if g is not None:
        g = g[idx]
        print("Shape of global conditioning features: {}".format(g.size()))

    # Dummy silence
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        initial_value = P1.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        initial_value = P1.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        initial_value = 0.0

    # (C,)
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        initial_input = to_categorical(
        initial_input = Tensor(
            np.reshape(initial_input, (1, 1, hparams.quantize_channels)))

        initial_input = np.ones((1, 1, 1)) * initial_value
        initial_input = Tensor(initial_input)

    # Run the model in fast eval mode
    y_hat = model.incremental_forward(initial_input,

    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        y_hat = np.reshape(np.argmax(y_hat, 1), (-1))
        y_hat = P1.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_hat, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        y_target = P1.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_target,
                                         hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        y_hat = P1.inv_mulaw(np.reshape(y_hat, (-1)),
        y_target = P1.inv_mulaw(y_target, hparams.quantize_channels)
        y_hat = np.reshape(y_hat, (-1))

    # Save audio
    os.makedirs(eval_dir, exist_ok=True)
    path = os.path.join(eval_dir,
    librosa.output.write_wav(path, y_hat, sr=hparams.sample_rate)

    path = os.path.join(eval_dir, "step{:09d}_target.wav".format(global_step))
    librosa.output.write_wav(path, y_target, sr=hparams.sample_rate)

    # Save figure
    path = os.path.join(eval_dir,
    save_waveplot(path, y_hat, y_target, hparams.sample_rate)
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, wav_path, text):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    # Trim begin/end silences
    # NOTE: the threshold was chosen for clean signals
    #wav, _ = librosa.effects.trim(wav, top_db=60, frame_length=2048, hop_length=512)

    #if hparams.highpass_cutoff > 0.0:
    #    wav = audio.low_cut_filter(wav, hparams.sample_rate, hparams.highpass_cutoff)

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # Trim silences in mul-aw quantized domain
        silence_threshold = 0
        #if silence_threshold > 0:
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        #    out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        #    start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, silence_threshold)
        #    wav = wav[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.logmelspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T

    if hparams.global_gain_scale > 0:
        wav *= hparams.global_gain_scale

    # Time domain preprocessing
    if hparams.preprocess is not None and hparams.preprocess not in [
            "", "none"
        f = getattr(audio, hparams.preprocess)
        wav = f(wav)

    # Clip
    if np.abs(wav).max() > 1.0:
        print("""Warning: abs max value exceeds 1.0: {}""".format(
        # ignore this sample
        return ("dummy", "dummy", -1, "dummy")

    wav = np.clip(wav, -1.0, 1.0)

    # Set waveform target (out)
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out = wav

    # zero pad
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.pad_lr(out, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())
    if l > 0 or r > 0:
        out = np.pad(out, (l, r),
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]

    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    name = splitext(basename(wav_path))[0]
    audio_filename = '%s-wave.npy' % (name)
    mel_filename = '%s-feats.npy' % (name)
    spectrogram = '%s-img.png' % (name)

    from PIL import Image, audio_filename),
            allow_pickle=False), mel_filename),

    print("mel_max: " + str(np.max(mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32))))
    print("mel_min: " + str(np.min(mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32))))
    print("mel_shape: " + str(mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32).shape))
    #Save as image
    img = audio.mel2png(mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32))
    #print("Shape of img before save : " + str(img.shape))

    spec_path = os.path.join(out_dir, spectrogram)
    # save as PNG
    io.imsave(spec_path, img, check_contrast=False)
    #Image.fromarray(img).save(os.path.join(out_dir, spectrogram))
    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    mel_back = audio.png2mel(io.imread(spec_path))
    #print("Shape of image after save: " + str(mel_back.shape))
    #print("Subtraction: " + str(mel_back - mel_spectrogram))
    return (audio_filename, mel_filename, N, text)
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, speaker_id, wav_path, lab_path,
                       binary_dict, continuous_dict, text):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array. Resampled if needed
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    # determine sessionID and uttID
    wavbn = os.path.basename(wav_path)
    uttID = os.path.splitext(wavbn)[0]

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # time-aligned context
    if hparams.frame_shift_ms is None:
        frame_shift_in_micro_sec = (hparams.hop_size *
                                    10000000) // hparams.sample_rate
        frame_shift_in_micro_sec = hparams.frame_shift_ms * 10000
    labels = hts.HTSLabelFile(frame_shift_in_micro_sec)
    linguistic_features = fe.linguistic_features(

    Nwav = len(out) // audio.get_hop_size()
    out = out[:Nwav * audio.get_hop_size()]

    timesteps = len(out)

    context = linguistic_features

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    audio_filename = 'audio-' + uttID + '.npy'
    context_filename = 'context-' + uttID + '.npy', audio_filename),
            allow_pickle=False), context_filename),

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (audio_filename, context_filename, timesteps, text, speaker_id)
Beispiel #14
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, audio_filepath, text):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav_whole = audio.load_wav(audio_filepath)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav_whole = wav_whole / np.abs(wav_whole).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # This is a librivox source, so the audio files are going to be v. long
    # compared to a typical 'utterance' : So split the wav into chunks

    tup_results = []

    n_samples = int(8.0 * hparams.sample_rate)  # All 8 second utterances
    n_chunks = wav_whole.shape[0] // n_samples

    for chunk_idx in range(n_chunks):
        chunk_start, chunk_end = chunk_idx * \
            n_samples, (chunk_idx + 1) * n_samples
        if chunk_idx == n_chunks - 1:
            # This is the last chunk - allow it
            # to extend to the end of the file
            chunk_end = None
        wav = wav_whole[chunk_start:chunk_end]

        # Mu-law quantize
        if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
            # [0, quantize_channels)
            out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

            # Trim silences
            start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out,
            wav = wav[start:end]
            out = out[start:end]
            constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
            out_dtype = np.int16
        elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
            # [-1, 1]
            out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
            constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
            out_dtype = np.float32
            # [-1, 1]
            out = wav
            constant_values = 0.0
            out_dtype = np.float32

        # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
        # (N, D)
        mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
        # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
        # this is needed to adjust time resolution
        # between audio and mel-spectrogram
        l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

        # zero pad for quantized signal
        out = np.pad(out, (l, r),
        N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
        assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

        # time resolution adjustment
        # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
        # transposed convolution to upsample
        out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
        assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

        timesteps = len(out)

        # Write the spectrograms to disk:
        audio_filename = 'librivox-audio-%04d-%05d.npy' % (
        mel_filename = 'librivox-mel-%04d-%05d.npy' % (
        text_idx = '%s - %05d' % (
        ), audio_filename),
                allow_pickle=False), mel_filename),

        # Add results tuple describing this training example:
        tup_results.append((audio_filename, mel_filename, timesteps, text_idx))

    # Return all the audio results tuples (unpack in caller)
    return tup_results
Beispiel #15
def eval_model(global_step, writer, device, model, y, c, g, input_lengths, eval_dir, ema=None):
    if ema is not None:
        print("Using averaged model for evaluation")
        model = clone_as_averaged_model(device, model, ema)

    #pick one of the available waves to try to emulate
    idx = np.random.randint(0, len(y))
    length = input_lengths[idx].data.cpu().item()
    # (T,)
    y_target = y[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()[:length]

    if c is not None:
        if hparams.upsample_conditional_features:
            c = c[idx, :, :length // audio.get_hop_size()].unsqueeze(0)
            c = c[idx, :, :length].unsqueeze(0)
        assert c.dim() == 3
        print("Shape of local conditioning features: {}".format(c.size()))
    if g is not None:
        # TODO: test
        g = g[idx]
        print("Shape of global conditioning features: {}".format(g.size()))

    # Dummy silence
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        initial_value = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        initial_value = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        #initial_value = 0.0
        initial_value = float(y_target[0])
    #TODO change initial value to first value of actual waveform instead of zero?? <MLK, 10/19>
    print("Intial value:", initial_value)

    # (C,)
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        initial_input = np_utils.to_categorical(
            initial_value, num_classes=hparams.quantize_channels).astype(np.float32)
        initial_input = torch.from_numpy(initial_input).view(
            1, 1, hparams.quantize_channels)
        initial_input = torch.zeros(1, 1, 1).fill_(initial_value)
    initial_input =

    # Run the model in fast eval mode
    with torch.no_grad():
        y_hat = model.incremental_forward(
            initial_input, c=c, g=g, T=length, softmax=True, quantize=True, tqdm=tqdm,

    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        y_hat = y_hat.max(1)[1].view(-1).long().cpu().data.numpy()
        y_hat = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_hat, hparams.quantize_channels)
        y_target = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_target, hparams.quantize_channels)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        y_hat = P.inv_mulaw(y_hat.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy(), hparams.quantize_channels)
        y_target = P.inv_mulaw(y_target, hparams.quantize_channels)
        y_hat = y_hat.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy()

    # Save audio
    os.makedirs(eval_dir, exist_ok=True)
    path = join(eval_dir, "step_noncausal_{:09d}_predicted.npy".format(global_step)), y_hat)
    path = join(eval_dir, "step_noncausal_{:09d}_target.npy".format(global_step)), y_target)

    # save figure
    path = join(eval_dir, "step_noncausal_{:09d}_waveplots.png".format(global_step))
    save_waveplot(path, y_hat, y_target)
Beispiel #16
def eval_model(global_step,
    if ema is not None:
        print("Using averaged model for evaluation")
        model = clone_as_averaged_model(model, ema)

    idx = np.random.randint(0, len(y))
    length = input_lengths[idx].data.cpu().numpy()[0]

    # (T,)
    y_target = y[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()[:length]

    if c is not None:
        c = c[idx, :, :length].unsqueeze(0)
        assert c.dim() == 3
        print("Shape of local conditioning features: {}".format(c.size()))
    if g is not None:
        # TODO: test
        g = g[idx]
        print("Shape of global conditioning features: {}".format(g.size()))

    # Dummy silence
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        initial_value = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        initial_value = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        initial_value = 0.0
    print("Intial value:", initial_value)

    # (C,)
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        initial_input = np_utils.to_categorical(
        initial_input = Variable(torch.from_numpy(initial_input)).view(
            1, 1, hparams.quantize_channels)
        initial_input = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 1, 1).fill_(initial_value))
    initial_input = initial_input.cuda() if use_cuda else initial_input

    # Run the model in fast eval mode
    y_hat = model.incremental_forward(initial_input,

    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        y_hat = y_hat.max(1)[1].view(-1).long().cpu().data.numpy()
        y_hat = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_hat, hparams.quantize_channels)
        y_target = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_target, hparams.quantize_channels)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        y_hat = P.inv_mulaw(
            y_hat.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy(), hparams.quantize_channels)
        y_target = P.inv_mulaw(y_target, hparams.quantize_channels)
        y_hat = y_hat.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy()

    # Save audio
    os.makedirs(eval_dir, exist_ok=True)
    path = join(eval_dir, "step{:09d}_predicted.wav".format(global_step))
    librosa.output.write_wav(path, y_hat, sr=hparams.sample_rate)
    path = join(eval_dir, "step{:09d}_target.wav".format(global_step))
    librosa.output.write_wav(path, y_target, sr=hparams.sample_rate)

    # save figure
    path = join(eval_dir, "step{:09d}_waveplots.png".format(global_step))
    save_waveplot(path, y_hat, y_target)
Beispiel #17
def eval_model(global_step, writer, device, model, y, c, g, input_lengths, eval_dir, ema=None):
    if ema is not None:
        print("Using averaged model for evaluation")
        model = clone_as_averaged_model(device, model, ema)

    idx = np.random.randint(0, len(y))
    length = input_lengths[idx].data.cpu().item()

    # (T,)
    y_target = y[idx].view(-1).data.cpu().numpy()[:length]

    if c is not None:
        if hparams.upsample_conditional_features:
            c = c[idx, :, :length // audio.get_hop_size() + hparams.cin_pad * 2].unsqueeze(0)
            c = c[idx, :, :length].unsqueeze(0)
        assert c.dim() == 3
        print("Shape of local conditioning features: {}".format(c.size()))
    if g is not None:
        # TODO: test
        g = g[idx]
        print("Shape of global conditioning features: {}".format(g.size()))

    # Dummy silence
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        initial_value = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        initial_value = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        initial_value = 0.0

    # (C,)
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        initial_input = to_categorical(
            initial_value, num_classes=hparams.quantize_channels).astype(np.float32)
        initial_input = torch.from_numpy(initial_input).view(
            1, 1, hparams.quantize_channels)
        initial_input = torch.zeros(1, 1, 1).fill_(initial_value)
    initial_input =

    # Run the model in fast eval mode
    with torch.no_grad():
        y_hat = model.incremental_forward(
            initial_input, c=c, g=g, T=length, softmax=True, quantize=True, tqdm=tqdm,

    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        y_hat = y_hat.max(1)[1].view(-1).long().cpu().data.numpy()
        y_hat = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_hat, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        y_target = P.inv_mulaw_quantize(y_target, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        y_hat = P.inv_mulaw(y_hat.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy(), hparams.quantize_channels)
        y_target = P.inv_mulaw(y_target, hparams.quantize_channels)
        y_hat = y_hat.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy()

    # Save audio
    os.makedirs(eval_dir, exist_ok=True)
    path = join(eval_dir, "step{:09d}_predicted.wav".format(global_step))
    librosa.output.write_wav(path, y_hat, sr=hparams.sample_rate)
    path = join(eval_dir, "step{:09d}_target.wav".format(global_step))
    librosa.output.write_wav(path, y_target, sr=hparams.sample_rate)

    # save figure
    path = join(eval_dir, "step{:09d}_waveplots.png".format(global_step))
    save_waveplot(path, y_hat, y_target)

    # add audio and figures to tensorboard
    writer.add_audio('target_audio', y_target, global_step, hparams.sample_rate)
    writer.add_audio('generated_audio', y_hat, global_step, hparams.sample_rate)
Beispiel #18
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, wav_path, text, trim_silence=False):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:

    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    # Trim begin/end silences
    # NOTE: the threshold was chosen for clean signals
    # TODO: Remove, get this out of here.
    if trim_silence:
        wav, _ = librosa.effects.trim(wav,

    if hparams.highpass_cutoff > 0.0:
        wav = audio.low_cut_filter(wav, hparams.sample_rate,

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # Trim silences in mul-aw quantized domain
        silence_threshold = 0
        if silence_threshold > 0:
            # [0, quantize_channels)
            out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
            start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, silence_threshold)
            wav = wav[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.logmelspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T

    if hparams.global_gain_scale > 0:
        wav *= hparams.global_gain_scale

    # Time domain preprocessing
    if hparams.preprocess is not None and hparams.preprocess not in [
            "", "none"
        f = getattr(audio, hparams.preprocess)
        wav = f(wav)

    # Clip
    if np.abs(wav).max() > 1.0:
        print("""Warning: abs max value exceeds 1.0: {}""".format(
        # ignore this sample
        return ("dummy", "dummy", -1, "dummy")

    wav = np.clip(wav, -1.0, 1.0)

    # Set waveform target (out)
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels - 1)
        out = wav

    # zero pad
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.pad_lr(out, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())
    if l > 0 or r > 0:
        out = np.pad(out, (l, r),
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

    assert_ready_for_upsampling(out, mel_spectrogram, cin_pad=0, debug=True)

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    name = splitext(basename(wav_path))[0]
    audio_filename = "%s-wave.npy" % (name)
    mel_filename = "%s-feats.npy" % (name), audio_filename),
        os.path.join(out_dir, mel_filename),

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (audio_filename, mel_filename, N, text)
Beispiel #19
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, wav_path, text, sample_rate, fft_size,
                       hop_size, n_mels, redis_connection):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav = load_wav(wav_path)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    # this really gets called if input_type in hparams
    # is changed from raw to mulaw
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    # mel_spectrogram =
    # audio.melspectrogram(wav, 22050, 1024, 40).astype(np.float32).T
    # change this line to adjust hyperparams
    mel_spectrogram = melspectrogram(wav, sample_rate, fft_size, hop_size,
    # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution
    # between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = lws_pad_lr(wav, fft_size, hop_size)

    # zero pad for quantized signal
    out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    # assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()
    assert len(out) >= N * hop_size

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    # out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    # assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0
    out = out[:N * hop_size]
    assert len(out) % hop_size == 0

    timesteps = len(out)
    # compute example reconstruction
    # change this line to adjust hparams
    # signal = audio.inv_mel_spectrogram(mel_spectrogram,
    # sample_rate, fft_size, n_mels)

    # mel_spectrogram = mel_spectrogram.T

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    audio_filename = 'ljspeech-audio-%05d.npy' % index
    mel_filename = 'ljspeech-mel-%05d.npy' % index
    # recon_audio_filename = 'ljspeech-audio-%05d.wav' % index
    data = out.tobytes()
    target = np.asarray(text).tobytes()
    redis_connection.set(index, data + target)
    #, audio_filename),
    # out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False)
    #, mel_filename),
    # mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False)
    # audio.save_wav(signal, os.path.join(out_dir, recon_audio_filename))

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (audio_filename, mel_filename, timesteps, text)