from nntplib import NNTP
from time import strftime, time, localtime

day = 24 * 60 * 60 # Number of seconds in one day
yesterday = localtime(time() - day)
date = strftime('%y%m%d', yesterday)
hour = strftime('%H%M%S', yesterday)

servername = 'news.mixmin.net'
group = 'talk.euthanasia'
server = NNTP(servername)
ids = server.newnews(group, date, hour)[1]

for id in ids:
    head = server.head(id)[3]
    for line in head:
        if line.lower().startswith('subject:'):
            subject = line[9:]

    body = server.body(id)[3]
    print subject 
    print '-'*len(subject)
    print '\n'.join(body)

Beispiel #2
 def gmane(self):
         gmane = NNTP("news.gmane.org")
         return self.gmane
     return gmane
Beispiel #3
def download_group(name):

    if not os.path.exists(name):

    s = NNTP('news.gmane.org')
    resp, count, first, last, name = s.group(name)
    print 'Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last
    resp, subs = s.xhdr('subject', first + '-' + last)
    for id, sub in subs: 
        print id
        with open(os.path.join(name, str(id)), 'wb') as fp:
            pprint.pprint(s.article(id), stream=fp)
Beispiel #4
def add_new_jobs(group_name):
    db = Connection().usenet
    max_h = db.control.find({"group": group_name}).sort('end', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['end'] + 1
    if not max_h: max_h = 0

    news = NNTP('eu.news.astraweb.com', user='******', password='******')
    group = dict_group(news, group_name)

    i = max(group['first'], max_h)

    if max_h > group['last']: return
    while(i+100000 < group['last']):
        db.control.insert({'init': i, 'end': i+99999, 'done':False, "group": group_name})
        i += 100000

    db.control.insert({'init': i, 'end': group['last'], 'done':False, "group": group_name})
    def __init__(self, group, server):
        self.conn = NNTP(server)
        resp, count, first, last, name = self.conn.group(group)

        self.group = group
        self.server = server
        self.first = int(first)
        self.last = int(last)
Beispiel #6
    def getItems(self):
        start = localtime(time()-self.window*day)
        date = strftime('%y%m%d',start)
        hour = strftime('%H%M%S',start)
        server = NNTP(self.servername)
        ids = server.newnews(self.group,date,hour)[1]

        for id in ids:
            lines = server.article(id)[3]
            message = message_from_string('\n'.join(lines))

            title = memssage['subject']
            body = message.get_payload()
            if message.is_multipart():
                body = body[0]

            yield NewsItem(title,body)
Beispiel #7
class NewsGrep:
    def __init__(self,server,username,password):
        self.server = NNTP(server, 119,username,password)
    def __del__(self):

    def __str__(self):

    def list(self):
        resp, groups = self.server.list()
        for group, last, first, flag in groups:
            print group

    def ls(self,group_name):
        resp, count, first, last, name = self.server.group(group_name)
        print 'Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last

        resp, subs = self.server.xhdr('subject', first + '-' + last)
        for id, sub in subs[-10:]:
            print id, sub
Beispiel #8
def main():
    tree = {}

    # Check that the output directory exists

        print('Connecting to %s...' % newshost)
        if sys.version[0] == '0':
            s = NNTP.init(newshost)
            s = NNTP(newshost)
        connected = True
    except (nntplib.error_temp, nntplib.error_perm) as x:
        print('Error connecting to host:', x)
        print('I\'ll try to use just the local list.')
        connected = False

    # If -a is specified, read the full list of groups from server
    if connected and len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-a':
        groups = getallgroups(s)

    # Otherwise just read the local file and then add
    # groups created since local file last modified.

        (tree, treedate) = readlocallist(treefile)
        if connected:
            groups = getnewgroups(s, treedate)

    if connected:
        addtotree(tree, groups)

    # Read group descriptions

    print('Creating pages...')
    createpage(rootpage, tree, '')
Beispiel #9
class NewsGrep:
    def __init__(self, server, username, password):
        self.server = NNTP(server, 119, username, password)

    def __del__(self):

    def __str__(self):

    def list(self):
        resp, groups = self.server.list()
        for group, last, first, flag in groups:
            print group

    def ls(self, group_name):
        resp, count, first, last, name = self.server.group(group_name)
        print 'Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last

        resp, subs = self.server.xhdr('subject', first + '-' + last)
        for id, sub in subs[-10:]:
            print id, sub
Beispiel #10
def main():
    s = NNTP(settings.nntp_hostname, settings.nntp_port)
    resp, groups = s.list()
    # check all of the groups, just in case
    for group_name, last, first, flag in groups:
        resp, count, first, last, name = s.group(group_name)
        print "\nGroup", group_name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last
        resp, subs = s.xhdr('subject', first + '-' + last)
        for id, sub in subs[-10:]:
            print id, sub
Beispiel #11
 def get_items(self):  #新闻生成器
     server = NNTP(self.servername)
     resp, count, first, last, name = server.group(self.group)  #新闻组信息列表
     start = last - self.howmany + 1
     resp, overviews = server.over((start, last))
     for id, over in overviews:
         title = decode_header(over['subject'])
         resp, info = server.body(id)
         body = '\n'.join(line.decode() for line in info.lines) + '\n\n'
         yield NewsItem(title, body)
Beispiel #12
 def get_items(self):
     server = NNTP(self.servername)
     resp, count, first, last, name = server.group(self.group)
     start = last - self.howmany + 1
     resp, overviews = server.over((start, last))
     for id, over in overviews:
         title = decode_header(over["subject"])
         resp, info = server.body(id)
         body = "\n".join(line.decode("latin")
                          for line in info.lines) + "\n\n"
         yield NewsItem(title, body)
Beispiel #13
 def start(self):
     port = self.port
     if not port:
         port = NNTP_PORT
     self.nntp = NNTP(self.server, port, self.user, self.pw,
     # only look for messages that appear after we start. Usenet is big.
     if not self.last: # only do this the first time
         for g in self.groups:
             resp, count, first, last, name = self.nntp.group(g)
             self.last[g] = int(last)
             if self.debug: print "last[%s]: %d" % (g, self.last[g])
     self.timeout = gtk.timeout_add(self.pollInterval*1000,
Beispiel #14
    def get_items(self):
        server = NNTP(self.servername)
        _, count, first, last, name = server.group(self.group)
        start = last - self.how_many + 1

        _, overviews = server.over((start, last))

        for ID, over in overviews:
            title = decode_header(over['subject'])
            _, info = server.body(ID)
            body = '\n'.join(line.decode('latin') for line in info.lines)
            yield NewsItem(title, body)
Beispiel #15
def whatsnew(date_last_check, group="*", **server):
    fill = dict()
    if "user" in server: fill["user"] = server["user"]
    if "password" in server: fill["password"] = server["password"]
    if "host" in server: fill["host"] = server["host"]
    if "port" in server: fill["port"] = server["port"]

    with NNTP(**fill) as srv:
        response, groups = srv.newgroups(date_last_check)
        for g in groups:
            yield g

        response, articles = srv.newnews(group, date_last_check)
        for msg_id in articles:
            response, info = srv.article(msg_id)
            yield email.message_from_bytes(b"\r\n".join(info.lines))
 def get_items(self):
     server = NNTP(self.servername)
     resp, count, first, last, name = server.group(self.group)
     start = last - self.howmany + 1
     resp, overviews = server.over((start, last))
     for id, over in overviews:
         title = decode_header(over['subject'])
         resp, info = server.body(id)
         body = '\n'.join(line.decode('latin')
                          for line in info.lines) + '\n\n'
         yield NewsItem(title, body)
Beispiel #17
def main():
  s = NNTP(settings.nntp_hostname, settings.nntp_port)
  resp, groups = s.list()
  # check all of the groups, just in case
  for group_name, last, first, flag in groups:
      resp, count, first, last, name = s.group(group_name)
      print "\nGroup", group_name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last
      resp, subs = s.xhdr('subject', first + '-' + last)
      for id, sub in subs[-10:]:
          print id, sub
Beispiel #18
def main():
    tree = {}

    # Check that the output directory exists

        print 'Connecting to %s...' % newshost
        if sys.version[0] == '0':
            s = NNTP.init(newshost)
            s = NNTP(newshost)
        connected = True
    except (nntplib.error_temp, nntplib.error_perm), x:
        print 'Error connecting to host:', x
        print 'I\'ll try to use just the local list.'
        connected = False
 def get_items(self):
     server = NNTP(self.servername)
     resp, count, first, last, name = server.group(self.group)
     start = last - self.howmany + 1
     resp, overviews = server.over((start, last))
     for id, over in overviews:
         title = decode_header(over['subject'])
         resp, info = server.body(id)
         body = '\n'.join(line.decode('latin')
                          for line in info.lines) + '\n\n'
         yield NewsItem(title, body)
 def getItems(self):
     server = NNTP(self.servername)
     (resp, count, first, last, name) = server.group(self.group)
     (resp, subs) = server.xhdr('subject', (str(first) + '-' + str(last)))
     for subject in subs[-10:]:
         title = subject[1]
         (reply, (num, id, list)) = server.body(subject[0])
         # list是一个列表,但是是bytes编码的,需要把每一个元素都解码成string
         body = []
         for l in list:
             body.append(l.decode('gbk'))  # 注意,这里用utf-8解码会出现解码错误
         body = ''.join(body)
         yield NewsItem(title, body)
    def __init__(self, article_cache_size=300, cache_file=None):
        """Initialize local variables"""
        # Connect to news.gmane.org
        self.nntp = NNTP('news.gmane.org')
        # Setting the group returns information, which right now we ignore

        # Keep a local cache in an OrderedDict, transferred across session
        # in a pickled version in a file
        self.article_cache_size = article_cache_size
        self.cache_file = cache_file
        if cache_file and path.isfile(cache_file):
            with open(cache_file, 'rb') as file_:
                self.article_cache = pickle.load(file_)
            logging.info('Loaded %i items from file cache',
            self.article_cache = OrderedDict()
Beispiel #22
    def getItems(self):

        server = NNTP(self.servername)
        (resp, count, frist, last, name) = server.group(self.group)
        (resp, subs) = server.xhdr('subject', (str(frist) + '-' + (last)))

        for subject in subs[-10:]:
            title = subject[1]
            (reply, num, id, list) = server.body(subject[0])
            body = ''.join(list)

            #print(num) #186919
            #print(title) #Re: Find out which module a class came from
            #print(''.join(list))#prano wrote:> But for merely ordinary obfuscation caused by poor...

            yield NewsItem(title, body)
Beispiel #23
def main():
    global desc


    # Check that the output directory exists

        print('Connecting to '+newshost+'...')
        if sys.version[0] == '0':
            s = NNTP.init(newshost)
            s = NNTP(newshost)
        connected = 1
    except (nntplib.error_temp, nntplib.error_perm) as x:
        print('Error connecting to host:', x)
        print('I\'ll try to use just the local list.')
        connected = 0

    # If -a is specified, read the full list of groups from server
    if connected and len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-a':

        groups = getallgroups(s)

    # Otherwise just read the local file and then add
    # groups created since local file last modified.

        (tree, treedate) = readlocallist(treefile)
        if connected:
            groups = getnewgroups(s, treedate)

    if connected:
        addtotree(tree, groups)

    # Read group descriptions

    print('Creating pages...')
    createpage(rootpage, tree, '')
Beispiel #24
    def __init__(self):
        except NNTPTemporaryError as e:
            raise SpotError('NNTP', e)
        except socket.error as e:
            raise SpotError('Connection', e)

        self.conn = sqlite3.connect(NEWS_SERVER + '.db')
        self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

        self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
            PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;
            PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY;
            PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;
            PRAGMA count_changes = OFF;
Beispiel #25
 def get_items(self):
     for servername in KNOWN_NNTP_SERVERS:
             server = NNTP(servername)
             resp, count, first, last, name = server.group(self.group)
             start = last - self.howmany + 1
             resp, overviews = server.over((start, last))
             for id, over in overviews:
                 title = decode_header(over['subject'])
                 resp, info = server.body(id)
                 body = '\n'.join(
                     line.decode('latin1') for line in info.lines) + '\n\n'
                 yield NewsItem(title, body, "NNTP NewsGroup " + self.group)
     return []
	def getItems(self):
	#	yesterday = localtime(time()-self.window*day)
	#	date = strftime('%y%m%d',yesterday)
	#	time = strftime('%H%M%S',yesterday)
		# create a nntp server
		s = NNTP(self.servername)	
		resp,count,first,last,name = s.group(self.groupname)
		resp,overviews = s.over((last-1,last))
		for num,over in overviews:
			title = over.get('subject')
			resp,body = s.body(num)
			# create a generator to iterate news 
			if title and body:
				yield NewsItem(title,body)
Beispiel #27
 def getItems(self):
     start = localtime(time() - self.window * day)
     date = strftime('%y%m%d', start)
     hour = strftime('%H%M%S', start)
     server = NNTP(self.servername)
     ids = server.newnews(self.group, date, hour)[1]
     for id in ids:
         lines = server.article(id)[3]
         message = message_from_string('\n'.join(lines))
         title = message['subject']
         body = message.get_payload()
         if message.is_multipart():
             body = body[0]
         yield NewsItem(title, body)
Beispiel #28
 def connect(self):
     address = net.format_addr((self.hostname, self.port))
     self.log.write("Connecting to {}\n".format(address))
     if self.port is None:
         port = ()
         port = (self.port,)
     self.connect_time = time.monotonic()
     self.nntp = NNTP(self.hostname, *port, **self.timeout)
     with ExitStack() as cleanup:
         if self.debuglevel is not None:
         if self.username is not None:
             self.log.write("Logging in as {}\n".format(self.username))
             with self.handle_abort():
                 self.nntp.login(self.username, self.password)
             self.log.write("Logged in\n")
 def fetch(self):
     Fetches all the messages for a given news group uri and return Fetched staus depending 
     on the success and faliure of the task
         #eg. self.currenturi = nntp://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.exchange.setup
         #nntp_server = 'msnews.microsoft.com'
         #nntp_group = 'microsoft.public.exchange.setup'
         self.genre = 'review'
             nntp_server = urlparse(self.currenturi)[1]
             log.exception(self.log_msg("Exception occured while connecting to NNTP server %s"%self.currenturi))
             return False
         nntp_group =  urlparse(self.currenturi)[2][1:]
         self.server = NNTP(nntp_server)
             resp, count, first, last, name = self.server.group(nntp_group)
             last_id = int(last)
             first_id = self.__getMaxCrawledId(last_id)+1
             log.debug("first_id is %d:"%first_id)
             log.debug("last_id is %d:"%last_id)
             if last_id >= first_id:
                 resp, items = self.server.xover(str(first_id), str(last_id))
                 log.debug(self.log_msg("length of items:%s"%str(len(items))))
                 for self.id, self.subject, self.author, self.date, self.message_id,\
                         self.references, size, lines in items:
             return True
             log.exception(self.log_msg("Exception occured in fetch()"))
             return False
     except Exception,e:
         log.exception(self.log_msg("Exception occured in fetch()"))
         return False
    def getItems(self):
        server = NNTP(self.servername)

        _, count, first, last, name = server.group(self.group)
        _, subs = server.xhdr(
            'subject', (str(first) + '-' + str(last)))

        for sub in subs[:10]:  # default last ten
            id = sub[0]
            lines = server.article(id)[3]
            message = message_from_string('\n'.join(lines))

            title = message['subject']
            body = message.get_payload()
            if message.is_multipart():
                body = body[0]

            yield NewsItem(title, body)

Beispiel #31
    def getItems(self):
        返回 nntplib.NNTPTemporaryError: 480 NEWNEWS command disabled by administrator

        def getItems(self):
            start = localtime(time() - self.window*day)
            date = strftime('%y%m%d', start)
            hour = strftime('%H%M%S', start)

            server = NNTP(self.servername)
            ids = server.newnews(self.group, date, hour)[1]

            for id in ids:
                lines = serverarticle(id)[3]
                message = message_from_string('\n'.join(lines))

            title = message['subject']
            body = message.get_payload()
            if message.is_multipat():
            body = body[0]

            yield NewsItem(title, body)
        server = NNTP(self.servername)
        (resp, count, frist, last, name) = server.group(self.group)
        (resp, subs) = server.xhdr('subject', (str(frist) + '-' + (last)))

        for subject in subs[-10:]:
            title = subject[1]
            (reply, num, id, list) = server.body(subject[0])
            body = ''.join(list)
        #print(num) #186919
        #print(title) #Re: Find out which module a class came from
        #print(''.join(list))#prano wrote:> But for merely ordinary obfuscation caused by poor...

        yield NewsItem(title, body)
Beispiel #32
 def getItems(self):  # 新闻生成器
     yesterday = date.today() - timedelta(days=self.window)  # 计算新闻获取的起始时间
     server = NNTP(self.server_name)  # 创建服务器连接对象
     ids = server.newnews(self.group, yesterday)[1]  # 获取新闻id列表
     count = 0  # 创建计数变量
     for id in ids:  # 循环获取新闻id
         count += 1  # 计数递增
         if count <= 10:  # 如果计数小于10
             article = server.article(id)[1][2]  # 获取指定id的新闻文章
             lines = []  # 创建每行新闻内容的列表
             for line in article:  # 从新闻文章中读取每一行内容
                 lines.append(line.decode())  # 将每行新闻内容解码,添加到新闻内容列表。
             message = message_from_string('\n'.join(lines))  # 合并新闻列表内容为字符串并转为消息对象
             title = message['subject'].replace('\n', '')  # 从消息对象中获取标题
             body = message.get_payload()  # 从消息对象中获取到新闻主体内容
             if message.is_multipart():  # 如果消息对象包含多个部分
                 body = body[0]  # 获取到的内容中第1个部分获取新闻主体内容
             yield NewsItem(title, body)  # 生成1个新闻内容对象
         else:  # 如果超出10条内容
             break  # 跳出循环
     server.quit()  # 关闭连接
Beispiel #33

from nntplib import NNTP

server = NNTP('news.aioe.org')
resp, count, first, last, name = server.group('sci.logic')
print('Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last)
resp, subs = server.xhdr('subject', str(first) + '-' + str(last))
for id, text in subs[-10:]:
    print(id, text)

listonly = 0
showhdrs = ['From', 'Subject', 'Date', 'Newsgroups', 'Lines']
    import sys
    servername, groupname, showcount = sys.argv[1:]
    showcount  = int(showcount)
    servername = 'news.rmi.net'
    groupname  = 'comp.lang.python'          # cmd line args or defaults
    showcount  = 10                          # show last showcount posts

# connect to nntp server
print 'Connecting to', servername, 'for', groupname
from nntplib import NNTP
connection = NNTP(servername)
(reply, count, first, last, name) = connection.group(groupname)
print '%s has %s articles: %s-%s' % (name, count, first, last)

# get request headers only
fetchfrom = str(int(last) - (showcount-1))
(reply, subjects) = connection.xhdr('subject', (fetchfrom + '-' + last))

# show headers, get message hdr+body
for (id, subj) in subjects:                  # [-showcount:] if fetch all hdrs
    print 'Article %s [%s]' % (id, subj)
    if not listonly and raw_input('=> Display?') in ['y', 'Y']:
        reply, num, tid, list = connection.head(id)
        for line in list:
            for prefix in showhdrs:
                if line[:len(prefix)] == prefix:
class Archive(object):

    def is_diff(body):
        return bool([line for line in body if line.startswith("diff ")])

    def __init__(self, group, server):
        self.conn = NNTP(server)
        resp, count, first, last, name = self.conn.group(group)

        self.group = group
        self.server = server
        self.first = int(first)
        self.last = int(last)

    def get_number_from_user(self, msg_id):
            Convert something the user might input into a message id.

            These are:
            # An NNTP message number
            # A gmane link that includes the NNTP message number
            # The original Message-Id header of the message.

            NOTE: gmane's doesn't include the message number in STAT requests
            that involve only the Message-Id (hence the convolution of getting
            all the headers).
        msg_id = re.sub(r".*gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/([0-9]+).*", r"\1", str(msg_id))
        _, n, id, result = self.conn.head(msg_id)

        for header in result:
            m = re.match(r"Xref: .*:([0-9]+)\s*$", header, re.I)
            if m:
                return int(m.group(1))
            raise FatalError("No (or bad) Xref header for message '%s'" % msg_id)

    def get_patch_series(self, user_input, search_limit=100):
            Given an NNTP message number or a Message-Id header return
            an mbox containing the patches introduced by the author of that message.

            This handles the case where the threading is right *and* the patches
            are numbered in a simple scheme:

            [PATCH] this patch has no replies and stands on its own

            [PATCH 0/2] this is an introduction to the series
              |- [PATCH 1/2] the first commit
              |- [PATCH 2/2] the second commit

            [PATCH 1/3] this is the first commit
              |- [PATCH 2/3] and this is the second
                   |- [PATCH 3/3] and this is the third

            TODO: it would be nice to make the search more efficient, we can
            use the numbers in [PATCH <foo>/<bar>] to stop early.

        start_id = self.get_number_from_user(user_input)

        messages = limit(self.messages_starting_from(start_id), search_limit)
            thread = Thread(messages.next())
        except StopIteration:
            raise FatalError("No message at id '%s' using XOVER")

        n_since_last = 0
        for message in messages:
            if n_since_last > 5:

            elif thread.should_include(message):
                n_since_last = 0

                n_since_last += 1

            raise FatalError('did not find end of series within %s messages', search_limit)

        for message in self.xover(start_id - 5, start_id -1):
            if thread.should_include(message):

        return self.mboxify(thread)

    def mboxify(self, thread):
            Convert a thread into an mbox for application via git-am.
        lines = []

        for message in thread.in_order():
            _, number, msg_id, body = self.conn.body(str(message.number))

            # git-am doesn't like empty patches very much, and the 0/X'th patch is
            # often not a patch, we skip it here. (TODO, warn the user about this)
            if re.search(r" 0+/[0-9]+", message.subject) and not self.is_diff(body):

            poster = parseaddr(message.poster)[0]
            date = ctime(mktime(parsedate(message.date)))
            lines.append("From %s %s" % (poster, date))

            lines.append("From: %s" % message.poster)
            lines.append("Subject: %s" % message.subject)
            lines.append("Date: %s" % message.date)
            lines.append("Message-Id: %s" % message.msg_id)
            lines.append("Xref: %s %s:%s" % (self.server, self.group, message.number))
            lines.append("References: %s" % "\n\t".join(message.references))
            lines += body

        return "\n".join(lines)

    def messages_starting_from(self, start_id):
            Generate all message headers starting from the given id and working upwards.
        while start_id < self.last:
            next_id = min(start_id + 20, self.last)
            for message in self.xover(start_id, next_id):
                yield message

            start_id = next_id + 1

    def xover(self, begin, end):
            Get the headers for the messages with numbers between begin and end.
        if begin == end:
            return []

        _, result = self.conn.xover(str(min(begin, end)), str(max(begin, end)))

        result = [Message(int(number), subject, poster, date, msg_id, references) for
                  (number, subject, poster, date, msg_id, references, size, lines) in result]

        return sorted(result, key=lambda x: x.number)
# -*-coding:gbk-*-
from nntplib import NNTP
server = NNTP('news.foo.bar')
print server.group('comp.lang.python.announce')[1]
Beispiel #37
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')

day = 24 * 60 * 60

yesterday = localtime(time() - day)

date = strftime('%y%m%d', yesterday)

hour = strftime('%H%M%S', yesterday)

servername = 'news.aioe.org'
group = 'comp.lang.python'

server = NNTP(servername)

ids = server.newnews(group, date, hour)[1]

logging.info('this is ids')

for id in ids:
    print 'this is id', id
    head = server.head(id)[3]
    for line in head:
        if line.lower().startswith('subject:'):
            subject = line[9:]

    body = server.body(id)[3]
Beispiel #38
import sqlite3
from nntplib import NNTP

group = 'alt.binaries.movies.x264'
chunk_size = 100000
sql = sqlite3.connect('usenet.db')

print "About to start dumping articles from " + group
serv = NNTP('news.astraweb.com', 119, 'arealmuto', 'stock1114')

resp = serv.group(group)
count = int(resp[1])
first = int(resp[2])
last = int(resp[3])

print "There are " + str(count) + " articles to get"
print "First: " + str(first)
print "Last: " + str(last)
print "Using chunks size of: " + str(chunk_size)
print "It should take " + str(count/chunk_size) + " requests to finish"

id = int(first)

i = 0
master_list = []
while id < last:
	print str(i) +": Getting id's " + str(id) + " - " + str(id + chunk_size)
	resp, list = serv.xover(str(id), str(id+ chunk_size))
	print "Done fetching"
	print "Adding to master list"
	for line in list:
Beispiel #39
from codeTransfer import *
import textwrap
import re

# print strftime('%y%m%d')
# start = localtime(time()-60*60*24*365)
# print strftime('%y%m%d',start)

class SimpleWebSource:

    def __init__(self, url, titlePattern, bodyPattern):
        self.url = url
        self.titlePattern = re.compile(titlePattern)
        self.bodyPattern = re.compile(bodyPattern)

    def getItems(self):
        text = urlopen(self.url).read()
        titles = self.titlePattern.findall(text)
        bodies = self.bodyPattern.findall(text)
        for title in titles:
            print title[1].decode('utf-8')
        print bodies

bbc_url = 'http://news.sina.com.cn'
bbc_title = r'<a target="_blank" href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>'
bbc_body = r'(?s)</a>\s*<br />\s*(.*?)\s*<'
# bbc = SimpleWebSource(bbc_url,bbc_title,bbc_body)
# bbc.getItems()

server = NNTP('')
Beispiel #40
#! /usr/bin/python

from sys import stdin
from nntplib import NNTP
from os import environ

s = NNTP(environ["NNTPSERVER"])
Beispiel #41
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 *-*

from nntplib import NNTP
n = NNTP('your.nntp.server')
rsp, ct, fst, lst, grp = n.group('comp.lang.python')
rsp, anum, mid, data = n.article('110457')
for eachLine in data:
    print eachLine
From: "Alex Martelli" <alex@...> Subject: Re: Rounding Question
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:05:36 +0100
"Remco Gerlich" <remco@...> wrote:
Jacob Kaplan-Moss <jacob@...> wrote in comp.lang.python:
So I've got a number between 40 and 130 that I want to round up to
the nearest 10. That is:

40 --> 40, 41 --> 50, ..., 49 --> 50, 50 --> 50, 51 --> 60
Rounding like this is the same as adding 5 to the number and then
rounding down. Rounding down is substracting the remainder if you were
to divide by 10, for which we use the % operator in Python.
This will work if you use +9 in each case rather than +5 (note that he doesn't
really want rounding -- he wants 41 to 'round' to 50, for ex).
>>> n.quit()
'205 closing connection - goodbye!'

from nntplib import NNTP

servername = 'news.foo.bar'
group = 'comp.lang.python.announce'
server = NNTP(servername)
howmany = 10

resp, count, first, last, name = server.group(group)

start = last - howmany + 1

resp, overviews = server.over((start, last))

for id, over in overviews:
    subject = over['subject']
    resp, info = server.body(id)
    print('-' * len(subject))
    for line in info.lines:

#__author: ZhengNengjin
#__date: 2018/10/25
from nntplib import NNTP
n = NNTP('your.nntp.server')
rsp, ct, fst, lst, grp = n.group('comp,lang.python')
rsp, anum, mid, data = n.article('110457')
for eachLine in data:
class DanskGruppenArchive(object):
    """Class that provides an interface to Dansk-gruppens emails archive on

    def __init__(self, article_cache_size=300, cache_file=None):
        """Initialize local variables"""
        # Connect to news.gmane.org
        self.nntp = NNTP('news.gmane.org')
        # Setting the group returns information, which right now we ignore

        # Keep a local cache in an OrderedDict, transferred across session
        # in a pickled version in a file
        self.article_cache_size = article_cache_size
        self.cache_file = cache_file
        if cache_file and path.isfile(cache_file):
            with open(cache_file, 'rb') as file_:
                self.article_cache = pickle.load(file_)
            logging.info('Loaded %i items from file cache',
            self.article_cache = OrderedDict()

    def close(self):
        """Quit the NNTP session and save the cache"""
        if self.cache_file:
            with open(self.cache_file, 'wb') as file_:
                pickle.dump(self.article_cache, file_)
                logging.info('Wrote %i items to cache file',

    def last(self):
        """Return the last NNTP ID as an int"""
        return self.nntp.group('gmane.comp.internationalization.dansk')[3]

    def _get_article(self, message_id):
        """Get an article (cached)

            message_id (int): The NNTP ID of the message

            list: List of byte strings in the message
        # Clear excess cache
        if len(self.article_cache) > self.article_cache_size:

        # Check if article is in cache and if not, put it there
        if message_id not in self.article_cache:
            # nntp.article() returns: response, information
            # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
            _, info = self.nntp.article(message_id)
            self.article_cache[message_id] = info
        return self.article_cache[message_id]

    def _article_to_email(article):
        """Convert a raw article to an email object

            article (namedtuple): An article named tuple as returned by NNTP

            email.message: An email message object
        # article lines are a list of byte strings
        decoded_lines = [line.decode('ascii') for line in article.lines]
        article_string = '\n'.join(decoded_lines)
        # Make an email object
        return email.message_from_string(article_string)

    def get_subject(self, message_id):
        """Get the subject of an message

            message_id (int): The NNTP ID of the the message

            str: The subject of the article
        article = self._get_article(message_id)
        mail = self._article_to_email(article)
        # The subject may be encoded by NNTP, so decode it
        return decode_header(mail['Subject'])

    def get_body(self, message_id):
        """Get the body of a message

            message_id (int): The NNTP ID of the the message

            str: The body of the article as a str or None if no body could be
                found or succesfully decoded
        article = self._get_article(message_id)
        mail = self._article_to_email(article)

        # Walk parts of the email and look for text/plain content type
        for part in mail.walk():
            if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
                body = part.get_payload(decode=True)
                # Find the text encoding from lines like:
                # text/plain; charset=UTF-8
                # text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
                # Encoding sometimes has "" around it, decode is OK with that
                for type_part in part['Content-Type'].split(';'):
                    if type_part.strip().startswith('charset='):
                        encoding = type_part.replace('charset=', '')
                    message = 'Looking for the character encoding in the '\
                        'string "%s" went wrong'
                    logging.warning(message, part['Content-Type'])
                    return None

                # Decode and return the body
                    body = body.decode(encoding)
                except LookupError:
                    message = 'Do not know how to handle a body with '\
                        'charset: %s'
                    logging.warning(message, encoding)
                    return None

                return body

    def get_attachment(self, message_id, filename):
        """Get attachment by filename

            message_id (int):  The NNTP ID of the the message
            filename (str): The filename for the attachment

            bytes: The binary content of the attachment
        return self.get_attachments(message_id).get(filename)

    def get_attachments(self, message_id):
        """Get attachments

            message_id (int):  The NNTP ID of the the message

            dict: Dict with attachments where keys are filenames and values are
                their binary content
        article = self._get_article(message_id)
        mail = self._article_to_email(article)

        attachments = {}
        # Walk parts of the email and look for application/octet-stream
        # content type
        for part in mail.walk():
            content_disp = part['Content-Disposition']
            if not (content_disp and content_disp.startswith('attachment')):

            # Get the filename from a line like: Content-Disposition:
            # attachment; filename="hitori.master.da.podiff"
            filename = None
            for disp_part in content_disp.split(';'):
                if disp_part.strip().startswith('filename='):
                    filename = disp_part.strip().replace('filename=', '')
                    # Strip " from filename
                    filename = filename.strip('"')

            if filename is None:
                message = 'Unable to extract filename from '\
                  'Content-Disposition: %s'
                logging.warning(message, part['Content-Disposition'])
                raise Exception('Unable to extract filename')

            attachments[filename] = part.get_payload(decode=True)

        return attachments
Beispiel #45
#date: 06-26-2018  

from nntplib import NNTP
import nntplib
from time import strftime, time , localtime
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60

yesterday = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)
#date = strftime('%y%m%d', yesterday)
#hour = strftime('%H%M%S', yesterday)

servername = 'news.gmane.org'
groupname = 'gmane.comp.python.committers'
server = NNTP(servername)

resp, count, first, last, name = server.group(groupname)
resp, overviews = server.over((last -9, last))
for id, over in overviews:
    print(id, nntplib.decode_header(over['subject']))
ids = server.newnews(group, yesterday)[1]

for id in ids:
    head = server.head(id)[3]
    for line in head:
        if line.lower().startswith('subject:'):
            subject = line[9:]
    body = server.body(id)[3]
Beispiel #46
from nntplib import NNTP
from time import time, localtime, strftime
day = 24 * 60 * 60
yesterday = localtime(time() - day)
date = strftime('%y%m%d', yesterday)
t = strftime('%H%M%S', yesterday)
s = NNTP('web.aioe.org')
g = 'comp.lang.python.announce'
ids = s.newnews(g, date, t)[1]

for id in ids:
    head = s.head(id)[3]
    for line in head:
        if line.lower().startswith('subject:'):
            subject = line[9:]
    body = s.body(id)[3]

    print subject
    print '-' * len(subject)
    print '\n'.join(body)
Beispiel #47
# *-*coding:utf-8 *-*

#python NNTP
# group组返回响应信息

from nntplib import NNTP
with NNTP('news.gmane.org') as n:

server = NNTP('web.aioe.org')


#('211 4419 1 4419 gmane.comp.python.committers', 4419, 1, 4419, 'gmane.comp.python.committers')
#211 100 3923 4023 comp.lang.python.announce

('211 4371 1 4371 gmane.comp.python.committers', 4371, 1, 4371, 'gmane.comp.python.committers')

411 开头意味着服务器没有这个组
nntplib.NNTPTemporaryError: 411 No such group comp.lang.python.announce

211开头 基本上意味着服务器拥有你所请求的组
('211 98 3911 4008 comp.lang.python.announce', 98, 3911, 4008, 'comp.lang.python.announce')

还有可能得到一个带有类似错误信息的的异常 如果引发了异常 可能是服务器的名字写错了
另外一种可能是在创建服务器对象和调用group方法之间 '超时了', 服务器允许用户保持连接的时间很短(比如10秒)
如果输入速度不够快 把代码放到脚本里, 或着将服务器对象的创建和方法的调用放在同一行内 (以分号隔开)
Beispiel #48
class DanskGruppenArchive(object):
    """Class that provides an interface to Dansk-gruppens emails archive on
    def __init__(self, article_cache_size=300, cache_file=None):
        """Initialize local variables"""
        # Connect to news.gmane.org
        self.nntp = NNTP('news.gmane.org')
        # Setting the group returns information, which right now we ignore

        # Keep a local cache in an OrderedDict, transferred across session
        # in a pickled version in a file
        self.article_cache_size = article_cache_size
        self.cache_file = cache_file
        if cache_file and path.isfile(cache_file):
            with open(cache_file, 'rb') as file_:
                self.article_cache = pickle.load(file_)
            logging.info('Loaded %i items from file cache',
            self.article_cache = OrderedDict()

    def close(self):
        """Quit the NNTP session and save the cache"""
        if self.cache_file:
            with open(self.cache_file, 'wb') as file_:
                pickle.dump(self.article_cache, file_)
                logging.info('Wrote %i items to cache file',

    def last(self):
        """Return the last NNTP ID as an int"""
        return self.nntp.group('gmane.comp.internationalization.dansk')[3]

    def _get_article(self, message_id):
        """Get an article (cached)

            message_id (int): The NNTP ID of the message

            list: List of byte strings in the message
        # Clear excess cache
        if len(self.article_cache) > self.article_cache_size:

        # Check if article is in cache and if not, put it there
        if message_id not in self.article_cache:
            # nntp.article() returns: response, information
            # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
            _, info = self.nntp.article(message_id)
            self.article_cache[message_id] = info
        return self.article_cache[message_id]

    def _article_to_email(article):
        """Convert a raw article to an email object

            article (namedtuple): An article named tuple as returned by NNTP

            email.message: An email message object
        # article lines are a list of byte strings
        decoded_lines = [line.decode('ascii') for line in article.lines]
        article_string = '\n'.join(decoded_lines)
        # Make an email object
        return email.message_from_string(article_string)

    def get_subject(self, message_id):
        """Get the subject of an message

            message_id (int): The NNTP ID of the the message

            str: The subject of the article
        article = self._get_article(message_id)
        mail = self._article_to_email(article)
        # The subject may be encoded by NNTP, so decode it
        return decode_header(mail['Subject'])

    def get_body(self, message_id):
        """Get the body of a message

            message_id (int): The NNTP ID of the the message

            str: The body of the article as a str or None if no body could be
                found or succesfully decoded
        article = self._get_article(message_id)
        mail = self._article_to_email(article)

        # Walk parts of the email and look for text/plain content type
        for part in mail.walk():
            if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
                body = part.get_payload(decode=True)
                # Find the text encoding from lines like:
                # text/plain; charset=UTF-8
                # text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
                # Encoding sometimes has "" around it, decode is OK with that
                for type_part in part['Content-Type'].split(';'):
                    if type_part.strip().startswith('charset='):
                        encoding = type_part.replace('charset=', '')
                    message = 'Looking for the character encoding in the '\
                        'string "%s" went wrong'
                    logging.warning(message, part['Content-Type'])
                    return None

                # Decode and return the body
                    body = body.decode(encoding)
                except LookupError:
                    message = 'Do not know how to handle a body with '\
                        'charset: %s'
                    logging.warning(message, encoding)
                    return None

                return body

    def get_attachment(self, message_id, filename):
        """Get attachment by filename

            message_id (int):  The NNTP ID of the the message
            filename (str): The filename for the attachment

            bytes: The binary content of the attachment
        return self.get_attachments(message_id).get(filename)

    def get_attachments(self, message_id):
        """Get attachments

            message_id (int):  The NNTP ID of the the message

            dict: Dict with attachments where keys are filenames and values are
                their binary content
        article = self._get_article(message_id)
        mail = self._article_to_email(article)

        attachments = {}
        # Walk parts of the email and look for application/octet-stream
        # content type
        for part in mail.walk():
            content_disp = part['Content-Disposition']
            if not (content_disp and content_disp.startswith('attachment')):

            # Get the filename from a line like: Content-Disposition:
            # attachment; filename="hitori.master.da.podiff"
            filename = None
            for disp_part in content_disp.split(';'):
                if disp_part.strip().startswith('filename='):
                    filename = disp_part.strip().replace('filename=', '')
                    # Strip " from filename
                    filename = filename.strip('"')

            if filename is None:
                message = 'Unable to extract filename from '\
                  'Content-Disposition: %s'
                logging.warning(message, part['Content-Disposition'])
                raise Exception('Unable to extract filename')

            attachments[filename] = part.get_payload(decode=True)

        return attachments
Beispiel #49
listonly = 0
showhdrs = ['From', 'Subject', 'Date', 'Newsgroups', 'Lines']
    import sys
    servername, groupname, showcount = sys.argv[1:]
    showcount  = int(showcount)
    servername = 'news.gmane.org'
    groupname  = 'gmane.comp.python.general'          # cmd line args or defaults
    showcount  = 10                          # show last showcount posts

# connect to nntp server
print 'Connecting to', servername, 'for', groupname
from nntplib import NNTP
connection = NNTP(servername)
(reply, count, first, last, name) = connection.group(groupname)
print '%s has %s articles: %s-%s' % (name, count, first, last)

# get request headers only
fetchfrom = str(int(last) - (showcount-1))
(reply, subjects) = connection.xhdr('subject', (fetchfrom + '-' + last))

# show headers, get message hdr+body
for (id, subj) in subjects:                  # [-showcount:] if fetch all hdrs
    print 'Article %s [%s]' % (id, subj)
    if not listonly and raw_input('=> Display?') in ['y', 'Y']:
        reply, num, tid, list = connection.head(id)
        for line in list:
            for prefix in showhdrs:
                if line[:len(prefix)] == prefix:
Beispiel #50
import nntplib
from nntplib import NNTP

s = NNTP('news.gmane.org')
resp, count, first, last, name = s.group('gmane.comp.python.committers')
print ('Group', name, 'has', count, 'articles, range', first, 'to', last)

resp, subs = s.xhdr('subject',first)

for id, sub in subs[-10:]: print (id, sub)

try :
    for id, sub in subs[-10:]: print (id, sub)
except TypeError as e: 

# NNTP. 
Beispiel #51

    def __str__(self):
        return self._file_str.getvalue()

week = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60  # Number of seconds in one day

start = localtime(time() - week)
date = strftime('%y%m%d', start)
time = strftime('%H%M%S', start)
full_date = date + time

servername = 'news.aioe.org'
group = 'comp.lang.python.announce'
server = NNTP(servername)

ids = server.newnews(group,
                     datetime.datetime.strptime(full_date, '%y%m%d%H%M%S'))[1]

content = StringBuilder()

        <title>Week's News - Python Announce</title>
        <h1>Week's News - Python Announce</h1>
Beispiel #52
args = sys.argv
if len(args) == 2:
	print "Resetting lastread and seen.."

seen = []
newdate = None
print "Reading date and seen files"
date,seen = loadLastread()

for serverentry in servers:
		server = serverentry[0]
		newsgroups = serverentry[2]
		print "Connecting to: " + server	
		s = NNTP(server)	
		for newsgroup in newsgroups:
			feedGroup(server, newsgroup, date, seen)		
		serverdate = s.date()
		date = serverdate[1]
		time = serverdate[2]
		year = 2000 + int(serverdate[1][0:2])   ## So I got a Y3K problem here. Deal.
		month = int(serverdate[1][2:4])
		day = int(serverdate[1][4:])
		hour = int(serverdate[2][0:2])   
		minute = int(serverdate[2][2:4])
		second = int(serverdate[2][4:])
		newdate = datetime.datetime(year,month,day,hour,minute,second)
		print "Server time is " + str(newdate)
Beispiel #53
from nntplib import NNTP

#server = NNTP('news.easynews.com')
#server = NNTP('news.giganews.com')
#server = NNTP('news.mozilla.org')
server = NNTP('news.kornet.net')
print server.group('comp.lang.python.announce')[0]
 |  group(self, name)
 |      Process a GROUP command.  Argument:
 |      - group: the group name
 |      Returns:
 |      - resp: server response if successful
 |      - count: number of articles (string)
 |      - first: first article number (string)
 |      - last: last article number (string)
 |      - name: the group name
group = server.group('han.test')
print repr(group)

first = group[2]
last = group[3]

print "first ", first
print "last ", last

i = 0
for id in range(int(first), int(last)):
    i += 1
Beispiel #54
#! /usr/bin/env python
Beispiel #55
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from nntplib import NNTP

servername = 'web.aioe.org'
group = 'comp.lang.python.announce'
server = NNTP(servername)
howmany = 10
resp, count, first, last, name = server.group(group)
start = last - howmany + 1
resp, overviews = server.over((start, last))
for id, over in overviews:
    subject = over['subject']
    resp, info = server.body(id)
    print('subject:', subject)
    print('-' * len(subject))
    for line in info.lines:
Beispiel #56

from nntplib import NNTP

server = NNTP('news2.neva.ru')
print server.group('alt.sex.telephone')
Beispiel #57
class NewsWatcher(MessageWatcher):
    def __init__(self, server, groups,
                 user=None, pw=None, port=None, tag=None):
        self.server = server
        self.groups = groups
        self.nntp = None  # the NNTP connection object
        self.user = user
        self.pw = pw
        self.port = port
        self.tag = tag
        self.last = {}
        self.timeout = None
        self.pollInterval = 60
        self.debug = 0

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<NewsWatcher %s:%s (%s)>" % (self.server, self.port,
    def __getstate__(self):
        d = MessageWatcher.__getstate__(self)
        d['nntp'] = None # just in case
        return d

    def start(self):
        port = self.port
        if not port:
            port = NNTP_PORT
        self.nntp = NNTP(self.server, port, self.user, self.pw,
        # only look for messages that appear after we start. Usenet is big.
        if not self.last: # only do this the first time
            for g in self.groups:
                resp, count, first, last, name = self.nntp.group(g)
                self.last[g] = int(last)
                if self.debug: print "last[%s]: %d" % (g, self.last[g])
        self.timeout = gtk.timeout_add(self.pollInterval*1000,

    def stop(self):
        self.nntp = None
        if self.timeout:
            self.timeout = None

    def doTimeout(self):
        return gtk.TRUE # keep going

    def poll(self):
        #print "polling", self
        for g in self.groups:
            resp, count, first, last, name = self.nntp.group(g)
            for num in range(self.last[g]+1, int(last)+1):
                    resp, num, id, lines = self.nntp.article("%d" % num)
                except NNTPError:
                name = "%s:%d" % (g, int(num))
                if self.debug: print "got", name
                if self.tag:
                    if not filter(lambda line, tag=tag: line.find(tag) != -1,
                self.parseMessage(name, name, time.time(), lines)
            self.last[g] = int(last)
Beispiel #58
def read_article(msg_id, **server):
    with NNTP(**server) as srv:
        response, info = srv.article(msg_id)
        return email.message_from_bytes(b"\r\n".join(info.lines),
Beispiel #59
# nntptest

from nntplib import NNTP
import datetime
import os
import sys

args = sys.argv
if not len(args) == 2:
	print "usage nntpout.py <hostname>"
	print "Connecting to " + args[1]
	s = NNTP(args[1],user="******",password="******")	
	print "Posting"
	rv = s.post(sys.stdin)
	print "Posted"	
	print "Server said: " + rv
# ids = server.newnews(group, date,hour)[1] # 该方法有问题
# for id in ids:
#     print(id)
#     head = server.head(id)[3]
#     for line in head:
#         if line.lower().startswith('subject:'):
#             subjucet = line[9:]
#             break
#         body = server.body(id)[3]
#         print(subjucet)
#         print('-' * len(subjucet))
#         print('\n'.join(body))

servername = 'web.aioe.org'
group = 'comp.lang.python.announce'
server = NNTP(servername)
(resp, count, first, last, name) = server.group(group)
(resp, subs) = server.xhdr('subject', (str(first) + '-' + (last)))
for subject in subs[-10:]:
    title = subject[1]
    (reply, num, id, list) = server.body(subject[0])
    body = ''.join(list)
    print(num)  #186919
    print(title)  #Re: Find out which module a class came from
    )  #prano wrote:> But for merely ordinary obfuscation caused by poor...
